Son, I’m your father (11) (Young Master calls you to go home (Sanhe...)

The proof is as strong as a mountain, plus a lot of diamonds, Changze doesn't need to intervene in the next incident, just hand it over to Tengsheng's lawyer friend.

For Gu Linxi, who had endured this family for so long, this incident brought him great comfort.

He finally realized clearly that he was protected by someone now.

No one will be able to bully them again and still triumphantly, watching them swallow their anger.

Coming out of the police station, the group had a solid meal.

Gu Linxi had to go to school in the afternoon, so Ji Changze drove him back, and then he chose a house with Grandma Gu.

Because Gu Linxi wants to go to school, the house he finally chose is not far from the school.

It is a beautiful small second floor. Although there is only the second floor, the decoration is very good. Because of the empty space, it looks very atmospheric. The exterior is red wall tiles and the yard is full of beautiful flowers.

The most important thing is that although Grandma Gu didn't say anything, Ji Changze can tell that she really likes the large bookcase on the first floor that spans the entire living room.

"Godmother, it's not bad here. Why don't you choose this place? You can go to school when you arrive in Linxi, and you can come back to accompany you every day."

Grandma Gu couldn't put it down.

Where did she live in such a beautiful house in her life, everything was clean and tidy, and it looked like a picture from a dream.

Looking at the beautiful stone table in the garden outside, she could almost imagine Linxi sitting at the stone table in the future, reading a book in the sun.

She said just now that Ji Changze should be called as usual, but Linxi's father insisted that it would be better for the two families to get married.

In this way, Linxi can rest assured, and he can also repay her for raising up Linxi.

He also said that he is Linxi's father, which is also her half son.

Grandma Gu's eyes were a little moist.

She and her husband have been exhausted for most of their lives, but the daughter who has struggled with energy and financial resources does not pay attention to them, but the father of a grandson who has never met is willing to take care of her.

At this moment, she believed in the words of happiness.

The house was settled, and Ji Changze continued to talk to Grandma Gu about the follow-up arrangements: "We will go to the hospital for a full physical examination later. Linxi said that you have been uncomfortable but you haven't seen it. Let's look at insurance."

"Wait. After the inspection, the home is almost moved. I asked for leave from the school in the evening and asked Linxi to come back to accompany you. He has experienced a lot of things in the past two days. Talk to you."

After finishing his own arrangements, He asked Grandma Gu: "What else do you need? As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you finish it."

Grandma Gu hesitated, but still couldn't resist her heart. She grabbed her sleeve a little nervously, and made a soft voice. : "the home around the old university, I want to go on."

Then, ranging Jichang Ze speak, she quickly explained:. "I have the money here, tuition is enough, is the fear of delay care Pro West"

could have been She intends to leave the money to her grandson, but now it is obvious that Linxi will not use the money. In the future, Linxi will have Ji Changze to take care of her. She will not have to make money every day. Grandma Gu thought of the university for the elderly that she had always longed for.


brought you here to make you happy. It's a good thing that you want to go to college for the elderly." Ji Changze is not surprised that the old lady is so motivated.

So those who love to read, if not forced by life, I am afraid they would have gone to study happily long ago.

Grandma Gu laughed when she heard that she could go to school.

"It's great, I can go to school again."

She touched her sleeves a little awkwardly, and repeated: "It's great."


Gu Linxi was absent from school at noon, and when he returned, the rumor that "Gu Linxi was a rich second generation away from home" had evolved to "Gu Linxi was unwilling to go back with his rich father to inherit the family business. Take it away".

Seeing him come back, many classmates' eyes were full of admiration of "Wow, you are such a warrior, you ran back again."

Gu Linxi: "..."

He had to explain again: "It's not what you think, it's really not." A

classmate asked: "Then they said that your father is very rich, and there are so many bodyguards that are fake?"

Gu Linxi: "...This is true."

" Is it true that you want to inherit the family business in the future?"

Gu Linxi: "..."

