Son, I’m your father (14) (Young Master calls you to go home (Sanhe...)

The side attack failed. Fortunately, Ji Changze didn't expect this trick to work on Teng Sheng at first, but he didn't expect to buy one get one free, and even gave Liu Pianran a gift.

He put away the thoughts in his heart, smiled and greeted his son who was embarrassed and came up slowly.

Inviting credit for asking: "Linxi, are you happy when my dad is here to pick you up?"

Gu Linxi: "..."

When he saw this plane, he knew that his reputation would spread far and wide in school, and even arrived. Several years after he graduated, there would still be discussions with younger brothers and younger sisters.

But, who made this his father?

What else can I do, I can only forgive him.

He smiled dryly: "Happy, but Dad, next time you don't have to fly a plane so exaggerated, driving is also good."

"Dad knows, isn't this taking you to xx for dinner today? I can't drive in time for class in the afternoon, let's take a ride. The plane will be there, and it will be there soon."

Ji Changze was also very proud: "Dad is really worried about your study."

Teng Sheng also helped out: "No, you can't justify it if you don't get admitted to Xiamen University."

Gu Linxi: "..."

Liu Pianran on the side reminded: "Tengsheng, that university is just an ordinary school, very ordinary and ordinary."

Tengsheng immediately changed his words: "Qingbei, Qingbei."

Gu Linxi has long been used to it. The only mature among the three was Uncle Pianran. He opened his mouth to say something when he thought of his mother and stepfather who had just come under the banner of Liu Pianran.

Liu Pianran noticed his expression and asked gently, "Linxi, what's the matter?"

Gu Linxi lowered his head slightly.

"Also, nothing."

He has just drawn a line with the two of them, if they still have a face, they shouldn't come to him again.

But the bottom of my heart is still inexplicably wronged.

When he was suffering, his mother never remembered him. Now that he knows that he and Uncle Pianran are getting closer, they just came over so quickly, saying that they just suddenly thought of their son, who believes it.

Ji Changze grabbed his son's shoulders: "Linxi, just say if you have a problem with your classmates? Or did you fail the test? It's okay. Victory or defeat is commonplace in the military. We will come back next time in Linxi."

Gu Linxi shook his head. , Whispered: "It's my mother... Gu Cui, she and stepfather came to see me."

Ji Changze suddenly changed his expression: "She still has the face to come to you?"

"Also, what stepfather, he is a fart? stepfather, did not raise you one day, I did not give you a meal, have the nerve to say that they face big shy stepfather, previous life he was selling pot it? face so black so big. "

Ma Wan, and he has not forgotten immediately determine their own Identity: "Linxi, your father is the only one of me. Don't be coaxed by those cats and dogs."

There was still a trace of sadness in my heart before, but when I saw my father trying to win the title of "the only father" Anxious, Gu Linxi slowly relaxed in her heart.

A small smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Daddy Do not worry, I did not recognize them, I told them so that they do not come after me, I do not recognize them." "Good!"

"It's a good son, dad! Well done !!"

hard to find The son's old father immediately beamed with joy and hugged Gu Linxi and rubbed his hair.

"Go, let's ignore him, Dad will take you to dinner, we have a good meal, and go to the bad luck."

Gu Linxi nodded, "Well, go bad luck."

Seeing that the child was quickly coaxed again. Happy, sitting in the back position and planning to do an assignment while flying, Teng Sheng and Liu Pianran leaned forward to Ji Changze.

"Changze, how do you fix it, or the King of Heaven is broken!"

Liu Pianran also nodded: "Of course the ants are the best to be trampled to death. I know the Liu family's industry clearly. Let me do this. Guarantee Quickly and quickly, if you add the prince, it will be clean for you in a week."

Ji Changze shook his head, his face darkened: "No, I won't trample to death, I will watch her die slowly."

"Liu He also Forget it, there is no blood relationship with my son, I don't plan to do anything with him." Of course, if this guy takes the initiative to die, then he is no wonder.

