He who snatches the saber of the orphan in the last days (6)

Chapter 314:

Wuliu boss finally gritted his teeth and agreed to the exchange.

It won't work if you don't exchange.

When Detour Ran wrote back, he made things clear.

The detour meeting is one aspect, on the other hand, Yinghe is already inevitable for Hecheng.

Wuliu's strength is really not as strong as Yinghe.

If Ying He really fights over, Wuliu will only be defeated.

He was miserable before the last days, and he was extremely greedy after the last days.

Greed of power, crystal core, greed of everything you can get.

Once those things are in hand, they will hide their property strictly like every miser, and usually don't dare to be too extravagant, spending an extra crystal core is just like killing him.

If he wasn't too greedy, he wouldn't have targeted Ying He, who is known for his offensive and defensive strength.

And now, before Yinghe has been taken down, his own coal mine has been taken down first.

Boss Wuliu cried fiercely, a middle-aged man in his forties, crying with a blushing face and a thick neck, and his eyes were swollen throughout the afternoon. The swelling did not disappear for the whole afternoon, but for the sake of his life, he still had to inhale his nose. Ying He wrote back, saying that he agreed to the exchange.

Of course, I didn't really give the entire coal mine to Yinghe. Instead, I wrote to ask if half of it would work. There was no lack of crying and looting, saying that my own base basically relies on coal mines to make a living. If it's true How miserable it is and so on.

Although it is only half, it can be exchanged for a coal mine without hurting a single soldier. Even Ji Changze thinks this is a surprise.

He just pitted in his hand and came back into a coal mine.

Not only him, but even the other captains of the base were quite shocked that Wuliu boss was actually willing to use coal mines for the detour.

When Ji Changze agreed to the "An Run" proposal, they did not expect that the Wuliu General Assembly agreed to exchange.

That's a coal mine.

In the last days, resources are available everywhere, but it is difficult to be close to the base and there is no danger nearby.

Not to mention those small bases, even among the nine recognized bases, most of them don't mention going out to expand resources. It is hard enough to maintain the safety of one's own base every day.

After all, not every base is like Yinghe, the terrain is unique, the members of the base are strong, and there is no internal fighting, neither external nor internal are difficult to conquer.

Yinghe originally belonged to the most comfortable base among the nine bases. If you add the coal mine in Wuliu, it would be a good life directly from the level of food and clothing.

Although they were thinking about the Hecheng Coal Mine, they had always thought of everyone working hard before, and it took a while to succeed.

As a result, there was no fight.

Ying He's captains are not too greedy, and they think it's enough if they get half of it.

Team Zhou couldn't hide his excitement and said: "This year can have a warm winter at the base. This year I will have a hot pot party at home. You will all come by then."

Wuliu coal is expensive to sell, and people who don't have enough savings in Yinghe crystal cores can't afford it. In the past, Yinghe bought coal, part of which was produced in public schools. The purchased coal was burned in five public places. Those who were not very cold-resistant. Residents will roll up the bedding and go to sleep on the ground floor.

The other part is some people with relatively loose hands, such as Ji Rong. His wife is afraid of the cold and never cut coal at home every winter, so every winter, Ji Rong's house is very lively.

Every day, one person brings a la carte and meat, and eats hot pot in different ways.

When the Zhou team mentioned hot pot, they thought of Ji Rong. When they thought of Ji Rong, they thought of those things Ji Changze said before.

In the last explanation, Ji Changze only gave a brief sentence.

After that, he didn't talk about anything about "why did he move?".

As if in his eyes, this is just a very common thing.

He doesn't think he has done anything wrong, so he won't bother to explain anything.

This topic was so inexplicably exposed. The black-clothed boy looked completely unaffected, and he still couldn't move out of the base to find supplies every day, and stayed at the villa at night.

He doesn't care about what others discuss.

I don't try to hide anything.

Team Zhou can't help but pay attention to Ji Changze recently.

Since the last time Ji Changze gave the answer, "If you are the boss, you must live in the boss's residence." He has felt very complicated for this former companion who turned against each other.

Ji Changze's attitude of "no guilty conscience" made him pay more attention to the other party.

