Son, I am your father (end)

Because Yuuki Changze was whispering in Tengsheng's ear every day, and Liu Shuran was in the side for comparison, until Tengsheng successfully entered the prison, Tengsheng did not go to his parents to intercede as he wished.

What kind of plea, just like Liu Pianran said, you treat someone as a brother, but because of this, can you feel the same as being stabbed by a brother and being stabbed by a passer-by?

Brother Tengsheng came to ask for forgiveness, just because there is nowhere to go.

As for Liu Shuran's request for forgiveness, it was just that he chose a path that was more suitable for him. When this path didn't go well, he thought of another path.

It is true that Teng Sheng is easy to feel soft, but neither of his two friends is like that. Under their influence, he slowly lost the last trace of softness in his heart.

is not that right!

Good guy, you didn't feel soft when you hurt Lao Tzu, now please forgive me and expect Lao Tzu to feel soft?

Want to be beautiful!

After that, Liu Shuran was also lame.

It's a pity that the lame is also a white lame, Liu Pianran is still cold and indifferent, but he is rude to start, and has annexed many of Liu Shuran's assets.

After swallowing more than three times what he had lost at the beginning, he closed his hand, and then no longer saw Liu Shuran.

Ji Changze was obsessed with making movies, asked Aunt Lu Xing for a script, and shot a youth school drama vigorously.

The male protagonist inside was born into a wealthy family. He woke up on a five-hundred-meter bed with a golden toilet and a golden toilet. He used helicopters to go to school.

Of course, this school drama is not about love, but the story of the male protagonist who is still able to study and make progress in such a degraded environment.

God knows what Aunt Lu Xing's expression looks like when Ji Changze wants to write a script.

Don't say it, this TV series is really hot.

Of course, it may also be because the props are real, which drives a large number of people to eat melons.

After making a few TV series, Ji Changze felt that he was very suitable for the entertainment industry, and he simply invested in the entertainment industry. He had money in his hands, and his vision was reluctant. He had a backing, and people in the circle could not wait to regard him as an ancestor.

Slowly, Ji Changze gained some experience and began to enter his own company.

At first, Ji's father's expression was horrified.

He once wondered if his son was going to toss the company into bankruptcy.

Fortunately, Ji's father thought he was still alive and could still look at his son. In addition, Ji Changze's previous small companies in the entertainment industry were also good, so he let go a little bit.

As a result, Ji Changze did a really good job.

Of course, it is definitely not comparable to those who are very talented, but Shou Cheng is definitely enough.

As the person who helped Ji Changze, Liu Pianran was given a big red envelope by Ji's father.

After confirming that his son really looked decent, Ji's father happily retired and put his son in charge.

It is miserable to say that the father in the family holds the power and refuses to go down.

When he arrived at their house, he had wanted to go on for a long time, but his son couldn't stand up to it.

Ji Changze really became a veritable boss now.

There are a bunch of people walking in and out, looking at the special card face, behind him is the assistant who is conscientious in the industry and can still complete the task perfectly.

The assistant is quite happy.

This is equivalent to changing from the little eunuch next to the prince to the chief eunuch next to the emperor.

Ah, he is not an eunuch!

The richest man retires, and his son is in power.

This incident deserves to be reported in any respect, especially Ji Changze is different from his low-key dad.

People like to be interviewed.

In every interview, we must say a few fixed sentences.

"Actually, I don't really like managing companies. My dad always wanted to train me, but I was not interested in this aspect."

"Why did I take over the company in the end? Because I also have a son. I think my son will be like me in the future. When I was young, I was so happy and unrestrained. By the way, when I was young, it was a happy life. It's not like getting up at 9 o'clock in the morning and going to bed at 11 o'clock in the evening..."

"I My son is good, sensible, obedient, and talented. My dad said that he is very suitable to inherit the family business. Of course, the family business must be inherited by him. After all, our family has a single pass for three generations, but isn't he still young now? It's the same for him to pursue what he likes first, wait until he has enough fun, and then come back to inherit the family business."

Good fellow.

This is Versailles.

In particular, they are still serious about what they say. They are really the richest man in their family, and they are really three-generation single passers.

There are a lot of people envied by the news.

After this comment was topped up, Ji Changze also flipped the cards.


Good fellow, the scene suddenly shifted to the marriage urging scene.

Although the one who was flopped was as happy as he was winning, he still had to regret to inform him that I just cheered. Actually, I was married long ago.

Ji Dong was still very lost for a while.

Grasping the assistant and whispering: "Why don't you say that Linxi just doesn't fall in love? Isn't the university always with the girl, talk about ideals and talk about the future? Why is he different from others."

Assistant Haha Laughing: "Ji Dong, I think it is necessary for me to remind you that not everyone else is in love with a girl in college, but you are in love with a girl in college."

To be precise, this Ji Dong has known to fall in love with girls since he was a child. According to Ji's father, when he was in kindergarten, he knew that he was chasing after the little girl with a toy.

Ji Changze never heard: "You said he was influenced by Liu Pianran and Tengsheng? Why didn't he fall in love? Should I talk about a relationship and set him an example?" "No, I can't talk. In love, I want to give my son a sense of security, forget it, so what has he been up to lately? Why doesn't he have time to visit me if he doesn't fall in love?" Assistant: "Isn't the young master doing an internship? It's very tiring to go to work every day. "After he said this sentence, he felt bad. Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Ji Changze started to babble again: "What do you think he thinks, even if he wants to work in the company, it would be nice to come directly to the head office, he goes. I don't care if I go to the branch office. I don't care about him." "But he actually has to go for an internship like an ordinary student. How tired is the internship? He has to rent an apartment outside by himself. It's great to live at home. , I prepared him for such a big room, and ah, last month he paid a salary of 2,500 for his internship. This kid really didn't know about frugality. He actually used that money to buy me a tie, you see The one I wear on my neck is, your son hasn't bought you a tie." Assistant: "..." Here again, is this the old father? Every time I complain and complain, it becomes a show off. He had to remind Ji Changze: "Ji Dong, I'm not married, and of course I don't have a son." Ji Changze nodded, and then stretched out his arm with joy to show his assistant the watch on his wrist: "This watch was also given by my son. It was the money he earned as a part-time tutor when he was in college. After saving for three years, he bought it for me when he graduated. Didn't your son buy it for you?" "Oh no, did you just say that you have no son? Then your daughter didn't buy it for you?" Assistant: "..." He rolled his eyes silently.

Since Gu Linxi graduated and entered the company for internship, Ji Dong seems to have entered the old father mode in advance, and now he has to mention his son in everything.

Last week, a vice president came to report and talked about taking time off to celebrate his three-year-old son's birthday. Ji Dong suddenly became excited, and immediately decided to take time off to have dinner with his son.

As always, not tuned.

But it's also amazing, Ji Dong is so inconsistent, and he can still make the company so smooth.

Maybe this is personal luck.

Ji Changze again began to talk about Gu Linxi's ability to develop other businesses, but he still has to enter the company and start from the grassroots.

"He said to lay the foundation, I said you can first find some hobbies you like to play, anyway, I am still young, right? Even if he has been playing outside for 20 years, he will be in his 40s. Dad can hold it.

But Linxi doesn't. He said that he still likes to work in the company, especially from the grassroots level, which is different from direct airborne. He intends to temper himself slowly and wait until he can do it step by step. , He can definitely have a complete understanding of the entire company." As he

said that, Ji Dong became proud again.

"You see how good my son is, do you know what this is called? This tells me not to go to hell and who goes to hell." The

assistant complained inwardly, and in your eyes, he controlled such a big company as hell.

Unlike Ji Changze, who has everything to do with children, Tengsheng is called a crying father and mother, and it is impossible not to cry every day. It is estimated that his father and mother have fully realized that relying on others is worse than relying on themselves.

Instead of finding a backer for the silly son, it is better to let him be the backer.

So Tengsheng has been chic for so many years, and finally he was taken to the management.

His father is not in good health, but his mother is in good health. Lu Xing looked at his son with his own eyes, and even if Tengsheng complained so hard, he could only study hard.

Fortunately, his father is not in the company, otherwise he is not going to experience men and women doubles every day.

Because he was so miserable, even Ji Changze, who likes to gloat, didn't show off in front of him.

Let alone Liu Pianran, he always liked raising children, and there were a lot of children around him. If Ji Changze showed off his son to him, Liu Pianran would be able to show off twice.

After being counter-killed after several attempts, he gave up showing off in front of this friend.

Only the poor social animal assistant.

Even if it was a complaint from the bottom of his heart, he did not dare to say it for the sake of salary.

Every day I was caught listening to Ji Changze quackquack, and also be a spy, from time to time, as the representative of the highest chairman, he went to the branch where the young master was to scrutinize.

See if the young master is bullied, and see how the employees of the branch are treated, if the young master is wronged.

This is also an old routine.

Isn't Gu Linxi's high school completely renovated?

Especially the learning environment and accommodation environment, if it weren't allowed, Ji Dong would like to move to a palace.

That high school is still the first choice of many teachers for employment, not for anything else, even for such a good accommodation environment.

When Gu Linxi went to work, Ji Changze looked at the branch office up and down as usual. Although he didn't spot any problems, he found that his son was eating in the cafeteria, and the staff's meal treatment was improved a lot.

The head office will send people to the branch to inspect from time to time and quantitatively. The branch where Gu Linxi is located is definitely the most fierce one being inspected.

Sometimes the people who come down to inspect are really from the Supervision Department, and sometimes the assistants come down in person.

If it hadn't been for Gu Linxi not to let Ji Changze come to the company, he was afraid that people would see him wherever he went in the company after they knew his identity, and the father would have come in person.

On this day, after Ji Changze showed off his son as usual, he urged his assistant to inspect.

Assistant: "...Ji Dong, didn't the young master come back today?"

