Son, I’m your father (9) (Young Master calls you to go home (Sanhe...)

In order to avoid being regarded as a bad person walking on the street with a weapon, this dress was put away after all.

After Gu Linxi euphemistically expressed that the dress was too bright and blind, Ji Changze, who also wore sunglasses, obviously believed that this statement was true, so he changed his words from sending clothes to diamonds.

"If the clothes are too bright, Dad will button all these diamonds and give them to you as a collection."

He also said happily, "There are a lot of them in your grandpa's collection. When Dad asks him for it He is very happy." As

he said, he got a huge diamond.

He sighed with emotion and told Gu Linxi about the origin of the diamond: "It was auctioned by your grandfather five years ago. It was originally intended to be given to his daughter-in-law, but isn't my dad not getting married? You take it and wait for it. You got married and give it to your daughter-in-law." As

he said, he directly stuffed the diamond into Gu Linxi's hands.

Gu Linxi held this shining diamond: "..."

Even if he has never paid attention to jewelry, he knows that diamonds are very valuable.

So the question is, how much does it cost for such a big one.

For the first time, a child who has been poor for sixteen years will feel nervous because he is too rich.

"I don't dare to hold such a valuable thing, dad, let you keep it."

"Where is it valuable!"

Ji Changze disagreed with his idea, and hugged his son with one hand: "In the eyes of Dad and Grandpa, you are It's the most precious in our family." As he

said, he took down the second largest diamond and admired it for a while: "This diamond can be used as a brooch. Can you give it to your grandma when it is ready?"

Gu Linxi: " ...Grandma may not be willing to accept such an expensive gift."

His grandma has always been frugal, and the most expensive jewelry he ever wore was just a pair of gold earrings. Later, the family was short of money and sold it.

Suddenly give her such an expensive diamond brooch, she definitely doesn't want it.

Ji Changze: "It won't be enough if you don't tell her the price."

How did he think that this diamond is very suitable for brooches, looked up and down again, and put it in his son's hands.

On the way, Ji Changze patronized the diamonds. Gu Linxi couldn't get the diamonds, so he found a bag and threw it in.

"When you grow up and talk about your girlfriend, you can send diamonds directly

at that time, which saves trouble." Gu Linxi looked at the bag full of glittering lights, and didn't know what to say.

He really doesn't want to count, these diamonds are worth a few zero.

Because he was going to find Grandma Gu, Ji Changze made it clear that he wanted to have a good relationship with the other party. After removing the diamonds, Gu Linxi began to work hard to tell his father his grandma's preferences.

"My grandma likes to read books. When I was a child, she took me to read and learn Chinese characters."

He was already saving money and wanted to wear reading glasses for grandma.

"She has a good temper. Even if people bully her, she will not be angry. If she doesn't get angry with others, she always tells me it's okay. We can move away when I get into a good university and graduate and find a good job."

"Wait. "

Ji Changze accurately captured the meaning of this sentence: " Move away? It means that the person who bullied your grandma lives near you?"

Gu Linxi's first reaction was to cover it up, or say, "It's nothing in fact." As soon as I opened my mouth, I suddenly reacted before I could say anything.

His father is very good.

He can file a complaint without fear.

Dad is so good, he will surely find a way.

Ji Changze thought so too. He softened his voice and said softly to his son: "It's okay, you tell Dad, Dad will help you out."


Gu Linxi is actually a very strong child. After so many things, he can try to stay calm. When he was bullied before, he never cried.

But I don't know why, he can be strong under so much suffering, but he can't restrain the tears in his eyes amidst his father's gentle tone and caress.

"Actually, it's nothing..."

Even the voice became choked.

Gu Linxi was not a kid who cried and wiped his face as if nothing had happened. When he realized that he couldn't hold back his crying and tears, his first reaction was to lower his head to hide these fragility.

The next second he was embraced by his father.

One big hand patted the back of his head lightly, and the other hand was placed on his back.

A tangible, warm and reliable hug from the elders.

