Chapter 307 Hou's Concubine (7)


Ji Changze didn't know that Master Ji would be beaten by Master Ji later.

But from Tim Mo, who is keen on gossip, he learned that Lord Hou had personally said that he had deducted Lord Ji's five-month monthly money. During these five months, Lord Ji can eat and drink in the mansion, but if he wants to get from the accountant. It's definitely not enough to spend money and go out to be happy.

I heard that Master Ji was very decadent for this for two days, but soon he became excited again, because his friends outside took the initiative to bear his expenses.

Therefore, even if he has money, he can still be a grandfather outside.

Tim Mo said that he still admires Master Ji a little bit about this matter. After all, no one in the mansion knows that Master Ji spends a lot of money.

Although there are many of his friends, but? A good family and money? Where does the money go? In this case, he is willing to pay for Master Ji. How much? A good job is done.

After listening, Ji Changze smiled without interrupting.

As the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red and black are those who are black. Master Ji's character, a genuine morality, is a person who is willing to stab his friends, and even if you become friends with him, you have already stayed away because you don't like him. .

Those alcoholic friends who are willing to help Master Ji wipe their farts, 80% of them have other plans.

But Lord Hou is still there, so Ji Changze doesn't need to worry about these for the time being.

He felt almost well after two more days of illness, so he asked Tian Mo to pack his things and plan to go to school.

After hearing this, Mrs. Ji came to see him specifically, telling him that he was not in a hurry, and that he had to recover from the illness first.

After Ji Changze hit a set of punches in front of her, she didn't say anything.

Then he asked who he learned this set of boxing from.

"A former martial artist in the academy, he? He taught his son to defend himself in front of the village. I thought it was good. I practiced in the academy a few times."

The academy often recruits some martial arts masters to teach the method of self-defense, but most of the martial arts masters are only part-time jobs, so they can change quickly. Ji Changze's statement? This has caused Mrs. Ji's suspicion.

She was just surprised: "How did you ever hit me before?"

After finishing talking, I thought to myself that the yard where the nine brothers lived was still too small. It was okay when it was small before, but now that the child grows up, he has to study and practice martial arts. This? The small yard can't be used anymore. .

We still have to change to a larger yard.

As I was thinking about it, I heard Ji Changze say: "I had a call when I came from the academy. I happened to meet my father. The father reprimanded his son for not doing business, so he didn't dare to practice at home."

It's this guy again.

Mrs. Ji's dissatisfaction with Master Ji added another layer in her heart, and she was still gentle and gentle, soothing the child: "Don't worry about your father, your grandfather was on the battlefield, and he likes these knives and guns. If your father says about you, I will go to your grandfather. If I like it in the future, I will practice more at home."

Ji Changze showed a happy expression on his face, and nodded: "Thank you mother."

Seeing him like this, Mrs. Ji's heart became more bitter.

What kind of family is she in charge of? The children she raises under her lap are even forced to hide themselves. Wen has to pretend that he can't, and Wu can only practice by hiding in the academy.

Doesn't it count as if the deserted man killed one of her children, would he also kill her another child?

In the past, she was heartbroken. After getting the right of housekeeping, she only lived her little life wholeheartedly, but now, that guy has intervened in Changze.

It would be fine if he was to teach this child well as a father, but he was not the case. He had done everything he did, and he would be jealous of Changze's talent.

It is as always cold-hearted and indifferent, heart-to-lung.

Is she just like?

She is just the other party's wife, to put it bluntly, the male host of this mansion is still Master Ji.

As he was thinking about it, Ji Changze said: "Mother, don't worry, your son must study hard, and he will support you when he is successful."

Mrs. Ji smiled and moved: "Mother knows your intentions, but you should not work hard to make your body bad. You still have to take your body in everything? Your father is confused now. When you have fame in the future, you will say it at home. After talking, he doesn't dare to treat you as he did before."

The face of this young boy raised by her hand was full of determination, saying: "The son is not trying hard to gain fame from Xuexue to impress his father. The son is to stand on his mother's side in the future. What can the mother want to do? What do you do?"

"When the eldest brother and the son grow up, the mother will no longer have any scruples and be patient with the father in every possible way. By the end of the day, the eldest brother and I will be the backing of the mother."

Mrs. Ji was taken aback, staring at the child in front of her in a dazed face, her heart so excited that she didn't know what to say.


She still has a son.

Even if Master Ji wants to inherit the title in the future?

This man's wealth can be used up without waiting for the other party to enjoy it, and Master Ji himself has what abilities. This is how Master Laohou can still help. Master Laohou will no longer be there, and he will be a paper tiger. .

And under her, there are two brilliantly talented children.

These two children, whether they are Changyan or Changze, are definitely on her side.

Now Master Laohou needn't be afraid of Master Ji, and the two children won't need to be afraid of Master Ji in the future.

