International students who refuse to return to China (end)

The Olympics has overcrowded the capital.

People from all over the world who wanted to cheer for their country came to this country that was still in poverty a few years ago, and without exception, everyone was shocked.

It's not that China has grown so fast, but that everything that has shocked China is much better than our own country.

It's like everybody got 100 points in the test. Hua Guo is a 60-point poor student. I haven't seen them in a few years, but they still got 100 points in the test, but Hua Guo rushed to a hundred and two.

Many people who came to China with a superior mentality put away the discrimination in their hearts.

People are bullying and fearing hardship.

When a country is strong enough, even people who are racially discriminatory will not dare to provoke citizens of this country at will.

In particular, China is not only developing well, but its current international status is even more offensive than country K.

In fact, most of the racial discrimination is rooted in looking down on the country behind that race, regardless of skin color.

And when China takes off, provoking the Chinese people may attract the hatred of the entire China, even if it is what you want in your heart, you will not dare to do anything on the surface.

For those who don't feel bad about China, it is a pleasant surprise to find that the country that will be staying for a long time is so beautiful and safe.

Many people are already contacting tourism projects, planning to spend some time in China after watching the Olympics.

The same goes for the foursome group, especially when they go out to play at night, and after seeing many Chinese girls playing outside freely, the only girl among the four has a huge affection for China.

"A country that allows girls to travel freely at night without fear of encountering danger must be a safe country."

What her boyfriend said to his girlfriend naturally nodded and said yes, and no longer kept talking about how poor China is and how Chinese people try to make money because of poverty.

There are a lot of people in the travel agency. Fortunately, they came early and booked tickets.

The staff member who entertained them also said that they have caught up with a good day. The new university is about to hold an exhibition of goods, and when they are ready to play, they will just go to join in the fun.

They know the new university that many new things in China are said to have come from the new university.

Although many universities in China now have the same model as the new university, in terms of the influence of all universities, the new university is still the most powerful.

After asking, the article exhibition means that some students will sell the things they have made on the periphery, but the inside is purely not for sale but only for exhibition.

It is said that local Chinese people go to see it every year, because there are many good things that can be bought at very cheap prices.

The four of them were full of expectations.

Even the anticipation of the Olympic Games was swept away by the China Tour a few days later.

It's not that I don't want to watch the Olympics, it's just that the Olympics are always the same, and when their country is on the field, everyone cheers together.

Of course, this must not be said. The four of them can be regarded as Buddhists, but there are radical fans who come to support the national team. If you hear this, you will definitely have to stare at them.

The opening day of the Olympic Games finally arrived.

The crowd was surging, and everyone sat down one after another. There were all noises all around, and several languages ​​were mixed together, and the noisy people's brains hurt.

On time, the bright field suddenly darkened.

Everyone was taken aback, looking left and right in the dark with some bewilderment.

Isn't it, on such an important occasion, the power went out?

It's also said that China is developing very well, not so miserable, right?

Amidst the jumble of conversations, the sky suddenly and slowly lit up.

A child in the crowd suddenly yelled: "Mom, look at it!"

Some people who could understand him looked up subconsciously.

A bright star quietly fell with the light on his body.

Then, two, three, four.

More and more, until finally turned into a sky full of stars.

The stars in the front began to rotate slowly, as if they were in the universe.

The stars around the audience only slowly descended.

"Oh my God!"


The audience couldn't help but exclaim, and others tried to reach the stars floating around them.

However, these stars quietly passed through their hands and fell to the ground causing a ripple.

In the starry sky, a voice sounded: "At this moment, our location is only a very small place in China."

Translations in other languages ​​also followed.

In the void, the appearance of the location where the Olympics was held was illuminated, and the camera was pulled back, all the way to the entire map of China.

"And China is just a small place for the earth."

The camera then pulled back, starting from China, and pulling it all the way back to that beautiful blue planet.

"Blue Star, everyone knows that for us, she is huge, but it can be compared with other planets..."