There was a soft voice from my father: "It's okay. You can tell dad, even if it is a small thing, as long as it makes you sad, tell dad, dad has missed you for 16 years. Give dad a chance to make up, okay?"

Gu Linxi's tears were even more fierce.

At this moment, he was really like a young bird, facing the big bird that was caring for him, flapping his hairless wings and exposing those grievances and sadness.

"It's the neighbors of the next door. Their family is very annoying. They throw rubbish directly at our door, either by bagging or dumping the rubbish directly at our door, treating our place as a garbage dump. At night, their children There was a lot of noise.

Grandma talked with them in a good manner. They also scolded grandma, and sometimes they would let their children go to the toilet at our door. Once we forgot to lock the door and came back to the pots and pans at home. They were all lost, and the room was messy. I saw the lost bowl in the hands of their children. We were all drying clothes outside. Since that time, they said that their children were making noise at night. They all deliberately spilled noodle soup on our clothes, and they didn't admit it. Even if they were seen, they would say that it was not intentional."

These seem to be trivial things, but when you live next to such a superb neighbor, the feeling that there will be a disgusting bug beating next to you 24 hours a day can really make people feel broken.

"Grandma has a good temper. Except for the first time I talked about their children, I didn't say anything later, and told me not to worry about them. It's fine to move when I grow up, but I, I just took a sigh of relief. Why do they want to bully us like this."

As neighbors, he and his grandmother have always been careful not to disturb the neighbors when they go in and out.

They don't make loud noises after ten o'clock in the evening, they will wring them dry when they are drying them, and then dry them to avoid dripping water on the clothes they have dried, and they take away the garbage bags at the door every day to avoid too much heat in summer. The smell affects the neighbors.

I'm already doing my best to do a good job, but since that family moved, Gu Linxiqie really felt the nausea of the wicked person.

These things are all trivial things, the pots and pans are not worth a lot of money, just clean up the garbage, and wash the clothes soaked in the noodle soup again.

In terms of money, there is not much loss, but it just makes people feel nauseous. It is hard to imagine how such people exist in the world.

Gu Linxi finished speaking in one breath. The always positive child reviewed what he had said before, and felt that he was making a fuss too much.

Dad saw it as someone who was doing great things. Wouldn't he think that all the things he was crying and complaining about were trivial things?

He embarrassedly got up from his father's arms, wiped the tears on his face, and said in a choked voice: "Actually, they are all trivial things, but they are just unbearable."

After living in school, he did most of the time. There is no need to face this, but grandma is at home every day, facing such a disgusting family every day.

"Okay, Dad knows that this family is really disgusting. I have

grown up so much and I have never seen such a disgusting person." Ji Changze saw what the child was thinking, and followed the same hatred.

Teng Sheng was also helping out: "There is such a disgusting person in the world, harming others and detrimental to oneself, what are they trying to do? This is." The

assistant is different from these two young masters who were born in wealthy dens since childhood. The probability of encountering the best neighbors in residential buildings is still very high.

He met one in his family when he was young, and later ended up saying that their family couldn't stand the move.

"Those people are not trying to do anything. I guess they quarreled with the young master's house first. After being told, not only did they feel that they were wrong, but they also felt that the young master was looking for something. Another reason is that the family probably did the same. Look at the young master, a child and an old man who are dependent on each other. There are no adults in the family. Even if they bully them, they have no way to do it. "

This world is not because you don't provoke others, and others won't provoke you.

If someone wants to bully you, there may be no reason to harm you. It's just because you seem to be bullying, and you won't get any punishment for harming you.

Ji Changze's face sank: "Dare to bully my son."

He turned his head to look at Teng Sheng: "Do you have any brothers who *help, I want to kill them!!!"

Teng Sheng: "...You calm down, this is illegal. "

Yes ." Ji Changze: "Yes, it's illegal."

The novice father, who was so angry, finally became a little more sober: "They stole other people's property, they broke the law, let the police arrest them."

Gu Linxi Weak point: "This matter has been in the past few months, and the pots and pans are common models on the market, plus our lack of monitoring, there is no evidence to arrest them."

