The Concubine of Hou's House (18)

The Golden armor guards outside all wore Yan Yanshi 实 , and they also wore face towels on their faces. They were silent and talked with each other. They looked fierce, but for a while For a while, there will be no major events in everybody in the capital.

This is also thanks to the good head brought down by Emperor Tianyuan before. Since then , whenever a disease is found, the Imperial City will immediately give the fastest instructions.

The golden armor guards with the most powerful methods will dispatch troops quickly, with full weapons and equipment, and wearing face towels to avoid infection, and quickly control the inflow and outflow of all street people .

Afterwards close all the gates for entering and exiting the capital.

People outside can't come in, people inside can't get out either.

After ensuring that there are people on all streets , Jinjiawei will take the doctor and knock on the door one by one. Once it is found that people with symptoms of Tianyuan disease appear, they will be taken away immediately.

Naturally, it is not that there is no cure for Tianyuan disease, it is just that both legs may become paralyzed after cure.

These taken away will be sent to the selected location of the imperial city for treatment.

This is the best decision the emperor can give, but for those patients , after this trip, 99% of them return will not come.

It is precisely because the patients who do not cooperate, the Jinjiawei will be sent. No matter how the emperor is the Mingjun, this is also a dynasty where the imperial power is supreme. Jinjiawei has the right to kill people who do not cooperate on the spot .

Of course, as long as you cooperate, it will definitely be fine.

Ji Chang ze watched the number of golden guards at the door.

The Golden Guard will patrol the imperial city from time to time, but this time the number is at least three times more than the usual number of epidemics.

The response is so fast, and the response is so close to the enemy.

Looking at the solemn temperament of each of them, Jin Jiawei will take many doctors carrying medicine boxes out of the street.

Although it is common to gather the doctors during the epidemic and ask them to cooperate in the removal of the epidemic in the imperial city .

But the direction that these doctors were taken was the imperial city.

Ji Chang Ze closed the door and said to Zhou Raoling: "There is an accident in the imperial city."

Zhou Raoling: "Huh?"

Father Zhou had just been observing the situation outside , when he heard this, he nodded and agreed: "Look at the person who had the trouble , the lowest is the prince."

Ji Chang Ze: "Not the prince, if it were the prince, Jin Jiawei would not be sent so many."

No matter how big things happen, defending the emperor's safety is Jin Jiawei's first task.

And so many golden armor guards came out, it means that the person they want to protect is now encountering more dangerous things.

Father Zhou nodded, then hit the door to open a small gap.

He counted the number of golden guards outside, and told Ji Chang Ze back to .

Ji Chang ze counted silently in his heart: "All the fifty thousand golden guards have been dispatched."

Of course, there must be people around the emperor .

But Jin Jiawei was all out, and 100% of it was the emperor's accident.

Father Zhou also nodded solemnly.

He was a royalist, the emperor had an accident, and his face was so natural that he couldn't see where he was going.

Zhou Raoling: "..."

"No, there are less than fifty Golden Armored Guards out there. How do you guess that all 50,000 Golden Armored soldiers were dispatched based on them?"

Ji Chang ze ignored him.

Zhou Raoling is a nerd. In on weekdays, except for gossips , they go to college and go out by carriage. I certainly don't know how many streets there are in Beijing.

The imperial city is not only called an imperial city because the emperor lives, at least this country is not.

The imperial city is as big.

The total number of Jin Jiawei is 50,000, and one street in the capital has been dispatched so much. It only needs to be estimated for a little bit.

If something happens to the emperor, Ji Chang Ze's original plan will be changed.

If something happens to the other party, it must be a big turmoil for this country. He has just gained a foothold, and he doesn't want to fight so soon.

Ji Chang Zehui glanced at Father Zhou, Father Zhou nodded.

Zhou Raoling looked at the two people inexplicably, and exchanged: "You want to... eh!"

Father Zhou pushed the gap in the gate wide.

Leaning on the door, Zhou Rao Ling, who almost fell forced to stand up: "Father, what are you doing, don't kill me!"

Ji Chang Ze grabbed him: "Don't make a noise, he is paving the way for you."

Zhou's father was indeed playing to find a chance for this less successful little son.

Tianshidi if he doesn't go now, it would be a waste of opportunity.

"Guys and soldiers, everyone!"

