The villain is to do bad things (8) (The villain who feeds on grievances...)

In the next month after Mo Mei sneaked into the barreled noodles, Quiet Mi turned the barreled noodles into only noodles, there will be mourning all over the country at any time.

  After all, the barreled noodles will be sent to various places after they are produced, and some people don't eat them immediately after they buy them, and some people don't watch the news online.

  So this month, the online battle over what netizens called the instant noodle disaster never stopped.

  [You know that when you work overtime until the early hours of the morning, the shops on the street are closed. Finally, you find a bucket of only child instant noodles. He happily boils hot water, and prepares to press the instant noodles with a tablet. When he opens it, he finds that there are no seasonings and forks. Painful? ]

  [What are you, you can find chopsticks if you don't have a fork, and you can add chili if you don't have seasoning. Come to Kangkang for my instant noodles. They didn't take my fork and chopsticks, but they took my noodles. ]

  [My good guy, I am a good guy. My barreled noodles have neither lost the seasoning nor the noodles, but they have been poked with needles and densely packed. In the winter, I almost didn't get sent to see the instant noodle shop. god. ]

  However, there are still people who haven't bought instant noodles, speaking with "reason".

  [If you really hate it, think about other countries. ]

  [Yes, you can think of it this way, people in other countries just died, and we just lost a bucket of instant noodles. In such a comparison, are you instantly happy? ]

  There are others who have a similar analysis: [As Liu Xue said, Chi Mei does this to make us angry, for our grievances, so if you really hate Chi Mei, don't be angry, this is the greatest revenge . ]

  [Seriously, Mo Mei didn't actually do anything to harm the public. After all, this is their nature. We should be glad that they use this method to absorb grievances. I believe that they definitely don't want to do this, but they don't do it. , they can't survive. ]

  There are three groups online.

  One faction felt that all the demons should be locked up, at least indefinitely.

  One faction thinks that the charm is also for survival, it is understandable to choose this kind of petty trouble despite having a strong force value.

  The last group of pure passers-by does not express any opinion on the ghost, but has a lot to say about the first two groups.

  [Seeing how they quarreled, I didn't even think about it. Even if they quarreled, they would still do what they should do. ]

  Then, the third faction was fired together by the first two factions.

  When the online melee was all over, those with special abilities were gathering together to study whether there were ghosts in this online melee.

  After all, knowing that they are now keen to shovel snow all over the south, the people with special abilities no longer have any expectations for the idea that "the monster must do something big".

  After some research, they felt that the second faction was very much like a ghost.

  "So are they trying to buy people's hearts now?"

  "If they want to live in peace with human beings, they may indeed participate in public opinion."

  "What's the view above?"

  The senior said: "There is a high probability that we are going to use gentle methods on the charm."

  After all, they can't be beaten, and they can regenerate after being killed. At present, they don't seem to have any great malice towards humans. Although they have made a lot of sassy operations, they are only small things.

  The king took people to a certain country to vent his anger on China, and this move also won the favor of many people.

  After all, the king is simply saying that it is our own business to have any internal contradictions within us. You, an outsider, dare to interfere in the affairs of our country.

  This kind of behavior at least shows that in his heart, it is the boundary between China and other countries, not mutants and ordinary people.

  "If we can negotiate with the ghost and live together peacefully, the above is also inclined to this. As long as it does not hurt people and does not cause great losses to the people, the country can follow up to clean up the mess."

  For example, in this instant noodle incident, the state intervened. Any instant noodle that has been manipulated by Qi Mei can be exchanged for a new bucket of noodles in a nearby supermarket.

  At least the people have no economic losses. Of course, mentally, they can only comfort themselves that it is not a good thing, and the anger will only be short-lived.

  Li Ju nodded listening.

  In fact, he also prefers to negotiate a peace if he can negotiate with Qi Mei (mainly because he can't fight), and it would be great if the above also decided to do so.

  "I have an idea."

  He analyzed it at a high speed in his mind, and quickly came up with a way to get closer to Yu Mei.

  "Isn't 魑mei trying to guide public opinion and make the people accept them? Their thoughts are easy to analyze. After all, they used to be normal people who could integrate into the crowd, but now the whole group has been rejected. No matter how strong people are, they will be sad and lost."

  "As long as we seize this opportunity, join in to reverse the public opinion, and help the charmers gain the favor of most people, and after this is done, and then use this as a means of soliciting credit, the charms will definitely be grateful."

  As soon as Li Ju said this, the others thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it was really feasible.

  There was a quarrel between the two groups of people on the Internet. Each party was trying their best to make passers-by recognize themselves. If the commotion was so big, they would not believe that it was all the people who acted spontaneously. Eighty percent of the ghosts joined in.

  At this time, if they stand in the position of teammates and come forward...

  Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

  "Okay, let's do that."

  As a result, new members have been added to the online debate about whether the monster can coexist peacefully with human beings.

  Professional is professional, plus this action has been approved by the above, and it went very smoothly.

  Soon, the topic [Accepting the Charm] appeared on the hot search.

  [The charm is our enemy] This topic is not even one-tenth of its popularity, and more and more people are against it.

  Li Ju, as the main participant, was very satisfied with this ending. After the crushing victory, he turned on his mobile phone and looked at the side of [The Charm is our enemy].

  The initiator of the topic, a netizen named [You are blind, can you see an enemy so big as a monster] seems to be on the verge of being mad.

  Looking at the content he posted, it was as if he wanted to open the minds of all passersby, and then stuffed the theory that the monster was the enemy.

  Li Ju even felt a little sympathetic to him.

  After all, he is just an ordinary person, how can he say that he has won so many civil servants from them.

  The juniors ran in excitedly.

  "Brother Li, Yu Mei agreed to meet, and this afternoon, in their office."