Dad said that he would inherit the family business.

But admit this... I always feel so ashamed.

When Ji Changze came to the school to ask his son to go home in the evening, the principal and the dean were all accompanied by smiling faces, and there was a black bodyguard behind him.

The rumors once again evolved to "Gu Linxi's father eats black and white, he must bring bodyguards in and out, and he has a green dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right."

Looking at the classmates who kept discussing for his father, "How to be chic when he was young," and "How to sweep black and white", Gu Linxi said: "...My father does not have a surname, and he is not a black and white person. , He just opened a company and only opened a company."

Only three words were opened with accent.

When asked why the father and son had different surnames, Gu Linxi said straightforwardly: "I follow my mother's surname."

His father did not mention changing the surname. Gu Linxi himself was used to this name, but he didn't think this. What's the last name.

Although his mother ignored him, his grandfather loved him, and his surname was followed by his grandfather.

The classmates nodded their faces, and secretly produced versions such as "Gu Linxi's father must not let his son follow his surname to protect him."

The seniors in the third year of high school are okay, every day they are so busy just listening and running out of time.

The second year of high school is a little older, and as a second year student, I also have a sense of urgency and basically don't participate in this.

Only the children in the first year of high school.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, just ascending from junior high school, with a big brain, and still in second grade, the rumors spread very quickly, just because of Ji Changze's still handsome face and figure set off by his clothes.

As well as the assistant and eighty bodyguards behind him, the luxury car cleared the road and the principal had smiles facing each other, which was enough to make the children envy and scream screaming. Students often spend more time than adults. When Gu Linxi got a new mobile phone from his father in the evening, and opened the school forum happily, the fanci with him as the protagonist appeared in it. Students are self-confident in the forum of their school. Naturally, it is impossible to change the number of three thousand a day. At a glance, it is only six or seven hundred words. Gu Linxi is curious and a little proud and shy of "someone writes me". of. Then I saw something like this: Gu Linxi: "???" Gu Linxi: "..." If it's just like this, then forget it. However, his father's voice came from the side: "Wow, this little student is good at writing. Which novel website is this, can I give a reward?" Gu Linxi: "..." His whole body is petrified. He almost stiffened his neck, slowly and slowly turned his head, and then saw Ji Changze standing next to him, his face full of interest. Gu Linxi: "..." The scene of the death of the society is nothing more than this. He held the phone and almost didn't find a place to get in on the spot.

Ji Changze was still very interested, and he took Gu Linxi's phone in his hand and read the rest.

"Hmm... So you know how to do in Linxi, taekwondo, karate, Sanshou, piano, violin and ukulele. Can you also paint? Much better than Dad."

Gu Linxi: "... …No."

He covered his face and his ears were completely red: "I don't know this. This is made up by our schoolmates."

Ji Changze nodded, "It's okay, no, don't feel inferior, dad invite you Teacher, you can learn whichever you want to learn. Dad agrees after you learn it."


He exclaimed again: "So in the eyes of your classmates, Dad is so good? I'm still King V. Jue, am I so good?" The

assistant quietly reminded the triumphant boss next to him: "Ji Dong, country V is a presidential system, and there is no royal family."

Ji Changze didn't care at all, and even justified himself: "This is a novel, in the novel. v the State. " "

the students really good, very good this description, you see, she wrote me has a pair of dark eyes, a sharp brow, as well as sculptures jaw line, ah? Wait, I Does your jaw line look like a sculpture? Assistant, show me a mirror."

Assistant: "..."

Ji Dong never had a normal day.

He is really difficult as a normal person.

While lamenting that he had to sell his soul for money, he took out a small mirror from his pocket and handed it to Ji Changze, watching the other side's face in the mirror constantly comparing whether the jaw line is really the same as a sculpture.

Gu Linxi, who has been in the middle of the second phase at all, is the child of the poor family. Gu Linxi said, "Dad...These are all written for fun, don't read it." The

thought of how cold he was and how he had a dark belly was written on it for another moment. The schizophrenia turned into gentleness, and his toenails buckled the ground.