The golden armor guards heard the sound and immediately sent a small team to come over.

They also knew that this place was all official residences, although they were cold and serious, they didn't directly drive people back to .

"This lord , there is an outbreak in the capital, please also lord cooperate, don't move around in the mansion."

"This official knows that this official called all the soldiers here to say that the official's son has also contracted the disease."

With that, Zhou Raoling, who was still at a loss, pushed out.

Those Golden Guards immediately took a step back and looked alert, apparently knowing that the disease was contagious.

Father Zhou continued: "But he has been cured."

Ji Chang ze walked out slowly, and was immediately introduced by Zhou's father: "This doctor Ji cured him."

The golden armor guards had suspicious eyes, and looked at each other , as if they didn't believe it very much.

Finally , the captain of the team fisted: "Please also adults "

This is going to ask someone who can talk coming.

After a while, the sound of riding a horse came, and a man wearing a cloak and a face scarf was sitting on the horse. The horse was all white and there was no trace of wool.

Father Zhou whispered to Ji Chang ze next to him: "This is the leader of the Jinjiawei. His Majesty has always pointed out people in person , the last one, what do I remember, what is Li Yuan, he is quite old? I'm old. I died of illness last month. I don't know what the new leader of Jinjiawei is. I haven't been in contact with him yet. I don't know if this person is good to talk."

Ji Chang ze stared at the person sitting on the horse who came here, his eyes thoughtful.

Over there, when the person arrived, Jin Jiawei immediately reported.

After finishing talking, he asked: "My lord , this person is only thirteen or fourteen years old, but he says he can cure the disease, you see?"

The leader of Jin Jiawei sitting on the horse looked over in silence.

As soon as he looked over, the Golden Guard soldiers all followed towards this side.

Although there are only a dozen people in , no one in the imperial city knows how terrible the Golden Armor Guards are.

Father Zhou was breathing for a while, and Zhou Raoling hid behind his father .

Carefully tugged at Ji Chang Zehou 's clothes, whispered: "Chang Ze, or forget it, Jin Jiawei is not easy to provoke.

Jin Jiawei was at this special moment, but even the ministers could say that they were killed.

Ji Chang Ze is not afraid at all.

Not only was he not afraid, he even took a step forward.

Under Zhou Raoling's horrified sight, he grabbed the arm of the Jin Jiawei leader, stepped on the stirrup and got on the horse.

The leader of the Jin Jiawei didn't know if he was mad, and without looking back at , he turned his horse's head to leave.

No one knows where Jin Jiawei will take Ji Chang ze.

But he took the person away without even asking.

Zhou's family heart all mentioned in his throat.

Ji Chang Ze is a white body, or the Lord sent him to the door. No matter what Jin Jiawei does to him, your majesty will not be more angry.

"wait wait wait!"

Zhou Rao made the whole person dumbfounded. Seeing Jin Jiawei was going to take away Ji Chang Ze, his legs were so frightened that he stood up cautiously and raised his arms to show that he had faded but stayed. Scarred wounds.

"I am the one healed , if you don't believe it, just look at it."

"He didn't lie, he can really cure Tianyuan disease."

The leader of Jin Jiawei turned back and glanced at Zhou Raoling who was about to cry in fear.

The subordinates looked at him: "The leader?"

"In this case, take it away together."

Three minutes later , Zhou Raoling walked beside the horse with Jin Jiawei, raised his head and whispered to Ji Chang Ze: "Brother Ji, don't be afraid. I am the son of a minister. With me, they will not treat you. what for."

Ji Chang Ze has subtle eyes: "Rao Ling, your legs are shaking."

Zhou Rao Linghe only his legs were shaking, and his whole person was shaking like a seaweed and seaweed. In such a cold day, his head was sweaty.

Going to die the duck-mouthed denial: "I, I don't, I'm just a little cold."

Next to him, Jin Jiawei intimately covered him with a cloak.

Zhou Raoling, who was suddenly covered by a cloak, said: "..."

At that moment, his whole person was frightened.

Ji Chang Zawaken He was so scared that still had to follow up, and asked him: "Since you are scared, what are you going to do with you."

"Who, who said I'm scared, I'm just, afraid of you alone scared, anyway, you are also my savior , although I like to talkers bad things , But still, it was reported by Zhien."

