The villain is to do bad things (1) (The villain who feeds on grievances (2...)

In the original timeline, the original owner was a very ordinary person before becoming a demon. He usually went to school, grew up, and entered the workplace.

The evaluation of him by the people around him impression.

Because the original owner is too invisible.

He has been like that since he was a child, he is neither excellent nor the bottom, and he is always average in the crowd.

The original owner himself knows that he has no sense of existence, and he is not the kind of person who is willing to take the initiative to find a sense of existence, so his pleasure is to read novels.

He was born as an orphan, without parental care, he was obsessed with novels since he was a child, and he never seemed to cause trouble in appearance, and no one noticed. Because he was not in contact with people, he was lonely since he was a child, and he has developed a normal appearance. In fact, the heart is cold-blooded and lacks empathy.

When the world begins to change drastically, no one expects that the original owner will become a demon.

But he himself had anticipated it.

Human beings must also have conditions to become a demon. One is that they have inhaled gas, and the other is that they are malicious in their hearts.

If there is strong malice against humans during that important time period, including but not limited to anger, there is also a chance of becoming a demon.

As for the original owner, he is malicious towards humans for 24 hours.

When I was young, I felt that my peers were really noisy.

When I was in school, I felt that the teacher was really annoying.

When I was at work, I was forced to participate in the interpersonal relationship. I obviously only wanted to be an otaku who was unaccounted for at home, but either he felt uncomfortable at home or was dragged to participate in various activities together.

The original owner looks like he doesn't like to talk, but in his heart, he can't wait for people all over the world to disappear every day, leaving him alone.

It stands to reason that there are many people who think this way, but I don't know why. In the end, the original owner became the king of demons.

After ordinary people become demon, even if they regain their sanity later, they are still different from before.

They will instinctively want to get human resentment, hatred, anger, and all negative energies will become food for demon.

But in the end, it is still human thoughts. After doing bad things to get these negative energy, some demons will fall into criticism of themselves and all kinds of doubts about life.

The original owner won't, and it can even be said that he enjoys it.

After becoming a Demon, he has powerful power, turning his hands for the clouds and raining his hands is no longer just an illusion.

Coupled with the demons who support him, or who are not willing to support but are controlled by nature, the original owner who has joined this new world is like a fish in water.

He started all kinds of chaos, at first it was just a family killing, killing the youngest children of these people, enjoying the collapse of the family and helpless.

Slowly, one family at a time can no longer satisfy the original owner.

Various large-scale events began to escalate.

He didn't do this to survive, he just wanted to see people sad.

The ability of the original owner is too powerful.

As a king, he met the gods to kill the gods and the Buddhas to kill the Buddhas. At that time, neither civil organizations nor official organizations could do anything about him, and he was even wiped out many times.

Until the end, the grief of ordinary people was not so interesting to the original owner, and he began to stare at the families of other people with special abilities to kill.

Later, he stared at the demons again.

The sorrow of human beings, the sorrow of people with special abilities, how can there be stimulation from the cold-hearted demon grief.

Although they have become demons, most of them have not abandoned their original feelings with their families.

As a result, each of the demons' family members were killed, but they were suppressed by nature and had no way to take the original owner. In the end, they could only die under the original owner in despair and anger.

This incident gave the demons who had always wanted to become a king, and finally he gathered all the demons who had been irritated by the actions of the original master, encircled and suppressed the original master, and took off his head.

But doing so did not calm everything down, and the new king who killed the original owner was even more brutal. Although he did not attack Yunmei's family, he hated humanity even more.

There is an endless stream of demons, and one will regenerate somewhere if they die. As long as the grievances and malice of human beings persist, their abilities will always be there.

Ordinary people suffer from it, but human nature is uncontrollable.

Especially afterwards, more and more people with special abilities and demons were born, and even some people did not inhale those gases.

Ordinary people become more and more worried.

Without power, letting others be slaughtered, the idea of ​​having power will naturally arise.

Even if it turns into a demon, it is better than watching family members get killed.

Today they may be victims to be protected, and tomorrow, they may become perpetrators.

