He who snatches the saber of the orphan in the last days (5)

The detour was beaten again.

He didn't know why he was beaten again. He just watched "An Run" said a few words to Ji Changze and the others. Hu Rong came back to beat him. In addition, it was clearly the price reduction that the other party had raised first. At this moment, Yinghe Base was killed again. He lied to "An Run".

He wants to understand.

This "An Run" is just a white lotus.

He deliberately tried to harm himself!

He hadn't been beaten anymore, he didn't think it was enough, and let Yinghe's people continue to beat him.

How vicious! !

It's really distressing to go around Ran to see his brother being beaten. She couldn't help but resisted the urge to vomit blood and stopped Hu Rong: "Team Hu, don't fight, if you kill Wuliu, you can't justify it."

I was afraid that Ji Changze didn't have much to say, but the boss of Ying He slapped his head again and said something that shocked his family. After he stopped Hu Rong, he quickly turned around to untie the rope on the guild.

"Anyway, it's almost time to fight. Let him go now. If you want to come, he will be taught a lesson."

Although the other captains were still very upset about the detour, it seemed that "An Run" was unwinding the rope, and no one objected that he could not get him off stage.

Ji Changze glanced at the circumvention meeting where his black nose and face were swollen from the pillar, and he commented on the circumvention: "You should not be soft-hearted."

Ran around the bottom of his heart and wanted to vomit blood, and had to recognize the character "soft-hearted", and reluctantly squeezed out a smile: "No, I just thought that he was only 19 years old and still a child."


The people present looked at the greasy appearance of the fat head and big ears of the detour, and their faces were a bit disgusting.

Is it time for "An Run" to go to the ophthalmology department?

This detour will look older than "An Run" and still a child.

They can only comment: "You are too kind."

"If it's me, I'm cheated, it's good not to kill him."

The detour was already weak and limp to the ground. Hearing Yinghe's words, he slowly spit out a mouthful of blood.

Is this guy soft-hearted? ?

How is this guy? ?

This guy was cheated? ! !

fart! ! !

Obviously he was deceived! ! !

It was full of grief and anger in the bottom of my heart, and I heard Ji Changze's unsatisfactory addition: "The detour, I should be grateful to you."

Detour: "???"

He was really mad at this sentence. When he got angry, his body seemed to be stronger, his legs seemed to be stronger, and even his mental head was better than before.

Detour Ran didn't know what his younger brother was thinking in his heart. While he wanted to support his younger brother, he had to cheer up and think deeply about the next step in his heart.

The words "An Run" are still useful, and I guess he can send his brother out of Yinghe today, and barely hold up his energy to comfort him.

Fortunately, although the younger brother was beaten, he lost the management right, but somehow the younger brother's life was saved.

As long as nothing goes wrong, the detour will definitely be able to leave Yinghe safely...

As I was thinking about it, I was kicked out by the detour.

No one thought that the detour would be hands-on.

Even Ji Changze, who just walked around in a pitfall, was a little surprised.

Detour Ranmian was always vigilant against the river people, but against his younger brother, even if he was using the identity of "An Run", he didn't have any protection.

This led to the kick of the circumvention club. It was indeed a full blow from the fourth-level ability person, and he lay on the ground for a long time without slowing down.

He couldn't accept it, his trash brother would one day kick him so openly.

And it hurts to kick.

Because of the use of powers, he walked around and didn't defend himself. In addition, he was surging with Qi and blood before lying on the ground, clutching his chest and vomiting a mouthful of blood.

Seeing the blood on the ground, around Ran almost fainted out of breath.

He lurked in Yinghe for a few months, was not found and beaten by Yinghe people, went out to do a mission and was not beaten by mutant beasts, and as a result, his brother, who was recognized as a waste, vomited blood?

Why didn't you see you so hard when you were beating zombies? ? ?

"You white lotus!!! I want to pretend to be a good person in front of my lord!!! I tell you!!! You dare to touch my hair at Yinghe base! My brother will make you pay back a hundred times!! You people!!! Do not stay!"

