Son, I’m your father (13) (Young Master calls you to go home (Sanhe...)

Gu Linxi thought, I don't know if he can find the host and tell him not to write so exaggeratedly.

He looked down from here, almost all the students in the class crowded upstairs to look down, watching and discussing enthusiastically.

Who made it happen to be the end of get out of class? The students who were supposed to rush to the cafeteria in large numbers felt that it was more cost-effective to look at the helicopter instead of the meal that could be eaten a little later.

Of course, there are also smart students who rushed to the cafeteria with their own lunch boxes, taking advantage of the small number of people now that they finished the meal quickly, and then came out with the food box and watched while eating.

Other students just watched from a distance. Among Gu Linxi's classmates, the students sitting next to the window heard what the dean said.

They were so excited that they were not even afraid of the dean of education, and went straight forward: "Gu Linxi, is this your father's plane?"

"Your father is amazing, he still has a plane!" He

just got up from junior high school. The students' imagination is still very good, but they can't think that there is a plane at Gu Linxi's house.

There were people in other classes who speculated that Gu Linxi was the prince of the UAE, and some even came to find out if Gu Linxi was a mixed race, but he denied it back with a black line on his face.

In a blink of an eye, Ji Changze drove a plane to the school.

Gu Linxi: "..."

Of course he wouldn't speak ill of his father, so he could only say: "My father likes to play."

Anyway, my father must do it for his good.

For the students, the fact that Gu Linxi's father flew a plane just added another point to his already mysterious aristocratic identity.

But for Gu Cui and Liu He, who stood opposite Gu Linxi, it was very different.

Liu He is okay. He has completely forgotten how he used to treat Gu Linxi. Although I don't know why Liu Pianran treats Gu Cui's son so well, since he has a relationship with Gu Cui, he should want to please Gu Linxi. Isn't it simple?

Gu Cui's ears buzzed.

She really felt that she was dreaming.

She still doesn't know what is Gu Linxi's situation?

But now I can see it at a glance. It may be because it is too hot. Although Gu Linxi is still wearing the pants in the school uniform, he has taken off his jacket. The exposed shirt is a very expensive brand.

Gu Cui used to like to buy luxury goods, but since Liu's family gradually began to feel bad, Liu He stopped giving her money. All the money she spends now is from her previous savings.

Under such circumstances, she naturally couldn't spend money like she used to. Even when she bought a car before, it was because she had stunned Liu He for a long time before Liu He nodded and agreed.

This shirt is the latest model. When she saw it last week, she especially wanted the female model of the shirt, but she looked at the price, and although she could afford it, she could spend so much money to buy a shirt. Gu Cui hesitated for a long time. , And finally gave up.

And now, her son, who logically should have no money, is wearing this shirt.

She also saw a jade carved into Guanyin hanging around Gu Linxi's neck with sharp eyes.

The quality of that piece of jade is too good, and the price is definitely not low.

Gu Linxi...why is he?

In shock, Gu Cui also forgot to hide her vision, realizing that she had been looking at her clothes and the jade that her father had given him with greedy eyes, Gu Linxi frowned slightly.

He remembers that when Gu Cui was a child, when Gu Cui had not completely left the house, his grandma would buy some fruits from time to time because he was afraid of calcium deficiency. Gu Cui is one person and one person.

But grandma didn't know. As soon as she went out to work, Gu Cui relied on his young age to eat all the fruit.

A little fruit is nothing but nothing.

But Gu Cui's attitude speaks for itself.

So Gu Linxi was not surprised that Gu Cui gave up her biological mother and her biological son. She even snatched things from children. What bottom line could she have.

Now Gu Cui's sight reminded Gu Linxi of the bad experiences he had as a child. He frowned and put Guanyin in his clothes.

Gu Cui came back to his senses after noticing Gu Linxi's movements.

She looked up and down Gu Linxi with eyes that seemed to have never seen each other.

This son has grown up, and his length is very pleasing, and his height looks good. Now she really regrets not leaving Gu Linxi.

Nowadays, the way of life has changed. In the past, most of the circles were married. But now, most of those women are very capable of themselves. They have been trained since childhood, and they don't need to rely on men to survive, and they don't need marriage.

