International students who refuse to return to China (24) (They see me as a genius and force me not to let me...)

After I took Zhang Yuan to see the whole school, I should take him to dinner again.

However, Zhang Yuan was attracted by the school's food delivery robot, and the two had a meal directly in the school cafeteria.

After he settled down, Ji Changhe went to the second floor of the canteen.

The cafeteria of their school originally had only the first floor, and the second floor was expanded. Compared with the large open environment on the first floor, the second floor is a small compartment, not to mention, it is also equipped with soundproof glass developed by the school students. , The door was closed, people outside couldn't hear what was saying inside.

So this place has slowly become a good place for many student groups to discuss their own ideas.

Since then, the aunts in the cafeteria have had one more job. When the cafeteria is about to close in the evening, they will knock on the second floor one by one, so that the students who are reluctant to leave will end today and come back tomorrow.

Ji Changhe once mentioned the situation of this campus bus to Ji Changze, and she relayed her brother's opinion today.

This group of schoolboys and sisters were full of excitement when they heard it, and they couldn't wait to modify it now.

A school girl said: "Senior sister, your brother is so amazing."

How did this family educate the children?

My sister is so strong, but my younger brother is so strong.

Ji Changhe smiled and said, "Yes, he has always been great."

She left the new university and went straight to her brother's house.

The place where Ji Changze lives is a small second floor, with red brick walls outside, and a beautiful garden. It looks similar to the home of Principal Bai.

There were already some interns standing outside, craned their necks to look in.

Seeing Ji Changhe coming, I suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Senior Sister."

"I heard that Professor Ji has never invited anyone into his home. Are we the first group?"

"I brought a little dessert that I made myself. I don't know if Professor Ji will eat it."

"I bought some fruit."

"Fuck you all brought gifts. I didn't bring anything. Hurry up and divide me some apples."

This group of students are all juniors in the new university, because they are recruited into the research base because of their outstanding talents, just like Ji Changhe in the junior year.

Some time ago, Ji Changze gave an idea. They hurriedly finished it, and they were doing very well. He seemed very happy and invited this group of students to his home to have a dinner to celebrate their achievements.

Ji Changze has always been a godlike existence at the research base.

Alone, doing things simply, often others are still in the planning stage, he has already achieved results, decathlon is not partial to discipline.

One more thing, he is a workaholic.

Only doing work during working hours, and never participating in occasions such as dinner celebrations during off-hours.

This is the first time he has invited others to dinner, and the place is still his home. How can I not let these interns be flattered?

Only after entering the research base did they realize that Ji Changhe was Ji Changze's relatives. Although they were happy to be invited, they were still a little dazed by Professor Ji. Before Ji Changhe came, they just dared to stand outside and wait.

Ji Changhe was a little funny: "What are you so scared of? Changze is a very easy person to get along with."

"No, no, Professor Ji is not a human being, he is simply a god."

They are all in the same school, and the interns will be much more lively towards Ji Changhe: "God has mercy on the world, but the world dare not approach God.

"speak English."

"The human words are, Professor Ji looks really sacred and inviolable, we only dare to look far, not to approach."

"Yes, yes, that's Professor Ji who drove the fighter directly back to China."

They twittered about how awe-inspiring and sacred Ji Changze was. Ji Changhe just wanted to laugh.

"Okay, I hope you can think about it after this meal."

She led the students in, pressing her finger on the door.

The door lock position flickered a few times, and the mechanical female voice sounded: "Fingerprint unlocked successfully, please take a step forward."

Ji Changhe took a step forward, looking directly at the camera on the door.

"Pupil unlocked successfully, welcome home."


"So advanced!"

"Is this a new technology? I know that fingerprint unlocking, and pupil unlocking is the first time I have seen you."

As Ji Changhe pushed the door open, he turned around and said, "This is how Changze's home is. Every time there is a new result, he will install it at home if he can install it at home. This is convenient for catching loopholes at all times. If you can, you can also give it a try."

"A lot of things are to be used in life. Since they are for people to use, the effect will be more intuitive if they are used by themselves every day."

The interns nodded, and there was a little excitement.

"Doesn't that mean that we can see a lot of results in Professor Ji's house?"

Ji Changhe nodded: "That's right, but the things in Changze's house are updated very quickly, so I'm not sure what I will see."

