Chapter 317 Hou's Concubine (17)

Zhou Raoling couldn't think of it. He was just sick, and he woke up with an extra friend.

Obviously, Ji Changze is not familiar with each other, but in order not to drink the painful medicine, he can only pinch his nose and admit that he and Ji Changze are good friends in front of his parents.

Then after seeing Ji Changze put down the medicine bowl, Zhou's father and Zhou's mother all began to praise each other's young and promising.

Ji Changze used to be called is the prodigal son. After everyone discovered that he didn't want to learn before, but his father was not able to get in It has changed a little bit.

But this change is at best that you don't hate the other party.

Later, the Hou Mansion didn't know what happened to the , Ji Changze's aunts took their concubines with him, and then Ji Changyan set up another door.

Then Ji Changze seemed like "I don't have to work hard anyway if I have a big brother." He didn't work as hard as before, and his homework started to be less brilliant than before.

It's not that Ji Changze doesn't do his homework, it's just that he is quite satisfactory, so that Zhou Raoling, who has seen him work so hard, can tell at a glance that the other party hasn't gotten much heart.

He is both puzzled and disagreeable about this. After all, even if his parents love him, as the second son who is destined to go out alone in the future, Zhou Raoling is still very crisis-conscious in his heart.

Knowing that he is not the eldest son, even the Imperial College will not be able to enter, let alone the absence of his parents in the future.

If you don't work hard, even if your eldest brother is willing to support you in the future, that day will definitely not be as cool as it is now.

With such thoughts, Zhou Raoling naturally didn't understand what Ji Changze was doing now to relax.

In his heart, the other party was the prodigal at the beginning, the prodigal afterwards turned around, and then the prodigal was willing to be mediocre.

And now, just waking up after being sick, the father and mother are actually full of praise to Ji Changze? ?

Zhou Raoling was at a loss. He had just recovered from a serious illness. He also said that he was not very quick. He could only watch his parents praising this classmate who was one year younger than him.

"I knew from the past that the children taught by the third mother of Zhou's family will definitely not be bad, and it is true today."

"Thanks to you today, if not, our family Rao Ling still doesn't know what to do."

"It's more than Rao Ling, our entire Zhou family is dependent on your child."

Zhou Rao made his mind more confused as he listened: "Father, mother, what are you talking about?"

Whatever I said, they all got involved in Zhou's face.

Ji Changze is a young man, what can he do for the Zhou family.

When Zhou's mother heard the question from her younger son, she looked back lovingly: "You were so dizzy and didn't know that you had a serious illness. Thanks to Changze for seeing you in a classmate, she personally treated you. Saved it."

Zhou Raoling: ""

He knew he had a serious illness.

It's just that Ji Changze, when will he see a doctor? ?

Ji Changze didn't bother Zhou Raoling's "Am I still dreaming" expression on his face, and said with a smile: "Uncle and auntie are really praised the younger generation too much, and the younger generation is just learning a little medicine."


Father Zhou laughed and said: "I have heard what my wife said, you are the princes and nobles who did not visit the doctor, and it is also our blessing that you came to the house because you are a good friend with him."

"Relying on this, Changze, I owe you a favor. If you have anything in the future, just say, as long as I can do it, I will do my best."

Ji Changze smiled as if embarrassed, but did not refuse.

He also didn't think that Zhou's father was really grateful that he was so grateful that it was impulsive to rush to promise regardless of the status of elders and officials.

Zhou's father's official position is not low.

He is definitely not a fool if he can be mixed into this official position from this family background.

What is Tianyuan disease?

At the beginning, even the Emperor Tianyuan, who had always had the name , was helpless. In order to save the entire country, he even sacrificed himself and used the monarch to walk into the city as a propaganda to temporarily wipe out the Tianyuan disease.

But such a terrible disease that was so terrible that the whole country had heard of it a hundred years ago, when it was in Ji Changze's hands, it didn't take much effort to kill it.

What a terrible ability this is.

Ji Changze has such an ability, he can't even be called a genius doctor.

