International students who refuse to return to China (1)

Ji Changze lived a long time this time, only to die in his early 100s.

I still chose to continue the mission, but this time I opened my eyes, but there were people with blue eyes and white skin around him.

The air smelled of medicine and disinfectant. He looked around for a week and determined that it was a hospital.

Seeing him waking up, a young woman in a nurse's uniform came up and said to him: " ?"

Ji Changze was silent for a second, then lay down neatly and closed his eyes, pretending to be dead with high technical content.

The young nurse was startled when he fell straight down, screamed, and came forward to check Ji Changze's vital signs. Maybe he didn't see anything, and then hurried out.

Ji Changze could still hear her shouting outside.

Make sure she's gone, he just started to look at the memory.

Although the opening is a foreign country, the original owner is indeed a Chinese, and it is true that he is now in a hospital in country c.

The reason for entering the hospital was overwork.

Ji Changze has never been to a similar historical line before, so some languages ​​are unclear. The foreign language he used to be proficient in is not useful here. Because the historical line is different, not only is the time and environment different from the world before, but the language is complete. Different.

Ah no, there is still the same.

Chinese Mandarin Ji Changze still knows how.

Ji Changze picked up the key points and looked at the life of the original owner pickingly.

Hua Guo has similarities with the main world he has been to, but there are also dissimilar points. The similarities are that they have both experienced hardships and are now working hard to improve themselves. The difference is that China is in a more difficult situation than the main world at the moment. some.

But it may be precisely because of this that the country will work harder to improve its strength.

China has gone through a lot of hardships, and when it finally stabilized, it has been somewhat unable to keep up with the progress of some countries in the world.

Even if the Chinese people are not afraid of hardship or tiredness, but without the technology, even if they work until they die of old age, they will still be reduced to artificial machines.

After discovering in China that just hard work could not catch up with other countries, the country decided that in order to learn technology, China paid the price of resources and sent students abroad to study in other countries.

There have been public-sponsored international students before, but this time the country has laid the blood, not only to allow these first batch of international students to study in the university, but also to enter the laboratory.

Naturally, they are all talents out of a million in China, but if it weren't for their resources, how could other countries allow them to learn their own technology?

Even if you don't mention the price paid for allowing students from abroad to study technology, the cost of going abroad, tuition, living expenses, and miscellaneous things for each foreign student will be more than 300,000.

Therefore, these places are also very difficult to obtain. They are selected through layers of selection and only select the top talents.

The original owner is one of the talents.

His life went smoothly from the beginning. Although he was born in a small mountain village, although the conditions in China were difficult when he was born, because he was the only male in the family, he would not be hungry even if he was not full.

At the age of eight, the state strongly supported the opening of schools, and all children were learning. At that time, a large number of students, in order to have a vision for the future of the motherland in their minds and to cultivate children, were to cultivate aspirations of hope, and took the initiative to apply to teach in places without teachers.

The teacher who gave the original owner a good starting point is one of the supporting students.

As soon as the young teacher, who was only twenty-three years old when he arrived in the original owner's hometown, arrived in the small mountain village, he persuaded the village party secretary to establish a school.

The country is difficult, and the money they can apply for is also limited, so this respectable teacher learns the design drawings by himself, and personally leads the villagers to build the school brick by brick.

After the small, but the best school that the whole village could do their utmost to build, the students in the village were enrolled at the age of seven or eight, and at the age of sixteen or seventeen.

The original owner is indeed a genius. When he was a child, he always thought about other things, so he didn't talk very much. Where did the villagers know this, it was normal for the children to be lively, talkative and playful. Like the original owner, he was slow to respond. , Is a fool.

His family felt the same way, so they kept taking care of it carefully until the young teacher realized that the original owner's IQ was much higher than other children.

Like a treasure, he taught everything he had learned to the other party. By the time the original owner was sixteen, he had nothing to teach.

At that time, the original host's family was poor. If he wanted to go to school outside, he would definitely not be able to afford the tuition and living expenses. The young teacher asked his former classmates to trust the relationship, and finally persuaded his alma mater to inspect the original host.

After the inspection, the original owner was admitted to Changqing University with an exception at the age of sixteen. Not only was the optical fee waived, but there were also school-subsidized living expenses and scholarships.

