He who snatches the saber of the orphan in the last days (1)

After modification, the motorbike with the lowest sound and the super-fast speed drove fast on the dilapidated bridge. On both sides of the bridge, there are the crows who are standing above and screaming ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I found that I was driving a motorcycle. If it weren't for Ji Changze's quick reaction, he almost rushed down the bridge with the people and the car.

Seeing him stop suddenly, the entire convoy behind him stopped quickly, and the nearest person next to Ji Changze rode up to him, took off his helmet and revealed a young face:

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Ji Changze calmly said, "It's okay."

Oh, this is just a break.

Although I don't know what is good about this bridge, which has been walked so many times, the young man still got out of the car and raised his hand to announce:


The people behind immediately turned over from the motorcycle in twos and threes, took off their helmets, ate food, and drank water.

Ji Changze leaned against the bridge, and went down to the place that originally belonged to the river. At this moment, the inside was completely dry, and countless shriveled zombies were reaching out to them underneath.

"It's really bad luck to watch them every day from this passage."

The young man cursed and asked Ji Changze: "Boss, the time is almost up, we have to choose a day to shoot another batch, otherwise if one of them climbs up with a higher level, it will be troublesome."

"Boss, why are you ignoring me, boss, what are you thinking?"

Ji Changze glanced at his subordinates lightly, and drove him aside: "Go away."

The young man wants to say that the boss, you are really getting more and more fierce recently.

But in the end, he still didn't dare to defy the opponent, so he could only slip to the other side to blow the air.

No one bothered him anymore, and Ji Changze looked at the complete memory in detail.

This world is commissioned by the original owner.

It's like the memory I received when I first came, now it is the tenth year of the end.

Ten years ago, the end of the world came and a lot of fog swept the world. Some people were immune to the fog, but some people suffocated and died under the attack of the fog.

When they opened their eyes again, these dead people became monster zombies that had no instincts and only pursued humans as food.

At the same time, most of the technology-related equipment failed and lost the protection of technology, and the surviving humans are like lambs.

Just like in the movie, humans will die soon after being bitten by a zombie, even if it is just a small opening.

Death was only a second, and the one who opened his eyes again was a zombie.

In half a year, the number of human beings has dropped drastically, and national governments all over the world no longer exist. When one year has passed, it is like a miracle. Among the human beings who can only rely on brute force and tactics to fight against zombies one after another A supernatural person appeared.

The power of the supernatural person turned the disadvantaged scene that had been suppressed and beaten up, but it was not only human beings who had awakened, but also plants and animals.

The humans falling from the top of the biological chain have to fight against the three powerful enemies of zombies, plants, and animals at the same time.

The good news is that ability players can be upgraded. The way to upgrade is to absorb crystal nuclei that are the same as their own abilities, and crystal nuclei can be found in the heads of zombies, the hearts of animals, and the roots of plants.

Crystal nuclei quickly became the currency of human circulation, and were divided into levels one to nine based on color and energy. Similarly, human abilities were also divided into levels one to nine.

The conditions for absorbing crystal nuclei are also very harsh.

Low-level crystal nuclei have no effect on high-level ability players, and crystal nuclei with different attributes from the ability player cannot be absorbed. If the crystal nucleus with a higher level than the ability player is forcibly absorbed, it may not support such a large energy explosion and die.

No matter how powerful the abilities are, they can't walk alone, and the base came into being.

Some powerful abilities establish a base, recruit survivors and those who do not have their own powerful abilities. The weaker people work in the base and live a hard but barely surviving life. The powerful people go out of the base to find supplies and fight zombies. Take the crystal core.

In the last days, the strong is respected.

The base where the original owner was located was called Yinghe Base, which was named because it was established on Yinghe Island.

Yinghe Island is a tourist attraction before the end of the world. It is large and has a stable ecological environment. The entire island is surrounded by Yinghe River and can only be accessed by a bridge.

After the end of the world, there was a global earthquake, and the water in the Yinghe River dried up overnight. Its water depth was about 80 meters. When there was no water, the zombies would never be able to climb up if they were thrown down. Similarly, if a person falls down. , If you don't fall to death, you will also be bitten to death by black and crushed zombies.