"Gu Cui..." He sneered in a low voice, "I didn't force her to stay with me, nor did I force her to give birth to me. She was eager to be rich and gave birth to Linxi and wanted to take the upper hand, but I returned to China and went to Linxi. It has become an ineffective tool."

"She is the most disgusting person."

Teng Sheng said, "How do you want to fix her? My brother is absolutely willing to help, what do you say and what I will do."

Liu Pianran followed. Nodded: "Yes, me too."

Ji Changze looked at the two.

The two looked at Ji Changze.

The three of you, look at me, and I saw your silence for a while, before Ji Changze said: "I don't know."

Teng Sheng: "..."

Liu Pianran: "..." I

don't know what you said is so vicious, face The breath of the villain on the scene is almost showing its face.

Feelings don't even have a theory.

Their good brothers are also very righteous: "I have been the only child in my family since I was a child. My dad has neither a woman nor an illegitimate child outside. People I don't like don't have to interact with them. You think I will know how to go slowly. Do you cut the meat with the knife?" The

two: "..."

What Ji Changze said was the truth.

He was the king of children when he was young. After he grows up, all circles are still centered on him. Even those second generations who have been actively working towards the overbearing president do not have to smile when they meet Ji Changze.

After all, Ji Changze has no skills, but his father has it.

Relying on his father's current wealth, no matter how hard those motivated second-generation generations work hard, I am afraid that they will have to work hard for at least 20 or 30 years to have such a little chance of being on an equal footing.

Ji's father is also a short-term protector, and he treats his only son as a treasure. When he was a teenager, someone coaxed Ji Changze and treated him as a fool. Ji's father directly broke the Tianliang King.

So it makes sense that he has never had experience in this area of struggle.

But I don't know why, this sentence is very owed.

Teng Sheng, who has an illegitimate child, looked out the window silently, and Liu Pianran, who was cutting the meat with a slow knife, looked at the cockpit casually, as if he couldn't wait to see a flower from there.

Ji Changze twisted his eyebrows and looked at Teng Sheng: "Teng Sheng, you have many friends, please help me to think about whether anyone is particularly good at this kind of mental killing method. It is best to make Gu Cui feel sorry for not wanting to live and lie down every night I regret that I can't sleep."

Teng Sheng rolled his eyes: "You really think of me as Dora A Sheng, I'm just a little bit more friends from all walks of life, like what you said. The king of house fighting, even if I want to make friends, people don't look down on me."

"I don't care, think about it, hurry up."

"I want a fart, even if you ask my mother to come, she can't think of it... …Huh?!"

Teng Sheng suddenly sat upright, his eyes lit up: "My mother!!"

"My mother is

irritating but has a good hand. Let her come, she must be able to do it." Ji Changze also followed his face with joy . : "Then call Aunt Lu. Aunt Lu watched me grow up and will definitely help me."

Seeing that it took a few seconds for the two to determine that the strategist was an elder, and they happily wanted to call, Liu Pianran, the only mature body, said: "...wait, wait."

"Aunt Lu is an elder, and she is not self-cultivation now. I heard that she is addicted to traveling all over the world and never has a home. In this case, is it really good to ask her for help?"

Teng Sheng waved his hand: "Don't worry, it's okay. My mother doesn't really like traveling. , She deliberately angered my dad."

His dad was very angry in his early years, his body has always been weak, and he is not very healthy at ordinary times. Not to mention traveling around, he will vomit for a long time if he rides too many cars.

It happened that when he was young, his favorite thing was to play around. It is said that his father and his mother fell in love with each other because of this common hobby.

As a result, now his dad can't go far. Although his mother doesn't like to travel as much as before, she wants to relax first, and secondly thinks that his dad will be happy when he thinks that he can get angry, so he starts flying around the world.

But there is still a little bit.

"Sometimes my mother will go to places where there is no signal. Ten days and a half months, or months may not be able to receive domestic information, I don't know if she can't receive it now, don't have too much hope."