After he wanted to study abroad, Changqing University strongly supported him, and the principal personally acted as a guarantor for him. In the end, he was granted a public study abroad quota as he wanted.

Before going abroad, it can be said that all he received from childhood was gifts and help. When he was a child, there was state funding, and the children did not spend money to go to school.

When he grows up, he has to spend money, and there are teachers who help get the opportunity to show his talents. In the end, tuition-free admission is not mentioned. He also has subsidies every month. What materials or books he wants, the teachers and principals in the school only need to be himself Some will lend it to him, and even go to a friend to borrow it.

The original owner is like a small sapling that is very fragile despite its excellent variety.

Along the way, the teachers worked hard to fertilize him, and the state watered him, sheltered him from wind and rain, so that he didn't have any bitterness to eat, and it was so smooth and smooth that he grew into a fruitful tree.

As a result, when he went abroad, he didn't come back after he was successful in his studies.

The talents who have worked so hard to cultivate have played for a country that has blood and deep hatred, even if it is now a competitor.

You can imagine how unfair this incident is.

As a Chinese citizen, the original owner has enjoyed the benefits and help given by the country, and it is also dependent on the country to study abroad. As a result, he violated the public vows and instead went to help countries that have hatred with his own country, and now all have hatred.

As a family member, the original owner directly abandoned the family who brought him up hard, and wanted the stars but not the stars, and the moon but not the moon.

As a student, he was sorry for the teacher who taught him as his own child, and the teachers and principals in the university.

This incident was also widely reported by the K country media, to the effect that their country K treats talents better and is a teacher of justice, so the talents of the Chinese country have to stay in their country K and have to get them in life and death. Nationality of the country and so on.

In order to please the people of country K and obtain their nationality, the original owner really cooperated with these media and published a lot of remarks such as "China is not as good as country K", "Country K is friendly and suitable for gathering talents" and so on.

What he did was indeed a great help to his life in country K. At least the media liked him very much, and 90% of the information he wanted to publish would be used by those media.

And for China?

The young saplings that have been hard-trained go to other people's homes, but they step on them instead.

This is not just about losing a talented relationship.

This is already about the face of the country.

They treat them like darling talents, but they have to be people of their country. They are not willing to accept them, and they say that it depends on the performance of the other party.

They regard China as a treasure, and they are ordinary in the eyes of country K.

In the eyes of other countries, what has China become?

K country reported this incident, and it also meant to take the opportunity to suppress China's credibility.

People from other countries will only despise China even more, believing that they are not only incapable, but also unable to retain people from their own countries.

The original owner is so smart, how could he not know the result of doing so.

But he still did.

If the above is just shameless.

So when he joined the weapons research of country K during the time when his country was in conflict with country K, and finally the weapons studied were aimed at his home country, then he was really ungrateful.

Hua Guo was wounded, and could only endure it for the time being, and was temporarily humiliated.

Such behavior of the original owner amounts to treason, and the principal who sponsored him was affected, and the teacher who taught him to grow up was shameless.

His family was scolded by the villagers. At the beginning, they didn't believe that he had turned his back on the country.

Unlike the original owner, although his family members are just ordinary villagers, they are all very patriotic. His grandfather was still a soldier and died in disaster relief.

His grandmother actively learns to read in order to join the party.

Although his parents are ordinary farmers, they often told the original owner that he should study hard and serve the motherland when he grows up.

China on this timeline is absolutely difficult. No matter how hard everyone works, they still can't live a good life. The outside country treats them as bullies, and anyone can take a bite.

The Chinese are also discriminated against because of their yellow skin. Most of the international students who came to foreign countries with the original owner were ostracized and bullied abroad and worked harder and vowed to use the abilities they learned to make the country stronger.

The original owner is different, he directly wants to change the country.

If it is said that he did not use public funds to study abroad, or that he did not rely on state funding to go all the way to this day, there would not be so many people scolding him.

But he just used it.

Moreover, in the original application report, the reason for the application was written in the hope that I could go abroad to learn knowledge, and then return to my own country and serve the motherland after learning.

This is almost equivalent to cheating the country to be his pedal.

After reading this paragraph, Ji Changze closed his eyes.

The original owner was treachery, unfaithful and unrighteous, he was also treason.