And Tianyuan disease is contagious.

Zhou Raoling always loves to be clean, and that he can contract this disease means that it was passed on to him by outsiders.

Since it has spread from the outside, according to the speed of the Tianyuan disease, I am afraid that the entire imperial city is not well.

Once confirmed to be Tianyuan disease, it will be an absolute turmoil for the entire country.

But Ji Changze can cure him.

This is a medical technique that can save and live tens of thousands of people.

In order to find a cure for Tianyuan disease, Emperor Tianyuan once decreed that if anyone could save this catastrophe, he would be named a king of a different surname.

But no one could find a cure for Tianyuan disease a hundred years ago.

Now although a hundred years have passed, Emperor Tianyuan, Emperor Ming, once made an decree personally. Even if his majesty at the time was to follow the Emperor, he would never treat him badly, Ji Changze, who was able to treat Tianyuan disease.

At this time, Father Zhou extended an olive branch to Ji Changze, not only to repay the other party, but also to take the opportunity to take a ride.

Ji Changze's heart is clear, but he pretends to be shy and embarrassed, and Zhou's father is more satisfied.

"Changze, you and Rao Ling are classmates, and you are the same age at that time, are you in your teens this year?"

"Back to uncle, the junior is thirteen."

"Thirteen, eh! Thirteen is a good year, it's the best time. Rao Ling has a sister who is also thirteen years old. You are almost the same age."

Because he couldn't understand the current scene at all, Zhou Raoling had been silently shutting up and listening: "Father?!"

When he mentioned his daughter at home with the outsider, he didn't believe that it was not because he wanted to get married.

His younger sister was only one year apart from him. It was her mother who had been conceived by accident. She has always been loved by her parents, and Zhou Raoling also loved her very much.

How would he want to marry his younger sister to Ji Changze, a lazy classmate who just wants to sleep and read books every day?

Fortunately, Zhou Raoling reacted quickly, remembering that Ji Changze had a marriage contract, and hurriedly said: "What did you tell Changze about these ? My sister is my daughter's house, and can't talk to him. If you are grateful to him, then wait for Changze's fiancée to pass the door, and then the mother will bring others to the banquet."

This also means that Ji Changze has a fiancee.

Father Zhou was very sorry for the moment.

Ji Changze didn't see the expression on his face, "Why did you miss such a big golden mountain?", he just smiled and said, "Yes, uncle, the younger mother is devoted to the Buddha. At the banquet, the younger lady will pass the door at that time. If the aunt would be willing to take her with her, the younger would be very grateful."

Zhou's mother quickly agreed: "Naturally want it, Changze can rest assured, you and my family Rao Ling are good friends, and saved this child, in my heart, you are our family's savior, yours Madam, I must be treated like my own daughter."

"I just don't know which daughter it is?"

Ji Changze replied: "It is the daughter of the Gao family in the west of the city. She is two years older than me. The marriage has been decided, but we are still young and we will have to leave it for a few years."

Gaojia in the west of the city.

Zhou's mother often walked around in the capital, and she was roughly aware of the situation of the official family's disciples. When Ji Changze said this, she immediately remembered that the Gao family indeed had a daughter.

It's just that although the Gao family is a family member, the name outside is also good, but the official position of the Gao is slightly low.

Mr. Gao was born in a poor family, and his wife was the daughter of the master who taught him. Both husband and wife have no background. In addition, Mr. Gao was admitted all the way to but the whole Except for a very small number of officials in the courtroom who rely on family relations, aren't all the others who are admitted to the imperial examinations before they can sit on the official positions?

This tall man is not a talented person, he can only say that he is a person of integrity, he has a strong reading, and he has been admitted to with a lot of hard work, but being an official is not just an endorsement.

The tall man is the temperament of a scholar, but he may not be able to fit this officialdom.

So for many years, the official position has basically not moved much. In this imperial city where a brick can be hit on the heads of the sons of XX Hou's mansion, the official title of the tall man can be equal to It's a tiny official.