The interns all expressed their understanding.

Isn't it the same even in school?

Today a senior made a computer that makes the computer run faster, and tomorrow may be replaced by a new one from a younger student.

Not only are they accepting new things, they are also people who develop new things, and they can't understand this better.

An intern said with some curiosity and expectation: "I heard that Professor Ji was going to overhaul the house last month, and all the people who took care of him were put on vacation. Now there should be only Professor Ji in the family?"

"Huh? Isn't it that Professor Ji did it himself for today's dinner?"

"No way, I should have asked the hotel to deliver food."

It seems that Professor Ji, who has ten fingers and does not touch the Yang Chunshui, actually wants to cook and do sanitation at home, and it feels a sense of contradiction when he thinks about it.

Are discussing.

The door opened wide, and a person came over.

She has good facial features and long hair. She is wearing a floral skirt with a simple apron outside. She is slightly bent over to several people:

"Hello, are you a guest here today?"

Interns: "???"

Didn't it mean that all the people who took care of it were on vacation? ? ?

Ji Changhe: "...Yes, are you?"

Didn't she see this person with her brother before?

And the country sends people to take care of his younger brother. They are all men. Even if they send women, they wouldn't send them so good-looking, right?

Could it !

"I'm the first one and the housekeeper of this house."

The pretty woman turned around and stretched out a hand to signal everyone to follow her. As she walked, she said: "If you have any needs, please call my name."

The interns followed Ji Changhe and walked forward, muttering in their mouths.

"so beautiful."

"There is still a housekeeper these days. It is worthy of Professor Ji."

"Uuuuuu I want to have such a beautiful sister take care of me too."

Ji Changze did live in a small second floor with average height.

But the length is definitely to beat other small second floors.

Xiaoyi led them through a long corridor. When they finally reached the living room, he stopped and bowed slightly to Ji Changze, who was lying on the sofa eating potato chips, and said in a sweet voice respectfully:

"Master, today's guests are here."

Master, master? ? ?

The interns were stunned.

Ji Changhe was shocked and looked at Xiaoyi and Ji Changze at the same time. It was hard to imagine that his brother would have such a hobby.

"Huh? Coming?"

If the appearance of Ji Changze a few years ago is still uniquely handsome in China, then he is truly "sacred and inviolable" now.

The facial features are still those, and the skin is still so fair, but the body that has been meticulously taken care of for a long time is gradually becoming more refined, a person who looks up as if God is watching the world without any fluctuations.

"Kacha, Kacha..."

After nibbling on two potato chips at a time, he got up and stretched: "It just happened. I have a question for you to test."

Even if I stretch myself eating potato chips, my whole body is full of sacredness.

Even if Ji Changze has never been fierce to them, when the interns see Professor Ji, they can't help but nod their heads cautiously:

"Yes, Professor, you said."

"Come and see, what's wrong with Xiaoyi."

Interns: "???"

"I, do we look at the little girl?"

Ji Changze lifted his chin: "Little One, take your head off."

What did you take off? ? ?

They all turned to look at Xiaoyi, who smiled softly at the others.

Then raised his hands and took off his head.

Interns: "..."

They looked at the various mechanical parts under the small one and twitched their mouths slightly:

"Professor...this is a robot..."

"Otherwise? Are you still cultivating people?"

Interns: "..."

Although, this robot is too much like a real person...

They did not see robot making in school.

But there is only one thing that people can do that is completely invisible.

Ji Changhe breathed a sigh of relief.

She just said, how could my brother have such a weird hobby.

Ji Changze sat on the sofa again, eating potato chips, and said, "It's not long after Xiaoyi was completed. It's a housework robot. I'll give you half an hour to find out her problem. After finding the problem, I will give it to you. You can solve the problem in half an hour."

Interns: "..."

Sure enough, Professor Ji, a workaholic, does not forget the exam even if he is gathering at home.

An intern raised his hand weakly, trying to escape the tragedy of being taken an exam on a rest day:

"Little One can almost use fake housework robots at first sight. It is very precious and rare. Let a few of us interns check whether the repairs are not good."

"And Professor, aren't you here for dinner today? Let's check the first one, then who will cook."

It is impossible for Professor Ji to do it by himself.

"You don't need to worry about this."

Ji Changze lay down on the sofa and snapped his fingers:

"Little two."