Ji Changze's second plan Failed again.

He was silent for a few seconds, unable to think of it, and turned to look at Teng Sheng.

Teng Sheng: "..."

He was speechless.

"Look at what I do, I don't understand this. I usually just like to play around and make friends everywhere. Where have I dealt with this kind of thing."

Even the company's affairs are handled by his elder brother, the family The same goes for here.

Prince Teng who was well cared for in the ivory tower: "I can't think of it."

Ji Changze: "Who made you think about it? You have many friends. Do you have any friends who are good at this?"

Teng Sheng really thought about it seriously.

"I have a friend who is a private investigator, but he is only responsible for catching the mistress, and another friend is a police consultant, but it's not right. He is in charge of the big cases of the dead, and another friend is a screenwriter. But what he wrote is a love triangle, which seems to have nothing

to do with this. Let me think about it again, there is a friend who is in the entertainment industry, and it is said that he has seen a lot of methods...No way, he has never seen such a thing. "

Most of the battlefields in the entertainment industry are on the Internet, and the wars launched are without gunpowder. How can it be possible to have experience with the best neighbors.

Finally, after excluding a dozen people, Teng Sheng thought about it.

"! Prince would certainly say before he took his own relatives squalling and tear forced part-time, he must find the line!!"

Ji Changze: "?"

"Who is the Prince"?

Teng Sheng: "... ???"

"is Prince!! Didn't you just ask him to be Linxi's tutor? You and him couldn't be for a long time before."

Ji Changze suddenly realized: "It turned out to be Wang Mazi."

Gu Linxi also suddenly realized that it turned out to be. Mr. Ma Lee.

Mr. Ma Li quickly received a call from Teng Sheng. In the hands-free, his voice was quite professional: "I want to make suggestions, right, a single 50,000 yuan, for the sake of regular customers, I will give you a discount. Wanliu."

Assistant: "..."

Gu Linxi: "..."

Reverse discount?

Teng Sheng didn't take it seriously at all. He was spoiled and grown up. Even if the prince was kicked out of the house now, he was really short of money and just borrowed points from his former friends (such as him). These tens of thousands of tens of thousands.


alright , don't be poor, Linxi is my nephew, and rounding up is also your nephew, hurry up." Ji Changze didn't bargain, "The money is on your account."

Mr. Ma Li: " Oh , seventy thousand. , Young Master Ji is generous, OK, I'll give you an idea, it's not easy to get me a refund. By the way, I'll give you another message in addition to the 3000 copies."

"Liu Pianran, his elder brother I don't know what to do that made him unhappy. The business that was going to be given to their family was cut off halfway. Now Liu Pianran's elder brother is dying of anger. Unfortunately, he has nothing to do with Liu Pianran, so he can only come to his house and bring gifts to apologize. I apologize."

Teng Sheng: "?"

"What are you telling us about this? How did the Liu family do our ass."

Even he and Liu Pianran have been friends, but the Liu family is not a good thing, Liu Pianran When I was young, I was bullied, and I still became friends with him and Changze. I gradually developed in the company before gradually grasping the right to speak.

It's a pity that his father was blind at the time, and he didn't want his only promising son, he just broke his leg and kicked him out of the house.

Mr. Ma Li originally wanted to say, thinking that they might have Gu Linxi next to them, he swallowed the rest of the words back: "It doesn't matter, you will know when you come back."

Gu Linxi, a 16-year-old child Suffering from livelihoods and rest days, he has to work part-time, but his biological mother lives the life of a noble lady every day, and can spend nearly 100,000 on a shopping trip.

To put it awkwardly, even if she showed a little bit from the nails, it was enough for mother and son to not have to work so hard.

But she did nothing.

He is not like Teng Sheng. He is a foolish, white sweet person. Everyone is a good person. Teng Sheng advocates that he can't make rash judgments before seeing the actual situation, but he advocates thinking about bad things.

What's more, the actual situation is now in sight.