Under such circumstances, their mate selection conditions have naturally become what they like, and good-looking men have an absolute advantage. Gu Cui has participated in three such weddings with Liu He before, and successful brides are compared with ordinary brides. The groom who came out of the house.

She still despised the other person in her heart. She could choose a man with a fairly or even better family background, but she actually married so hastily because of a handsome face, a good figure and a good temper.

But now, looking at Gu Linxi's appearance, she began to regret again giving up this son.

Those grooms are not as good-looking as Gu Linxi. Maybe if you keep Gu Linxi by her side, she can still have a daughter-in-law with a proud life experience.

Gu Cui was still thinking about it, and Liu He had already spoken.

Compared to Gu Cui knowing that he had given up his son anyway, Liu He, the stepfather of Gu Linxi, was less self-aware.

How can he remember what he said to Gu Linxi before?

Even if he remembered, Gu Linxi was nothing more than a child in his eyes. The child always needs the mother, so just a little coax.

Thinking about this, Liu He squeezed a caring smile at Gu Linxi.

"So you are Linxi, I am a father, do you remember me? I said I would take you back to live with us."

Gu Linxi looked at each other coldly.

"You are here for Uncle Pianran?"

Uncle Pianran said that he is a good friend of his father and would often take him to play after school.

But compared to Dad and Uncle Tengsheng who took him to play games, watch movies and eat ice cream, Uncle Pianran was teaching him business things in most cases. In Uncle Pianran's words, he just can't count on Dad and Uncle Tengsheng. An older child with a baby.

He was also taken to some business gatherings. At that time, many people came up to talk up because Uncle Pianran valued him, and secretly gathered information from him, trying to coax him like a child.

Liu Pianran didn't care about these behaviors. He felt that the child could not be kept in the ivory tower. Now that Gu Linxi is still young, even if he suffers from something wrong, they can save his long memory with the help of their elders. .

If you dote now and wait for them to leave, what will Gu Linxi do if you haven't learned how to protect yourself.

Therefore, both theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge of Gu Linxi rose rapidly during this period.

He only heard what Liu He said just now and he probably understood it from the bottom of his heart.

The other party should regard him as Uncle Pianran's child. Both of them are surnamed Liu and are related by blood. Liu He even asked him to be his cousin.

Call a ghost.

Gu Linxi didn't want to talk to them.

Even if his father didn't come to pick him up, the two people who had been so disgusted with abandoning him suddenly came to him with such enthusiasm, his first reaction would only be the weasel to the rooster for New Year's greetings, and it must be no good.

Moreover, he is also very worried about his father.

Dad has always been very simple and kind, with no heart at all. Like a child, Uncle Pianran said that his father was spoiled by his grandfather. Gu Linxi was taken with his grandfather before, and his grandfather really spoiled the child at first sight.

Whether it's him or father, grandpa can't wait to hold them in his palm.

And the father, who really grew up in the ivory tower, would be deceived if he saw Gu Cui, his biological mother, and his father's former "girlfriend" again.

He stepped back, avoiding the hand that Liu He had handed over:

"At the beginning, we said we didn't want to contact me. Now I am almost of adulthood. No matter what you come to me for, I won't help."

"I still have something to do. , Let's go first, I hope you don't come to me again." After

Gu Linxi finished speaking, he turned around and went downstairs directly, despite Liu He's obstruction.

The dean of teaching also stopped: "Mr. Gu Linxi, if Gu Linxi doesn't want to talk to you, don't go."

The situation looks complicated.

But it does not matter.

After knowing that Gu Linxi's family is so rich, the dean of teaching realized that he had no experience in treating the children of wealthy families. He bought a lot of novels to read. If he felt that the text was not clear, he would go to tell about the life of a wealthy family. Watching TV series.

I have to say that the TV series was quite exciting. The family that enjoyed themselves in front of the media were all kinds of nasty privately. The wealthy parents seemed to be affectionate, but in fact they each had their own illegitimate children and daughters, and they all took back home to live together.

