Son, I’m your father (10) (The young master calls you to go home (Sanhe...)

matter with you?

Everyone was stunned.

Even Teng Sheng looked at Ji Changze with wide eyes and a face of disbelief.

Not to mention Grandma Gu, the whole person was in a daze.

Not to mention the neighbor woman next to her.

Last second, she was still thinking that Grandma Gu was going to be unlucky this time, and provoke a powerful person at the first glance. Why did this person shout godmother to Grandma Gu in the blink of an eye? ?

Isn't this just an old lady who is in tatters?

Why does she have such a rich godson?

Not only the neighbors are embarrassed by the women, but the other neighbors who linger at home and want to know why these people are here are also embarrassed.

The specific manifestation is that their expressions are blank, and their originally slow-moving steps can't stand still.

Grandma Gu has been living here with Gu Linxi for so long. The neighbors don't say they know everything about their home, but they are absolutely clear.

Why, why is it related to the rich?

Ji Changze still had a serious face, and he didn't seem to be embarrassed at all. He even pulled Grandma Gu into the house very naturally.

Grandma Gu entered the house in a daze.

After entering, under the light, she could see Ji Changze's face clearly.

At least 70% similar to Gu Linxi.

No one can deny the blood relationship between the two after seeing this face.

When Gu Linxi saw his grandma staring at Ji Changze in a daze, he hurried over and explained in a low voice, "Grandma, this is my father."

Grandma Gu was in a daze for a few seconds before nodding slowly.

"Ah, yes, I can see it."

She was really at a loss.

The grandson's father, whom he had never seen before, suddenly popped out, still thinking that he was very rich at first sight.

But didn't Gu Cui say that Linxi's father was a liar?

Ji Changze looked natural, still a godmother.

"Godmother, you sit down, sit down."

"Godmother, you drink water."

Grandma Gu: "...Why did you call me a godmother?"

She hasn't reached the point where she doesn't remember having a godson with dementia. Right?

Ji Changze didn't change his face: "Look, it's like this. You raised Linxi, you are the elder of Linxi, but I'm Linxi's father, so I don't seem to be very close to my aunt. Call me mother. I also have myself. "My godmother, so I just call it godmother."

"Godmother, do you say what I said makes sense?"

Assistant: "..."

Apart from anything else, it's just Ji Dong's ability to open his mouth in a serious manner, that is, he pats the horse. Can't keep up.

Grandma Gu also had a look: "..."

But she deserves to be the one who brought up Gu Linxi. She quickly eased over and drank a sip of the water that Ji Changze had brought over, which suppressed all the complexities in her heart. Feeling emotional, I asked:

"What happened to you and Gu Cui in the first place?"

Ji Changze didn't intend to cover up the child's mother, and Barabala repeated what he said to Gu Linxi before.

In fact, from Gu Cui's point of view, it would be correct to say so.

"That's how it happened. After I returned to China, I didn't have much contact with my foreign classmates. I found that Linxi passed by his part-time job accidentally. You can see that Linxi looks very similar to me. I checked it. I know that Gu Cui was pregnant and gave birth to Linxi."

Grandma Gu was silent for a few seconds.

Then he said: "It's my daughter who is sorry for you."

How about saying that your child knows it by himself.

When Gu Cui sent the child back, he clearly said that they should take good care of the child, and he showed that he valued the child very much. At that time, the old couple didn't think much about it. They only thought it was the life that Gu Cui and her loved so much, even if they broke up. She also loves house and Wu.

As a result, within two years, she suddenly changed her face.

Come back, the child's father is a liar, pretending to be a rich second-generation cheating and deceiving sex, and deceived her to give birth to this child.

At that time, Gu Cui hadn't turned his face with the family. Although the second elder was at a loss, he did not think badly about his daughter.

Looking at the grown-up children and doing their best to give her the best conditions, how could they think that she would be willing to get pregnant for money, and would not want their own children for money.

Until Gu Cui turned her face, she hadn't contacted her natal family for more than ten years after getting married.

She has always been disliked Linxi, and Grandma Gu can barely understand it.

But even her own biological mother, she didn't care, she never appeared in front of her again for more than ten years.