"the host."

Another robot that was exactly the same as Xiao Yichang came over and slightly bent over to Ji Changze: "What's your order?"

"The guests are here, go and prepare the food for today's party, and we will have dinner in an hour."


Xiao Er nodded respectfully, turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Ji Changze continued to shout: "Little San."

Another robot came from the charging corner: "Master."

"Give me a massage."

"Little Si, you go cut some fruit, just one for each person."

Five minutes later, Ji Changze was eating fruit while being massaged by the robot. He turned his head slightly and ate the potato chips handed over by the robot. He did not forget to urge the interns: "What are you doing?

Interns: "..."

This robot is actually wholesale.

They could only take their fate and try to forcefully dismantle Xiao Yi to see what structure it was, and why it could be so human-like, and the impulse to walk and talk is the same, and began to check seriously.

Ji Changhe was not an intern. He didn't participate. He sat on the sofa and asked his brother, "What are you doing recently? Why did you stay closed for a month and didn't go to the base?"

"It's not the Olympics yet. Our country has been dormant for so long. Even if the economy is up now, many people in foreign countries still think that we are still the poor and backward country before."

The leaders of those other countries may be very clear about the rapid development of China, but ordinary foreigners are not so easy to believe.

After all, it is a bit difficult for an ordinary person to believe that a country can develop rapidly to the present day in a few years.

Ji Changze snapped his fingers: "Starry sky."

The entire hall immediately became dark, and countless stars floated in the sky and around, as if people were in the universe.

The interns who were still whispering research were stunned, and some people subconsciously reached out to catch the stars around them.

Ji Changze reprimanded them: "Don't be lazy, hurry up."

Seeing the interns try to stabilize their minds and then go to study Primary One, he said to his sister:

"The Olympics is a good opportunity to show my strength. I simply advanced the holographic technology in my hands and waited until the Olympics to give the world a surprise."

He issued a new order: "Ocean."

The starry sky faded away in an instant, and the waves rushed to everyone's feet with the sound. There were white clouds in the blue sky, and seagulls flew in the distance, making several calls from time to time.

"Me, my god."

An intern was sitting on the ground with a soft leg when the waves rolled up and came towards him.

Ji Changze looked over: "What's the matter?"

The intern wanted to cry without tears: "Professor, I, I'm dizzy..."

Ji Changze snapped his fingers, the waves faded away, and the surrounding area became the same as the ordinary restaurant they saw when they first came in.

The dizzy poor intern was lifted up with miserably soft legs.

Ji Changze learned a lesson this time. Before changing the scene, he asked: "Is anyone afraid of heights?"

Fortunately, no one is afraid of heights in this wave of interns.

So Ji Changze snapped his fingers again.

But unlike everyone imagined in the sky, what appeared this time was a high-altitude roller coaster.

Interns: "..."

They watched as they followed the roller coaster to fall from a height, get up, fall again, occasionally a derailment, and then connect the next one.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Screams came and went one after another in the hall.

Ji Changze didn't forget to say to them: "This high-altitude roller coaster is a game project around the Olympics. Now that you are here, look for any details that need to be corrected by the way."

Interns: "Ah, ah, ah, professor! I think it's hard to find details at such a high speed!!!"

"It's moving, and it creates a feeling that you are moving. Look carefully, it's actually not moving. Try to chop your feet, but the ground is under your feet."

The interns looked down tremblingly.

The feet were indeed solid, but the pictures they saw were high-rise buildings underneath, and the fence around them swayed from time to time, as if they could fall down anytime and anywhere.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Ji Changze held back his laugh and continued to eat potato chips.

Ji Changhe saw that he was deliberately teasing these students and asked him: "Why are you bullying them? They respect you."

"Who asked them to give me the nickname."

Ji Changze tried his best to hold back his smirking smile: "I'm spotlessly clean, it's too ugly, it made the group of students think I was a big clean fetish."

Because the school forum only accepts students to discuss inside, all many students have a sense of freedom that "people outside don't know anyway, I don't have much to talk about".

After this group of interns entered the national research base, they often posted on the school forum.

What kind of national research base is really so big?

Compared with this side, many things in the school are just a little joke.

The professor who took them was Professor Ji Changze, who returned to China in a fighter jet. Because he was too sacred, too cold, too workaholic, and always white, everyone privately called him the spotless monarch.