On the one hand, he felt that "how could he do such a thing for such an outrageous reason?" On the other hand, he also felt that Ji Changze looked so special that he could really do that for that reason.

But his observation will stop temporarily.

"An Run" is sick.

The illness was so serious that I couldn't get up even when lying in bed.

And he didn't say that when he was ill, he just endured it silently. No one in the base knew because he felt that he was being bullied. Everyone rushed to help him with his own affairs, and they all agreed with him. Take a good rest these days.

So he doesn't show up, and no one thinks anything is wrong.

It wasn't until Hu Xiaohu smelled An Run's medicine and worried whether An Yingying was ill, and then went in to find out that the sick person was "An Run."

When I heard that "An Run" was sick and couldn't get out of bed, the other captains, whether they were busy or not, went to his house to see him.

Although there are many treatment departments in the base, they all treat trauma. For those who are really sick, they still need a doctor.

They found that Ji Changze is usually not dewy, but it is really reliable at critical moments.

Everyone else just learned that "An Run" was ill, and Ji Changze had already brought the doctor.

Team Zhou is more complicated.

He had never paid attention to what Ji Changze had done before. After all, why did he have something to do and see what a big man was doing every day.

But the observations over the past few days have made him discover that although Ji Changze is cold and not talkative, he has a lot of advantages.

Although he became the boss of the base, the distribution in the base is still the same as before.

Ji Changze still went out every day to find supplies and kill zombies.

Three meals a day are still eaten in the cafeteria, and the food is the same as before.

Except for sleeping in the villa at night, his daily routine is basically the same as before, and even worse, because before, he was called from time to time by Ji Rong to eat, and now no one calls him, he doesn't even have a snack.

Being the boss of the base did not make any changes to his life.

How does this look like a greed for power.

The black-clothed teenager who stood quietly beside the doctor seemed to have noticed Team Zhou's sight, turned sideways slightly, and stared at the opponent without evasive.

The voice was faint: "What?"

Peeking at the other party's being caught, Team Zhou had a little frustration, and casually made an excuse: "No, it's just that your hair should be cut."


The straight boy standing opposite raised his hand and touched the long black hair.

The long ones are almost bangs.

He simply stated: "Big brother didn't cut it for me."

Mingming Ji Changze was expressionless and his tone was very low. He couldn't hear any emotion of missing Ji Rong, but Zhou's nose was sour inexplicably.

He realized again that the person standing in front of him was only fifteen years old.

He is a kid who can't cook or cut his own hair.

Team Zhou opened his mouth, not knowing what he should say to each other.

However, Ji Changze didn't intend to listen to what he said, as if he simply explained such a sentence, even if the topic was skipped.

Said to the doctor around him: "See a doctor."


The doctor has been trying hard to fight his spectacle frame.

The end of the world has brought a lot of trouble to people who are used to the convenience of modern life. For example, for myopia, if the glasses are damaged, it is difficult to find suitable new glasses.

Yinghe Base found a lot of supplies, but at the beginning, the glasses were not taken seriously by the survivors who hadn't realized the importance.

When everyone discovers that glasses are important, and when myopia is half-blind without glasses, the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes. Cities have become forests, mutated animals and plants are everywhere, and occasionally one or two zombies are hidden as children. Surprise.

Little things like glasses have long since gone along with the changing landscape in the early end of the world.

This doctor is unfortunately short-sighted. The spectacle frame was broken a while ago, and he would slide down from time to time when he wore it on his face. He had no choice but to manually lift the spectacle frame every day.

When Team Zhou saw the doctor, she felt a little strange: "I think you are very strange, you just joined the job?"

"Eh, yes, yes, my surname is Ku, so the Zhou team can call me Doctor Ku directly."

Doctor Ku explained why he had just joined the job.

He was in the combat group before. As an ordinary body-strengthening power, Doctor Withered, who was just a thin doctor before the end of the world, succeeded in becoming a strong man with eight pack abs after the end of the world. .

Compared to the doctor profession that is more stable in the base but earns less crystal nuclei, Doctor Ku, who wants to support his family, did not hesitate to choose the second profession, a member of the brawny combat team.

