International students who refuse to return to China (6)

Country K is still studying how to let Ji Changze completely calm down.

The file previously set up for him by the Secret Service was effective at this moment.

This Chinese was born in a small mountain village in China. There are four relatives in the family including parents, grandma and sister.

It stands to reason that Hua is already poor enough. He was also born in such a poorer mountain village, so he might not be so squeamish.

But in China, especially in small mountain villages, the male is very important, especially he is the only male in the family.

So it is very reasonable for Ji Changze to be treated as a baby bump by his family since he was a child.

After he enrolled in school, because he was a genius at a young age, the teachers around him liked him very much.

It can be said that although his family is poor, he really hasn't been aggrieved at all.

After coming to study in country K, Ji Changze was taken care of by his peers because of his young age. In addition, he was able to enter the laboratory when he was talented at school, so he never suffered.

After graduating, country K usually offered an olive branch to the more outstanding Chinese students, but most of these Chinese students refused to choose to return to China.

It was at that time that Ji Changze accepted their invitation.

Then, it was logical to enter the institute and participate in the project. Al, who was rejected by Ji Changze, was indeed a racist. From the first day Ji Changze entered the institute, this Chinese was not pleasing to the eyes.

Ji Changze had never had a head-on conflict with Al before, and the turning point was after he went to the doctor for an illness.

During the treatment, he was insulted by a racially discriminatory doctor.

Ji Changze didn't say anything in person, but maybe because he wanted to get more angry, he asked the institute to resign and want to return to China.

After being rejected, he did not act excessively.

On the surface it still looks normal, but because the Secret Service arranged for An Lisa to work with Ji Changze, plus all kinds of monitoring, maybe it is because the racist is dissatisfied, or it is because someone finally has someone to talk to. .

This young but very talented Chinese scholar gradually began to lose patience.

I even wanted to return to China several times, although every time I only raised it angrily, I quickly dismissed the idea after being comforted.

This is very embarrassing.

People have to go back to China. They just say angrily. If they are like other people, if they force them to stay behind, they might turn Ji Changze, who had a good opinion of Country K, into a bad feeling.

Moreover, no matter what he says, Ji Changze is always conscientious in his work.

As soon as the sick leave was over, I returned to the research institute and started to work hard. After doing my own things, I started to do my own imagination experiments.

It was about to be done, but as a result of a fight with Al, let alone the experimental results, most of the other's experimental results and test equipment were destroyed.

In this case, it's normal to be angry, right?

So Al was fired without problems.

After the result of this incident, Al's dismissal was completely determined.

The institute has nothing to hesitate. Today's country K is indeed developing rapidly, but it is precisely because of this that it is normal to sacrifice some people or affairs for development.

In order to get a super genius to have a good impression of Country K, Al, an ordinary genius, is not enough.

As soon as the news spread, the entire institute was in an uproar.

Being able to enter this institute is more or less arrogant. Even if there is no racial discrimination, because I know the backwardness of China, I will have a high sense of overlooking the Chinese people.

After Ji Changze entered the institute, no one had been close to him. Instead, the one who had the deepest contact with him was Al, who found fault from time to time.

For the impression of this Chinese, they only have "a Chinese" and "do not like to talk" and it will be over.

And now, the institute actually fired Al for this Chinese.

At the same time, the institute held a meeting and asked everyone to pay attention to their surrounding colleagues while sorting out the project, and get along like a family.

To sum it up is one sentence: Are you kind to Ji Changze?

Why? ?

Isn't it just a yellow race from a backward country?

Why should we come to accommodate him? ?

However, even if they were unwilling, they had to act on the basis of wages and bonuses.

After all, they are indeed good talents, but they are not yet genius to the point where they can give the green light to themselves, and being able to enter this research institute has also gone through layers of competition.

Yes, after they go out, they can indeed find a decent job smoothly, but it's hard to get a good salary and good salary just like this job.

Radical racists like Al have been dismissed mercilessly. Others do not want to follow in this footsteps, so they can only pinch their noses and agree to treat Ji Changze as kindly as family members.

Of course, in order to get this result, the institute had to grit their teeth and give out a large bonus as money for them to cooperate.

It hurts, it hurts.

Even for them, the person who sent the money was very distressed.

When the institute was completed, John personally came to invite Ji Changze to go back.

In his original words: "Everyone in the institute is looking forward to your return."

The young Chinese seemed very unbelieving, but couldn't help but show expectation on their faces, and half-believingly agreed to go down to the institute in the afternoon.

When he entered, he could clearly feel that the atmosphere inside had stagnated for a few seconds.

Then, many people who didn't even look at him before gave him friendly smiles as if their mouths were cramping.

"Ji, you are back."

"Oh my dear Ji, it's so pitiful to hear that you are sick."

"Ji, will you go to the cafeteria for dinner later?"

John stood beside Ji Changze, looking at the Chinese beside him with a "surprise, surprise or surprise" on his face.


Ji Changze pressed his chest: "Oh! I can't do it anymore, too many of them surround me, I can't breathe."

John: ""

Colleagues who are trying to behave in front of Mr. John: ""

The smiles on their faces stiffened for a moment, and they had to move away from the position under Ji Changze's seemingly difficult breathing, so that this fragile Chinese could breathe well.

John: "Ji, are you better?"

"Much better sir."

Ji Changze clutched his chest, sipped his breath, and followed his breath, he suddenly sneezed: "Sneeze!"

"Oh my god, whose body odor is this, it kills me."

"Oh! And bad breath."

"Who used the perfume, don't you know that the institute can't use perfume? I want to report it."