When she first got married, Grandma Gu happily wanted to help Zhang Luo, but she was disgusted that she couldn't make it to the table. When she was not allowed to go to the wedding, she actually saw it clearly, didn't she?

The so-called rich second-generation cheating of money and sex, really has a different interpretation.

Grandma Gu hadn't raised the child by herself for so many years. When the child grew up, the father's anger suddenly popped out, but after saying that, she bowed her head slightly.

"It's because I didn't educate a good daughter. I apologize to you."

If Gu Cui hadn't told Ji Changze to give birth to Gu Linxi, he would only look at Ji Changze's current conditions, and Linxi would surely be able to grow up in a good environment.

At least, he grew up under the care of his father who loved him, instead of following her, a grandmother who was sick and couldn't give Linxi a good environment.

Gu Cui was greedy for prosperity and wealth and secretly became pregnant. After she became pregnant, she did not tell the child's father. After returning to China, she didn't check it carefully. Instead, she determined that the other party was a liar, and then let Gu Linxi leave her alone.

Every word and deed made Grandma Gu, who was her mother, ashamed.

Ji Changze hurriedly said to Grandma Gu: "You don't need to apologize. You raised Linxi and took good care of him. I should thank you."

Grandma Gu looked up and looked at the person sitting next to him. Grandson, there was a trace of reluctance in her eyes, but she still said, "Are you here to take Linxi away this time?"

She didn't have much time to make this choice, and she had already made a decision.

It is best for Linxi to follow his father.

Just relying on the other party's financial conditions is better than the old woman who may follow her to the hospital at any time.


Ji Changze did not hesitate to answer.

Grandma Gu's eyes were reddish, and she restrained her tears.

Sure enough...

Actually, she should be happy for Linxi.

This child is obviously so good, but he still has to survive hard, and he won't use it in the future.

Ji Changze: "What kind of house do you like with a garden? How big is the garden? Do you like gardens in Linxi? My father has a house with a garden, which is beautiful in summer."

Grandma Gu, who was silently swallowing: " ? "

she looked up blankly:" I "?

" Yes ah. "

Jichang Ze very seriously:" you and Pro West walked with me. "

Gu grandmother:" ?? "

she shocked:" how can I go with you, We have nothing to do."

Ji Changze was also shocked: "How can it be okay, aren't you my godmother?!"

The two shocked faces turned to shocked faces.

Grandma Gu: "...No, Mr. Ji, didn't you just call it casually?"

Ji Changze: "How can it be casual, I am never casual."

Grandma Gu: "..."

She has lived for so long. I have never encountered such a situation.

"Mr. Ji, I know your kindness, and also know that you want to thank me for raising Linxi, but Linxi is my grandson. I should raise him. You don't need to compensate me specially."


Ji Changze drank After taking a sip of water, he cleared his throat and said,

"Look, you raised Linxi because he is your grandson. I want to go back to Linxi now because I am his father. Linxi calls you grandma. Call me Dad, isn't the relationship between the two of us just relatives?"

"Blood is thicker than water, godmother, I just want to pick you up for a good life. How come you are so good that you still see out? It's a family, why are you polite with me."

Grandma Gu; "..." Is

n't the idiom that blood is thicker than water used here?

Gu Linxi reacted in a daze for a second.

Dad has always been like this, he is used to it.

In his own heart, he also wanted his grandma to go with him.

This is grandma.

If grandma is not willing to go, he will never leave her alone.

The child was a little nervous and hugged his grandmother's arm: "Grandma, just go with me, I don't want to go alone."

Grandma Gu hesitated for a few seconds, but chose to refuse.

"Mr. Ji, Linxi is still a child and has not much earning power yet. My old lady is really embarrassed to eat your food and drink yours, wait for Linxi to grow up a little bit, wait for him to work, I will Find him."

The daughter was greedy for wealth and gave birth to a child without telling her.

She is a mother, and now she is being raised by others with the help of this child.

Grandma Gu is really not that big-faced.

Ji Changze suddenly realized: "So you don't want to spend my money, you just want to spend Linxi's money."

That seems right.

Grandma Gu hesitated for a second, nodded, and whispered: "After all, we are not related by blood..."

And her own daughter has cheated others for so many years.

