He who snatches the saber of the orphan in the last days (12) (Actually I am the sword spirit (three in one)...)

Quan Youqin also noticed that Ji Changze was staring at the baby in his arms, and hurriedly hid the child in his arms, trying to squeeze a smile.

"Hello, I have a piano."

Everyone can see the hurriedness hidden in his smile. This is also normal. After all, not everyone can be hunted down for so long and still maintain a steady state of mind.

"Hello, I am Fang Xing."

"Hello, this is Hu Xiaohu."

Fang Xing and Hu Xiaohu both followed the introduction, but saw that Ji Changze hadn't moved. They turned their heads strangely and found that the boy was staring at the baby constantly.

Fang Xing smiled embarrassedly at Quan Youqin: "I'm sorry, his temper is like this, not against you."

This is in other people's territory, and I have a piano where I am so embarrassed to say something, and quickly nodded: "Yes, yes, I know, very personal. I have seen a lot of people with personalities."

Fang Xing's gaze fell on the sword behind him.

Quan Youqin noticed her sight, quickly freed a hand to take the sword down, and introduced, "This is Tengying."

Teng Ying, the name is good.

Before Hu Xiaohu and Fang Xing could say politely, Ji Changze, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said, "I am Changze."

Three people: "..."

The atmosphere was slightly cold for a second.

But soon it got better again.

"Hahahahaha, this little brother is a bit slow."

"Yes, yes, he is like this."

The three of them all want to have a good relationship with each other, and you will quickly look like a family with each word.

As he was talking, An Run also got news.

Although he is the latest one, he is definitely the most eye-catching one.

The main reason was that as soon as he came in, he first took Quanyouqin's hand and shouted: "Cousin! You can come and take refuge in my cousin. Knowing that you have been treated so cruelly by Wuliu, my cousin has been doing it for you. Anxious."

Quan Youqin was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, and quickly showed a touched expression of "I finally met my relatives" on his face: "Cousin!! I finally saw you!! With you, I am a cousin too." There is a backing."



When they met for the first time, they had no blood relationship or relatives and friends, so they hugged each other and sighed with emotion.

Say this, cousin, you have lost weight.

That said, cousin, you also lost a lot of weight.

The more they talked, the more speculative, the more they talked, the more they met each other late, and they wanted to get two plates of food to drink now.

"Cousin, I already know what happened to you, don't worry, cousin, although I am not a very famous person in the base, but I am also one of the five captains. They Wuliu dare to bully my cousin like this, I I must support you!"

"Eh! Thank you cousin!!"

With all the music and music, he hugged each other quickly.

An Run, who was hugged by his "cousin", immediately looked back at Ji Changze with righteous indignation: "Boss, my cousin is treated in such an inhumane manner. From the bottom of my heart, I really complain about him. Please help from the boss so that I can show for me. Brother ask for justice."

At this time, it was Ji Changze's turn to speak.

In fact, it was a line, but because everything he said was plain and plain, a very passionate sentence could make him say just like he just bought Chinese cabbage.

So An Run simply condensed his lines to Ji Changze.

Ji Changze uttered a voice. He was serious and serious and said, "Yeah."

"Boss, are you really willing to attack Wuliu for my cousin?"

Ji Changze: "Yeah."

"Great boss, thank you, cousin, thank you boss soon."

Quan Youqin knew that he had found a backer no matter how stupid he was. He was overjoyed and nodded quickly: "Thank you boss, boss, I will join Yinghe Base today to contribute to our Yinghe Base!!!"

Even if they used him as a raft, they helped him at any rate. If he didn't say anything, he would be afraid that Ying He would have an opinion of him from the bottom of his heart.

Ji Changze's view is: "Yeah."

"Alright, cousin, you're fine, go, and tell me what is going on in Wuliu, and how cruel and unscrupulous Wuliu boss is."


Quan Youqin understands, this means, let him specifically find the disadvantages and talk about it.

That's not a big problem.

The two said that the brothers and sisters had left, and the real brother Hu Xiaohu was left staring at their backs in amazement.

"Aren't they biological brothers? They are biological brothers, right? This is the first time we met, how come we have such a tacit understanding."