That being the case, why should she be timid.

Even if she was torn apart, she couldn't get through with her own dowry. At that time, the two children were already married, and even if they were separated, she didn't have to worry about them being bullied.

The more Mrs. Ji thinks about it, the brighter her eyes become.

In the past, for the sake of her children, she could only tolerate and continue to be this disgusting mother-in-law, helping Master Ji with the housework, filial piety to the elders, and taking care of the concubines and concubines.

However, Master Ji was looking for fun outside every day, threw everything to her, and vented her anger at her two children.

She didn't even need to confirm that Master Ji was dead.

Young man, he has Old Master Hou to help manage everything.

Now, he has to take care of the whole house by himself.

Waiting for Master Lao Hou to leave, she also left, Master Ji can live and play with herself to death.

Opening the door to the new world, Mrs. Ji instantly felt the breath that had been blocked in her heart dissipated.

She even wanted to laugh three times.

That guy married her back then? Come and talk sweetly, vowed to treat her well, deceived her trust and then turned to expose?  eyes.

The child Changyan was killed by Master Ji.

He personally brought a snake and scorpion, and after the other party's incident, he ignored his own son, who was critically ill, and wanted to save the woman's life.

For many years, he had a good face to her, and he was inexplicably angry with the two children under her knees.


She didn't marry him either.

At the beginning, her family background, appearance, and good reputation abroad, it was too easy to marry a wishful man.

It was Master Ji himself who said he wanted to marry her, and eagerly married her in the door. In the end, he was a grievance model?

This? Years of grievances, she has had enough!

Mrs. Ji suddenly had an impulse. She asked Ji Changze: "Changze, you said that if your mother and your father reconcile, what would you do? Look?"

A smile of joy appeared on the little boy's face almost immediately: "Mother? Are you going to reconcile with your father? It should have been so long ago!"

"Mother, don't worry about me. When I get married, I will move out of the Hou Mansion and take you to honor me."

Mrs. Ji sighed in relief.

She thought about Ji Changze's various answers, but how? I thought that Changze's answer would be this.

It was completely meant to blame her, and some felt that her leaving the Hou Mansion was irresponsible for him, only rejoicing and blessing to her.

Madam Ji slowly laughed, her face full of relief, and she reached out her hand and touched Ji Changze's head: "It's not now and Li, we have to wait a little longer."

Wait until her Changyan Changze has a firm foothold in this mansion, and wait until they emerge themselves, don't have to look at the face of Master Ji, his father, and wait until their marriage is settled.

By the time she arrives, she will be able to get out of the cage that has trapped her for the rest of her life with peace of mind.

What did Mrs. Ji's plan for the future in her mind? Don't show her, she packed her mood and talked about the engagement with Ji Changze.

"You nodded your head before, and I immediately decided on this matter, and people are also easy to talk about it? What is to blame for these bastard things you did? Changze, how did your father do it before? You don't want to learn everything. What he did was wrong. If you learn from him, your mother will be disappointed."

As soon as she said this, the face of the child who grew up next to her really showed nervousness, and she promised in a hurry: "Mother, I was wrong, I won't be there anymore, please don't be angry, mother in the future What do you say? What will the son do?"

This kid is so cute, it was really affected by his father before.

Mrs. Ji felt a little bit of comfort in her heart: "Okay, okay, my mother knows, that girl is also a good one. It was because you were dragged down. You also said that you like her before. Now that you are married, you will be nice to others in the future. some."

Ji Changze nodded and asked, "Then? Get married? I thought, I'm going to be admitted to the top prize, so I can live with her by marrying her gracefully."

After hearing these childish words, Mrs. Ji almost laughed out loud.

"You kid, why? You think about some whimsical things. You are only a child now. Do you know how difficult it is to take the exam? Your father asked a famous teacher to teach him. He took the exam many times, or even a talented talent? If you wait for you to get the top prize and marry again, then the girl might think you are not sincerely marrying."

Ji Changze was puzzled: "Doesn't the mother want her son to treat her better? Their family is a scholar, so they naturally like the son-in-law of the first prize. If I take the first prize, are they not happy?"

That must be fun.

Not to mention the son-in-law of the champion, the son of the champion, and the nephew of the champion, as long as their relatives are admitted to the champion, everyone will be happy.

But the question is, what about the top pick? It may be admitted as soon as possible.

But seeing that Ji Changze was in the mood, she also interrupted the child's dream of being champion.

It's a good thing for a child to have a goal. As for whether the goal can be accomplished... Anyway, if the number one picks is not good, it's not bad to take a talent test.

"You are still young now, and the wedding date will be four years later. She is one year older than you. Although she will get married a little later, it is not too big. Her family members are also willing to keep her at home. several years."