Ji Changze: "That's it, Linxi has money."

He went to Gu Linxi: "Linxi, take your money out to grandma."

Gu Linxi first stunned where he got the money, and then It remembered that his pockets were full of diamonds.

The child hurriedly reached into his pocket and grabbed a handful of diamonds.

"Look, grandma, these diamonds are valuable."

Grandma Gu, who was caught off guard to see a bunch of diamonds: "..."

Ji Changze was also afraid that she would not agree, and added: "These diamonds weren't given by me, and they are not a cost to me. "The money."

Grandma Gu: "?"

She was at a loss. It was not given by Ji Changze. A student in Linxi, where did she go to get so many diamonds?

Ji Changze: "My dad gave it."

Grandma Gu: "..."

So is this different from what you gave it?

Seeing that she still refused to agree, Ji Changze wanted to persuade him again, and was held down by Teng Sheng.

What Teng Sheng looked behind just now was really anxious.

I can't blame Changze that every time he makes friends, he is directed at his family's power, and there are only one or two sincerely.

This emotional intelligence.

He patted Ji Changze on the shoulder: "You get out of the way, I'll come." He

said, and said to Gu Linxi; "Linxi, you go outside and blow the wind for a while, and my uncle will come to persuade your grandma."

Gu Linxi was worried. Glancing at grandma, he walked out after turning his head one step at a time.

Ji Changze stood up and gave up his position to his brother.

After sitting down, Teng Sheng sighed heavily and looked at the wrinkled grandmother Gu:

"Godmother, Changze and I were young, so I just called him. It's like this, we don't want it. Forcing you to go with us is really for Linxi's consideration."

Gu Linxi can be said to be Grandma Gu's weakness, so she really became nervous immediately.

"What's wrong with Linxi?"

Teng Sheng sighed again: "You raised him. You should know how stubborn and filial this child is. Think about it, if you let him follow us and return to his father's place to eat and drink. But you are still suffering here, can he feel well in his heart? Can he be willing?"

Grandma Gu's face hesitated.

She still knows the grandson's temperament, and this child is definitely not willing.

"I know what you are worried about. You think you are taking advantage of my brother's family. But to be honest, my brother's family is richer than most people imagine. Even if you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every day, treat them It's just a drizzle. They are not short of money, they are short of Linxi."

Grandma Gu; "But..."

But other people's money is not a reason to raise her in vain.

Seeing that this trick was not working, Teng Sheng immediately changed it, showing a bit of sorrow on his face. He pulled Ji Changze to a stop beside him, and patted his arm:

"Don't look at other people in Changze. In fact, It's almost forty, he still can't do anything, let him go to the company, afraid that he will ruin the family's industry, Changze can't, can't he just let his children come?

But he still only has a single seedling like Linxi. He is an only child. His father looks forward to what the next generation looks forward to. The old man was also in Changze in his 20s, and now he is almost 60. Years old, gray-haired, lost a lot of teeth, trembling when walking, and insisting on going to the company every day. "

"The old man is getting old and wants to rest, but Changze can't live up to it. No matter how much he wants to rest, he can only continue to work. It is for the children. You should understand."

Grandma Gu nodded in sympathy. : "Yes, it's all for the children."

At the beginning, she went to a better kindergarten in Linxi, and worked overtime in the factory day and night, but unfortunately now that she is old, even if she wants to give her life to her children again In a good environment, I can't spell it out.

She didn't expect that in a family like Ji Changze, his father would still have to brace himself to do so hard. It was so pitiful at such an old age.

Ji's family, although he is getting older, but because he has a nutritionist to take care of him since he was a child, Ji's father, who is still looking at the teacher's information for his grandson, suddenly sneezes.

After sneezing, he didn't feel that he had a cold, but thought happily, maybe his grandson missed him.

Here, Teng Sheng is still talking about it.

"So Changze's father really needs a grandson or granddaughter so that the elderly can feel at ease. Our time is a race against time, but you know how filial he is in Linxi. If we can't pick you up together, Linxi will definitely He didn't want to go, Linxi didn't want to go, Changze would have no heir, and Changze's father could only continue to work hard.