Ji Changze thought for a while, and replied reservedly: "Yeah."

Fang Xing thought for a while: "They are all very smart, Xiao Hu, don't feel jealous or sour. I tell you you can rest assured that smart people don't like to associate with smart people."

"People like to look for those who are stupid and not very flexible in their minds. First, they are innocent, and second, they don't need to use their brains, which is great."

When Hu Xiaohu heard it, it made sense: "It seems to be really eh, whoever wants to talk about it all day long has to talk and think three sentences."

"So, don't worry, even if this Quan Youqin can talk to An Run, his brother will definitely be you the most, ah."

Fang Xing left after a few simple words, leaving Hu Xiaohu standing there happy for a while.

Happy and happy, he suddenly reacted.

"its not right."

He stupidly turned his head to look at Ji Changze who was still thinking: "Boss, did the sister-in-law just now mean I'm stupid?"

Ji Changze glanced at him: "Yeah."


The arrival of Quanyouqin made the entire Yinghe base completely different.

It's not that he has changed people, but this Quanyouqin, he didn't show much when he first met, but the next day after staying, everyone found out.

This is a cleanliness addiction.

Moreover, he doesn't seem to have only thunder-type abilities spread outside, in fact, he also has a water-type abilities.

Because the two abilities are too rare, they must be put in the Wuliu base to be studied. In order to save his life, Quan Youqin has always claimed that he is a thunder-type ability, hiding the weaker water system. .

As a result, when I arrived at Yinghe Base, I wanted to show off my strength first, and also saw that Yinghe was not as smoky as Wuliu.

He just arrived, and he was not trusted by others. He blew himself up as a different person and made people more trustworthy.

At the beginning, everyone was just surprised.

After all, even the ability to become a bird and lay a bird's egg has been seen, and Quan You Qin's extra water system ability is not eye-catching.

As a result, Quanyou Qin's strength proved how useful his water system ability is.

When Ji Changze went out on the third morning when Quan Youqin was staying, he opened the door and almost didn't recognize that the street in front of him was the entrance of the villa.

In the past, there were always some cars on the ground, and there was inevitably dust on the ground. In addition, the roads hadn't been repaired for so many years. They were bumpy, not like a garbage dump, but the land where the garbage was placed was not against the peace.

As a result, today, the ground is clean, the potholes are also filled up, and the road is clean. It can't be clean anymore. Even the trees on the side of the road are two degrees cleaner than before, and the green leaves reflect light quickly.

There is also the telegraph pole from before the end of the world, with a bunch of missing small advertisements on it, and some things painted and painted by children in the base. Now it is not only clean but also beautifully painted with beautiful roses. .

"Morning, boss!!"

In the distance, with a paintbrush in his mouth, Quan Youqin, who was climbing up another telephone pole, found Ji Changze, biting the paintbrush and greeted vaguely.

Ji Changze's expression remained unchanged, and silently walked onto the road and looked up.

"what are you doing?"

"Oh, I don't think this telephone pole is very bald. I will add a little color to it."

Quan Youqin had already climbed to the place he wanted to climb, and saw that he first freed up a finger proficiently, and started to use his ability to draw water towards the front.

The general water system abilities attack people with water, and are responsible for water supply and the like.

But Allyouqin is different. He can compress his water system power to the level of a high-pressure water gun, then spray on those dirty places, clean it and wipe it expertly, and then start painting on it.

Ji Changze didn't say a word, so he said familiarly: "Boss, don't be afraid of me falling, it's okay. If I fall, my sword will follow me. Don't worry, it picked me up this morning. Three times, I must be fine."

Looking at the baby on the back of the other party, Ji Changze turned and left silently.

Go all the way, clean all the way.

Many residents didn't believe their eyes when they came out yawning, and the scene of collectively rubbing their eyes is still rare.

"What's the matter? How did my door become so clean."

"Wow! I haven't seen this place in white for many years. I almost forgot that it was originally a white tile."

"It wasn't like that last night."

Although very surprised, it was a 100% surprise.

Who doesn't like being clean.