Thinking of Gu Linxi's obedient child, Mr. Ma Li laughed.

As far as he knows, Liu Pianran has never forgotten the friendship with Ji Changze Tengsheng.

If Liu Pianran knew that the son of the "Bai Yueguang Brother" in his mind was ignored by his nephew and his wife, and regardless of his sixteen years of hardship, the scene would be very beautiful.

Anyway, he is very fond of hearing.

Mr. Ma Li pulled out the address book and dialed a call.

"Hey, Mr. Liu, it's me. You must be interested if I have news. Sixty-six yuan. If you have a dozen of the money, I will tell you immediately..."


Ji Changze, they got it from Mr. Ma Li Idea, very confident along the way.

This time I arrived in front of the small building soon.

The group got out of the car and looked up at the building that looked very gloomy because of the sun.

This small building was built a long time ago. Because it is dilapidated and remote, it can't sell for a few dollars, so the owner simply rents it out.

Although the rent is cheap, the advantage is that many people can live in this building, and the total rent is also very impressive.

The price of living with a lot of people is naturally that it is cramped and cramped. This time is the lunch point, and there are many people upstairs and downstairs.

Hearing the sound of cars, some children playing outside looked over curiously.

People who can live here naturally don't have much money to buy a car. It's remote here, except for the residents or people who know the residents will not drive here.

The last time there was a car, it was a police car, because there was a wanted man in the building who had committed an offence.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in such a dilapidated and crowded building, and at most children can discuss it enthusiastically.

Gu Linxi raised his head and looked in the direction of where he lived. Seeing that there were no lights in the house, he said, "Grandma probably hasn't come back yet. She usually comes back at around one o'clock."

The house they rented is 40 square meters. There is almost no place for the tattered and miscellaneous things to sell. The windows in the house are small and pitiful. Even if the windows are opened, the outside light cannot be obtained. Therefore, as long as the house is at home, the lights will be on, otherwise the black lights will look at everything Unclear.

"It just so happens that the person I called hasn't come yet."

Ji Changze touched his son's head: " My dear son, you will watch it for a while, and Dad will give you a good breath."

This car is very valuable at first glance . When they parked downstairs, the people who got in and out of the car were all well-dressed. They looked like wealthy people at first glance. They leaned in front of the car and didn't speak. They only looked at the building and quickly attracted the attention of others. .

This picture is really abnormal, and soon not only children, but even adults also crane their necks to look here.

"What are you doing here? It doesn't look like someone who lives here."

"Is this building going to be demolished?"

"No, if it is demolished, the landlord is unhappy and crazy. I still smelled like seeing him yesterday. Face."

"I don't know how much the car costs. It looks really expensive. These people are the big bosses. The big bosses I have seen on the construction site come to inspect them. These are bigger bosses than they looked. "

No one dared to go up and ask, just whispering.

Now it's the point of eating, and some people simply come out to watch the excitement while holding a bowl to eat.

I thought that some big boss might have taken a fancy to this building, or passed by, but one after another black cars drove over.

Dozens of tall men in black suits and sunglasses got out of the car, everyone carrying a swinging stick in his hand.

In fact, they are proficient in a lot of weapons, and the reason they use the swing stick is because Ji Changze thinks everyone looks more handsome with the swing stick.

Yes, Ji Changze's bodyguard team is here.

There was a black and heavy stand underneath quickly, and the aura on the bodyguards was much scarier, especially since they would watch them all up and down to protect the safety of their employers.

The child who was seen by them shrank his head and hurriedly ran home.

As soon as the bodyguard came out, Ji Changze and the others seemed to be unkind.

The residents in the building no longer dared to watch the excitement openly anymore, they shrank back, and hid in the house timidly.

If this is an ordinary residential building, let alone dozens of bodyguards, even hundreds of them, as long as they are not malicious, everyone who likes to watch the lively scene will definitely be able to read it.

However, the situation of the residents in this building is very different. Either they have difficulties at home or their own sufferings. It is their best protection not to cause trouble.

