International students who refuse to return to China (23) (They see me as a genius and force me not to let me...)

Ji Changze has been paying attention to Ji Changhe's college life. For a girl in her twenties who was familiar with life in her hometown before, she might still feel a little timid when she suddenly came to a strange capital.

After all, this sister has always been shy and shy in Ji Changze's impression. She always works silently at home and reads silently. Under the original owner's childhood genius, she has always been suppressed and has no sense of existence.

Compared with his personal character, Ji Changze believes that this is because of environmental problems.

In that small mountain village, girls are always more likely to be underestimated than boys. Even if the Ji family is much better than others, but the whole family loves the man who has always exuded brilliance. .

Girls of the same age in the village are not studying anymore. Ji Changhe is the only "alien". Although her younger brother is a genius, he never wants to talk to her. She did not enjoy any benefits brought by her younger brother, but became a partner with him. The traitor was rejected by his classmates afterwards.

She is silent and has no sense of existence. Even if she is working hard, she is still working hard in obscurity.

Ji Changze's original plan was to bring his sister to the capital, and he made up lessons one-on-one.

Unexpectedly, she was already working hard without waiting for him to say it.

Listening to her voice of excitement and anxiety that day, Ji Changze swallowed what she had not yet spoken, and instead encouraged her to prepare for the exam. After that, he sent a box of books and told her family to try their best to give her a better reading. surroundings.

After enrolling in school, Ji Changze successively received a lot of information about Ji Changhe.

I study very seriously. I go to the library to read after school. I am very busy. I take the initiative to help the teacher. Between paid and unpaid, I participated in the recruitment exam for unpaid teacher assistants. I passed the exam. Every day except for class. Research room.

The new university has many honorary professors.

They will spare time from their busy work, come to the new university for a public class, or take students.

The new university encourages everyone to actively experiment, as long as the proposed idea is reviewed and approved, you can get an experimental fund.

Ji Changhe carefully prepared for a month and a half, and after submitting it nervously, as soon as he got the news of the successful review, he couldn't wait to call him when his younger brother was off work, sharing the happy event with a little shyness.

Ji Changze listened carefully and gave some of his own opinions from time to time.

Ji Changhe's voice gradually disappeared, and under the encouragement of the other party, he gained more confidence.

"The teacher said that my vision is very good and supports me to complete it well. My classmate Fang Qi is also my roommate. She also supports me very much. She is really smart. With her joining, we can make a lot of progress every day. ."

"The class guide also knew that I passed the experimental fund review, and praised me and asked me to do well. If you don't understand the question, you can ask her. We have already completed one step, that is..."

The phone call took a long, long time.

Ji Changhe told her younger brother about her vision, her degree of completion, her roommate, her classmates, she would find a quiet place to read every day when she woke up, the library was always overcrowded, so the school's long building The corridor becomes a good place for many students to read.

The new university's open doors to students' knowledge and doors to the future make it difficult for students who have emerged from poverty to cherish it.

They are desperate for the knowledge before them, so the long corridor is always full of people.

The lights in the corridor are very bright, and the trees outside are beautiful and beautiful. It is a good way to relax when you are tired of reading and looking at the green. The only drawback is that there are many mosquitoes.

At the beginning, there was no mosquito repellent equipment there. When the teachers found out that the students liked to read there, they were filled with mosquito coils 24 hours a day.

Principal Bai later simply ordered a batch of stone tables and placed them on both sides of the corridor, so that these young students who used their legs as tables could have a place to write.

It is said that for this batch of stone tables, his elders have been arguing with the Finance Department for several days. The Finance Department thinks that if you want a table, you can just move the wooden desk in the classroom. Why bother to have a more expensive stone table, Principal Bai But he has his unique insistence in this respect, believing that stone tables are more suitable for long corridors than wooden tables.

After a few days of breaking, it was Principal Bai who won. After the simple and beautiful stone table was moved to the corridor, the entire corridor was more leisurely than before.

Even sitting there to study, seems to be full of happiness.