"When he came back, he was also going home to see me. How could he be in the same state as he was in the company? The boy has such a good temper and is handsome. I'll be under the boss's unspoken rules. Let me tell you Mr. Yao, you know Mr. Yao, and there is a little fresh meat next to her. There are so many things like this, in case our Linxi is caught."

Assistant: "...Then I'll take a look in the afternoon."

In fact, he wanted to say that Young Master is not a fool. People just don't like high-profile, it doesn't mean that he will really be bullied.

If you are really wronged, you will definitely say it.

It's a pity that the old father doesn't care about this at all.

He can only run errands to the branch office again and again.

Of course, the prerequisite for supporting the assistant is the large bonus in the card.

I have to say that one of Ji Dong's few advantages is his generosity.

The assistant touched the balance reminder on his mobile phone, feeling that he immediately became energetic and headed towards the branch happily.

Of course, the branch office is not in the same city as the head office.

But in city c.

Of course, although they are different cities, the two cities are very close. If you take the high-speed rail, you can get there in two hours.

This is also the farthest distance Ji Dong can accept. If he is further away, he will worry that his son will be bullied and he will not have time to go home.

Gu Linxi didn't care.

He knows exactly where his shortcomings are. Under normal circumstances, people like the Ji family will teach them from an early age if they want their children to inherit the family business, but he didn't return to his father until he was sixteen.

Dad couldn't bear his hard work. Even if he taught, he always let the flow go. Gu Linxi carefully selected it and felt that it was best to learn by himself.

First, lay the foundation step by step, which will be more helpful in the future. Second, if he parachutes all at once, he does not know many things, and others will not dare to teach because of his identity.

And he didn't feel that he was suffering at all.

He is a top university graduate. He has an internship salary of 3,000 for entering the company. Don't underestimate the 3,000 for an internship. It's already pretty good.

This is because of the branch he chose. If he goes to the head office, there will be more.

He is just an intern who has just joined the company and has five or six thousand in one month.

I am immersed in my study every day, and I don't know how to ask others. If I am patient, I will definitely be willing to teach.

He has a regular schedule and lives nearby. He just wakes up at 8 o'clock in the morning. He eats all meals in the cafeteria. Sometimes when he comes home from vacation, Ji Changze still feels distressed like "seeing that my son doesn't eat well and sleeps well and loses weight". Desperately let Auntie cook delicious food to help him.

Gu Linxi's face was ruddy, if he hadn't insisted on exercising, he would definitely be made up as a fat man.

For this reason, the assistant has always felt that in the father-son relationship, his own boss has always been the one that pulled back.

He is not going to the branch office empty-handed.

Instead, he carried the benevolent lunch box Ji Changze asked him to bring with him. It contained the chicken soup that his aunt had stewed all night. The chicken was a free-range chicken that Ji Changze looked for, and the mushrooms were all carefully selected mountain products.

After stewing all night, when the assistant went to Ji Changze's house, he was almost not greedy by the taste. Fortunately, although Ji Changze likes to show off and Versailles, his opponent is really good. He followed with a bowl and took a thermal lunch box on the road. Up. Ji Changze also specifically instructed him that he must reach the branch office as quickly as possible. It is best to get on the high-speed rail at 9:30 in the morning and arrive at about 12 noon. He can still have a meal with chicken soup in Linxi. After the assistant arrived, he did not advance to the company, but went directly to the back door of the kitchen, where a master was rubbing his hands and waiting. The two were like spies.

He handed the lunch box in his hand to the front: "The chicken soup, it should still be hot, you see, if it is not hot, help heat it up." The

master quickly took it and agreed to go in.

Yes, this is the dark thread that Ji Changze specially inserted.

It is specially used to stare at whether Gu Linxi has regular meals for three meals a day, and to open a small stove for his son from time to time.

The master holds two wages by himself. On the surface, he is the chef of the branch. In fact, he is in charge of the royal dining room next to the prince. He stares at the prince every day. Gu Linxi will report to Ji Changze if he eats a bun in the morning.

Gu Linxi was dumbfounded about this, but he also understood his father's love for a son.

Since the two met each other, he hasn't been too far away from his father. Even in college, he can get home in more than 40 minutes by car.

This time he left school and home, and for the first time living alone in a strange city, it was normal for his father to worry.

I have to say that for Gu Linxi, who has been lacking love since childhood, his father's care makes him very useful.

The more care he receives, the more he wants to work harder.

After the assistant handed over the chicken soup in his hand, he sorted out his clothes and went in openly through the company gate.

At this time, some employees came to the tea room on the first floor after they were busy, and when they saw the assistants, they hurriedly accepted.

This person is too diligent, they are already familiar.

The news clanged in the group of colleagues immediately.

How about always come to inspect it.

When Gu Linxi was working, he didn't read the group news and didn't notice that his assistant uncle had arrived, and he was working seriously.

The interns next to him didn't know how to ask him, so he stopped and taught in a low voice.

The boss of the office sat in his seat and glanced at Gu Linxi's direction, with a satisfied expression in his eyes.

Gu Linxi is regarded as the most outstanding one among the interns in this period, not only for his work ability, but also for his work attitude.

He is optimistic about Gu Linxi and teaches more from time to time. Some employees may feel that this is overtime and will be unhappy, but Gu Linxi knows very well that it is his help, so he values this intern even more.

He was thinking about how to train Gu Linxi well, when he saw the branch boss come in with his assistant.

If it's someone else, the branch boss usually doesn't take it so seriously, after all, he still has a good position in terms of authority.

However, the assistant is a close friend of Ji Changze, who is equivalent to the existence of the general manager of Ouchi.

Of course he didn't dare to slacken his efforts. People are much closer to the chairman than he is.

The assistant wandered in, looking serious and serious on the surface, but in fact he calmly looked towards Gu Linxi.

I scanned the number of documents on the table, the cleanliness of the table, a few potted plants on the table, and the cup next to it.

Ok? Why is there no water in the cup?

The assistant looked at the water dispenser at the door, and calculated how long it would take Gu Linxi to walk from his position to the position of the water dispenser.

Gu Linxi happened to look up, and the assistant immediately smiled.

Gu Linxi also laughed.

Can you be unhappy to be cared about?

Waiting for the assistant to walk up and down, some well-informed people in the colleague group said:

Although only a water dispenser has been added, it can be regarded as an increase in salary.

There was a lively chat among the colleagues. When it was time for lunch to eat, Gu Linxi and the colleagues in the office went to have a meal.

As usual, other colleagues finished the fruit with four dishes and one soup. When it was his turn, he got an extra lunch box.

Other colleagues are not surprised; "Did your family bring you food again?"

Another benefit of their cafeteria is that if someone brings food from home, the cafeteria chef can help heat it.

Some people would buy food outside and give it to the cafeteria if they want to eat extra meals. When the meal is reached, the master will heat up the food for them.

Of course, it also depends on whether the master can remember the face, if you don't remember, then you can only use the code.

Gu Linxi was obviously the one whose face was remembered by the master, and they gave it to him without asking him.

The canteen is treated very well, and there are only a few extra meals. Like Gu Linxi, there are extra meals every three to five. Other colleagues thought it was strange at first, but when they found out that they were given by the elders in the family, they were not surprised.

Elders, aren't they all like this?

Even if you eat well at the company, they still have to wonder if you need supplementary nutrition.

When asked, Gu Linxi just smiled: "My dad's soup."

"Wow, your dad can cook."

"Your dad must love you very much. My dad is an uncle at home, don't say it. I'm making soup, and letting him cook is like killing him." The

colleagues talked and laughed, and Gu Linxi also laughed.

In fact, his dad didn't want to cook. It was estimated that his dad looked around when the chicken soup was made.

But this is also Dad's love.

Everyone who has a good relationship in the same office will sit and eat together. Gu Linxi sits with the interns. He puts chicken soup in the middle and invites everyone to eat together.

Otherwise, just follow the portion given by his father, fearing that he won't be able to finish it for three days.

Everyone was not polite and ate a piece of chicken one after another.

"Wow! This chicken is so tender, isn't it a local chicken? It's delicious."

"Your dad's craftsmanship is so good, so delicious."

Everyone was full of praise.

If the aunt at home knew it, she would be happy to close her mouth from ear to ear, but she was born as a serious cook, but unfortunately, there are a bunch of picky people at home. Ji Changze is used to eating delicious food, let alone Ji's father.

Gu Linxi didn't pick his mouth. Unfortunately, because he didn't pick his mouth, he thought it was delicious when you gave him a bowl of chicken soup, and he still thought it was delicious when you gave him a bowl of tomato and egg noodles.

The chicken soup was eaten separately, and it was estimated that there would be another meal. Gu Linxi put it in the master's house to help warm it up during dinner.

The afternoon is another hard-working afternoon.

When it was time to get off work, a colleague asked Gu Linxi: "Would you like to go out to eat?"

Gu Linxi refused at first because he felt that it was better to go back to the place where he rented to read instead of going out to eat.

But after a long period of time, he also discovered that in the workplace, you can't be alone. This is called not joining the collective.

Even the boss of the branch company will eat and eat with others from time to time.

So Gu Linxi would go with him most of the time later, and then silently learn the old fox-like methods of his predecessors in the workplace.

The group ate happily and went to sing again.

After such a dinner, the next day everyone looked at each other's eyes were obviously much closer than before. Gu Linxi took this in mind and planned to write it down in his notebook when he went back.

He felt very happy. Although he didn't know why his father always felt that he was suffering outside, but when other colleagues contacted the family, it seemed that their parents thought so, so Gu Linxi summarized this as a parent characteristic.

Anyway, if your child is not in front of you, it will definitely suffer.

He just grew up in the branch office day by day. Because of his high academic qualifications, strong learning ability, and having been adapting to the workplace, he was promoted very quickly.

Of course, there will certainly be some difficulties in workplace life.

However, Gu Linxi never complained, why didn't he solve the matter he could solve by himself.

If there is something that can't be solved, it's not too late to ask for help at home.