Most of the zombies have lost their eyes since the second year of the apocalypse, but they seem to be able to feel the smell and blood of living people naturally, and they often follow a group of zombies and run streaking behind whenever there is a disturbance.

Yinghe base tentatively threw many zombies into the river. After the accumulation of zombies, perhaps the scent of many zombies overwhelmed the odor of residents on the island base, and those who were originally located eight hundred miles away would also rush over. The zombies who had the meal finally calmed down, and no longer rushed toward this side intently.

So the zombies in Yinghe have become a natural barrier for Yinghe base. Every once in a while, there will be supernatural players out to attract the zombies outside to come back and lead them to plunge into the river.

The reason why "defensive materials" are added every once in a while is because some alien species occasionally emerge from zombies. Although they are also more interested in humans, they will also hunt zombies and eat the crystal nuclei in their heads. Order.

In order to prevent high-level zombies from being raised by their own hands, Yinghe Base will hunt and kill high-level zombies in the river every once in a while to prevent it from actually climbing more than 80 meters into the base.

The identity of the original owner is the boss of the base.

This good idea of ​​using the zombies as a protective cover to protect the entire base from the eyes of the zombies is naturally... not from him.

It is the former boss of the base, Ji Rong.

Ji Rong, a fire type supernatural ability player, has an ability of up to level 8. He once broke into a city full of zombies and mutated animals and plants alone, and was able to free his hands to bring out a child from it.

Not to mention the strength, the most important thing is that he still has the courage and strategy. This method of turning the enemy's corpse into a protective cover was Ji Rong thought out and implemented it successfully.

And what he is most famous for is not his strong combat power, but his weapon, a sword.

In the last days, there will be all kinds of fantasy things, with high-level abilities, high-level zombies, high-level animals and plants, and naturally high-level weapons.

It's impossible for the ability players to fight with their bare hands. Otherwise, a fist hits the zombie's head, and the zombie's head is cracked, and the hands of the ability person will also shed some blood.

Poisoned by the corpse, it is not directly dead.

So all kinds of weird weapons were born.

Powerful abilities are easy to find, but powerful weapons are hard to find.

Ji Rong's weapon was more normal than those meteor hammer meniscus, it was a beautiful sword.

This sword was made by Ji Rong after killing an eighth-level strange beast that broke into the base, using a piece of the opponent's bone that could not be burnt.

When he was building this sword, everyone was already learning the method of refining, adding crystal nuclei, adding poison, and adding everything.

Most people throw in crystal nuclei that they don't need, but Ji Rong is different. He also builds high-order crystal nuclei of his own system.

In the end, he created the world's first level 9 weapon.

Even if it is an ordinary Level 2 ability person, holding this sword can kill Level 5 mutant beasts more than 3 levels, not to mention Ji Rong, who is already on the ceiling of Level 8.

Everyone will only admire a hero with a good sword.

But when Ji Rong and the ninth-level zombie king died together, this sword would only attract the coveting of many people.

This is the first and only level 9 weapon.

Ji Rong was indeed very powerful before he got this sword, but after he got the sword, he could directly sling other bosses of the same level in the base.

Let me ask, in the last days when the value of force is equal to the value of safety, who doesn't want to get that sword.

The original owner also thought.

To be honest, the original owner can be regarded as a very powerful person, but Ji Rong has always covered all his glory, and he is both at the eighth level. He will always be the second in command. Ji Rong only took the position after his death.

Before Ji Rong's death, everyone firmly believed that the original owner was the most loyal subordinate around Ji Rong.

Because his life was saved by Ji Rong.

In the early days of the last days, no one cares about anyone. After two years of the last days, the supernaturalists can survive fairly well, but ordinary people can only survive hard, and ordinary children without the protection of their parents are even more miserable.

The original owner is such a miserable orphan. He was only seven years old when the end of the world started. Compared to other people, his parents will take protection, or neighbors, before they leave. He will also kindly help the evacuated children. The original owner compares awful.

His parents are wanted criminals. Since the birth of the original owner, they have been hiding with them. They have no relatives, no friends, no identity, and no school.