"If it weren't for this matter, their family would definitely be unwilling to marry a girl to our Hou Mansion. Changze, since you have accepted this marriage, you have worked hard for the past four years. Don't let this girl feel You are not worth entrusting, know?"

Ji Changze nodded: "Mother is at ease, the son must become a completely different person from his father."

Mrs. Ji smiled and scolded him: "Don't say this in the future."

It doesn't matter if you scold in your heart, why? I still said it.

If this were to be heard by outsiders, Ji Changze's already bad reputation might be charged with unfilial piety.

When I went to propose a marriage before, Ma's wife smiled a little reluctantly, but Madam Ji could not tell it when she saw it.

Comparing your heart to heart, if she has a daughter, who has grown up spoiled and spoiled, she will only be a disciple after a trip to the street.

In the end, in order to save her daughter's life, she had to make her daughter and this disciple enter into a marriage contract.

She couldn't laugh when it was her.

Although Ma's family background is average, it is also a scholarly family. The men in the family even have concubines. People like this can safely marry their daughters to the Hou Mansion.

Leaving aside Changze's own reputation, Master Ji, who was just taking care of himself, dragged him down a lot.

Mrs. Ji was clear in her heart, but she could only pretend that her face was as usual, and she mentioned all of Fang Fang in a good manner, and the marriage was decided.

Now I can only hope that Changze will not become his father, and is willing to work hard and treat his wife with heart.

Mrs. Ji? After going, she went to the elder son's yard again.

Ji Changyan's delicate appearance, because of the long-term illness, he always smelled of medicine, his face was pale, and his speech was relatively light.

He is famous for his good temperament. The servants of the Hou Mansion all like him. If they want to wait in his room, there are also many girls who are quiet. Mi likes this good-looking and gentle temperament. In the future, 80% will inherit the title. The eldest young master, it's just that Ji Changyan has accepted all of them. He's a big man, and he has even a common room around him.

When Mrs. Ji went, he was sitting on the bed, tilted slightly, playing chess with himself.

Seeing this? The child could only stay in bed. Mrs. Ji was heartbroken and scolded Master Ji upright.

"Changyan, the sun is just right outside, should someone help you out to bask in the sun?"

Listening to his mother's words, Ji Changyan paled, smiled and shook his head: "No, you can see the sun in the house."

"Mother, is this just coming from the yard of Changze? Come on? But I told him about the marriage? Is there any trouble with this kid?"

"Since I trained him last time, he has been behaved, and promised me that he would treat Ma's girl well. When I went today, he also showed me a set of self-defense exercises, which looked quite like Son, this child has grown up."

After listening to his mother sigh and finish, Ji Changyan's eyes flashed with surprise: "Changze is so obedient? Didn't he cry and cry before not wanting to marry Ma's girl?"

Mrs. Ji smiled and shook her head: "It's just a kid's temper. Later, when I saw me, he was so angry that he was afraid that I would ignore him, so he promised very happy."

Ji Changyan was surprised.

His ninth brother's temperament, to put it nicely, is to spoil his domineering temperament, and to put it awkwardly is what he wants.

Originally, he thought this matter was a bit noisy, but when he thought of this, Changze nodded.

"This kid seems to have grown up. I thought that his impetuous temper would have to wait at least two or three years to settle down. If it is unsatisfactory, he is afraid it will be two or three years if he doesn't encounter any major events. I can't decide."

"Yes, I thought, he just agreed directly, mother, what happened to him? Otherwise, according to Changze's temperament, how can it take two or three months?"

A trace of uncomfortable flashes across Mrs. Ji's face, she said her feelings, and only said: "What can be the matter, he grows up and knows that he loves my mother, so don't read books or play chess every day, the doctor said Do you want to recuperate more?"

Ji Changyan saw that Mrs. Ji had concealed it, so she said it, but she responded with a gentle smile.

The mother and son said two more words before Ji Fu got up and left.

Ji Changyan sat quietly in the room for a while, then suddenly said, "Inkstone."

Outside, a sturdy young man opened the door and said respectfully: "What do you want, brother?"

"Has something happened in the mansion these days? Especially? It's Nagasawa."

A trace of hesitation appeared on Yantai's face.

Ji Changyan frowned slightly: "Even you have to hide it from me?"

Yantai hurriedly lowered his head: "This matter, this matter was ordered by the lady, saying that the eldest brother is recuperating, knowing that you like to think about it, so that I don't want you to worry about it, which is not good for your body."

What he said was justified and well-founded, but Ji Changyan didn't change his mind, but slowly said: "Mother wants me to worry about it, but if you don't tell me, then I must keep guessing. This is called Fei. mind."

"Okay, don't say it quickly."

Yantai hesitated, and said, "Last time the master went out of the elder brother's yard, he went to the Jiu Ge'er's yard. I heard that he had been playing for a long time. The Jiu brother was crying very badly.  Alarmed."