Ji Changze wanted to grab these interns and shake them to see if their eyes were okay and if they needed to see an ophthalmologist.

What is it that he is always pure and white. In the experimental base, who is not wearing a white coat, where there are chemical reactions, the researchers are still in protective clothing from head to toe.

Ji Changhe stopped attending school forums after he left the campus, but he also knew his brother's nickname at the base. He couldn't help but said, "They mean that you are as clean as snow, not really that you are clean."

"Snow is not clean at all, eh, the theoretical knowledge of these interns is still not enough. They are still spreading rumors at the base that I am a robot. I can really think that with such energy, it seems that I can rest in the future."

Ji Changze gave the instruction to stop, and the screaming behavior over there stopped. A group of young and energetic students panted, and there was a feeling of aftermath.

Although they were screaming, they could still hear the conversation between the two clearly. At this moment, they both cried and screamed.

A dizzy intern immediately began to show his loyalty:

"Professor, we were wrong. We won't give you a nickname anymore. What is the spotless monarch, and the fighter grant and Bawangji, we really dare not."

Ji Changze chuckled: "Oh... Fighter award, Bawang Ji, you guys are thinking about it."

Other interns: "..."

No, you repent if you repent. Why do you say all the remaining nicknames?

"Professor, it's not what you think. We are here to show respect. Didn't you come back in a fighter jet? Then the overlord is lifting the tripod because of the overlord. What we mean is that you lifted half of the institute by yourself, no, no. No, most of it."

"Our admiration for you is endless. These are not nicknames, but nicknames we gave to show our respect for you."

Ji Changze looked at the group of young people babbling with a smile, seeing them looking at themselves with a grimace, knocking on the table: "Okay, don't flatter, check Xiaoyi quickly."

The interns were relieved.

While checking, he whispered like a thief.

"How did the professor know these nicknames we gave? Don't we only talk about it in school forums?"

"It shouldn't be what the senior sister said, she has graduated and can't go to the forum."

"I heard that several seniors and seniors wanted to stay in school in order to continue to attend the school forum. I felt so sad to think that we would not be able to enter the forum after graduation."

"I'm off the subject, please check the Primary One quickly. If we can't find out what went wrong with Primary One within the specified time, what should the professor do if we get angry and let us continue the high-altitude game."

As soon as these words came out, the students were clingy, and quickly started to do things seriously.

Ji Changze watched the young people whispering, smiling very satisfied.

"They are all good seedlings."

He approached his sister and said in a low voice: "The tests I gave them before were very good, and their temperament was very good. They were especially suitable for being my students. Sister, you said I focused on training them and let them pick me up. How is the class?"

Ji Changze is not really a workaholic, but the students below have not grown up in the past few years, and the experts above are too old. He has to carry more than half of the country on his own, just like the nicknames given by this group of interns. That's it.

But Hua Guo is the Chinese state of all Chinese people, so he can't really do everything.

These interns are very talented, resistant to shocks, and can quickly immerse themselves in work. Even if they feel tired from work, they will be able to find fun and relax on their own.

It seems that the training method of the new university is really good.

Ji Changze said freely: "I will accept them as students first, and when their younger brothers and sisters come in, they will accept these people as students, so that I can retire soon."

"Also, these interns are very good."

Ji Changhe didn't want his brother to be too tired. It would be best if he was willing to accept a few students to share the burden.

"Okay, let them prepare for the Olympic Games with me for the last test."

This Olympic Games will focus the attention of the whole world on China. China is trying hard to show off its strength.

Their status in the world has indeed increased a lot, but for ordinary foreigners who still hold their own stereotypes, China is still a poor and backward place.

Naturally, Chinese people are still not respected abroad.

Racial discrimination is really unpleasant.

Just take advantage of the Olympics, once and for all, let others take a good look at what China is like today.

Ji Changhe thought about the big project of the Olympic Games.

"Well, with them, you don't have to work so hard."

In fact, Ji Changze, who didn't have much hard work at first, said: "And it's quite fun to watch such a group of young people there."

The interns who were working on the examination felt a cold neck inexplicably.

Touching his neck and looking back strangely, he saw that Professor Ji was showing a faint smile of appreciation at them.