Team Zhou: "Then you haven't seen a doctor for a long time?"

"Something to see and some to see."

Dr. Ku was afraid that the outside team would run away, so he hurriedly tried to prove himself: "Although I am in the combat group, I will deal with the illnesses of my teammates, and I don't want crystal nuclei. They are all treated for free."

"Because I don't need money, so if someone from other groups has a headache, I will come to see me. Over the past ten years, my experience has been enriched a lot. If you don't believe the Zhou team, please go out and inquire, people who often go out. Call me an angel in white."

Angel in white...

Several other people glanced up and down at the two-meter tall, muscular man.

Although I felt that the image was a bit out of tune, in the end, everyone believed that this was a strong man in the combat team who saved the dead and healed the wounded.

The angel in white is worthy of being an angel in white.

I came to a conclusion less than two minutes after entering, muttering to myself:

"Stuck in the heart, this is a disease caused by qi, and the pulse condition is very strange, a bit similar to the symptoms of absorbing the attributes of the wrong crystal nucleus."

"I can prescribe medicine to cure the disease, but if it really absorbs the wrong crystal nucleus, I need to find a doctor in the healing department."

Ran lying on the bed sickly walking around in a drowsy manner when she heard these words, she was stunned.

Whether he was an earth element, forcibly disguising himself as a wood element, or an eighth-level wood element, it was too exhausting.

It was barely maintained.

As a result, my younger brother was angry that day, and Ying He was angry. After returning home, the more angry he became. One of them didn't collapse. After returning, he vomited several mouthfuls of blood. The next day, he fell on the bed and couldn't get up.

He could feel that the wood energy that was originally isolated was encroaching on his body, and he could only slowly recuperate and plan to survive.

It is absolutely forbidden to see a doctor at this time.

This symptom is too easy to expose.

As a result, I was dizzy. I saw a white coat as soon as I opened my eyes. I also heard that he was diagnosed. For a moment, Wandering Ran even thought that he was dreaming.

But soon he woke up.

No way!

Absolutely can't find a person with a healing system.

If someone is found and he sees the two energies in his body and speaks out, he will be over.

"An Run" is too difficult to pretend. Fortunately, just in time for the big changes in the base, Ji Rong passed away. He seized the opportunity and used this as an excuse to drive away Hu Xiaohu, who knew An Run, and he was afraid that he was no longer young. An Yingying showed her feet in front of her, and tried to reduce her contact with An Yingying on the grounds of falling in love.

Even so, these senior Yinghe officials would find something wrong with him. Fortunately, they didn't expect him to be pretending to be, and every time he asked, he was deceived and confused by Ran Ran.

He stretched out his hand to stop the person in front of him, but he didn't have the strength to raise his hand, he could only try to open his mouth, weakly said:

"no no..."

Dr. Ku has dropped his glasses again and is busy holding his glasses.

For myopia, the loss of glasses will not only weaken vision, but also hearing.

Just like now, he didn't hear what Detour Ran was saying, and he got up and went out to shout.

Outside, Ji Changze was looking up at a towering tree in the yard.

This big tree is very beautiful, the leaves on the tree are emerald green and the trunk is sturdy, and it looks like it is more than a hundred years old.

Hu Xiaohu was also watching, and he muttered as he watched: "When I left, there was no such tree. Why did An Run give birth to a tree? Enjoy the coolness."

Ji Changze turned his head to look at him: "There was no such tree before?"

"No, before Yingying was young, An Run didn't worry about her going out to play, but let her be in the yard. The yard was originally small, so no trees were planted."

Hu Xiaohu glanced at the children's toys placed in the corner and snorted coldly: "I heard that he stopped picking up Yingying after he fell in love. Men are really fickle."

Ji Changze didn't remind him, he cursed himself at the fact.

The woman who had been waiting at the door came out and said to the big figures in several bases a little awkwardly: "Doctor Ku said that she was frustrated with her heart, and she seems to have some symptoms of absorbing the wrong crystal nucleus, and may need the treatment department to take a look. "

"Okay, I'm going to find someone now."