Even people with special abilities may transform into a demon in anger, and as long as they become a demon, their thoughts are quite different from what they used to be. Rarely, if they are transformed into a demon, they can still maintain their original ideas, which are similar to the demon. Continue to fight.

This silent battle lasted for more than ten years.

In the end, the last surviving person with special abilities was transformed into a demon.

The demons won the victory, but they also had to face an embarrassment soberly.

They have nothing to eat.

If you want to survive, you can only kill each other.

To be precise, a few years ago, the demons saw this clearly, but the sensible demons are not tolerated by the new king. After so many years, the only thing that can survive is willing to follow the new king and work hard on the path of destroying mankind. Demon.

Until the end, when the demons were panicking, the new king remained unhurried.

The high-intelligence monster who can solve the monster crisis was killed by him a long time ago, and the rest are a group of "fools" who only obey orders.

Only then did they realize that the goal of the new king was very clear from the beginning, which was to destroy everyone, including Demon.

After that, as he wished, the country of China was originally the Blue Star Jian. It was the last country. When the demons of China began to kill each other, the end was doomed.

At the last moment of life, these surviving demons regret how Ji Changze couldn't feel it, but he knew that they must really want to change everything.

Otherwise, there would not be such a strong willingness to call him over.

[Ding! This world mission: Please change the ending of human destruction without ooc. ]

Oh humiliation.

Ji Changze looked at the man in the mirror holding the snake-head scepter and wearing the crown, and silently took off the blank mask on his face.

That's right, the original owner not only made the emperor's two-piece suit, but also added a mask unique to the villain.

This is the early days. Unlike most people who become demon in a state of conflict or full of hatred, the original owner, the king, is very different from the beginning.

He just sleeps normally, and when he wakes up, he has become a demon.

In the original timeline, as soon as the original owner discovered that he was wrong, he immediately began to investigate. After he confirmed that he had become the demon, or the most powerful one, the soul of Nakaji in his heart, ah, no, it was the heart that destroys humanity immediately. Burning raging.

The first thing is that a treasure placed an order for the crown and mask of the scepter.

The mask is still nine dollars and nine free shipping.

No way, the original owner is not yet the mid-term horror of the horror of the younger brothers. As a hard worker, he has average academic qualifications and normal interpersonal relationship without the help of his parents. As soon as he gets his monthly salary, he provides rent first. Water and electricity, the remaining money is paid back to the grasshopper, pay Tuantuan monthly payment, and then buy the novel.

I will eat another month of soil.

The original owner was able to free up the money to buy himself a three-piece flop, but still misappropriated his living expenses.

The original owner in the early stage was not as arrogant as in the middle stage. He had been ordinary all his life, suddenly became a powerful character, and would not be able to adapt for a while, and was worried that he would be discovered.

In the early days, he always wore such a piece of equipment to ensure that he would not be found out by others, and that he would not get into trouble. Then he started to collect all kinds of troubles with the younger brother.

Of course, after discovering that no one in China could beat him, the original owner had completely lost his scruples and began to free himself.

Ji Changze looked at his memory.

The current original owner is still only at the stage where he wants to pack himself up so that he looks like a king, and the gathering of manpower hasn't happened yet.

He packed the three-piece suit in his bag, and looked at the various novels on the floor and table in the room.

Although the original owner read novels from an early age and saw greatness, his taste has always remained the same.

The summary of these books is:

"Aotian Dad teaches you how to be a man"

"Today. You don't care about me, tomorrow I will make you unable to climb high"

"Even if my harem has three thousand beauties, but I am also a good boy"

"Come on, fight, the history of idiot villains from childhood to old age"

It's unexpectedly specific.

After looking at the taste of these books, Ji Changze knew in his heart.

With his bag on his back, he bypassed these messy novels, went out like the original owner usually goes to work, found an unsupervised road, and entered an unsupervised novel bookstore.

In a newly established government department in the distance, the atmosphere is anxious.


A young man couldn't control his anger, and slapped the table with an angry palm.

"So?! Just watching them kill people all over the world for whatever they want?"