John: ""

God, why does this Chinese man have such an unpleasant temperament?

Going on, even if the research institute gives more bonuses, I am afraid that someone will be tempted to beat him.

No way, John can only choose to take Ji Changze out of the battlefield quickly.

Before the friendly faces disguised by his subordinates broke apart, he hurriedly took Ji Changze to the office: "Ji, you need to rest. Come to my place to rest."

While being dragged away, the squeamish Chinese scholar murmured: "I don't want to go to your place, Mr. John, your office is too small, and although I don't really want to talk about it, sir, your room is always There is a smell of stinky socks. Oh my God, you don't wash your feet often."

John: ""

He must have done a lot of wrong things before God would give him such a subordinate.

When he arrived at the office, Ji Changze still had an expression of unsatisfactory expression. John could only open the window to ventilate, poured water and handed it to the young Chinese, and then put out his hand on his back to help him get along.

"Alright? Are you alright?"

"Much better, thank you sir."

The Chinese held the water without drinking, sniffed it and returned it to John, and said politely: "Sir, is there any lemonade?"

John: "Oh, of course."

He gritted his teeth holding the glass and went out, grabbing someone casually and instructing him to pour lemonade.

"Ji, how is it? Are you satisfied with our current office atmosphere?"

He has already followed all Ji Changze's requirements. This guy should always be satisfied, right?

"To be honest, they are too enthusiastic."

However, what he heard was a series of complaints from Chinese scholars: "You know sir, we Chinese are very reserved and tactful. God knows how scared I was when I opened the door and saw such a group of people approaching me. I almost thought they were going to crush me to death."

"Moreover, they don't laugh at all. They look like tigers with their mouths open to eat people. The best smile should be that the corners of the mouth are slightly upturned twenty degrees, without showing their teeth, and the curvature of their eyes is like a meniscus. It seems like me."

Ji Changze smiled at John who was blank.

"Hey, sir, are your eyes sick? It just twitches? Ah, Connie, hello, just give me lemonade, it's mine."

He took the lemonade from the secretary who had just entered the door, took a sip, and gave it to the secretary: "I want ice, help me add two ice cubes. Thank you Connie. You are still better than Mr. John today. Hair is dense."

"Sir, why don't you speak? Ah! I'm really sorry, I didn't deliberately expose you to have a wig in front of Connie, but the quality of your wig is really bad, and you can see it by comparing it with real hair. "

John: "I didn't wear a wig."


Ji Changze was surprised and covered his mouth, very surprised: "Isn't that a wig? Can there be real hair that can grow into such a way that there are less than three rubs in total?"

"I thought it was a fashion in country K."

John: ""

He took a deep breath, squeezed his fist and stood up abruptly. When he couldn't help but torn his face, he saw the monitoring device under the table.

John: ""

Forget it, bear it.

The monitoring equipment reminded him well of what important tasks he has today.

"It's such a Ji, you know. Many media are very interested in you. They want to interview you about your views on Country K. Would you like to accept an interview today?"

"Wow! I am honored."

Ji Changze was obviously happy, and asked by the way: "Sir, if I promise to interview, in return, they are willing to put my argument in the newspaper, right? We used to do that, but we can get a lot of remuneration for a comment. It."

John slowly squeezed a smile: "Of course my dear Ji, you are the rising star of our research institute, even if there is no interview on this matter, they will be willing to put your theory in the newspaper."

The young Chinese were suddenly more excited.

John saw that he was so happy to accept the interview with the K country media, and the anger in his heart eased.

Very good, this Chinese is still biased towards country K.

As long as he is guided to tell how many and how good Country K is, and then use spies to influence public opinion in China, so that China will reject the existence of Ji Changze.

At that time, even if Ji Changze wants to return to China, he is afraid that China is no longer willing to accept him.

Plan to pass!

K country media came quickly.

Without their guidance at all, Ji Changze himself exaggerated and exaggerated the beginning of Barabara against Country K.

"I really like country K. This country is so powerful."

"Life in country K is very smooth, and every breath I exhale is happy."

After finishing talking, he immediately took out ten folders: "I have prepared ten spare parts. Which one do you think is better? Let me say yes, I have increased the price, and the remuneration has increased by one third."

The media: ""

They looked at John, who took a deep breath and nodded vaguely.

A media casually picked up one: "Let's do this."

"No, no, this, this is the most word." Ji Changze pulled that out and replaced it with the one he liked.

Then quickly start mental arithmetic: "One word requires the same number of words, so you have to give it to me in total. Give me the money. Give it now, so that you don't have to run around in trouble."

The media: ""

Chinese people who are greedy for money!

That's it, the above actually wants them to guide each other to stay?

Do you still use guides?

Give him money, he must have stayed.

They took out a large sum of money, and their hearts were full of complaints and left.

Soon, Ji Changze's degeneration followed the interview and stood on the largest newspaper in country K.

Country K is running up and down, and it is hyped up that Chinese geniuses voluntarily abandon China and stay in their country K. Country K is so powerful.

Thanks to their efforts, ordinary Chinese people also got the news.

The Chinese team, who came to China quietly, wanted to investigate which Chinese was arrested and imprisoned, they faced the whole country K's hype of a Chinese.

From the bottom of their hearts, they rejected the compatriots who had betrayed the motherland and blatantly stepped on China to favor country K.

But now almost every newspaper has this information.

Until one day, a Chinese investigator accidentally saw the attached argument.

The first sentence, the first letter of each word, is connected to exactly one dialect.

There are three words in this dialect, but if it is interpreted in Mandarin, it is two words:

--help me.