The smooth life ended when the branch office changed the boss.

This one was transferred from another branch company.

On the day when people first arrived, the group of colleagues began to talk and talk.

Everyone speaks anonymously on this sensitive topic.

After all, it is a large group, who knows if there will be spies.

Gu Linxi opened up the group of colleagues and watched for a short while, and gossip filled his mind.

It is said that this Liu is always a phoenix man, relying on his wife to be in the position, and the family after the upper position can be regarded as a pheasant and then become a phoenix, and then start to be a demon.

His wife didn't divorce for the sake of the child, but she didn't give the other side a face. If she caught the handle, she would go straight to it.

Liu always enters the family, and all the children follow his wife's surname, so he feels very painful to his brother, just like he loves his son. He tries his best to lift his brother up, and when he gets into trouble, he will follow him to wipe his fart.

The emperor Tian Gao is far away, this younger brother is a bit arrogant, but the misfortune is not that big, plus the shareholder's son-in-law is in there, and the others just turned a blind eye.

After all, this is the case. Today I will give you convenience, and tomorrow you will give me convenience. As long as you don't do too much, everyone can be hello, hello, hello, hello, everyone.

The little brother Liu, who came out suddenly, is in his 30s this year. He is very arrogant and has a prince's demeanor.

He is actually capable, otherwise, even if Mr. Liu said he would not be able to put him in, but he has the ability to do things, and the fact that offends people is too strong.

Just a few days after he arrived, he robbed the people of the people who had worked hard to prepare for half a year.

After grabbing the credit, Mr. Liu brazenly acknowledged the credit in his own name, and happily said that he would invite guests to celebrate.

The bottom man, unfortunately, is Gu Linxi.

He has been in the branch for a few years, step by step, and now he has reached the position of the third boss.

It stands to reason that his immediate boss should be promoted to the boss of the company, and he deferred to the second.

As a result, a little President Liu arrived in the air, but his immediate boss did not rise up, nor did he succeed to the second child.

Originally this was fine, but this Xiao Liu got into trouble before, and now he wholeheartedly wants to make up for the merits, he does not do the merits himself, but directly grabs a ready-made one.

This can be fried.

Gu Linxi was fairly stable, and the people under his hands who had worked hard with him for half a year were very angry.

As the third boss, Gu Linxi has never robbed the people under his hands for the credit, and the things that everyone makes together will repay the credit together and get the bonus together.

As a result, now that the bonus in hand is gone, who can want to.

They are all people with real abilities. Whoever wants to be angry with them is filled with indignation, wanting Gu Linxi to take them together to seek justice.

The most annoying thing is that Mr. Liu doesn't know if he wants to show off his strong financial resources.

Leading them, big and small leaders, went directly to the most expensive hotel in the city.

So the people underneath became even more angry.

A meal in this hotel is a lot of money for so many people.

Mr. Liu is obviously not short of the money, why do you want to take credit with them?

They all point to the bonus.

Gu Linxi didn't bother, and brought all kinds of reports that could prove that the credit was made by the people he led to the place. When others were still lamenting that this place was really high-end, he directly reported and brought out the theory.

It's a pity that people don't want to theory at all.

Mr. Liu was very arrogant. He directly patted the various reports prepared by Gu Linxi on the table and pointed at the young subordinate's nose and cursed:

"You want to come to me to rebel against anything, knowing that my brother is Who? Do you know that my relatives are the second largest shareholder of the head office?! They all come out to make money, you are honest, I don't mind keeping you, if you challenge me, then get out of here!! "

Gu Linxi has always been soft and tempered in the eyes of his subordinates.

He has a plan for everything. If there is a conflict with others, he has to discuss and try to quell the conflict. It is usually fun to deal with the people underneath. If he goes out to play together, he will definitely settle the bill.

This is normal in the eyes of the subordinates.

After all, everyone is a social animal. If you don't agree with the table and quit, you still make money.

To be the boss, isn't it just to be nice to the people below to win people's hearts?

But it is clear that Gu Linxi's popularity has been rising.

After all, he is handsome, always smiles mildly, has a strong ability to do things, and is friendly to colleagues and subordinates. If anyone asks for help, he doesn't mind helping with him if he doesn't delay his work.

Such a good-tempered person sneered after being scolded by the airborne boss pointing his nose: "According to you, your relatives are shareholders, so you can walk sideways in the company and start casually?"

This Xiao Liu always thinks about the three fires of the new official.

Gu Linxi was the chicken inside this smashing chicken that came across.

Gu Linxi sneered, and he also sneered: "Like you who are disobedient to work arrangements, come to your boss to ask for an explanation. Our company can't afford it."

"You are fired. This is an internal dinner in our company ." , You go now!"

Upon hearing the expulsion, all other subordinates changed their expressions.

The company's benefits are definitely the best in the industry, and the salary and bonuses are also very good. They work in this company, whether they go out to talk to others about their face, or they have money in their pockets and peace of mind, they have always been satisfied. of.

If you have been treated unfairly to find an explanation, everyone will definitely come.

But if you are looking for an explanation, you will be expelled, some people will have to weigh it.

Gu Linxi didn't change his face like the others, and only said coldly,

"Can you open my position with just a word? You have to report to the head office according to the process, and the chairman personally signs it. I can step down. Isn't it too early to say this?" It

's not the first time that Mr. Liu has encountered this kind of sting.

When he said this before, some young and energetic people just patted the table and quit, some would be counseled, and some would be like Gu Linxi, moving out of the company's regulations to align with him.

Every time he chooses people to kill chickens, he chooses young people, because people at this age are more impulsive, and because they haven't been in the workplace for a few years, they don't have so many contacts, even if they want to thrash. This Gu Linxi, he had inquired carefully, the other party is said to be a single-parent family, graduated from Kyoto University, highly educated, high IQ, usually very convinced in the company. Such a person is definitely a big trouble for him, who is airborne, because Gu Linxi has accumulated some confidence. If he has a conflict with Gu Linxi, most of the company's employees will still stand by Gu Linxi. So with this opportunity, he must take the opportunity to get people away. The expulsion must be expelled, and you must not let Gu Linxi go to another branch or head office. Otherwise, he offends the opponent, and if the opponent stands on top of his head one day, the ugly person will be himself. Xiao Liu finally had a good plan, but at the bottom of his heart was also very satisfied that Gu Linxi followed the script he envisioned.

It's just the general manager of a branch company. He just found a loophole and pressed it on Gu Linxi, and handed it to the chairman. The chairman knows everything every day, and with his brother's assistance, can it be possible to delve into the general manager carefully? Why are you leaving?

And after he came, other people saw that he had the ability to fire the chief executive, and even if they were not convinced, they had to obey him.

This is the case with killing chickens and monkeys.

He smiled confidently: "Don't worry about these, you just need to know, I let you go, you have to go."

Gu Linxi asked a weird question this time: "Why do you think the chairman will listen to you? ? "

Liu always Oh:" I am at home, but a major shareholder, do you think the chairman will be for you such a small role in trying to find fault with my family "? "

young man, I'll teach you a good away from home in addition to the ability to look at, but also Look at who's backer, if you don't leave, I guarantee you won't be able to get along with the whole Ji clan."

The young man in front of him has clearly reached the peak of anger since he finished saying this.

Normally, even if the position is high and the ability is strong, young is young, just a few words can make the popularity like this.

Mr. Liu had a kind of lofty emotion, but Gu Linxi was going crazy.

His dad was a playful person. He woke up at 9 am and left work at 5 pm every day for the company. Last time his dad had his birthday, he came back after only playing outside for a week.

For the company, his dad sacrificed so much. As a result, this group of malignant tumors kept pulling his dad's hind legs and drove the company's talents outside.

There is also the so-called second shareholder. Don't think he doesn't know that the company does have shareholders, but the largest shareholder has always been his father, and the other shareholders are just small shareholders.

The so-called second largest shareholder is just the largest minority shareholder in a group of minority shareholders.

With just such a shareholder, can he directly control the question of whether or not the chief executive of the branch is going to stay?

What do they want to do?

Do you take his dad?

Thinking that my father has always been pure and playful, even if he tries to manage the company, he may not be as handy as his grandfather.

Perhaps this group of people relied on this to deceive his dad.

Gu Linxi Nao made up for the scene where his father was miserably misunderstood in the head office, and even was seized of power. He was already dying of anger.

His father is so good, these shameless people actually have a face.

If Grandpa is here, they must be killed.

No, he is going to kill them now!

Seeing Gu Linxi's expression of anger, Xiao Liu always made up his mind that the other party must be "unable to be angry, but there is no way to fight against the power." At this moment, he must be as if he was overwhelmed by the river.

Tsk tsk tsk, so no one is behind, and dare to pat him on the table, he is also a warrior.

"What are you doing while standing still? You are not leaving? This is my treat. If I don't let you eat, you still want to eat. Is it possible that you want the security to drive you out?"

If this is in the company, Gu Linxi is sure Won't go.

But this is a treat for Mr. Liu, and he must be reluctant to eat Mr. Liu's meal.

It's just that the breath in my heart is still blocked.

Just stick to one point: "Your family is just a second shareholder. After all, this company is still the Ji family. What do you do as the chairman?"

Xiao Liu laughed.

"You don't need to worry about it. If you have this leisurely mind, you should hurry up to find a new job. Hurry up and go."

Seeing that Gu Linxi was not leaving, he simply called the waiter and asked them to take the person away.


We are just waiters. You brought people in. You let us drive them away. If they fall, they will sue us.

They looked at each other and didn't move. Mr. Liu drank two cups and was a little bit up. Seeing that these waiters didn't give themselves any face, he suddenly felt that he was underestimated.

He is also an inferiority complex, knowing that his sister-in-law looks down on their family, and usually flatters in front of each other.

Now that he has finally become the king of the mountain, where is he willing to be underestimated.

You have to do it when you stand up.