Brother Tengsheng grew up in Teng's parents. Although it was the child that Teng's father took, he came to Teng's family because he was the posthumous son of a friend of Teng's father's life and friendship, but he has always been very sensible, and he joined the company when he grew up. Never step into the mine pool.

Facing Tengsheng, he was even more intimate than his own brother.

Not the kind of doting love, but the kind of love that tried to persuade Tengsheng to learn to take over the company when he was in elementary school. Slowly, Teng's father and Lu Xing were completely relieved of the adopted son.

Although the first in the two people's minds is definitely Tengsheng, but the second position is the adopted son.

The two of them have been arguing all the year round, but they have the same attitude in this regard. They both plan to hand over their equity to Tengsheng, who doesn't know how to play, in a hundred years. The company will let a very talented adopted son manage it. This is considered to be reserved for Tengsheng. A life-saving card.

As long as the equity is there, he will receive a steady stream of money even if he spends time and money. With the help of a big brother, after Tengfu and Lu Xing leave, Tengsheng will still be happy and cheerful.

As for the adopted son, although he has only a small amount of equity, he has secured the two positions. The money is definitely more than that of Tengsheng who eats dry shares. Coupled with the prestige in the industry, this is the best they can give to the adopted son.

Tengsheng could not threaten his adopted son, and the adopted son would follow Tengsheng. The plan was perfect.

It can be described as a heart of beloved son.

The reason why Lu Xing is able to leave Kyoto directly to go to chic is because she has adopted sons in the management of the company, and she is also doing exercises for her two sons in advance.

In addition, even if she and her husband are incompatible with each other, if something happens to the two children, the first one to be anxious must be Father Teng. She can still believe this, otherwise she will not go to a place where there is no signal.

Teng Sheng didn't even think about seeing his mother going out to play. He was only worried about whether he could get through the call.

Ji Changze nodded and smiled: "Then call to see if the aunt receives the signal, if you receive it, let the aunty help." The

good news is that Lu Xing has not entered the no signal zone.

After patiently listening to Teng Sheng talk about the cause and effect, Lu Xing did not blame the other party for coming to her for this "trivial matter".

She herself suffered from "little things" when she was young. Some things are just like that. You look like a little thing, not serious, and didn't hurt you, but it's just a response. If you get revenge, others will say you make a fuss. If you don't retaliate, your heart can be upset for a long time.

Of course, Lu Xing chose to retaliate.

Moreover, she must retaliate in the best way, the most painful way for the other party.

Looking at the large snow-capped mountains in front, she stopped: "It just so happens that I am tired from playing too. Since my baby son has something to ask for, then I will come back to help you."

She didn't feel anything before, as soon as her son called for help, she immediately I miss my son.

Even if this child is in her thirties, she is the one who needs her mother in her mind.

Lu Xing hung up Teng Sheng's phone and quickly bought a ticket to return home.

Teng Sheng helped, and he was so happy to see his mother whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He slapped his chest at Ji Changze. He promised: "Don't worry, my mother is definitely the champion of house fighting, and I promise to give you a

bad breath ." Ji Changze Hehe laughed, looking forward to it.

"I hope Aunt Lu will come back soon."

The meal was happily eaten.

And when this hotel was built, there was a stop at the airport.

It's just that the rich people in China are not so high-profile, and they have never stopped since the establishment of the airport.

And now, it was broken for the first time.

Netizens who eat melon are still willing to take a bite of the various trends of the rich, especially when there is a picture and the truth.

A blogger who is good at taking pictures of the sky, birds, and cities posted a set of pictures this day.

In the picture, the scene is a little ambiguous after pulling in. The name of the hotel is underneath, and a helicopter is parked on the roof of the hotel. Several people in hotel uniforms stand aside to greet them. People coming down.

Several pictures were combined and sent out together with this sigh. Soon enthusiastic netizens who liked eating melon swarmed in. The popularity rose rapidly, and it soon became popular and was topped in hot search.

The discussion was enthusiastic, and the bloggers were surprised by the sudden rise in popularity and the rapid increase in their fans.

