The door of the last days (6) (Do you fly with the sword in the last days, everyone (3...)

As the saying goes, when a secret is spoken, it is not a secret.

Before going down the mountain, the entire Tianhaiguan disciple, including the youngest Yuanqing, knew that Shishu/Shishuzu had a wife and children at the bottom of the mountain.

It's just that they don't know that the mountain is so dangerous. Although Ji Changze doesn't say anything, he is still very worried about his family. Since he is worried, why not let them go to the sky and the sea.

The previous suspension bridge was moved to Yunfeng by Ji Changze. Now that there is no bridge down the mountain, I can only fly with the sword.

Now it's the end of the world, and Tianhaiguan disciples can't get real iron swords, so they still use the wooden swords they used to practice martial arts. Strive to minimize the weight.

Otherwise, they were flying and suddenly the wooden sword broke because they couldn't bear their weight, it would be really too miserable.

Fortunately, the Tianhaiguan disciples work hard every day. Although not everyone is slender, they are definitely not fat. In addition, they have practiced spiritual power and their bodies are light and fluttering, but they have never encountered such a tragic break of the wooden sword.

But they used to stand in front of the main hall to practice, and now they let the big guy fly from the edge of the cliff to the bottom of the mountain...

To be honest, I am a little scared.

Although Yuanheng went to Yunfeng for high-level exercises before, when he really stood on the edge of the cliff and looked underground, he was still a little scared in his heart.

The babbled babble approached Ji Changze.

"Uncle Shi, do I have to go down the mountain to practice? It's all modern now, isn't it the same as ancient times?"

Ji Changze was sitting by the fire roasting sweet potatoes, and saw him raising his eyes and looking over: "If you don't go down the mountain for a lifetime, you won't know the conditions of the mountain for a lifetime. Why, do you really want to spend the whole life on the mountain?"

That must not work, even if there is no internet now, everyone has no plan to never go down the mountain forever.

Yuanheng hung his head pitifully: "But Uncle Shi, are there those monsters outside too? No, zombies, what if we can't beat them."

"If you can't beat them, they will fly to the sky. Can those zombies still fly?"

Ji Changze didn't eat this set. He slowly took the sweet potatoes out of the stove and peeled them off without fear of being scalded: "Okay, don't pester me here. Go and inform them of the meeting. I'll talk about the precautions when going out this time. ."

Although Yuanheng couldn't do anything else, it was quick to spread the news, and soon all the disciples who were going to go down the mountain to practice this time were all here.

This time down the mountain, mainly young disciples.

More than twenty teenagers stood straight in their robes. The first five were seventeen or eighteen-year-old seniors.

Because of their young age, they have better comprehension. They have practiced all kinds of mantra mental methods very well, and are already familiar with various sword moves. With their spiritual power moves, even if they use wooden swords, their lethality is absolutely leveraged.

In this case, naturally, there is no need to worry that they will not be able to beat the zombies under the mountain.

The disciples of the generation of Dujuan wanted to take care of them. However, this time it was going down the mountain to practice. If the elders followed by his side, it would be a kind of experience.

Fortunately, spiritual power can force out zombie toxicity. It's really impossible for these children to fly with swords, but Dudou and the others are not very afraid of what happens to the younger generations outside.

Even if it really has spiritual power, it can't be taken care of, isn't this still the whistle given by the uncle?

As long as the whistle is blown, the protective shield given by the uncle is definitely stronger than their own force value.

Thinking about it this way, they are still very safe down the mountain this time.

Just being able to deal with zombies does not mean being able to deal with people.

Ji Changze obviously had the same worries as Du Su and the others.

The theme of this meeting is "How can I better protect myself from the same kind".

"Now it's a troubled world. There were a lot of conscientious characters in the past when the army was in turmoil. Now, when the world is in chaos, I guess it will be similar. Although I don't know the situation under the mountain, since the zombies are contagious, we watch the sky. So few people are almost completely wiped out, let alone so many people down the mountain."

