International students who refuse to return to China (2)

The country of China checked and checked, but how to check, the spy just bought some mushrooms from Yunnan and brought them back to Country K.

I just don't know why, it looks like he's in a hurry, as if he's very anxious.

And before buying, I asked the seller of mushrooms whether the mushrooms are suitable for stewing chicken soup.

The investigators who checked were confused. If they didn't know clearly that this person was a spy whose identity had been exposed (in their eyes), they would almost think that he was really going back to stew chicken soup to buy mushrooms.

On the other side of Ji Changze, he is still a tossing nanny spy.

Nanny spies never thought that Chinese from poor and backward countries would be so difficult to serve.

I want to drink chicken soup, well, she learns.

I want to drink the soup of Huaguo chicken stew, the mushrooms of Huaguo Yunnan, well, I got it all over the place.

Living Huaguo Chicken.

There are fresh mushrooms and dried mushrooms, all of which are suitable for stewing soup.

It stands to reason that this is enough.

But Ji Changze just wanted to pick and choose, looking for faults in the cracks of the eggs.

"This hen is too old, meat wood, is there any younger one?"

"This one is too small, and it doesn't taste good at all when stewed."

"The coat is dull and not bright at all."

"Tsk, so thin, one I don't see it."

"It's too fat, I don't usually exercise, and the meat is not strong enough."

He is not only picky, but also a bit of a hen in the country K, which has always promoted itself as the world's most powerful country. Unexpected surprise and disappointment.

When he was disappointed, he turned his head and wrote in his diary: The

front was okay, but as a result, it was written, Ji Changze turned his head.

After the diary was secretly photographed and passed on, the people of K country who were responsible for keeping Ji Changze were relieved.

At least it can be seen from the diary that Ji Changze is still very close to their country.

This is in line with the information they previously investigated.

He is just obsessed with stewed chicken soup inexplicably.

In order to get a clear understanding of why Ji Changze is so obsessed with chicken soup, they also specifically asked a serious Chinese person.

In order to prevent errors, members who pretended to be ordinary students were asked to ask a Chinese student.

"You said that you have a friend who wants to drink chicken soup after he is sick?" The

young Chinese student thought for a while: "We do have the concept of replenishing the body after being ill, especially if there are elders in the family, once the junior is ill, All the delicious food at home will be reserved for the juniors."

"It's normal to want to drink chicken soup. When I first came to country K, I became ill, so I really wanted to drink my mother's porridge. Unfortunately, I can do whatever I want. I can't make that taste, I still want to drink it until now."

The member passed the collected news.

Everything seems so reasonable.

The Chinese seem to be very old-fashioned. When they are in a foreign country, they will miss the food in their hometown.

Coupled with the fact that the spies they sent had not fulfilled Ji Changze's request several times, it was normal for him to be disappointed.

Therefore, as long as the spy does his job well and appeases Ji Changze, it is still very likely that he will be left to work for Country K forever.

Spy nanny: "..."

She changed her teeth again and again, and finally she changed to a hen that satisfied this difficult Chinese.

His coat is bright, he has just turned two years old, he is in good spirits, he is neither fat nor thin, and he can lay eggs.

After choosing Ji Changze, he also touched the hen's hair personally, and then nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, its hair is very smooth, and it loves to be clean. It is a good hen." The

spy nanny rolled her eyes frantically. .

Is this Chinese choosing ingredients or choosing a girlfriend?

She had never seen a person like this.

Put the chicken out of the pot for the nth time, put the mushrooms on it, use standard Chinese soup stew utensils, simmer slowly, and take a moment.

Because she knew exactly how turbulent Ji Changze had, she turned off the fire time to the second.

A bowl of steaming chicken soup that had condensed a lot of money, material and manpower was finally delivered to Ji Changze's table.

He scooped up a spoon and blew it before drinking it.

His face showed satisfaction, and he glanced at the nanny spy with admiration: "Yes, I can finally drink it." After the

evaluation of the chicken soup, Ji Changze looked at the person in front of him, and faintly praised: "You are very careful, I am very Satisfaction."

Ever since I came to Ji Changze, I have been tortured both overtly and secretly. I have to deal with harsh requirements during the day, and I have to practice Chinese recipes when I go back at night. Under such high pressure, I have to be deemed useless by his boss and Ji Changze. .

