The door of the last days (7) (Do you fly the sword in the last days, everyone (2...)

Yuan An still remembers the teacher's uncle's teaching, honestly practice courtesy, and ask questions concisely, accompanied by polite language.

In short, it is certain that they will not be blackmailed.

However, I don't know why, when he raised his head in a salute, he found that all the people on the opposite side were staring at him stiffly.

No one spoke, no one moved, just staring at him without blinking.

Yuan An's heart burst.

After finishing the game, this group of people would not have seen that he is actually a novice at all.

Fortunately, Ji Changze's teaching is not free, even if he is panicked, he still wears the mask of "I am a cold-blooded fairy cultivator" on the source bank.

"Don't you know? Excuse me, goodbye."

After finishing speaking, he felt guilty in his heart, and stepped on the wooden sword to ask Yujian for the way.

Seeing that he was about to leave, the captain who was standing by the car in a daze immediately reacted, and hurried to the source bank: "Wait a minute, wait..."

A group of people who were too anxious and emotionally confused, even staggered under their feet and fell to the left. Seeing that they were about to fall, Yuan An subconsciously stretched out his hand and held out a spiritual force to lift the opponent up in the air.

The captain's whole body was cold and straight, feeling an invisible force supporting his body to prevent him from falling on the ground, and his gaze toward the source bank grew hotter.

"This gentleman...Ah no, Dao Master, you, who are you?"

Yuan Kishi was nervous because it was the first time he had communicated with the people under the mountain. Seeing that the other party looked at him with such a gaze that he couldn't wait to eat him, he was even more panicked.

Before going down the mountain, Uncle Master found a bunch of apocalyptic things to show them, and asked them to make up lessons. Among them, there is no trust between people. Simple kindness is equivalent to being quick to deceive death. No matter how high the value of force is, if there is no trust between people. If your brain trusts others, just wait for it to belch.

People in the last days (written in it) are all annihilated, killing each other, stabbing knives in the back, and unanimously inward.

As a big brother, Yuan An, in order to protect the silly white sweets underneath, naturally carefully studied the books inside and out carefully.

Seeing the people around you look at your line of sight, they all seem to be shining strangely (astonished by his shining appearance), and that one looks at least 1.9 meters tall, with bulging muscles on both arms and a strong body. The man (captain) who is very difficult to provoke even stared at him with the sight (actually in awe) that he could not wait to take a bite.

Yuan An's heart made a big alarm, and he was frightened, "I'll go, I'll go", but on the face he still remembered the teachings of his uncle, trying to maintain his composure.

Uncle Shi once taught him that after meeting ordinary people outside, no matter what he thinks in his heart, he must remain cold on his face and make people feel that they are not easy to provoke.

And the most important thing is to remember to tell those people that not only do they only have such a group of young disciples, but let people know that Tianhaiguan is very uncomfortable. It is small and old.

In this way, other people cast rat-in-laws, even if they see them stupidly and deceively, I guess they dare not do anything against them.

Before leaving, Ji Changze naturally not only taught this group of disciples, but Yuan An is very nervous now and only remembers this.

He was panicked in his heart, and he still tried to stay calm on the face: "Do you know how to get to the third base?"

"Know, I know."

Suddenly in the last days, a sword flying appeared like a Taoist leader who came down from the Xianxia Theater next door. Don't say that the leader had lived in the third base before. Even if he didn't know the third base, he must try his best now. People stayed.

This is a flying sword.

No matter what the situation is, why this young Taoist commander looks like he's crossing over, as long as the person stays, everything is easy to inquire.

The captain was shocked, and the other people in the team were not much better. Almost everyone looked excited. They wanted to come and look at Yuan An's indifferent appearance (pretended) and didn't dare to step in and disturb.

For the Chinese, flying with swords is simply an eternal dream in everyone's hearts, not to mention that it is still the end of the world. A Taoist who can fly with swords is not an ordinary person at the first sight, and it is clear to everyone.

Yuan An was normally treated as a VIP. The captain even removed a chair from the RV for him to sit on, and took out the canned meat that he had hidden for several months and carefully handed it over.

"Master, eat meat."

As soon as the can was opened, everyone around couldn't help swallowing when the smell of meat wafted out.

Although the last days are only a few months old, the great changes they have experienced are too many, let alone eating meat, even if they can eat biscuits, it's good. Foods like ham sausage have long been used. The first wave of snatchers robbed them, such as Li Yi and the others, who had been eating all kinds of small foods that were hard to find in the supermarket.