"There are many zombies, and the living space of human beings will be squeezed. I have watched TV series. There is little food. People can do anything to compete for resources. So this time I will give you a death order and go down the mountain. After that, none of you can get close to the people at the foot of the mountain."

A disciple raised his hand: "Uncle Shi, what if you meet a good person?"

Ji Changze asked in turn: "Do you think it's no harm to be close to good people?"

That's for sure.

They are all good people, so what could be the harm.

Facing the innocence of these disciples' faces, Ji Changze said directly: "Okay, suppose you go down the mountain and meet a very good good person. If I don't ask you to stay away from ordinary people, will you become friends with this person?"

The disciple thought for a while: "It should be."

Since you are a good person and you have contact, isn't it right to be friends?

"Okay, you have become friends with him, and you have nothing to talk about, and the relationship is getting better and better. He has become a very important part of your life, but when he gets old, when he is buried in the grave, you As it is now, ordinary people and friends around you will leave one by one. You have to attend funerals one after another. In this way, do you still think it is good to make friends with ordinary people?"

The disciple was stunned and looked at Ji Changze blankly: "Uncle Master..."

Ji Changze did not pay attention to his scared expression, and then said: "What if you fell in love with each other after contacting the people under the mountain? A beautiful girl, you marry her and have children. You have been sweet for a long time, one year, Ten years, twenty years, your wife and children are getting old day by day, and only you are still on your face. After a few decades, your wife will die in your face, and in a few decades your daughter will leave you. Away."

"You will always be the one who sent others away, because they are just ordinary people and you are a cultivator. You can only send away the most important people in your life one by one. Even if that is the case, you have to go with them. Get along?"

This disciple is only in his teens, and now he is really shocked. He opened his mouth and closed his face with a pale face, not knowing what to say: "Disciple...disciple..."

The uncle Shi in front of him has been getting younger and younger since his aura regained, and now he is only about twenty-five years old, and smiled at him: "Do you really think you have accepted this?"

"Yes, the disciple can't accept it."

Ji Changze took a bite of sweet potatoes, and his expression on his face was as if he had expected it for a long time: "This is why you keep your distance from ordinary people. Since there is no concern, why do you want to add one to yourself? It is really self-conscious. Add distress."

The disciple was already about to be said to be crying, and bowed his head dejectedly: "Uncle Master said that the disciple doesn't want to think about it anymore."

But a disciple next to him curiously inserted: "Uncle Master, since you can't have a relationship with ordinary people, why don't you let them also practice? Isn't it enough to get spiritual power? At that time, we will practice together and stay young forever. Is it not good?"

"Cultivation does not mean that you can practice through practice. You are able to practice because you are originally Tianhaiguan disciples. You have been immersed in Tianhaiguan since you were a child. In addition, I instilled spiritual power to you. If you change to someone else, even if Your barely instilling spiritual power is just a failure."

After Ji Changze finished eating the sweet potatoes, he closed his eyes and closed his seals: "Don't forget what I told you before. Why did the monks attract the sky thunder hundreds of years ago? It is because of the cause and effect involved with ordinary people. How do people have their own lives in this life? Destiny, if you change your own life, you are forced to change the lives of others, and it will be backlash in the slightest, and death will disappear if it is serious."

"If you are not afraid, just go."

I'm afraid, how can I not be afraid?

The disciples were frightened by Ji Changze, and one by one they calmed down: "Uncle Shi, did we avoid ordinary people when we went down the mountain?"

"No, just let you have less contact and communication, so as to avoid being involved in cause and effect."

Ji Changze saw that he couldn't practice cultivation anymore, so he simply stood up and said, "I will teach you a few more tricks."

"After meeting ordinary people, they are not allowed to laugh anymore. Their faces become cold. They think you are not easy to provoke, so naturally they won't come together. Even if they come, they dare not make excessive demands."