Zhou Raoling wiped the sweat from his head and tried to make himself very reliable: "Don't be afraid. With me here, they will definitely treat you as a guest of honor. You see, see, along the way, you are not at all Do you always sit on the horse while walking? So, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

He was so frightened to report that he was so scared he had to keep up, Ji Chang Ze Yeshi couldn't bear to tease anymore.

"Okay, I'm not afraid."

Zhou Raoling: "To be afraid is to be afraid. I won't laugh at you. Let me tell you that we may go to the imperial city to meet Your Majesty..."

When he mentioned the word, his face twitched in fear.

For those who are more than ten who have never seen a prince before , suddenly they may have to meet to the emperor, Zhou Rao made such a timid character. The reaction is not happiness and glory, but fear.

After all, their lives can be equated to being held in the hands of your majesty. If your majesty is unhappy and kills them directly, no one dare to say a word.

"See Your Majesty... It's a good thing, Brother Ji, you, you sit firmly, don't fall down."

He glanced carefully at the leader who was looking ahead, and whispered: "This leader looks like a fair man, don't make trouble for others 's family."

It doesn't matter if you cause trouble, the only thing you are afraid of is that the other party feels troublesome and draws the knife directly.

Thinking of this, Zhou Raoling was frightened again.

Ji Chang Zeshi was worried that the other party hadn't reached the ground Fang had already scared himself to death directly stretched out his hand to tear off the person sitting in front The hood on the head and the face towel on the face.

"Look at who this is?"

Zhou Raoling was so scared by his bold move that he almost fainted.

"You, how dare you... My lord , my lord don't be angry, my friend is a low-handed man. He doesn't mean anything else.

He was apologizing upside-down, and when his gaze fell on the face of the leader of Jin Jiawei, his voice suddenly stopped.

"Ji, Ji's eldest brother?"

Ji Chang Zawa leisurely sits on the horse.

That's right, the newly appointed Jin Jiawei leader is Ji Chang Yan.

To tell you the truth, Ji Chang Ze really didn't know before. Ji Chang Yan always regarded him as a kid. It's delicious and fun. What's the advantage? Thinking of him.

But those in Ji Chang Yan's opinion are major events, and generally, would not tell his brother.

But the two days are not uncommon face, what is the shape of the opponent, Ji Chang Ze can still recognize it.

He looked at Ji Chang Yan, whose face was paler because he wore a black armor: "Brother, you haven't taken care of your body yet, okay?"

Since the outbreak of the disease, Ji Chang yan has been running around, thinking about things 's brain has not stopped and worked, his body is a bit overloaded, and his face is indeed a little pale.

But the spirit head is very good, obviously he enjoys this way of working.

"It's okay, it's you, didn't I let you time stay at home or do not walk around in the pharmacy? Why did you go to Master Zhou 's house?"

Ji Chang Ze immediately threw the pot: "I was reading in the drugstore, but Zhou Raoling became ill, so I wanted to cure him wherever I could stay. Who knows that he can only find out after a cure. He turned out to be Tianyuan Disease. Fortunately, I studied it when I mentioned Tianyuan Disease in the medical books before, otherwise it would really not be cured."

Ji Chang Yan very naturally accepted this explanation.

In his heart, his younger brother has always been good in every way, and it's normal to go out enthusiastically for friends.

"Brother, how did you respond to , did you know that Tianyuan was sick a long time ago, why didn't you let me try?"

There are others around , Ji Chang Yan said concisely: "I never thought that you would even cure this."

Tianyuan disease is different from other diseases. It is an infectious disease.

Therefore, after learning about this , Ji Chang Yan never thought of letting Ji Chang ze try.

If the younger brother gets infected, how can he be worthy of each other, and how can make his mother forgive him.

He just didn't expect that he kept dying die hiding the news, only told the other person not to leave the pharmacy at home, and also led away all the patients who wanted to go to the pharmacy.

It turned out that something happened to your Majesty in the palace. After he left for a while, his younger brother actually went to Zhou's house at that time.

Ji Chang Ze suddenly realized.

He said, no wonder he hadn't opened a business since he opened a drugstore, and the only business he had found himself.

Dare to love not because there are no people in the new shop angry, but because Ji Chang Yan, who is worried about him, is stopped.