Many people know the contrast of celestial bodies.

But to show everyone with holographic technology, the shock is far beyond psychological preparation.

This paragraph is just an opening remark. After a quick completion, I said some things like even if we human beings are very small, we must live a good life.

At this moment, many viewers who are not very keen on sports, but just want to support the country, have begun to feel that the ones they just saw are worth the price.

Many people are still immersed in the shock just now.

The kind of shock as if you are in the universe, surrounded by planets, I am afraid that you may dream again if you dream at night.

Waiting for the stars to retreat quickly, until the last one is gone, and the surrounding lights are on, as bright as daylight again, and the warm applause sounded for a long time.

"It's so cool, I want to watch it again."

"It was just as real as if I was right next to the stars."

"Hua Guo knows too well. This country is completely different from what my father said. Fortunately, I didn't listen to him and ran over. Otherwise, it would be a shame to miss this."

The 16-day Olympics was very exciting. China won many gold medals and ranked among the best.

For those foreign audiences, when the Olympics are completely over, it is time for them to return to China or start traveling in China.

A holographic exhibition hall opened quietly.

Anyone who has bought a ticket for the Olympic Games can enter for free according to the ticket stub.

There are holographic high-altitude games, holographic deep sea adventure, holographic haunted house adventure and so on.

The haunted house adventure is the most demanding. Children are not allowed to enter, people with a history of disease are not allowed to enter, and the elderly are not allowed to enter. These are all screened, and the last person can pass the bold test before entering.

But the more people are not allowed to enter, the more some people want to enter.

After finishing a series of tests, I went in with my head held high, and when I came out, I was sweating on my head and trembling in my legs.

The holographic haunted house became famous in World War I. In the following years, it has become the world's most terrifying haunted house ranking first, attracting many people to China to challenge.

The group of four watched a white man with big muscles and bulging tall horses trembling out. After a long time, the body was still shaking, and he did not dare to go in.

The only woman was very interested, but the other three people said that she didn't want to enter. Even if she was interested, she didn't dare to go in alone, so she could only give up.

They have been playing football in China for a month.

It was not the latest to leave even when I left. I could see that the others were just a little bit reluctant to think about it, just like them.

The brothers bought a small robot at the New University Goods Show.

It is said that this little robot is useless. When it is not turned on, it will help hold the pen and set a specified time. At that time, it will walk slowly on the table and pick it up when it touches the pen placed on the table. In the pen holder.

It doesn't care about books and other things, because it can't lift it at all.

This little robot used up the pocket money saved by the brothers and the money left over from the travel fund, making them only enough to buy air tickets, so they just ate free lunch on the plane along the way.

But they think it is very worthwhile.

For a long time after I went back, I would deliberately put the pens on the table, and then watched that because they were just for fun, they were only made rough, and their faces were simple and only had a pair of small robots with big eyes that were removed from the doll and took a slow and obedient step. Step by step.

After touching the pen, he squatted down slowly, stretched out his slightly stubby hand, and with some difficulty he picked up the pen that was large for it, and then slowly stepped to the pen holder and put the pen in.

It is not an exaggeration to say that during the first time they went home, the brothers could watch the little robot picking up pens for a day.

Even their parents couldn't help but watch Curious, crowded in their room to watch.

The brothers happily told them what Hua Guo had seen.

The strength of China, the development of China, high-rise buildings, busy traffic, robotics, holographic technology, drone inspections, surveillance and automatic locking of criminal information.

"There is also this kind of robot. This is just a hand-practice work of Chinese students. When we were staying in a hotel, we saw a robot that looked like a human. If it didn't take up the sleeves, it wouldn't recognize that it was not a human."

"This kind of small robot is said to have begun mass production in China. Do you know that tea pets? People who drink tea will keep some ornaments as pets. That's probably what it means. It is said that they named this kind of small robots. Pets mean pets raised on the desktop. Ours is only a simple version."