These children have such a thin-skinned face. If someone really wants to use them because of their high military value, they might even be given money if they are sold.

"If someone makes you feel uncomfortable and unhappy in your heart, just leave, don't feel embarrassed. A person who makes you feel very comfortable may not have to associate, but a person who makes you feel unhappy must stop. Let's talk."

"If someone asks who you are, they only say that they are disciples of Tianhaiguan, don't say anything else. The more you say, the more mistakes you make."

The young disciples hurriedly listened and remembered.

Ji Changze said more and more vigorously: "Also, I will teach you a few ways to salute. This is a Taoist salute hundreds of years ago, and it has now been lost. Since my Tianhaiguan is back on the path of spiritual practice, you must pay attention to your image and appearance when you go out. , Don't jeopardize my reputation of Tianhaiguan."

He quickly taught his disciples the salute posture hundreds of years ago (braid), and watching them learn in a decent way, he seemed to say casually: "If you are away from home, if you see Dai The person with the whistle, help me take care of one or two more."

The ears of the disciples who were still obsessed with studying just now stood up.

One by one, with bright eyes, they wanted to go to the gossip right away. They were just facing the highest elders in the insight, but still did not dare to be so presumptuous. Only a courageous disciple asked carefully: "Uncle Shi, really don't take your family outside. Will you go up the mountain? I don't know what the mess is going on outside, it's better to watch it under my nose."

"And are you not afraid that they will be in danger outside? If something happens, you will be too worried about it in Tianhaiguan."

Ji Changze was expressionless, staring silently at the talking disciple for a few seconds in a very bad mood.

The disciple said at the beginning: "?"

Followed by: "???"

Ji Changze: "How do you know that I have a family under the mountain?"


Other disciples: "..."

They watched as if Uncle Master realized something, and turned and strode outside: "Dushu! Dushu! Get out of here!"

Little Taoists: "..."

They looked around, shrank their necks, hurriedly returned to the house, picked up a salute, and ran out.

Du Suan had just finished practicing the sword art, and was about to go back. He saw that the young disciples who had been going down the mountain for a few days to experience but had been grind and procrastinated and refused to go down the mountain quickly ran over with their salutes.

Seeing him, these disciples stopped and took out the wooden sword and stepped on it to pinch the sword tactics dragon. Before Du was shocked, he quickly flew to the edge of the cliff.

"Master/Uncle, we went down the mountain to experience."

"Take care ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah...

"Fuck you, don't catch me. My wooden sword can't bear the weight of two people. Brother, brother, please get rid of the brother."

"Fuck, my palms are sweaty, I dare not look."

"Master! Master! There is still a ham sausage in my cabinet, please help me eat it! Or you can help me raise a cat or I am afraid the mouse will steal my ham sausage!!"

Du Suo was simply at a loss as he watched the children's flying sword flying away, standing on the edge of the cliff and looking down, watching them you are pulling me and I pulling you.

"Be careful on your way!"

"Wear the whistle that Uncle Master gave you, fold the paper tape of the paper cranes, and let the paper cranes come back every day to report the number. Don't you know, follow the route given by Uncle Master. Don't be thirsty no matter how badly you are. Drink raw water, check your surroundings every night before going to bed and when you wake up in the morning, and ah!!! Bring some toilet paper back!! The toilet paper in Guanli is not enough!!! I heard it!!!"

After listening to the sparse response from below, Du Su straightened up in relief, and then realized it was strange.

These little boys have been playing tricks and refused to go down the mountain these days, so why are they suddenly so active?

I always feel like something is not right.

He was thinking when he suddenly heard a gloomy sentence behind him: "Du stunned."

"God knows and earth knows, you know I know? Huh?"

Du Su: "..."

He was stiff, turned his head slowly, and squeezed a flattering smile at Ji Changze standing behind him: "Uncle Shi, I also want them to help care about you... Oh! Master, I was wrong, I was wrong. Don't start!"