This can be said.

Ji Chang ze leaned down and patted Zhou Raoling's shoulder, whose face was unintelligible: "You are lucky."

Zhou Raoling: "..."

He originally wanted to keep up because he was afraid that these Jinjiawei would not take the now-white Ji Chang Ze back to it would be possible to kill him if he provokes him on the road.

But now that I know that the leader of Jin Jiawei is Ji Chang Yan...

Zhou Raoling's timid and fearful temper reappeared.

He looked at Ji Chang Yan cautiously: "Brother Ji family, then, since it is you, Chang Ze will naturally be taken care of by you. Isn't it all right for me, or I'm still Go back to 's house."

"Don't send me off, I just walk back to ."

Ji Chang Ze grabbed the person who turned and wanted to leave "What are you going, we are good brothers, we are going to the palace together."

Zhou Rao made a dry smile: "No need. In fact, We have not been good brothers for so long ...I won't go."

"Although it's not long , you have always been my best friend in my mind. Such a good thing, how can I not take you."

Zhou Rao Lingshi is saying but Ji Chang Ze, can only look at Ji Chang Yan pitifully.

"Brother Ji's..."

Ji Chang Yanhui glanced at his younger brother who was smiling brilliantly, and boasted: "Chang ze thinks of you so, so don't refuse."

In his eyes, Ji Chang Ze is naturally good everywhere.

He was willing to give Zhou Raoling such great credit for curing his Majesty.

That is to say, long ze is such a kind and transparent person can do it.

Zhou Raoling: "..."

He always felt that Ji's brother had some misunderstanding about Ji Chang ze.

But the other party is now dressed in black armor, looking at even more powerful than before. He dared to argue with Ji Chang Ze you come to me, but he didn't dare to talk to Ji Chang Presumptuous in front of you.

He can only droop his head and follow behind

Ji Chang ze slapped the flatter, and let the horse run faster.

Waiting for the person who was following to be far away, he was curious to ask Ji Chang Yan: "Brother, how can you go back to , you don't know martial arts. How can you still be the leader of the Golden Armor Guard?"

Ji Chang Yanqing faintly: "The leader of Jinjiawei has never been able to do martial arts."

Commanding 50,000 Golden Armor Guards is not something that can be done well as long as you have time. Every time the emperor chooses a new Golden Armor Guardian, he must inspect the opponent for at least five years.

Ji Chang Yan, who has been ill since he became ill, has never been able to get such a position. Ji Chang Ze thought about it for a while.

"Could it be... the letter?"

Ji Chang Yan has always had the habit of making pen pals.

Five lakes and four seas, Tiannandi North, Yiwen meet friends.

Before he played be regarded as the academy that sent Ji Chang Ze, the dean was Ji Chang Yan's pen pal.

It can be said that these years of development veins are all made by penpals.

Ji Chang Yan also affirmed this speculation.

"Your Majesty is also my pen pal."

To be precise, His Majesty is his chosen pen pal.

He has been ill for so many years, and he has made friends all over the world through so many years, naturally, it is not only the so-called fate.

Some pen pals were first selected by Ji Chang before the pigeon flew to Ren 's house.

It is naturally very difficult to cultivate pigeons that can be divided into the palace and fly accurately to the emperor's hands.

But fortunately, Ji Chang Yan succeeded.

And before that, he had a dozen pen pals alone, and each of them had similar attitudes, all of them treating friends.

In addition to the Yiwen Members, they will also tell each other about each other's pain, what happened recently, and so on.

Because most pen pals don't share names, this kind of statement is definitely a way to relax for pen pals.

After the emperor got the letter , the first reaction was definitely not that the pigeon flew to him so accidentally, but whether someone deliberately let the pigeon fly over.

At this time, Ji Chang yan's dozens of pen pals before him became strong evidence of his innocence.

And when he relaxes his guard, a king on the dragon chair of Chengri who is in the palace, it is impossible to have any friends, will hide his identity, and a person who knows his identity Communication generates interest, which can also be inferred.

It took four years for Ji Chang Yan to get there.

And to gain the emperor's trust, his talents, ambitions, heart to serve the country, and feelings of powerlessness in physical illness were all conveyed to the emperor.

Similarly, a person who does not know his identity but is talented, and his own ambitions , the emperor slowly develops a good impression of Ji Chang and It's normal to have more regrets for working for yourself.