After thinking about it, I typed and sent out the clear picture that I had taken before.

As soon as the picture was released, the comment area burst again.

He doesn't need to take photos anymore, because omnipotent netizens have found group photos taken by the school through the Internet, as well as pictures of school uniforms taken by various students.

More and more students came out to testify that the school did stop a helicopter at noon, as if they had greeted the school, parked on the playground, and left after receiving someone.

Someone released a secretly taken

photo of a helicopter: as soon as the photo came out, someone immediately compared the two photos and analyzed it again.

It's impossible for Gu Cui and the others to know that the hot search news is so fast.

Looking at the various speculations about them in the comment area, the couple's faces are green.

When did Gu Cui suffer such insults, he registered a child to comment in a fit of anger:

Someone soon commented:

Gu Cui's face turned green now.

She deleted the comment and tried to calm down with a ginger face.

This group of people, what does this group of people know.

It's just a group of ordinary people, with a salary of two thousand three thousand a month, on what basis to laugh at her, a wealthy wife.

Moreover, she probably gave birth to a child with Liu Pianran.

Isn't Liu Pianran the softest and loves children the most?

As long as she grasped this opportunity, even if she couldn't succeed in being Liu Pianran's wife, she could still reap a lot of benefits from this status.

She will definitely seize this opportunity.


Lu Xing returned as quickly as possible.

It's just that instead of helping them with suggestions as soon as Teng Sheng thought he came back, he opened up a lot of people in a sweeping posture, and terminated several major contract projects.

For a while, everyone in the company was in danger, even Big Brother Teng Sheng, who was ordered to sit on as the general manager when Lu Xing went on a trip, was knocked down.

Teng Sheng saw that her mother was very angry, so she didn't dare to go forward. She only dared to gossip with Ji Changze and Liu Pianran: "My mother came back and found that there was a problem with the company. I said that these may not cause losses now, but the long time will definitely affect the entire group.

Even if people seize these handles, bankruptcy is possible."

"She is angry now, thinking that my elder brother has made such a low-level mistake. He has been demoted to the department. It's useless for my eldest brother to ask me to intercede, so let's wait, it's

awkward development, and now it's hard to provoke my mother." Ji Changze actively gossip: "Then your elder brother suddenly disappeared from the general manager. Location, isn't it uncomfortable? Did you cry?"

"That must be crying. Our brothers had nothing to talk about since they were young, otherwise I would not go to my mother to intercede, but my mother asked me to Leave it alone, my dad tried to tell my mom too, but my mom went back and said that if he doesn't mind, let my brother go to my dad."

Liu Pianran recalled Teng's father's love for his adopted son. Asked: "Your dad let your brother go?"

"Fuck you, my mom's temper, if my dad is getting my brother into his company, then my mom will be angry with my dad, and he's not that way. Stupid, and my dad also told me that my brother really should be pressed. He was quite good before, but now he has made such a low-level mistake. He feels very disappointed."

If this is a mistake made by Tengsheng , Even if the two of them are angry, they will certainly not make such a big fire, mainly because Teng Sheng has always been unreliable, and he should burn incense and worship Buddha if he does not make a mistake.

But his elder brother is different. He has skipped grades since he was a child, and he has always been praised for his business talents. The small company that tested the water in his adulthood is also a good start, and he has been studying with his adoptive father and mother.

This kind of low-level mistake was fine when his elder brother was in his twenties. At most, he was talked about. But now, his elder brother is in his forties.

Isn't Lu Xing now wondering whether his adopted son will succeed the company smoothly in the future?

Liu Pianran also agreed with Aunt Lu's decision.

Compared with the two little friends who only knew about eating, drinking and gossip, he got more inside information. The mistake made by Teng Sheng was too low-level, that is, Lu Xing trusted him and felt that he was just a mistake.

If Liu Pianran encountered such a thing himself, he would definitely suspect that the other party was actually deliberate, digging the corner of the company, or this kind of silent digging.