The nanny spy can be said to have been holding his heart during this period of time. When he heard him affirmatively, he cried with joy, moving tears burst out, and bowed again and again:

"Thank you, sir, I will continue to work hard."

Just thanked him. After that, the courteous smile on her face suddenly stiffened.

No, it's a hell, this Chinese demon has tortured her for so long, why does she still want to thank each other.


Ji Changze didn't notice the look on her face. He just nodded with a reserved sense of kindness, and asked:

"How much did you spend on this hen? I'll be reimbursed."

Spy sitter: "..."

Can the chicken obtained from China be measured by money? !

But she still estimated the price of K country chicken and quoted a number.

"What?!!!" The

expression on the face of the Chinese man, who had been tossing for so long before finally being satisfied, changed, and it appeared unbelievable.

"You lied to me, our Huaguo chicken is not that expensive." The

questioned nanny spy: "..."

She was almost caught off guard by Ji Changze's sudden turn of the face.

It's not.

It is true that Huaguo chicken is not that expensive.

But the problem is, this is not China now.

According to her statement, this chicken was brought to her from China. Could it be possible for others to achieve it specifically for charity?

He brought back a few chickens from a country so far away just to collect a price similar to that of China.

It's not reasonable to answer this way.

Ji Changze didn't care what was reasonable or unreasonable at all.

In the eyes of the K country people, both his appearance and identity are very small, Ji Changze frowned after learning the price.

One is too white, even so white that the spy nanny thinks of a vampire's face is full of emotions.

Including but not limited to pain, disbelief, dislike, etc. My

mouth also began to murmur:

"It's just a chicken. Why is it so expensive? I have never eaten such expensive chicken before at home. You are not the one who confuses me."

When he talked about it, he repeatedly questioned whether the price of this chicken was really so expensive. He kept saying how much the chicken would cost if it were in China. The price reported by the nanny spy was placed in the capital of China. How many chickens can you eat.

Nanny spy; "..."

This is in line with the poor image of Chinese in her impression.

Poor, stingy, and very carefree.

If this is not the goal she is responsible for, she will never serve.

But who made Ji Changze the goal of her mission, so she could only work hard to keep herself calm.

Then I almost think of the employer as a child, and I carefully smashed that Huaguo is full of Huaguo chickens, but the Huaguo chickens of country K were brought back from China specially by her relatives, so the price is not dead. Expensive is already very impressive.

Now it is very cheap to be able to match the price of domestic chicken.

This statement may be able to convince a Chinese who really just wants to eat chicken.

But to Shangji Changze.

The expression on the face of the young Chinese scholar became solemn.

He asked the spy nanny: "You mean, in country K, the cheapest price of Chinese chicken I can buy will only be like this?" The

spy nanny thought for a while and nodded.

"Sir, I remember that you didn't work in a research institute? The salary should be good? After all, people like you, they should give you the best treatment." While

making a little flattering, She did not forget to show the institute.

According to common sense, it should be like this: Ji Changze found that Huaguo chicken is very expensive, but fortunately, his salary in the research institute is very high, so he will work hard for his hobbies and earn money.

As a result...

Ji Changze said: "Alyssa, you said, otherwise I will go back to China?"

He also very kindly proposed: "You can also go back with me, because you are stupid, but you are willing to make corrections." The

spy nanny: "..."

The smile on her face was so stiff and it took a lot of time. It took a few seconds before I could barely let myself appear shocked.

"Sir, why do you say this all of a sudden? Is country K bad?"

"Country K has high prices."

Ji Changze settled her account: "Do you know how much such a chicken costs in China? Where can I eat it? "

Spy nanny: "...I thought your salary was very high."

Didn't their country K offer a high salary in order to retain this Chinese? ?

"In fact, you are such a powerful person, just looking for a high-paying job, a chicken's money is actually nothing." It

is nothing more than a month's salary of Ji Changze is enough for him to eat thousands of chickens.

Ji Changze had an expression of "you don't understand" on his face.

"This is not the same. Salaries need to be saved. How can you spend it casually."

Spy nanny: "..."

Ji Changze still said: "It is safest to have money in the bank, but your country's bank actually does it. Bankruptcy, so the best way is to save all of them here. If you buy chickens, such expensive chickens, and spend so much money, I'm afraid I won't be able to save much." The

spy nanny's brain is completely blank.

She: "...what is your purpose of saving money?"