It's just the end of the world. Although there are water-system supernatural powers who supply water, it is not the time when the water can be supplied open as soon as the water pipe is opened.

Can't bear to wash, let alone clean the outside.

Seeing such a scene now is a pleasant surprise, especially for some children born after the end of the world. Some residents who lived here before may still remember what it was like, they just don't know anything at all. .

Suddenly they saw that the dirty and worn-out place became so clean and tidy that the children didn't dare to touch it with their hands, and looked around carefully as if they were looking at something.

Ji Changze looked around, suddenly thought of something, turned around and went back to find Quan Youqin.

Quan Youqin was painting the telephone poles happily. Suddenly, he was shocked when Ji Changze came to the door. He almost didn't fall under the loose foot, but fortunately the ninth-level sword that had been hanging on the side immediately flew over and blocked it. At his feet.

He then slowly slid down carefully, first looked at the little ancestor behind him, and then smiled flatteringly at Ji Changze: "Boss, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Well, something is up."

Forty minutes later, Fang Xing looked at Ji Changze and Quan Youqin who were standing in front of his house with a dazed expression.

"What? Want to wash the sword?"

"It's not that I want to wash, but the boss wants to wash."

Don't think Quan Youqin came here for a few days, but in order to be able to mix well at Yinghe Base, he almost inquired up and down, just to avoid stepping on thunder.

And after inquiring, the biggest thunder in this base is Ji Changze.

Quan You Qin Sheng was afraid that Fang Xing would think that he and Ji Changze wanted to win the ninth-level sword, and at the same time, he was afraid that Ji Changze would be upset if he was too eager to clean himself.

In just a few seconds, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he almost died on the spot.

"I used to paint on the telegraph poles over there, but I adore the boss so much, and the boss told me to follow up immediately. Of course, I just worship and have no other meaning."

Anyway, I was very cautious.

Fang Xing also noticed that Quan Youqin was carefully dismissing the relationship, and at the same time he felt amused, but at the same time he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Even Quan Youqin, who had only been to the base for three days, thought she had a normal relationship with Changze.

It's no wonder that Detour Ran casually provokes a divorce and other people can be fooled.

If it weren't for her failure to show trust in Changze, he would not be misunderstood by the entire base.

"The ninth-level sword is in the room, come in."

Oh my god, all Qin breathed a sigh of relief.

He really didn't expect Fang Xing to talk so easily.

However, he followed in two steps, and when he turned around, he found that Ji Changze was still standing there.

"Boss, let's go?"

The black-clothed boy stood still, with no superfluous expression on his face: "Water will flow to the floor."

Quanyouqin: "..."

You are really particular.

He immediately said: "It doesn't matter, the toilet must be waterproof, and it's okay to operate it directly in the toilet."

After speaking, I saw Ji Changze's eyes full of disgust for a moment.

Not only was he disgusted, it was as if he wanted to throw him out every minute.

Quan Yuqin: "???"

He cautiously: "Boss, did I say something wrong?"

Ji Changze looked at him coldly: "That's how you treat your sword?"

Quan You Qin "? Me, how do I treat my sword?"

The black-clothed boy obviously had no expression on his face, but he looked as if he was condemning the opponent viciously: "You put your sword in the toilet."

Quan Youqin: "...?"

"I didn't. I just said to wash it in the toilet."

Ji Changze sneered, looking at Quan Youqin's line of sight as if he was looking at a grumpy man: "You are actually washing your sword in the toilet."

Quanyouqin: "..."

Washing the sword in the toilet...what's wrong?

He thought for a few seconds, suddenly realized, and quickly explained: "Boss, you have misunderstood, how could I wash while going to the toilet."

The teenager's pupils shrank slightly, and it was rare to show a state of being shocked: "While you go to the toilet, you are washing your sword?"

Quanyouqin: "..."

I don't know why, although Ji Changze didn't speak, he clearly felt that the other party meant "Oh my God, how could there be such a weird person in the world".

No, even if he really washes his sword in the toilet.

This seems to be okay.

Fang Xing didn't know why they suddenly talked about this topic, and listened to them while they were talking.