Hu Rong nodded and was about to go out, but suddenly there was a sound of heavy objects hitting the ground in the house, and Dr. Ku cried out in surprise: "The bed has collapsed! Come on, please help me to help the security team."

The faces of the few people who were waiting in the yard changed, and they all walked in quickly.

Ji Changze walked unhurriedly at the end, entered the house, and saw that a few people were rushing around holding the broken bed underneath.

He glanced at the ground, and it was obvious that the ground suddenly turned up and collapsed.

It seems that Detour Ran is very anxious.

I'd rather fall to the ground sturdily than I want to see him from the healing powers.

Ji Changze is kind.

Detour Ran didn't want to see the healer, so he satisfied him.

After being helped to sit on the chair, around Ran Ran was hit by the bed, and he had to resist not showing it.

Because the special An Run is a very painful person, no matter how painful he is, he will endure without showing any clues in order not to worry people.

Ran around around didn't know this before, and he showed pain when he went out and was injured. He remembers the strange glances of other people now.

As soon as he slowly came over and raised his head, he met the sight of all the seniors of Yinghe Base.

Detour Ran: "..."

The extremely weak undercover agent stiffened for a second before barely showing a gentle smile: "You... are here."

This scene is almost like a mouse facing a group of cats.

He was going to panic to death, pretending to be nonchalant, and greeted the Zhou team one by one.

"I'm fine, it's just that I have caught a cold recently. Just rest and rest."

"No, no, no."

Doctor Ku held his glasses and shook his head and said, "This is not a cold, but a frustration. Has the An team encountered something unhappy recently? If you don't want to prescribe it, you won't be able to cure it even with medicine."

Detour Ran: "..."

After experiencing that the younger brother is stupid, he was demolished by his younger brother, beaten by his younger brother, in order to save his younger brother half of the coal mine, losing all management rights, it should be difficult for ordinary people to be happy.

He looked at the caring senior Yinghe around him, and smiled reluctantly: "There is a little bit, I will adjust it, everyone don't worry."

It's better to recognize that you are sick than to call in to heal someone with a supernatural power.

Without waiting for others to say something, Ji Changze said abruptly: "Because the detour will lie to you, you are not happy."

He patted Hu Xiaohu and said, "Go and kill the detour, and make An Run happy."

Ran around: "???"

"No, no, wait, I, I'm not because of him, it has nothing to do with him."

Team Zhou: "What's the reason for that? You don't seem to have encountered any unpleasant things recently, apart from being deceived by detours."


Detour Ran's heart is constantly complaining, where did he make up now.

Seeing that his complexion was wrong, Doctor Ku took a big step forward and took his pulse, helped his glasses, and turned to them and said, "The pulse is more chaotic. It's not good, it's not good."

Ji Changze immediately said, "Try to kill the detour."


Detouring in a hurry, I can't wait to climb down and play radio gymnastics again to prove that I'm okay.

He turned his brain frantically, finally found a reason: "Don't you want to use the detour to change the coal mine? Did Wuliu respond? If Wuliu agrees, the detour will definitely not be killed."

This reason is very tenable.

After all, most people are unlikely to give up a resource as large as a coal mine just to export their gas.

Not cost-effective.

However, Ying He is not an ordinary person.

Especially, Ji Changze is a serious-looking guy, but in fact the bad guy who is full of bad water in his heart is still taking the lead: "The coal mine can be hit again."

"Yes." Team Zhou also stated: "Look at how you are sick. The coal mine is indeed very good for us Yinghe. It doesn't matter what it is. Besides, it's not that everyone can't fight. You don't need it. Make everything for the base."

Qin Qinghe: "Yes, your illness is more important."

Hu Rong: "Don't think too much. They are only willing to give half anyway. We might as well just tear the face and lay down everything."

Hu Xiaohu drew his sword, murderously: "I will kill the detour now!"

Ran around: "???"

Isn't it? !

Are you all silly and sweet? ?

This is the end of the world! !

How can you give up resources for your companions? !

are you crazy? ?

He took a deep breath and felt that he should help himself.

Yinghe's high-level staff are all neurotic.