Many residents shrank back, only daring to look outside through the windows, but continued the discussion with some bolder ones.

"It's scary, it looks like black*."

"No, there is still black* these years?"

"Who knows if there is any. Anyway, it looks scary. Do you think someone is causing trouble here? This is a door-to-door search. The enemy is here? Do you want to call the police?"

"What's the reason

for calling the police? These people didn't do anything." They speculated on all kinds of things, and the head of the bodyguard underneath had already reached Ji Changze: "Ji Dong, everything is according to yours. Ordered to buy."

"Okay, it's hard work."

Ji Changze is very satisfied with his pretending team: "Remember to find an assistant for reimbursement."

The assistant had already opened the car door and said to Gu Linxi, who was sitting in the back seat working hard to write the test papers laid out by the Chinese teacher today: "Young master, the bodyguards are here, you can get down."

Gu Linxi hurriedly collected all the test papers and carried them. Down with a schoolbag.

A discerning bodyguard recognized this as the employer's son, and naturally stepped forward and took the backpack in his hand: "I'll take it." When the

backpack was in hand, the heavy weight almost didn't make him take it off.

Good guys.

The students nowadays are really bitter, and the schoolbags are so heavy.

The bodyguard complained in his heart, but he was still expressionless on his face, holding a backpack in one hand and following Ji Changze and the others.

The group of people went upstairs just like that.

"Come up, come up."

"Which one are you looking for?"

"Isn't the one in the middle Gu Linxi? He seems to be living on the seventh floor, right? He caused the trouble?"

They went upstairs and just saw these people. The people who immediately hid when there was movement came out again to watch the excitement.

Gu Linxi is counted as a child of another family wherever he goes. Some residents who like children or have children in their own family like Gu Linxi quite a bit.

Seeing now that he seems to have caused the trouble, I feel a little bit embarrassed.

"Isn't Linxi very well-behaved? How did you provoke these people?"

"Would you like to call the police, what should I do if something goes wrong? They don't even have an adult, the old, the young..."

No one went up. help.

I have lived at the bottom for a long time, and the snow at my door has not yet been swept away, so I don't have the courage to take care of other people's affairs.

What's more, the relationship between them and Gu's family is at best a nodding acquaintance, and they are not that close.

Gu Linxi still didn't know that he was an image of someone coming back after getting into trouble. He brought his father up all the way, seeing all the dirt in the stairs and smelling the smell in it, he was very ashamed.

The child only thinks that he grew up in such an environment, will his father dislike him.

Ji Changze touched his head.

"We are suffering in Linxi."

Gu Linxi was

startled , and looked at his father moved: "Dad..." Ji Changze: "You have been stepping up and down such inferior stairs. When we go back, Dad will do it for you. A gilded staircase."

Teng Sheng immediately came to the spirit: "I have a friend who is in the staircase business, and I will push it to you."

Gu Linxi: "..."

Sure enough, he is still familiar with Dad and Uncle Teng Sheng.

"No need for Dad, the gilded ones are a waste of money."

Seeing that Ji Changze opened his mouth again, he had already figured out his father's urinary sex. For fear that his father said he would build a jade staircase/emerald staircase for him, Gu Linxi hurriedly said, : "just like ordinary stairs, I only like ordinary stairs."

Jichang Ze face to look regret:. "too bad, my father would like to say it is also good in fact jade stairs, can not waste much money"

is such a Interrupting, Gu Linxi also forgot to be ashamed of his growing environment. When a group of so many people walked together, the footsteps were very loud.

Go to the seventh floor.

This small building can live at least 20 houses on the first floor. If you divide it a bit, the population will be even greater. The smell of rice is floating over, and it can be seen that someone is eating.

When they were downstairs, there were still people looking down on this floor. When Ji Changze and the others came up, there was no one outside.

The doors and windows were closed tightly and it was extremely quiet.

It can be seen that I don't want to trouble the upper body.

Gu Linxi didn't take the matter seriously, and went straight to his door and took out the key to open it: "Come in..." As

soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that there were not so many people in his house, and the expression on his face suddenly became embarrassed. .