Seeing his fierce look, the other people and Gu Linxi had friendship at all, so they quickly stood up and tried to persuade him to stop him.

"Mr. Liu, don't be impulsive."

"Everyone just drank a little wine and said something bad. In fact, Linxi didn't mean it like this. Linxi, don't apologize to Mr. Liu as

soon as possible ." A colleague stopped him. People winked at Gu Linxi.

Seeing Gu Linxi standing still, another colleague had no choice but to walk up to Gu Linxi and whispered: "Linxi, don't patronize this tone. This job is really hard to come by. The salary is high and the benefits are high. Okay, and it's a good thing to say it out. It's a two-day break for a week, and there's a lot of overtime pay."

"If you were really kicked for such a person, it would be so wrong, admit a mistake, and be soft. This matter That's how it passed."

Gu Linxi still looked ugly and refused to admit his mistake: "Should I convince him? Does he want to go to heaven?"

He now believes that this person doesn't take his dad seriously.

Coupled with the fact that his father has always been bullying, Gu Linxi was even more sure of this.

"I can never apologize to him. We are not finished with this matter!"

Hearing Gu Linxi's words, Mr. Liu was really excited: "Okay! It's not over! I tell you, you are offended. I, I will keep you out of the whole c city!!!"

A crowd of people was noisy, the door was open again, and other customers in the corridor would inevitably take a few glances when they heard the movement.

Tengsheng and Liu Pianran happened to be here on business trips, and they made an appointment to have a meal together after they had business affairs.

Before I got to the place, I ran into such a lively scene.

Liu Pianran had no interest in leaving, but Teng Sheng stood still excitedly: "Wait, wait, did you hear what the man said just now, good fellow, this is a snake."

"I haven't seen it in the circle for 800 years. It's so arrogant, even the prince didn't dare to be so prosperous back then, come and see the excitement."

While saying, he took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket and handed it to Liu Pianran.

Liu Pianran: "..."

He looked helpless: "Teng Sheng, how can you eat melon seeds outside? Doesn't the peel of melon seeds

cause other people trouble when they fall on the ground?" After speaking, he was about to lead them to the room. The waiter said: "Let's not go to the room yet, please help us get a plate, thank you."

Waiter: "..."

He has worked here for several years. This is the first time he has seen such a pure and unpretentious boss. .

When they got the plate, the two of them took the plate and ate the seeds, and the skin of the seeds was all spit on the plate.

While licking melon seeds, he discussed who is the arrogant guy inside.

"Let this circle of people who are not brought up to be a low-key said to be low-key, I think he is so arrogant, it should be a nouveau riche."

"That should not, nouveau riche are chastened, if arrogant be reported Or being kidnapped can be over. I think this posture is not like a nouveau riche, how can nouveau riche be so emboldened."

"That may be someone's relative." Tengsheng melon seeds nibble quickly, one by one. One: "It's all like this, Hades is better off, the little devil is difficult to deal with, the more those who have no money and no ability, the more arrogant."

There has been progress: "I tell you against me that you absolutely no good end sensible to give me now get out!!!!"

Teng Sheng shook his head:. "Tut tut,"

"no-brainer ah, that if put in the novel , That is, a cannon fodder that can only appear in one chapter, used to set off the protagonist's IQ and normal three views."

Liu Pianran added: "The same is true in TV dramas. In such a situation, a big man will definitely appear, and he will have sex. Slap in the face." The

two laughed, thinking that they might actually be able to squat by a big man.

But it was just a joke.

In reality, there are many such idiots, and they will only yell at the powerless and powerless people. There is nothing they can do if they are wronged.

Teng Sheng asked, "Shall we take care of this nosy?"

Liu Pianran glared at him: "You are nosy, you want to take care of everything. If you know who they are, you can take care of them. How many times have I told you, nothing happened. Before you figure it out, you can't just go on it casually."

"What if there is a reversal? Look and listen more. If you really want to manage, just ask and ask, wait for the details to come out before you take action, otherwise you just go straight Rush up, aren't you waiting for someone to grab the handle?"

Teng Sheng; "…really, I think you are just like my mother."

Liu Pianran smiled: "A child on my side is in the rebellious period. There are too many disciplines, and the speech is always in this tone. If you don't mind, treat me as you. Mom is fine."

Teng Sheng rolled his eyes and was about to say you just dream.

I saw that the guy in the room with his teeth and claws had already progressed: "No matter how cheeky you are and refuse to go, it's okay. Today you have to go if you go, or if you don't."

Then he just said. Striding forward, it seems that he is planning to do it directly.

Tsk tut, the world is getting worse.

Teng Sheng was about to sigh with Liu Pianran, and turned his face, and the person was gone.


He turned around blankly, and found that Liu Pianran, who had just told him that he could not go directly, rushed into the room without knowing when, and hit the student Crab in the face with a fist.

No, didn't you just say you want to be calm?

Teng Sheng was stunned, and saw the looks of the other person involved.


Isn't this my eldest nephew! !

He screamed and rushed up.

Manager Xiao Liu was stunned by a fist, and before he could get over, another fist came into his face.

He stared at Venus, and when he looked up, he was about to swear, and he saw the faces of Teng Sheng and Liu Pianran.

Manager Xiao Liu: "..."

He knows these two people.

It is said that it is two coaxing company chairman.

One is by inheritance.

One is to work hard on your own.

But the two of them are still friends, and they often get together in embarrassment, ah, no, it's cooperation to make money.

Most importantly, they seem to have friendship with Ji Dong.

Even if Xiao Liu offends, no one wants to offend the two of them.

He wiped a nosebleed and forced a smile on his face.

"Dong Liu, Dong Sheng, what are you two doing to hit me? Is there something wrong with me?"

The person who was arrogant just now is fading, and everyone else can see that the two who came in Not a small person anymore.

One by one, they turned from dumbfounded to gloating on Mr. Liu.

Don't look at them yelling at each other, Mr. Liu, who would like a boss who takes credit for his subordinates, especially Gu Linxi's popularity is very good.

Even if they didn't stand on Gu Linxi's side for the livelihood of their own family, it didn't mean they were on Mr. Liu's side.

Now that this guy has been beaten, he still needs to be cautious and pleased, so don't mention it all in his heart.

But Liu Pianran and Teng Sheng didn't pay attention to Xiao Liu at all, but went directly to Gu Linxi and looked up and down whether he was injured.

"Linxi, is it okay? This grandson didn't beat you?"

Compared with Liu Pianran, who looked at it implicitly, Teng Sheng was more straightforward. He took his elder nephew around in a circle, and was sure it was indeed a hair without a loss. , Just breathed a sigh of relief.

Not to mention that this is his eldest nephew, he himself is very affectionate.

Just thinking about it, Changze knew that his son had been beaten, so the kid shouldn't be crazy.

Gu Linxi slowly lowered his raised fist and smiled: "Uncle Teng, I'm fine, you forgot that my dad let me learn taekwondo for a few years? He can't beat me."

In fact, he was just waiting for the little boy. Mr. Liu came up to beat him.

In this way, he will be a legitimate defense if he fights again.

Gu Linxi is not a bullying temper. Strictly speaking, he is the same as his grandmother, who can endure it if he doesn't have the ability to fight back, and what else can he endure if he has the ability.

Isn't that a fool if he can fight back and still stand and be hit?

But he didn't expect his two uncles to help him fight before he did it.

Liu Pianran nodded: "It's okay."

"What's the matter?"

Gu Linxi said briefly: "The boss who arrived in the air grabbed the project we have prepared for half a year."

This kind of thing doesn't happen in the workplace. It's rare, but most of the subordinates choose to swallow the pain in their stomachs.

Teng Sheng listened and turned around angrily to look at Mr. Liu like a dead person: "What is it, which family do you belong to? The bully came to our house?"

Mr. Liu is already looking silly.

Other colleagues are also stupid.

What does this, this say?

Does Gu Linxi have any background?

Mr. Liu squeezed out a dry smile: "Yes, yes, I'm not good. I drank and became impulsive."

He didn't know what had happened, but it didn't prevent him from slipping and kneeling.

He can't afford to offend Teng Sheng.

Especially there is Liu Pianran next to him.

How arrogant just now, how good his attitude of admitting mistakes is now.

Unfortunately, it's not useful.

Teng Sheng didn't eat his stuff at all.

"Stop watching people order food. If you grab someone's credit, you are embarrassed to drive away. You were a devil in your last life, with such a big face."

"Hurry up, who do you belong to and who do you rely on? I want to see how arrogant children are, and they almost never put the big face on their bodies when they go out."

Liu Pianran also sneered, although he didn't speak, but Bi Tengsheng's call threatened But the intensity is much.

Mr. Liu couldn't tell that they were planning to find their own backer to settle the accounts, and he was so scared that he didn't dare to say.

He did not say, Gu Linxi said for him.

"He himself said that his brother is the son-in-law of our company's second shareholder, and he also said that he can control the chairman's right to

lay off employees." Liu Pianran and Teng Sheng's expressions suddenly became weird.

Mr. Liu hurriedly explained: "No, no, I didn't say that. I mean, the chairman might give me this face."

Ji Dong is not easy to provoke. His brother has told him many times. Dong looked harmless, but it was actually overcast.

If Liu Pianran and Teng Sheng told Ji Dong these words, he would be over.

"Give you face?"

Teng Sheng's eyes repeated strangely.

"You want to beat his son, and you want him to give you face?"

Manager Xiao Liu: "..."

Other colleagues: "..."

Manager Xiao Liu is still a little confused: "When will I beat him..."

As he spoke, he suddenly reacted, looking at Gu Linxi, who was condensed with horror in his eyes.

"You, you, you, you..."

Isn't Gu Linxi's surname Gu? ?

How did he become Ji Dong's son? ?

"I, I, I, I..." Mr.

Liu didn't want to believe this fact.

Still working hard to tell myself how it is possible; "Gu Linxi... how could he be Ji Dong's son..."