Ji Chang Ze smacking: "So long time..."

Ji Chang Yan didn't hide anything. Perhaps he was stimulated by Master Ji when he was a child. He always wanted to spend hundreds of his eyes on the outsider he identified as .

However, he never hides it from his relatives (at most go around and say nothing).

"In the beginning, I just wanted to leave you a few more back roads."

He got the friendship of the emperor, even if the friendship may be very shallow, but as long as Ji Chang Yan writes a letter at the end of the day.

It expresses the worry that I am not afraid of death , but fear that after death mother and brother are unattended .

For the lofty king of a country, taking care of a teenager year-old and the head of the Hou Mansion mother is not a matter of raising your hand.

Ji Chang Yan himself did not expect that his younger brother who had always been regarded as in need of protection could actually pull him out of the ghost gate through self-study of medical skills.

From noticing that his physical pain was disappearing and his strength was recovering, Ji Chang Yan immediately adjusted his plan.

When writing a letter, he told his "pen pal" with joy that his younger brother had been studying medical books in order to save him. His younger brother was talented and found a way to save him.

His body is gradually recovering, and his previous ambitions and ideals can also be realized opportunities, and he feels like he has been reborn.

Full of joy, the message is: He is cured, and the emperor can come and use his sharp weapon.

Afterwards , Ji Chang Yan got the position of the leader of the Jinjiawei.

When he said these to Ji Chang ze, they were all simple words, but Ji Chang Ze guessed that there was no Ji Chang Yan said it was so easy.

At least the position of the leader of the Golden Armor Guard, as far as he knows, is to be assessed.

It is not only an assessment of IQ, but also the force value of reaction ability, which can be called very dangerous.

How Ji Chang Yan passed the assessment after recovering from a serious illness, Ji Chang ze does not know.

He is really guilty at the moment.

I patted the dust on my elder brother's clothes, and whispered: "Big brother, I didn't help you, I'm too lazy."

If it wasn't that he wanted to be lazy and wanted to take the opportunity to rest, Ji Chang Yan had him to share the burden, and he certainly didn't have to fight like that.

Ji Chang Yanhui glanced at his younger brother, a smile flashed in his eyes: "What are you talking about, you are young and like to play is very normal."

"Big Brother, I have been lying in the hospital bed for so many years, and I have long wanted to move my muscles and bones. You don't have to worry about anything, don't think too much, you don't have to worry about anything, just do what you want to do."

With that, he freed up a hand to pat Ji Chang Ze on the head.

"If you are really lazy, you won't open that pharmacy. I know you have no interest in officialdom. It doesn't matter. I really like the feeling of being in officialdom. These have me."

Ji Chang ze was stunned for a while.

For Master Ji, Ji Chang Yan is a sinner.

But for Ji Chang Ze, Ji Chang Yan is indeed a good eldest brother.

In the original timeline, when he knew that he was dead the road was still paving the way for his mother and brother, he didn't even dream about it, but in the end, will die In the hands of the original owner .

If it is not the original owner vicious, kill the big brother.

Ji Chang yan left him with the pulse, enough for the original owner ping and shun for a lifetime, there will always be someone to protect.

But the original owner personally destroyed his rich life.

Before the death of , Ji Chang Yan of the last timeline should have been disappointed when he realized that the younger brother he had been protecting would want to kill him.

Ji Chang Ze did not speak, and handed over the kettle: "Drink some water, and see Your Majesty, I'm afraid I won't have time to eat and drink for a while."

Zhou Raoling chased after all the hardships: "Brother Ji, Ji, what are you doing so fast, wait for me, these Jinjiawei brothers, they look too, too serious, I dare not be alone with them. together."

"You guys slow down, slow down."

Ji Chang Zehui came over, and immediately laughed at the other party unceremoniously: "Who makes you so courageous, I think you are not only suffering from Tianyuan disease, you also suffer from cowardice. Wait and wait, when I have time, I will help you heal."

"No, it's not as harmful as you , don't flatter. Don't shoot, don't shoot, it's okay, I've taken it, I'm timid, let's go together, okay."

Ji Chang ze smiled all at once.

He really smiled as happy as a real thirteen-year-old boy.