A qualified bodyguard is to watch World ears, employers have been concerned about the son's head bodyguard immediately open:. "Ji Dong, you talk about things, we waited at the outside, what is it that you call out"

Ji Changze very Satisfied that the other party went on the road like this, after deciding to add a bonus to him in the bottom of my heart, he took Assistant Tengsheng into it.

As the principal said, although the house is small and contains some old ladies prepared to sell, it is absolutely clean. The table is covered with tablecloths and a bottle of flower arrangements is placed on it.

There is also a small shoe cabinet with shoes neatly placed on it.

Gu Linxi wanted to replace them with slippers, but when he lowered his head, he realized that there were only two pairs of slippers on the shoe cabinet.

Usually there are no visitors in their homes, one pair of shoes belongs to him, and one pair of shoes belongs to grandma.

He withdrew to his throat and said, "Just come in directly. Grandma will be back soon. Let's sit on the sofa first."

That sofa is not needed by others. In fact, it hasn't been damaged in any way. It was dilapidated, probably because it was to be replaced with new furniture, so I threw it away. Grandma Gu came back and called Gu Linxi when she found out. The grandparents and grandchildren moved the sofa back together.

After washing it, let it dry, and then put on a sofa cushion. It looks like that.

Grandma Gu often said that being poor doesn't mean that you have to live in a sloppy way, clean up your home, and be in a good mood.

Gu Linxi believed that no matter how small it was, it would still be his and grandma's home.

When he arrived at a place he was familiar with, he was very conscious of entertaining others. After letting the three of them sit down, he went to the small kitchen by himself, took a cup and poured water for them to drink.

Ji Changze was very interested in the various awards on the wall. While watching and taking photos, Gu Linxi could hear him boasting when he came out with the water: "It's my son, so smart."

"My son sports the same. Okay, it's amazing."

"My son has participated in the Olympiad. He really follows me."

Gu Linxi was praised, happy and shy, and put the water glass on the table: "Dad, drink water?"

"Drink. , The water that our home Linxi poured me, of course I drank it." The

house was warm, and the bodyguards outside the house stood in a row, almost standing from the far left to the far right.

It's not that they want to occupy space, it's that the construction of this building is unreasonable. The place for people to stand outside is so narrow, and two people can stand to completely block travel.

They are here to protect their employers, but not to block the way. If this is because they block the way and cause travel problems for residents, and then the social news or something, it is their mistake.

The bodyguards who would consider the reputation of their employers just stood one floor full, sticking to the wall, leaving a way for people to pass.

It is a pity that they are so caring, but no one dares to take this path.

The neighbors at home on this floor quietly looked out with the door closed, discussing in a low voice what caused these people to get into such a big fight.

Those who have not yet returned home all walked to the place, and as soon as they stepped out, they didn't dare to go any further. They could only stand on the stairs and peer into their heads.

This would be the point of eating, and within a short while, there were five or six people standing on the stairs and daring not to pass.

"What's the matter? What do these people

do ?" How the whole thing is like making a TV series.

"It's not here to seek revenge, I dare not go there."

They were discussing there, and Grandma Gu came back.

As soon as she saw this battle, she did the same, standing on the stairs and not going forward.

The most important thing to survive outside is to remember to avoid danger.

This kind of scene, who knows what will happen to move forward.

The bodyguards also found those people hiding aside whispering.

They are a little embarrassed.

A bodyguard asked the boss in a low voice: "Boss, are we blocking the door of someone's house?" The

bodyguard looked at it and felt like it too.

He hurriedly directed the people under his hands to change directions and expose the door.

Mistakes, blunders, really blunders.

As a result, when they stopped like this, the others didn't even dare to come over.

Originally, they stood like this, with bodyguards on the door, and gaps exposed outside. As long as they were courageous, they seemed to be able to walk from there.

As a result, the door is now exposed, with bodyguards stuck outside.

It is equivalent to an encircling circle.

Who dares to go in.