When the end of the world came, his parents both became zombies, because they were taking a nap when they mutated, and they were afraid that the original owner would wake up the two and locked the door, and the original owner escaped.

It was only because of the hiding of the family. When the army was still active in the early days and the people of the city were evacuated, the original owner was left behind.

The seven-year-old original owner didn't understand what was going on outside, didn't know what happened, and no one taught him, no one remembered him. He found that he had a strange ability, so he fumbled with this ability to fight monsters.

He crawled to other people's homes to find food that they hadn't had time to take away, received rainwater to drink, dressed in inappropriate clothes, and hid on the roof where the zombies could not go to sleep.

After two years, no one talked to him or taught him knowledge. When the original owner was discovered by Ji Rong, who had rushed to the city on horseback to find medicine for his wife, he could no longer speak.

Ji Rong took him back, asked him to follow his surname, named him Changze, taught him hand in hand, taught him patiently, sent him to school, gave him crystal nucleus to advance, and took him out for tasks.

However, the original owner has no gratitude.

I don't know if it was born, or because he could only see zombies in the two years of being alone, he didn't have many soft emotions, nor could he perceive the various emotions that ordinary people can easily perceive.

Gratitude, trust, and happiness, these feelings that can be easily obtained by ordinary people, to the original owner, are like the kind of sound insulation and bulletproof with a thick layer of glass.

He trained desperately and stayed with Ji Rong every step of the way, not because he regarded him as an older brother, nor because of his loyalty, but because Ji Rong was the strongest person he had ever seen.

In the eyes of others, the original owner is taciturn, always dressed in black, with a scabbard, with neat movements and powerful abilities. He was raised by Ji Rong. No matter how dangerous the task is, he will take over without hesitation. It is Ji Rong. The most loyal brother.

In fact, the original owner just wants to become stronger.

As for anything else, he doesn't care.

Only when the mission is dangerous can you break through yourself, and you can keep in contact with the danger by staying with Ji Rong.

His weapon was given by Ji Rong, and it was the scabbard of that ninth-level sword, which was built by Ji Rong when he made the sword.

The original owner made it clear that he liked the sword, but even if Ji Rong treated him as his own younger brother, he couldn't give him his weapon, so he stepped back and gave him a scabbard of the same material.

No one knows what the original owner thought after getting the scabbard: When he is stronger than Ji Rong in the future, he must defeat him and get the sword.

Others only saw him carry the scabbard with him. It was the scabbard of a level 9 weapon. Although it was a scabbard, it was said that it was equivalent to a level 8 weapon, so this became Ji Rong who regarded him as his own brother. Proof.

No matter how you look at it, Ji Rong gave everything to the original owner.

Ji Rong did indeed take care of the other party as his younger brother.

As a result, as soon as Ji Rong died, the original owner immediately took the position of the boss of the base. He didn't mean to take care of Ji Rong's wife and child, and even clearly had a coveted ninth-level weapon.

Ji Rong has an heir. The reason why he ventured to find medicine in the city full of zombies was because his wife was pregnant and could not take many medicines. In the situation at that time, there was no such medicine outside. He can only go to this zombie city where no one else has stepped into it.

In the end, he bought one, get one free. Not only did he find the medicine, but he also found the original owner who was only seven years old. He pityed that the original owner had no father or mother for two years like a savage life. It is reasonable to say that he should be sent to the base orphanage.

But maybe it was because the original master's abilities were both fire elements with him, maybe it was because he was about to become a father and his love was overwhelming. After hesitating for a while, he still directly raised the original owner by his side for eight years.

His wife gave birth to a boy shortly after the original owner was taken back.

When Ji Rong died, the child had just turned eight years old. The children born after the end of the world were already awakening the abilities one after another. No one knew if the child would suddenly activate the abilities on which day.

Before the death of his father, the child had always been raised as a successor.

Ji Rong is a very good person, and there are many loyal subordinates. According to them, regardless of whether the child has abilities or not, he should be supported as the boss.

After all, it is Ji Rong's child, but he built the base alone, even if he is not capable now, with their old subordinates supporting it, the base can still operate normally.