Ji Changze returned the phone to his son with a look of unsatisfactory expression.

I regret to say, "I still want to see it. They only wrote so little. Oh, now the students are really getting more and more talented, but my father thinks that our family is the best in Linxi."

He looked at him . Grandma's examination result was told to his son.

Sure enough, the disease was found, but because the disease had not reached its most serious time, and because it could be completely cured, Gu Linxi was relieved.

He was somewhat fortunate.

Fortunately, fortunately Dad is here.

Otherwise, if Dad is not there, according to the situation of their family, even if the grandmother finds out the illness, they will not have the money to treat.

"Well, Dad can't accompany you tomorrow. I want to meet a friend. You and grandma will have a good talk tonight. After a few days, Dad will go to your school to participate in the conference."

What kind of conference is of course the school is preparing to rebuild. The conference is over. As a building donator, Ji Changze is definitely going to attend.

Gu Linxi nodded, and


obediently : "Goodbye, Dad." "Goodbye." Ji Changze waved, went downstairs and got in the car and left.

Seeing that the other party seemed to have completely forgotten the fan-art post, Gu Linxi breathed a sigh of relief.

Dad just took a look by the way.

so far so good.

He was relieved, he accidentally pressed the refresh, lowered his head and glanced inadvertently, and saw that there was a new reply downstairs.

My best man in the world: 2 seconds ago,

my best man in the world: ――1 second ago

Gu Linxi: "..."

He refused to think about who the best man in the world was.

***In the

early morning of the next day, the sun shone into Liu's house and fell on Liu Pianran who was sitting on the table and chair.

He is thinking.

In fact, he was meditating all night.

I got the "I told you that your nephew and daughter-in-law had a son before, and that child was Ji Changze's, but Changze didn't know that because she was born stealthily, she still treated the child unscrupulously." After the long stimulating news, Liu Pianran has been thinking.

He thought, he must have done a lot of sins in his previous life.

Otherwise, why send a group of silly people like the Liu family to torture him.

When he was young, he was bullied by the Liu family.

When he grows up he is capable, and he will be stabbed by the trusted Liu family.

After finally having the ability to counterattack and returning, his only wish is to regain friendship with his childhood partner.

In the end, it was the Liu family again, who made a new cut in the relationship between him and Changze.

The Liu family, the Liu family.

A thousand-for-all defense, unexpectedly did not guard against a nephew and daughter-in-law.

Originally, he was worried that Changze and the others would misunderstand him because it was good for them.

As a result, Gu Cui is now added.

A woman who left the only child of Changze for sixteen years.

He listened to Gu Linxi from the prince in his usual life.

Since I was young, I didn't have many new clothes, and I lived with the elderly. When I was a freshman, I had to take advantage of the vacation to work part-time to subsidize the family.

Where is Liuhe?

Even if the Liu family is not as usual, this kid is still looking around and having fun, and his daughter-in-law Gu Cui, the jewelry she wore on her neck last time was hundreds of thousands.

Can Nagasawa not get angry?

Can he not anger?

Isn't it clear at a glance which friendship is more important than an only child?

Liu Pianran thought that every time he couldn't make it through these years, he would take out the three of them to take care of them when they were young.

Thinking of him coming back, I always wanted to meet Changze Tengsheng.

Thinking that the two talents had just agreed to him, they met today to reminisce about the past.

The results of it? ! !

The results of it? ! ! !

His friendship!

His precious, carefully treasured friendship for more than ten years was so ruined in the hands of a nephew and daughter-in-law! !


Liu Pianran became more and more angry. He couldn't help but exploded and threw the cup on the table to the ground.

The nurse who was being coaxed by the nanny suddenly heard the sound and was startled, and burst into tears.

It was then that Liu Pianran realized that there was still a child in the house, and hurriedly got up, limply walked over with a cane, and softly coaxed the baby in her swaddle in her arms.