The young scholar from China looked confident: "I have no purpose, don't you have to save money?"

Spy nanny: "..."

She really can't understand. The thinking of this Chinese.

If money is made and not spent, then what is the point of making money.

However, the other party is still trying to brainwash her and living in China is actually not bad:

"Anyway, I am in the laboratory every day, and I basically don't come out. It's the same in China as in K, Alisha, if you When you go to China, you will find that everything is very cheap."

"A fat, tender, tender old hen only needs that little money, and the geese are also very cheap. You have too many geese here. I'm thin. Last time I went to the park to see them, I thought they looked a bit lacking in taste, not like our Chinese goose. Did you know that there is a dish called iron pan stewed goose? I think you should learn, Very delicious." The

spy nanny: "..." I can't

blame Ji Changze for suddenly going out last time. After wandering into the park, he kept staring at the swans in the park lake.

While watching, he swallowed.

He actually wants to eat swan!

What a terrible Chinese.

"Sir, I am from country K, and I can't speak Chinese, I don't think I will leave my country."

Ji Changze was full of regret after hearing this.

"Well, it's a pity."

Before the spy nanny could breathe a

sigh of relief, he heard him add another sentence: "Then I will go back alone." The young Chinese scholar looked very regretful and sighed deeply. Tone: "It's a pity, I like Country K."

"It's a pity."

He sighed and returned to the room, leaving only the spy nanny with an ugly face.

While complaining that this Chinese is really troublesome, he passed on the fact that Ji Changze wanted to return to China because of the price of chicken.

To be honest, she had received similar tasks before.

But the situation is extreme.

One is very stubborn and reluctant to stay behind. No matter how threatening they are, their attitude is very firm.

The other is hesitation, but most of it is because of salary treatment. As long as the salary treatment is improved and the position is better, this kind of people will stay happily.

In the end, who knows that there is such a wonderful work as Ji Changze.

My thoughts change every day.

While acknowledging that K is good, he wants to return to China because of all the trivial things.

It's too difficult.

This is the most difficult task she has ever seen since her employment.

After the news went up, it was also very speechless.

In a recent study actually doom Chinese people's investigator said: "The Chinese people is such that they do not know how it is, even made money not spend very powerful, up to a little more than before.

Past When I was in school, one of my classmates was a Chinese. I usually watched him eating very hard. After graduation, he actually had the money to start a business. It was still a large sum of money. I found out after inquiring about the money. He earned part-time jobs during the years he was in school."

Many students were surprised at this.

After all, that classmate is usually reluctant to eat, reluctant to wear, and does not go to parties often, so he looks very poor.

In the end, who knew that he still held a large sum of money for several years.

Replaced by any of them, I am afraid that there is no way to do it.

"The Chinese are like this, you have to save

if you make money." Ji Changze's behavior seemed to go with the flow.

Then just solve the problem.

They summarized the analysis report to the above.

So Ji Changze, who was still recuperating at home, received the notice.

Not only did he get a salary increase, but also because of a theory put forward before, the institute gave him a new reward.

That is, he can reimburse himself for three meals, taxi expenses, and part of his living expenses in the future.

It is simply to make Ji Changze no longer spend a penny in all aspects.

They feel that they are very caring. In this way, Ji Changze will not have the burden of high prices, and he can finally stay in his country and do things with peace of mind, right?

The short-sighted young Chinese scholar who only knows how to eat and drink is really happy.

When he was happy, he was bored in the study and began to write and draw.

The spy nanny has been with him for a few days, and it can be said that he has fully controlled what Ji Changze's behavior pattern represents.

When this Chinese is happy, he will be in a good mood, and when he is in a good mood, he will write and paint his various ideas.

But there is a problem with him, that is, halfway through writing, he likes the new and dislikes the old and doesn't write, and he doesn't take his previous ideas seriously, and asks the nanny to throw it away every time.

Spy nanny: "..."

She almost vomited blood.

Those things written on the paper that she can't understand are regarded as treasures by experts, but when this Chinese is here, it seems that even a bowl of chicken soup can't be compared.

But the research institute "doesn't know these things" on the bright side, so no matter how heartache is, I can't go to Ji Changze and ask him why he didn't continue to write down.

If Ji Changze only put forward a powerful idea, maybe they would do it again.

But he is not just one, but many.

These ideas are indeed very valuable, but now, the most valuable person has become Ji Changze.