The most important thing is that he was cultivated by the country, and instead he helped people who had insulted his country to study weapons against the country.

Neither word can be used to describe shameless.

Ji Changze was disgusting enough.

For a moment, he wanted to slaughter this body and gave up the task.

Fortunately, the poor end of the original owner made him a little refreshed.

Yes, the original host did not end well.

He is indeed a genius, but for country K, he is just a tool.

Country K will not take care of talents like China, and besides, the original owner is not a country K.

In the beginning, in order to attract the original owner to stay, they did give a lot of temptation.

But when the original owner completely broke with the country of China, and the mother country was no longer behind, the country K also tore off the friendly paint. With the same result, the welfare of the people of country K will always be better than the original owner, and they have better opportunities. The original owner of the yellow race will always be the one who was squeezed down.

The original owner has been a big treasure in the eyes of others since he was a child. What a proud and arrogant person, who was frustrated several times, and gradually became depressed.

He didn't get the opportunity to study, and he was slowly left behind by others. When he was completely rejected, he found that he had worked hard for 30 years and he hadn't even lost a real estate.

In the past, the house he lived in was a kind of "welfare", but when he was no longer a member of the institute, the institute took back his house.

The original owner had a very high annual salary before, but he spent a lot of money, and then sat down to eat, and finally left the institute. One had no house, two had no money, and three had no friends.

Even if the Chinese who came to work in country K were unwilling to make friends with him, the original owner was not only treason, but after the country vigorously nurtured him, he turned to help country K to deal with China. As long as the Chinese people knew about this, they would Unwilling to associate with him.

People of K country who have good moral character dislike him for being ungrateful, and fear that they will be stabbed when they have a good relationship with him. People with poor character do not want to get along with a yellow race.

So in the end, he didn't even have a person to ask for help.

At this time, he thought of going back to China. After all, I heard that China has been developing well over the years, and it is not worse than that of country K.

It's a pity that Hua Guo is not someone who slapped himself in the face, and he really didn't care about it.

He has been restricted from entering the country a long time ago.

It was he who abandoned the motherland at first, and when he wanted to go back, the motherland would not accept him anymore.

The original owner can only stay in country K. He doesn't like low wages. People with high wages are more willing to choose people from country K. When their eyes are broken, they can't find a job.

And even if they are wandering, the homeless people in country K will bully him because he is a yellow race.

In the end, the original owner died on a cold night, just before his death was taken away by some homeless men and beaten.

Ji Changze breathed out after watching the ending of the original master.

Good death.

The worse the better.

Only then did his heart ease, and he began to count the people whom the original owner was sorry for.

The first is the country, school teacher, principal, mentor, grandma, parents, sister.

The original owner has never paid attention to domestic news since he stayed abroad. Even the principal was affected because of his guarantee and his family was looked down upon by the whole village. They were told by an international student a few years later.

The other party also accidentally recognized him after encountering the original owner, and angrily accused him, the people who helped him, and the people who loved him are doing so badly now.

It is a pity that the original owner has no regrets, no regrets at all, and after hearing this, he did not feel that he had done anything wrong.

Ji Changze looked at the timeline.

The current timeline has reached the point where the original master has achieved his studies and stayed in country k in breach of contract, and the media in country k reported this matter.

At the same time, the original owner has also begun to contact research on weapons used against China.

He cherishes this opportunity very much, so he has been working hard to express himself, even trying to the point where fatigue and excessive fainting pass.

What a shame.

Ji Changze disliked the disgusting things under the original trunk for a while, after all, he took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality.

The good news is that the original owner has not had time to do anything harmful to the home country and can still be saved.

The bad news is that even if he reads the memory of the original owner, he still needs to learn K language.

Ji Changze closed his eyes and started from learning the K language in the memory of the original owner. When the nurse came in with the doctor, he could almost talk briefly.

"Are you better?"

The nurse nurse came in and saw Ji Changze awake, she was relieved, and said to the doctor: "You can check for him. He just fell down suddenly and scared me."

The doctor came to check and said that there was nothing serious.

His expression was a bit impatient. Compared with the friendly nurse lady, this middle-aged doctor looked at Ji Changze's eyes with disgust:

"What are you doing in the hospital when you are all right? The beds here are so tight, do you know how many patients are still waiting outside? Damn yellow-skinned monkeys, grab everything."

