The traitorous minister who sells his teacher for glory (22) (treacherous minister or patience? (two...)

Relying on the food that appeared inexplicably all the way, Liu Shengyan arrived in the capital very smoothly.

He concealed his identity quietly. Naturally, Mi went to Beijing not just to come up and see, but to ensure the safety of his family.

After knowing that the emperor wanted him to take the blame, Liu Shengyan knew that his family was afraid that he would also be questioned.

On the one hand, he knew that the emperor had ordered the Liu family to be unable to keep it.

On the other hand, he was hopeful.

In case.

Ji Changze promised that he would protect his family.

That person, although sluggish, is not the kind of backlash.

On the way, because of his identity as a criminal, Liu Shengyan dared not communicate with anyone. He wore a cloak and covered himself all the way. With amazing perseverance and natural luck, he was free from illness and disaster and even had food on the roadside. Arrived in the capital.

He walked this way for three months.

After all, it's walking, and if you get lost a few times, it's pretty good to be able to walk in three months.

When he reached the gate of the capital, Liu Shengyan breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed all over, and hurriedly covered his face, walking eagerly towards the city.


The soldiers guarding the city did not doze off like they did before. They had big eyes and looked around for bad people.

When I saw Liu Shengyan, who was fearful and afraid to meet people, he immediately rang the alarm and strode forward to stop him.

"Registration information."

Liu Shengyan: "...What kind of information is posted and posted?"

Although the soldier doubted him, before he got the evidence, he answered with a very dedicated one: "Naturally it is the registration of identity information, what is his name, where he is, how old he is, what he is coming for, and when he plans to leave. These must be registered."

After speaking, he looked up and down Liu Shengyan: "It's the first time to come to Beijing, I don't know this."

Liu Shengyan, who grew up in Beijing: "..."

He finally came to register obediently.

Surely he can't use his real name. Liu Shengyan thought for a while and made up Li Zhou's name. He once dreamed that he wanted to be in the name of Lord Li. Later, when he wanted to write something that was not convenient for his real name, he would use Li. Write this under the pen name of Zhou.

When the registration information was over, the soldier waved to let him go.

Liu Shengyan was walking and wondering when the inspection of the capital became so strict. When the former city guards all stood and dozed off all day, a loud voice suddenly shouted from behind him:

"Li Zhou!"

The pen name was called, and he subconsciously turned his head to look.

The city guard who called him saw him turning his head and waved his hand: "It's okay, you can go."

Liu Shengyan: "?"

What's up.

He took another two steps before his stagnant brain began to work, and he suddenly reacted.

The soldier just now was testing whether the name was true or not.

If he is not called Li Zhou, the name he is called will definitely not be reflected in the first time.

Now defending the city has to play routines?

Liu Shengyan's heart was full of confusion. He didn't know what happened in the capital during the time he left the capital, but since he entered the city, he naturally had to go and see his family.

He was looking forward to it again, and walked quickly towards Liu Mansion with a little fear.

As a result, when I arrived at the door, there was a seal in the middle of the door.

Liu Shengyan stayed on the spot, looking at the seal incredulously.

Did you actually ransack your home? ?

Your Majesty didn't even give a living and ransacked his home?

He never missed anything! !

No, ransacking the house does not mean that he is dead. There are only female relatives and young children in his family. It stands to reason that he will not be put to death. It should be sold as a slave.

It's fine if you're still alive, even if you're a slave, just buy it back.

Liu Shengyan comforted himself and walked towards Ji's mansion.

He believed that Ji Changze would definitely help him.

When I arrived at Jifu, I saw that the plaque had been taken off, the door was open, and there was no one inside, as if it were an abandoned house.

Liu Shengyan: "..."

Ji Changze... Has the car overturned too?

What happened?

Why did the Ji family be like this? Did the emperor find out that Ji Changze wanted to reverse the case for his teacher, and did he kill him?

Liu Shengyan walked down the street desperately and suffered such a huge blow, he even forgot to continue covering up his face.

"Master Liu?!"

"Is this Master Liu?!"

"Master Liu! It's Master Liu Shengyan!"

Suddenly, there were frequent voices from the crowd, and then more and more people came towards Liu Shengyan with eyes full of light.

Liu Shengyan: "..."

"What are you doing!"

"You let me go!"

"I grabbed Master Liu's arm, I grabbed it!"

"Obviously it was me, I was the first to catch it!"

There was almost no suspense. How could Liu Shengyan, a weak literati, be worthy of so many people. He was caught by countless hands and was sent to the princess mansion all the way in a daze.

and many more.

Princess House.

Isn't your majesty only the prince? Where's the princess.