The eldest son has an affair with the younger sister-in-law. The child born to the younger daughter-in-law is actually the father-in-law. The illegitimate child from the man's side has a leg with the father's true wife. The biological mother of the illegitimate child collapsed on the spot after discovering it, so the plot began to recall. When the rich couple were young, they didn't play their own roles until the man cheated on the girl's girlfriend. The girl's girlfriend was the biological mother of the illegitimate child. After that, the woman's heart cooled down and she began to snatch the rights. After she got the right to speak, she also took care of her love. husband.

The director of the teaching who watched the plot was stunned for a while, but he still habitually summarized it, and concluded that her husband cheated on her girlfriend, and the result was that the girlfriend and her husband's handsome son fell in love with me.

The dean firmly believes that this must be an alternative way of revenge, because it is obvious that the woman is not so concerned about the illegitimate child of Xiao Xianrou, but Xiao Xianrou, who loves her wholeheartedly, almost died of his mother.

He just wanted to say that your circle is really messy.

But Gu Linxi, a good student that their school has been protecting, has entered this circle.

Anyway, it is definitely not acceptable to be polluted. As long as Gu Linxi is a student in their school for a day, they are obliged to maintain each other's three views.

The dean who is full of big-headed dramas stopped him. Since the other party often went to the PE teacher's class, he usually performed a wall-climbing chase the students who were truant, and he went to the Internet cafe to catch people and chase the students who escaped. The physical strength was still very strong.

Liu He could only watch Gu Linxi run away, while the bald teacher in front was still playing officialdom there: "You have also seen that our school respects the wishes of students. Gu Linxi is not willing to talk to you. Don't force it."

Look, what a good school we are.


He : "..." He was furious: "How can you stop me, I donated a gymnasium!" The

dean was very surprised: "Aren't you doing good deeds? Is it because we respect the wishes of the students? Do you want to take back the gymnasium? But you signed it just now."

Liu He: "..."

Does the teacher at this school have a brain hole? !

He had no choice but to reprimand his wife who had been standing still.

"What's the matter with you? I just didn't know how to say a few words?"

If Gu Cui had just spoken , it was Gu Linxi's mother, he would definitely not run so fast.

Gu Cui was still puzzled. She asked, "Why did Gu Linxi have a relationship with my uncle?"

Shouldn't the two of them be out of touch with each other?

Liu He was taken aback, only then did he remember.

Yes, Gu Linxi is Gu Cui's child, so why would Liu Pianran treat Gu Linxi so well?

And Gu Linxi was still called Uncle Liu Pianran, not the father they had guessed.

But it's not right. Liu Pianran has raised so many children. He has never been like this before, so he almost held Gu Linxi in his palm.

If there is no blood relationship, who would treat other people's children as a baby.


Liu He looked enviously at the private helicopter parked downstairs.

I had never heard of my uncle having a private helicopter before, and now he actually flies such a plane to take care of Linxi.

He had never thought that someone else would fly the plane.

After all, it was preconceived that Liu Pianran loved Gu Linxi as his child, and he knew only one Liu Pianran who could afford to buy a private helicopter.

He asked the dean of teaching, "You just said that it was Dad Gu Linxi who came to pick him up?" The

dean nodded: "Yes, Dad Linxi loves him very much. He has to pick him up in person almost every day, but he used to drive. , It's the first time to fly a plane."

It seems that the place they want to eat this time is quite far away.

Just now Gu Cui personally said that Gu Linxi is her son.

The dean of teaching hadn't reacted before, but now seeing the ugly looks of the two of them, he suddenly remembered what the principal had told him about Gu Linxi's house.

Before, they were not very clear about the interpersonal relationship in Gu Linxi's family. They only knew that he and his grandma depended on each other for their lives, and their lives were very difficult.

He didn't know the details until Ji Changze came in.

It turned out that Gu Linxi's mother was not dead, but never returned after marrying, and when she was pregnant, she did not inform the child's biological father Ji Changze.

As a result, Gu Linxi had a difficult life for more than ten years before meeting his father. If it weren't for Ji Changze to pass by before, Gu Linxi's growth was similar to him, and he might have to suffer for several years until he found it after graduation. Work can get better.