It's impossible for the masters/uncles on the mountain to be criticized by their uncles because they said they leaked their mouths. They were a little happy when they first went down the mountain. After flying for a while, they looked at the ruins below, the army of zombies, and beasts The army, mutated plants, but when there are no righteous humans, the bottom of my heart begins to become weak.

"Brother, what is our mission for going down the mountain this time?!"

The senior flying in the front pinched the sword art with one hand, took it out of his pocket with the other, and took out a notebook: "Let's take a look, I'm going to help Master bring more than ten boxes of instant noodles back, and help the second uncle. Bring mustard, but also toilet paper, find some baby items to take home, what kind of diapers, milk powder, etc., yes, and the uncle master did not find the third base before, we have to find someone to find out where the third base is. where."

"That's not to deal with people? Doesn't Shishuzu prevent us from contacting ordinary people?"

"Senior brother, you are so stupid. What Uncle Master said is not to let us get close to ordinary people and not to contact us. Just asking for directions should be fine."

The brothers reached a consensus and decided to find someone to ask for directions first.

After flying for more than two hours, I saw a lot of zombie mutant plants. The abandoned cars were densely lined on the road. From the top to the bottom of the city, all the people walking around were zombies. Don't even talk about someone who is more friendly. People inquired, they didn't even see a living person.

There is no other way but to complete other tasks first.

Along the way, I couldn't find it after eating and drinking. It seemed that I had been searched a long time ago, but I found a lot of diapers.

Only after finding it, a question posed in front of them.

They are flying with swords all the way, one person with a sword, how to get a pile of diapers for nothing?

The little Taoist priests looked at each other and didn't know what to do. They could only sit cross-legged and meditate on the spot to recover their aura. The senior brother led out a thousand paper cranes and flew to Tianhaiguan to ask the teacher's advice.

"Brother, what shall we do now, waiting for the paper cranes to fly back?"

The headed brother was only eighteen years old. For a while, he really didn't know what to do next. He touched the bun on his head and thought for a while and said: "I'll go out to explore the way first, and look for the third base. Meditate back to blue... No, restore spiritual power."

The juniors below all nodded obediently, and the seniors stepped on their wooden swords and went out.

It was also a coincidence that the Ming Ming brothers and the group did not meet a living person when they came along, but as soon as he went out for a stroll this time, he saw two cars driving one behind the other in the sky in less than five minutes.

It's not that the zombies are driving.

It must be a living person.

The big brother showed joy on his face and flew towards the bottom.

There was a quarrel in the car. The cause was that the child was sick and uncomfortable. He cried no matter how much he tried to coax him. The father of the child became unhappy and asked the mother to coax him coldly.

But he never coaxed the child to change even a piece of diaper for the child along the way, and even the food was found by the child's mother, and now he looks like troublesome and disgusting. The child's mother is not a cowardly temper. While in the car, only the family quarreled with her husband.

"If you think the baby is crying, please coax it by yourself. I coaxed it all night when the baby was uncomfortable last night. How about you? If you asked you to help me see it, you would pretend to be dead. Your ears were so deaf last night. Is it easy to use now?"

The child's mother is called Li Yi. She has been holding back the fire since last night. Now she has been complained that she has endured all the way because there were outsiders in the car just now. Now only her family is left in the car, she finally bears it. I couldn't help but pour out the grievances of the past few days.

"You don't go down to beat the zombies during the day. Okay, if you say you are dizzy and bloody, then I will go. Then if you don't beat the zombies, can you see the baby? Have you taken care of the baby these days? He is sick and unwell and needs medicine. As her father, have you ever gone out to find medicine? If others dislike the baby crying, it's okay, but you are his father, what qualifications do you have?"

The man sitting in the co-pilot was said to be impatient, and his face looked very ugly: "Are you annoying, if it's the same as before, it doesn't matter if she is noisy, is the situation the same now? With a lot of zombies, if she attracts zombies, you go and kill them?"