If it were not for Lu Xing to fly back to help Tengsheng, as long as a few months later, those loopholes would be silently plugged. At that time, even Lu Xing would see nothing but the company. It will be so fragile that as long as the caring person wants to hold the handle, he can hold it.

This is too deliberate.

Liu Pianran couldn't help but remembered the details of how Liu Shuran betrayed him in the first place.

He was suspicious, but looking at Teng Sheng who was still stupidly worrying about his elder brother, he swallowed the rest of the words and planned to check it out privately.

Ms. Lu Xing deserves to be a woman who filmed her experience into a TV series. After quickly handling the mess of the company, she did not forget to promise a few juniors and called them directly, so to speak.

As a result, many people soon received news that Ms. Lu Xing was about to hold a banquet.

Although Lu Xing hasn't returned from a long journey around the world, her recent movements are very big, and most people have not forgotten her once heroic posture.

In particular, it is said that the richest man will also attend this banquet.

Those who hadn't planned to come to join in the fun immediately came to their minds, and some who did not get the invitation started all kinds of efforts to get an invitation.

Participating in this banquet is not only to have a chance to get to know the richest man, but also a symbol of one's own financial resources.

Even if it was just a marginal figure, others would only say, "He received an invitation from Mr. Lu, yes, it was the scene where the richest man was there."

This is a boost for business talks.

A group of people sharpened their heads and wanted to squeeze inside. As expected, the Liu family was as always forgotten, not to mention Liu He Gu Cui, even Father Liu did not receive the invitation.

For this reason, the home is in low air pressure all afternoon.

Until Liu He answered the phone, he told Father Liu with a smile on his face: "Dad, my uncle said that he intends to take me and Gu Cui to this banquet."

Father Liu was overjoyed, and his excited hands trembled slightly: "Could it be that what you guessed before was true? Is that Gu Linxi really your uncle's child? Is he thinking of pulling us because of this?"

Liu He was also overjoyed: "It must be like this, otherwise the uncle paid it back last time. I

'm angry, why did it go so well this time?" He looked at Gu Cui and seldom boasted: "You are a great hero this time."

Gu Cui cocked the corners of his mouth, his eyes filled with contentment.

She was not so happy about Liu He's praise.

There is even a bit of disgust. Liu He is actually nothing good. He is not handsome enough, has a big temper, and has no ability to make money. There are women outside, and he does not see the father's love to the child in his stomach.

It was far behind Liu Pianran.

Liu Pianran probably took Liu He by the way, mainly with her. After all, she was Gu Linxi's biological mother.

If, if, instead of getting married, he lived with Gu Linxi, after Liu Pianran found them, would he marry her?

After all, she gave birth to a child for him.

Something was fermenting in her heart, and Liu He's sight gradually turned away.

But the face is still dignified and gentle with a smile: "Since it is President Lu's banquet, then we must dress better so that others will look down on us."

"Yes, that should be the case."

Father Liu reluctantly took out his card and handed it out. In the past: "You two buy some clothes, the more expensive the better, but don't lose the face of our Liu family, and meet some people at the banquet."

Seeing the painful expression of the other party, Gu Cui remembered that beautiful helicopter from the bottom of her heart.

One hundred million, Gu Linxi's father said he would buy it.

And she, Gu Linxi's mother, still had to buckle the expression of father-in-law for hundreds of thousands of millions.

She made up her mind even more and tried to dress herself beautifully when buying clothes.

They drove to the door of Liu Pianran's house by themselves. Liu Pianran sneered at their costumed appearance, carefully guarding Gu Linxi into the car, and coldly said to the two who wanted to keep up:

"Linxi is not used to peace. If the others are sitting together, you go to the back." The

two of them can only obediently sit in the car behind, and it is not sad. The only thing in my heart is the excitement of going to the banquet.

When getting off the car, there were already many people around who got off the car and walked up.

Liu Pianran guarded Gu Linxi and walked in front, Liu He and Gu Cui followed behind like the girl.