"I heard that there are various kinds of pets, some are to help the owner clean the table, some are responsible for selling cute, and some are simply lifting and sorting items. Ours is the sort of lifting and sorting items. Our Chinese students said that it is actually a very crude version, but I think it is really the cutest little robot I have ever seen."

This night, the family was eating while listening to the two brothers. The parents' eyes were bright.

The next day, when my father came back from work, he said to his sons, "Your mother and I are going to play in China in a while, do you still want to go?"

"Go, of course, we don't need a tour guide this time. I'm familiar with the calculations over there. John is also learning Chinese."

The whole family is happy, and many families all over the world have made the same decision.

This time, the whole world knows that China is really different.

China's development is undoubtedly the fastest in the world.

The technology they eliminated will be sold to other countries that want to buy it, and after waiting for those countries to replace the technology, they will find that the newly eliminated technology is coming again.

Because of the success of the new university, most universities in China have begun to study towards the new university.

More and more students have been tapped out of their talents, the original bulky desktop computers have been eliminated, and new computers have been replaced in the university dormitories, which are thinner and smoother.

Without exception, there are school forums on every computer.

In-campus forums can only be logged in using computers sent by the school. When students graduate from school, they will never be able to return to the forum unless there is an accident.

Therefore, everyone also cherishes the four years in the school. Compared with Ji Changze's simple and rude naming, the names of other universities are much more diverse.

Tianbang, Yunbang, Fengbang, Longmenbang, etc. etc.

Anyway, this group of young children likes this how they come in Secondary Two.

In some schools, students build their own rankings.

What is the most popular list, the luckiest list, the happiest list, and the most handsome list.

The ranking system of Huaguo University once made many foreign students envy.

After all, this list is not a report card. Those with poor grades will not be on the list, and naturally they will not be publicly executed. Those with good grades enjoy the envy and admiration of everyone.

People, there are few who don't like others to admire and boast about themselves.

Adults are exaggerated to be humble. In fact, they are a little bit dark in their hearts. Minors are much simpler. In order to get this honor, they don't even need to be urged by others to work voluntarily.

When almost 70% of young people are enthusiastically making progress, not satisfied with the current status quo but thinking of upgrading themselves, it is impossible for China to continue to develop.

Ji Changze also chose to leave the rest to his students.

He began to travel around the country with the three elders of the Ji family.

The three elders who have been in mountain villages all their lives have seen the great rivers and mountains of the motherland for the first time, the technological upgrading, and the open-mindedness of this generation.

Society is becoming more and more open.

When everyone is working hard, who has time to care about what others are doing.

People used to make irresponsible remarks about divorce or unmarried, but this generation...

"It doesn't matter to me whether he is divorced or married or not, is it not good for me to read books and play games with such a little effort?"

The way of the new university education is: You can use any standard to demand yourself, but don't demand others by your own standard. That is not good for others, it is nothing to do.

On the way, the three elders met the long-haired art-seeking man. On the beautiful beach, he played and sang while holding a musical instrument that they could not discern. The people around cheered and applauded.

I have also seen a blind person traveling around with his guide dog wearing a companion watch for the blind person.

He said: "I am born blind. The outside world is full of freshness for other people, but it is full of danger to me. Since I was young, my family has asked me to stay at home and don't go out because I may be caught at any time when I go out. People hurt."

"Guide dogs can only help me lead the way, but in many cases the danger comes from the door. After I got out of this blind companion, I tried it and found that it can plan the route and avoid risks, although my family persuaded me Don't come out, but I still want to give it a try."

Even if he couldn't see it, he wanted to try his best to feel what kind of country he was in.

He hugged his guide dog and said to Grandma Ji at the beach: "Even if I can't see it, Huahua can watch it for me. It has been trapped by my side. If there is a chance, I still want to take it out to play. ."

Grandma Ji and Father Ji have never understood why some people take care of pets as their relatives.