"Del! I'm going to tell Kessel if you are so unkind to the patient!"

The nurse yelled a little displeasedly, the doctor's face was even more ugly, she glared at the nurse, and then turned and strode away.

Seeing him like this, the nurse said apologetically to Ji Changze: "Dr. Del is a very good person. He is usually kind to the patient. Maybe he didn't sleep well today."

"God bless you, it's fine if you are fine. When I saw you fall down, I thought you had a bad illness."

Ji Changze remained silent, silently digesting what they said.

The doctor is obviously a racial discriminator. It is true that he is friendly to patients, but his attitude towards yellow patients is not necessarily true.

He didn't show anything, only guided the nurse to say something more.

This nurse lady is really friendly, and she said a lot of information on twitter.

"Are you a person working nearby? Recently, there are a lot of yellow people who are tired like you. It is really pitiful. I heard that it is because of the construction of a large square.

People can't do things day and night like this, but you look so young, do they still employ child labor? Oh my god, this is illegal. "

The original owner fainted on the way back from the research institute and was taken to the hospital by passers-by.

Originally, people who were unconscious like him could not be treated directly, but the nurse just passed by, so she got him in and paid for herself.

She didn't forget to say, "You have to remember to pay me back. That's my salary for half a month, but I see that you have money in your wallet."

Working in a hospital, she would not really help every unconscious patient to pay for the medicine, otherwise she would have gone bankrupt.

Ji Changze nodded and slowly said in K language: "Thank you, kind lady, I will return it to you."

Seeing that he didn't make a mistake, the nurse was obviously relieved, and the smile on her face relaxed a lot.

"So why are you so tired? If you come again a few times, it will be very troublesome. It is more reasonable to work slowly."

She pointed to the corridor outside: "If you are okay, return the money to me and leave the hospital. There are still many patients waiting to use the ward."

Ji Changze nodded, took out his wallet and handed it to the other party: "These are for you."

Seeing that he had given the wallet and was about to get up and go, the nurse hurriedly stopped him: "There is still a lot left."

"I gave you the rest, thank you for helping me pay for the medical expenses."

Ji Changze smiled at her and walked out slowly.

If the nurses teach one-on-one in the ward, then it will be a hodgepodge outside.

All kinds of languages, screams, and exchanges are mixed together, even Ji Changze can't learn anything in such a short period of time.

He hurried back to the apartment building where the original owner lived, picked up a foreign language book that the original owner had bought before, and read it.

After reading a book and turning on the radio to listen to the radio station for a while, Ji Changze finally solved the problem of language barrier.

He recalled what the nurse nurse said to the doctor Del, and he knew roughly what was going on now.

The domestic situation is difficult. Many people can't get enough food even if they work hard. For foreign businessmen, these Chinese are simply the best labor force. They work harder, pay less, and can be crushed to death.

The current development of Country K is the fastest in the world. This also makes Country K very expensive. Therefore, some black foreign businessmen deceived a large number of Chinese laborers into foreign countries to do coolies on the grounds of introducing jobs.

It is good to do coolies, and some are sold directly to coal mines, or even more cruel places.

It's okay at home, but when I go abroad, I don't understand the language and are surrounded by people with different skins. They don't even understand the words, so they can only work hard.

For example, the Chinese people used to build the square still have wages. Although they are much less than the natives, they are also a good income when converted into Chinese currency.

It's just that living in country K makes a lot of money and prices are expensive. In addition to being far from home and being bullied by others, some Chinese want to go home, but because they don't understand their words and don't have the money to buy air tickets and ferry tickets.

As time passed, they slowly learned the words of Country K and settled down here a long time ago. Only a small number of people will go back wholeheartedly.

Dr. Del estimated that this was the case in irritation. As soon as the Hua Guozhuang labor, who only needed low wages to work hard, entered the market, it represented that some natives who needed high wages and worked hard were squeezed out of their posts.

For example, research work is easier for whites to get opportunities, but the kind of work that requires physical work can be done regardless of the whites and blacks. Whoever does the most and takes the least money can do the job.

Some of the unemployed white people did not blame the capitalists and hateful businessmen who deceived the Chinese into country K, but blamed the reason for their unemployment on those Chinese who worked more and earned less.

