Chapter 308 Hou's Concubine (8)

The classmates in the college found that Ji Changze had changed. He didn't listen carefully when he was in class, and he was not as gloomy as before. He seemed to relax.

Sometimes when I came home, I ran into him at the door. Young Master Ji Jiu, who used to be depressed and looked down upon them, would take the initiative to greet them with a smile.

This college can be regarded as the place where the rich and powerful children go to school in the capital. Mrs. Ji also took a lot of effort to send the youngest son in.

The original host's popularity in the academy is very bad, and his classmates don't like him very much. The reason is that the original host always looks down on them. Everyone is about the age of teenagers, mostly lively. If you meet him outside Now, they will greet them happily.

What about the original owner? People greeted him, he was the air, and the perfunctory and fake three-year-olds could see it.

As a result, the classmates gradually became reluctant to play with the original owner, thinking that his eyes were higher than the top, and they could not look down upon them.

In the past few days, Ji Changze was uncharacteristically, and even a happy mood was revealed. They were both at a loss and wondered if there was any conspiracy.

Didn't he always look down on them?

Why are they so enthusiastic suddenly, as if they are familiar with each other.

Ji Changze has seen the original copy in the hands of a gentleman for several days. After a few days, the gentleman who was wounded reluctantly lent it to him. He was holding a book, and he was walking with the wind to go back and see it on the road. The two whispering teenagers gathered together, freeing one hand and beckoning to them with a smile.

"Zizhi, Rao Ling, haven't you come home yet?"

Two classmates who were accurately called out and greeted so enthusiastically: ""

People greeted people with smiles, and they were not ashamed to face each other as they usually did, so they could only squeeze out a dry smile: "Yes, you are going back too?"

"Yes, it's such a coincidence, why don't we go together, I remember the three of us went along the way."

When Ji Changze heard this, his eyes lit up, and he walked over and put his hand on the shoulder of one of the classmates.

Classmate: ""

We did not agree.

Why do you look like we will agree without asking?

We are not familiar!

As if not seeing the hardened expressions of the two of them, Ji Changze took two steps and did not see them following. He turned around in doubt, "What's the matter? Let's go."

Two people: ""

They looked at each other, still couldn't pull their faces, they could only drag their slow footsteps reluctantly to follow behind, and from time to time they listened to the familiar guy in front of them to say: "You are really walking. Slow, it seems that the martial arts class has not been studied well."

No, you can figure it out, we are walking slowly because we don't want to go with you, OK?

But fortunately, everyone took a sedan chair home, and they could disperse at the entrance of the college.

Then, at the gate of the academy, they fell silent when facing Ji Changze who had no carriage to pick him up.

Ji Changze still smiled heartily: "What are you doing in a daze, let's go."

Wang Zizhi: "Where is your carriage?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the smile on the face of the young man who was smiling in front of him suddenly dimmed a little, and a little sadness appeared in his eyes.

Ji Changze lowered his head slightly, and said in a low voice: "Father punished me, not allowing me to take the car in the mansion, only allowed me to walk to the college."

Of course, the facts are a little bit different from what he said.

Master Ji was ordered not to use the things in the mansion by Master Hou, and the carriage was naturally included, so every time Master Ji went out to play, he had to go by himself.

He found the time and went out in the carriage when Master Ji was out, with a trifling expression on his face deliberately. The other party forced him to get out of the car with a look of anger and scolded him for a long time in front of the servants at the entrance of the Hou Mansion.

Then, Ji Changze "followed his father's order" and stopped riding in a carriage to school.

The two of them were surprised: "Go? The Hou Mansion is not close to the academy."

For young masters who have been picked up by car from childhood to most of the time, it is a fantasy to have to go back to school by themselves.


Ji Changze still had a sad face, but soon his face showed happiness again: "But it's worth it."

worth it?

What is worth?

Ji Changze: "Although I have to walk to school, I can study with peace of mind in the future, which is not bad."

It sounds really worth it.

But the problem is.

Can't you study at ease in a carriage? ?

They were stunned, they saw Ji Changze smile brightly, patted the shoulders of the two of them again, their smiles were as bright as the sun, and happiness was written on their faces: "And I can also come and go with you, just walk some roads. It's not worth it."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand: "Then you can go back in the carriage. I'll just go back by myself. See you tomorrow."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Only two classmates who listened more and more bewilderedly looked at Ji Changze with a blank face and his whole body was full of cheerful back.