The intern, who was still bitter just now, immediately became happy and told his companions happily: "Professor Ji is looking at us and smiling, does he think we are great?"

The other interns were excited when they heard it, and looked back furtively.


"Wow! I can actually be seen by Professor Ji with such an admiring look. Mom, I'm so excited!"

The young people quickly resurrected with blood, and they continued to work hard to make Professor Ji appreciate them more.

They deserve to be the outstanding ones coming out of the new university.

Although it was a bit of time, I managed to find out the problem with Xiaoyi and solve it successfully before the time arrived.

After eating a beautiful meal, Ji Changze slowly wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue.

"You also know that I have never accepted students. You are pretty good. I think we get along very well. I don't know if you are willing to be my students."

The interns were all dumbfounded by this huge surprise.

What is the heavenly golden pie!

This is it! ! !

Half of Jiangshan Bawang Ji is actually willing to accept them as students! !

"Willed, good teacher."

"Teacher, teacher, do we want to arrange a name? For example, brothers, sisters, and sisters."

Ji Changze showed a friendly smile: "I don't pay attention to this. If you have the will, you can arrange it by yourself in private."

"As a student of mine, I will definitely follow me to do things in the future. I am preparing for the layout of the Olympic Games recently. As you know, I am mainly responsible for the holographic part. It is a little busy, but it is also a good learning opportunity. You are willing Follow me?"

Olympic Games! ! !

This is a good opportunity to win glory for the country! !

A bunch of interns went into the set stupidly: "Willing, willing, not afraid of hard work, win glory for the country!"

"For China! We can!"

"We will do whatever the teacher does!!"

"For China to take off!!"

Ji Changze smiled more intimately and kindly: "Okay, it's my student, so let's start today, rest for half an hour, and then go upstairs to find me in half an hour."

Ji Changhe: "Do you want me to help?"

Ji Changze refused quickly:

"Sister, this is not your specialty, so don't come."

He carried his health-preserving wolfberry on the water floor.

The interns were so excited that they pulled Ji Changhe on a silly look: "Senior sister, we actually became Professor Ji's students, Professor Ji!!"

"I'm going to call my mom, oh oh oh she would be very happy if she knew that I became Professor Ji's student."

"Senior sister, do you think Professor Ji will teach us how to fly a fighter jet? If you don't, you can be a fighter jet!"

"I'm great, how can I be so great, I can actually become Professor Ji's student, how genius I need to be."

Ji Changhe next to him looked at the silly juniors, and then thought of the smiling big-tailed wolf younger brother, silently covering his face.

"You guys... come on."

Judging from what she knows about her younger brother, when Changze smiles like this, she usually catches a satisfactory and strong labor.

Last time he laughed so happily, some allied countries sent a group of researchers who wanted to study in their China.

Knowing that a group of mature researchers with a strong foundation and outstanding talents came to the base, Nagasawa happily ate an extra bowl of rice.

During that time, he took the group of researchers to complete the accumulated eighteen ideas in one go.

Because they are here to learn knowledge, and they are allies, Changze didn't hide it, so there is nothing to teach.

Of course, everyone is friends. If you want to study, you have to go together. It's rare to catch so many people who can use it with confidence. It must be time to hurry.

After studying day and night in the dark, the group of researchers did learn what they wanted to learn, that is, when they left, their eyes were straight.

Ji Changhe remembered that his younger brother sent it off when they left, and his eyes were filled with dismay. Finally, he even offered to study for a period of time, scaring them almost to the plane.

The researchers from the Allied Powers still have one day to return to China, but this group of interns who were born and raised in China would not be surprised to be with Ji Changze all the time.

Ji Changhe silently patted the shoulder of the intern closest to him: "Study hard, I'll leave first."

I hope you can hold on, come on!

The interns were excited for half an hour and then went upstairs with full of anticipation.

There must be a lot to learn, they think!

When they were two children, they couldn't hold on anymore: "Professor, there is, I can't learn."

Ji Changze smiled "Think about winning glory for the country."

In the third hour, interns: "Professor, is the intensity a little bit stronger..."

"Don't worry, I took a special test to take the students, and the intensity is within my control."

Ji Changze still smiled: "Think about China's take-off."

In the fifth hour, the interns' eyes straightened: "Professor..."

Ji Changze: "For China!"