There are even expired ones, but it's time for this, and it's not that important whether it's overdue or not, just fill your stomach.

When everyone couldn't help swallowing their saliva, the complexion didn't change much, even the source bank with a little indifference was very abrupt.

Yuan An was really not interested in this canned meat. They flew down the sword all the way, and they would go in when they saw a slightly larger supermarket. There was definitely no shortage of food.

The most important thing is that Uncle Shi had told them early that they should never eat the food passed by others when they go out. Who knows if they have ever been passive.

As the senior brother Yuan An's vigilance is definitely one-of-a-kind, he didn't move his body, but said: "No, I'm not hungry."

What does the person who can refuse canned meat in the last days represent?

It means that he is not short of food, at least not lack of meat.

Suddenly, the eyes of the people around him watching him grew hotter.

Origin: "..."

He began to panic in his heart, and squeezed the sword in his hand calmly, planning to run away with the sword if the situation was not right.

The captain didn't even notice that he was actually nervous. Seeing that this young man, who did not look big but was sitting on a chair, was full of fairy spirits, he was unwilling to pick up the cans, and he was a little bit envious. Unsurprisingly admired:

"Yes, I forgot, Dao Master's ability is definitely not lack of food and drink."

"I don't know what Dao Chief is doing to find the third base? I remember the third base is the military base, right?"

Yuan An nodded: "My first brother's relatives are in the third base."

Junior brother? !

Isn't it the only one that can fly, this is also a chain sword flying? ? ?

The captain cautiously said: "Your younger brother, who went out of the same school as you? You just said that you are Tianhaiguan. May I ask if Tianhaiguan is in...?"

Yuan An paused slightly.

Uncle Shi didn't seem to teach him that he couldn't say where the Tianhaiguan came from.

"The view of heaven and sea is above Yunfeng."

"Then this time, did you come here to find your younger brother's relatives?"

Speaking of this source bank, the enthusiasm immediately.

Uncle Shi had taught them how to answer when others asked about their purpose of going down the mountain.

He replied stubbornly: "It's not. It's just that when our generation of disciples go down the mountain to practice, the task of finding a base falls on us."

Did you hear it? We are going down the mountain with the task righteously. Don't think about tricking us into doing something for you.

Others listened in a daze.

They... this generation... went down the mountain to experience.

Isn't this really a fairy show? ?

The captain was already in a trance, and asked with a little shock: "You...your teacher has always been like you?"

Yuanqing was happy.

Eh hey!

Uncle Master also said this question.

He immediately followed the teachings of Uncle Master: "When these changes did not occur, our teacher had cancelled the downhill experience. Now the world is in chaos, we disciples also need the ability to protect themselves, and then we restarted the experience."

Uncle Shi said, if you say this, others will know that they have a profound view of the sea and they are very capable of self-protection.

However, after listening to other people's faces, "..."

When there is no change, isn't it the time of peace.

That is to say, before the zombies erupted, and when there was no end of the world, there has always been a Taoist temple called Tianhaiguan, quietly cultivating immortals, without any movement.

The disciples of Tianhaiguan began to re-enter the world until the world was in chaos and there was no monitoring.

Xiuxian has always existed, is it just because it hasn't appeared before in peaceful times?

The captain only felt that his outlook on life was about to collapse. He insisted on being weak and asked: "Does the Daoist mean... the view of Tianhai where you are, has been there all the time?"

He asked if Tianhaiguan has been cultivating immortals, but Yuanan only heard the superficial meaning, and immediately replied: "It hasn't been forever. My Tianhaiguan was only established hundreds of years ago."

team leader:"..."

other people:"..."

In other words, has there been a Taoist Taoist temple for hundreds of years?

The world is really getting more and more magical.

The captain was in a trance, excitement and excitement. After his emotions came up, he didn't control himself, and he reached out to grab Yuan An's sleeve subconsciously.

Yuan An was so frightened that he immediately stood up and took a step back.

He already had a cultivation base, but in a hurry, he forgot to control his strength, so he jumped directly three meters away with such a light jump.

The others had no cultivation base, only a blink of an eye could be seen. The Taoist commander who was still talking there was already far away, and their team leader's hand was still stretched awkwardly.