Seeing that they had all changed their standing positions, those residents still did not dare to come over, and the bodyguard was a little embarrassed.

This is not considered annoying to the people.

Will it cause trouble to the employer?

If employers get on the social news, their wages will not be deducted.

He really didn't dare to call the shots without permission for fear of deducting wages. He knocked on Gu's door and waited for the inside to say in, then went in and talked about the outside situation.

Ji Changze was visiting Gu Linxi's small room, and he only said, "Then explain to them, and then apologize." The

bodyguard here asked for instructions on what to do, and someone downstairs over there came up boldly. See you When so many people are stuck here, immediately go in and join the gossip.

"It was brought back by Linxi. I was downstairs just now and saw them enter the Linxi house with my own eyes."


Grandma Gu was listening quietly, but she was shocked when she heard this.

"My home is Linxi? Did you read it right?"

At this point, Linxi should be at school.

"How could I read it wrong? I didn't see my face clearly, but I can still recognize the school uniform I was wearing." In

their entire building, Gu Linxi is the only one who is striving to go to the key high school.

"And they went directly into your house, I can see it clearly."

Grandma Gu became uneasy.

She knew that their family was in the west, and they had always been a good boy. She would never provoke others. How could she provoke someone who looked like a big man to come here.

A woman next to him who was also afraid to step forward listened, and screamed loudly: "It turns out that the wild species in your family caused the fault. I said it's not a good thing. Sure enough, it got in trouble."

"Your family" What caused so many of us to be unable to go home because of my own troubles, what!"

Someone couldn't understand her, frowning and saying, "Your door is not blocked, and those people didn't say you can't go home. If you are If you want to go home, go back and chant, what are you

arguing about here, and be stubborn with an old woman." The woman wanted to quarrel with her, but when she saw her staring at her, she thought that there were three adult sons in the other's family, plus one. The mature man, after all, swallowed the rest of the words, and only said a few words: "I don't know who it was. Don't go to the door to collect debts and have broken hands and feet. I don't want a bloody smell at the door of my house. "

Grandma Gu was originally worried about Gu Linxi, but now her face turned pale after hearing this.

The bodyguard came over at this time, with a very good attitude: "You are the users who live here, right? Are we blocking your way? I'm sorry, we have already given way, everyone just walk straight away."

He Once the attitude is good, other people will naturally be less afraid.

"You, what do you do? It looks scary..." The

bodyguard smiled and said, "We are the bodyguards of the bodyguard company. We are good people, not bad people. Don't worry."

How can we scare bad people if we are not scary? Let employers feel at ease.

I heard that it was a bodyguard, and the other party had such a good attitude. Many people were relieved.

He tentatively walked forward, walked home quickly, opened the door and walked in.

The bodyguards did not move, and they didn't even look at them, although they didn't know even if they looked at them because of the sunglasses.

Grandma Gu opened her mouth to ask, but the other party had already strode back, so she could only move forward.

The neighbor woman next to her was still sneering and sarcasm: "It seems that your family affairs are serious."

"The person who actually got into the hiring of bodyguards is good for your little boy to study, and he has a great ability to cause trouble."

Grandma Gu just pretended not to hear. Continue to go muffled.

Over there, Ji Changze was still struggling.

"Then how should I call your grandma?"

He didn't intend to get involved with Gu Cui, it would be wrong to call her mother-in-law.

He was called Linxi's grandma, but he didn't seem to be very respectful.

But if there is no relationship, Grandma Gu is probably not willing to be cheeky and let him be raised by someone who has no blood relationship.

Gu Linxi didn't know, he raised his eyes and saw his grandma walking by the small window, his eyes lit up.

"My grandma is back."

Ji Changze immediately stood up, tidyed up his clothes, and walked out with a serious expression.

Outside, as soon as Grandma Gu stood still, the door opened from the inside.

The hostess of the neighbor's house gloated over the misfortune, but saw a man in a suit and leather shoes handing it over with a gift box, with a respectful voice and a powerful voice:

"Hello godmother!!!"