What Ji Changhe liked the most was the green paper hanging down the corridor. When she leaned there, she seemed to be back when she was a child.

She asked her brother, "Do you remember that when we were young, my father used a fishing net to make a hammock for you in the forest behind the house. The hammock is very big. We always lie on it and play. Sometimes I lie down with a book. Look inside."

The leaves on the top of the head occasionally leaked some mottled sunlight, the hammock shook slightly when it moved slightly, and the ears were the sounds of various birds in the mountains and forests. For the young Ji Changhe, that was her favorite little one. world.

Ji Changze also said in a nostalgic tone: "Where did you make it for me? Dad made it for you."

"give me?"

Ji Changhe was stunned: "Isn't it for you?"

Ji's father would do some carpentry work and occasionally make some toys for the children, but those toys were always the first for the younger brother.

She can only hold it and play for a while until Changze doesn't like it anymore.

Ji Changhe occasionally feels wronged about this, but the difference between girls and boys in the village is always great. Under such an environment, the grievances and unwillingness in his heart gradually fade away.

"I remember it very clearly. It was for you. After you went to the town to attend junior high school, you came back and said that a classmate had a hammock at home. After Dad heard this, he had already made up the fishing nets that he didn't use at home that night. You were about to celebrate your birthday. It should be a birthday present for you."

"After I'm done, I want to go up and play. My parents said it was made for you. Let you play first. They all went to the fields on the day you came back from the holiday. I secretly ran up to play. I was afraid that you would tell me when I saw you back. Mom and Dad, I'll tell you that this was made for me."

Ji Changhe was dumbfounded.

Ji Changze's guilty voice came from the other end of the phone: "Sister, I'm sorry, I lied to you that it was not your birthday present."

Ji Changhe actually couldn't remember what was going on at that time.

She only remembered that in her own impression, the hammock belonged to her younger brother, and she only got permission from her younger brother to lie on it and read a book.

Ji Changze knew exactly what was going on.

The original owner has been domineering since he was a child. When there are only two peers in the family, he doesn't like seeing his family quietly busy preparing gifts for his sister.

On the day his sister came back from her birthday, he lay in the hammock and smiled spoiled wanton at the sister who had just returned home: "This is the hammock my father made for me. Would you like to come and play? I can let him You play."

He was wise to make sure that his family was not the kind of temperament that would show merit, unscrupulously fabricating lies, snatching sister's birthday present, and taking away the love she had already received.

The young Ji Changhe didn't think much, and accepted the fact that this hammock was his younger brother.

Every time she lay on it and read a book, the original owner saw that she would deliberately ran over and said that she wanted to play. At this time, the sister who realized that the hammock was her younger brother would come down and watch her younger brother play on it.

The family will not take it to heart. In their opinion, this is just because the older sister loves the younger brother.

Ji Changze recounted the original:

"After Dad found out the fishing nets, because there were too many places to make up, at noon that day, he and his mother, Niu, sat in the yard to make up the fishing nets. Later, after making up the fishing nets, they looked for a long time in the woods to find a suitable height. Tree."

"Is that right?"

Ji Changhe feels unreal.

The memory that I believed in, and always thought, is also shaking at this moment.

After speaking some more words with his brother, Ji Changhe walked slowly to the dormitory after hanging up the phone.

She tried to think about that afternoon, but she actually gradually remembered a little memory from her youth.

The day of my birthday coincided with the school holiday.

Every birthday, Mom would give her a bowl of longevity noodles.

She came back very early that day. The family was still working in the field and was dragged onto the hammock by her brother. The family came back when the two were playing together.

In fact, the memory is very vague, but at this moment I suddenly think of it, and it is as clear as yesterday.

In the sunset, the family came back one after another.

Grandma just washed her hands and wiped her hands on her clothes, babbling:

"Nowadays, eating longevity noodles is becoming more and more particular, and I also need to add eggs. When I was young, I couldn't even eat a bowl of porridge."

While mumbling, I took two eggs out of the chicken coop, compared them to the sun for a while, chose the largest one, and then babbled again after a while and took the small one back together.