When he knew that Ji Chang Yan had brought his younger brother to visit , and said that his younger brother could treat Tianyuan disease, the emperor was sitting on the dragon bed with rashes all over his body.

These rashes were supposed to make him itchy and unbearable, and he couldn't resist scratching, but the emperor was able to sit still, and even though his hands trembled slightly, he never lifted up to scratch the rash on his face.

The eunuch who was waiting next to him whispered: "Your Majesty, I heard that Lord Ji 's younger brother is only thirteen years old this year..."

The thirteen-year-old young master of the Hou Mansion, who was brought up by the Jin Zunyu noble, was very unbelievable with his medical skills, and he had to be able to cure the Tianyuan disease.

This is because people can't believe it.

The emperor understood what the eunuch meant, but he believed it very much in his heart.

In a sense, he can be regarded as looking at Ji Chang Ze Chang big.

Ji Chang Yan didn't know who he was, but when he received the first letter, he investigated Ji's situation clearly.

At that time, Ji Chang yan had been sentenced to death by many doctors, and everyone said he would not live long.

A dying person wanted to make a pen pal, which was very easily let the emperor let go of his guard.

People are going to die , what else is he afraid of.

But I didn't expect that Ji Chang Yan was indeed very talented. Even if he was still ill, he handled a lot of tricky things for the emperor. Of course, these were all without the other party's knowledge Situation situation.

The emperor gradually felt sorry.

Such a person was supposed to be his minister of brachii and help him develop the world together.

But it was ruined in the battle of the house. Even if it was full of money, he still had to lie on the sick bed all day long.

As a result, the regretful emperor slowly turned his attention to Ji Chang Yan's younger brother, Ji Chang Ze, who was raised by his mother.

Ji Chang Yan often mentioned this younger brother.

He is said to be naughty and always unable to hold his temper, but it is precisely because of the vigor of the other party, Ji Chang him, because that is the health he can't imagine in his entire life.

Wednesday Niang really taught Ji Chang ze as her own biological son. If you make trouble, you will be punished. Ji Chang Yan also wrote about the troubles that his younger brother has done without evasiveness. These Things should have bored the emperor who hated bear children.

But in Ji Chang Yan's pen, the Ji Chang ze written by him has become a little young master who is naughty, but makes people feel full of energy when looks at it.

The emperor inevitably developed a good impression on Ji Chang ze, and even hoped that the other party would be as talented as the Chang brother and enter the court to serve him.

It's a pity that Ji Chang Ze is not that piece of material, not to mention fun, his reputation is not good.

Even so, Yuuki Chang Yan's main perspective is in, and the emperor didn't feel any ill feeling towards the other party. He only felt that this was a normal person who was pampered by his family and therefore lawless child.

After all, Ji Chang Yan is talented, but there is not much time In this situation Wednesday mother no longer hopes that her youngest son can become a pillar of the country, she only hopes that he can be safe and healthy Being happy is also very normal.

He even thought about it, waiting for Ji Chang to leave, he will take care of Ji Chang ze, so that the other party can live as before even if he loses his brother .

As a result, all the people feel that the reputation is not good, and the playful and playful Ji Chang ze has been secretly studying medicine.

He didn't say anything, even Ji Chang Yan, who was so wise and close to the demon, didn't know.

For so many years, the emperor has been kept secret.

Ji Chang Yan said that when his younger brother cured him, the emperor's first reaction was unbelievable.

That's Ji Chang Ze.

From childhood to most of them are playful and arrogant, only know Ji Chang ze who plays everywhere.

But the person he sent out return , they told him indeed that Ji Chang yan's health had improved.

They also found a large number of medical books under Ji Chang ze's bed, which should have been hidden under the bed and read it secretly.

After the emperor was unbelievable , he turned to "as expected."

Ji Chang Yan is so smart, how can his younger brother be a mediocre again.

It's just that the two brothers light up different dots.

The emperor often sent his trusted doctor to help Ji Chang Yan treat the illness when he asked the doctor in the Hou Mansion. At that time, all the replies that the doctor returned to were helpless and expressed this It's a miracle that Ji Chang Yan can last so long under the circumstances.

As a result, Ji Chang Ze was only thirteen years old and could cure countless illnesses that the imperial doctors could not help. The emperor lacked everything, no money, no people , the only thing he couldn't control was disease.