Liu Shengyan was almost stunned by these people's noise and was taken to the door, and then the little boy he had been with him ran out in a hurry, and immediately stepped forward when he saw him.

"My lord, why are you so embarrassed, if you ask the lady and the princess to see you, you will definitely feel distressed."

"My lord, where have you been in the past few months? Many people sent by the princess can't find you. Madam has cried several times."

Liu Shengyan: " wait, wait."

"Princess? What princess?"

Madam is worried about him, that's normal, but the princess is worried about him?

Let's not say that there is no princess under His Majesty's knees. If there is, the princess will not worry about him as such a small official.

Liu Shengyan touched his face, it was hot.

Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly?

Is he dreaming?

Liu Shengyan! You are really shameless! Dare to have this kind of dream that the princess is worried about, do you want to eat soft rice?

Liu Shengyan, Liu Shengyan, you beast!


Just as Liu Shengyan condemned him, the familiar voice of surprise sounded, and then his well-behaved, sensible, obedient and clever daughter appeared in front of him with her skirt happily on her face.

Excited to his father, Liu Leping calmed down a bit, and saluteed: "Daddy is well."

Then, the people around knelt on the ground.

"I have seen the princess."

Liu Shengyan looked at the civilians who were kneeling on the ground, and then at the daughter who stood obediently in front of him.

Silent for a few seconds: "..."

It turned out that I didn't dream of eating soft rice for women, but eating soft rice for my daughter.

Liu Shengyan! You want to eat soft rice for your daughter, you are not as good as a beast!


After a stick of incense, Liu Shengyan sat on an expensive chair, moving around uncomfortably, his face was still a little dazed.

"Therefore, my daughter is actually Ji Changze's daughter. Your Majesty has abdicated and now the new emperor is His Royal Highness, Master Li's grievances have been rehabilitated, Ji Changze returned to his hometown, and Leping was made a princess by His Royal Highness."

Madam Liu felt sorry for her husband and wiped the dust on her face: "That's it."

"March months ago, after Ji Changze knew that His Majesty ordered to deal with you and us, he forced the palace to let the new ruler ascend to the throne. Naturally, these orders will not be counted. Just in time for the Parallel Princess Ceremony, the new ruler urged you to go to Gezhou to pick you up. Jing, when you got there, the prefect said you just left."

"I thought it was the front and back work, but I sent out so many people, but I just couldn't see you. Later, Leping guessed that you must be back to Beijing, so he went to the missing person notice column and posted your message. Under the great reward, they really sent you back."

Liu Shengyan: "..."

He has a guilty conscience.

In fact, he knew that someone was chasing him along the way, but he thought they were sent to chase him, so they all hid.

With good luck, he just really avoided it again and again.

One can imagine the mentality of those trying to get him back.

"Wait, isn't our house ransacked? I saw the seal."

"It's not that the house is ransacked, but the old lady is gone, and the other houses are separated and sold. Now they haven't sold it. This is the seal."

Liu Shengyan nodded suddenly, " turns out that the old lady is The old lady is gone?"

Isn't the old lady always alive?

When he was a teenager, he had thought about living longer than the old lady, but the old lady was surprisingly long, and he just lived tough and strong until he reached more than 30.

Madam Liu smiled sadly: "Although the old lady has been in good health, she doesn't know what's wrong. Just half a day after knowing that her Majesty was going to execute us, she learned about the new king ascending to the throne and Leping being named a princess. "

"Under great sorrow and joy, after all, I can't hold it when I'm older, and it's not good that day. I left after a long toss."

Liu Shengyan understood.

What is great joy and great joy is obviously great joy and great compassion.

The old lady has been committed to pushing down their room, and seeing the results are to be seen, her Majesty will order it herself.

Your Majesty, that is the most powerful person in the world.

No matter how lucky Liu Shengyan is, he cannot escape.

Seeing that the things that have been expected for many years were about to happen, the old lady was naturally very excited.

As a result, she never dreamed that Her Majesty was indeed the most powerful person in the world, but Ji Changze actually changed His Majesty in order to keep Liu Shengyan's family.

Grief and anger cannot be used to describe how the old lady felt when she heard the news.

It was a bolt from the blue.

After she died, her biological sons were fighting for the family property, only to find that the mansion was already empty and empty. Only a house was worth a little money, so he immediately hung up the house and wanted to sell it.

There were people who came to the princess mansion to make trouble.

He was directly beaten out by Liu Leping.

In the past, she still followed filial piety, but now she is nominally the emperor's righteous sister, but in fact she is Ji Changze's daughter. In theory, she has nothing to do with the Liu family.