"From now on, everyone will be sent down. People know what the lady said in the yard, but the old man seemed to be moved and his knives were smashed. He wanted to chase him and chop it off. Fortunately, the old man ran away. Soon, after that, Master Hou deducted Master's monthly money for five months."

Ji Changyan listened quietly, his pale fingers slowly tapping on the chessboard because of anemia.

"Where is Changze? What was his reaction after this incident?"

"Brother Jiu? What's the reaction, it just seems to be relieved suddenly, reading books every day, and practicing boxing at some time. It's not like brother Jiu who is diligent. What about my wife? Brother can't decide in the future? He will be on the list."

"Brother Jiu said today that he was going to the college, and he was still in a hurry to go if he was hurt. It can be seen that he has worked hard."

Ji Changyan frowned when he heard it.

It is okay for Xiao Changze, studying hard and diligent, coupled with a little talent, has always been the one who praised first.

But since he got bigger and bigger, his heart slowly stopped studying.

Ji Changyan has said about him several times, but every time this younger brother always responds with um, ah, ah, what should I do?? or??

Long time, Ji Changyan also saw that Brother Jiu was perfunctory, so he said it again.

This year-old child, who has tried it in the first half of the storm, has been kept firmly in his arms by his mother.

If it weren't for what happened? A major change, how could you suddenly lose your heart?

Ji Changyan deduced it over and over again in his heart, but what? The deduction couldn't find a suitable answer.

He suddenly thought of what? and asked Yantai: "In addition to deducting his father's monthly money, what else did grandfather do?"

Yantai admitted? Thought for a while: "It seems like it's something else, just not letting the master enter the front yard."

The people living in the front yard include his grandfather, him, and his younger brothers.

The mother, younger sisters and father's concubine live in the backyard.

What is his father? The grandfather of sex has long known that not letting him come to the front yard is definitely not just because he doesn't want to see his father.

Is that to separate the father from their sons?

According to the grandfather's temperament, this must be done because the father has affected the next generation, and this is just enough to stop the loss.

The indentation on Ji Changyan's eyebrows became even worse.


The young man was witty and smart, and the older he grew up, the less he liked to study. Grandfather reprimanded his father. After separating him, he suddenly started working hard again.

Coupled with the complex expression of the mother.

It is hard for Ji Changyan not to think that Changze suddenly refused to work hard to get in touch with his father.

It is even possible that the father himself ordered Nagasawa to stop working hard.

As for the reason.

My father's lousy guy, what can't be done.

Ji Changyan's body was not good. After thinking about it for a while, he began to fall asleep. Before going to bed, he forced himself to sit firmly and asked Yantai to go to his warehouse and take a set of four treasures of the study to Ji Changze.

"Let him study hard. What if he doesn't? Just ask me. I have some friendship with the dean of Qishan Academy and tell him that if he wants to learn, I will send him to Qishan Academy."

Qishan Academy is the most famous academy today, and it is notoriously difficult to enter.

But as long as you get in, no matter how bad you are, there are more than three top picks, two search for flowers, seven second place, and it is a holy place for reading in the eyes of many parents.

As a bedridden patient, Ji Changyan's only way to make friends is to make friends. He usually finds some pigeons, binds his letters to them, and lets them fly freely.

If it falls into the hands of someone who doesn't understand the language and ink, it is possible that the pigeon becomes a pot of soup.

If it falls into the hands of someone with a little ability, it is very possible that Ji Changyan will come up with a piece of flying pigeon biography.

In the past, I just wanted to find something to do, but slowly, as Ji Changyan's body became worse and worse, the purpose of this was to make friends all over the world and pave the way for my mother.

As long as he has many friends, even if one day he leaves his mother a step forward, these friends will look after his mother as much as possible and try his best to take care of his mother.

In the past, Ji Changyan didn't think the nine younger brothers raised by his mother were worthy of use.

This child was okay when he was young, and his temperament became more impetuous when he grew up. Although Ji Changyan didn't have much contact with him, he was not so good? Be optimistic about the other party.

But now it seems that if Ji Changze suddenly stopped working hard and suddenly became angry because of his father's interference, then his contacts could be handed over to the other party.

At least he believes that the brother who is willing to admit his mistakes for his mother must have the same goal in protecting his mother.

Ji Changze, who was planning to go out to the academy, received the Four Treasures of the Study from Ji Changyan.

This set is all made by Akagi.

Chimu is not very expensive, it can only be said to be ordinary. As the eldest brother, Ji Changyan will not give this to his brother? Simple, unless he has other deep meanings.

Ji Changze slowly touched the inkstone made of Chimu and smiled.

Those who are near Zhu are red and those who are near Mo are black.

It seems that he is not fighting alone.