You can barely stand firm when you see someone shaking and shaking, and you have to spit out another mouthful of blood with that arrogant and arrogant *brother who walked around and was angry?

He wanted to shake his brother's shoulders crazily now, and asked him growlingly:

Are you stupid? ! !

Do you know what the situation is better than people? ?

You are a prisoner! ! Is this still Yinghe's site? !

How much energy did I waste to let you go? Are you going to tear me down like this now? ?

Facts have proved, as detouring Ran thought.

He was really a fool at the detour.

If it's ordinary people, the situation is better than people, even if they don't ask for help, they will be honest.

But the detour will be different.

He was fierce to him, and he lay on his stomach.

When someone treats him well, he feels that this is because the other party is afraid.

Even if the person who has just been beaten can't stand up, he can still lift his chin with inexplicable pride and vigor:

"Do you know who my brother is? Detour Ran! Do you know who Devi Ran is?! Eighth level!! You people, you are not even a dish in front of him!!"


A scabbard full of flames hit his feet, successfully creating a pit of flames on the ground.

The detour will look at the black-clothed boy who is expressionless and holding the scabbard in his hand, and swallows: "...No, I didn't say you."

"I said to them, they don't even count as a dish."

"Anyway! My brother is so powerful! No one in this world can hurt him. If you know each other, you should lift the sedan chair and send me back, otherwise, hum!"

After two months of hard work and detour, it was completely destroyed by other high-level officials in Yinghe Base within a day. When the two management rights that were obtained with trembling and hard work in Yinghe were gone, He thought this was the worst case.

Now lying on the ground, watching the silly boy above standing on the ground of Yinghe, facing the top of Yinghe, he said "how is my brother" and "my brother Barabara".

When he was so proud that he almost didn't write "You come to kill me, kill me" on his face, he walked around Ran to know what despair was.

He was helped by Team Zhou. Before he could stand firm, he heard Ji Changze ask: "Your brother, is he strong?"

The detour is still a little afraid of him, and his attitude towards him is a little bit arrogant: "Of course, I am strong. Although he is in Crane City now, there is only a brother like me. What do you dare to do to me, He will come back to take revenge if he knows!"

The black-clothed boy lowered his eyes thoughtfully and asked, "What level?"

The detour will raise his chin high: "Level eight!"

Visible to the naked eye, Ji Changze's frowning eyebrows loosened.

Everyone heard him say: "Me too."

What is it? Is it also level eight?

Is his thinking jump too fast?

The Zhou team was still stunned, they saw Ji Changze had already turned around, and slowly put the scabbard back into the sword bag on his back, and said in a flat tone to Hu Xiaohu: "Go kill him," Charge: Endangering the base."

"I'm going out, you take care of the base."

After speaking, he didn't delay a second, and walked away from his slender legs towards the door of the base.

Seeing him leave and leave, everyone is dumbfounded.

No, how to deal with the halfway round, he is going out?

Qin Qinghe hurried up to grab him and asked, "Boss, why are you going out?"

Ji Changze looked at him a little puzzled, as if he didn't understand why he even asked such simple things.

"Go to Crane City and kill his brother."

This he obviously refers to the detour.

After that, I lowered my eyes as if thinking for a few more seconds, then turned around and asked the detour with an unbelievable look, and asked calmly: "Who else will avenge you?"

Although his tone was very plain, the detour group obviously regarded this sentence as a provocation, and immediately said angrily: "Do you think our five willows have only one level eight?! And our boss! He is also level eight!"


Ji Changze responded briefly.

Turning to Qin Qinghe, he rigorously added: "Boss Wuliu, also kill."

Qin Qinghe: "..."

other people:"..."

They finally figured it out.

So Ji Changze asked the level to make sure he could not kill.

Hu Xiaohu was all stupid: "Boss, you plan to go to Crane City alone to kill Detour Ran, and then come back to kill Wuliu boss?!"

Those are two eighth ranks, even if they are killed separately, one of them may be killed accidentally.

Ji Changze: "No."

Hu Xiaohu breathed a sigh of relief.

The detour will breathe a sigh of relief.