When the child grows up, awakens the ability, and has the entire base as the backing, even if he can't become an unusually powerful ability like his father, level 7 is fine.

The situation is as if the emperor passed away due to an accident, the prince was young, and the courtiers planned to support the prince's supremacy. They would survive the previous few years. When the prince grows up, he will naturally be able to secure the throne.

As a result, the prince's cheap emperor directly seized power and sat on the throne.

If only this is the case, the most important thing is that he still does not give the crown prince the king.

Originally the most honorable "Queen" and "Prince" in the base, they suddenly became "civilians", and the original owner's wolfish ambition was shown to the fullest in the eyes of others.

Ji Rong rescued him, raised him, took care of him, and brought him a wild boy brought back from the city to the respected second-in-command at the base. What happened to him?

Once someone died, he didn't take care of his sister-in-law and nephew, and he went to snatch things that belonged to them.

The most outrageous thing is that he still wants the sword that Ji Rong left behind.

This sword was indeed strong. Ji Rong blew himself up before his death, and the Zombie King was blown away. It was fortunately undamaged.

With such a sword, the seventh level can also leapfrog the ninth level, and the eighth level can take away the zombie king. Ji Rong is gone. This sword belongs to him. His loyal subordinates naturally think that this sword should be left to him. Ji Rong's only son.

This is the only guarantee that Ji Rong left for his wife and children.

The original owner couldn't understand why his former colleagues refused to let him get that sword. In his opinion, since Ji Rong has passed away, he is the strongest person in the entire base.

Then he can get this sword naturally.

After the original owner who had his own set of logic divided all these people who blocked him into the enemy camp, he wondered whether he could fight, but he could not fight so many people, so he could only change it to "Can't fight for the time being. Enemy camp".

In the end, even if the base changed hands, it was divided into two camps.

One is the new base faction led by the original owner.

The other is the old subordinates who insist on protecting Ji Rong's wife and children.

Of course, this division of factions is only done in private, and no one will really jump out and say to the eighth-level fire superpowers: Hahahahaha I just oppose you and you hit me.

If they were unhappy with the original owner being the boss, that would not be considered true.

After all, to be the boss, either you are strong enough or there are other reasons, such as Ji Rong's son, who is only eight years old this year.

He hasn't awakened his abilities yet, he is young, but he is Ji Rong's son who created Yinghe Base. There are many uncles and uncles with high abilities who are willing to support him, that's enough.

And the strength of the original owner is indeed the strongest in the base. If there is no such thing as the past, and his indifferent attitude, others will definitely not object to him being the boss.

If the original owner discusses with them, saying things like "The base can't really be handed over to a child, you let me be the boss, I promise to treat them mother and child well", these old subordinates will not react so fiercely.

But the problem is that the original owner is in this posture.

Taking the base away, and not taking care of the wife and children of the original boss, now even the relics left by Ji Rong are robbed.

Pooh! shameless!

If they really let the other party continue so rampantly, wouldn't they wait to see the orphans and widows being bullied?

Ji Rong's vision is really good. Most of his subordinates at Yinghe Base are trustworthy people.

Even the original owner, others thought it was Ji Rong who had missed it, but if you look at it from the perspective of God, the original owner is really harmless.

He simply doesn't understand those emotions, what kind of life-saving grace, and getting along day and night is like brother's feelings, and the original owner can't feel it at all.

He just wants to be strong.

Become the boss of the base, you can become stronger, he just did it.

As for taking care of Ji Rong's wife and children, because Ji Rong's wife was his sister-in-law, and Ji Rong's son kept calling his uncle, he should treat them kindly and so on. The original owner simply couldn't understand. .

Ji Rong took care of him, his sister-in-law always called him to eat at home, and his nephew called his uncle, and he was watching him grow up. None of these left any ripples in the heart of the original owner.

He wants to take the sword, it is also because the sword can make him stronger.

Bullying orphans and widows was purely because others had misunderstood it. When Ji Rong was alive, he wanted that sword too.

However, no one can understand the brain circuit of the original owner.