Had it not been for Ji Changze to add to the west of the city, Zhou Mu might not have been able to remember that there was still a tall man.

She recalled not very surely: "But the tall man from Guo Cheng?"

Ji Changze nodded very surely: "Guo Cheng is here."


That's really weird.

It was really the tall man she thought of.

But since there was an early marriage contract, it must be the time before the Zhou family's third mother had reconciled with Master Ji.

At that time, Ji Changze was also a grandchild of the Hou Mansion. Even if he was raised by his aunt, only his concubine status was considered. The daughter of the Gao family married him, that would be a high level.

It's not that the Gao family's daughter is bad, but based on Ji Changze's aunt's love for him, he shouldn't be inexplicably to choose a Gao family that will not help him in the future.

Ji Changze naturally knew what Zhou's mother was thinking, and said with a joke: "The Gao family's women are gentle and look very quiet. If my aunt meets by chance in the future and helps the younger generation to take care of them, the younger generation will be so grateful."

Seeing very quietly, that means meeting each other.

And it seems that Ji Changze is still very satisfied with Gao's daughter.

Zhou's mother had a count in her heart, and she accepted: "Relax, I must take good care of her."

Father Zhou didn't have a son-in-law, so it would be nice to wait for him to get closer, with a smile on his face, and he was happy again.

Not only is this happy, Ji Changze is also a good friend of Zhou Raoling.

People broke the rules for his little son. Could it be a bad relationship?

Rao Ling can have such a good friend, even if he goes out in the future, he can feel relieved.

"Fuzhong still doesn't know who has contracted this disease. It's better to take medicine to insure some . If the younger generation wants to go to the yard to concoct medicine, they will retire first."

Ji Changze's stove was still lit outside, and if he didn't look at it, he was afraid that the pills inside would disperse.

"Okay, okay, just ask if you have anything."

Waiting for Ji Changze to go out, Zhou's father looked eagerly at this young boy who could treat Tianyuan's disease with his back for a while. It was a pity that he couldn't do it.

"Why is there a marriage already, if not"

"Even if you don't have one, you can't marry your sister to him!" Zhou Raoling was anxious when he heard it, and said hurriedly: "He is not a good man worthy of trust."

Father Zhou gave his son a sideways glance: "How do you speak, they just saved you."

Zhou Raoling: "Even if he really saved me, I am grateful to him, I can give him all my money, help him with things, be a cow and a horse for him, but my sister cannot marry him ."

"Ji Changze is a slumber. At the beginning, he was playing with Gao's daughter in the street. If it weren't the case, how could the Hou Mansion hurriedly decide this marriage for him."

Mother Zhou frowned in disbelief: "I think this kid behaves politely, advancing and retreating well. It's not like the kind of unruly person. Don't talk nonsense."

"Where I am talking nonsense, what I said is the truth, but I have seen it with my own eyes, and I watched him clearly that he had to squeeze to the other girl from the Gao family, and touched other people's hands."

"At that time, so many people saw it, and Miss Gao was so scared that she cried. She ran away all the way."

What Zhou Raoling said was indeed what he saw with his own eyes. When he saw this scene, he wanted to go and rescue the other girl, but Gao directly scared away.

At that time, he felt that Ji Changze was lacking in virtue, and even if the girl Gao was just the daughter of a small official, she was from a pure white family.

He is a young master of the Hou Mansion, and is a man, so he can naturally be molested. After the play, he is said to be profligate, and at most scolding a few words are a bastard, then It's over.

But the tall girl can't do it.

The daughter of good people, innocent, was touched by a strange young master in front of so many people. It was like driving her to death .

At that time, Zhou Raoling saw Ji Changze not pleasing to his eyes, and later learned that the Hou Mansion proposed marriage to Zhou's family and marrying as his wife was regarded as a relief for the poor Gao girl.

Although marrying Ji Changze, just looking at the family background of the two sides, this marriage is the woman's Gao Pan, but he thinks that girl is unlucky, marrying such a nonchalant.