Let's count on ordinary people.

Thinking like this, he walked around and turned his head to look at Doctor Ku next to him, squeezing out a gentle smile:

"Doctor, I think that since you are sick, you still need to take medicine. Are you right?"

Doctor Ku is still working hard to feel the pulse: "Huh, it's getting messier."

The former combat team member thoughtfully proposed: "Why don't you try to kill the detour first?"

Detour Ran: "...???"

He couldn't believe it to see Doctor Ku: "Aren't you a doctor? How can anyone kill people without prescribing medicine?"

Doctor Ku helped his glasses and smiled: "Humans, it's not a good thing to hold back. It's the end of the world. Everyone must think flexibly. You can't always use the old thoughts before the end of the world to do things. You can rest assured, I You will still be prescribed medicine."

He also wisely calmed the patient: "If you think the medicine is more effective, you can kill the detour and take the medicine at the same time. The two-pronged approach will have a better effect."

Detour Ran: "..."

madman! !

The people at Yinghe Base are so crazy!

No, he definitely can't just watch the detour will die, even if it's a fool, that's his only brother.

He tried to calm down, and tried to slow down his heartbeat.

Detour Ran deserves to be an eighth-level ability person, and he has really controlled his mood and gradually stabilized.

After stabilizing, he went to see Dr. Ku again: "Doctor, I suddenly feel less unhappy, do you think my pulse condition is much better?"

"Hey, oh, you recover a bit faster."

Doctor Ku was surprised, as if he had seen a medical miracle.

Seeing him saying this, he walked around and breathed a sigh of relief.

He is all right, the other party can no longer think about killing the detour, right?

Then I heard Dr. Ku say: "It seems that the therapy of killing the circumvention society is very good. Look at the captain, this has not been killed yet. Just listening to the mentality can calm down. If it is killed, it will not be where it is. it is good."

Detour Ran: "..."

Doctor Ku lowered his head in surprise again: "Hey, it's messed up again."

He didn't hurriedly changed his words: "It seems that fantasy is not enough, we still have to kill the enemy."

Detour Ran: "..."

Anyway, you have to kill people today, right? ? ?

Seeing that Hu Xiaohu was really about to kill someone, he closed his eyes and said, "I'm really not because of the detour. Since everyone is here, then I will tell you the truth. I am too tired recently and under a lot of pressure. I can't sleep every night, I can't help thinking about it."

Ji Changze nodded: "I let you take care of too many things."

Dr. Ku immediately said, "That's not okay. The patient should be well-trained. If the work pressure is heavy, he may not be suitable for heavy work. I suggest that for the sake of the team's health, don't take the work that requires brainstorming in the future. Give it to him."

Before Detour Ran had time to happily fool around, he saw the black-clothed boy frowning slightly and asked, "Can't you control the hot weapon warehouse?"

heat! Wu! Device! warehouse! Library!

That is something more important than the granary. It can be said that if he has the management authority, he can use his authority to bring all these hot weapons back to Wuliu as long as he avoids the sight of other people.

With this, Wuliu could make a 50-50 fight even if he fought Yinghe.

Hao Xing Ran's eyes just lit up, and his mood was agitated.

Dr. Ku: "Anything that needs to be managed, it's best not to let the An team manage. I remember that the An team used to manage the granary. Just the granary can think about too much and get frustrated. If you manage an important thermal weapon warehouse, then I'm afraid I will die young."

Ji Changze nodded, as if he had heard this: "You are right."

Detour Ran: "..."

This is not over yet, and Dr. Ku is still continuing: "I suggest that you don't leave the security team to take care of all the important things, just take care of the trivial things."

Detour Ran: "..."

He doesn't want to do anything else now, he just wants to sew the doctor's mouth.

Ji Changze obviously didn't notice the various fierce emotions in his heart. He was still expressionless and his tone was flat: "Okay, I remembered."

After speaking, he took out his own small notebook, wrote down carefully on it, and showed it in front of Detour Ran.

Detour Ran: "..."

Let him die.

Then Ji Changze told him that this was not the most desperate.

The black-clothed boy put his notebook back and asked a soul question: "Is it okay if I don't kill the detour?"