There were young and old, men and women, all with solemn expressions and ugly faces, sitting around the table in silence.

One minute later, the eldest person said: "Hat, don't be too angry, don't forget, Demon loves people's negative emotions the most."

"It would be great if there were demons attracted."

The young man called the hat continued to be angry, and even more angry: "Boss, we weren't born to death when there was an accident before? Now we just watch those demons kill people, and we don't care??"

A neatly dressed young woman reminded him: "It's not that I don't care, I'm in charge, but I can't control it."

"Now there are awakenings everywhere, maybe on the streets, in schools, in villages with few people, there are awakenings everywhere, and there is no uniform time for awakening. Now the people hate the witches, those who are rational and have not been eroded by humanity. How can it be possible to respond to the call to the government department."

"We have only a handful of people. New students with special abilities have not undergone orthodox training. They just go up to deliver food. In this case, we can only let the army go. What we have to do is to study the weakness of Demon."

The hat touched his hair anxiously, and sat down unwillingly.

No one blamed him for being impulsive. After all, he had just returned from a mission and witnessed the cute little girl next door being brutally murdered in front of her parents, and all this was done to get the hatred of her parents.

Thinking that there was probably a demon at work now, the hat wanted to rush out immediately.

They are the oldest group of people with special abilities in China, an official department that existed before these gases appeared.

This department has been secret since its establishment, and it is responsible for special civil events. No one thought that there would be such a day. Everyone is used to life and death, but they can't face this kind of everywhere. It looks like ordinary people, but it is actually evil. Of malice.

"So what should we do now? To study the evil spirits of the evil spirits, you must first cooperate with the evil spirits."

After the hat asked, another young man who had been sitting silent for a while suddenly said, "Maybe I can find a charm who is willing to cooperate."

Thirty minutes later, he took his colleagues to the video game hall.

Show your credentials directly and ask the boss to close the door.

When the door was closed tightly and the dim lights suddenly lit up, the teenagers who had been playing around in front of the game console suddenly became vigilant, and looked over with a strained body.

When they were found to be a group of people wearing armbands and a formal organization, their expressions became visibly nervous, their bodies sank slightly, and their hands were also subconsciously hung down, ready to press the ground at any time.

This is a typical manifestation of the demon's escape. Even if the human beings become the demon, even if their thoughts and memories are still their original self, some of their body instincts will be changed unconsciously.

For example, Yunmei's jumping ability is very strong. When escaping, they will involuntarily support with their hands on the ground and use both hands as a support. The highest level jump with this posture in the current discovery is five meters. Of course, this Yunmei is in a criminal case. Was found.

These people look like they are only fifteen or sixteen years old, they are still wearing school uniforms, and their hair is all green and green. At first glance, they are the kind of scoundrel students in the school. At this moment, although they are in an escape posture, all of them look badly. they.

The hat moved his hands and feet, rolled up his sleeves and planned to start the fight, as if he was ready to convince them to speak again.

The scene was full of taste for a while, and just as the fight was about to start, the young team member who brought them came out from behind.

"Li Cheng, come here."

As soon as he came out, the headed boy's complexion changed and gritted his teeth and said: "I said how can we be discovered if we hide so hidden? It turns out that you betrayed me!"

The team members looked at their colleagues with a little surprise. Colleague Li Ju's complexion remained unchanged, and only lightly explained: "My brother, a half-parent, is in the rebellious period."

As soon as these words came out, Li Cheng exploded immediately.

"Go to the rebellious period of your sex, I'm not your brother, you have a relationship with me!!!"

It's very common to use swear words during the rebellious period, but it's really rare that it comes with a silencer like this.

The players weren't very surprised, after all, Li Ju's ability was to block everything, and it was very simple to silence his brother.

Since it is the younger brother of the team member, and he is such a junior second-year young man who does not seem to be lethal, the others are not so close to the enemy, only with a slight vigilance, waiting for the two brothers to finish their negotiations.

Li Ju calmly finished speaking. Not surprisingly, Li Cheng sneered at what he said, and didn't mean to cooperate at all.