Team Zhou also followed with a sigh of relief.

Just say it.

No one is so fierce, killing two eighth ranks in one breath, it is no different from taking a small life to bet.

However, it was too early for them to breathe.

The black-clothed boy calmly corrected Hu Xiaohu's mistake in his words: "Kill Wuliu boss first, and then go around Ran."


Everyone watched as Ji Changze took out his waist pouch and pulled out a neatly folded map.

Slightly pursing his lips, he moves slowly and earnestly to unfold the map, holding the map in his right hand, and pointing his left finger to the location of Crane City and Wuliu above: "Wu Liu, go to Wuliu first."

Having said this, I clicked on the dead city of Rongcheng between Crane City and Yinghe: "After killing and detouring, I have to go to Rongcheng to clean up the danger. After cleaning, it is convenient to transport coal."

He still didn't forget to say to Hu Xiaohu, who had an overnight snack together, "Don't wait for me to eat, it's a bit far away."

Hu Xiaohu: "..."

Everyone was stunned.

Ji Changze, he actually intended to directly kill the two major backers of the bypass.

And he has a plan.

Even after bypassing Ran's death, the coal mine belonged to Yinghe, and how to transport the coal route was planned.

"No, wait, boss, isn't this a bit sudden, two eighth ranks, have you ever played?"

The black-clothed boy was really serious and contemplated for a few seconds, then raised his eyes after a few seconds: "It's too much."

Hu Xiaohu: "...It's not like you can beat Wuliu even if you say you can beat it. Shouldn't you think more about it? And Hecheng, is it too far? , Should we plan it? Don't be so sudden."

Ji Changze blinked: "Not suddenly, I have always wanted Crane Castle."

"Before, I couldn't get started."

other people:"???"

Team Zhou dumbfounded: "Boss, you have always wanted Crane Castle??"

Ji Changze nodded: "Big brother told us that coal is a good thing, and he wants it."

Team Zhou: "..."

other people:"..."

They tried hard to think about it, and they really remembered what Ji Rong had said before.

Last winter, Ji Rong invited them to eat a small hot pot, using a coal stove. At that time, everyone gathered around to eat hot pot steaming, it was very refreshing, and even drank some extravagant small wine.

Ji Rong drank two sips at that time and said with emotion: "Coal is a good thing. Unfortunately, there is no coal mine in Yinghe. Otherwise, it would be so cool to eat hot pot every day."

Thinking of it, Hu Rong asked, "Which time did you eat hot pot last year?"

The boy in black nodded.

other people:"..."

Ji Changze always didn't speak much at dinner. He liked to sit on the side in silence, and he didn't make any comments at the time.

No one thought that he would actually remember Ji Rong's words.

Not only did he remember, he had to implement it.

This makes Zhou's team, who has always thought that Ji Changze is a white-eyed wolf, really can't react.

Since you remember what your eldest brother said so clearly, why go to grab a place to live with sister-in-law Wen'an?

Is there such a villa missing in the base?

Even if you want to live in, it's good to give them some time to tidy up, salute and tidy up.

He reluctantly suppressed the injustice in his heart, calmed down and asked, "Boss, I haven't heard you talk about this before. Since I have always wanted Crane Castle and didn't say it, why did he go suddenly today?"

Ji Changze didn't move: "Before, he didn't offend us."

Ever since Ji Changze uttered the startling remarks of "Kill Wuliu boss first and then kill him", Haoying Ran has been in a state of shock.

Ji Changze would definitely not find him when he went to Hecheng.

But the boss of Wuliu, although his abilities are powerful, but not as powerful as fighting, if Ji Changze really came to the door, without him by his side, the boss would really be killed by him.

He was so anxious that he couldn't forget the "An Run" persona, and he squeezed out a gentle smile: "What do you say?"

After going around Ran Gang speaking, he received Hu Rong's puzzled gaze: "Arun, you forgot? The boss had also thought of Crane City before, thinking that Wuliu didn't offend us, so he didn't give up by robbing him directly."

"Yes, as the boss of the hot pot said that time, it seems that you are really tired, eh, blame me, you shouldn't really not help you at all, don't worry, I will help you from time to time in the future."