Seeing Nagasawa, who has always been motionless like a mountain like a glacier, was shocked. Although she was surprised that this was shocking, she still said: "Nagaze, if you don't want to wash in the toilet, you can also wash in the yard. the same."

She had just finished speaking, and before she could react, it seemed that in the blink of an eye, the young man had arrived behind her.

Quan Youqin felt the same way, but he didn't blink, he just watched Ji Changze "swipe" at a speed beyond reality and arrived behind Fang Xing.

He was stupid.

Damn it! ! !

The Flash? ! ! !

Even if it's a supernatural person, it's not so fast, right? ?

Where is this running fast, it is simply teleporting.

"Sister-in-law, let's go."

Ji Changze didn't pay attention to what Quan Youqin thought. He stood behind Fang Xing, poked her arm and let her walk into the yard.

Fang Xing was so cute by his little action.

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing the two of them turned around and walked towards the yard, Quan Youqin hurriedly followed, but just a little closer, he saw the young man walking in front of him suddenly stopped and then reached out and pulled out the scabbard on his back. Pointed at him.

A set of actions went smoothly and smoothly, it was almost like a maneuver thousands of times.

All Yuqin, who was pointed by the scabbard, raised his arms subconsciously, stiffening all over.

It's not that he is afraid of the scabbard.

Mainly, the scabbard is all flames.

"You, stay away."

The boy's tone was cold, and Quan Youqin's gaze seemed to be looking at a walking scumbag.

Quan Youqin hurriedly took a step back: "Yes, yes, you don't like me being too close to you, boss, then I'll go to the sister-in-law, I will walk next to the sister-in-law."

Ma Ye, this Yinghe is no safer than Wuliu.

Ji Changze is too fierce.

He originally thought that he should be satisfied with the other party's saying that Ji Changze should be satisfied, but the result was even worse.

As soon as he finished speaking, the expression on the face of the person in front of him became vigilant.

The scabbard in the young man's hand ignited a greater flame with his heart. If it hadn't been for all the pianos to hide quickly, he would almost not burn his hair.

"The farther away from my sister-in-law, the better."

"Don't take her badly."

Quan Yuqin: "???"

He put down his fingers and pointed at himself with a dazed face: "I...broke my sister-in-law??"

"No, what did I do? I'm just a little harder and more artistic. I don't seem to be doing anything but these."

Fang Xing was also at a loss.

"Changze, he didn't do anything."

Ji Changze didn't listen to them at all, and even, who had never liked physical contact with people, gave Quan Youqin a vicious look, and directly grabbed Fang Xing's arm and led her into the yard.

While carrying it, I haven't forgotten to look back and watch Quanyou Qin vigilantly.

And say to the sister-in-law: "Don't get close to him."

Fang Xing was almost filled with doubts, but she had a filter for Ji Changze, thinking it was just a child.

As for children, it's normal to make trouble unreasonably.

"Okay, okay, Changze, you don't want me to have contact with Quanyouqin, I just don't get close to him, isn't it washing the sword? I'll take it out."

Fang Xing went in.

Ji Changze directly stood at the door with his arms folded, staring at Quan Youqin with a blank face.

Quanyouqin: "..."

Although it seems that Ji Changze has been expressionless since seeing the other party, he feels inexplicably that his status in the other party's mind is plummeting.

If you can hear the sound of the favorability level now, it is estimated that all the ears are [favorability degree minus one thousand] [favorability degree minus one thousand again] [favorability degree minus one thousand again].

No, what did he do.

Isn't it just washing the sword in the toilet?

I have long heard that Ji Changze has been coveting the ninth-level sword in Fang Xing's hand for a long time, but isn't it still in his hand?

I haven't gotten this yet, how can I take care of it so much.

He who carries his sword spirit every day is not so exaggerated.

Quan Youqin spit out in his heart, but when he raised his eyes to meet Ji Changze, he didn't dare to slacken at all, and hurriedly squeezed out a flattering smile.

However, his smile seemed to add an evil color to the young boy's eyes, and Ji Changze's eyes became more alert when he saw him.

Quanyouqin: "..."