Liu Pianran saw that this guy was almost scared to death, and was kindly put on the last one that crushed the other party. Root straw.

"Linxi, he and his grandmother's surname, you Ji Dong is just such a precious son, what did you just say? Say your brother's father-in-law is the second shareholder?"

Teng Sheng was curiously beside him: "It's amazing! The second shareholder The son-in-law's brother beat the only child of the first shareholder, it's really great, I want to applaud you."

Xiao Liu: "..."

His eyes were dark and his legs were weak.

Other colleagues: "..."

They are also confused.

Gu Linxi, who is good-tempered and capable, is actually the prince?

Ma yeah.

Gu Linxi came to this position step by step from an intern.

It turns out that the TV series is real, but the prince actually really started by visiting the grassroots in a private visit via microservices.

A pheasant cottage prince came over to show off his power and hit the serious prince. This is what a fairy TV drama plot.

Screenwriters dare not write like this.

A group of people are slumped inside, and they don't have any expressions on their faces. Of course, it may also be because they don't know what to do.

Teng Sheng directly pulled Gu Linxi over.

Complained: "I said, let you come to Uncle's side, you want to exercise where you can't exercise, you have to run so far, now it's okay, you are being bullied."

"Your dad didn't say Do you want you to go back? Anyway, the brother-in-law of the shareholder's son-in-law fired you. Just so, you should

stop doing it and go back with us." Ji Changze mentioned before that Gu Linxi can almost go back to the head office now. Happy for the growth of this child.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

Teng Sheng protects his shortcomings, simply thinking that he can bring people back directly.

Anyway, since Gu Linxi's identity has been exposed, there is no point in continuing to practice in this company.

Liu Pianran rarely agrees with Teng Sheng's words: "Your Uncle Teng is right. Just go back with us directly. Your grandma and her old man are just about to pass her birthday. Going back now makes her happy and happy."

Gu Linxi did not hesitate and did not hesitate. head.

"Are you in a hurry to go back? I have to hand over some work here."

"No hurry, I have a lot of free time, you go." The

other colleagues watched Liu Dong and Teng Dong talking and laughing at Gu Linxi, their faces were all over. The elders looked at the affection of the younger ones, and then at Mr. Liu, whose face was pale and the sky was falling, he was in a trance and booming.

This meal was full of high energy, and in the end no one had the appetite to continue eating.

Gu Linxi, like nothing happened just now, waited for Tengsheng and Liu Pianran to go out and said to the colleagues in the house: "I guess I will be transferred to the head office, and some work will be handed over to you. Could you please return to the company after eating? Work overtime."

"Okay, eh, I'm almost full, I'll go with you." As

soon as one colleague finished speaking, other colleagues followed suit.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm almost full too, let's go together."

"I'm fine too." No one who

can sit in the leadership is a fool.

It was obvious that Mr. Liu was already a salted fish now, and they didn't want to continue eating his meal.

There was no one left. Mr. Liu estimated that he was hit hard, his face was pale, and he followed the crowd like a wandering soul, and arrived at the parking lot.

He wanted to stop Gu Linxi: "Gu...Linxi, I want to apologize to you..."

Gu Linxi didn't stop, as if he didn't hear him, he found his car and got in.

Waiting until everyone got in the car separately, some small private groups immediately became lively.

The sign of the unity of these groups is that there is no Gu Linxi inside.

This group of leaders first spread the news to their subordinates or relatives, and then the subordinates and relatives spread the news to their good colleagues.

Of course, it was only circulated in private, after all, Gu Linxi was still in the company.

After he waited for him to finish the work, took his personal belongings, and then quit all the work groups, the work groups were quiet for a few seconds at first.

After the meeting, a person who was not well informed asked anonymously:

Obviously his news is still lagging behind the newly appointed Mr. Liu who wants to fire Director Gu.

The group immediately refreshed all kinds of new news at speeding speed.

The discussion in the group was in full swing. Before, I only dared to complain quietly about Mr. Liu, but now he is shaking like he is the prince.

Some people are gloating at misfortunes, and some are as excited as if they are just at the scene of a face slap.

The news spread quickly.

Gu Linxi didn't pay attention to these anymore. He did it all the way in the branch not to pretend, but to study seriously.

Now that he has achieved great success, there is no need to conceal his identity when returning to the head office.

Ji Changze beat the gongs and drums to arrange a position for his son.

In fact, if it had not been for Gu Linxi that he still wanted to learn, Ji Changze would now abdicate.

The second shareholder was almost out of breath when he heard the news.

He directly ordered his daughter to die this time, either to let Mr. Liu's brother go, or both of them go together.

He doesn't have only one daughter, it's just that this daughter is what he values most, and there are other children. If their family offends Ji Changze because of this daughter, and the other party still doesn't know how to repent, he must have a good-looking man with only one face. If that is the case, then he doesn't need this daughter either.

Fortunately, this eldest lady is not really stupid.

Before, she always wanted to tolerate her children, so she endured the fact that the other party was looking for women outside. Anyway, she herself would look for men outside.

But this man and his family are so exhausted that her father is different.

She made a decisive divorce because she found evidence of the other party's cheating, plus many things were her pre-marital property when she got married.

After some operations, the man simply went out of the house.

He was stupid.

I never thought that I was defeated by my younger brother.

The younger brother was beaten severely, but he couldn't change his former glory and wealth. The two brothers also lost their previous brothers and sisters, and they were very noisy after tearing their faces.

The two brothers used to think that although the daughter-in-law was rich, she also had shortcomings. For example, she didn't want to have another daughter after only giving birth, and failed to give them a grandson.

Although they did not dare to criticize their daughter-in-law in person, they did not dislike the other side as a hen who did not lay eggs.

Everyone likes their son and gave them a rich life. They are not grateful at all. They don't think that this is because the other party doesn't care about the money, but thinks that their son has the ability, so that such a wealthy family has recruited sons-in-law.

As a result, the sky and the earth broke suddenly.

The eldest lady divorced happily, and she didn't mean to like their son so much. The two sons turned against each other.

Because of my temper and my reputation, no matter what work I do, I can't do it for long.

Now no one is preventing their son from giving birth to grandchildren. It is a pity that the two of them have higher eyes than ordinary girls, but Bai Fumei and the others like it, but it is impossible for people to like this kind of person.

In the end, Mr. Liu was old, and there was really no way he could do it. He had to be introduced by someone to marry a wife of about the same age.

That wife was also married in the second marriage. It is said that her previous husband went bankrupt. When she divorced, there was not much money left in the family and she could not get much.

The introducer said that the two of them must get along because they both fell through the rich life.

Unfortunately, they did not get along.

Mr. Liu's former wife was an eldest lady with all abilities, although she was mediocre in appearance.

Although this wife can see that he was beautiful when he was young, but now that she is still beautiful when she is old, she has no ability to make money, and she is ashamed to always persuade him to start a business to make money, and want to go back to where he was. Rich life.

Return a fart.

I started a business a few times, but I didn't make any money, but all my previous savings went into it.

Mr. Liu slowly began to feel that this woman might be Kefu, but it was too hard to live alone, and he really couldn't find other women willing to follow him, so he could only go on like this.

Women often say how happy and rich the life she lived before is, wherever she goes, someone will look at her with envy.

She is beautiful, married well, and has the means.

President Liu didn't believe a word.

If you really have the means, how can you marry him?

Seeing that he didn't believe it, the woman would be very angry, retorting that she was just fooled.

At that time, her husband's uncle was a viper-like character. In order to please another uncle, the guy set her up, causing her to lose all the money in her hands.

Women have always been aggrieved by this.

Later, when she heard that the person who put her on her legs was lame, she was still happy for a while.

When the man died, she was happy for a while.

It is said that the other party was a lunatic, and he was not as crazy as that at the beginning. It was not until later that the other party's biological mother was found to have a mental illness, and he should have inherited his mother's genes.

Mr. Liu knows who the woman is talking about.

Liu Shuran.

This short-lived character.

It is said that he has longed for family affection all his life, but unfortunately his only relative no longer believes in him. It is said that Liu Pianran said to him, "No matter what you do, I am not your brother anymore."

It directly caused his illness, and this guy was admitted to the mental hospital.

Liu Pianran is also good enough, and he hasn't even seen it once.

Mr. Liu understands this big man very well.

The older he is, the more thorough he thinks.

No one knew about Liu Shuran stabbing Liu Pianran on his back. This kind of thing happened twice. Liu Pianran didn't believe it was normal, and Liu always felt that if someone stabbed him, he would even give him 100 million yuan afterwards. Will not forgive.

No, it will.

It's just forgiving on the face, and cursing at the bottom of my heart.

Liu Shuran driving herself crazy may not have the intention of wanting Liu Pianran to feel soft, but it is a pity that Liu Pianran is not that saintly father.

Liu Shuran died early, and his wish before death was that Liu Pianran would attend the funeral.

Liu Pianran still didn't go, as if he would get his hands dirty if he touched this person.

Mr. Liu thought, if he were him, he would definitely go, but Liu Shuran left so much money.

But Liu Pianran is not bad for money, and she should not appreciate it.

These wealthy people don't seem to have any brotherhood. The eldest brother Teng Sheng Teng also wanted to see Mr. Teng after he was released from prison.

Then President Teng said: "Okay, you drive yourself crazy and die again. The last last word before death is that I will forgive you if I participate in your funeral."

The eldest brother Teng just slipped away. .

Then never appeared again.

It is said that he had a blood loss when he opened a small factory. He didn't have the capital. Finally, he figured out a way to go abroad, and he didn't know what he was doing.

It is estimated that before I left, I was still cursing about this kind of thing, and there would still be a senior who stood in front of him and set an example.

Mr. Liu rarely mentions Mr. Ji at home.

Guy is unwilling to listen because his current wife.

Speaking of it, she was just a little short of becoming Mrs. Ji.

Liu always felt that she was not far from being crazy.