But this is better than being driven to death by rumors.

Later Ji Changze was exposed by Master Ji's jealousy. Zhou Raoling thought that this kid did indeed have talent, but his character was not good. I hope that he will be a good man in the future and not become like Master Ji.

Because this was always in my heart, even if Ji Changze was always very enthusiastic towards them, Zhou Raoling never wanted to get close to them.

He always felt that Ji Changze's character was really bad.

When Zhou Raoling said so, he thought his parents would agree, but when he raised his eyes, he saw that both of them looked at him with an expression of "how is this child like you".

Zhou Raoling: "?"

Zhou's mother is dignified, and her speech is gentle and gentle: "Rao Ling, many things can't be concluded by just looking at it. You said you think Changze's character is bad, but if it's really bad, how can you? Because you are sick, immediately follow me to the mansion for you?"

"Do you know that he can cure Tianyuan disease. With this ability, how many people have to hold him, our family is mixed in it, and we can't even hear it."

Father Zhou also nodded in agreement: "Yes, people regard you as a close friend, but you think of them this way in your heart. It's really not a gentleman's doing."

Both of them had a brief contact with Ji Changze.

In any case, Ji Changze risked getting sick and saved Zhou Raoling, who he thought was a good friend.

As a result, their son woke up and first confessed their friendship in front of Ji Changze, and then waited for Ji Changze to leave, and then said that he was not a friend of Ji Changze in his heart.

Isn't it troublesome?

"If he has a bad personality, he will do whatever he wants only by the beauty of his wife, because he is a member of the Hou Mansion. Isn't it easy to want a beautiful concubine? If he is more cruel, he will just marry a tall girl. Concubine, do you think the Gao family will agree to go down for the life of Gao girl?"

Both of them have met many people. Zhou's father saw cruel men the most, and Zhou's mother saw cruel women the most.

But no matter what it is, if Ji Changze is really just seeing a pretty beauty on the side of the road, he will go to the front flirt. Faced with the family background of the Gao girl, it is awkward to say that he does not need to marry at all The other party, just accept the concubine directly.

Naturally, it is cruel and humiliating to the Gao family, but this is the reality that the most powerful family in Beijing will most likely choose.

The males in the family are hopes for the future. Not only do they have to be talented themselves, but the wife's mother's family must also be a help.

With a family background like Miss Gao, Hou Mansion can directly talk about concubine.

After all, this kind of thing is said to be a loss for girls after all.

Others say that Ji Changze is shameless at most, but no matter how deep the condemnation is.

He directly married each other, and he was definitely not the kind of villain who relied on his poor family background to insult wantonly.

Zhou's father and Zhou's mother naturally did not expect that Ji Changze would make a marriage involuntarily. After all, when the other party mentioned his fiancée, the appearance was clearly very good.

They see too much character, but Ji Changze's body is clean and transparent, and the two of them don't notice the slightest scheming.

So, that must be Zhou Raoling's wrong understanding.

Zhou Raoling: ""

"I saw it with my own eyes, can there be fakes?"

"What you saw with your own eyes may not be the whole picture. You don't know the girl from the Gao family. How do you know what happened in the beginning? Just look at the sound of Changze's former name Not great, if it wasn't for that incident, who would have thought that he was actually threatened by his biological father not to make progress."

Zhou Raoling: ""

He has nothing to say.

"But I really don't know him"

"shut up!"

Zhou's father was a little angry, blowing his beard and staring: "How did I teach you? You must be honest with you when making friends. There is no way to be honest with others, and deceived people think they are best friends with you, wait until Secretly, did you turn your face and say bad things about the other party?"

"How do you look like a decent gentleman!"

Zhou Rao made the whole person dumbfounded: "No, father, I'm really not familiar with him. We have been classmates for so long, and we haven't said anything about ."

"Someone you don't know came to treat you specially?"

Zhou Raoling: ""

How did he know why Ji Changze came to treat him.

"But I Really"

"Okay, don't let me hear this in the future, otherwise even if I can get around you, your mother can't get around you."

