International students who refuse to return to China (7)

As we all know, even if China looks poor now, the number of citizens is definitely the highest in the world.

In particular, China has a vast territory and abundant resources. At present, if a northerner meets a southerner, and they all speak their own dialect, absolutely no one can understand what the other person is saying.

Therefore, when the investigator said that the dialect was encrypted to convey a dialect in this theory, and the dialect message was still "help me," many people thought it was a little unlikely.

After all, the master of this theory is Ji Changze.

He was the only one among the last batch of publicly sent overseas students who chose to stay in country K and work for country K.

Ironically, his family was poor. Starting from elementary school, he enjoyed the national policy every time he enrolled, and he didn't spend any money until the university.

Even if it is a study abroad, it is a public study abroad, and all the expenses are covered by the state.

The result is that this talent, which can be said to have been cultivated by the country all the way, chose to stay and work in the United States after successful studies and never returned to the country.

In the blink of an eye, Ji Changze has stayed in country K for so long.

For so long, he not only praised Country K in the newspapers, but also stepped on China in various ways.

His family was ostracized by the village because of him.

His teacher has no face to see people because of him.

The principal who had guaranteed him at the time was also deeply affected.

He was at ease in country K. He never made a phone call or wrote a letter at home.

At the beginning, a Chinese who had studied abroad at the same time did not believe that he would make such a decision, and he personally came to ask questions, but was directly humiliated by Ji Changze.

In addition, Ji Changze has been praising the powerful country K in various ways in the public, and people in country K may not be happy because of his praise, but the Chinese will definitely step on the Chinese people because he is a Chinese. The feet are full of anger.

The country is fine, but in Ji Changze's hometown, his name is almost always linked to traitors.

In addition, after they came to Country K, they got the news that Ji Changze Chunfeng was proud. Not only did they enter the very important Research Institute of Country K, they also received good treatment.

The impression has been deeply ingrained, and it is a bit magical to suddenly ask them to believe that Ji Changze, who should have lived a chic and comfortable life, is actually asking people for help in the Chinese dialect.

"Apart from this sentence, can you group something else?"

If there are only these two words, the possibility of coincidence is too great.

The investigator who recognized the dialect read it up and down carefully.

"No, only this sentence."

"Could it be a coincidence? Didn't Ji Changze have joined the institute and had a good time? And I remember that you are not a fellow countryman."

"Yes, but this is indeed the dialect of my hometown. It is the pinyin of all the first letters, but because it is a dialect, it doesn't look like the pinyin of any Chinese character."

The investigator was also very puzzled. He spelled out this dialect in Pinyin:

"Look, you can't use pinyin to make characters when you spell it together, but when you read it in dialect, it means to save me. The most important thing is the last sentence.

This is a modal particle. When we pronounce these two characters in dialect, we will unconsciously bring this modal particle with it, but we don't have it when we write it. "

As he said, he also read it in dialect for demonstration.

Others always think that this may be a simple coincidence, but if it is really a Chinese who asks for help in the country, then it is indeed important to pay attention to it.

Moreover, this point in time is too coincidental.

They came to Country K just to investigate which Chinese was arrested, and when they arrived, they got the news that "Ji Changze might ask for help".

The combination of two things really makes people think about it.

But it is also not possible to report to the country without checking it out.

"In this way, we will find out what Ji Changze has made in the past and take a closer look."

It is very simple to find out this kind of theory that is published to the public, just buy back the previous newspapers in country K.

This kind of old newspaper is still very easy to buy. After they bought it, they lived in Chinatown and carefully screened the information on it.

Finally, I found out all the information about Ji Changze's previous public speeches, and finally found a sentence in an argument about half a year ago, which is also the investigator's hometown dialect, and it is also "save me".

But this "save me" is more like a coincidence. It is not a result of adding up the initials. Instead, you must read the contents of the newspaper obliquely to spell out the dialect version of "Save me".

If it weren't for the current team's bottom line, it can almost be said to be reckless.

However, this time not only the message of "help me", maybe Ji Changze gave up the more difficult decryption method like the first version in order to be able to crack it quickly, instead of simply choosing to put the information in the first letter of the first line. .

Also in order to attract attention, make these words and sentences seem very blunt.

Similarly, the first sentence originally was "Is the weather very good today".

He just changed the order and wrote "The weather is fine, isn't it, just today".

When the bluntness is reached, they are fluent with the sentence in the first edition. No matter how they look at it, it is a coincidence comparison. Looking at the current edition, they all feel that this is the intention of the master of the theory.

"If this was really half a year ago, if I remember correctly, Ji Changze was almost looking for him at that time, right?"

As a traitor who betrayed his motherland and stayed in country K to serve, Ji Changze also has his own file in China, which mainly describes his first half of his life and eliminates the possibility of him bringing confidential information from China to country K.

In it, he once publicly expressed his disdain for China to his classmates.