Mom squatted in the small vegetable field in the back room to choose vegetables, holding two small cabbages, and then carefully washing the vegetables in a basin. The leaves of the cabbage were taken off and washed, and the innermost tender leaves were set aside.

Dad came home last, carrying a hoe to wash his hands and face.

Seeing Ji Changhe in the hammock, he showed a silly smile: "Changhe, do you like this hammock? Does it look like your classmate's house?"

Before dinner in the evening, Grandma Ji whispered Ji Changhe to the kitchen, where there was a bowl of longevity noodles.

It comes from the tenderest cabbage leaves, and there are two eggs lying in the noodles.

Grandma peeked outside like a thief, and said to her: "Hurry up and eat these two eggs, or your brother will come and ask you for it later."

The good things at home are often Changze, except for Ji Changhe's longevity noodles.

No matter how the younger brother makes trouble, the family will not agree to share her longevity with him:

"When you celebrate your birthday, my sister didn't want to eat your longevity noodles. Longevity noodles must be eaten by yourself. If you eat your own noodles, they are just as delicious."

At most, it was really upset, and it hurts to boil another egg for my brother.

Teenage Ji Changhe stood in the kitchen and finished the two eggs under the watch of his grandmother.

After eating, Grandma Ji smiled and asked her, "Is it delicious?"

She nodded: "It's delicious."

"It must be delicious. These are two eggs. I fried them a lot."

Grandma's big rough hand touched her head: "You go to school well, now our family's life is getting better and better. Next year, milk will lay three eggs for you."

It turned out that the grandmother who always regarded the younger brother as her beloved baby in the memory, did you say the same thing?

It seems that some neglected details have appeared a little bit with the memory at this moment.

"Changhe scored another 100 points on the test. It's not bad. He has a face. Let's go and hang this certificate on the wall."

"Changhe, it's too late, stop reading, hurt your eyes, you're hungry, right? Mom just picked you a tomato."

"You still have evening study in your school? It's not safe for girls to go home at night. Dad will pick you up later."

Ji Changhe went all the way to the dormitory.

Fang Qi, who was sitting at the table reading carefully, asked her in surprise: "Changhe, why are you crying? What's wrong?"

Hearing what she said, Ji Changhe raised his hand in a daze to wipe away his tears.

Did she actually cry?

She didn't know it herself.

Fang Qi thought she was being bullied, and kept asking worriedly.


Ji Changhe smiled while wiping his tears: "I am, I suddenly found that I seem to be... quite happy."

Ji Changze often talks on the phone with his home.

Occasionally, family members will also talk about Ji Changhe.

Most of them think that she has changed a lot, a little novel, and a little happy.

"The capital is the capital. After your sister passed by, she has a cheerful personality. This child is not as indifferent as she used to be. The last time she called back, she reminded us that it is going to be cold. Grandma is afraid of the cold, so remember to take advantage of it. Let's dry the quilt well now."

It's not that Ji Changhe didn't care about his family before.

But she was always ashamed to say it, and always did it silently.

Sometimes they will do it quietly.

Seeing Ji Changhe become more confident and cheerful, Ji's family is also happy for her.

"She also got a scholarship. Even though the competition is too great, you can also persuade your sister to not put so much pressure on herself. She only needs to have good grades. You don't have to compete with others for first and second."

"Don't worry, my sister has a sense of measure, and we occasionally meet up for a meal."

I have never seen it in school.

Ji Changhe would not let Ji Changze go to school to see her.

Firstly, Ji Changze is busy, secondly, he is a well-known figure, and he will definitely attract attention when he arrives at school.

Usually she went to visit Ji Changze on vacation.

Bring him something to eat, help him clean up the dormitory and so on.

Although there are guards around Ji Changze, it is clear that in Ji Changhe's eyes, his younger brother is still the child who needs someone to take care of.

The current topic of the two elder brothers and sisters has gradually changed from being a parent to a professional academic as Ji Changhe's time in the new university is getting longer and longer.