"Don't cry or cry, my uncle didn't mean to cry." The

baby was coaxed by someone he was familiar with, and slowly stopped crying. Liu Pianran watched the child fall asleep with tears, and wanted to cry with the child. Up.

After more than ten years of hard work, he returned to the pre-liberation period.

No, this is not as good as before liberation.

Liu Pianran returned the child to the babysitter and limped around in the living room several times, watching the child's peaceful sleep quickly.

No, he can't give up.

You can't just sit and wait.

He is him and Gu Cui is Gu Cui. Strictly speaking, he is also a victim who has been hurt by the Liu family.

Liu Pianran thought of this, his eyes lit up.

Yes, he should put himself in the perspective of a victim.

He and Changze, and Changze children belong together.

The Liu Family is the villain to be defeated! !

Such a positive figure like him would certainly disdain to be with him.

After figuring it out, Liu Pianran breathed a sigh of relief.

That child is only sixteen years old.

The best age.

As long as he coaxes that child well, if Changze sees the other person likes him, he will definitely not be angry with him.

After thinking about it, he began to carefully choose gifts for Gu Linxi.

Be sure to choose the best, suitable for children of this age, and full of sincerity.

He thought of something, and turned to the other nanny and said,

"Auntie, please help me take down the book in the room."

The book was carefully selected by him, and it contained some business terms.

Liu Pianran is indeed working hard now, but it is embarrassing because he has been fighting alone and fumbled for himself. In fact, he has already forgotten the various terms in the second-generation circle and the business circle.

When I attended some gatherings before, I was also laughed at.

At that time, he didn't take it to heart at all, and he sneered at it. After all, money is the kingly way. No matter how thoughtful you are in terms of etiquette, no matter how careful you use words, no money is not worth nothing.

But Changze and Tengsheng grew up in such an environment. When Liu Pianran was a child, the Liu family never taught him anything, and he didn't remember if Changze and the others had received similar teachings.

Even if you didn't have it when you were young, you will always have it when you grow up.

He has to make up lessons.

Everyone has grown up, and he has to show his best side of maturity and responsibility.

Liu Pianran nervously read a book for more than an hour at home, then hid in the room and changed clothes for half an hour before finally choosing the clothes he thought was the best, with a little nervousness, a little anticipation, and fullness. Full of anxiety got into the car.

When he got there, he kept thinking about what words he would use as an opening remark.

How can I find a new topic in common with Changze Tengsheng?

It's not a kid now, and you can become good friends by playing together in an afternoon.

When Liu Pianran arrived, he saw the two sitting together from a distance.

He slowed down and started to feel low self-esteem.

In fact, their appearance hasn't changed much, they are still so bold and wanton, and they are much younger than their original age.

Unlike Liu Pianran, his appearance followed his beautiful mother. When he was a boy, he was a little bit indistinguishable. Coupled with a nice name, many maidens had pursued him at that time.

There are also girls who have been emotional, but at the time he and the white-eyed wolf brother had a good relationship. The younger brother expressed dissatisfaction, saying that he was afraid that after falling in love, he would spend more time with his girlfriend instead of himself. Liu Pianran was also stupid, and it was really true. Believing the other side's nonsense, refused one by one.

After being kicked out of the house, he wanted to understand why the other party was afraid that he would spend less time on him, obviously because he was afraid that he would marry those prominent princes and would not be able to push him down afterwards.

When Liu Pianran left, he was very embarrassed. He was limping, all betrayed, and he was alone in a foreign country. When he was outside in the first year of the New Year, he gave himself a bowl of noodles on New Year's Eve, crying and eating.

From that day on, his temperament has slowly changed. He is not as gentle as before, and he is unwilling to open his heart to others. Maybe it is true to his heart. His original appearance that looks very soft and non-aggressive has gradually changed. Become a gentle scum face.

Especially when he is still wearing glasses, it is even more reminiscent of the old fox.