"Wait, let me check the exact time of this newspaper."

The group member with the best memory picked up the newspaper and looked at the various events and times recorded on it.

After a while, he looked up with a solemn expression: "Yes, that's the time."

Everyone looked at each other.

In other words, at that point in time, Ji Changze publicly stated that he wanted to stay in country K to serve, while at the same time using encryption in the newspaper to convey a distress message.

Obviously, he is not a fine scorer.

"In other words, he was asking for help at that time."

"God, if it were true, this would be horrible."

"What happened to Ji Changze? Let him call for help in this way."

The most experienced team leader interrupted the various conjectures of the team members first: "Don't guess, since we only found these two newspapers with the help information hidden, let's take a closer look. Apart from the distress message, what else does a newspaper have in common."

"If this is really asking for help, he has sent a distress message, he must always confirm whether we have received the information? The way to confirm the receipt of the information may still be in these two theories."

It is impossible to just send out the message without connecting.

Think about it, everyone, and study it seriously.

"Yes! On the first edition, he used the park opposite to his residence as an example, saying that when he looked at the park over there, he could always see the park sculptures, and the second edition also has the park sculptures."

It's been more than half a year, but I wrote about a park sculpture by such a coincidence. Now even if they are convinced that this is a coincidence, they don't believe it anymore.

"Look at the part about the park sculpture again, Ji Changze must have hidden the content inside."

A few people read it almost verbatim:

"The first edition says that he can clearly see the sculpture in the park by the window of his study. Every morning he opens the window and breathes the fresh air of country K while looking at the sculpture."

"The second edition also said that I would open the window to breathe the fresh air of country K in the early morning, but in the middle it said that the flowers under the sculpture were very red and beautiful, and at the end it said that they were beautiful like stars."

The group leader's expression became more and more serious.

He decided to read the two newspapers for several minutes before finally putting them down.

"If the guess is correct, whether or not this Ji Changze is what we are looking for, the Chinese arrested by country K are absolutely under the control of country K and can only ask us for help through this obscure form."

"Even half a year ago, he was already sending out a distress signal."

What did he encounter that allowed Ji Changze to step on China with such a big fanfare, and at the same time call for help in such a vague and almost invisible way.

"He may not have treason at all, but his speech is controlled by country K. We all know that he never wrote or called his family. Because of his public speech, we thought he was coldhearted.

But now it seems that if he really keeps sending help messages, he is probably being monitored, otherwise he won't use such a cryptic way to call for help. No matter what the situation is, report it first. If the above agrees, we will contact him immediately. Connector. "

Ji Changze didn't know that Hua Guo had already seen the information he released.

He was admiring all kinds of old newspapers that Eliza had bought by breaking her leg in the study, because the Chinese employer said that he did not remember which newspaper or periodical her theory was published in, and Eliza had to select them one by one.

Then he looked at Ji Changze sitting in a chair with a numb look, put a pair of big long legs on the table without any image, holding a newspaper in his hand and boasted:

"Oh! I'm such a genius, Alyssa, help me contact people. I want to frame each of my articles in the newspaper and hang them on the wall, so that every friend who comes to my house will I can fully appreciate my talent."

Alyssa: ""

Come on, how can you, a stingy thing, have friends.

"Look, how well I wrote this theory, I still received less payment for the original manuscript, eh! There is no way, compared to those famous people, I still need to learn, Alyssa, don't you think? "

Alyssa hurriedly returned to agree with her: "Yes, sir, you are right."

However, as soon as she said this, the expression on the face of the Chinese employer who had just been happier suddenly became less happy.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, and his tone became cold: "Really? Do you think so too? Do you think I am not qualified enough to compare with those famous people?"

Alyssa: ""

Wipe, forget that sometimes she can't accept what Ji Changze says.

She returned to her IQ and hurriedly changed her words: "No, no, no, I mean, your remuneration is indeed less. As for not being able to compare with celebrities, my God, how can you have such an idea.

You are such a genius, of course you can get the same remuneration as them! ! "

"Oh! Alisha, you always exaggerate like this, how can I compare with celebrities." Ji Changze said this, but the smile on her face couldn't go down.

Seeing that the people were coaxed, Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief and wrote down in her heart, "Next time this damn Chinese will say something wrong with her, she must not accept it. He wants people to say that of course it is not, sir, you are special it is good".

Then, he would have to say two more words, "Alyssa, you have seen too few people, I am actually not that good" and so on.

Chinese employers call this behavior humility.

God! Damn humility.

Alisha murmured in her heart, but Ji Changze was looking for a coincidence that could be counted as a secret word from the original theory.

Before, he only found a newspaper from half a year ago in the study, and reluctantly spelled out the phrase "help me" in the dialect of Huaguo City.

Thanks to the original host's university roommate. The rough guy from the city likes to speak dialect when he is anxious. Although the original host doesn't listen much, it's enough for Ji Changze.