But according to Ji Changze's posture that he cares for the child, he should have been at the terminal since he was born.

Thinking of this, the look in Gu Cui's eyes was not quite right.

Especially today, Gu Cui even dressed up specially, specially looking for her most expensive jewelry to wear on her body, and she looked like she was very rich.

Such a wealthy mother never showed up when Gu Linxi was in poverty. Now Gu Linxi's biological father has found him. He has a better life, and his father, grandfather and uncles love him, and she is here again.

Who would believe that she just suddenly remembered to take a look.

"Two, I visited too. It's a break now. Otherwise, let's forget it first?"

Although my heart has been madly complaining, the dean of teaching is still very self-reliant. After talking about it, he turned around and left.

If the two of them donated a gymnasium and hoped to let their school teachers act as cows, responding to their requests, and even forced Gu Linxi to meet them, it would be so beautiful.

Even if he was willing, the principal would certainly not be willing.

Liu He didn't care about the dean's departure. After receiving the answer that "the bottom person is Gu Linxi's father", he was even more convinced that the bottom person was the younger uncle.

What's the situation?

How could the uncle get involved with his wife's son?

I really can't figure it out, Liu He can only think hard.

He suddenly remembered that Gu Cui had previously said that he met Gu Linxi's biological father abroad, but Liu Pianran, he went abroad after he had a lame leg, and came back a while ago.

Liu He looked at Gu Cui next to him in disbelief: "You didn't have him with your uncle back then?"

Gu Cui was also dumbfounded.

"Impossible, it's not like I haven't seen my uncle, his appearance is not the same as Gu Linxi's father..."

she said, and suddenly stopped.

After so many years, how can she still remember the other person's looks.

Even Gu Linxi, she didn't know what he looked like, she didn't recognize him when she saw the photo, and the director called him by his name. Gu Cui vaguely remembered what the other person looked like when she was a child.

She didn't just have Gu Linxi's biological father a boyfriend in a foreign country. After giving birth to Gu Linxi, her expenses had always been borne by her boyfriends. At that time, racial discrimination in foreign countries was quite serious, and Gu Cui's acquaintance was with him. Boyfriends are all Chinese.

Among them, there are also rich second generations, but those rich second generations have clear ideas and are just for fun, not taking it seriously.

After that, she returned to China and worked hard to pack herself. After becoming Liu He's wife, she actively participated in the banquet. Sixteen years have passed. Who remembers the appearance of a man who only spent a little time together sixteen years ago.

The look on Gu Cui's face hesitated, "...I don't remember what he looked like."

Liu He frowned.

"My uncle's leg should be lame at the time, do you remember he had a lame leg?"

Is there a lame leg?

Gu Cui couldn't remember.

She only remembered that the other party bought her a bag and jewelry, and then gave her money. She was young and felt that those things were valuable, so she planned to take the child to the top. Even if the other party was unwilling to marry her, a child should be. Can get a lot of money.

As a result, the others just disappeared.

She couldn't remember more details, so she could only tell what she knew; "His English name should be John, and he disappeared suddenly. I had no choice but to give birth to the child by myself. Later, there were several Chinese disguises. The second generation of Cheng Fu cheated money and sex? I thought he was a liar."

Liu He didn't know what his uncle's English name was.

After all, after my uncle came back, even his father talked to him, he was always ignorant, let alone being such a junior.

He recalled the uncle's message he had heard.

"When my grandfather passed away, my uncle seemed to have come back."

At that time, the other party hadn't mixed up any achievements and didn't go in to express condolences, but several people saw him.

No one took him to heart. After all, he had no inheritance rights at the time, and even if he came back, he couldn't grab much property.

His father once mentioned this. He said that his grandpa was not so good to his uncle. He grew up completely freely when he was a child. Later, he showed his own abilities when he grew up, and his grandfather paid more attention to him.

If he really preferred the uncle, he would not have been driven out after the uncle was backstabbed.

His father took this incident as evidence that "My uncle still cares about his relatives", thinking that as long as they can please each other, the other party will definitely be willing to pull them.

The more Liu He thought about it, the more he felt that the time was right.