Ji Changze may not take good care of himself in life, but academically, he is definitely better than the teachers of the new university.

No matter what question Ji Changhe asked him, he could get the answer from his younger brother.

She is not a genius, just an ordinary smart student.

But she is fortunate that she is willing to endure hardship, she is studying all the time, she doesn't care about face, and she will ask other people when she encounters a problem.

Ji Changhe's progress is undoubtedly rapid.

Many students in the new university do the same.

A lot of the knowledge they have learned is the most advanced, and maybe even the front-foot countries have broken through any technology, and a new course will be added to the courses of the new university in the back-foot.

There is always waiting in line in the laboratory.

The tutors in the research room are extremely popular.

The school encourages students to spontaneously research and develop various technologies and will provide financial support. The only requirement is that the technology can be applied to the campus once the school considers it to be available.

Of course, if students really make achievements, rewards are indispensable, as well as support and financial rewards from the state.

These students are naturally inferior to Ji Changze's genius.

But they have many people, many ideas, and a country behind them. It has only been three years. There have been many changes on campus, and even in China.

Especially in the campus, because many technologies need time to test, the school becomes the best place for testing. Not only can the effect be verified, but also the suggestions of the students in the school can be given.

The school has a secret forum.

Said it is a secret, in fact, all teachers and students of the school can enter.

This forum was made by Ji Changze.

It's simple and simple.

There is an icon of this forum on the computer that every freshman is equipped with. After clicking into it, there are various categories in it.

[Suggestion Area]

It is divided into two communities, one is [Want to suggest area] and the other is [Proposal area].


There are also two communities, one is [Serious Discussion Area] and the other is [Chatting Discussion Area].

[Self-built area]

This is not just two categories. All students can create a community in the self-built area, name it at will, and those who are interested can enter.

The more people join, the more advanced.

On the far right of the forum, there is also a leaderboard.

This is Ji Changze's evil taste.

The leaderboard has no name, it is called the leaderboard directly. It was blank at the beginning. It was not until one month after the freshmen enrolled in the school that the name of a student suddenly appeared on the leaderboard.

[Study credibility first: 3516 Wang Hao]

This is a school-wide forum. As soon as Wang Hao's name comes out, how can other students not pay attention to each other.

What did he do? Why are you on the leaderboard? ?

Also, what the hell is Xuexinli? ?

When I asked Wang Hao, Wang Hao himself was also very dazed.

Asked the teacher, the teacher also said that he did not know: "The ranking is automatically calculated. Maybe Wang Hao did something."

Wang Hao was stunned for a while: "I submitted an idea to the school forum and passed it. Didn't the teacher say that the idea will be approved and will provide financial support? Is it because of this?"

Immediately, some students who were preparing the project report worked overtime and rushed out and voted in.

After being passed, his name really stood on the leaderboard.

All the students in the school were a sensation.

After all, they are young people who are more or less two-hearted. They must be able to enter a new university. Now there is a competitive ranking list, which has also aroused the desire to win.

During that period of time, when the imagination was submitted the most, there were more and more names on the rankings, until one day, Wang Hao's name was topped by the name of a new classmate.

At this time, everyone is no longer a little cute in the school but old fritters who are familiar with the road. They have been familiar in the forum for a long time. A pair of messages in the chat area immediately reached a conclusion.

The new student completed his vision.

The academic credibility has increased from more than one hundred at the beginning to three hundred and three.

The students immediately understood.

It turns out that the rankings are not only based on proposing ideas, but the scores for completing the ideas will increase even more.

More and more students started experiments.

Points will be added to the tutor's assistants, points will be added to the publication of the papers, points will be added to the top three scores, and points will be added to the scores of sports. If the things you do are applied to the school, points will still be added.

The young students are like discovering the new world, and they start to work hard every day to score points.

The forum was completely lively.

Some students began to try to put their ideas in the forum, while other students made suggestions underneath.

There is also a live broadcast of the process of students completing their ideas.

Some students posted hero posts in the forum, and invited students who have a common plan to form a group.