"Do you think I'm stupid? You see that the people are not good. I'm not a human anymore. I've never heard that people who are not me have a different mind. I have never attended a Chinese class or read history books. The same country will kill you and die, let alone not a species."

"Also let me cooperate with you, who knows if you are going to trick us back into doing experiments, don't want to fool me, I often watch Gong Douju ​​with my girlfriend, huh, you little tricks can't hide me. "

Li Ju: "Are you in love early?"

Just N Bo N Bo proudly proclaimed a bunch of his own thoughts, Li Cheng's face became stiff: "..."

He had just been stunned for a second when he suddenly remembered that he was no longer a human, so he was afraid of a fart.

I'm not human anymore, I'm afraid of being caught in a puppy love, I'm going to learn about ghosts, learning a fart, and I'm afraid of being a brother of wool.

"Yes! I'm just talking about friends, how can you manage me? I'm a monster now, do you know what a monster is, do you see this table? I fist it down, it can be broken and hard, see Is that the ceiling? I can go up as soon as I jump, and can I see the brothers behind me? They are all demons. It is not a problem for us to beat the eight of you alone. If you know you, let me go, or don't blame Lao Tzu and I'm not welcome."

Li Ju is still calm, the freshman's charm is not so strong, especially this kind of young and inexperienced, it's okay to beat ordinary people, he is a person with special ability, and he is more than enough to beat Li Cheng.

"Okay, you come and fight me, if you beat me, I will let you go."

Hearing this, Li Cheng showed an expression of excitement on his face. From a young age to most of his life, he couldn't beat his brother, and now he has become a demon.

With this fist, he can directly smash a big tree.

"You asked for this, don't say I don't care about brotherhood when you cry."

Li Cheng rolled up his sleeves with excitement and rushed forward, his speed reached a speed far incomparable to human beings, and he waved towards his brother's belly.

Then, the fist was caught.

Li Cheng: "..."

He did not give up and continued to move forward with the greatest strength.

The fist was still held by the adult brother's hand, motionless.

Li Cheng: "..."

Li Ju: "Okay, stop making trouble, and go back with me. You are still a Chinese citizen. As long as you don't commit crimes or crimes, I guarantee your safety."

Li Cheng gritted his teeth: "I believe you are the only one to blame!"

"Tell you Li Ju, I am no longer a human being, and you are not my brother anymore, you are not qualified to control me!"

Li Ju: "I don't care who cares about you. Don't make trouble anymore. If your human nature is suppressed by the demon's nature, you will really not be you."

"Fuck your uncle!!"

"Isn't my uncle your uncle?"

Li Cheng: "..."

He couldn't say that Li Ju could only raise his head stubbornly and proudly: "I am Demon, I will never bow to anyone, expecting me to please you ordinary people, dreaming! Demon should be high above us, and everyone will show up to us. Bow your head and claim your court!!"

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly slipped.

With a puff, he knelt firmly on the ground.

Li Ju: "?"

Aloft, bow your head to be a courtier?

"What are you doing? Was this confession too sudden."

Li Cheng knelt on the ground with both knees, trembling and pressing down a little bit, holding his hands on the ground before getting down directly. Hearing what his brother said, he was frightened and angry again: "Are you blind?!"

But soon, he yelled in panic again, even crying:

"There is a force pressing on me, fuck! Fuck! I'm going to be crushed to death!! Li Ju, please help me quickly!!!"

Not only him, but also those Junior Two boys who were uncontrollably crushed by this force and knelt on the ground, they were all unconvinced and wanted to get up, but no one could really stand up.

In an instant, all the demons closed their eyes abruptly, as if listening to something.

Li Ju, who has always been at ease, realized that something was out of their control, he hurriedly grabbed his brother: "Orange, what have you heard, are you okay? Orange??"

Li Cheng trembled all over and wanted to resist this force, but no matter how he did it, it was of no avail. This seemed to be an instinctive surrender, and it seemed to be a fear of terrible power.

He opened his eyes abruptly, and tried to squeeze a voice from his teeth: "Wang..."