In their view, it is these shameless Chinese who have seized their living space.

Because the economy of country K has started to decline this year, and it is not easy to find a job, Chinese people are also regarded as one of the reasons, and more people are discriminated against and bullied.

And they don't even speak well, and they are not locals. Once a dispute arises, they will be regarded as the one who provoked the dispute without even having the opportunity to explain it to themselves.

Maybe the police officer who arrested him knows the real situation, but who will care about it, as long as the arrest is made.

Therefore, the Chinese became more cautious not to cause trouble.

And the capitalists who squeeze them are becoming more and more rampant. The original owner of the square has also heard that the company bid for the construction of the square, and the construction time and the money required for the construction choose the best one.

It seems that the construction company has shortened the construction time for the successful bidding, so that people can work day and night. Most white people don't want to be squeezed, but the bully Chinese are different.

The country of China is now weak, and the country is not strong, so people from other countries will naturally not put the Chinese in their eyes.

It seems that I have to return home as soon as possible.

Ji Changze called and asked the institute about his leaving the institute and returning to China.

The reply from the research institute was calm at first, knowing that Ji Changze wanted to return to China now, it slowly became a threat.

"Ji, you also know the strength of country K. Now is the most important time for research. Your country is unwilling to accept you. I think you should consider it."

Ji Changze was not very surprised.

The project that the original owner is currently participating in is for the country of China. Don't look at the way that country K seems to trust him, but since he came back to the present, he has found two recording devices in the living room alone.

He is still a relatively important existence in this project. If he goes back at this time, who knows whether he will expose State K secrets.

Moreover, the talents that can be used by them in this way are all available, and they are definitely not willing to let go.

Ji Changze remained silent and only made up one reason: "I understand, but my grandma is sick, and I desperately want to return to China to visit her."

Grandma is sick?

Not to mention that the grandmother is sick, even if the mother is sick, she can't leave at this time.

"Now that the situation is tense, I think you still have to think carefully, Ji, what I value most is you, you must not disappoint me."

If the original owner heard this sentence, he would be very excited, but he could be replaced by Ji Changze, his face was expressionless, and his answer was very low:

"Sir, I'm really anxious, please be considerate."

There was still no letting go, and even a sense of vigilance was raised.

Waiting for Ji Changze to put down the phone and rush to the airport, he realized that he was restricted from leaving the country.

Not surprisingly.

After all, according to country K's behavior, Ji Changze didn't say he was an individual. He also entered the research institute they valued. He knew a lot of secrets. He also participated in the latest weapons research. He just proposed a very impressive theory.

No matter from which aspect, they would not let Ji Changze leave.

Even if you leave, you have to drain the surplus value.

Ji Changze silently carried a salute back, as if he had accepted this fact.

At the same time, Country K also started investigating who he had recently met, what information he had been exposed to, and whether his grandmother was really sick.

Ji Changze could obviously feel that at least two more people were following, and the recording equipment at home suddenly mentioned more than five.

Originally, he didn't want to be entangled, but just wanted to quickly return to the country for development and construction.

As a result, after the operation of Country K, Ji Changze did not rush to leave.

He really hadn't seen anyone rushing to carry the pot like this.

After returning from the hospital, he took a few days of sick leave, because there was a certificate issued by the hospital, and country K was also reassessing whether he was credible, and the holiday was approved smoothly.

After Ji Changze got on leave, he immediately hired a nanny to take care of himself.

Of course, this nanny was sent by country K.

At this kind of special moment, the person who is placed next to Ji Changze must be his own talent.

Ji Changze's request to the nanny is that she can cook Chinese cuisine, and if she fails to do well, he will fire her.

Spy Nanny: ""

She can use a gun, can pass information in various secret ways, can strangle, but she has never learned Chinese cuisine.

No way, she will be fired if she doesn't know how to monitor this Chinese.

The spy nanny can only pinch his nose and promise: "No problem, sir, I know a Chinese, I will go to him every day to learn Chinese cuisine."

She applied for a colleague who can cook Chinese cuisine to help her study. The first meal was confident enough to make a table for Ji Changze.

Then he was dismissed: "This is not authentic Chinese cuisine at all, it is not the taste I want, and this meat is not fresh at all, nor is it the Chinese chicken taste."