As long as he is there, only more ideas will continue to emerge.

Moreover, Ji Changze has a great affection for Country K. What they have to do is to increase this affection and turn him into their own person.

Of course, if the other party insists on returning home.

Don't blame them for being ruthless.

If such a talented researcher cannot be used by them, they will definitely not be available to China.

Fortunately, although Ji Changze is usually very grumpy and has a lot of small complaints, he is still very friendly to K country and the research institute where he works.

When the spy nanny hinted several times that he could give these so-called "abandoned ideas" to the place of work to see if he could be appreciated by his superiors, the Chinese expressed dissatisfaction.

"How is it possible to be appreciated? Do you know how difficult this research is to get in? Do you know how many talents there are? I have spent a lot of energy to get in, and I definitely can't risk sending out these semi-finished products that I don't like."

"What if they think I'm too arrogant after I send it up. They want to show myself shortly after entering the institute at a young age. What if they have a bad impression of me?" The

spy nanny: "...but Sir, you are so powerful, maybe they will not only have a bad impression, but will promote you?"

Ji Changze smiled, and then began to laugh at her innocence.

"Alyssa, no wonder you can only cook for me. You have no knowledge in this area. Do you know that there are so many talented people in my research? I am in it, like a firefly falling in the stars. How do they Maybe you can see the tiny light on my body." The

spy nanny: "..." I

don't know why, she kind of wants to hit someone.

However, Ji Changze had a look of "Ah, the more I talked, the more I think I am really visionary." As he talked, he suddenly decided to read and study, continue to enrich himself, and strive to "catch up" with his predecessors as soon as possible.

The seniors who had been hanged by him in Ba Tiao Street must have been speechless.

He returned to the room, wrote a book list and gave it to the spy nanny.

"You buy these books for me within today. You don't need to look at the price. Our research institute will reimburse them anyway." The

spy nanny looked at the long, long list of books.

Nowadays, in country K, books are still very expensive, especially those related to data research and professional knowledge.

And not only is it expensive, it is also very large and heavy, and the book cover alone is heavy enough.

With so many books, she didn't say whether she could buy them or not, she would be exhausted just to get them back.

But Ji Changze is now a member of the Institute, and he wants to study in order to be able to better serve the Institute.

Think about it this way, he just wants some books.

It can be considered that there are fewer requirements.

Then the spy nanny found himself thinking too simple.

She almost broke her leg and interrupted her superiors, so she bought all the books Ji Changze wanted.

After that, she was transporting books one after another. Originally, she had asked someone from the bookstore to help carry these books, but Ji Changze actually refused to let the people from the bookstore enter his home.

The Chinese looked disgusted: "How can I let outsiders enter my residence? Who knows if they will step on some to steal the money I hide."

He also urged carefully: "Alyssa, you only let them move to the building. Just go down, don't tell them which floor I live on, or maybe there will be thieves and robbers in our house at night." The

spy nanny almost didn't show him a slippery kneel: "...sir, what do you mean? Do you want me to move all these books?"

Ji Changze looked at her in surprise, as if wondering why she should ask such a question.

"Of course, do you still want me to move?"

"I am not as strong as your countryman K. Look at my arm, there is no muscle at all, how can I work, just in case my arm What should I do if I break, then how can I work." The

spy nanny thought about it.

This is a shining arm for their country K.

If something goes wrong with exhaustion, then she must be punished.

The Chinese didn't know what she was thinking, and comforted her: "It's okay, I know what you're worried about, don't worry, I will give you money."

After that, he added: "Anyway, our research institute can reimburse her. "

He looked at the spy nanny, and said sincerely: "When you applied for the job, didn't you say that you really need money to support your five children? I will give you more opportunities to make money in the future."

"Don't thank me, I've always been so kind."

In fact, there is no shortage of money, but the spy nanny who just made up an excuse to get in: "..."

She quietly went downstairs and called her colleagues to complain.

The colleague looked like he expected: "Chinese people are more cautious. They rarely let strangers into their homes, and even if they share a house, they will lock the door whether they are at home or not."

Of course. This is also the reason why the yellow race is more likely to attract criminals.

Spy sitters used to have the impression of Chinese people that they were small, yellow-skinned, unable to fight, poor, and timid.

But since coming to Ji Changze, she completely dispelled her previous thoughts.

It can only be summarized as one: Chinese people love tossing.