She can take care of her mother and brother while taking care of this group of blood-sucking worms in an upright manner.

No one can say anything about her, Liu Leping is Ji Changze's daughter.

This identity alone is enough, no matter what she does, everyone will be very tolerant of her. What's more, she has not done too much. She has only heard of her son being filial to her mother, and she has never heard of having a brother to raise her. I belong to my own family.

So when Liu Shengyan came back.

He was promoted, his daughter became a princess, and his blood-sucking relatives were beaten up by her daughter's big sticks. He dared not come. He was out and everyone was willing to talk to him and invite him to dinner, just to inquire about him. Did you know Ji Changze's forbearance over the past few years?

Liu Shengyan, who lay down again to win: "..."

Knowing a fart, he scolded Ji Changze for sixteen years. How could he know.

But look at the beard next door who is praised as "a visionary and a straightforward person".

Liu Shengyan: "Naturally, I know. Changze grew up like me. I can't know how other people are. When Mr. Li changed his attitude immediately when something happened, I expected it to be different, eh. , It's a pity that my official position is low and I can't help him a lot."

"On the surface, I scolded him because I didn't want to expose him, yes, yes, that's right, that's the case. At the beginning, I also thought someone was behind me to help me, and I vaguely guessed that it was Changze."

"Do you remember yellow ginseng? It was the one who stepped on Changze and was exiled. Changze once asked me to redeem him. I also found out after seeing yellow ginseng. It turns out that Changze did what he did to save him. He's fate, eh... he's good at everything, but sometimes it's too good. He's been alone for so many years."

With the testimony of Mr. Liu, a friend of Ji Changze's childhood, Ji Changze's image is even more full of lofty sadness.

Ever since, even if Master Ji didn't say it, everyone knows how he endured the humiliation, how to take risks to save people quietly, and how to abandon his wealth and deliver food to the front line.

It's a pity that Master Ji may have been in the court for sixteen years. He was really tired of the court. After doing these things, he went back to his hometown and lived in seclusion with his wife. He was filial to his mother and mother-in-law, and never showed up again.

This is officially believed.

In fact, Ji Changze still showed up. After paying homage to the teacher, he came to look for his mother.

Ji's mother has always had no sense of existence.

Her life is also a bitter, she was a widow at a young age, and she managed to pull her son to grow up, watching him worship a good master, and his master took care of her at home, and everything slowly got better.

It was happy, but it turned out that it happened sixteen years ago.

Ji's mother is a country woman, because she gets old faster than ordinary people through hard work. She looks like an ordinary village woman, but she knows the four words "Zhien Tubao".

Knowing that his son was actually stepping on the master who treated him like a mountain, Ji's mother, like Mrs. Li, began to eat fast and recite the Buddha.

He refused to enter Beijing to accept his son's filial piety, and he refused to eat good food and wear good clothes. Chengri wore sackcloth and ate vegetarian food, and locked himself up like a self-abuse and refused to see anyone.

Having brought up such a white-eyed wolf son, she was ashamed of seeing people and did not want to enjoy this son's filial piety again.

Then the news came.

It turned out that her son was not ungrateful.

Nor is it a cold-blooded person stepping on the master's bones.

He was also forced to be helpless, but also to protect his family.

Now, he vindicated Master Li, letting everyone know of Master Li's innocence, and understand what happened back then.

After Ji's mother heard about it, she cried all night holding the Buddhist scriptures.

Her son, her son is really not that kind of person.

That's great, great.

When Ji Changze came, Mother Ji opened the door to see her son for the first time, hugged him, looked carefully at whether he was losing weight, and asked him if he was suffering.

"Mother knows that we Changze are not bad people, we Changze are good people."

Mother Ji wiped her tears while gently touching her son's head, just like when he was a child.

At this moment, the big rock that had been in her heart for more than ten years finally fell to the ground.

Her son is not a bad person, but a good official who has endured humiliation for his master and suffered for 16 years.

A year later, just like the original timeline, Ji's mother, who had been suffering for more than ten years, left in her sleep, but this time, before she left, she had a smile on her mouth.

She no longer has to be condemned by her conscience, and she no longer has to lock herself in a house.

After Ji Changze served her filial piety for three years, his family moved to the mountains and forests.

Twenty-five years later, when Li Ziqian passed away, Ji Changze followed. Once the boy found out, he went to the village to find someone for help. The villagers knew about Ji Changze, and they automatically stepped forward to help with the funeral.

After the monks in the surrounding temples heard about it, the whole temple came here to chant for the legendary Master Ji and his wife, hoping they will live well in the future.