In the new university, the students were surprised to find that the juniors who were specially recruited into the Huaguo Experimental Base hadn't posted a post for a long time.

This is not in line with the characteristics of their talk.

After some inquiries, they knew that they had been in the name of Professor Ji Changze. Yes, it was Professor Ji who was forcibly imprisoned by country K because of his excellence, and finally flew back to China in a fighter jet.

It is said that Professor Ji is accepting students for the first time, and he attaches great importance to this group of students.

The straight-listening students were envious.

Professor Ji takes the students personally.

Ouuuuu, they must be wandering in the ocean of learning and reluctant to come out at this moment.

I really envy them, they must work harder to fight for Professor Ji to be worthy of themselves.

When Ji Changze frantically feeds his students' knowledge, life always flies quickly.

Soon, the Olympics will begin.

This is an international issue. As it is about to begin, some foreigners who are trying to cheer for their own countries are gradually preparing to come to China.

In Country X, the twin brothers in an ordinary family are buying tickets to China in order to support their national team.

Before they went, their mother helped them pack their luggage, and the brother was a little speechless watching her mother actually stuffed the pillows into the suitcase: "Mom, you don't need to bring pillows. We will go to the hotel. The hotel has pillows."

"Hotels in Huaguo, who knows if there are weird bugs on the pillows, have you forgotten how poor their country is?"

The younger brother agreed with his mother, but he didn't want to take a pillow on the plane: "Isn't China already developed? They don't even dare to mess with country K now."

"That's just the development of weapons. If a country wants to develop so quickly, it is."

The two brothers really had no choice but to take advantage of their mother, so they could only quietly take out the pillows and hide them while each other was away.

"We can buy some insecticides. Even if we are bitten by insects, it should be fine to take two bites."

"Hua country should not be so bad, right now, many things on the market are made in China, and we also bought new mobile phones. I heard that the technology was bought from China."

"The computer is too."

After the two brothers cheered each other up, they embarked on the journey.

In fact, they don't have a bottom in their hearts, but first they are afraid of trouble, and second, they only stay in China for a short time anyway. Even if it is a bit difficult, they can still bear it.

On the plane, beside them sat a compatriot who also went to China to watch the Olympics.

Compared with the optimism of the two brothers, this man is more pessimistic.

"The poorer the country, the more dangerous it is. Even girls in our country dare not go out at night. I came with my girlfriend. She really wants to support our country so much. So three months ago, I I am practicing military force in order to go to China. If there is any danger, I will definitely protect her."

He also kindly said to the two brothers: "You are too thin and weak. I'm afraid you will be robbed. Why don't you go with me. I will protect you. And the three of us are walking together. The bad guys don't dare to hit our idea."

The two brothers felt that what he said made sense, and the four of them succeeded in teaming up like this.

Along the way, this elder brother who has made enough preparations for his girlfriend's safety has been teaching them: "The water must be boiled before drinking. When you arrive at the hotel, you must use a stool and table against the door. Don't go out after 7 o'clock in the evening. , If a stranger talks to you, don't answer it. In case they get confused, you sell your organs. You have to know that if people are too poor, they can do anything."

"Also, I'll give you masks. If the smell is too big, wear these to resist it."

The two brothers divided a mask, listened carefully, and felt a little nervous: "It shouldn't be so bad, right? Huaguo's mobile phones and computers are pretty good."

"Trust me, I have a friend who came to China five years ago. Although there is no danger, I heard that even cars are rare. The poor are the easiest to take risks. Let's be careful."

When the plane arrived, the four of them immediately raised their hearts, grasped each other tightly, and got off the plane in a group.

However, when they went, they were dumbfounded when they were taken to the inside of the airport by a car.

In the large, bright and beautiful airport, there are countless people standing, everything is neat and clean, the staff are wearing the same uniform, and the smiles are sweet and kind.

There is a descending transparent elevator in the distance. Most Chinese passengers are in a hurry. They have no body odor or dirty clothes. Most of them walked towards the elevator with a simple box, and some of them wore Bluetooth headsets. Talking on the phone while walking.

The four even saw a person walking in front, his suitcase sliding behind as if he had eyes.