Zhou Raoling: ""

He looked at his mother pitifully.

Mother Zhou made a calm face, as if he dared to say this kind of to break his leg.

Zhou Raoling: ""

He is really unfamiliar with Ji Changze! !


Ji Changze outside didn't know that Zhou Raoling was caught in the fear of male and female gangsters, and was focusing on guarding his little pot.

This was also brought in his medicine chest, a small pot full of Dangdang filled with various pinched pills.

Like a witch, Ji Changze hummed a song and took out various small bottles from his medicine chest, opened them one by one, and poured them into the pot.

These bottles are made of very good materials. The white jade bottles look very high-end and at the grade, but the juice poured out looks very good when you go to .

Green, red, blue, black.

Anyway, there is no color that makes people appetite.

Waiting for all the juice to be poured in, Ji Changze took out a spoon from the medicine box, put on his gloves, and stirred slowly, so that the pill and the juice touched each other. The pot comes down.

The cautious servants around watching this pill cooking scene were as if they were seeing some gods descending from the earth.

One by one, he couldn't do it cautiously, he didn't even dare to breathe very hard, and no one dared to make a sound.

Ji Changze scooped out a small pill with a spoon, and beckoned to let the boy closest to him come over.

"Come here and have a taste."

The young man also noticed a red rash on his arm . At this moment, he was so excited to hear that Young Master Ji let himself take medicine to cure the disease. He hurried to and respectfully. Ate this pill into his stomach.

Ji Changze motioned him to roll up his sleeves and counted silently in his heart.

In about a minute, the red rash on the arm began to fade away.

His pharmacy skills really haven't regressed, Ji Changze is very pleased.

He used a spoon to scoop a bowl of swarthy soup, took such a small bite, and handed it to the young man: "Drink this is to prevent it from being stained again 's concoction."

The little boy is like drinking a rare baby, drinking it all in one gulp.

Ji Changze asked him, "What does it taste like?"

The little boy hurriedly smacked his mouth and recalled: "It's a bit sweet and delicious."

He didn't dare to say that this concoction was delicious and he wanted to drink it again.

Sweet is right.

Ji Changze took out the paper and pen with satisfaction, and recorded the new ratio on .

This is an epidemic, not only to be treated, but also to be prevented in advance. Prevention is to prevent it all over the country. It is sweeter and it is also convenient for children to drink.

A dark pot of soup was filled with pills. This scene reminded Ji Changze of how easy it was when he was learning witch doctor skills in a primitive world.

The world is still very evocative, except that it was embarrassing for everyone to have no clothes to wear at the beginning, and everything was beautiful.

As he was about to let people divide the medicine, Zhou Rao opened the door of the house.

Although his body was still weak, the little boy who was not so pale moved out slowly, and some looked at Ji Changze unwillingly.

Finally, I took a serious thank you:

"Thank you brother Ji for saving my life."

Thank you sincerely.

Being at a loss is also really at a loss.

Because his parents insisted that he and Ji Changze had a very good relationship, even Ji Changze himself said the same, Zhou Raoling even began to wonder if he was sick and confused.

But he clearly remembered that he had always been very disagreeable with Ji Changze because of the high girl.

Zhou Raoling decided to ask clearly.

"What are you polite about? Our relationship can be called Thank you."

Ji Changze had a natural appearance of "we were friends originally", and there was absolutely nothing wrong on his face, and he waved at the other party:

"Come and drink the medicine. This is what I just brewed. After drinking it, it will not only help you recover from the disease, but it will also help you stop contracting this disease in the future."

Seeing him so enthusiastic for his own sake, Zhou Rao made ashamed in his heart.

People regard him as a good friend, and he says in his heart that they are a villain.

This fact is wrong.

Walking forward with a heavy footstep, seeing Ji Changze also specially found a small bowl for himself from the medicine cabinet, Zhou Rao made his heart feel more and more guilty.

But no matter how guilty, he still wants to ask clearly.

"Brother Ji, it seems that the relationship between you and me is not so close, right?"