Godmother, we ask you to help, just for your godson, you see, Changze How pitiful." As

he said, he pulled Ji Changze's arm.

Ji Changze was stunned for a second: "Huh?"

Teng Sheng turned his head and winked at him.

Ji Changze immediately lowered his head and wiped his tears: "Yes, yes, godmother, please help me for the sake of Linxi."

As expected, when "being helped" was changed to "helping others." Later, Grandma Gu really showed emotion on her face.

"I'm willing to help, but, will this be too costly?"

Ji Changze wanted to explain: "In fact, it's not too costly..."

Teng Sheng interrupted him directly, and took Grandma Gu's hand with a face full of surprises. "Godmother, you promised it!! Great! Linxi would be happy to know it!!" The

old man was still a little confused: "But..."

Teng Sheng pretended not to hear, and went straight to the door and shouted: " Linxi, come, your grandma agreed."


Just now, Gu Linxi had been standing outside the door in a panic, thinking that if his grandma didn't want him, he would have to be sorry for his father. He didn't expect to receive such good news after standing for a while, and his face was suddenly full of joy.

The steps are light.

"Grandma, you are willing!! Great!!!" When

children rarely have this kind of joy, Grandma Gu swallowed the rest of the words and looked at this with love and kindness. The older child nodded:

"Yes, grandma will go with us in Linxi." It

was done.

Teng Sheng winked triumphantly at Ji Changze.

The assistant who watched the whole process aside: "..."

He now knows why Tengsheng has so many friends.

This person usually doesn't show the mountains and dews, so he is really reliable at the critical moments.

Grandma Gu wants to pack things, Ji Changze and the others looked at the cheap things in this room, but they all wisely did not refuse.

The assistant went up to help tidy up together.

Seeing Grandma Gu, who was taking care of it, he was very moved.

For them, these things may represent cheapness.

But perhaps for Grandma Gu, these may be her memories.

Then Grandma Gu said, "You can't just put these things here. The next door will definitely come and pick them up, but you can't let them take advantage of it."

Assistant: I want to do so much.

Ji Changze immediately came to the spirit: "Don't worry, godmother, let me tell you, a passerby just came up with an idea, we are like this, and then like this..."

They discussed in the house full of enthusiasm, and the neighbors outside also All kinds of speculations.

There is a WeChat group on their level. It was a group drawn by a young painter who lived here before. Later the painter moved out and this group remained.

Grandma Gu is not very good at using mobile phones, and Gu Linxi is too busy to have time. Their home is not in the group.

Now the news in the group bounced quickly.

The group was shocked when he said this.

Wang Xiaoer@周爺:

Zhou Ye:

Wang Xiaoer:

Zhou Ye:

Wang Xiaoer:

Seeing that the atmosphere is stiff, a neighbor hurried out to be the peacemaker:

a bunch of people were talking, and suddenly a neighbor said:

Live here People who do not hesitate to speculate on others with the greatest malice.

The group was silent for a few seconds.

I didn't look at the phone, but looked out the window, trying to see what was going on.

Ji Changze was indeed knocking on the door.

He knocked unhurriedly, very patiently, and waited for a slit inside to open carefully before putting on a perfect and kind smile on his face:

"Hello, my godmother lives here. Listen to her saying that you neighbors usually I take care of her very much. Thank you very much for taking care of my godmother. This is a small gift, and I hope you can accept it." As

he said, he stretched his hand to the side, and the bodyguard holding the gift box immediately passed the box in his hand.

Ji Changze took it, and handed it to the bewildered opponent.

Before the neighbor opened the door, he thought about a lot of why the other party wanted to find him, but he didn't expect it to come to send money.

He was a little flattered and excited for a while, and hurriedly took it over: "Thanks, thank you..."

People who are struggling with food and clothing, don't dare to push away the gifts they send for free, if they push themselves, they will be true. It's not sent anymore.

Ji Changze replied with a smile: "I'm disturbing you, I'm going to the next one."

Waiting for him to leave , the neighbor hurried back to the house after a few seconds of daze , opened the box, looked at the small piece of gold lucky cat inside, froze, and hurriedly I took it in my hand and tried the weight.

It is heavy and solid.

Although this lucky cat is very small, it is gold.