In such a situation , how can not be excited about Ji Chang Ze from learning medicine.

Worthy of being Ji Chang Yan's younger brother.

Ji Chang Yan expressed that although his younger brother is so powerful, he is still very worried. After all, he has never heard of any powerful son who goes to be a doctor. Even if he is a royal doctor, he has the highest position. It's not so high.

Moreover, Ji Chang ze is lazy. When his older brother was ill, he could barely hold up and try to be a mother's support.

After came and he recovered, the child returned to to the original lazy appearance. In Chengri he was either playing around or researching his various drugs , he was very Worry about what the other party should do in the future etc.

The emperor admired that Ji Chang Yan, who has always been omnipotent, would also have a headache for his younger brother, and he was secretly refreshed in his heart.

He thought very confidently that Ji Chang Yan might never know in this life, he, the emperor, would personally arrange Ji Chang ze's future.

When the illness was just discovered, the emperor indeed thought of Guo Jichang ze.

But chronic diseases and infectious diseases are still different.

In addition, Ji Chang Ze is only thirteen years old. Before, he quietly studied medicine to save Ji Chang Yan. I want to know that his direction of learning must be specializing in Ji Chang Yan's disease. .

The emperor thought about cultivating the opponent slowly, but didn't he get Tianyuan disease without cultivating it?

He hadn't counted on Ji Chang ze.

did not expect...

The corner of the emperor's mouth slowly cocked, and then, with a blank look on the eunuch's face, he laughed.

"Okay, okay."

"The brothers really didn't disappoint me."

A talented person who guards his country.

A man full of medical skills, guarding himself .

The emperor thought that the bastard father of the brothers must have done many bad things and many bad things in his previous life.

If not for many good things, how can get such a pair of unicorns.

If it weren't for doing a lot of evil things, how can abruptly throw this pair of unicorns away.

The three very are approaching the emperor's palace.

Ji Chang Ze Gui respectfully paid a visit to and raised his head to meet the emperor's sight.

The other person looked at him with satisfaction, and there was so little...kindness?

Ji Chang ze glanced at the respectful Ji Chang yan next to him, and he understood.

Ji Chang Yan must have praised him in various ways in front of the emperor.

And definitely more than once.

When the emperor asked if he could really treat Tianyuan's disease, Ji Chang Zehui what he answered was a happy one.

"Back to Your Majesty, not only can the minister be cured, but the minister can also make a medicine. After taking this medicine, he will never get Tianyuan disease again."

Ji Chang Ze is quite bold and wants paper and pen to quickly write down the herbs he needs.

"These are the herbs, and the rest are not needed. The minister suggested that your majesty buy them at a high price. This is not only to put people's minds at ease, but also to let those medicine shops be grateful for your majesty's kindness."

Buy it and buy it at a high price.

The emperor looked at Ji Chang Ze's excitement again, and the eagerness in his eyes couldn't wait to jump out.

From the bottom of his heart, he knew that this kid must be thinking about something, but because it can be regarded as "looking at the other person's big", he also knows how many divide the generations of Ji Chang ze Seeing the kindness of the younger generation, he simply obeyed his wishes.

"Well, I will let people buy these herbs."

Seeing Ji Chang Ze's "treacherous tricks" on his face, the emperor looked at the next Ji Chang Yan who looked indifferent and couldn't see what he was thinking, he couldn't help feeling sigh.

Although the brothers are both capable, they have completely different temperaments.

One is prudent, one is free.

Waiting for Ji Chang Yan Jichang ze to retreat to boil medicine , the emperor asked Xiang Xiang's cronies who had been silent.

"How about , what is wrong with those medicinal materials?"

The cronies have followed him for many years, naturally knowing what he is asking, put the list in his hand, and replied: "These medicines have only one characteristic."

"That insulting Ji Chang Ze's mother-in-law ren has a subsistence drug store at home. There are all medicines in that store, except for the medicines on this list."

The emperor was taken aback, then he understood and laughed out loud.

"Really a kid, well, since he intends to vent his anger for his mother, then as he wishes, go, tell my will, and buy the medicine on this list at a high price."

No wonder Ji Chang Yan protects so strictly .

Ji Chang ze is totally unconcealed. If he is so innocent and innocent without his brother , what should be done after the day .