Spy Nanny: ""

You are crazy, how can K national chicken taste like Hua national chicken.

She barely smiled: "Sir, I can't buy Huaguo chicken."

The hateful Chinese in front of him seemed to have not seen her embarrassment at all, arrogantly as if he was the employer and he had the final say.

"I don't care about you, anyway, if you can't make the Chinese cuisine I want, just leave."

Spy Nanny: ""

The hateful Chinese, in the Chinese dialect, this is the villain's success.

Yes, because the person who is going to monitor is a Chinese, and the one who is sent is a spokesperson.

She was about to report to her superiors that this Chinese was too difficult to serve, and found that Ji Changze mysteriously didn't know what to do in the study every day.

After finding an opportunity, the spy nanny carefully sneaked into his room, took photos of some data written by Ji Changze these days, and passed it on.

At first, I thought it was Ji Changze who wanted to send information to China, but at first glance, it turned out to be academic research.

Experts from country K were invited to watch, and the experts were also taken aback.

"This, this, God, what a genius idea is this, where is the person who wrote this? I want to see him, my God, if we can see the rest, maybe we can go one step further."

The expert was very excited. When asked what the data represented, he said directly without knowing the inside story.

"This is a weapon concept, a powerful weapon, why haven't I thought about it like this? This is really a genius, God, God bless country K, where is the person who wrote this information? How did I write half of it? Where is the rest of the information? I will see him now."

Everyone looked at each other, and once again found some experts to make sure.

Everyone said that this is definitely a miraculous idea.

Some people even speculated and practiced on the spot.

All the tossing proves that these things written by Ji Changze are absolutely powerful enough, but it is also because of this that they can only prove that the first half, which is not written later, cannot be continued.

Almost all experts are asking to see the researcher who proposed this idea.

But they can't bring people over at all.

Because this information was stolen by a spy.

Ji Changze was originally not a national of K, and he just failed to apply to return to China. If he knew that they were sending someone to monitor and stole his research materials and ideas, he would definitely be angry.

Maybe, it will also affect his views on Country K.

If they used to regard Ji Changze as someone who "is likely to return to China with secrets", then they have now become "an absolute talent and must do everything possible to stay."

In short, while holding a person steady, we must also observe carefully what he thinks of Country K.

It is impossible to return to China.

Such talents, even if they are forced to stay, must remain in their country K.

They are still very experienced in this area, and they will always be unable to hold on for a while. What's more, this Ji Changze has only published theories of love for country K before, and he must be biased towards country K.

It's just that he doesn't know the reason why he suddenly wants to go back.

After a hard investigation, they easily found the turning point.

The night before Ji Changze called, he was still actively working overtime to study. The next day, he said that he would return to China, and he was sick and asked for leave.

According to the hospital certificate, I went to the hospital. After investigation and inquiry, the details were obtained: Ji Changze fainted and was taken to the hospital after falling ill. He was discharged after being sober.

The point is, he was scolded by a racist doctor.

Although it was just a small matter, after checking and checking, Ji Changze was fine the day before. When chatting with his colleagues, he also mentioned that the moon in country K is brighter and more beautiful, and the air in country K is better than that in China, and so on.

So it could only be because of that racially discriminatory doctor.

Presumably, a Chinese man, abandoning his motherland, abandoning his family, came to a foreign country to serve in the country of K until he fainted, and he woke up and was scolded by the doctor of the country of K with yellow skin.

Think about it as if you should feel wronged, right?

Perhaps it is precisely because of this incident that made him want to return to his homeland. Anyhow, there will be no racial discrimination after returning.

After reaching this conclusion, although the investigators felt that this Chinese was too delirious.

But who makes the other person a talent that must be left behind when he speaks?

Since he is a glass heart, he can only really be taken care of as a glass man.

In particular, the most disturbing thing is that Ji Changze didn't know what the reason was. He didn't write that idea until he finished it. After writing a few more paragraphs, he threw it aside and never touched it again.

The spy nanny was ordered. When pretending to be cleaning, he found out that there was no need to accidentally. Ji Changze put it directly on the table and asked:

"Sir, what is this? Is it useful?"

Then Ji Changze said: "It's useless, throw it away."