Before going up the steps, someone nearby screamed: "Brother..."

Liu Pianran paused, without turning his head back, and said to Gu Linxi who was suspicious that he suddenly stopped: "It's okay, let's go."

"I didn't eat this morning. Did you feel hungry? There should be small cakes in it. You can eat it in a while."

He took Gu Linxi up the steps without looking back from start to finish.

Liu He and Gu Cui hesitated to look at Liu Shuran, who was staring at Liu Pianran's back. They still remember what Liu's father said to them before. They didn't dare to offend each other at all. They only yelled in embarrassment and kindness:

"Uncle, you Come to the Lu's banquet too." The

sad look on Liu Shuran's face turned ugly after seeing Gu Cui and Liu He: "How did you get in?"

These two people shouldn't have received invitations.

Liu He was taken aback by him, and cautiously said: "My uncle... brought us in." I

thought it would be fine after answering, but Liu Shuran's expression became even more gloomy.

A pair of gloomy eyes looked at this nephew like a poisonous snake, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and jealousy: "My brother is willing to take you?"

Obviously, Liu He was the main force that harmed his brother in the first place.

These people killed their brothers and mutilated each other, so why can they be forgiven now?

Liu He was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he pulled Gu Cui and ran: "Well, that little uncle, let's go first."

Liu Shuran stood there, looking at the back of Liu Pianran, who had reached the top, and a teenager was standing next to him. Because the figure was walking up the steps, Liu Pianran had obviously been guarding each other carefully.

It's the same as when I was protecting myself.

Liu Pianran has always been like this. He loves children and is very gentle with them. That's why he had to work hard to bring him up, but he betrayed the other party.

At the beginning, Liu Shuran didn't feel anything, but slowly, no one texted him to remind him to bring an umbrella, and no one asked him to take a rest when he was working overtime.

When he was ridiculed by others, no one came forward to help him in the audience.

Liu Shuran had scheming since he was a child. From the beginning, he deliberately approached Liu Pianran and pretended to be pitiful. Those people just liked him as pitiful. The more pitiful they were, the more they would feel that he was harmless. He can survive well.

He felt that Liu Pianran was the same.

So a clumsy divorce plan, he can believe without hesitation.

There are no real brothers in places like the Liu family.

From childhood to adulthood, you live and die, even if you are the same father and the same mother, you will count each other out and wait for each other to pass away. Isn't it rare to see him?

Liu Pianran is only willing to alms to him because he is not married now. When he is married and has his own children, he will become like everyone else, fighting endlessly with his brothers and sisters for his little family.

He thought that instead of waiting for the other party to discard him first, he might as well give up first.

But later, Liu Pianran really didn't want him, but he regretted it again.

Liu Shuran retracted his jealousy towards Gu Linxi and let out a sigh of relief. It was a child his brother liked, and he had to take care of him.

His gaze fell gloomily on Liuhe Gu Cui, and slowly lowered his eyes.

People who have hurt Gu Linxi, let him do it.

Liu Pianran shivered and cursed badly in his heart.

Liu Shuran actually came here to wipe it, the white-eyed wolf still had the face to call him, something shameless.

He gave Gu Linxi a piece of cake and watched the child eat quietly. He was holding a wine glass and planned to find Tengsheng them.

As a result, he was walking while drinking, and Gu Cui came.

Liu Pianran smiled confidently. He knew that Gu Cui must have come to ask him who his father in Linxi was. When the time came, he would deliberately not say anything. In the end, Changze made a wonderful appearance, and then stunned Gu Cui.

He stood still and waited confidently. Sure enough, Gu Cui came, and Gu Cui spoke.

Liu Pianran was full of confidence and took a sip of wine slowly.

Gu Cui softened her voice, gentle and pitiful:

"Pianran...I know, you're blaming me, right? Blaming me and you for not taking Linxi with you after giving birth to Linxi."

Puff ---

Liu Pianran sprayed directly. Up.

He almost wasn't scared to death:

"What are you talking about???!!!"