The villain is to do bad things (9) (The villain who feeds on grievances...)

This winter is destined to be unusual.

  People in a good mood who wrap themselves tightly on the street have encountered the ultimate test.

  Mosquitoes, many, many mosquitoes.

  As if they had lost their ability to fear the cold, they flew recklessly in the cold winter. As soon as they saw a person, they immediately swooped over with a gesture of blood that they had not seen in eight hundred years, and landed on the person's face with precision.

  An urban beauty with delicate makeup felt a slight pain on her face, subconsciously patted it, took her hand off, it was a dead mosquito bleached by loose powder, and her blood flowed out of her stomach.

  Urban Beauty: "..."

  She was shocked for a second that there could still be mosquitoes on such a cold day, and then she thought of something, and tremblingly took out a small mirror from her bag and opened it to take a look. Sure enough, there was blood in the belly of mosquitoes on the delicate makeup.

  She almost didn't scream.

  It took an hour to get the full makeup done! ! !

  "What? Mosquitoes suck the blood on your face? How is it possible, in such a cold day, people can freeze to death, and the mosquitoes are already cold."

  The best friend expressed her disbelief after listening to her crying phone call: "And you are still on the street, not in an air-conditioned room, right?"

  "No, it's really a mosquito. How could I not know what a mosquito looks like."

  The best friend smiled and swiped Weibo: "Hahahahaha are you too tired from work... What the hell?!!!"

  The urban beauty hid in the toilet for a long time to fix her makeup, but she was bitten by a mosquito and a bag fell on her face. Bite, while turning on the phone.

  As soon as I opened it, I saw the message my girlfriend sent me.

  [Baby, look at the hot search on Weibo! ! ]


  She opened Weibo, looked at it, and was stunned.

  [The charm has cultivated mosquitoes that are not afraid of cold, and mosquitoes can also suck blood in winter]

  Urban Beauty: "..."

  The hand holding the phone trembled slightly.

  Click on the topic to see, and you can actually see the information about the interview with Qi Mei.

  In the video, the young man who claims to be the secretary-general of the king is talking proudly: "We have not only cultivated mosquitoes that can come out to suck blood without fear of the cold in winter, but also changed the biological characteristics of mosquitoes. This kind of creature, only female mosquitoes can suck blood, but the mosquitoes we bred are different."

  "Our male mosquito, it can also suck blood! In this way, not only can you be sucked by mosquitoes in winter, but you don't have to worry about it not sucking you when you encounter a male mosquito."

  The person watching the video: "..."

  Who the hell would worry about mosquitoes not sucking their own blood? ! !

  "Also, our mosquitoes can directly penetrate thick makeup to suck blood, and at the same time, they are no longer afraid of strong smells like ordinary mosquitoes. Even if they are sprayed with perfume, they will still come to suck blood. Are you surprised? Accident? You don't need to thank us, it's what we jinmei should do."

  All netizens: "..."

  The whole country was stunned by this show.

  [I thank you and your family... ]

  [I'm going to kill him! ! Ahhhh I'm going to kill him! ! ! Don't stop me! ! ]

  [Hehe, hehe, hehehe, I finally got through the spring, summer and autumn, but in the end I didn't let me go in the winter, hehehe. ]

  [One is crazy upstairs, drag it away. ]

  A comment was liked as trending.

  [Do you know what I experienced today?

  Today I found that I lost a pound. I have been losing weight and decided to celebrate it. So I spent a lot of money to buy a can of Coke and put it in the refrigerator for one night. Come out and plan to drink fat house happy water.

  Then, the pull tab broke.

  The pull tab...broken.

  I was stunned for a few seconds, thinking it was an accident, until I saw some news on the Internet saying that Momo had broken the tabs of a batch of soda cans and couldn't open it for a long time. Go out to eat, eat, go to the toilet to go to the toilet, and find that there is no paper in the toilet.

  Do you understand the feeling of a girl who squatted on the toilet for half an hour and waited for the next one to go to the toilet?

  Then I came out and found out that a few ghosts have replaced the paper in the major businesses and public toilets around with empty rolls with only one piece of paper attached overnight.

  It's nothing, I still hold back from getting angry because of the makeup on my face.

  Finally, when I got off work, my boyfriend asked me to meet and said that he had carefully selected a gift for me, and said that I would definitely like it.

  I am looking forward to it! !

  When I got there, my boyfriend kept a "you will be pleasantly surprised" expression, took out a beautifully packaged cosmetic box and handed it to me.

  I open it up.


  What a Barbie pink lipstick!

  My boyfriend, a Barbie pink lipstick for my twenty-five-year-old me!

  Can you imagine my expression at that time?

  My boyfriend is still talking, how did he join the "good boy training class", how did he learn from it that girls like pink the most, so lipstick must be given to fans, how to learn to make braised pork for me who is losing weight, how to spend Big price, bought a deep plate! purple! color! Eye! film! send it to me.

  In the face of my boyfriend who has given so much, who is younger than me, and whose eyes are full of stars expecting a surprise from me, I have to reluctantly maintain a smile of "Ah, I'm so happy", and accompany my boyfriend to finish the meal with a smile. meal.

  My lovely boyfriend, after dinner, he gave me another surprise and gave me a bag of Barbie powder.

  Ji Changze also saw this comment.

  Every winter, the northerners who happily eat ice cream indoors experience the winter of southerners for the first time.

  Now I'm sitting in front of my computer all wrapped up, just thinking about my life, and my new Barbie Pink Lipstick Barbie Powder Pack and a dark purple eyeshadow palette. ]

  The initiator, Ji Changze, stood on his umbrella carriage, comfortably bathed in all kinds of screams and scolding, opened his arms, and enjoyed the grievances gathered from all directions.

  All northerners who saw this comment: "…"

  The next day, as everyone expected, in a certain northern area, when everyone was working in a warm room, the hard-working heaters quietly stopped.

  After seeing it, he pondered for a few seconds and replied with a large number.

  What a perfect winter.

  Then, it was surrounded by swarms of male mosquitoes and female mosquitoes.

  [Don't call the king of the king, call the boss: thank you for reminding the north that there is heating (kind smile)]

  They suddenly had an ominous foreboding.

  Indoors, people are like in this area where they spend the summer. While howling in despair and collapse, they curse and hurriedly buy thick quilts, electric blankets and other winter artifacts for southerners.

  I finally swallowed a mouthful of blood and went home, intending to wear short sleeves and be comfortable at home.