He really took it. The whole body was hairy when Ji Changze looked at, and he could only carry the baby he had been carrying on his back and coax him up and down, pretending that he was coaxing the child with satisfaction.

"Hey baby, come, shake the cart, shake!"

Coaxing coaxing, Quan Youqin felt that the line of sight that had been staring at him was not so cold.

He was overjoyed.

It turns out that Ji Changze likes people who are friendly to children.

Say it early.

Just know how to please the other party, he can definitely do it.

Thinking of this, Quan Youqin tentatively approached the boy with the baby in his arms. He was just scared. Now even if he feels that the other party has no hostility towards him, he still moves cautiously step by step. go ahead.

Finally moved to Ji Changze, he tried to squeeze a smile: "Boss, look at my baby, is it cute?"

The young man glanced at him. Although his attitude was still rather cold, he still looked down and looked down at the baby in the swaddle.

At the first glance, he frowned slightly.


This is the truth.

When this poor baby's sword spirit was born as soon as he was born, he still had a bit of sword consciousness, and he couldn't help but cursed the thief God.

Then unfortunately, he was struck by lightning.

After the lightning strike, there were some thunder patterns on his face, which were not scary, but looked particularly ugly.

If this is someone else, their own children are said to be ugly, even if they turn their faces face-to-face, they would be unhappy in their hearts.

But Quanyou Qin knows the details of the child in his arms.

A sword spirit coming out of a sword, where is there any difference between beauty and ugliness, she can distinguish whether she is a sword or a human being.

So he didn't get angry, and said with a smile, "Birthmarks are all like this. If the base becomes available in the future, I will take her to get an operation to remove it."

Grasping this topic, he went down and said: "Boss, let's tell you, this child and I have no other relatives. In this world, we can only depend on each other. Even if she is ugly, I have never I hated her."

"Besides, I really like children, the boss looks at you, so gentle..."

He looked at the face of Ji Changze in front of him who said, "Lao Tzu meets the gods and kills the gods and the Buddha kills the Buddha and kills you too." He continued with difficulty and said, "Dear...you must also like children very much."

The boy's reaction was cold and indifferent: "Average."

Oh, it's still stiff.

But it's normal. I heard that Ji Changze is only fifteen years old. This is the time when the rebellious period refuses to tell the truth.

Quan Youqin thought about it all in his heart, and gave Ji Changze a look of "I understand and I understand".

"I really like children. Boss, don't think I don't want to let go of the ninth-level sword, but if the child and the ninth-level sword are in front of me, I will definitely choose a child."

Everyone knows that the ninth-level sword is precious. He took the ninth-level sword as an analogy, and it was immediately obvious that he loved the child, and it was not abrupt at all.

Oh my god, why is he such a genius.

Quan Youqin waited for Ji Changze to cast his admiring sight, with such a beautiful vision, he slowly raised his head, and then met the other person's look at the dead.

He froze: "..."

Ji Changze sneered: "Give up the sword so easily?"

He looked up and down at the full piano, and uttered a few words: "Get away."

"Dirty my eyes."

Quan Youqin was stunned.

No, again, what did you say wrong?

Why does a 15-year-old boy get so much thunder? Is it accurate to step on one?

Fang Xing just came out with the sword, and didn't notice that the two of them seemed to be arguing, and put the sword in Ji Changze's hands.

"Changze, take it."


Ji Changze took the sword and carefully touched the blade.

I don't know when the bottom of the sword began to have a faint bloodshot, and I couldn't see it if I didn't look carefully.

That is Ji Rong's lifeline.

The one that was originally very weak and could not be seen at all, it was because of the gradual recuperation and the inadvertent absorption of the aura of the sword spirit present, and it slowly appeared.


Fang Xing also found this bloodshot, she stretched out her hand and touched it in a daze.

"Just now it doesn't seem to have been."

I don't know why, at first she just wanted to touch it casually, but when she actually touched the other person, she suddenly had the urge to cry.

Very warm, very warm feeling.

Ji Changze watched the bloodshot slowly growing forward, and waited until it stopped moving, and then said to Quan Youqin, "Let's start washing it."