Ji Changhe ranks fifth in the rankings because of his own hard work and because he can ask his brother for advice every time he has any problems.

The first four are true geniuses who are both genius and hardworking. She didn't expect to surpass them. Sometimes there was a little inexplicable pride in her heart.

If Changze also went to a new university, he would definitely rank first every year.

Because of the motivation of the rankings, students in the new university prefer to do it themselves.

Principal Bai didn't have the old-fashioned ideas that most of the older generation had, and let these students do it with a smile.

The director of the finance department is going crazy.

This group of students have a wild idea. When they think about it, they come out. The last time he went for a walk in the playground, he actually saw a student digging a pit. He jumped in to measure the temperature and humidity underneath. , A group of people are still laughing there!

Most importantly, the digging shovel is tied with a red rope.

All the items applied for in the school must be tied with red strings, and they must be returned to the school when they are no longer needed.

In order to put all the weird things the students applied for, the school also specially vacated the colder first floor as an item room. All items are classified according to size, five rooms are large, five rooms are small, and all items are returned when students don't need them. Will be registered in the register, record the row number.

So when the next batch of students apply for the same item, they can go to the item room to get it.

The director of the finance department just wandered over there, and there really was everything there. He even saw a dummy, which was probably used for high-altitude experiments. The dummy fell so miserably, even if the students should have sent it before. After taking a shower, his face still cracked into spider webs.

God knows how speechless he was when he opened the room and saw a "person" with a cracked spider web face.

And now, this group of students actually applied for a shovel!

It doesn't matter if they apply for a shovel, they applied for this stuff to dig a hole in the school.

"Hello, Director Ma."

The little rascals didn't feel guilty at all when they saw him, and they greeted him with a smile. Maybe they saw him watching for a long time. Another student thought he was interested in digging and asked: "The director is coming together. Dig?"

Director of the Finance Department: "...No, come on, remember to take a shower before going back to the dormitory."

Looking at the dirt on some of the students' heads, he added: "There is also shampooing."

"Don't worry, Director, we are cute and clean, and the dormitory is tidy but it will add credits."

The director of the Finance Department looked at the few natives in front of him, and he couldn't understand the current children.

His face was full of dirt, and he was still smiling.

Wouldn't it be possible to laugh when the action is too big?

When Fang He happened to be here, the two exchanged greetings.

When he wandered around again, Fang He actually jumped into the pit and dug.

Director of the Finance Department: "..."

He should wash and sleep.

Principal Bai is very relieved that the students are pretending to be everywhere.

Make it, make it.

If you want to be pretentious, you must have money.

If you want to be rich, you have to think about it.

I mentioned that if you don't pass, you won't have money. If you pass, you can be passed by the school. If there is no danger, it's nothing. If there is a certain degree of danger, the school will arrange for a teacher to take care of the whole process.

It's like these students digging holes.

They dig around like a groundhog, and of course they will remember to fill them in after digging. It's almost eight months since this group of students put themselves on the ranking list almost every day.

They made an underground dredging robot specially used for underground operations.

Although this robot has neither a head nor feet, and the workmanship is a bit rough, it is indeed a great help to the construction of drainage pipes.

Even if it is improved, it can become a robot that can save people underground.

Not only did the school have rewards, the state also gave a reward first, and then discussed the technical issues about the purchase of this robot.

These students are the first team in the school to have the country buy technology.

Even if the allocated money is evenly divided, it is enough for them to become rich all at once.

One of the students' family was very poor, and after the money was allocated, he was completely confused.

After staying for a long time, I ran to the phone booth to call home.

It is said that as soon as the phone was connected, the man opened his mouth and said: "Dad, mom, you can save yourself so much, I, I can support you... ooh..."

After saying these two sentences, he couldn't stop crying, scaring his parents very much, thinking that his son was bullied at school, and then his friend couldn't see it, so he squeezed in and said he was happy. of.

When I heard that my son was purchased by the state for the development of robots at school, his parents were just happy and pleasantly surprised. When they heard the amount of money, they were a little frightened.