Ji Changze still smiled: "What is Rao Ling's words , haven't we always been friends?"

"But I remember we didn't seem to say a few words."

"You remembered wrong."

"But I think I remembered correctly"

"Rao Ling, you are like this. I'm very sad. I told Wang Zizhi before that I looked like a small belly and sloppy. Don't explain it first. Just your mouth. You really think this Can't get things in my ears?"

Ji Changze handed the medicine bowl over and interrupted him: "You hold it and wait for me."

Zhou Raoling was interrupted, holding the medicine bowl obediently in a daze, standing there, watching Ji Changze turn around and search for it in the medicine chest, rummaged and found a small white bottle.

He suddenly forgot about friends or not.

As soon as they rescued him, he revealed that he had spoken ill of others.

Zhou Raoling entered Ji Changze for a while, thinking that if he was the other party, he would definitely leave and he would cure a ghost.

As a result, Ji Changze not only didn't leave, but he was here to help him adjust the medicine.

And while adjusting the medicine, he raised his eyes and said to him: "But those things are all past. You and I are friends. How can I account for such trivial things."

The aura of the Father seemed to shine on the opponent's head .

Zhou Raoling was in a trance.

Ji Changze looked like a handsome character at this time, why did he think that the other party was a sinister villain with a small belly in the past.

I can't blame my father and mother for being angry. If he is, he is also angry. He tried to explain:

"Brother Ji, I'm really sorry. I used to have too many misunderstandings about you. I never thought that you would come to help me diagnose and treat me. It is not an exaggeration to say that I owe you a life. Command, I am sorry for you."


No matter where the problem occurred, Ji Changze really regarded him as a friend.

Zhou Raoling seriously put away all the prejudices he had had against each other.

"Brother Ji, we will be good brothers in the future."

"It used to be I am indeed not."

He sincerely repented: "I shouldn't spread rumors in the academy that you will become a little boy when you grow up slowly, nor should you tell your classmates that you might be a big fat guy if you eat too much. When you peeked at the drawing book the next time in class, I shouldn't have sued my husband, so all your drawing book was confiscated.

Also on times, when you were sleeping under the tree, I also kicked the tree quietly, making you all covered with leaves, but you have to believe me, brother Ji, I really It's for your own good. I don't think you read like you used to, and you sit and sleep under a tree all day. I'm afraid that you don't have a good exam at the age. "

Every time he said, Ji Changze poured more medicine into the medicine bowl .

To be honest, when he makes friends, he always takes the initiative to reach out.

Only Zhou Raoling.

With a single skill, success merit attracted Ji Changze's attention.

Waiting for Zhou Raoling to finish.

Ji Changze has spilled a bottle of juice into the medicine bowl.

"Don't worry, I am not a fool. I knew you did these things, good brother, true temperament! Otherwise, I wouldn't be friends with you. Right."

He smiled all over his face, and pushed the medicine bowl to Zhou Raoling's mouth:

"Good brother, it's okay, don't always keep those old things in your heart, small belly chicken intestines, these I've long since taken care of them , I won't take it to my heart in the future , come, take medicine, take medicine, and forget the past for the past."

Zhou Rao let his heart loose.

Hey, he really misunderstood Ji Changze.

How could he feel that Ji Changze has a small belly and chicken intestines.

Thinking about it, I can't help but feel very guilty and cherish: "Brother Ji, you don't hold grudges"

After speaking, he safely took a sip from the medicine bowl.

Then his face froze.

This familiar bitterness.

All of a sudden, Zhou Raoling's head was stunned.

"Ji, Brother Ji"

Zhou Raoling's whole person was numb.

Trembling, he asked: "Is this medicine a bit bitter?"


Ji Changze looked at the black Gulongdong potion and sniffed: "That may be because the medicinal materials are not enough."

He took out the bottle of the same style as the little jade bottle just now, and filled it with a bottle of concoction without money.

Very intimately said: "You will try again."

Zhou Raoling didn't doubt that he was there, so he picked up the medicine bowl and took a sip of .