Li Yi was so angry that her eyes turned black.

It would be reasonable if someone else said this. After all, in such a situation, carrying a crying child is equivalent to carrying a bomb that will explode at any time.

But this is the child's father.

If he complains and coaxes the child, that's fine, but what did he do?

He disliked and complained about Chase, but didn't coax the child, as if the child was not his own.

Why didn't he discover that this man was such a person before the end of the world?

Li Yi now understands no matter how stupid she is. Her husband is afraid that it is not after the end of the world that she has changed her appearance, but that it was just like before the end of the world. Now she just removed her disguise.

After all, before the end of the world, although she was young, she was tossing about starting her own business when she was in college. Once she graduated, she had a small company with a monthly income of more than 50,000 yuan. In addition, she looked very good. There are many suitors.

Because of her mother's failure in love, Li Yi was very cautious about choosing a spouse. She did not choose the handsome, nor did she choose the rich family. Instead, she chose the medium-looking family with little money and only earned more than 5,000 a month. husband.

What she values ​​is his family care. Although she earns little and the family is poor, he can't help much, but he has a good temper and honestly cares for others. Even if she is busy at work, he has nothing to say, but takes the initiative to take care of children .

Li Yi's feelings for her husband were very deep, but it was such a deep feeling that disappeared within a few months of the last days.

After the end of the world, money has become waste paper, and women have become weak because of their natural strength. Since discovering this, the man next to her has gradually changed.

Showcasing power and arrogance, the meaning of words and demeanor is that nowadays the world has changed, it is useless for women, and it is still possible to rely on men.

Therefore, he is rightly no longer involved in taking care of the children.

Also confidently waiting for Li Yi to support him.

In his mind, if it were not for him, the team behind him would not be willing to take them. Wasn't it because of his hard work?

His changes were not made overnight, but slowly. Li Yi was busy killing zombies during the day to find supplies and coaxing the children at night, without noticing the changes in her husband.

It was because the baby fell ill and her husband refused to take care of her. She had no choice but to stay to take care of it before she suddenly realized that the man in front of him who had been in the same bed for several years still had two faces.

Li Yi didn't show how surprised, lost, or at a loss in the bottom of her heart. She just coaxed the child while looking at her husband with cold eyes.

Why is this guy so triumphant.

Does he really think that the team is willing to let him and his parents get in the car because he is a man? Is it possible that he really thinks that a team of men who don't kill zombies or find supplies are rare in the car every day, waiting to eat and drink?

They can be taken on a journey by the team, on the one hand because the captain saw that they took the children and couldn't bear to leave them, and on the other hand, she had been involved in killing zombies to find supplies.

Otherwise, why should people raise them in vain?

After the baby was sick, he was weak, and even if he was noisy, he would groan quietly. He didn't say anything to the team members in the same car before. He was a biological father who still hated him?

When she watched her husband's eyes become colder, the man himself spoke first: "It's alright, I don't care about you. You hurry down and look for food. I haven't been out for a day. We are a family who didn't eat. What to eat?"

Li Yi was directly smirked.

"I'm out looking for food? What should I do with the baby? Who will take care of it?"

"Who else can it be, let your mother take care of it."

The look on Li Yi's face suddenly became very ugly: "Wang Hao, you are still not a human being. My mother is unconscious when she has a fever. Are you still thinking about letting her take care of the baby?"

Wang Hao is more confident than her: "Why else? That's your mother's granddaughter. Who doesn't she look at? After she's such an old age, isn't she letting my son-in-law raise her and help see what happened to the child? She has a fever. I haven't cooked or washed clothes for two days. I haven't said anything about her. Now the child doesn't even watch it, and eat plain rice?"

"You have a brain disease? When did my mother rely on you to support it?"