In their cognition, cats are used to catch mice, and dogs are used to visit the door. It is good to give food and a place to sleep.

As relatives, they still sleep in a bed every day, and they feel disgusted when they hear it.

But this time I learned that for many people, no matter if they are poor or rich, sick or not, they can't see, can they talk, and pets will not leave them behind.

In the days of getting along with each other over time, relying on each other for life, and relying on each other, it is no longer just a simple pet.

Ji Changze said: "The new university has developed robot pets, and the sales are very good, but most of the people who buy them don't have pets themselves."

The three elders were a little shocked.

They really realized that China is no longer the one where everyone is immersed in work, as long as they are full, and they don't think about spiritual happiness anymore.

Nowadays, some Chinese people are looking for art, some are flying around the country to eat a satisfying meal, some are practicing yoga to build their bodies, and some are walking around ruined and abandoned villages for inspiration.

Grandma Ji still doesn't quite understand them.

But she also changed a little.

She might have said before that it was all idle.

But now she understands that this is a good life. When she doesn't have to work hard to get enough food, she can pursue her spiritual happiness.

The final conclusion: "They can be so happy, and my parent Ze Changhe has also done a lot."

Anyway, her old man never forgets to praise her two competitive children anytime and anywhere.

Because Grandma Ji is getting older, they are not in a hurry. It is common to live in a place they like for a month. This national trip has been intermittently lasting for three years before it is over.

Grandma Ji is satisfied.

In her words: I have no regrets even if I die.

Ji Changze asked if she wanted to travel around the world, but she refused. On the one hand, she did not like to do airplanes, and on the other hand, she was confident.

"Those foreign countries are definitely not as good as ours, so I won't toss."

Although this sentence is a bit arbitrary, in the current situation, it is indeed a big truth.

After the trip, Grandma Ji and Father Ji moved to the capital.

For them who have walked all over the country, the one who didn't dare to go out in the past and only dared to stay in a place familiar to them is a thing of the past.

After Ji Changze went to the new university, he only focused on leading the students, and gradually retreated behind the scenes.

Hua Guo no longer needs him to turn the tide. Many things that can surpass this era should be done by those young people.

But even if he no longer does the project himself, Ba Wang Ji's reputation is also very famous.

He has a total of seven "biography" students.

After Ji Changze left, the seven students, like their teacher, supported half of the country. Of course, everyone supported them together.

China is still developing rapidly. When Ji Changze passed away, China had found a new planet suitable for human habitation.

To commemorate this great hero who opened the prelude to the power of China, the planet was named Zexing.

Nourish all things, and enlighten life.


[Immigration Zexing are you ready? I heard that there are no intelligent creatures there, but vegetation and animals are growing vigorously. I don't know if there will be a battle between humans and local plants and animals. ]

[Didn't you say that the planet over there is more than ten times larger than the Blue Star? Didn't the experts say to live in the protective cover first? ]

[Nowadays, a trip to Zexing still consumes too many resources. I'll wait until both sides can pass through normally. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient to move in with friends and relatives here. ]

[Why it will take a few years, it's okay, I can afford it anyway. ]

[Fuck! Go look at the hot search, Ji Changze's diary has been published. ]

[what? public? Who made it public? Ji Changze has only passed away ten years. ]

[Said it was the death of the agent who was placed next to him when he was imprisoned in K country. Her child found Ji Changze's diary while packing up her belongings, which recorded the daily life of Mr. Ji Changze when he was imprisoned in K country. ]

[Ji Changze is imprisoned? K country dare to imprison our people in China? ? ? Is there no cannon in China? ? ]

One person replied to this layer:

[Is there a kid upstairs, have you learned history? When Mr. Ji Changze was imprisoned, our country in China was not the way it is now. At that time, even country K was able to bully us, wandering around our country unscrupulously, and forcibly detaining our talents. It was after Mr. Changze Ji returned to China that our country gradually opened up all the way. Become the way it is now. ]

[K countryman is also too hateful. We imprisoned our talents at the beginning, but now we have to show his scars for everyone to see. That's how National Dad looks at it! Come on! Ask them to stop this behavior! ]

A group of people were angry, and someone suddenly said: [Have you not seen the specific content of the diary? ]



What content?