Quan Youqin stared at the bloodshot cautiously: "This won't be a parasite, right? I saw a lot of parasites in a forest before, but it was terrifying. It got into the stomach and eats human intestines, and waited until After the intestines are eaten, bite through the stomach and get out."

"Why don't we try with a needle first? I think it really looks like a parasite, I..."

His voice suddenly stopped.

Ji Changze asked: "Wash it now?"

Quan Youqin nodded immediately: "Wash now!! Wash now!!"

After saying this, he looked at the scabbard slowly moving away from his neck and swallowed silently.

The ruthless tool man began to release the water, starting from the tip of the sword, and washing it down little by little.

Ji Changze's gaze crossed and was trying to concentrate on making the "high-pressure water gun" more high-pressure, striving for a wave of performance, and fell on the baby behind him.

The baby didn't understand anything, just because she felt the breath of the same kind and clapped her hands happily. With her happy mood, some auras that were invisible to the naked eye slowly dissipated.

If you use an analogy, it's probably equivalent to relaxing when you are happy, and when you are relaxed, you will be filled with a pleasant breath.

And now, these auras generated by the joy of the baby sword spirit have slowly entered the ninth-level sword.

"Boss, I don't think something is right, why this bloodshot is getting longer after washing?"

Quan Youqin raised his eyes and met the boy's expressionless face.

He swallowed immediately after a stomach spit.

"Wash, wash, I concentrate on washing, and I don't speak anymore."

The high-pressure water gun was really good, and the sword god quickly washed it as if his whole body was shiny.

Ji Changze took this sword in his hand and looked at it several times over and over again. In the eyes of others, it looked like he couldn't put it down.

Fang Xing had just made a decision. Even if he felt bloodshot, he felt a reluctance in his heart that he couldn't explain, but he still gritted his teeth:

"Changze, you are the strongest in the base. The ninth-level sword should be equipped with a strong one. In the future, you will bring this sword."

Ji Changze had been chasing her for a ninth-level sword, Fang Xing originally thought that after she had finished speaking, the other party would be happy.

As a result, the boy was still the same, and there was almost no emotion on his face.

He said: "I don't take it."

Simple and rude is his style.

Fang Xing was a little dumbfounded: "Why don't you want it anymore? Didn't you always want it before? Didn't you always ask me for it?"

Ji Changze touched the ninth-level sword, his tone was light: "I can't use it anymore."

"Why can't you use it? You have been doing tasks outside, and you need a weapon that can be used the most. This sword is suitable for fire abilities. You don't have to be afraid of saying anything outside. I want to give it to you. Use it."

The boy shook his head, looking a bit regretful, but not the kind of unhappy regret.

"I can't use it."

"You haven't used it yet, how do you know you can't use it?"

Ji Changze: "Just look at it."

Fang Xing looked at him with such seriousness and looked at the ninth-level sword and thought that he didn't use it. He thought he was funny and cute.

"How is it possible that the sword can be seen by just looking at it. You don't have to be polite to me. You are all brought up by me. I can be regarded as half a mother of you. Follow me. What are you still paying attention to."

Ji Changze still insisted: "I can't use it anymore."

He touched the sword body a little bit reluctantly, and put it into Fang Xing's hand.

Sighed: "When the eldest brother casts the sword, it should be bigger."


Fang Xing glanced at the ninth-level sword in his hand with some confusion: "Are you saying that he is too young to be good at it? I don't look too small, it's quite big."

The boy shook his head and corrected: "It's too narrow, squeezed."

"Squeeze? What squeeze? There is nothing else on this sword."

Fang Xing found out that he had gone out, and when he came back, he became more and more confused about what the children were thinking.

How come you have to pay attention to the size of weapons now.

This is a level nine sword.

However, no matter how she persuaded him, Ji Changze looked like he had decided.

While resolutely refused, he looked a little sad: "I thought it was big enough."

"Forget it, I don't want it."

He turned his face away, and that flat face rarely showed some small reluctance: "I will give it to you first."

Fang Xing: "???"

No, is this child sick? How strange is his speech?