"Yes, she didn't rely on me before the end of the world, but now? The end of the world is here, your small company has a fart, and it will be purely physical work in the future. You are a woman, with such an old lady, and such A child, if you don't have a man like me, I think you wouldn't be bullied to death."

"I haven't blamed you for carrying so much burden. You are still being fierce with me."

Li Yi angrily threw the child's quilt on her husband's face: "Wang Hao, do you have a conscience?! What do you say? Why is my mother cumbersome? You took your parents and I said nothing? Don't you rely on me to take care of you on the road?"

"Hehe, how can my parents be the same? I'm not only taking my mom, I'm also taking my dad. How can my dad say that he is also a man and can help a lot. My mom will naturally be taken care of by my dad, you What about mom? Who else can she rely on besides us?"

"You fart! Divorce! Divorce now!!"

"Leave away! I see how you will live without a man in your family with two burdens."

There was a chicken feather in the car, and Li Zhuyun lay there in the back row with red eye rims and clothes, tears dripping from his face onto the seat.

In fact, she is not very old, and she is only in her forties this year. She can't be called an inability to work, even an old lady.

But when she was young, she pulled her daughter by herself and suffered from sin and suffering. Her body was no better than her peers. She was better before the end of the world. She was a master at taking care of the housework and taking care of her granddaughter.

After the end of the world, she can't run fast to avoid zombies, and she has to run with her daughter on her back every time.

Before, she was able to help do some things within her capacity, but in the past few days, she was sick and feverish, and she was a little groggy. She could only lie in the back, and could no longer look after her granddaughter, nor could she cook and wash clothes.

This is not the first time my son-in-law said this. When my daughter went out looking for supplies, when she and her granddaughter-in-law were the only ones in the car, the son-in-law had spoken blatantly several times, saying that she was a burden and a waste.

Li Zhuyun was inherently soft-tempered, and when he was told too much, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Yes, isn't she just dragging people down?

Although my mother-in-law can't run, she still has her father-in-law on her back every time.

About her.

She can only let her daughter carry it.

She couldn't help with anything, and even became the cause of the quarrel between her daughter and son-in-law.

Li Zhuyun knew that the son-in-law was not the good son-in-law of the past, but he was right to say that it is now the end of the world. If a single woman goes out alone, it is equivalent to putting the three words "good bully" on her head.

It's like the old rural villages. There is no man in the family, and everyone will catch your family and bully.

Although the son-in-law used to talk about her when her daughter was not there, this was the first time that she said this in front of her daughter. Li Zhuyun naturally knew that it was because of her illness.

She can't help her daughter-in-law anymore, so it's useless. The son-in-law doesn't want to leave her for a dry meal.

At this moment, Li Zhuyun still doesn't know the three words of supernatural power. She only analyzed from the current situation. The granddaughter hasn't grown up yet, and this family needs a man.

Otherwise, how can a single woman with a child survive in this world?

As long as she is gone, the son-in-law will not quarrel with her daughter.

Li Zhuyun coughed twice, his eyes became more gloomy, and his chest seemed to suffocate.

For her, the most painful thing is now.

When a mother becomes a drag on her children, the self-confidence and shame in her heart cannot be described.

In his ears, although Wang Hao was talking about divorce, he didn't want to let his wife be a tool man who would beat zombies to find food. He was still saying:

"You also see what your mother is like. Forget it before the end of the world. At most, we will take care of it, but now? You are ashamed to say that my parents, although my mom can't do work, my dad is a hard worker. They The two don't need me for anything, what about you? Your family is a single-parent family, and your mother doesn't even have a wife. We can only take care of it. Now it's hard for a normal young man to live, let alone bring your mother."

"You fart! You don't have to do anything for your parents. You are a family of three. Have you ever gone out to find a sip of water these days? I don't find all the things you eat, but I still work hard. You can only display the good-looking strong labor that is considered a fart."