In the eyes of other people, he was a wolf-hearted, wolf-hearted, white-eyed wolf. Ji Rong taught Ji Rong everything. As a result, Ji Rong was loyal and listened to what Ji Rong said when he was alive. There is no day when he leaves. , I can't wait to sit on the throne of the boss.

He also bullied orphans and widows, wanting Ji Rong's ninth-level sword.

Who dares to trust such a person?

Until the end, the original owner couldn't help the people who protected Ji Rong's wife and children, and those people couldn't help him.

And he is not the only one who covets the ninth-level sword.

Some people who also wanted the ninth-level sword in these two camps instigated various disagreements, and finally turned their originally secret battles to the ground.

The infighting at Yinghe base gave other bases a chance. The turning point was that the boss of the base who had always wanted a ninth level sword got a ninth level weapon.

It's just that this weapon refuses to recognize the opponent, and its power is greatly reduced. The black-faced boss is stimulated, and he wants to get a ninth-level sword with all his heart.

He united with the other two bases to encircle and suppress, and also introduced zombies into the base. The original owner thought for a while and felt that he couldn't beat them. It happened that everyone in the base was going to respond to the enemy. He stunned more than a dozen abilities that protected the mother and son outside. The elder and sister-in-law took the ninth-level sword that was left in the child's hand to save his life and went to fight the enemy.

As a result, the enemy was repulsed, and when he came back, Ji Rong's only son was dead.

Eaten by an ordinary zombie, only half of his body was left.

The people of the "Prince Guardian faction" had arranged very well. Although the sister-in-law is a relatively mild and harmless healing system, it is at least level 5 and has the ability to protect itself, and can also drive away zombies.

And Ji Rong's only son had just awakened the ability, which was also a fire element. Once awakened, he was level two, and the ninth level sword in his hand could supply him with energy, and the zombies below level six couldn't help both mother and child.

In addition, the more chaotic they are, the less they will relax their vigilance, and they have sent more than a dozen supernaturalists to protect them nearby.

In the end, who knew that the original owner had just shot it.

He still remembered that people who fainted might be eaten by zombies and threw all the fainted people on the roof.

After that, he quickly cleared the surrounding zombies, and then left.

No one knows how the zombies entered the deepest protected place.

After the original owner removed the layers of protection around the child, a group of zombies entered the home of the mother and son.

How could an eight-year-old child without a ninth-level sword for life-saving and energy storage be able to face danger with his newly awakened abilities alone.

It can be seen that the children have resisted, and there are traces of fire in the house, and there are more than a dozen zombies on the ground.

At such a young age, he could kill more than a dozen zombies by himself soon after awakening. It can be seen that as long as there is no accident, he will definitely become a powerful supernatural person like his father in the future.

But he has no future.

He is too young, and he is only second level. Uncles and uncles think that he has a ninth-level sword in his hand to provide energy, and he did not leave him with a fire-type crystal nucleus for energy storage. He only left him with a cure that he could not absorb. Department of crystal nucleus.

No matter how strong the resistance is, when the energy in the body is used up, it can only be slaughtered.

The gentle one, the sister-in-law who let the original owner go to eat and sewed clothes for the original owner was hysterical for the first time, and grabbed the original owner's collar and demanded his life.

The original owner was also dumbfounded.

He couldn't figure it out, he just grabbed the sword, why did his nephew die?

Haven't all the surrounding zombies been killed by him?

He couldn't understand the emotions of other people, but looking at the one who was still calling his uncle before, he watched the grown-up child die so miserably, there was still a sentimental feeling in his heart that he had never felt before.

Yinghe base was saved.

The child who was supposed to be loved and grew up to become a high-level supernatural person died in this chaos.

His mother was overwhelmed, vomited blood and fainted, and never woke up again.

Those old subordinates completely tore their faces with the original owner. The original owner saw that they were leaving the Yinghe base and simply left by themselves.

He became a rare wanderer in the last days.

After walking all the way, I also thought about it all the way.

The original owner couldn't figure out what he did wrong.

He just wants to be stronger, just wants that sword.

Why shouldn't he get that sword? Why are zombies appearing in the house? Why do they say that he is sorry for his elder brother, why his sister-in-law still tried to kill him before he died, and why everyone said he was a white-eyed wolf.

why why why.