Quan You Qin was also dumbfounded.

He didn't know for a moment whether he should shock Ji Changze to give up the ninth level sword, or should shock the opponent to use the word "let".

What this said, people who didn't know thought that the ninth-level sword was originally Ji Changze's.

Although he had decided to temporarily "let out" the ninth-level sword, the young man obviously still had this sword in his heart.

The specific manifestation is that he took Fang Xing to say a lot of words.

"Wash it every day, wipe it clean, and then apply osmanthus oil."

"Slightly more, but not too much."

"Place it under the moon at night, and the rest of the sword should be white. White looks good."

"Don't take it to the toilet."

After a pause, he added: "Not even in the kitchen."

"Don't put it in the cabinet, it's too dark in the cabinet."

He also thought about it very seriously before giving the next sentence: "If you want, you can put it on the cabinet."

Fang Xing nodded in a daze while coaxing a child.

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely follow suit."

From the bottom of her heart, she guessed that Ji Changze must still want this sword, but maybe the rumors of the base a while ago scared the child, so she didn't dare to take it back.

If you don't really like it, would you just have so many ways to take care of it?

"You really don't want it?"

The boy's clear eyes looked over: "I think."

"But it's useless."

Fang Xing just saw a bit pitiful from his sight, and he felt distressed immediately, and he was even more sure that his inference was correct.

Nagasawa must have been scolded by people at the base before.

Even if he doesn't pay attention to these things, he is only fifteen years old, and he is rejected and misunderstood by so many people. It must be a shadow.

How could the ninth-level sword be useless, aren't they all fire-type abilities?

Fang Xing feels distressed, but doesn't know how to say it, so he can only comfort him: "Leave the sword with me first. I must take care of it. When you want it, just come to me to get it, don't think too much."

The teenager also looked a little moved, stretched his neck forward slightly, touched the bloodshot on the sword, and then relaxed his eyebrows slightly.

"Well, wait another month, I'll get it."

Quan Youqin could not help asking: "Why is it a month?"

Is there an accurate deadline for this special?

Ji Changze seemed to be in a good mood. Although he looked at him as if he was looking at a scumbag, he still replied: "I won't be squeezed anymore after a month."

Quanyouqin: "..."

He wondered if Yinghe Base had any secret words, and because he had just arrived, no one told him.

Otherwise, how could he not understand what Ji Changze was talking about.

Looking at Fang Xing again, he looked like he had understood him. He even freed a hand to touch Ji Changze's head: "Okay, we will come to Changze to pick it up in a month. Don't worry, my sister-in-law will definitely take the sword. Well maintained."

Quanyouqin: "..."

There is definitely a secret sign!

It seems that the people at Yinghe Base still don't trust him enough, so, after all, he has only just been here for three days, and it is still a bit difficult to gain trust in such a short period of time.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he diligently applies his favorite cleaning skills, soon the entire base will admire him and treat him as his own.

It won't be too late to ask for a secret signal at that time.

But think about it this morning that I still told others without shame that I was completely accepted by Yinghe Base, and it really hurts.

Okay, because he has a good power level, and he has a ninth-level sword, giving him a high-level position.

There are no high-level people who don't know the code word.

It was so embarrassing that he had no face to look at Fang Xing.

Fang Xing didn't know what Quan Youqin was thinking, she was still thinking about how Changze said things that she didn't understand every day.

She looked to one side and didn't know why all the people with fighting spirit had a piano. When Ji Changze went out to ask, she asked, "You have a piano, do you know what Changze just said about squeezing the sword?"

Quanyouqin immediately became energetic.

He nodded calmly: "I know, it's a secret, a secret sign."

Come and come, I am also in the know. People, hurry up, tell me what it is.

Fang Xing nodded, "That's it."

It turns out that there are other meanings, so I asked, otherwise I didn't figure out how embarrassing it was.

She felt relieved and patted all the piano shoulders: "Okay, then you go busy, I will go busy too."

Fang Xing is gone.

After walking for a minute, Quan Youqin still stood there blankly, without responding for a long time.

Fang Xing actually left like this...? ? ?

No, what about the code? !