"Yeah! We only said that Mr. Wuliu was asked to take the coal mine in exchange for the life of the detour, but did not let him go back alive!"

Team Zhou was inspired, immediately excited, and patted soothingly around Ran's shoulders: "An Run, don't worry, I'll beat him up to vent your anger."

Detour Ran: "..."

Seeing that he was not happy, Team Zhou was a little puzzled: "Why do you look unhappy? Is it not enough to beat him up, or let's kill him..."

"I'm happy! I'm very happy!"

Detour Ran squeezed out a joyful smile: "I'm so happy, I almost laughed out loud."

"It seems that beating the circumambulation will indeed make you happy." Qin Qinghe breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then I will beat him too! How happy you are!"

Detour Ran: "...thank you."

"You... It's nice, I'm really very touched."

He thought that this would be the end of today.

Until Ji Changze said: "Doctor, prescribe medicine."

"Ah, yes yes yes."

Dr. Ku was reminded, helped his glasses, opened the medicine box, and said to everyone: "I brought my own medicinal materials. These are all good medicines. If the boss hadn't come to me personally, I wouldn't be willing to take them out."

"Wait, I'm going to decoct the medicine, the team rest assured, as long as you calm down, I guarantee that you can cure the disease after drinking my medicine. My reputation is quite far-reaching."

Ran around her face was stiff with a smile, so she nodded at him so stiffly.

He is numb.

Cure the disease first.

Anything that can't defeat him will only make him stronger! !

When I was a child, I worked hard. I stood up and walked around Ran looking at the bowl in front of him, twitched the corners of his mouth, raised his head and asked, "What is this?"

Doctor Ku is full of confidence: "The medicine, I boiled it myself. Most people don't have this treatment yet. You can drink it while the team is hot."

He walked around and smelled the unpleasant smell that ran into his nose, and resisted the desire to spit it out. Wang: "Your medicine is green when it is boiled out?"

"That's not it, green is so good and eye-catching."

Dr. Ku pushed the bowl of medicine with green with black, black with blue, and a little purple in the blue, and pushed forward: "Team An, I know you and I have a relationship, but this medicine has to be drunk while it's hot, and wait for you. Let's chat again after drinking."

Detour Ran: "..."

He tremblingly picked up the bowl of medicine, but he couldn't put it to his mouth for a long time.

Ji Changze was sitting and drinking water slowly. Seeing him like this, he said: "If you don't want to drink medicine, you can just kill the detour."

Detour Ran: "...I want to drink, especially want to drink."

He endured the desire to vomit. He looked, closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, held his breath and drank it in one breath.

This medicine is a true god.

After drinking, his face turned pale in an instant.

The pale and pale, more than twice as weak as before.

Ji Changze also asked him: "Does it taste good?"

Detour Ran Sheng was afraid that he would say it's not good to kill the other party to kill the detour, endure his nausea, and squeeze out a smile: "It's good, I like it very much, I believe it can be cured."

"The security team knows the goods, it's okay, if you like, I still have it here."

Dr. Ku showed the expression of encountering Bole, took out a bowl from the box, and pushed the same medicine as the previous one under the circling stiff vision:

"I just boiled a little body-reinforcing medicine by the way. Drinking it is good and harmless, and the taste is exactly the same as the medicine you just drunk."

"I planned to take it back and sell it, but since you like Team An, you can drink it!"

Detour Ran: "..."

He said with a pale face: "I'm so embarrassed, you want to sell it, how can I be ashamed to drink it for nothing."

"It's okay, I only sell a secondary crystal nucleus for one bowl."

Dr. Ku is very generous: "Just treat you like me, don't be polite to me!"

Detour and look back at Ji Changze.

The other captains have all gone back to work, and only the base boss Ji Changze has this spare time to continue "consoling" him here.

Seeing him look at himself, the black-clothed boy's expression remained unchanged, making it impossible to see any clues from his facial expressions.

Detour Ran was really scared of him, gritted his teeth and closed his eyes and drank the medicine clean with a sigh of relief.

Putting down the empty bowl, he felt like escaping from birth.

at last! Finally liberated!