A group of people hurriedly ran to search for the content.

After watching, everyone was silent collectively.

Look at this full article: [Country K is really sad, ah, I just want to drink a glass of authentic Chinese tea, tea from China, and water from China's mountain spring water. ]

[XXX in the lab, I smiled at him, he didn't give me a smile, I'm so sad, it's better for Hua Guo, everyone will smile at me, no, it's really sad today, I don't want to do anything. Tomorrow, take a day off and sleep at home. It happens to be a good night to sleep on a rainy day. ]

[Xxx was actually transferred to another department, and the above also talked to me, saying that he was transferred away because he was afraid that he would affect me. What do they mean? Are they laughing at my glass heart? I'm so sad, ask for leave tomorrow. ]

[The bed is really too soft. I asked Eliza to take down a few dozen cushions on the bed. She actually said that I complained a while ago that the bed was too hard and she put more than a dozen mattresses. Can't she make the bed hard and soft? Woo...Hua Guo's mattress is fine, I can sleep well in China. ]

[The milk in China is still delicious, but I still refused to return to China today. ]

[They put me under house arrest. I was so angry that they smashed a room of experimental equipment, but it made me tired and so angry. These people can't even sing and dance, and they can't make me feel bored when I'm bored. How can I have the face to force me to stay. ]

[Today they actually found me a female singer of country K to sing. What did they sing? That woman was also interesting to me, God, the pores on my face are thinner than hers. Who gave her? confidence. ]

[Ah, I really can't bear that the steamed dumplings I bought from China have to be heated again, and their planes are too slow. Today is still a day to look at the moon and miss home. ]

Looking at the time, a few days after this diary was written, Ji Changze drove back to China in a fighter jet, and brought Jonah with him by the way.

There are many and many diaries of this kind.

The crowd eating melons after watching: "..."

How do you look at it... it doesn't look like you are suffering...

But looking back at the previous news, even though the public opinion at the time was saying that country K was abusing talents, it was also Jonah who was abusive. Because everyone's attention was on the fighter jets, the two countries have always been fighting. .

Before, everyone rushed over in a hurry, and there was a lot of anger that "you dare to bully our country's treasure researcher".

As a result, come and take a look.

It seems that my own treasure is bullying others, ah, that's okay.

[But Mr. Ji Changze, is this actually the case? Look at him to complain about K country food is not delicious, the babysitter is too stupid, so cute hahahaha. ]

[Ji Changze has always been lovely. Before he died, he prepared a tombstone for himself. It said: Please don't always visit me, you will disturb me. ]

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, because Xiaolongbao is not delicious, so do you directly fly a fighter jet and return home? Killing me. ]

[Don't get me wrong upstairs, Mr. Ji Changze has always wanted to return to China. At the beginning, country K forced him to make some unpatriotic remarks. He still used secret words in the paper to ask for help. Unfortunately, no one understood it at the time, so he missed it. More than half a year has passed.

He failed to escape. In order to catch him and search the residences of Chinese students, the two Chinese students found out that there was something wrong and reported them to the country. The country sent people to investigate and successfully matched the whispers. ]

[It's a tortuous experience, if it weren't for this time, Ji Changze was complaining in his diary that the babysitter Alisha did not sing the lullaby. ]

[Country K indeed abused talents from other countries, but it is estimated that it did not dare to abuse Mr. Ji Changze's level. If it was really abused, Mr. Ji Changze's temper would have been directly with them. . ]

[Fuck! Along with the diary, there are also paintings drawn by Mr. Ji Changze. ]

[What's wrong with painting? Mr. Ji Changze often paints. Isn't it common to have paintings left in country K? ]

[No, when Grandpa Ji returned to China, didn't China announce the way to successfully connect? Just based on a painting, this painting may also have something different. ]

Several paintings were transferred everywhere, and some people searched for the book "Five Thousand Years of Hua Guo", trying to find out the answer from this code book that is known to be used by Ji Changze.