"When Emperor Lu got the news, he personally mourned Ji Changze. He said that Ji Changze was like a teacher and an elder in his heart. Every time there was something he couldn't decide, he would think about Ji Changze. The biggest regret in his life was After sixteen years of court, Ji Changze resigned resolutely and lived in seclusion all his life."

"Although Ji Changze has only been active in history for 16 years, and even the image of a traitorous official in the first 15 years, his influence on the dynasty is very huge. Until the next seven emperors will use Ji Changze as a teacher. , Use him to alert yourself."

"The younger brothers of Emperor Lu also took Ji Changze as an example and made a lot of contributions at that time. The second king is a famous architect, and the third king focuses on design. They are well-known designers, four kings weapons experts, and five kings. He is very good at doing business, and he is also a famous painter. What is most worth talking about is that Lu Di showed great tolerance to his half brothers. Only the four kings can allow him. Private weapons, in ancient times, was the greatest trust an emperor could give."

"And these trusts do not rule out the influence of Ji Changze."

"The shopping street left by Ji Changze produced huge financial resources, which also led to the strong forces of the Wen Dynasty. When the enemy country invaded, the enemy country was integrated into the territory of the Wen Dynasty in one shot."

"And those who went on the expedition were the royal soldiers who had been trained by Ji Changze."

"At that time, countless people wrote poems and odes for Ji Changze, praising him for what he did, admiring his disposition, everyone should be able to see a lot of them when taking Chinese classes, and his biological daughter Princess Leping also inherited his father's excellence and The talent of the adoptive father was a rare female writer at the time..."

After a class was over, the history teacher announced the end of the get out of class.

The students who listened to this history for the first time were still immersed in it and couldn't help themselves.

After the master died in a grievance, stepping on his reputation, he was a traitorous minister for 16 years. He held great power in one hand and obtained military power, and immediately turned his face with the emperor.

When he was in the dynasty, he directly led his troops in, forcing the emperor to admit what he had done in the past, and successfully allowed the emperor to abdicate to the prince who was still imprisoned at the time, and then resigned himself.

This history is as exciting as a novel!

I really want to go back to that period of time and look at this immortal figure who has all the scheming methods, but still insists on his heart, and has been tough for 16 years to reverse the case as a teacher.

In any case, he must be full of grievances when he was scolded by traitorous officials.

But even so, he had to give himself a charge of being a monarch before resigning, and let himself leave the court on the charge of being cleared, just to condemn the emperor.

Because the more guilty the emperor is, the more innocent his master is.

How could such a gentleman meet that kind of dog emperor.

I just want to thank the dog emperor for visiting the prison and telling others before he harmed people. He didn't say that the Lord Li would not leave a blood book. If Ji Changze hadn't seen the blood book, he wouldn't have tolerated it for 16 years. Master's reputation.

So, when you are a villain, you can't talk too much.

Good point, what kind of prison to visit?

These are the words of later generations, Wen Chao, before Ji Changze closed his eyes, suddenly thought of the stroke emperor who died early.

Hearing that his tongue was able to move before he died, he uttered a difficult sentence: ""

It's just that no one knows what he meant by this sentence.

After saying this, the old emperor died, and this matter did not cause anyone's attention, except for the culprit Ji Changze.

[Ding! mission completed! ]

[Please choose: 1, continue the task, 2, vacation. ]

[Continue the task. ]


Ji Changze opened his eyes and found that he was sitting on a throne, holding a black scepter with a snake head on top.

In front of him, a mirror was placed, and the people inside were wearing a crown and holding a scepter, but they were dressed up as modern people.


This picture is slightly secondary.

After reading the memory, Ji Changze knew that he had misunderstood the original owner.

This is not a slight second at all, it is a very second.

This is the era of great cleansing of this world, and the modern world that was originally about science suddenly drops magical gas.

After these gases are inhaled and enter the human body, some humans have some strange abilities when they get these gases.

Some human beings will directly evolve into evil spirits if they are not pure after getting gas. The evil spirits feed on resentment, so they will do all kinds of bad things and evil things to cause people's hatred and resentment.

This has caused an uproar after being researched and published.

this is too scary.

You have no grudges with him, and there is no festival, but he just killed your family, relatives, and friends in front of you just to make you hate him.

However, these villains are all very capable, and if you kill one, you can regenerate one, and it is even stronger than decent. People are panicked and can only try their best to protect themselves.

Demons also have levels. They know their level since they were born, and they have strict rules for subordinates to listen to subordinates. When they see demons with a higher level than themselves, demons with a lower level will unconditionally obey.

The original owner is the biggest demon in the original timeline, and has the most powerful ability since its birth.

Simply put: He is the king of demons.