"The year my grandfather died was xx years, how many years were you pregnant?"

Coincidentally, the year Gu Cui was pregnant was really the same year.

Liu Heyitong analyzed fiercely as a tiger:

"My uncle has been developing abroad before, and many Chinese and ethnic Chinese are his partners. Maybe he has developed very well at that time."

"As a result, my grandfather died suddenly, and my uncle rushed back. , You lose contact." It is

justified and convincing.

Even Gu Cui, the client, was full of enthusiasm and thought it was very possible.

She also provided evidence: "I remember, Gu Linxi's father is very good."

At the time, she was still young, unlike the way she is now, she only looks at money, but still looks at her face. It seems that it is because the other party is rich and has a face. , The idea of wanting to marry him came up.

But she still has a question: "Although I can't remember clearly, when I met my uncle, I didn't feel familiar at all."

Liu He became excited : "My uncle was very handsome when he was young. At that time, there were no girls in the circle. I like him all

my life." "My dad said that my uncle's appearance is very different from before. He is a little hard to recognize at first sight.

It's normal if you can't recognize him." Now it seems to be handsome, but Changed a way of handsome.

Liu He was so excited when he thought that he was actually the mother of his uncle's child.

The more I talked, the more I felt that the truth was this: "And do you remember that when we saw my uncle, it was obviously the first time we met. As a result, he turned his face immediately after seeing you. We didn't say a word, he just Let's get out. I thought it was because Liu Shuran was angering..." But

now, it seems that Liu Pianran has probably recognized Gu Cui.

Gu Cui gave up Gu Linxi for him. As the child's biological father, it was normal for Liu Pianran to be angry.

Although knowing that Liu Pianran may be very angry now, Liu He is still excited.

Gu Linxi may be the only blood of my uncle.

For a kid that is older, it's better to just coax it.

Gu Cui was originally uncertain, but when Liu He said so, she also felt that Liu Pianran was probably her boyfriend more than ten years ago.

Maybe Liu Pianran was angry because she felt angry that she didn't recognize herself.

After all, she has been taking good care of her. Although she is getting older now, she only has more fine lines. With makeup, she is still very good-looking. Gu Cui believes that her charm is still there.

After affirming that "Liu Pianran is Gu Linxi's father", in addition to surprise in Gu Cui's heart, all that was left was full of excitement and pride.

What kind of wealth is Liu Pianran.

It was much stronger than Liu He, and even Liu He's father couldn't compete with it.

If she could "reconcile" with Liu Pianran as Gu Linxi's mother...

Gu Cui lifted her hair and thought, Liu Pianran cares about Linxi so much, she must also want her to have a normal family. Dad, there is a mother.

Her eyes flickered, she glanced at her husband next to her, wondering how to put a green hat on Liu He in a beautiful posture.

In the helicopter, Liu Pianran was indeed following. He didn't know that he had been carrying the pot for his brother. He was sitting in a numb position, unable to lean back to look at the students who were curiously looking outside. .

"Changze, isn't this an exaggeration for us? You are going to be on the rhythm of the news."

Ji Changze helped open the door and said confidently: "No, I promise that even if there is news, there will never be one. The photos are circulating."

Liu Pianran: "...Are you planning to withdraw the pictures on the entire network?"

Ji Changze: "No."

Liu Pianran : "Then how do you guarantee that there are no photos circulating? There are so many students here."

Ji Changze looked outside "Because their dean is taking the opportunity to collect his mobile phone."

Liu Pianran: "???"

He looked out of the window, and he saw a bald teacher looking around with a tiger face, and when he noticed that a student took out his mobile phone to take pictures. Immediately ran over at an alarming speed and confiscated the phone.

Liu Pianran looked at the speed of the other party and felt that this teacher would be too talented not to participate in the Olympics.

He said to Ji Changze, who was standing by the door of the plane, letting the wind blow his coat and puffing up his coat, with an expression of "I'm super handsome, I'm so handsome", "...have you been chasing Korean dramas lately?"

"Korean dramas ? What's so interesting?"