The first reaction is, true or false? Didn't you meet a liar?

How can you get so much money? ?

The two elders were really upset. They rushed all the way to the capital. Principal Bai received him personally, affirming the authenticity of the news, and seeing the money, they believed it with a sense of illusion.

This is actually true.

The country actually gave their children money.

This incident once became a hot topic in school forums.

For this, many students are even more like chicken blood, wishing that they are a sponge with eight hands every day, while absorbing all kinds of new knowledge, while working hard to open up their own way.

Regardless of the fact that Ji Changze seems to be very busy every day, he himself has the number of the new university forum, but he does not speak, just squatting in it every day to watch the campus daily.

He is 01.

Principal Bai is 02 and Teacher Fang He is 03.

When the forum function was tested, the three of them tested it.

Ji Changhe is a ruthless person who is often mentioned in forums.

A popular poster described her like this.

[This elder sister, there are not many people who are ruthless, usually very low-key, but every time she appears, she blows up the thunder, the last time the fall protection device in the air, and the new solar street light in the school, all come from Her handwriting.

I won't talk about the other things. You can go directly to the "Top 100 Achievements" to see, all her achievements are ranked in the top 30, and her roommate Fang Qi senior sister, these two people get together, it is simply. ]

The young people in the new university may be the most receptive to new things in China.

After all, there are endless inventions in schools. To be exaggerated, maybe everyone is still fanning fans today, and tomorrow they will become electric fans, and then air conditioners will be behind them.

Especially in an atmosphere where all the staff are progressing, it seems out of place to want salted fish.

In the fourth year of the new university, the first batch of students graduated.

After that, new students enter the school.

In the past four years, new universities often appeared in newspaper news, and every time a new thing appeared, there was always a 50% chance that the new university was researched and developed by new university students.

There is also a saying outside that if China is making silent changes in the spring rain, then the new university will change day by day.

In Xiaoliu Village, Zhang Yuan, the high school student who tried to correct Grandma Ji's plane instead of using a joystick, also worked hard to get admitted to the new university.

When he came to the capital for the first time, his parents were really worried, so they went to ask Ji Changhe to take care of him.

I also want to ask Ji Changze, but everyone knows that Ji Changze is busy. Furthermore, he is notoriously not able to take care of himself. Maybe he is not as good as Zhang Yuan.

They all belonged to the same village, and speaking of them, they still had some relatives, and it was a simple effort, so Ji Changhe naturally agreed.

As a distant relative in the same village and also as a school sister, she spared one day to come to her alma mater to help Zhang Yuan adapt to the school.

Compared with four years ago, most of the students were carrying quilts in large bags. Today's economy in China has become better visible to the naked eye. Ordinary families are no longer stingy with the money for that quilt. Many students simply carry their suitcases.

The same is true for Zhang Yuan, only carrying a suitcase with some clothes in it.

As for the books he used frequently, they were all sent by express.

The rise of express delivery has followed the rapid development of online shopping software. There are fast and expensive express delivery, and slow express delivery with less charge.

Zhang Yuan's book was not in a hurry, so I found a slow one.

After meeting Ji Changhe, he asked curiously: "Sister Changhe, I heard that the largest shopping software in the country was made by a student from the new university. Do you know it?"

"Yes, they are my classmates at the same level."

Ji Changhe wanted to help Zhang Yuan take the luggage, but when he hid it, she was not polite and said simply: "When he had this idea, he also posted a post on the school forum. The first batch of shops was the school. Classmates here."

The biggest characteristic of the students in the new university is their great hands-on ability.

After making many things, they find it useless, or if they plan to make something better, they put it on the store and write a price that they think is suitable and sell it.

So far, many students' shops have a lot of people collecting them. The main reason is not to buy, but to join in the fun.

After all, the students' ideas are wild and unconstrained, and the little things they gave up are more appropriate to describe them as weird than useful.

Ji Changhe remembered that she had also joined in the excitement at the beginning, made a hydraulic automatic fan machine and put it on it, and sold it at a good price. She was pleased to ask her brother to have a good meal.