There are a total of six senior managers in the base including Ji Changze. Among the six, An Run is the only one who takes care of the children alone. The others are either single or have a family. In addition, An Run regards his daughter more than fate, rather than being able to. He put his mind and body on work, everyone agreed that he needed more rest.

After just saying a word, he will have more eyes to watch his detour in the future Ran: "..."

He was really angry.

Especially, the senior Yinghe who was present at the scene who hadn't really planned to fight Crane City remembered that they wanted Crane City before.

Before Wuliu and their well water did not offend the river, Ji Rong was unwilling to be a proactive person, even if he looked at the coal mines in Hecheng, he didn't really do anything.

But it's different now.

Ji Changze: "Food is very important. They cheat the food and offend us."

He gave a wind direction indicator.

He doesn't need him for the rest. The captain of the fifth team of Yinghe Base, except An Run, is not really good-tempered. Wuliu has all given excuses. If they don't pick them up, wouldn't it be a waste?

Team Zhou immediately confessed: "This is something Wuliu has done in an unorthodox manner, eh, bullying us Yinghe's kindness."

Hu Rong followed up: "They definitely want to be our enemy. For such an important resource as food, they don't want to be how the enemy can move."

Hu Xiaohu added: "And this Wuliu representative kept saying that his brother would come to the base to kill us all. This is unpredictable! If we treat Wuliu as peacefully as before, maybe someday we will detour. I can run to Yinghe to attack us."

The detour next to Ran: "..."

His face was already earthy.

The detour represented Wuliu to collect grain, but deliberately coaxed Captain Yinghe to sell grain at a price lower than 20% in previous years.

It was Wuliu who picked up the matter first, and even if Yinghe had really robbed Crane City, this matter was also theirs.

Detour Ran originally wanted to dig the corner of Yinghe River and lower the price of food to let his own base take advantage.

In the end, the advantage was not taken up, but Ying He caught the excuse of antagonizing Wuliu.

The senior executives of Yinghe who were originally "Boss, wait, wait, we can't say that we hit Crane City just hit Crane City" immediately changed their tunes after they reacted.

Especially Hu Xiaohu, thinking about detours would bully An Run, and while looking at the detours unkindly, he said:

"Our Yinghe was originally stronger than Wuliu. In the end of the world, the seven bases are fighting, so we Yinghe is unwilling to do the kind of robbing of other people's resources, and we have never dealt with them.

Now the detours are bullied to the face. If we really let people go alive, people would think that we should be bullied by the river. "

The implication is that the detour will be killed.

If he had said this before, everyone else would have to think twice. After all, the detour would represent the Wuliu base.

It wouldn't be justified if they were killed at their base.

But now, thinking about the coal mine of Wuliu, they still wish that Wuliu and Yinghe would tear their faces, and Yinghehao would go to knock Hecheng down.

As soon as the words came out, the other four people all voted in favor.

Everyone say something to me

"I'm afraid Brother Rong is gone, Wuliu sees that Yinghe has lost an eighth-level fire element, and thinks about taking advantage of it. They won't give us a face, why should we help them hold it."

"That is, the first one is cheap, if Wuliu is unhappy, he died in Yinghe, go to war! Who is afraid of them!"

"I really thought that Brother Rong would be able to pinch our Yinghe as soft persimmons if he left? Ah!"

As a result, the detour club that hadn't slowed down just barely stood up, and met a few pairs of malicious eyes.


"You, what are you doing? I tell you, my brother is walking around, my brother..."

Detour Ran couldn't help it anymore, stepped forward and slapped him down: "Shut up for me!!"

Just after asking the detour to say a few words, Ji Changze decided to kill him and Wuliu boss.

If this idiot is allowed to talk about this, is he still alive? ?

He noticed the surprised eyes of other people, and realized that he had forgotten to pretend to be An Run in a hurry, and hurriedly squeezed out a smile:

"I don't have any opinion on playing Crane City, but you have to consider the question of whether you can beat it? Especially Wuliu has two eighth ranks, which are not fuel-saving lamps. We should still consider the long-term plan. It depends on the situation."