Forget it, just move.

Bring these books to this Chinese, so many books, enough for him to read for many days, once he indulges in reading, she can avoid being tossed.

And this guy is going to work tomorrow.

At that time, he can no longer stay at home every day and talk about her, think about how life is really good.

Then when he returned home, Ji Changze said he wanted to eat abalone shark fin, bird's nest and ginseng.

He also wants ambergris because he hasn't slept well recently, and he heard that ambergris is very soothing when lit.

"Also, you can go to the furniture market. I want solid wood furniture. Mahogany is the best. I can't get used to sitting on these sofas."

"Ah, besides, all the chicken at home will be Huaguo chicken in the future, and It must be a free-range free-range chicken, and the eggs must also be dumb eggs. I tell you you don't fool around, I can taste it." The

spy nanny hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter at this time . Realizing that Ji Changze would do this, after all, from now on, the other party can get reimbursement for everything he buys from the research institute.

Thanks to Ji Changze's grind, now that there are no financial restrictions, it must be a big purchase.

Buy it, buy it, anyway, the chickens have been raised last time, and getting some insects from China shouldn't be a big problem.

She reported up the list of items Ji Changze wanted.

After getting this list, the boss's face was almost cracked after checking the price.

He urgently contacted his subordinates and cursed, "Do you know how much these things cost?! You actually agreed to buy them?!!!" The

spy nanny was scolded: "It's not just some food. , Do you have a piece of furniture?"

"Do you know how expensive abalone, shark fin, bird's nest and ginseng are? It is definitely not a small amount. Where is food, it is simply eating money!!"

"Also What ambergris does he want? Do you know how rare ambergris is?!!!"

"Look at this furniture again. The furniture is okay, but the problem is that he wants mahogany. Mahogany furniture is very popular among Chinese. , But mahogany is expensive!!! A set of mahogany furniture is enough for us to pay for ten years at least!!" The

spy nanny: "..."

Even if it wasn't her money, she couldn't help it. Heartache is extremely.

"Otherwise, I'll tell him that I can't buy it..." The

boss calmed down a little bit: "He is so difficult to deal with, does it feel that our country is not as convenient as China to buy things?"

Even if I feel it, it can't Really buy so many expensive things for this Chinese.

Although they are directly affiliated to the department, they are really not so rich. No matter how much money they want, they don't have to approve them at all levels.

The nanny spy made up his mind to tell Ji Changze that he couldn't buy it. The chicken was okay, and those expensive and scary things were just fine.

When she went back, she found that Ji Changze was in a good mood to write and draw.

Seeing her entering the study room, I smiled at her, took the paper in my hand and

showed it to her: "Our research institute is really good for me. I think about it, and I think I have to do it quickly. Repay them with some results, you see, I am almost finished." The

spy nanny was almost crying with joy.

She has been serving Ji Changze for so many days. Every day she has been tossed and lost a few catties, but she has never been able to get anything more practical from Ji Changze.

at last! !

This Chinese is finally about to start handing over the results to the research institute! !

Ji Changze put down the paper, humming and holding a pen, as if he was about to continue.

He was very happy when he saw it. A more delicate, not rough face that made K people envy was full of smiles: "As long as this is handed over to the Institute, I will definitely be promoted, and maybe I will get a raise. "

After that, the Chinese smiled and looked at his nanny: "Why did you come back early? Then we will eat shark fin bird's nest at night."

The excitement on the spy nanny's face became slightly stiff: "Sir, I didn't buy what you said. Things, only chicken can be bought." The

joy on Ji Changze's face disappeared all of a sudden.

Looking at the spy nanny with a face of disbelief: "What did you say? How could it not be bought? Isn't country K the world's largest country?" The

spy nanny suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, the next second, the Chinese who had just finished today, who was working hard to finish the work in one breath, dropped the pen in his hand, and his face was full of disappointment.

"I don't know how many brain cells were used to come up with this idea. Now is the time

to replenish it." The spy nanny quickly said, "Sir, I can replenish the stewed chicken soup for you, and the chicken soup is also very nourishing. "

The Chinese seem to be very particular about eating to replenish the body. She is fascinated by her ears and eyes, and she knows a little more consciously.

However, Ji Changze still looked sad: "Can chicken soup be the same as shark's fin bird's nest? It is not of the same level."