A sweet female voice sounded in the airport. After a paragraph of Mandarin, it was changed to something they could understand:

"Passengers, welcome to the Huaguo Capital Airport. Due to the Olympic Games, foreign passengers have increased significantly. We have set up an air guide for you. Please look up in the air and follow the arrow to get out of the airport."

Air coordinates, what is that?

The four of them looked up blankly, and actually saw the arrow in the air. Under the arrow, they were written in various languages ​​from here to the airport gate.

"This arrow, it's dangling."

"It's still shiny and transparent."

"Oh my God, what kind of technology is this, it's amazing."

Many foreigners began to walk in the direction of the arrow one after another, guiding them all the way to the outside of the airport.

There are many cute little robots outside, walking around and saying in various languages: "If you need help, please talk to me."

"This is... is this a robot?"

The two brothers have only seen robots on TV. They are not as cute as this one. They approached curiously and tentatively asked: "Are you a robot?"

The little robot immediately switched to the language they used: "Yes, the little cute is a robot."

"Do you need help? Little cutie knows the map of the country, the information of nearby hotels, and can also help call a car."

"It's called Little Cutie, it's really cute."

The girlfriend of the older brother came over and asked, "Can I touch your head?"

The little robot replied with a cute voice: "Yes, but be gentle."

"Too cute! Is Hua Guo so advanced?!"

The girlfriend carefully touched the round head of the little robot, her eyes filled with affection.

The brothers tentatively asked: "We want to stay in a hotel, can you recommend us a hotel?"

"There are 30 hotels with rooms nearby..."

The hotel information was displayed on the robot's screen, and they were all translated into their language.

"Too smart, my God."

After sighing for a while, the four people finally chose a hotel under the suggestion of the little robot. It also helped them announce the taxi, hoping that the driver would speak some information in their national language.

Soon, a car stopped at the gate of the airport, and the driver came out and asked: "Mr. John, is Mr. John there? Your taxi has arrived."

The four of them didn't expect that a driver who could speak their national language would actually come, and they couldn't help but sigh as they got into the car.

The inside of the car is clean and tidy, with a bit of fragrance.

They talked all the way, and they also learned that in Huaguo nowadays, you can take a taxi on your mobile phone, and you can check it on your mobile phone for shopping and ordering to order a restaurant.

The driver was very talkative and said with a smile: "I heard that the country has been researching things that are more convenient than mobile phones. The news says that our generation is definitely the one that accepts new things best. Sometimes when you sleep, There is something new."

The hotel is here. This hotel was built two years ago and the entire exterior wall is made of beautiful soundproof glass.

Seen from the outside, it is very clear in the sun.

The four of them had never seen such a beautiful hotel. For a while, they were still a little bit afraid to enter. Fortunately, the staff standing outside saw them standing there, and they asked, and when they knew their country, they switched immediately. For the sake of their country.

"If you know so many countries, it's amazing."

The staff member smiled and said, "Because I am a robot."

Four people: "???"

They thought the staff was joking to them until the other side showed the hand of the robotic arm.

Four people: "..."

Oh my goodness.

China's development is too fast.

Actually there are robots serving as waiters.

In fact, China has not yet reached the value of real human robots. These robots are all temporarily sent by the country to receive foreign tourists.

Compared with real people learning foreign languages, it is naturally better for robots that do not speak any language as long as they type.

The four of them didn't know this, they just felt like they were dreaming.

Wasn't China still poor a few years ago?

Why, why did it develop so fast all at once?

Riding on the Rockets is not so fast, right.

After they checked into the hotel, they opened the windows and looked outside. They looked down from a height, but they saw that in the distance they could see, there was a constant flow of high-rise buildings.

They were also worried that it was too late at night to see the road for fear of danger. As a result, every building in the entire capital was lit up at 7:01. Street lights, buildings, houses, cars, some buildings used. Still colored lights.

The entire capital is bright as day.

Where is this dim place where the road is not clear, it is clearly a city that never sleeps.

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful."

The only woman is lying by the window, her eyes full of stars in the capital of China.

She looked at her boyfriend: "Are you sure your news is correct? How do I feel that China is safer than ours."

The boyfriend who specially studied martial arts three months in advance: "..."

He asked: "Did we go to the wrong country?"

How can a country really develop so well and so well in a short period of time?

Although his heart was at a loss, when he stood by the window and looked down, he couldn't help but sigh:

"It's a beautiful and magical country."