"Rao Ling, do you understand what he said?"

Zhou Raoling shook his head dumbfounded: "Where are you?"

Wang Zizhi also shook his head.

"I understand every word of what he said, how come I don't understand it when we put it together?"

What does it mean to be able to communicate with them without taking a carriage?

Doesn't this mean that you can't communicate with them if you ride in a carriage?

They are all powerful children, is it possible that someone can threaten Hou's grandson?

The two couldn't figure it out.

But one thing can be assured.

"Could it be that Ji Changze didn't interact with us before because someone didn't let him do it?"

Wang Zizhi was stunned.

"Didn't he just look down on us like this?"

Zhou Raoling asked the soul: "Why doesn't he look down on us? Although he belongs to the Hou Mansion, he is only a concubine. We are a concubine. I heard that there are only a dozen concubines in the Hou Mansion, and we are better than him. "

In the past, my classmates felt uncomfortable that Ji Changze was just a bastard and he was so unwilling to be close to them.

If this is really a prince, noble.

But the Hou Mansion is no longer what it used to be, and Ji Changze is just a bastard. He himself is not very strong, and his mother's family is not a family of officials.

Why does he look down on them?

The indignation that was once has now become evidence.

"Yeah, he had no reason to look down on us before. We are much better than him."

and so

Ji Changze never interacted with them before. Could it be that someone forced him?

But even if he is a concubine, he is also the concubine of the Hou Mansion. Who can force him?

When the two guessed along the way according to the clues given by Ji Changze, Ji Changze was walking back all the way with the book.

The original owner really did not look down on those classmates in the college. The reason why he did not look down on classmates was not because of how good he was, but because he wanted to be classmates with better people.

The rich and powerful are also hierarchical. Those who really have the ability and access to the family, but they are all in the Imperial College.

For example, Ji Changyan, as the eldest grandson of Hou's residence, was enrolled in the Imperial College. He was gentle and made many friends. Although those friends had not yet entered the court, they were either rich or noble at home.

The original owner was very greedy for the eldest brother's connections, and hoped that the stars and the moon would like to follow suit. As a result, there was only one place in the Imperial College, and he could not go if the eldest brother went.

If it is Master Laohou or Master Ji who want to have a good idea, he can't find a way to send him in, but Master Ji has a lot of sons, and even if he is raised by Mrs. Ji, he is not so much worthy of two people. Go bothering to pave the way for him.

As a result, the original owner felt a lot more unwilling.

He didn't want to socialize with these "influenced" classmates, consciously that they weren't any connections. After all, no matter where they were, they were the eldest sons, and the students who were sent to the academy were not the eldest sons.

Otherwise, there would be no quota for the Imperial College.

Over time, he became the most unappreciated one in the Imperial College.

Everyone at home is a precious young master, who is willing to go to the hot face and cold ass.

Recalling the dumbfounded expressions of Wang Zizhi just now, Ji Changze estimated that within three days, if he didn't communicate with his classmates, it would be another hidden thing that could spread throughout the college.

After all, these two people are well-known gossip kings in the academy.

Sure enough, when Ji Changze came to the academy on the second day, many students watched him openly and secretly, and someone specially tentatively came over to say hello to him. After receiving his enthusiastic response, the expression of seeing a ghost appeared on his face first, and then It looks like "So what they said is true."

In the morning, there were at least a dozen students who came to greet Ji Changze.

Ji Changze communicated with them very closely, as if he was so depressed and not getting along with others before, it was their illusion.

Even the most outrageous thing is that after the test, Ji Changze is directly at the top of the list.

You must know that he was reluctant to be in the middle class before.

These classmates also want to face, no one directly said that they suspected Ji Changze cheating, but tentatively approached and asked about the content of the test. As a result, Ji Changze did not answer the question, and even caught the other party for a long time. .

The poor student was dizzy, and when he came back, the whole person was ill. After a long time, he said: "He is definitely not cheating. The ones I just told me are much harder than the previous exams."

"It's strange, didn't he always learn badly?"

"That's not a big deal. Hasn't he been at the top of the list before? He suddenly fell down. The main thing is to understand why he has changed so much. He smiled at me before and I almost thought I was not awake."

"What the hell is going on? I heard that he was threatened not to join us, so I avoided us before."

"At the feet of the emperor, who is so rampant, even the students of our college dare to control."