His goal is to become the strongest and challenge the strong along the way.

Challenges again and again, victories again and again.

When no one could beat him in the end, the goal was achieved, and he was rarely confused.

What should be done next?

The original owner's first reaction was to ask Big Brother, and then remembered that Big Brother was dead, well, because he was not strong enough, he was killed by the Zombie King.

Then I wanted to ask my sister-in-law.

But the sister-in-law was also dead, and she wanted to kill him before she died.

My nephew is also dead, bitten to death by a zombie.

The original owner really couldn't find anyone to ask, so he went back to the Yinghe base, found the elder brother's subordinates, and asked him, "What should I do next?"

The other party rushed up with a meteor hammer: "You killed your sister-in-law and An An, you should commit suicide and apologize!!"

His movements were too slow, and the original owner left the base thoughtfully.

It seems that he should avenge his nephew in the next step, too, he also wants to avenge the opponent, but he was busy improving his strength before.

The original master disk has a bit of logic.

The zombies entered Yinghe base because the people from that base attacked Yinghe and deliberately put the zombies in, and then his nephew died.

So he should kill everyone who has attacked Yinghe base to avenge the opponent.

The original owner himself was strong. After he got the ninth-level sword, he wandered alone for three years. He didn't know how many times he encountered various dangers along the way. After many experiences, he didn't test the power level and didn't know where he was. But it is definitely much stronger than before.

He drove all the way into the hostile base.

Everyone who broke into Yinghe died under his sword. When those people asked him why he wanted to kill himself, he said, avenge my nephew.

Until the end, those people were afraid of being killed.

In order to ask the original owner to let them go, they told the truth.

At the beginning, they had an internal response in Yinghe base. Nei Ying saw that the original owner fainted to protect the mother and son, and after taking the ninth-level sword, after the original owner left, they deliberately led the zombies in, in order to be from the two major factions of Yinghe base. The conflict escalated and fragmented because of this incident.

After all, the base is fighting, isn't it someone else who picks up the bargain?

As a result, when the child died, it was the original owner who finally withdrew from the base. He took the initiative to leave, and the base continued to operate as usual, and the internal abacus naturally failed.

I thought it was over.

As a result, three years later, the original owner who had become the number one powerhouse actually killed him back.

Or he came back to avenge his nephew.

Only those who were hunted down wanted to swear.

There is something wrong with you.

Three years have passed, and they almost don't remember who that kid is. At this time, they come to avenge their lives.

Is the reflection arc so long? ?

There is no other way but to die the Daoist friend but not the poor Dao.

The original owner was still expressionless. After confirming the name of Nei Ying, he chased those people to death one by one before returning to Yinghe base, stabbing the opponent to death and holding the ninth-level sword to continue wandering.

He has become the number one strong, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that he wants his sister-in-law and nephew to be resurrected more than becoming a strong one.

Although he himself didn't know, why he wanted to resurrect them.

The original owner chose a tree, closed his eyes and meditated.

Ten days later, the strongest man successfully starved himself to death.

Until his death, he didn't want to understand what he had lost.

There is only an unspeakable feeling. If you want to describe it, it is probably a dazed regret.

He felt that he was doing something wrong, but he didn't know which part of it was wrong.

Shouldn't you grab the sword?

Still shouldn't sit in the position of the boss of the base.

Even to make up, he didn't know how to make up.

At the cost of his soul, he hopes that the tasker can change everything, at least everything he has caused.

When he opened his eyes, Ji Changze still couldn't recover.

The original owner's distress and dazedness, as if isolated from the entire world, was affecting him.

It took him several seconds to slow down.

The life of the original owner is hard to describe in a word.

He has lost his emotions, but there is still a little bit left. He can't understand normal people, and he doesn't like to talk. He doesn't talk. He usually looks a little bit taciturn. No one knows how abnormal he is.

When Ji Rong was there, he was still able to lead a good head. When Ji Rong died, no one would arrange tasks in front of him and set down the road, and the original owner would naturally run like a wild horse.