After that, the chapter was smoothly completed, and such a sentence was added to the latest published theory.

Many things he wanted before were only in the State of China. In order to get it for him, State K would definitely go to China to "purchase".

Coupled with the previous "sleeping under the bed to guide the K people to think he escaped", it is relatively easy to do this, as long as the window is opened wide, and the angle of the whole bedroom from the door is calculated, plus the time from time to time. I want to go back to China.

Eliza, a spy who is not a professional nanny at first glance, would definitely be preconceived immediately, thinking that he wanted to escape.

And a Chinese who had no friends or acquaintances in country K fled, and all the places that left country K were blocked. Where else could he hide?

Of course it is the residence of fellow Chinese, especially the publicly sent overseas students like Ji Changze.

The Chinese who can come to country K as public students, can they be stupid? China is poor and backward, but China absolutely protects its shortcomings. Once they realize that country K is arresting Chinese, they will definitely find a way to The message is passed back.

The "purchasing" of country k will attract the attention of China, and the arrest and search of the existence of Chinese in country k will attract the short-term China to want to find out.

Because of Ji Changze's homesick words and conflicts with Al, Country K will only be more eager to keep him.

The best way to keep him is without even thinking about it.

Let him be abandoned by the motherland forever, even if he wants to return home, he can only choose country k as a reliance.

Ji Changze only needs to wait for the media to interview and hand over the arguments he has prepared.

Once the people of the motherland come to country K, country K, in order to force China to completely abandon Ji Changze's big reports and publicity, will become the best link to deliver information to the Chinese people.

This version of the dialect is just a test, if the Chinese who came to country K did not receive the information, or did not understand the dialect at all

It doesn't matter, this is only plan 1, plan 2 and plan 3 are still to come.

If possible, plans such as 456789 can also be backed up.

Alisha watched Ji Changze casually drew out a piece of white paper and began to write and draw on it.

Ji Changze paints quickly, of course, the price of being fast is that this painting is so simple that people can't recognize what it is.

Alyssa: "Sir, is this a snake with legs you painted?"

The Chinese employer glared at his stupid babysitter: "Alyssa, you really need to learn more, how can you be so indifferent? This is the dragon! Don't you know the dragon?!"

Alyssa looked at the crooked strip on the paper: ""

She knows what the dragons of China look like, but this looks more like an earthworm. She just said that the snake is to please the other party.

"Yes, sir, you are right. I am too unrefined. I can't recognize your paintings so well. I'm really stupid."

"Don't be discouraged by Eliza, it's better to recognize that you are stupid than not knowing."

Alyssa: ""


Seeing that Ji Changze was about to put down her pen, she took a deep breath and reminded:

"Sir, you forgot to draw eyes to this dragon."

The Chinese employer waved his hand, very disgusted:

"Oh Alisha, talk less if you don't understand. This is called finishing touch. It means, because I painted so well, if I put my eyes on it, it will become a real dragon and fly away."

Alyssa: You are quite confident.

"Well, it's time to breathe fresh air again, Alisha, open my window."

Alyssa cursed in her heart, walked over with respect on her face, and opened the window.

Ji Changze stood up and looked at the scenery outside the window.

In the park not far away, he could clearly see a sculpture.

At this moment, in the lawn in front of the sculpture, there is a small red star lying quietly.

Ji Changze smiled suddenly.

He returned to the desk, picked up the pen again, and tapped pupils at Long Blank's eyes.

After painting, he said to Alisha: "This is really a perfect painting. It's not a waste of me to paint for so long."

Alisha looked at the eyes painted by the Chinese employer: "Sir, the eyes you painted are quite unique."

"You don't understand, you are called a dragon with eyes like this."

After speaking, Ji Changze folded the paper into a paper airplane, blew the front end, and threw it out the window:

"Look, our dragon is flying."

Alyssa watched that little paper airplane fell to the ground in the park downstairs without flying twice: ""

Who we are with you.

"Sir, I went downstairs to buy groceries."

She was afraid that if she stayed with this Chinese, her brain would be damaged by the infection.

After going downstairs, Alyssa went on the phone as usual and complained to Chase: "Did you hear that, right? Oh my God! This Chinese is simply crazy. You didn't see the dragon. He painted a three-year-old boy. Children are not as good.

And he was so embarrassed to fold the dragon into a paper airplane and threw it out, oh! Oh, God! He called this the finishing touch. What kind of eyes he drew? I have grown so big that I have never seen an animal with eyes that grow like that. "

While Alisha kept complaining, a pair of shoes stopped in front of the paper airplane.

The team members from China took the paper airplane and walked a few steps casually, and then pretended to unintentionally take it apart.

The paper opened wide, and inside was a soaring dragon.

On the eyes, a pair of small five-pointed stars are drawn.