Wang Zizhi squeezed into the discussion among the students and saw that no one was paying attention to them. They were actually secretly listening. He lowered his voice and said to them in a gesture of "I have a big gossip":

"I inquired from my third aunt's mother-in-law's maiden nephew's grandson-in-law, that every time Ji Changze gets better in the exam, his father will find excuses to reprimand him. If things go on like this, Ji Changze will gradually become bad."

As soon as this was said, the audience was in an uproar.

The teenagers who pretended to be eavesdropping stopped pretending and squeezed in one after another: "Really? Why does his father want to do this? If Ji Changze is prosperous, it is because he has light on his face."

"Maybe it's for the concubine? If the concubine is better than the concubine, that's not justified."

Wang Zizhi had an expression of "you are all too outdated": "Where is it for the elder son? I heard that the eldest grandson of the Hou Mansion is the same, and he is often reprimanded."

"Zizhi, where did you find it, it's unreliable? Why do I hear this so mysteriously?"

Wang Zizhi curled his lips: "I, you still don't believe me? That is what the servants of the Hou Mansion's inner courtyard have revealed. If it weren't for my extensive relationship, I wouldn't be able to inquire about these people."

"Besides, Ji Changze personally said before that his father would not allow him to ride in a car. If he really feels sorry for his son, how could he not allow him to ride in such a weather."

Everyone looked in a trance.

When I went back, I looked at Ji Changze, who was reading a book seriously, and was amazed.

Could it be that they really misunderstood Ji Changze?

Ji Changze was not arrogant and poorly learned, but because of filial piety, he had to do this?

But why?

Ji Changze listened quietly, pretending not to feel that a group of people around him was peeking at him, and worked hard to be a student and copy notes.

When returning home, the students who did well in the test took their own test scores and planned to go back to claim credit, while those who did not do well were secretly hiding and trying to pretend that it had never happened.

Zhou Raoling was immersed in the joy of hiding, and suddenly from the corner of his eyes, he realized that Ji Changze was also hiding.

He is the top of the list!

"Ji Changze, don't you take these back to show your family?"

After finishing speaking, I saw the expression on the face of the young boy next to him for a moment, and smiled embarrassingly: "No need, I brought it back, it makes people feel like showing off."

how could be?

Who didn't know that the eldest brother of Ji Changze's family was a well-known talent when he was in the Imperial College. Even if the grades of the concubine brothers are very good, how can they make people feel that they are showing off.

Zhou Raoling asked his own question.

The smile on Ji Changze's face became more reluctant, as if he lowered his head very disappointed, and whispered: "My father was not very knowledgeable when he enrolled in school. If he sees it, he will feel uncomfortable in his heart."

Zhou Raoling: ""

Ji Changze looked around, and whispered to Zhou Raoling, who was big-mouthed, and pleaded: "Don't tell others about this. Father is the most faceless."

Zhou Raoling: ""

He struggled to squeeze out his voice from his throat: "So before, your father didn't let you associate with us??"

Ji Changze sighed: "The relationship between his father and his classmates when he enrolled in school was not very good."

"I can only breathe a sigh of relief when my grandfather knows about this a while ago, but it's not too high-profile after all."

Zhou Raoling: ""

No wonder.

No wonder.

The father teaches the son, can the son refute it?

Everything is unreasonable, and it's reasonable to have such a father.

Seeing Zhou Raoling's face change, Ji Changze whispered: "In short, you must never tell others. After all, it is my father, and I can't say anything about him."

Zhou Raoling immediately raised his head, and the sight of Ji Changze contained wireless sympathy and hesitation.

He patted the shoulder of the poor classmate who was about to be jealous of his biological father, and his face was filled with sympathy: "Don't worry, make sure to keep your mouth shut. This is the secret between the two of us."

Seeing Ji Changze smile at himself gratefully, he sympathized with this classmate more and more.

Why didn't Ji Changze be so pitiful before.

"Brother, what do you want to say in the future."

Ji Changze nodded, and once again exhorted: "You must never tell others, I don't want them to sympathize with me."

"Don't worry." Zhou Raoling patted his mouth: "I will never tell anyone the little secret between us."

Choosing a big mouth, Ji Changze hummed in a good mood and left.

At this moment, Zhou Raoling really wanted to keep the secret for this poor classmate.

But after holding a stick of incense, he couldn't help it.

"Zizhi, I tell you one thing, you must never tell others."

Zhou Rao made a smack.

Zizhi's surname is Wang, neither is his surname, nor is he called a person.

Isn't he a breach of contract?