He doesn't know good and evil, he doesn't distinguish emotions, and he is the biggest person in the base. No one dares to point fingers at him.

In the end, I lost my most precious treasure, but it took me three years to realize that it was my most precious thing.

Ji Changze rubbed his eyebrows, allowing himself to quickly recover.

He began to check the timeline.

The current timeline is that Ji Rong has passed away, and the original owner is on the throne of the boss. He was originally the second in command of the base, and he is surrounded by many loyal followers. The original owner can only be recognized.

However, the original owner did not treat Ji Rong's wife and children any preferential treatment after he took office, and he also showed a covetousness for the ninth-level sword. Most people in the base had already identified him as a wolf-hearted.

Always pretending to be loyal to Ji Rong is to wait for this day, Ji Rong left and turned his face or something.

Some people suspect that Ji Rong's death is also related to him, after all, how could the Zombie King suddenly stare at Yinghe Base.

If it were not to protect the Yinghe base behind him, Ji Rong would not have to bite the bullet and respond to the enemy. Before he died, he would still blew himself up and leave the Zombie King, the powerhouse who was about to enter the ninth level, with no bones left.

Ji Changze, who has seen the memory of the original owner, can prove that this matter is really not the original backbone.

The original owner was still there to help, and he was almost killed by the Zombie King. If Ji Rong hadn't saved him, he would have to go with Ji Rong.

Before Ji Rong blew himself up, he was in a coma, and only when he woke up did he know that Ji Rong had blew himself up and died with the zombie king.

However, the possibility of attacking the hostile base is higher. After all, the strangeness of this zombie king, Ji Changze does not believe that it is just a coincidence.

But the problem now is.

Because of this "ambition disclosure" of the original owner, even his diehard loyalists are secretly speculating whether Ji Rong's death was his work.

After all, he can act so well.

When Ji Rong was in the entire base, no one would say that he was the most trustworthy person around Ji Rong.

As a result, as soon as the person left, not a day before, Ji Changze couldn't wait to be in charge, and didn't even pretend to be sad.

No one believes that he is not a villain.

I can't blame the veterans for protecting Ji Rong's wife and children, the original owner is really a "villain face", they are preventing him from cutting the grass and rooting.

Not only the entire base, but other bases probably think so.

Just after the eldest brother died, Ji Changze disregarded his old feelings and grabbed the position of his nephew. This is a fact.

No matter how much Ji Changze speaks, and puts on such a taciturn persona, and such an environment without any operational space, it will be a headache.

He stared at the zombies below, frowning.

The system that hasn't shown his head once in eight hundred years seems to have noticed his headaches. Quiet Mi. Mi goes online: [Host, can't it be done? Buy props? Props to solve one thousand worries. ]

Ji Changze: [Do not buy. ]

[Buy one, it won't cost you a lot of money, it's useless if you save the points, isn't it a waste? ]

[Who says it's useless, I save it for use. ]

Seeing that Ji Changze frowned, the young man next to him was not easy to provoke, so he approached cautiously: "Boss, what's the matter with you? What are you thinking?"

Ji Changze spit out a word briefly: "Sword."

The young man choked, and the surrounding subordinates looked weird.

You know the boss, you mean a ninth-level sword, but don't say it so brightly.

It's bad for the reputation.

"The sword, that was left by Brother Rong to Wen An, boss, don't think about it, there are so many weapons in the world, you can always find a better one. You always think about how bad a sword is. I can't hang myself on a tree."

Ji Changze ignored him.

The young man was not surprised, and continued to persuade: "Boss, don't ignore people so coldly. You don't have a human touch at all. Those who don't know think you are not a human, but a robot."

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that the black-haired boy in front of him was slowly moving his eyes, his gaze fell on him, and he stopped moving.

Young man: "...Boss, don't be angry, I'm not scolding you, I just talk casually, you have a lot of it, don't care about me."


Ji Changze retracted his gaze, thinking that this was really a little clever ghost.

not human...

Yes, it's the end of the world, who has stipulated that he must be an individual.

Everyone believed that everything the original owner did was for the sword.

But if he is the sword.

Very good, Ji Changze thought with satisfaction, today is another day saving without spending points.