After a vigorous search, there was still no result.

Almost everyone thought these were just ordinary paintings. At this time, a twelve-year-old kid found it based on a search at home. It is said that it was a book his grandmother loved to read before "Teach You How to Make Food." "Translated.

The first sentence is: plan one, build a plane by yourself and drive back (forget it, remodel it, it will be too time-consuming to build).

This was actually Ji Changze's plan when he was about to return to China.

The whole country was a sensation.

"Teach you how to cook food" is a book from so long ago. Once this happened, it was hard to find a book, and people with flexible minds started buying books at high prices and then copying them to others.

More and more content has been cracked out.

Ji Changze is worthy of being Ji Changze. Although everyone knew that he must have been planning for a long time, he did not expect that he had made so many preparations to go back.

Someone briefly summarized it.

Plan 2: Make a stealth cloak and get on the plane (Forget it, it's hard to hide this stuff)

Plan 3: Be a weapon, bomb the research institute, or directly bomb the entire country K (no, I can't be so violent)

Plan 4: Flying car (too time-consuming)

In addition to these, there is 56789 underneath. It can be seen that Ji Changze has thought about many ways very seriously, and finally chose to fly the fighter jet directly back.

There is also a special note below: remember to hide my property in advance, especially the big golden bull, which is solid.

If these contents were unraveled when Ji Changze just returned to China, it might attract some ridicule.

But now, looking back on the past, the whole world cannot deny that Ji Changze really has the ability to blow up the entire K country and retreat.

A scientific researcher who can directly blow up the entire country is still worried about his own property before running away. This kind of contrast really makes people feel...

How can he be so cute! !

[Uuuuuuu I am just ten years old this year. I haven't even seen Grandpa Ji once. I really want to see him with my own eyes and see how great and humorous he is. ]

[Kids don't think too beautiful. I met Grandpa Ji when I was a kid. He likes to pinch the meat on a child's face. He said that the meat is funny. My mother is a student of Grandma Changhe and took me to Ji's family gatherings. Of the twelve children present at the time, none of them could escape Grandpa Ji's "bad hands". My parents were still happy and didn't wash my face for a day. ]

[Grandpa Ji seems to have this kind of evil taste. I heard that he likes to watch students wailing and learning. He used to ask questions every year for the college entrance examination. Once the Education Bureau was afraid that he was not invited by his hard work, he took the initiative to ask for it. ]

[Yes, yes, I remember that one year he wrote an essay title: please come and praise Ji Changze, a Chinese man, it is so simple and rude to listen to rainbow fart, I heard that he was recuperating in the hospital at that time, and the content of the college entrance examination composition was uploaded to the composition After the library, he watched and laughed, whether there was still news at the time. ]

[I found the link to that news and posted it]

Punching the link, it was Ji Changze sitting on the hospital bed holding a bookboard dedicated to reading the question bank. A young reporter was asking him:

"Excuse me, how do you feel when you see these compliments about you? Are you very happy?"

Ji Changze, who is obviously old but still a handsome grandfather, gave a dry cough, clenched his fist against his mouth, and said:

"Actually, I am not a person who smiles happily when others praise myself. When I read these compositions, I read them with a serious and critical mood. So no matter how much they praise, my The heart is calm, well, that's it."

However, the corners of his mouth, who was calm inside, almost couldn't hold back.

[He lied! I saw! He laughed so happily! ! ]

[A serious nonsense hahahahaha]

[I saw that the reporter was also holding back a smile, and it was really hard to hold back. ]

The next picture is of the reporter facing the screen: "Professor Ji is still ill, facing a full screen of boasting, but he can remain serious. It can only be admired to say that it is really..."