"The king is born."

"He's calling us, fuck...I can't control my body, how is this demon...or, it's still the monarchy, brother, you grab me, you grab me quickly, I'm going to be called away... …"

Li Ju hurriedly grabbed his younger brother with the greatest strength, but the next moment, he also felt the terrifying power that appeared out of thin air.

It seems to be a piece of black, and it seems to be the fear revealed from the depths of the bones, every pore of the body is screaming danger, warning!

There was something terrible, as if watching them.

Not only Li Ju, but all the players felt the tremendous pressure. Fortunately, those with strong willpower were just kneeling on one knee. The weak-willed ones were already in total darkness.

Li Ju knelt down on one knee, but still tried hard to grab his brother's hand, but in the end, he still watched the group of students who only wanted to skip class and play games after becoming a demon and rushed away with fear. .

His brother's hand in the palm of his hand also broke away.

"Li give me...stop me!"

While running forward at the fastest speed, Li Cheng collapsed and shouted: "I want to stop too, I can't control myself..."

His voice faded away.

As the demons were shouted and left, the aura suppressed on these players slowly dissipated.

Everyone was breathing in place, with horror in their eyes.

"This, what is this..."

Li Ju was the one who resisted the most, and was also the one who was the most oppressed. He slowly got up from the ground, not knowing whether the worries in his eyes were facing his younger brother or facing the world.

"He said... the king was born."

"The king of demons has appeared."

Ordinary demons are already like this, if you change to a king...

It is also a king who naturally suppresses all demons and can forcefully call them.

The expressions on everyone's faces came down cautiously.

That king must not be a charity man.

Now that he had called Demon, it seemed that there was a tough battle to be fought next.


Li Cheng and the others left uncontrollably in the direction of the king.

There is an elderly recliner on the table with a person sitting on it.

He was wearing a terrible blank mask and holding a scepter in his hand. There were already a bunch of fascinations under him. Li Cheng saw many familiar people, and it seemed that the fascinations of this area had come.

They were suppressed by the power and stood in the crowd, looking at the king on the stage.

The younger brother was a little scared: "Boss, what do you want to do when he asks us to come."

Li Cheng didn't know either.

He is more scared than anyone else.

Although the battle was a bit sloppy, the king's posture was not a good person at first glance.

Calling them must be something to order, is it possible to come to dinner?

What will it be?

Li Cheng was shocked when he thought of something.

Isn't it about destroying the world...

He looked at the person above in horror, but saw that the person seemed to enjoy the fearful sight of the people below, and slowly stood up.

"This place's demon is almost here, I won't waste time, I call you today to tell you that you are under my control. What I want you to do is what you will do. If you are not obedient, you will die immediately. ."

It was quiet underneath, and under natural suppression, no one dared to make any noise.

The person above nodded with satisfaction: "Since we are all here and we all know who we are, we live on human grievances. Then, it is our responsibility to fill humans with grievances, hatred, and hatred."

"I have a very good plan to ensure that all humans will hate us and give us endless grievances..."

It's over.

Sure enough, it is about to destroy mankind.

The picture of this line is completely like a big villain, and it is definitely a queen level when placed in the harem.

Li Cheng was so anxious that he didn't know what to do, he heard the person above say: "My words, that is the highest order, all of you must cooperate with all of you! If you dare to disobey, kill without mercy!"

After finishing the game, he is really a boss, and he is still a killer. This is really going to be cold.

What he would ask them to do, he wouldn't let him kill people, how could it be done this time, Li Cheng's mind was messed up, thinking for a long time, the most terrible thing he came up with was that the other party asked them to kill people.

"Now I give my first order. Starting from today, I will learn everything about biology, scientific evolution, and all the messy things!"

Playing truant boy Li Cheng: "..."

He was wrong, there are still more terrifying things.

Above, Ji Changze pretended not to see the colorful expressions on the faces of the demons standing underneath, and the king's majestic cold voice ordered:

"Before winter comes, I want to see you breed mosquitoes that are not afraid of the cold and can come out to bite people in winter."