Yuan An jumped out to find that his reaction seemed a little big, and he quickly explained to the captain: "Sorry, Tianhaiguan disciple must not touch outsiders."

The captain was still embarrassed, but when he heard this, he quickly put it away, with a smile on his face: "Understandable, understandable hahahaha."

Isn't all TV series performed like this?

Those immortal cultivators are hiding in the mountains and not in contact with ordinary people.

Yuan An breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he understood. He didn't lie. Their Uncle Master said before that after going down the mountain, anyone who dared to have a relationship with the people down the mountain would be punished.

One person was punished to copy books a hundred times, which was terrible.

Waiting for Yuan An to walk back slowly, the captain didn't dare to waste time anymore, and immediately told about the third base he knew.

"The third base was established by the military. There are relatively few ordinary people living. Most of them are soldiers and some children they rescued. I lived there for a period of time. Later, there was a wave of zombies and the base could not be beaten. , The entire base was moved together."

"I don't know the exact location, because the map is almost useless now. I just heard a brother say that he is in the north. If you want to go, you can go with us. We happen to be going to the north."

Yuan An listened, with a hesitant expression on his face.

Seeing him like this, and thinking about dealing with him well, even if he couldn't learn one and a half tricks, at least there was such a cultivator-protected captain on the way.

"Daoist? But what's the inconvenience? Just say, as long as I can help, I will definitely help."

Such a good opportunity to hold the thigh, it must not be missed.

Yuan An hesitated: "It's nothing, it's just that my Tianhaiguan ruled that no deep contact with the people below the mountain is allowed, otherwise you will be punished... If you go with you..."

The captain understood in seconds.

Hurriedly said: "I understand, I understand, so if you are worried about this, we will only be on the same road. I will restrain the people under my hand and never let them disturb you. What do you think?"

This seems to be okay. Uncle Shi only said that in-depth contact is not allowed, but also said that if necessary, they can find someone to inquire, anyway, they can't communicate with these people.

Yuan An thought about it in his heart, and nodded: "Well, thank you, I won't let you lead the way, I will pay you."

"No need, we are like this, and where are we going to need any rewards, you can see if you are a master. If you encounter any danger along the way, you can help if you are willing."

Yuan An looked at the enthusiastic captain with a smile, while thinking that this person was really enthusiastic, and at the same time thinking about it, he still had to be more vigilant, in case it was a disguise.

The expression on his face still nodded faintly: "Then I will trouble you."

"I'm going to ask my juniors and disciples to come together, please wait for a while."

"Hey, wait, wait, we'll wait as long as possible, don't worry."

The captain was simply writing pleased with all his face, and seeing the young Taoist leader in a white robe in front of him bowing to himself, he immediately followed him back in a nondescript manner.

Yuan An stepped on the flying sword and quickly disappeared into the horizon.

The captain stood on the spot looking at his disappearing figure, his mouth kept closed: "My mother..."

As soon as the source bank disappeared, the team immediately became lively, and the people who didn't dare to say a word just now dared to discuss it enthusiastically.

"That's a cultivator, right? Our Hua Country actually has a cultivator?"

"They have always been in a place called Tianhaiguan? They haven't shown it at all for so many years, my god."

"It's normal if you don't show it. Didn't you hear that the Taoist said just now that they cannot have deep contact with the people under the mountain? If they do, they will be punished, probably just like the fairy in the sky in the TV series cannot marry a mortal. Otherwise, it's almost like removing the fairy bones."

"No, I'm not dreaming. There are zombies, mutant plants and animals, and now there are all immortal cultivators. Is this world still the one I am familiar with?"

"You said they still don't accept disciples. If I can, I want to cultivate immortals. If I can cultivate immortals... at least we don't have to be afraid of zombies, and zombies can't fly."

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately aroused a lively discussion.

Yes, zombies can't fly. If the sword is flying, don't you need to be afraid of zombies.

And just now everyone could see clearly, that Daoist's face was white and spotless, and even his hair was neatly combed.

Although it's only a few months in the last days, but they have come all the way, which people they met still have the mind to take care of themselves.

A good and a bad life can be seen at a glance. This Daoist must have never eaten a bit of suffering, too, he is a cultivator, and he is absolutely comfortable with these zombies.

The heated discussion did not stop for a long time. Everyone was caught in a fanatical fantasy at this moment. If they had suffered enough, if they had the opportunity to have a relationship with this immortal cultivator at this moment, they would definitely be willing to give anything. of.