Ji Changze touched his hair, lifted up his somewhat long hair, revealing the handsome face that was specially put on the mask today, and noticed that the students standing together in twos and threes outside were obviously more excited, After discussing in a low voice together, I sat back contented.

Share her new chasing drama with Liu Pianran: "I recently chased a national drama. The heroine and her father cheated. She was kicked out of the house. After more than ten years, she grew up and returned strongly and took control of the family's wealth. "

Liu Pianran: "...?"

How did he feel that the plot that Ji Changze was talking about was a bit familiar?

Ji Changze: "Yes, it's very similar to you, so I chased it."

"But it's not very similar later. After the heroine got 36% of her own shares, the man who chose and pursued her was strong. Strong marriage, the other party is a scumbag, taking advantage of her pregnancy and trusting her husband to stab her back, causing her to lose power."

Liu Pianran: "...No, I think this paragraph is also quite similar."

His scumbag brother is not. Is it because of his trust that the backstab succeeded?

"Later, the scum husband derailed the female protagonist's girlfriend, and the hostess wanted to have a baby. The child immediately began to fight for power during her life. Finally, she offered to let some illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters from the scum husband come home. She also brought back the child born to her lover husband, and then she was with her husband and the son born to her best friend."

Liu Pianran: "...Wait, wait, who is it with?"

He didn't listen. Qing, Ji Changze repeated it very kindly: "Son with her husband and girlfriend."

Liu Pianran: " do I feel that this plot is really familiar?"

Teng Sheng, who was playing the game, interjected: " Yes. Isn't it familiar? That's my mother."

Ji Changze said with a "right" expression: "I also remembered it, it was Aunt Lu, right, didn't Tengsheng and their house make a noise every day? Go abroad with me to hide and clean up."

Liu Pianran: "..."

He smiled dryly: "Then, your family, it's quite exciting."

Teng Sheng nodded, obviously agreeing: "Fortunately, the TV exaggerates. My mother did not have an illegitimate child. She is not that stupid. She is so tired to have a baby. She has to be pregnant in October, and she has to bear it. It hurts. After giving birth, the body may have sequelae. My mother said that after giving birth to me, she vowed to never have a baby again."

It turned out that it was so, Liu Pianran sighed with relief and smiled: "I really thought your house was so messy. "

It seems that it is really an exaggeration of the TV series.

Then he "looks" too early.

Teng Sheng: "So she brought her lover husband and their children home directly at the time."

Liu Pianran: "..."

He asked again: "Then you, your mother's girlfriend and your father's younger brother, really With your mother...?"

Teng Sheng glared at him: "What kind of expression do you think of my mother!"

Liu Pianran quickly explained: "I didn't mean what auntie was, I was just a little surprised. ..."

Then he heard Teng Sheng say:

"My mother only stayed with my brother when he was an adult, but after he was thirty years old, he didn't look as good as before. My mother doesn't like him anymore.

" My parents now seem to be cultivating their bodies, and it's not as powerful as the heroine in the TV series finally pulled out the scum husband's oxygen. My brothers and sisters with blood and no blood have been sent away, and now they are admitted at home. My eldest brother and I are the only people."

Tengsheng's parents don't know what to think. They fight to death and live, but they love their only son, especially Tengsheng's father, who was scumbag at the time when Tengsheng's mother was scumbag. Obviously, as a result, there were a lot of illegitimate children and illegitimate girls outside. Tengsheng realized that the other party had made a will from the beginning, and all the real estate and company in the family were left to Tengsheng when he became an adult.

His half-brothers and sisters can only get money.

The children of his mother's mistresses are similar, and even worse, because they have no blood relationship with his mother, and his mother's giving some money is considered to be the most benevolent.

However, Tengsheng has a good relationship with them, perhaps because every time his parents fight against each other when they were young, it is because of their newspaper groups to keep warm. His parents are the same in a sense, and they only regard these children as their inviting partners. Tool man.

He. Mom can still understand that he is not his own.

But his dad, who had cheated and raised a woman outside and gave birth to a child, ended up doing it all around, and he looked like only Tengsheng was his own child.

It is also because of this that even if his parents treat him nicely, Tengsheng has no plans to get married, and there is indeed a shadow.