When others looked at it, they intuitively felt that he was not easy to mess with.

Before, Liu Pianran was very satisfied with what she was now, because others would no longer despise him because of his age and his lameness.

But now...

he touched his face timidly, regretting that he stayed up all night last night. He had dark circles when he stayed up all night, and when he had dark circles, the whole person looked even less like Nice guys.

Liu Pianran regretted it very much. He knew that before going out this morning, he would go and apply auntie's mask.

I don't know if Changze and Tengsheng think he looks sinister and cunning.

Although he is really insidious and cunning...

Liu Pianran hesitated for a long time, but did not dare to step forward, regretting that he did not expect to do maintenance and packaging in advance.

They will definitely think that he looks very uncomfortable now... After

he came back, he had seen his "playmate" several times. When he was not "famous" in the circle, the other party was surprised when he saw him. Take the initiative to invite him to dinner.

Liu Pianran really thought he missed himself, and went to the appointment happily. As a result, after the whole meal, the other party was testing his current wealth and status in the open and secretly.

Liu Pianran, who had no feelings for him at first, simply left, and since then he has a new understanding of the snobbery in this circle.

It's not that difficult to understand. After all, people who have arrived at this board, apart from those who really grew up together, who pays attention to friendship when they get along, don't they look at the rights of personal connections?

Liu Pianran could not take that person seriously, but faced Shang Changze and Tengsheng.

If they test his wealth...

he will definitely show it off! !

Liu Pianran turned around in the same place for several times, the plot in his mind had progressed to sixteen chapters, and he did not dare to step forward. As a result, Ji Changze was smiling and talking to Teng Sheng, one of them raised his eyes inadvertently, and the two were right. On sight.

Liu Pianran, who was suddenly seen: "..."

He was completely stiff.

He put his hand on the glasses hesitantly, thinking about whether to take it off, but he was highly nearsighted, and he opened his eyes when he took it off.

"Liu Pianran!"

Before he thought about whether he should take off his glasses, Ji Changze had already called him.

Teng Sheng, who was looking down at the menu, heard the movement, and then looked up and saw Liu Pianran, smiling and beckoning: "Here, hurry up, you, what's the problem of you being late every time you come out? What's going on."

Liu Pianran chirped forward, not embarrassed to say that he had actually been there a long time ago, but because he was too nervous, he went up after an hour of psychological construction downstairs.

He carefully observed the facial expressions of Ji Changze and Teng Sheng, and found that the two were affectionate, and there was no doubt because of the change in his appearance.

While he was relieved, he was also a little emotional.

Sure enough, they have grown up. If they were young, they would definitely ask.

Now that everyone is older, these questions that can be asked or not will only be chosen as if they were not seen.

"We just ordered a good meal. Take a look at what you eat."

Teng Sheng handed over the menu and looked at the small clothes that were sent out with interest.

"Your clothes are good, custom made? Where do you customize them? I'll go and order one too." There


The time has come to test financial resources.

Liu Pianran hurriedly got up and said nervously, "It's Ferol."

Ferol is famously expensive and difficult to make appointments, and he also looks at people, some large sums of money, even if it's money, Ferol will also No answer.

Is this enough proof of his financial resources?


Feiluoer , I heard that I will also go to make a custom one tomorrow. They have a good home and they look good." Ji Changze saw Teng Sheng look greedy, and ruthlessly interrupted his enjoyment: "You can get it. , Liu Pianran looks good in clothes because he has a good figure, just your figure, and the belly is big for drinking and drinking, even if you wear this suit, no one looks good."

Liu Pianran straightened up nervously.

Did Nagasawa mean that he rarely attended cocktail parties?

In fact, he has received a lot of invitations, just because it is not convenient to walk, so he is not willing to go out to show up.

He hurriedly said: "By the way, will you go to the golden wedding banquet of Dong Jin next month? If you go, it is better to go together?" With

the identity of Dong Jin, the guests invited are either rich or expensive. He can enter, and it can also explain certain financial resources. Right.