Zhang Yuan got the answer, nodded and continued to look at the school environment.

Go in the main gate of the new university and walk a little further, and you can see the tracks on the left and right, and guard rails have been erected around the tracks.

Only the front point has no protective fence, which is about half a meter in length.

A car that could only sit four people in a horizontal position drove over. Although it was narrow horizontally, when viewed vertically, it was very long and long.

After the car stopped, the door just stopped at the place where there was no guard fence.


A student came out of the driver's seat and shouted to the freshmen standing in front: "The students who are going to the dormitory building 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 can get on the bus and take you all the way to the door of the dormitory."

The new students and the parents who came to see them were dumbfounded.

"Hey, is this a train?"

"There are still trains in the school?"

Zhang Yuan also looked confused, but Ji Changhe was not surprised. This car was still in production before she graduated. It seems that the speed of the schoolboys and sisters is good, and they actually caught up with the beginning of school.

She had seen the idea of ​​this campus car in the forum and took Zhang Yuan directly.

When the student driver saw her, he didn't play any tricks anymore, so he hurriedly followed the rules: "Senior Ji, why are you here?"

"A younger brother is enrolling today. I will show him."

Ji Changhe motioned to Zhang Yuan to get in the car, and got in too.

The student driver sat straight: "Senior sister, how do you think this car is done? Is there any comment?"

This is the result of their hard work for so long. Ji Changhe didn't really want to put forward suggestions in front of so many people. He just smiled and said, "If you have time in the evening, we will go to the cafeteria and say."

"Yes, yes, I must be free, see you in the cafeteria that night."

The student driver is very happy.

Ji Changhe is not the most talented among the seniors, but he is definitely the most unbiased. She can get answers to any questions. Their car is only able to ensure unimpeded traffic, but if you want to improve the speed, it is still To study.

Unexpectedly, with such good luck, Senior Sister Ji, who graduated, was actually willing to make suggestions.

"It's full, wait for the next one. The next one will be twenty minutes later."

The time is punctual, which is also the focus of the campus car testing.

Zhang Yuan saw that the other party had great respect for Sister Changhe, so he sat obediently by the window and looked out through the railing. The car drove slowly on the campus track.

Along the way, he saw a two-meter-high plant growing in a corner of the [experimental field] in the playground. There was a dummy being pushed by several people on the high-rise building of the school, sliding down something like a pipe. , There are still a few students underneath that, as soon as the dummy falls down, they immediately go forward to check.

Several toy-like airplanes flew past and landed on top of the students standing in a clearing. A voice came from inside: "The picture quality is clear. Now we will start to test the time synchronization."

A little further, there is even a lake in the school.

A few students by the lake shouted at the center of the lake: "Teacher!! Can you pull it!! Our boat is sinking!! You should let us come down and help!!!"

There was a reply from the center of the lake: "You little rascals, stand for me!! Who told you to stop the ship on holiday without knowing that it broke down!! Just want to be a warship!!"

"We threw it away! It was definitely too windy during the holidays, teacher, don't worry, we will definitely improve it. From now on, even if a typhoon blows, the boat won't be blown away!!"

It can be seen that after a vacation, many students couldn't wait to pick up their unfinished experiments as soon as they came back. There was also a man driving a "convertible" on the road. He warmly recommended to the students on the roadside: "Come try Try my car, this kind of car will have no problem climbing uphill and going down the fields, and it can drive in any difficult environment.

Come on, if it's done, it will be very useful to rescue the disaster area. Classmates come, come up and try, I have candy here, I will give you one. "

Zhang Yuan looked envious, but he was also a little puzzled: "Sister Changhe, it should be safe to rescue the disaster area. How did he make the car look like a convertible?"

Ji Changhe took a look outside and recognized that this was a classmate who still wanted to use the experimental field after graduation, and laughed: "He didn't want to make a convertible, he just spent the experimental fund that he applied for after finishing the bottom. It's over, I can only be so open."

Zhang Yuan: "..."

This reason is really... powerful and reasonable.