He speaks softly, but obviously Ji Changze doesn't take it.

Although he didn't really plan to go to war, he had already brought such a ready-made tool to him. If he didn't squeeze some benefits from the opponent, it would not be him.

The boy in black simply said: "Don't stay, I want Crane Castle."

Detour Ran realized that he actually understood the subtext under the other party's sentence.

If you want Crane City, you have to fight Wuliu.

If you want to fight Wuliu, it's useless to keep the life of the detour.

Detour Ran and continued to lobby hard "But now that Brother Rong has just left, the base still needs to recuperate."

Ji Changze: "Big Brother also wants Crane Castle."

Detour Ran: "Brother Rong may just talk casually."

Ji Changze: "I will do what the eldest brother said."

Detour Ran: "..."

He was really going crazy, and immediately asked: "Since you listened to Brother Rong so much, why did you want Brother Rong to live in his villa when he died?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's body tightened instantly.

This topic is a taboo for Ying He, even if it is really hard to ask from the bottom of my heart, no one has ever asked directly.

It was as if, as soon as I asked it, even the last bit of the fig leaf of camp discord was revealed.

No one spoke anymore, breathing was barely audible, and the surroundings were quiet and terrible.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for Ji Changze's answer.

Should I just tear my face, make an excuse, or just avoid it.

Only Ji Changze was unaffected. He raised his eyes and looked around Ran Ran in wonder, as if he was surprised why he had to ask such a simple question: "Big brother said that the boss wants to live there."

"I will do what the eldest brother said."

Detour Ran: "..."

other people:"..."

Did Ji Rong say it?

Ji Rong really said it.

He also jokingly mentioned that in the future, when the new boss is on the top, he will move to a place he has long been optimistic about and let the old man give up the villa to the new boss.

Everyone stayed.

Because of Ji Changze's action, they were trembling, cautious, and speculating about them, so they didn't dare to ask questions.

In the end, the other party moved in only because that was where the boss of the base lived? ?

Everyone was in a daze, and didn't even know what to say.

The only way to go around Ran, when he heard Ji Changze's answer, his eyes went dark.

Ji Changze is so stubborn.

He wanted to save his brother's life, but it would be difficult.

Forcing insurance, there is a risk of exposure.

Euphemistically, others are okay. Ji Changze can't understand people's words. He has to do one thing if he knows it. It doesn't make sense at all.

Seeing that Ji Changze motioned to Hu Xiaohu to go up and kill.

He gritted his teeth: "Maybe Wu Liu is willing to trade him with a coal mine."

"Boss, let's send someone to Wuliu first to ask if Wuliu is willing to use a coal mine to replace people, then we will save it, right?"

Hey, I got the bait.

Ji Changze waved his hand, and the flames were like a cage. They surrounded the detour so that he could not get out and people outside could not get in.

After finishing this, he said to Detour Ran: "Send someone to tell Wuliu that Wuliu will not change people within three days and kill the detour on the spot."

After speaking, he turned around and left, not even looking at the subordinates who were still in shock and bewilderment.

The boss of Wuliu was happily waiting for the good news about Detour Ran, but when he received the letter, his face turned green after reading it.

He detoured Ran An into the Yinghe River in order to let him dig the corner of Yinghe River, looking for opportunities to move his hands and feet, it is best to be able to get away from the top of Yinghe River.

The results of it?

Detour Ran talked about what happened and asked him to take the coal mine to redeem him.

Redeem him uncle! ! !

Boss Wuliu almost didn't show up and died on the spot.

He sent an undercover agent to get some benefits back!

As a result, not only did he not get the slightest benefit, he also provoked a terrible enemy.

Now, Detour Ran is ashamed to let him hand over the coal mine!

And he still has to pay.

Detour Ran is his most capable confidant. If Detour Association is not saved, Detour Ran will never help him again.

Boss Wuliu was in a trance for a long time and never recovered.

I can't figure out how.

He sent an undercover agent, why did he send himself bankrupt? ?