"Fuck!" I

never expected such a good thing to happen to me. The neighbor was so happy that he was going crazy. After touching it twice, he reluctantly put it down and picked up the phone.

After speaking, I took a picture.

The group immediately boiled.

The neighbors hurriedly typed a series of words up again:


After a few seconds, the neighbor who was knocked on the door came back with a pleasant surprise:

Now the subgroup has become more lively.

The joy of being knocked on the door, the expectation of not being knocked on.

Every neighbor came knocking on the door to get a gift, and the atmosphere in the group reached the warmest climax.

Ji Changze became a spoiler.

The gold is nothing to him, but to these neighbors who have been living in poverty, it is definitely a help in the snow.

They actually didn't have much friendship with Grandma Gu, but Grandma Gu recalled that everyone helped their family more or less.

Some have helped see children, and some have brought vegetables.

Most of the time, everyone is still trying to avoid trouble.

It's not a big favor, but compared to the neighbours who are like bugs, these neighbors are very amiable.

At least they didn't play the villain in Gu Linxi's growth environment.

Of course the most important point is that the more generous Ji Changze is, the more greedy the family next door surnamed Zhou.

He took people all the way from left to right.

The neighbors also discovered that he sent it in the order of left and right, and consciously reported the number.

The group was filled with the joy of getting rich.

710 is Gu Linxi's house.

The next report skipped 711.

The Zhou family, who had been waiting with excitement, suddenly became dumbfounded.

The household of 712 replied:

Zhou Ye:

Wang Xiaoer:

Zhou Ye:

Wang Xiaoer:

Gu Lin is next to the Xi's house, and the atmosphere in Zhou's house is full of anger for a while.

Angry man dropped the phone: "They are deliberately definitely intentional!!"

A woman is also a look unconvinced:. "Why not give us, we are the children of the eight neighbors of those people what they considered as a"

two The more you talk, the more angry you want to come to the door for theory.

But as soon as I walked to the door, I saw the bodyguard standing outside, and the blood was immediately poured out.

The Gu family now has more than just an old lady and underage Gu family.

They can't ask for a bargain when they come home.

The two could only sit down aggrieved, watching the news in the group still being reported.

When it was Wang Xiaoer's turn, everyone could see Wang Xiaoer's excitement.

Golden Apple! !

The couple who had been jealous almost died out of anger.

If the Golden Apple is theirs...

With this money, the two can stay away from work for a long time.

But the damn rich man just didn't give it to them.

Isn't it just arguing with his godmother for money? He is so rich, he has sent so many, will he die if he gives them one?

The richer you are, the more stingy you are.

The two were angrily scolded for a long time, but they were all bodyguards outside. They scolded for a long time, but they still didn't dare to say anything in front of others.

There was a voice outside, like the godson of the dead old woman.

Ji Changze went out: "Let's go for a meal. I bought too many gifts just now, and there are more than a dozen left. Godmother, think about who else has helped you. I'll send it back soon."

Then it was the dead old woman. "Don't send it, it's too expensive."

"What's the price? For me, the money is not much. I don't even bother to find it if I lose it. Linxi, help grandma, go godmother, I will take You can eat well."

Then, the black bodyguards left behind.

They waited for a few minutes, and the sound of a car driving away came downstairs.

Until there was no movement outside, the two men opened the door and looked out. The whole floor looked empty. The rich man and one bodyguard were not left.

They glanced at each other and came out softly and tacitly.

Walked to the door of Gu's house.

The door is closed, but as long as you want to violently remove this lock, it is no problem.

Looking left and right, there was indeed no one. They went home and took the tools and removed the lock.

Sure enough, there were many boxes on the table in the house.

The two went forward to get them, and were delighted to find that there were apples inside.

"Oh my God, how much money does it cost? I have made a fortune..."

They just took it away and hid it. Anyway, there are so many people on this floor, and there is no monitoring. The rich can't find anything if they lose it. He is so rich , It is estimated that it will not take it to heart.

The husband and wife happily carried the bags and went out, because they were a little heavy, they even had to be moved again and again.

By the way, I also walked through the expensive coats in the house.

The two were light-handed and did not make any movement. When they moved to the last trip, a large group of people suddenly rushed out from the stairs on the left.