Liu Pianran's expression after listening to him Barabara was indescribable.

He always felt that his home was messy enough, but he didn't expect that Tengsheng's home was even more chaotic.

Ji Changze: "What's the matter with this TV? Someone took your family's business to sell the script?"

He clapped his hands and opened his mouth to say.

Teng Sheng hurriedly intercepted his words: "Stop! Not the prince!"

"It's my mother, my mother used it on purpose to irritate my dad."

After all, his dad's scumbag is so clear that he will be shot 100% in the TV series. Scolding, he had done all the plots that were filmed, even if he was scolded, his dad could only be incompetent and furious.

Liu Pianran: "..."

Teng Sheng's mom made a TV show about family affairs. The most spiritual thing is that the ending of this TV show is that Teng Sheng's mother pulls out Teng Sheng's father's oxygen tube.

He could imagine what expression Tengsheng's father would look like when he saw it.

Teng Sheng didn't care much. He had been used to pinching each other with his parents. He just said with emotion: "My mother originally invested in this TV series because she wanted to be sullen and angry with my dad. She was ready to lose money. In the end, who knows that this show has become popular."

"Not only did she not lose money, but she also made a lot of money, which is comparable to the one-year profit of the two small companies under her name."

Ji Changze's eyes lit up.

Immediately ask: "So it is very profitable to invest in TV dramas? Then you say I want to invest in TV dramas? I also want to start a career, let our family Linxi be proud of me."

Teng Sheng hesitated to look at the good brother in front of him. "If you want to, I have a friend who is a director and a friend who is a screenwriter. You can try it. If it fails, I have a friend who is a comforter. If you are frustrated, you can let him comfort him. You."

Liu Pianran was still immersed in the real chaos of your circle, and sighed: "Your home is really exciting."

He even feels that he is not miserable now. After all, compared to being stabbed by his brother, his parents Stabbing each other and wishing to kill each other, they still love Tengsheng very much. As their son, Tengsheng must be more stressed.

It is rare for him to have three views in such an environment.

Teng Sheng chuckled: "It's okay, I haven't been affected much. Anyway, I have many friends. It would be fine if they quarreled and I happened to go to a friend's house to play. And my eldest brother, although he is not related to me by blood, he is very good to me. It doesn't matter how my parents are noisy, it's fine if my elder brother is there."

Liu Pianran, who had been stabbed in the back by his younger brother, frowned slightly, trying to persuade Tengsheng not to believe in others so much, or to save himself while believing. But think about it, there are so many white-eyed wolves in the world.

Maybe Tengsheng's eldest brother is different.

Although he didn't say it, he still took the matter in his mind. He hadn't paid much attention to the situation of Tengsheng's house before.

But now...

because of his lessons learned, Liu Pianran thinks he should help to check it out. If the other party really has no problems, everyone will be happy. If there are problems, of course, the sooner you can find out, the better.

Ji Changze: "Okay, I want to make a movie, can you help me invest?"

Both looked at him.

Ji Changze looked towards Teng Sheng and slowly said, "I want to take a picture of a tragic story about the rich second generation who was conspired by a white-eyed wolf to take the family property. The specific content is that the rich second generation trusts his brother very much, but his brother relies on his trust. The knife, the second generation of the rich bankrupt."

He asked Tengsheng: "What do you think?"

Tengsheng, who was

connoted , had no feeling at all: "I think it's a bit old-fashioned, but it's OK." Ji Changze observed After discovering that the other party really didn't hear it, she had no choice but to look at Liu Pianran who had learned from the past.

"What do you think?"

Liu Pianran is different from Teng Sheng. He has already walked out of the ivory tower, and he must be able to hear what he meant.

Being watched by Ji Changze, the adult Liu Pianran covered his face in shame: "I understand what you mean."

Ji Changze smiled and nodded: "You understand."

Liu Pianran:

"I know I shouldn't believe in Liu Shuran that much, so don't connotate me anymore. It's too shameful."

Ji Changze: "...oh."

Okay, he turned his head and looked at his son who was slowly walking towards him.

Slowly rubbed his forehead.

Who would have thought that Liu Pianran had grown up against it.