The well-known Xiao Ji Dong, Gu Linxi, who inherited the family business at a young age, is not the same as his father's. After Gu Linxi first inherited the family business, he indeed kept it for a few years.

After fully controlling the situation, it slowly became active expansion.

He may be really talented, and in a short time, he succeeded in making Ji Jia much better than before.

Compared with Ji Dong, who had a fancy reputation when he was young, Xiao Ji Dong looked more serious than when he was a father.

He inherited his family business at such a young age. He looks good, has a good body, and has a regular routine. Compared with his father Ji Changze, he can't wait to post eight Weibos a day to share his happy life. Gu Linxi's Weibo will grow grass, but the number of fans A lot more than his father.

Of course, the main reason may be that although his father is handsome, he is old after all.

Even though they are older now, there will still be some fans

who are more serious about Gu Linxi.

He was busy expanding the map, not thinking about it at all.

When he was thirty years old, he fell in love, and the other party was not a lady, nor could it be called a peerless appearance.

Is a twenty-seven-year-old school teacher.

He taught in the high school that Gu Linxi had attended before.

He also went to donate money to his alma mater, and he fell in love with others at a glance.

Ji Changze asked him many times what he really liked.

Gu Linxi couldn't tell.

Just say: "She is especially like my elementary school teacher, she has a very similar temperament."

Good fellow, do you like elementary school teachers or others?

Ji Changze pulled Tengsheng Liu Pianran, and three fifty-odd people squatted strictly at the school gate in disguise, and finally saw the girl who was said to be like the teacher of Gu Linxi Elementary School.

Then I discovered that this is the teacher's temperament, it is basically the maternal temperament.

Although this teacher can only be said to be delicate, his temperament is very gentle, and he smiles gently when he sees students at the door.

It is a kind of tenderness exuding from the bones, and love for children.

Teng Sheng was silent for a while, and said to Ji Changze: "Changze, we are Oedipus in Linxi, right?"

Ji Changze touched his chin, feeling very likely.

Divorced children can still receive the care of their mothers from time to time. Even if they live separately, the other party who does not get the children will occasionally come to see the children, take them to eat or eat.

Where is Gu Cui?

She almost wiped Gu Linxi's existence from her life with a pen.

Although Gu Linxi didn't say anything about this situation, he didn't show it before, but he prefers this teacher, maybe he likes this kind of temperament.

Ji Changze sighed: "It's all my fault. I should find more girlfriends when he first came home. At that time, he was too young and he was not very thoughtful."

Liu Pianran: "..."

"You can get it ." , If you find a few more girlfriends, Linxi may have to be Electra." The

three of them whispered and crooked for a long time, but they didn't discuss a charter.

Teng Sheng and Liu Pianran were worried that Ji Changze would beat the mandarin duck.

As a result, Ji Changze said, "How do you think I gave this girl a golden stick?"

He still felt very proud of his idea and said: "So when she beats the disobedient students in the future, those students think that they are Being beaten by a pure gold stick, maybe the psychological shadow is not that big."

Teng Sheng: "..."

Liu Pianran: "..."

But how long the three have known each other, they still don't understand Ji Changze's brain circuits from time to time.

"Are you not against them?"

Ji Changze looked very sacred: "Do you know what the premise is against?"

Teng Sheng shook his head.

Ji Changze: "The premise of the objection is that the two people are already together, and Linxi has not caught up with them." The

two: "..." It

seems to make sense.

In fact, it sounds like a crime.

Gu Linxi has been outstanding since he was a child, and he shines wherever he goes when he grows up.

But it's not great to fall in love.

He has broken peach blossoms by himself since he was young, sometimes he didn't even know he was broken.

In this case, how could one count on him to fall in love.

The three old men kept thinking about opposing and not opposing, one by one the emperor was not in a hurry, and they often helped Gu Linxi to make suggestions.

"You can't do it, you! You said you are my son! I was so chic at the beginning, and there are beautiful women whistling to me wherever I go, why you can't catch up with you even a girl."

Ji Changze mainly recalled the past, And disgusting Gu Linxi is not as good as himself.

Teng Sheng is good at making friends, but dating is not good. He usually buys bags, gifts, and jewelry.

Anyway, just buy and buy.

But obviously, this high school teacher does not eat this set.

Liu Pianran is more reliable. He said, "Writing a love letter. When I was in school, I would write a love letter if I liked a girl."

Now when I think of that first love girl, there is still a little throbbing in my heart.

It's a pity that he was inexperienced at the time, and the love letter was written and stuffed into the girl's desk.

In the end, I forgot to sign.

The girl was very moved when she read the love letter, thinking that it was written by the male god she had a crush on, and the two of them were together that day.

Liu Pianran also went to have a wedding wine.

The bride and groom also mentioned this incident, saying that they are grateful to the classmate who wrote the love letter back then. If it hadn't been for that classmate who wrote the love letter, they wouldn't have been together because of a misunderstanding. They had been together for three years. Not written by the groom.

Liu Pianran almost didn't cry when he heard that, and smiled and drank along with her face.

At that time, he was drinking wine, but his stomach was tears.

So this time he specially said: "You must remember your signature, otherwise the ghost knows if you will help others to make wedding dresses."

Gu Linxi has no experience, so he really took it seriously after hearing what he said. A love letter, which carefully described my yearning and love for the girl, the support of my elders for this matter, and respect for any decision made by the girl.

Then I found Uncle Tengsheng's teacher and friend to help put the letter on the girl's desk.

The teacher girl read the love letter, but agreed to Gu Linxi's appointment.

Then when Gu Linxi asked if she liked the love letter she wrote, one couldn't help but laugh.

She really didn't mean it.

She has always only seen this way of writing love letters among students.

A 30-year-old adult man writes a love letter in this era, which makes her feel fun and interesting.

The girl also talked about it. She knew who Gu Linxi was. She didn't dare to develop anything because she knew. After all, Gu Linxi is too dazzling, how about her?

Ordinary grow up, ordinary go to school, ordinary graduate, ordinary teacher.

If she is really a beautiful woman, she might be a little more confident, but she will also look good, and she will be called a little beauty by dressing up. Gu Linxi is much more beautiful than her appearance.

Under such circumstances, when the other party came to pursue it, people only thought it was some kind of boring behavior by the rich at first.

As a result, Gu Linxi successfully demonstrated his simplicity in love with a letter.

The girl was very moved, and then rejected him.

Gu Linxi was hit hard.

I couldn't see anything outside, so when I returned home, I was very disappointed to find my father to comfort me.

Ji Changze was also shocked.

"You were rejected because you were too rich?"

He gave a bad idea.

"Otherwise, I will drive you out of the house and leave the house alone. You will be penniless when you come, and you will depend on others with a sullen face. Then, when you are married and have children, I will take you back. "

Gu Linxi: "..."

He wanted to tell his father that the teacher and the girl weren't a fool, she was taught by high school students and she was very clever.

However, looking at his father's "innocent" sight, he still embraced his father tolerantly.

"My okay dad, I will be filial to you for the rest of my life."

No matter how unreliable dad is, isn't he still there?

Ji Changze, who was hugged by his son inexplicably, said: "You don't have a big problem son, don't worry, dad has a way."

Waiting for Gu Linxi to go to work at the company, Ji Changze immediately called Tengsheng.

After discussing with him for a while, Teng Sheng was full of confidence.

"No problem, don't worry!!"

He acted fiercely after a meal, and when the girl went home on holiday, his father had already made a card friend Uncle Teng.

Most young people know Gu Linxi (because he is young and handsome).

Like Tengsheng, which has not been reported in recent years, few young people know about it.

The girl's father was very happy to introduce her; "Uncle Teng is the famous brand king."

"He can also play chess, and he has also played chess with the principal of your school."

The girl's father is very happy that he has made such a great friend, especially Teng Sheng is really sincere to people. After the two hit it off, it didn't take long for them to reach the point of making friends with each other.

A twenty-seven-year-old girl looks fine in the eyes of young people, but in the eyes of parents, she has already missed the best age for marriage.

Don't you just want to talk about it when you chat with friends?

So after going back and forth, the girl went back one day, and the girl's father said very proudly: "I found you a blind date, it is your uncle Teng's nephew. It is said to be a talented person who is three years older than you and works in the company. There is a car and a house, I saw the photos, the young man looks pretty handsome."

He said, "You young people just like to look at that, don't you look at the looks? I think this young man looks good. Go see you. See you."

Girl: "..."

She doesn't want to go, the high school teacher is very busy, where can I have time to meet with someone.

Besides, she is still the teacher in charge. She is so busy every day, she finally wants to watch TV at home after a vacation. Isn't that a delay in going on a blind date?

However, no matter how he didn't want to go, facing the urging of his parents, he still had no choice but to be taken to the blind date just like a child.

The blind date also brought her parents. The girl felt that either the man had no opinion, or the man's parents were too strong, and her parents were so happy.

She thought this blind date was destined to go for nothing.

Until I saw Gu Linxi sitting across from him.

Girl: "..."

Gu Linxi smiled shyly: "Didn't you say that my parents won't agree? They all agreed, and my dad is here." The

girl turned her head and saw her parents sitting behind. An uncle who looks similar to Gu Linxi at a table.

The other party was eating watermelon, and when she saw her looking over, he nodded and smiled.

The girl sighed: "You look good and you are nice. I don't like that you are fake, but I really feel that my family is so far apart and I am insecure when we fall in love."

"People say that the rich are all messed up, and there are Rich mother-in-law or something."

Gu Linxi said quickly: "I don't have a mother, my family is a single parent."

Oh yes, forget this.

The girl then changed her words: "Wealthy fighting or something..."

Gu Linxi: "No no, my father has no brothers and sisters, my family has three generations of singles, and you can rest assured that we do not favor sons, boys and girls are the same, and we don't have children. Okay, our family is not so obsessed with children."