Ji Changze took the lead and clapped.

The applause immediately slapped.

Two people: "..."

They looked blankly at the group of people and applauded them.

Then the man who looked very similar to Gu Linxi said in an admiring tone: "You two, your courage to steal things so upright is really admirable." The


"Who stole things!!" We just thought you moved house and don't need these things!" After

a second, they immediately began to harass. This is the old strategy they are accustomed to. As long as they are killed and denied, the police will continue to bite when the police come. If you die, you can avoid it smoothly.

"I thought we moved, so we picked the lock by the way?" The

man sneered, "Which eye did you see my lock picking? It's obviously that your own lock is broken. We just kindly went in and took a look."

Ji Changze waved his hand.

The assistant took the camera and came out: "Ji Dong, the film is ready, high-definition □□, ensure the clarity." The

couple: "..."

They froze for a long time, and finally reacted: "You deliberately lied to us?"

Ji Changze dug out. Ears: "What? What are you talking about? Why don't I understand?"

"Fuck! You dare to lie to Lao Tzu!!" The

man got angry and rolled up his sleeves to move forward.

Each of them was stronger than him, and the bodyguards collectively stepped forward, and began to roll up their sleeves.

Man: "..."

Seeing that the threat of force was not enough, the woman immediately began to cry.

This is also the old trick of the two. If the stealing is discovered, they have their own way to piss off each other. When the other party gets angry and hits someone, they will take reason.

As soon as this trick is used, the other party will often have nothing to do with them:

"I'm sorry, we really didn't mean it. If you are so rich, don't care about us. The neighbors and neighbors just got some small gifts, right? These are what you were going to send to others, and it won't be so good if you give it to us."

Man: "Don't beg him, it's just a little stingy."

Ji Changze always smiled, showing no anger at all.

He asked Grandma Gu: "Godmother, what do you think?"

Grandma Gu was expressionless: "Call the police." The

couple suddenly became dumbfounded, and they didn't expect that Grandma Gu, who was always weak, would dare to call the police.

Grandma Gu ignored them at all.

Is she really such a bully?

I just know that there is only one old man and one child in my family. I can't toss about this family. The more you resist, the more you will be tossed.

Now Linxi's father has come to support them, and she won't let her down at this time, so that Linxi did not get a good example.

"You still call the police! What kind of person! Isn't it just taking a gift, how could there be someone as vicious as you!" The

two cursed, trying to make the other person unable to help but beat themselves.

As a result, the person opposite didn't respond at all.

Ji Changze even said: "Chair, melon seeds." The

assistant immediately pushed out the chair with preparations, watching Ji Changze sit on the chair, raising his legs, and then offering melon seeds.

The couple: "..."

They just watched Ji Changze sitting in a chair knocking the seeds, still looking here, and from time to time they would comment with people around them:

"It's so fun, I haven't seen it before. Shameless person."

Teng Sheng followed the melon seeds and looked at the two people up and down: "I have a friend who has been acting badly and badly. I think he can come and learn." The

couple: "...You are too much. Well, can you play tricks for whatever you want if you have money?!!!"

Ji Changze: "You see that their tears are too fake, tusk tusk, they are ugly, and they are so hideous, they won't be scared when they walk on the street. Is it human?"

Teng Sheng: "Yeah, how can I have the courage to live in this world when I am so ugly."

" Oh, I am angry, does it look like an apes?"

"Hahahaha, don't insult the apes." Is it?"

All kinds of efforts to anger them, the result is like a couple who were watched a monkey show: "..."

They finally waited for the police to come.

At this time, I was still quibbling: "It's just some gifts that would have been given to neighbors. They are not worth much. He deliberately put in a lot of money. These things are definitely not very valuable. We didn't take those things. We just went along. It's just a piece of clothing."

Anyway, he was killed. As long as they had enough dogs, they would be able to mitigate the crime as much as possible.

As a result, Ji Changze slowly took out a handful of diamonds from the pockets of the clothes they were walking along.

It's shiny, and it's on the table.

He was still very surprised, dog-eyed dog said:

"Oh! Why are there so many diamonds here."

"These diamonds are not worth much, they are worth tens of millions~"