He was going to be stupid.

"This, isn't this more bitter?"

"Hey, good medicine, you can drink it without worry, there is not enough for me to have."

With that said, Ji Changze took out four or five small bottles that were exactly the same, in a posture of "We have enough control here".

Zhou Raoling saw clearly the words on .


Zhou Raoling: ""

"Brother Ji, aren't we friends?"

Ji Changze smiled and nodded: "Yes, we are friends. Drink friends. If you still want to drink after drinking, I will help you add more."

Zhou Raoling: "Aren't you holding grudges?"

"Yes, I won't hold grudges after you drink this medicine. If you don't drink it, then you can't tell."

"This is a friend's treatment. No one else has it. You can drink it quickly, or it will waste my painstaking effort. If you don't like to drink this , you can drink the enhanced version directly. I believe you will like it. of."

Zhou Raoling: ""

He didn't really want to know what the enhanced version was.

He also knew that he was wrong in his heart, so he didn't dare to resist, so he could only whisper weakly: "Can you not drink it? Actually, I think my body is almost better. Brother Ji, we are friends."

Ji Changze shook the small bottle in his hand, with a cordial tone and a kind face:

"Friend, drink."

Zhou Raoling: ""

He seems to understand why Ji Changze wants to make friends with him.

In the end, for the precious, hard-won, ever-changing friendship, he gritted his teeth, endured the suffering, and drank the medicine cleanly.

After drinking, his eyes were moved and moistened.

Just like that, I sniffed without crying, "Brother Ji, will we be good friends in the future?"

Ji Changze patted him on the shoulder:

"Yes, of course it is."

Zhou Raoling, a gossip king with a big mouth.

But also a fool who is keen on nosy.

Naturally, he didn't know. After he hadn't experienced in his life, he had killed a bunch of people by a man surnamed Ji, he took the money to relieve the poor one. Gao's girl.

Then the friend Ji Changze was attracted.

Of course, his outstanding personal ability to kill has also made a huge contribution to this.

After reaching the transaction friends, Ji Changze distributed the pills to Zhou's house.

I was planning to go out with the medicine box on his back and take a look at the house first. He opened the gate of the palace.

Martial law is out there.

Martial law in broad daylight is either a war or a major event.

Combine this disease

It has been a long time since Zhou Rao made the disease , the person who infected him is afraid that a large number of people have been passed out long ago.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for the imperial city to find out.

It's just a coincidence.

Ji Changze looked at the soldiers outside who covered their faces, and turned back to Zhou Raoling who had come to send him off and said:

"I can't get out. I am afraid that the entire imperial city is under martial law."

Zhou Raoling didn't think there was anything at all: "It must be because of Tianyuan disease. As long as you say you can cure it, you might still see your Majesty."

Ji Changze glanced at him.

Zhou Raoling: "Why do I feel that you just called me stupid without saying a word?"

"You heard me right, I just scolded."

Ji Changze continued to look outside: "The situation must be chaotic now. I rashly went out and said that I would treat the disease. The ghost knows if they will be killed as a infected person. You and these Soldiers with command lines say these are useless."

People are also afraid of death, and now there is martial law outside. Even if you come out without permission, if you encounter a reckless man, it is not illegal to hack to death with a slash.

"Moreover, if you take the initiative to come to the door and say that you will cure the disease, will the effect be the same as when someone asks you to go to for treatment?"

One is likely to be suspected of being a liar, and then I don't know how much time it will take to verify that what he said is true.

The other one is completely different.

If you are respected, please go to for treatment. Everyone will absolutely trust what he says , then the efficiency will be doubled.

Zhou Raoling didn't really understand it, but it didn't prevent him from understanding that Ji Changze meant to invite someone.

"Don't let it out now, why please?"

"Shanren has a clever plan."

Ji Changze walked back, thought for a while, and looked at the supplies in his medicine cabinet.

He was still worried about how to retaliate against that person.

It's alright now, and the opportunity comes to the door.