He thought about it, and added: "I have to go to work every day, and I don't have time to cheat. My dad won't remarry. You don't have to worry about it. There is no need to fight for a mother-in-law." The

girl: " know quite a lot."

Gu Linxi smiled.

After his Uncle Tengsheng knew the reason for the girl's disapproval, he gave him a bunch of TV series names, all of them fighting among the rich and the blood of the rich.

After reading it, Gu Linxi felt that he did not dare.

The girl is really tempted.

Among other things, Gu Linxi looked upright, looks good, has a good figure, and speaks well.

However, I was still a little scared.

Teng Sheng has already developed the girl's grandfather into a friend. He was chatting, and found that the situation still seemed unclear. He looked at Ji Changze and asked in a low voice, "Can you do it? Why didn't your pick-up gene be passed on to Linxi? "

Fart, what girl, that's my future daughter-in-law, please be polite to me." Ji Changze Chongtengsheng rolled his eyes: "It's okay, I have found Pianran, he must be able to do it."

Liu Pianran Coming soon.

His heart is a little more balanced.

My eldest nephew can do anything else, and he can do everything with confidence. This is the first time I fall in love.

He specially dressed himself up before going out, and then replaced Gu Linxi with arrogance.

Facing Gu Linxi's "Do you believe it?" he smiled confidently.

Then began to sell the girl miserably.

"Eh, in fact, we are in such a big battle. In addition to respecting you, this child is really too pitiful. You see, he is now very beautiful. He is the chairman of the board, the family is rich, and the man is handsome. He is a winner in life. Isn't it? Actually not. He had a terrible life when he was a child..."

"...That's it, because of his mother's operation, Linxi has always followed his grandma to live like this. When you were in high school, you were a high school teacher, you You know how heavy a high school student's task is. It was like that at that time. He also went around to work part-time, just to make some medicine money for his grandma."

Liu Pianran is indeed a professional.

After a miserable sale (of course, it is true), the girl's eyes on Linxi were softened by naked eyes.

As a teacher, she is least likely to be a student who has good grades and a miserable life.

A student like Gu Linxi would definitely be the one she loves the most if she is placed in it now.

Gu Linxi is still a little uncomfortable to disclose all of her past, although there is no expression on her face, the tips of her ears are red.

I was embarrassed to sit up straight, watching the girl discuss with Uncle Pianran.

Liu Pianran may not be as good as Tengsheng in terms of making friends, but he is too good at selling badly.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask your principal. He thinks he still has the impression that Linxi was miserable at the beginning. When we found him, the principal told us that this kid is the poorest in the school. The teacher who taught Linxi at that time It's almost like you are your age, and you usually bring some steamed buns and buns to him.

So Linxi has a very good impression of the profession of teachers. You can see that he went to the school to donate money before. He just wanted to make the environment of the teachers a little better, so that poor students like him could not live like that. bitter. Also, the scholarship in your school is also set by him. Even if there are students who are poor at home, as long as they study hard and get the scholarship, they can continue to study. This is all his experience back then. " When Liu Pianran finished speaking, the teacher girl looked after Linxi very softly. "I didn't expect you to have a life like that. It must have been very difficult at that time." " " Not bitter. " Gu Linxi told the truth: "The teacher and the principal took good care of me at the time, and the classmates treated me very well. At that time, we had a teaching director who would stand at the door in the morning and watch the students come in and out. He probably knew that every time I When I come back from the holiday, I don't eat in the morning, so I stuff a bun for me every time. " He talked and talked and smiled, looking face to know that I miss:" Especially in the winter, cold buns fast, he was placed in a clothes pocket to give me hot, I knew then, we headmaster in fact particularly careful . " After finishing speaking, he added another sentence in a low voice: "You are also careful. Last time I saw you, a student in your class got wet. You put your clothes on for her, and you just put on a school uniform all morning. " At that time, it was a donation, just in time for the sports meeting. The teacher and the students had to sit in the playground to listen. Gu Linxi also noticed the other party at that time. It was winter when the students went to the water pipe, but the water pipe broke and was sprayed with water, girl I gave her my clothes. I only wore a sweater and put on a school uniform and sat there for a whole morning. In fact, although it is winter, it is not so cold. The girl is definitely not too cold, at most I only feel a little bit of chill. . But she could not give her clothes to each other at all. At that time, Gu Linxi inexplicably liked girls even more than that student.

The girl smiled, her expression gradually relaxed, and she was not as tense as before.

She never agreed, just thinking that Gu Linxi looked good in everything, but she couldn't find her own strengths, and she didn't know what Gu Linxi liked about herself.

Now that she knew what Gu Linxi liked about herself, she couldn't help being happy when she was praised again.

Seeing two young people talking and laughing, Liu Pianran heaved a sigh of relief, went down and found Tengsheng sitting next to him, and said to Ji Changze:

"You talk about you, my son is looking for a daughter-in-law, and we still need us. This old

bone helps." Ji Changze replied: "If you think it's unfair, we will definitely help Linxi when

you find a wife." "Forget it, at this age, what kind of wife are you looking for."

Teng Sheng looked at it. He glanced at him: "I heard that your first love husband seems to be sick and left."

Liu Pianran: "!!!"

He immediately became energetic, stood up and walked out: "You should tell this kind of news earlier. Classmates, why should I go to worship and worship when

they are gone." They are really young, they are only in their 50s.

Pitiful, Liu Pianran tried to make herself look a little sad. Why did she leave when she was in her 50s? Hey, she left a wife, and she was too lonely by herself.

He is also an old classmate, so he should help take care of others.

With Liu Pianran's care, he couldn't even take care of fishing with Teng Shengji Changze.

He has been quite proud of the spring breeze recently, and he doesn't even bother to carry out this kind of activity that the "old man" does only.

After taking care of them for two years, when he came to Gu Linxi's wedding, Ji Changze asked him, "Where is your first love?"

Liu Pianran was sour.

"My first love with her."

He didn't get out of the pain of losing his husband at first, so he didn't dare to mention anything.

I plan to wait until five years have passed, and then slowly tell the other person what I think.

As a result, two years later, they walked out of the shadows and were with their first love who was also widowed.

Liu Pianran was hit hard.

First love was surprised to see him like this: "You like me? Then why don't you say it?"

Liu Pianran: "..."

He was wrong. He had forgotten that old men and women of this age were more open to them.

After all, some of the friends around have already left, and some are still in the intensive care unit of the hospital. Although the health is the majority, it is normal to leave one suddenly. Who makes them have more friends.

In two years, enough people have walked out of the shadows.

Lost in love again, when Liu Pianran attended the wedding, watching Gu Linxi and his wife smile happily, the whole person turned into a lemon.

Ji Changze comforted him: "Don't be sad, haven't Tengsheng and I married? When we are old, let's spend the three together."

Liu Pianran: "...I don't want to spend time with two old men."

Then waited for Gu Linxi and the others . After giving birth to a daughter quickly, he immediately turned back.

The children he raised before have participated in any industry, and there are a few good ones, and they were arranged by Gu Linxi to the company.

He didn't even remember the details of being betrayed when he was young.

Liu Pianran suffered the most and was the oldest of the three. I don't know if his self-preservation wit was touched. The older he is, the more naive he is.

An old child.

He has forgotten all the hardships he had suffered when he was young.

Sometimes when I look at previous photos, I can't help but feel complacent, and say to Ji Changze: "How did you say I looked so good when I was young?"

Ji Changze usually rolls his eyes at this time.

Although he has forgotten a lot of things, he still likes the child's temperament as always.

After Gu Linxi's child was born, the nickname was Baby Ji.

Although tacky.

But Liu Pianran didn't feel tired at all. Gu Linxi had to go to work, and the teacher and girl had to teach. Both of them were busy. So the child was taken care of by Ji Changze, Ji's father and Gu's grandmother most of the time.

At the age of Grandma Gu and Ji's father, Ji Changze didn't allow them to work too hard, so they didn't hold the child, and only played with the child with toys.

After Liu Pianran knew that they were living together, she squeezed her face stubbornly.

It is also plausible: "You only live in such a big villa, and I will help you

get more popular." After living in as he wished, Ji Changze would grab his granddaughter when he wanted to hug his granddaughter.

When he was young, Liu Pianran was the most mature of the three of them, but when he was old, he was the most naive.

Ji Changze couldn't rob him, so he didn't rob him. He fished and watched TV by himself, and gave Liu Pianran the burdensome task of bringing the children.

Liu Pianran was very happy, and the baby kept crying every day.

Teng Sheng saw some clues.

Some worried Ji Changze asked: "Is he okay like this?"

"It's okay."

Ji Changze, living a happy retirement, said while waiting for the fish to take the bait, "I asked the doctor. He is also good enough to forget everything. It's not a happy thing."

Liu Pianran has suffered from hardship all his life, even when he was young, he forgot all the previous things, isn't he just like a child?

"I shouldn't forget us, he's smart, he only remembers happy things."

Compared with Teng Sheng, who was always worried that his friend would wake up and become a three-year-old child, Ji Changze himself secretly showed Liu Pianran.

Not as serious as they thought, Liu Pianran was just protecting herself. As he was old, he would always dream of the previous things at night. Perhaps these things made him unhappy.

He has never mentioned Liu Shuran again, but Liu Shuran is just like his own son to him. He chooses to never forgive, even if everyone, including him, knows that such a decision is right, but the emotions he has paid cannot be repaid. .

When Teng Sheng thought about it, he also began to feel that this was a good thing.

"This is also very good, you see that he is happier every day, I think the baby is more stable than him."

The kid was surprised that they looked at Ultraman before.

It turned out that recently, I watched Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf all day in front of the TV.

Sometimes Teng Sheng wants to watch a news and wants to change channels, but he is not happy yet.

Seeing Liu Pianran's behavior, Teng Sheng remembered that when he was a child, Liu Pianran was bullied by his brothers and sisters at home. He was pitiful and his clothes were dirty and no one changed him.

There is a TV at home, but he is not qualified to watch it.