After being blurred, Ji Changze's smiling shoulders can still be seen faintly shaking.

[Large-scale rollover site. ]

[I saw! Grandpa Ji laughed so loudly! ]

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, my god, he laughed because the ceiling could not be blocked]

[Understandable, who can hold back happiness after being praised]

[By the way, do you remember that you digressed, aren't we discussing Ji Changze's 1 to 9 plan? ]

[K country trembling: thank the ancestors for not bombing us]

[Speaking of Grandpa Ji's 10 plans, have you seen it? ]

[That's just a spoof, it's obviously impossible to come true. ]

[Yes, Grandpa Ji, who likes to joke so much, probably wrote it by himself. ]

Plan 10: Open the space-time tunnel, and let the parallel space-time person come and solve it by himself (this trick is not good, if it comes, he might be lazy than me).

[Parallel time and space or something, it must be fake, time and space travel is almost the same. ]

[Speaking of traversing, do you think Ji Changze is like a traverser, the kind from interstellar. ]

[Why don't you say that he is from outside the universe, but people are geniuses from childhood to most. ]

[So you are digressing again, saying that today is the New Star Festival, and it is the day when it is announced that humans can immigrate to Zexing. Everyone is celebrating, don't you go play it? ]

[I'm chatting while playing, it's right. ]

New Star Festival, commemorating the day when a new planet was discovered.

The whole China is very lively. Numerous fake balloons fly above, gorgeous fireworks blooming everywhere, under the beautiful night scene, people play in groups in twos and threes, children line up for cotton candy, surrounded by robots who take care of the children.

A child got marshmallows and planned to go to the playground in front of them while eating.

As I walked, I suddenly saw an adult standing in front of me.

The clothes on his body were gray and black, and his hair was combed like the hair of people in the nostalgic movie I watched a while ago, and he was wearing cloth shoes under his feet, and his face looked haggard because of illness.

He was staring at the surrounding scenes in a daze, and when the people around him passed by with a smile, he shrank a little awkwardly, not allowing himself to touch others.

"Grandpa, are you lost?"

The child has taken a safety class and there are security robots around him. He stepped forward without fear and asked: "You can't remember how the road at home went?"

There is an old man suffering from Alzheimer's near his home, but his mother said that the country has been working hard to study, and it may be a few years later that Alzheimer's can be cured.

"Hello there."

The strange adult squatted down and asked, "Where is this? Do people come here when they die?"

"This is the capital. Grandpa, don't you remember where your home is? Let me call you a robot."

The child felt that this adult was so pitiful, he couldn't tell whether a person was alive or dead.

"The capital? How could it be the capital?"

The old man chanted a few words and asked, "Which country's capital is it?"

"Hua, the capital of our country is the most beautiful. Grandpa, are you traveling from other countries? You have to go to the embassy in this case."

"Hua Guo?"

The old man was shocked, turned around blankly, and looked at the city in his eyes that was so prosperous that it was beyond belief that it was the real world.

"Kid, can you tell me how many years is today?"

"In 2076, grandpa, you are so poor, I forgot the year."

Is this what China will look like a hundred years from now?

The old man blinked and slowly smiled.

A little girl turned the windmill in her hand and ran over, and accidentally ran into the old man, but she did not apologize at all, but said to the child: "Should you go play together."

The child accused her: "How can you not apologize for hitting someone."

"People? Where is anyone?"

"Isn't it right here? An old grandfather who can't remember things must be sick..."

The child pointed to the place where the old man was standing, but only saw a clearing.

He was stunned and touched the back of his head: "Strange, why is it missing?"

"Maybe the medical robot found him, let's go, let's go play together, look at my windmill..."

The child didn't think too much, after thinking for a while, he went into the playground with the little girl.

For children, today is still a happy day.

And Ji Changze has opened his eyes again.

He looked around.

The tenth year of the last days.