Including Li Yi's husband, Wang Hao, at this moment, he completely forgot his previous anger, and only got together with his parents with shining eyes.

His parents have always had unprecedented confidence in this son, and at this moment they are discussing how to make Wang Hao also a cultivator.

Of course, it's not just that they think this way, it can be said that the whole team thinks this way, even if they can't become immortal cultivators, it's good to have a little relationship.

There are even young girls with good-looking faces who are trying to take care of themselves, trying to make these Taoist masters willing to take themselves away.

The captain was a man with a clear hand. Seeing that both men and women were eager to try, he coughed: "Don't think about it. People have regulations not to have contact with ordinary people. If it wasn't for him to ask me just now, it would probably be a word. Won't tell me."

"The other party will come in a while, you have to be careful, don't get over and disturb them, or if you irritate them, I won't be able to save you."

As soon as this word came out, it was like a bucket of cold water poured on people.

Yes, they don't come into contact with people.

But...what if.

If this opportunity is seized, it is definitely the best opportunity to change the current life.

When all kinds of excitement were in their hearts, Ji Changze in the distant view of the sea also opened his eyes immediately.

He felt it, and one of the whistle he made met the mother whistle.

Yes, what Ji Changze does is a child-and-mother whistle.

According to the way the original master sent out the whistle in the memory, he made a whistle and gave it to all the disciples who went down the mountain to practice.

Of course, he didn't lie to them. These whistles did have the function of a protective cover, but after they encountered the mother whistle, the spiritual power in the whistle would slowly enter the mother whistle.

One whistle does not give much spiritual power, but it will be different after all the whistle give a little spiritual power together.

It only takes less than two hours. As long as the distance between the child whistle and the mother whistle is no more than 30 meters, then the spiritual power given by the child whistle can fill the mother whistle with spiritual power, forming a protective cover no less than the child whistle.

It's just that he just wanted to try when he gave those whistles. After all, the original owner's memory is very vague. No one knows where the mother and daughter are now, but he didn't expect that these little disciples had just come down the mountain for such a short time. , Gave him such a big surprise.

Ji Changze stopped the engraving in his hand. Now that he found someone, he didn't use the tracing screw he planned to make.

He opened the drawer and took out a piece of paper and folded a bird out, used his spiritual power to fight it out, and asked it to look for these disciples and ask them where they were.

And here, the young disciples didn't know that their uncle master was coming over, and they were happily standing on their swords and coming towards the convoy.

It seems their luck is still very good to be able to find the news of the third base so quickly.

By the way, I have to report back.

As for the people in the team, looking at so many wearing the same white robes, their faces are very young. There are even a few immortal cultivators who look at children only twelve or three years old, stepping on the flying swords, and their hearts are natural. Has a very big shock.

Waiting to watch these monks hit the ground and eat food they couldn't find. When they finished eating, they all meditated together and started practicing, everyone felt the solemn atmosphere.

No one dared to bother by talking, but quietly observing their words and deeds.

They are exactly the same white robe.

At first glance they were pure and utterly painful.

They are exactly the same wooden swords.

There is also the same gesture of Jieyin in their sitting posture.

Waiting for these disciples to meditate, many people wanted to get close to it, but the remaining disciples were terribly afraid of copying books. When they saw someone coming in, they immediately pretended to be dumb and just bowed. not talking.

Yuan An knew that they were afraid of copying books, so he explained it like a big brother: "Sorry, my disciple Tianhaiguan has always been able to contact others without being in contact with others."

So it is not our intention to ignore you, but the rules are like this.

Other people are naturally very unwilling, but no one dared to talk forcibly, for fear that they would annoy these cultivators, and they would be cold when they slapped them.

There is no Li Yi in this group of people. She is busy taking care of the children. Where can she take care of these? When she finally coaxed the children, she got out of the car and went to the toilet, and heard the people outside were still discussing enthusiastically. With.

"The styles of the clothes are all the same. It's really the same as in the TV series. It seems to be a big-time genre, but it's too strict."

"After all, they are immortal cultivators, and it is normal for them to be strict. They are probably afraid of being punished if they are unwilling to talk to us."

"I think the things they wear are uniform, even the wooden whistle on their necks are all the same. I don't know if there is anything special."

Li Yi stopped and frowned slowly.

Wooden whistle?