The spy nanny who was still waiting for him to snatch things over: ""

She smiled dryly, and forcibly calmed her emotions: "There are so many words written on it, is it useless? Sir, would you like to look at it again?"

Ji Changze glanced to confirm.

"Yes, there is no one. Throw it away. I want to drink chicken soup. Can you buy the Huaguo chicken? I want to go free-range chickens. They grow up in the woods and eat insects. They can fly. That's not the kind that I don't drink. By the way, I put mushrooms in the chicken soup. I want Yunnan ones, but I don't eat them if I don't want them from Yunnan."

"Also, don't put my quilt in the dryer anymore. How many times have I told you to put it on the balcony to bask in the sun. Only the quilt that has been exposed to the sun is a good quilt. What if the community talks about it? It's harmful to the city. Tell them that they will put a sun in my house and I won't put on the quilt."

Spy Nanny: ""

She would rather go to fight than be tortured by this Chinese.

The most outrageous thing was that she didn't know how many chickens she had scrapped. Every night she went back to practice her cooking after she was "off work". The Chinese chefs she looked for looked for several batches. It turned out to be like this. Ji Changze actually returned it. Write in the diary:

Cooking in country K can't achieve the deliciousness of China. When I think that I'm sick, but I can't even drink chicken soup, I miss my hometown very much. At least I can drink chicken soup with Yunnan mushrooms. How can that foolish nanny? Can't make good chicken soup, I want to quit her

They actually didn't let me dry the quilt. I was drying them on the balcony of my own home. Something happened to them. Sure enough, they were racial discrimination. Because I was a Chinese, I didn't let me dry the quilt.

If I were in China, I would definitely be able to dry the quilt. They did not allow me to dry the quilt. The quilt that could not be sun-tanned was not a real quilt at all. I would be depressed if I put on a quilt that hadn't been exposed for a few days.

Spy Nanny: ""

The Chinese are really strange, because they want to go back to China because they don't let the quilt dry and drink chicken soup. Fortunately, they asked her to investigate carefully whether Ji Changze had been in contact with people sent by China.

As a result, what she saw every day was Ji Changze babbling about her chicken soup.

She silently took photos of the contents of the diary and uploaded it to it.

Then he received a big Chinese cock that was alive and kicking. After being released, he gave the nanny spy a majestic bite.

The person who sent the rooster said: "This Chinese is very important to us. You kill this chicken first, and there are more than a dozen spares. They are all shipped alive to keep them fresh, and the mushrooms he wants are coming soon. I'll bring it to you tonight, and when it's there, you will make chicken soup for him first to stabilize him."

"Also, we have already greeted him in the community. You must remember to dry the quilt for him every day, and he can't leave it for a day. You must make him feel happy in our country K, you know?"

Spy Nanny: ""

She silently took the big cock and walked back, intending to wait until the mushrooms arrived before killing, and then when she arrived in the kitchen, she was given another bite.

When he finished talking, he raised his neck imposingly and chuckled loudly.

Ji Changze, who was originally reading in the study, followed his voice and looked at the big cock in surprise: "Eh! Big cock!"

Without waiting for the nanny to take credit, he glanced at her suspiciously: "I didn't grow up in country K. If you don't eat the Huaguo bugs, then it's not fresh enough. If you don't eat the Huaguo bugs, I will grow up. Don't eat it, it doesn't make up at all."

"Also, how about a rooster, don't you know that the laying hen is the most tonic? And it must be an old hen of more than two years. This rooster is too young and not nourishing enough. Tsk tsk, you are really unprofessional. "

Nanny Spy: Why don't you go to heaven?

But on the face, thinking about the order given to her, she can only smile and say: "It is a local chicken from China. I asked a friend to bring it. There are also hens. I will get them in the afternoon. Don't worry, sir. I will definitely do it. Stew the chicken soup you like."

Ji Changze then returned to the study with an expression of disgust, "Although I don't believe it very much, I will try again."

Nanny Spy: ""

Is she really here to monitor this Chinese? How does it feel more bitter than being a slave?

Hua Guo

Detecting the departure of a K-country spy they had discovered before, the investigators immediately began to summarize what the spy did before he left, and how he suddenly left the country.

As a result, the spy from country K went abroad to Yunnan, searched for a long time, and bought a lot.

Mushrooms? ? ?