"If you don't go or not, what's the meaning of that kind of banquet."

Ji Changze waved his hand: "My dad probably will go. By the way, you haven't seen my dad for a long time. He even talked about you before, let me talk to you. Studying, he must be very happy to meet you."

Liu Pianran said: "!!!"

He quickly explained: "I am just lucky. Uncle Ji is so busy, I won't bother."

Seeing it, Changze! ! !

I don't want to have a good relationship with Uncle Ji through you! !

I don't have that worldly idea! !

"What luck, you are so good, do you know that you have come back to take control of your house? It has spread all over the circle, saying that you are very competitive."

Teng Sheng casually said: "Yes, your family now treats you as an ancestor. It's so cool."

After that, he was a little thirsty and took a sip of tea.

I'm coming.

Liu Pianran immediately began to read and comprehend.

The superficial meaning of this sentence seems to be saying that his counterattack was successful and that the Liu family pleased him.

In fact, he was testing, asking if he had become the patron of the Liu family.

Serving tea means that if he is standing at the Liu's side, he will serve tea as a guest.

How could Liu Pianran give up her childhood buddies for a group of people who bullied him?

He hurriedly sat down and took it seriously, and fluently responded: "No, no, I didn't go home. I have been living by myself after returning to China." The

miserable business started: "You know how I was when I was a kid. Bullying me, if it weren't for you to help me, I still don't know what it was like to be bullied by them."

"Liu Shuran, that Wang Ba Lao, you have seen how much I love him before. I really treat him as my own brother. The result? , This kid stabbed me in the back."

"Let's tell you, I hate them to death. Now that I'm not killing them, they are cutting meat slowly. You know, give them a little hope, but you can only watch yourself slowly decay. There are rumors that I'm still helping them. It's all fake! It's all rumors! I don't care about them at all! I just squeezed their own resources into my hands to control them!"

Finally, I concluded: "I am absolutely not ashamed to be with them. This group of villains! Serpent-hearted! Wolf-hearted! White-eyed wolves! I can't wait to kill them! Eat their meat! Drink their blood! I feel sick when I look at them!!"

Teng Sheng just said casually: " ..."

He was holding the teacup, looking at Liu Pianran stupidly.

Afraid that he would not believe him, Liu Pianran repeated: "I hate them to death !"

Teng Sheng: "...I can see it."

He pushed the teacup in front of Liu Pianran forward: "Drink some water, drink some Water." After

saying so much, I should be very thirsty.

Liu Pianran picked up the tea cup and thought, could this be what he meant by accepting him?

His happy nose was a little sour, and he took a drink and drank it.

Teng Sheng drew in Ji Changze's ear and whispered: "It seems that he has been holding back for a long time, so pitiful."

Ji Changze also whispered in his ear: "No, they don't do personnel affairs, Gu Is it true that Cui and them don't enter the house as a family? Fortunately, Liu Pianran runs fast. Otherwise, he is so cheating that he might break his right leg."

Seeing the two people whispering in front of him, Liu Pianran put down her teacup uncomfortably.

I shouldn't be talking ill of him.

If you say bad things, you will definitely not say it in person.

When the dishes came, Ji Changze and Teng Sheng stopped whispering and began to eat seriously.

After half an hour.

Liu Pianran sipped his food.

He was already full, but he didn't want the gathering a dozen years later to end like this, so he could only pretend that he was not full and still eat one bite at a time.

According to social etiquette, even if Changze and Tengsheng are full, they will wait for him.

Jichang Ze look at the time on the watch:. "Come eat, to the opening of the movie"

Teng Sheng followed urged: "Yes ah, hurry hurry, we can look forward to this movie for a long time."

Liu lightly: "..."

he quickly put down the chopsticks: "we have to go to the movies?"

"Yes ah, we used to not like to watch movies together yet today's especially good-looking movie, you have a good look"?.