Ji Changze didn't know when he walked to the table and removed the slender fingers clasped on the table, revealing a fifth-level crystal nucleus underneath.

After putting the crystal core, he said to Dr. Ku: "I bought all the medicine in the box."

As he said, he walked around blankly and raised his chin: "Give him a drink."

Detour Ran: "..."

He watched Ji Changze return to his seat after speaking, and said to him: "You have to make up."


Dr. Ku made a fortune and was very happy. He hurriedly opened the box and took out all the remaining five bowls and placed them in a row in front of Hao Xingran.

I also said enviously: "Team An, the boss is really kind to you, but really cares about you, do you think everyone cares about you so much, don't you think about other things? You can try to think about happy things, which are good for your condition. Oh."

Detour Ran: I want to die.

Five bowls of medicine, the taste is exactly the same, the taste is exactly the same green oil.

Facing Ji Changze's quiet gaze, Detour Ran still drank all the five bowls of medicine.

After drinking, he was doubting life.

Finally, Ji Changze left.

Before going around and breathe a sigh of relief, the black-clothed boy suddenly stopped. Before leaving, he said, "I will watch you drink your medicine every day from now on."

"Take care of the disease and don't give up treatment."

Dr. Ku followed him, and made a cheering fist in front of a blank face, "Come on, Team An! With so many people caring about you, you can definitely get better! Duck!"

To you uncle!

Detour Ran didn't come up in a breath, and after she watched them go, she rolled her eyes and fainted alive.

With Ji Changze's concern, the speed of circumnavigating Ran's illness has been rapid.

In just five days, he was able to walk around the base.

He found that Team Zhou has always been very busy lately, and has been following Ji Changze, seeming to be observing something.

Ran around with joy in my heart.

Well, in the base, Zhou Yan had the biggest opinion of Ji Changze. Now he suddenly started to pay attention to Ji Changze so much, it seemed that he was planning to make trouble.

After re-initiating an undercover enthusiasm, Ran received a news before he was happy for a while.

That Doctor Ku was a veterinarian before the end of the world.

Because he does not charge for medical treatment, and although the medicine is difficult to drink, he can always cure the illness with weird medicine. Everyone admits that he is a doctor.

Detour Ran: "..."

So did he drink the veterinary medicine for five days?

After making himself so angry that he almost fell ill, he walked around and managed to cheer up.

Well, this is also a breakthrough.

He can use this as an excuse to go to Zhou Yan and talk about it.

Zhou Yan has always cared for An Run, plus he has never been used to Ji Changze. As long as he gives such an excuse, the other party will definitely be full of rejection and disgust towards Ji Changze.


Yinghe is in chaos, won't Wuliu have a chance?

When Yinghe's Neidou is almost consumed, their Wuliu can do this, and then that, and finally the coal mine can be found back, even Yinghe can become theirs.

After detouring, Ran fantasized for a while, the more he thought about it, the happier he was, and he tried hard to find Zhou Yan.

what! Zhou Yan! He is reliable in Yinghe! firm! Hate Ji Changze's loyal "teammate"!

Team Zhou is meditating.

The more he observed Ji Changze, the more he discovered that the other party really didn't seem to have any selfishness at all.

Even a little bit hard-hearted.

Such as names, such as regulations.

All the regulations left by Ji Rong were not changed after Ji Changze took office, and there was no change at all.

Asked him why, he said that the eldest brother said it.

Obviously the new boss, but he still lives like the loyal subordinate before.

Moreover, he is still so young.

Detour Ran came at this time.

He said so and so, and Team Zhou sighed and patted him on the shoulder:

"That's because Dr. Ku has a good reputation outside. Where does Changze know this?"

Detour Ran felt that something was wrong. He said, "Most people will check it? Even if you don't check it? That doctor has such a big name, it's impossible for him not to know."

Team Zhou sighed: "But he is not an ordinary person."

Ran around: "???"

Team Zhou: "Actually, I think other people are pretty good. We used to think of him too badly."

Detour Ran: "..."

He was sick for only a few days, what happened? ?

What about loyal teammates? ? ?