He complained: "I haven't been willing to eat it before. This time I thought that the institute would treat me well and let me I just wanted to eat after the reimbursement, but after a long time of tossing, the reimbursement was able to be reimbursed, but I couldn't even eat a shark fin bird's nest."

"I'm so tired can not make up the body, eh, I do not know will not juvenile bald, forget forget, do not write today, I'm going to have a good sleep rest, dinner call me."

Seeing The first one had to be completed, but the result was so close, but Ji Changze didn't do it.

The spy nanny was all dumbfounded.


why do n't you think about it... sir..." Ji Changze ignored her at all, waved his hand and entered the house weakly and frustrated.

I also brought a complaint with a long sigh:

"It is said that it is the world's most powerful country. There is not even a shark fin bird's nest. Hey, if I knew this, I might as well go back to China." The

spy nanny: "..."

She subconsciously looked at the recording equipment hidden behind the lamp in the living room, and could almost imagine how ugly and blue the faces of the investigators who were monitoring Ji Changze 24 hours a day.

The investigators were indeed emotionally broken.

Since Ji Changze was determined to be a genius who must be kept, they have specially created a file for him, and it is a 24-hour monitoring of the opponent's movements that he will not miss a minute.

This Chinese usually acts in a very regular trajectory. After waking up in the morning, he opened the window to breathe, and then instructed the nanny to bask in the quilt, thinking about what to eat in the morning, what to eat at noon, what to eat at night, and what to eat for supper.

When I am in a good mood, I go to work in the study, and sometimes I do things while humming a song.

If you are in a bad mood, you will write a diary and complain to the nanny.

But the most troublesome thing about him is that Ji Changze is a typical half-fresh. Every time he puts forward various ideas of great genius, a single extraction is enough to change a lot, so that countless experts hold those ideas and want to worry about his heart and lungs. meet.

But every time, he only wrote half of it.

Moreover, this person is very unconfident. It is obviously such a genius idea, but he thinks that these are not worth a penny, and every time he makes the nanny throw it away as rubbish.

Acting in this way, coupled with the fact that before and after Ji Changze entered the institute, although he was genius, he has never had any more constructive credit. It is worth thinking about.

Who knows if he had made a lot of similar half-cut ideas before entering the research institute, and then discarded them as rubbish.

This kind of thing may not be possible for other scholars.

But on Ji Changze, who was clamoring to return to China for a bowl of chicken soup, it seemed to become very commonplace.

Today he finally plans to finish writing and submit it to the research institute.

result! !

He didn't write because he didn't eat the thing called shark fin bird's nest! !

Stop writing! ! !

The investigators knew Ji Changze's abilities well, and when they heard Ji Changze could not write, they almost vomited blood without being angry.

A phone call quickly reached the nanny spy, and

he scolded again: "You can get him what he wants to eat! Even if you can't buy it, won't you apply for it!! You know how rare he is today? Are you willing to write down the complete idea!!! Now it's good! It's all ruined! God, why would I have a subordinate like you!!" The

nanny spy was very aggrieved, indicating that he had reported to his boss, and the boss said those things. Too expensive, let her perfunctory Chinese scholars.

After listening over there, he hung up after a few more curses.

After half an hour, the phone called again, telling her that they would get all the things Ji Changze wanted in the fastest time, so that she could stabilize the other party.

And by the way, she told her that her boss was demoted.

It is conceivable that if it weren't for Ji Changze who seemed to be satisfied with her now, she would also be demoted along with her.

Over there, the top leader gritted his teeth and said, "You will directly report to me about Ji in the future." After

hanging up the phone, he couldn't help but feel pain.

Bird's nest shark fin, mahogany furniture, and what ambergris.

China is so poor, why these things are still so expensive! !

And they have to be transported back from China, because there are too many things to fly directly.

This money is too much.

They had to come out.

Meat hurts! It hurts! !

On the other side of China, once again ushered in a daze.

Last time it was Yunnan mushrooms. How did you replace it with bird's nest shark fin and mahogany furniture this time?

And ambergris? ?

In order to test, they sent someone to increase the price ten times and say to sell, but the other party actually bought it like this directly, and it was very urgent at first sight. After buying, they hurriedly left.

They were left with a dumbfounded face in the face of sudden wealth.

It is worthy of being a national of K.

Just being taken advantage of... Ah no.

Strong wealth!

Correct! Is rich!