Do they have anything else they want to tell him through the movie?

With a trace of expectation and anxiety, Liu Pianran followed Ji Changze into the cinema.

When he saw that there were half children and half adults around him, he had vaguely felt that something was wrong.

When the movie started and the music sounded, he was already fidgeting.

Then, he saw a familiar figure in a leather jacket.

Liu Pianran: "..."

Ao, Ultraman? ?

He rubbed his eyes suspiciously and looked at Teng Shengji Changze next to him.

Two middle-aged people, nearly forty years old, are holding a big bucket of popcorn alone, and there is a glass of Coke with ice on the chair.

At this moment, I was eating while discussing in a low voice:

Teng Sheng: "It looks good."

Ji Changze: "Sure enough, it's a new Ultraman again. Handsome is handsome. I still prefer Tiga."

Teng Sheng: "By the way, I have a Tiga figure that arrived yesterday. I waited for my height, gave me two monsters, and a city. It was only thirty-three thousand. The texture is really worth it. You can visit my house today. Special handsome, the light in front of his chest will still be bright, and there are sound effects."

Ji Changze: "Sounds good, send me the link." After the

two discussed, they finally found that Liu Pianran hadn't joined in, but had been staring at him. Looking at them, they glanced at each other and turned to look at him:

"Want to eat popcorn? You just asked you to buy it. You don't want to buy it. Now you are greedy."

Ji Changze generously put his popcorn in the middle: "Come on, let's Eat together."

Liu Pianran: "..."

He stayed for a few seconds before finding his own voice.

"You specially... come to see Ultraman?"

Ji Changze and Teng Sheng wondered when they looked at him: "What's wrong? Don't you want to reminisce about your childhood?"

This it too childish... the

plot begins, two childhood friends Soon, I diverted my attention and concentrated on watching the movie.

The whole process was blank, witnessing that the two watched with gusto, and Liu Pianran, who was still holding hands tightly according to the ups and downs of the plot: "..."

Now he doubts whether he is dreaming.

At the end of a movie, Ji Changze and Teng Sheng were content, and they discussed the plot just now while drinking Coke. They even had a fierce dispute over guessing which Ultraman will star in the next big movie.

Liu Pianran: "..."

He doubted life all the way.

After observing for a long time, I discovered that these two people were really serious.

No, wait.

Didn't you just test him for a long time?

"Liu Pianran, what are you doing in a daze, go, let's play billiards today."

Playing billiards...

Liu Pianran hasn't conducted this activity for more than ten years.

On this day, they played billiards together, went to karaoke, went to skating rink, and played games in the game hall.

After playing the game, Ji Changze has not forgotten to file a complaint:

"Your elder brother's son's daughter-in-law, the one named Gu Cui, do you know? She had a period with me before and gave birth to a child without telling me. Good fellow. No matter what, I eat it for myself, I will tell you that I am very upset with her, you have to stand with me."

Liu Pianran, who hadn't directly stated his position, said: "...Okay."

End At the time, Liu Pianran was completely convinced.

The two of them are still the same as before.

What temptation, what grows up, what is in the words.

They didn't even think of the incident.

The only thing in their minds was the Suspense Ultraman and the new Tiga Ultraman, whether the hands were soft enough to change their positions.

But he still has a problem.

He has changed so much, why are these two people not surprised at all when they see him?

"Huh? Change, is there any?"

Ji Changze was asked confidently: "I have forgotten what you looked like before. I saw you in the magazine before. Have you changed your appearance? Where has your appearance changed? Handsome? Is it ugly?"

Teng Sheng echoed: "Yes, more than ten years have passed. Who remembers what you used to look like? Tell me about what has changed."

Liu Pianran: "..."

He is today Learned a new knowledge.

Friends who haven't seen you in more than ten years have nothing to say about the changes in your appearance.

Maybe it's not because I haven't seen a relationship for a long time and it is difficult to ask.

And just simply show what you looked like before...

I forgot.