Li Yi is not someone who can be fooled. She pointed to Wang Hao's nose and yelled, "I'm telling you, you told me to give up my mother. It's a daydream. From now on, we will come back to the bridge. I will take care of my mother. Your parents go, find what you eat and drink by yourself!!!"

"Are you a person who doesn't know good or bad, am I telling lies? If you had a dad, I wouldn't say this now."

Li Yi didn't want to listen to Wang Hao's nonsense now.

What kind of shit, I still want to pua her now. In the past few years, she was really blinded to see such a scum, it's useless, but I am embarrassed to want to squeeze her.

"Fuck you, it's useless for you to talk to me. They are all foxes for thousands of years. Who do you want to play with? Don't you just want me to give up my mother while raising your family? Do you really think I am That company was started by luck? Don't beep with me. If you don't leave, I'll just cut you with a knife. Don't you think you are a good man? Come on, you and me, let's see who is more cruel! "

Wang Hao's face was pale, and he was speechless.

He just wanted to use his mother-in-law's uselessness as a handle to hold Li Yi, but who knew that Li Yi would not accept the move.

Wang Hao's sophistry, such as "There are two strong laborers in my family, and you only have you in your house", Li Yi did not listen to a word.

It's an ass to talk to her so much, no matter how hard you work, she can't rely on her to feed.

The good guy ate her meal and wanted to lift her pot. She used to be blind and saw this man in disguise, but now that this guy turned his face, she wouldn't cry and beg the other person to turn back.

What kind of pain the scumbag left her mother at the time, now Li Yi will never let a scumbag man hurt herself.

She directly drew out the knife used to kill the zombies, and placed it on her husband's neck, her eyes were cold, and she looked like she couldn't wait to chop the other party with ninety-nine eighty-one knives immediately.

"You get off the car now, our mother three has nothing to do with you in the future, you two strong laborers will take your old mother to live a good life!"

Wang Hao: "..."

He wanted to say something more. As soon as he opened his mouth, the knife moved forward a little bit: "Go! Go down! Go!"

Seeing that Li Yi not only hadn't been shocked by him, but turned his face directly, Wang Hao's heart was also embarrassed by the unsuccessful strategy and anger at being driven away so mercilessly.

"Okay! Okay! I think you don't have me, how can you take care of these two alone in the future."

Li Yi sneered directly: "Isn't I the one who took care of them with you before?"

Wang Hao: "..."

He really couldn't say anything to refute.

He got out of the car angrily and slammed the door.

Li Yi's mouth is stubborn. In the last days, without him, this man will stand up, so even if she can kill zombies, she will not be looked down upon.

I really thought that this is the time when women like the previous ones can get ahead as long as they work hard.

When the son-in-law left, Li Zhuyun coughed and sat up and persuaded his daughter: "Don't be angry, he is telling the truth. I really can't help you now, and I can only rely on you. He thinks Stress is normal."

"Mom, don't be brainwashed by this scum, he just used the topic to play a role in trying to overwhelm me, huh, he is still very strong, but he is strong, so what, did you kill a zombie?"

Li Zhuyun looked melancholy, and obviously felt that her daughter was just comforting herself.

Since the end of the world, she has become more and more aware that she is just a drag on her daughter.

Touching the wooden whistle hidden in the neckline, she sighed: "If your dad is still..."

Li Yi immediately calmed down: "Mom, don't mention that liar, why are you so naive after so many years."

A liar who swindled money and sex, how could it be possible to come back.

The mother and daughter hadn't said a few words before they suddenly heard a noise outside, as if people in the convoy behind them were discussing something loudly.

Li Yi became vigilant and opened the car door carefully to look out, only to see that the car behind had stopped, and people got out of the car and looked up.

She also raised her head, but saw above, a young Taoist priest was flying with his sword.

The sword landed steadily, and he jumped from above, holding the hilt in his hand, and saluting the two cars:

"Hello, in Xiatianhai, I will watch the source of the disciples. How can I get to the third base?"