At that time Teng Sheng became friends with him, and Liu Pianran went to his house.

The two children sat on the sofa in Tengsheng's house and watched TV. Tengsheng liked to watch armored warriors at the time, and Liu Pianran liked to be beaming.

He always begged Tengsheng to show him a different look. Tengsheng was so naive at the time that he refused to agree every time.

Liu Pianran asked several times, and when Tengsheng didn't agree or was angry, he obediently followed the armored warrior.

Teng Sheng still remembered that his father told him when he knew about it. Mom said: "Pian Ran is a very good child at a young age and has a good temper."

His mother said: "If you can ask for anything, who wants someone else? I agree to everything."

Tengsheng didn't understand it at the time, but now that I think about it, I understand it all.

In that situation, how could Liu Pianran have the courage to make a request?

"So he is revenge. I had to look at armored warriors in revenge."

Teng Sheng said to Ji Changze: "Just think about whether you snatched something from him when you were a kid."

"What's the revenge?"

Ji Changze didn't care. "I don't remember anymore. Don't be stingy. You can watch it on your phone or tablet. You have to grab the TV with others. If you can't, I will press a TV in your room."

Yes, Tengsheng has also moved in. The reason is fair. He is currently choosing an heir to find a clean place.

As a result, after staying, he refused to leave.

He was so embarrassed to say that Liu Pianran's child was not the one who snatched the remote control with Liu Pianran every day.

Tengsheng was quite plausible about this: "I was helping him recall his childhood and exercise."

Liu Pianran forgot about his childhood, became a little naive, and not a fool. He was mad when he was robbed a few times. I watched it on the computer, and finally Tengsheng went to coax.

Ji Changze doesn't play with these two naive old children. He is addicted to fishing and practicing Tai Chi.

He likes all the activities that old people like.

Teng Sheng asked him: "You don't know how to find something fun?"

Liu Pianran also felt that Ji Changze was so boring, and invited him to watch TV together, and generously said: "You can watch the channel you want to watch."

Teng Sheng: "..."

He knew that one of the three people must be superfluous. Look, isn't it? Liu Pianran made it clear that Ji Changze was eccentric.

Faced with the invitation, Ji Changze refused all of them.

"You don't understand, I'm learning more skills, and I will use it later."

Teng Sheng laughed at him: "Half of his body is in the soil, and I still think about the future."

Ji Changze ignored him.

He likes the life of retirement. Of course, it would be better to learn some new skills during his retirement.

Ji Changze began to fall around.

One will learn medicinal food, one will learn fishing skills, and the other will survive in the jungle.

Liu Pianran thought: "You might as well watch cartoons. It has everything in it."

He also asked Teng Sheng, "What do you think?"

Teng Sheng: "I think you are completely stupid. Give me all your money."

Liu Pianran had a fight with him, proving that he was not stupid.

Baby Ji watched the two fight with gusto.

Then she learned to fight without a teacher.

She fights with the potted plants at home, with the puppies she raises, and sometimes with the grandpas who take her with her.

Grandpa and grandma, she won't fight anymore.

The two are getting older. Although she is young and her speech is not very smooth, she also knows that the two of them must hug gently.

Grandma Gu is very old and has lost her teeth, so Ji Changze customized her dentures.

The old man used it once and found it very useful, so he cherished it very much. Every day before going to bed, he took out his dentures and washed them, and put them on again in the morning.

Ji's father doesn't like dentures. He refuses to accept the old and feels that he can use real teeth.

It's a pity that he is a bit older, and only five teeth are left.

So Ji's father was very precious to his five teeth, and every morning he would use his tongue to try to see if they were still there.

Ji Changze's teeth were still very good, but Liu Pianran had a broken tooth. He went to the dentist and the dentist repaired it.

The dentist said that at this age, the teeth can't be broken anymore.

After returning home, Ji Changze and Teng Sheng cleaned Liu Pianran's room and found a bunch of snacks, all of which he had hidden away by buying snacks for the baby.

Liu Pianran's face was bitter, and he couldn't keep his snacks anyway.

Finally, he was angry and ran away from home.

Ji Changze and Teng Sheng found him on the tombstone of the Liu family.

Liu Pianran didn't know who said he would be buried here after he died, so he came to get familiar with it in advance.

Ji Changze and Teng Sheng couldn't laugh or cry.

They felt that this was the retribution of two people tossing Liu Pianran when they were young.

They coaxed Liu Pianran: "You forgot that you said you don't want to bury it here? You said you buried with us, and you can play mahjong together at that time."

Although Liu Pianran is naive, he is not a fool. Questioned: "Just lie to me, you, how do we play mahjong when the three of us died."

Tengsheng looked at Ji Changze: "It seems really not stupid."

Ji Changze: "You continue to listen."

Sure enough, Liu Pianran continued: "Three No matter how short one is missing, I can't get everyone together."

Teng Sheng: "..."

Ji Changze didn't change his face: "It's okay, we will hide underneath, if someone passes by, we will pull that person in and ask him to accompany him. We play mahjong, if he doesn't want to, he won't let him go."

Liu Pianran listened and found it interesting, and smiled: "Then that person must be scared to death."

"Scared to death is just right."

Teng Sheng felt Ji Changze's age. The bigger the water, the more bad the water, he really seriously discussed with Liu Pianran: "If you are scared to death, you can always play mahjong with us."

"Then how, you have to be a good person, and you must be a ghost when you die. People are living well, why are they going to die and stay with us."

Liu Pianran muttered, and when he walked to a tombstone, he suddenly stopped and looked at the tombstone.

"Liu Shuran, his name resembles me, is he my relative? Why don't I remember it?"

"Who do you remember, you."

Tengsheng felt headache when he saw Liu Shuran conditioned reflex, and quickly pulled the person back to the tombstone to continue Go: "You don't remember if you forgot? Anyway, they are all unimportant people. Remember what they are doing." When

I remembered, I would pull them to cry every day and tell me that my childhood was too hard.

Do evil.

How much trouble did Liu Pianran bother them when they were young, so that the old man didn't forget to toss them at such an age.

Liu Pianran was very coaxing. After being coaxed, he nodded: "That's it, ah, yes, I remember, you told me that these people all have grudges

against me, right." "Yes, yes, yes. Enmity, but you don't need to hold grudges. They are all dead. It's boring to hold grudges without you. It's to toss yourself."

"I'm not stupid. Why should I remember a dead man's

grudge ." Ji Changze followed the two of them. "I think our cemetery should be placed in Xishan. It's expensive over there, which shows our identity."

Liu Pianran: "The expensive is not necessarily the best."

Teng Sheng rolled his eyes: " I'm still alive, I don't want to discuss this issue." After the

three returned, Liu Pianran got the remote control and was coaxed again.

The family eats and drinks happily, the baby is preparing to sing birthday songs on grandfather's birthday, the whole family hides from Ji's father and listens to the baby's practice.

Children's singing is certainly not that standard, and the family does not dislike it, and listens happily.

People like Father Ji and the fox, the whole family is gone and he is alone, and he is celebrating his birthday immediately. Can't you guess what's going on?

Also pretend to be decent, pretend to know nothing, and ask the baby decently when the family comes back.

"Baby, where did you go? Grandpa didn't even see you when he came back."

Baby Ji was very nervous, for fear that his grandpa would find out and try hard to deceive people.

Others could see that Ji's father knew, and they didn't expose it. They just watched the little girl trying to explain what they had just done. Anyway, they could do anything, except that they didn't sing to the grandfather.

Father Ji laughed.

When Gu Linxi came back, he heard a burst of laughter from the villa.

He had just returned from school to pick up his wife. Hearing the laughter of his daughter, the two smiled at each other.

"It must be the baby

who is making a joke again." The little guy is loved by the whole family, like a lingjing, but also a child. When she speaks, the whole family must laugh together.

The two walked in with a smile. Gu Linxi squatted down and opened his arms to the daughter who found him: "Baby, come to Dad."


Baby Ji ran over with open arms like a bird. He crashed into his father's arms and was picked up by Gu Linxi.

With the support of her father, she immediately became proud.

"My dad is back, you guys are not allowed to laugh at me!"

"Okay, our family manager is back, don't laugh."

Liu Pianran was a child slave to the child, and said softly and utterly, "Baby, let's go. Watch TV, right?"

So Baby Ji went to watch TV happily.

She was sitting in her exclusive position, behind her father, mother, grandpa, grandpa Tengsheng, grandpa Pianran, and grandpa and grandma.

The family talked, and from time to time they would inadvertently look at the youngest child.

The baby suddenly turned around and said to his father:

"Dad, the baby feels so happy."

She learned how to read and learn to be happy today.

The baby feels that this is called happiness.

Gu Linxi was stunned.

Also laughed.

He held his daughter in his arms, touched her little head, and whispered: "Baby, Dad feels so happy too."

Ji Changze was peeling an orange seriously. Just after he finished peeling one, Liu Pianran quickly reached out to steal it. When he left, he just assumed that he hadn't seen it, and then peeled it off again.

Then this was stolen by Tengsheng.

Ji Changze had a good temper. He still pretended not to see it, and was about to peel it. Gu Linxi walked over, picked up an orange, peeled it, and put it in his father's palm.

"Dad, I think I'm so lucky. It seems that I have been very lucky ever since I saw you."

Ji Changze touched his head: "Dad also thinks I am lucky to meet you."

"If you can help Dad If you take your two uncles aside and don't steal my oranges, Dad will be even luckier."

Gu Linxi smiled and walked to Liu Pianran. Liu Pianran saw him coming and put the oranges in his hands; "Linxi

, eat oranges." Like him, Teng Sheng put the oranges in his hands into Gu Linxi's hands: "Linxi, eat mine, my sweetness."

Gu Linxi held two oranges. He broke a piece, put it in his mouth and chewed a few times, smiling as if there were stars in his eyes:

"Yes, it's very sweet."

It's like his life.