  Seeing his younger brother, Li Ju also relaxed a lot. After the two brothers became different races, their relationship became much deeper.

  After confirming the itinerary, Li Ju immediately entered the working state: "Have you prepared the materials for us to help the topic of [Accepting the Charm]?"

  Piss off? I must have seen someone on the Internet criticizing Qi Mei, and I was not happy.

  A gust of wind blew, and a few plastic bags from nowhere were floating around.

  But thinking about my brother's special line for Secretary Li, it seems that it is normal to have an office.

  Going upstairs, Ji Changze was sitting on a sofa full of dark and rebellious atmosphere. The reason why the sofa is unique is that it is full of scratches, and the sofa cover has not yet been put on. At first glance, it was intentional.

  Another colleague agrees: " can make ghost they really want to have a good talk with us...won't they turn their faces in minutes?"

  Li Cheng: "It's easy to remember, I made you blind, can't you see such a big enemy? Damn, the boss has said it so clearly, but there are still some people who want to accept us. Last night, the boss brought us with him. We fought all night and couldn't break the situation."

  "Ah, this, these are the accounts that stand on the opposite side of the king. We recorded their accounts and speeches in order to vent the king's anger."

  Those with special abilities: "..."

  The junior heaved a sigh of relief: "As expected of a ghost, creating a terrifying atmosphere is really top-notch."

  The king did not say a word, but depending on the situation, he was obviously on the verge of anger.

  Before handing it over, he heard his brother's surprised voice: "Really?? Did you also help the boss to stand in the line [Anti-Evil Charm]? I don't know why the situation suddenly reversed these days, and those people said like crazy. Accept the ghost, accept the fart, they don't hate us, where do we get resentment, I really don't know what idle and boring people, different races, still have to accept."

  This side is backlit again, even in broad daytime, the surroundings are extremely dim, only the dimly lit lights in the unfinished building.

  "Okay, just take these."

  Slowly, slowly, squeezed out a smile.

  It's more normal after entering.

  He kept handing over the materials, and looking at the white mask on the opposite side, his body was full of gloomy aura.

  The junior swallowed and said cautiously, "Brother Li, they are not going to trick us into killing us... How do you look here... it looks like an excellent place to throw corpses..."

  Li Ju: "..."

  "The boss didn't win the battle every day, and he made a big fire."

  "He was holding the fire. He lost his temper all night, and his voice became hoarse. Didn't you see that he didn't speak? By the way, brother, what is this in your hand?"

  In the afternoon, the group found the place according to the address given by Li Cheng.

  As soon as he finished speaking, he found that the younger brother who was sitting next to him had a stiff expression.

  "Since Chi Mei likes to do things in such a place, after we meet for a while, we will praise them in this regard. It's like seeing girls praise them for their beauty. It's a good trick to get closer."

  "It's all ready, you see, so much, the king will definitely be able to see our sincerity."

  Just speak well.

  Li Cheng pulled his brother and whispered: "What are you talking about, we have no money and can't afford to rent an office, so we found a bad end that no one cares about. The boss is very worried about this matter. The sky has been cranky for this."

  He immediately decided to send the heavyweight weapons, and began to dig out the information from the briefcase: "The topic on the Internet about whether the monster can coexist peacefully with human beings, I don't know if you are paying attention, here I am..."

  Lights, takeaway boxes, power strips tugging around, it's a normal workplace, albeit a little rudimentary.

  Li Cheng thought for a while: "The boss is usually very talkative. As long as he doesn't step on his thunder, he can discuss anything."

  Several black birds stood on the windowsill and looked down, all quacking.

  Li Ju: "..."

  Li Ju forced himself to calm down quickly, and laughed a few times: "Haha, don't be afraid, it's understandable, after all, the charm itself is a little evil, and choosing such a place with such a terrifying atmosphere is also in line with their identity."

  Li Cheng was on the phone, and when he looked up and saw Li Ju, he immediately put a smile on his face, quickly hung up the phone and ran over: "Follow me, the boss will be waiting for you on the second floor."

  Look up again.

  "elder brother!!"

  "Do they still have offices?"

  Li Ju: "..."

  The younger generation also had a serious sense of responsibility, and handed the prepared materials to Li Ju, stacking them thickly, and at a glance, they could see how much effort they had made in it.

  He reluctantly packed up his mood and laughed dryly: "You, your taste is also good, looking at this sofa, it has a postmodern feeling."

  Then he heard his brother's explanation in a soft voice: "It was someone else's sofa that was scratched by a cat and thrown outside. We didn't have the money to buy the sofa before we moved it back."

  Li Ju flipped through it and found all the accounts and remarks supporting the topic of [Accepting Chimei]. These were all accounts of people on their side. The King of Chi would definitely understand how hard they tried to help Chi Mei.

  Li Ju smiled confidently and handed the information forward: "I know why you are angry, King Qi. In fact, to tell you the truth, we are also involved in this matter, and these materials can prove..."

  He pulled his brother and asked, "What kind of person is the king? Can you talk?"

  He walked in first, and his colleagues looked at each other and could only keep up.

  An abandoned unfinished building stood there quietly, the outside was spray-painted, and a letter was written: [Evil Office].

  Li Cheng grabbed him and said, "Brother, shut up, the boss just got angry about this today."

  Li Ju was excited for a second.

  He froze: "Your boss's nickname is...?"

  Li Ju breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at his brother: "That's good, I have made a lot of preparations, and I will definitely be able to have a pleasant talk with the king."

  "Hello, the location of this office building is really good. It looks very suitable for your temperament. It must be a lot of effort to deliberately choose such a place."

  Li Ju: "..."

  Li Ju had a bottom line in his heart, and sat down and praised