He who snatched the saber of the orphan in the last days (13) (Actually I am the sword spirit (3.1 more...)

After Ji Changze and the others accepted An Run's "cousin", every day the base exudes a clean and tidy atmosphere.

The streets were clean, the roadside stalls were clean, and even the tiles on the brick houses were washed clean.

Children no longer write and draw pictures on the roadside. After all, the pictures painted on them are much more beautiful than theirs. They are children and not blind. If someone draws 100 points, they can get one at most. Twenty minutes, where is the embarrassment to go up and toss.

Quan Youqin didn't know that he had changed the habit of children in Yinghe base who like to scribble. Since being accepted into the base, he has been looking forward to the day and night, and he hopes that Yinghe will hit Wuliu quickly.

Otherwise, such a big enemy stared at him outside, and he couldn't sleep peacefully. As soon as he lay down, he dreamed of Wuliu boss Jiejiejie smiling, laughing while dancing tango.

too frightening.

This nightmare scared him to sleep with his sword in his arms every night to comfort him. In order to have a way out and to cultivate feelings with his sword, Quan Youqin tells stories to his ninth-level sword every night. .

Once upon a time, there was a sword lying quietly under the water and picked up by his master. Since then, he and his master have lived a happy life.

Once again, an immortal long made a sword. Later, the immortal long was severely injured and he was chased and killed. The sword held the immortal long and fled all the way, avoiding the chasing and killing of the chasing soldiers. Since then, the immortal long and the sword have lived happily. happy life.

Once again, with a root of wood, he became a sword, and then he saved his master, and the master was happy.

The story of Quanyouqin is different. It's a pity to say that it is a routine. The little doll is still very interested at first. After listening to it and feeling the same, every time she feels drowsy, most of her eyes are open. Make a small slit and perfuse.

Fortunately, Quan You Qin is not afraid of being perfunctory. His main purpose is to vent the uneasiness in his heart, and then try to train with the sword spirit to learn how to fly and drag his master.

Ji Changze didn't know what Quanyou Qin did at first, but he couldn't hold back he felt the more and more decadent breath of the baby sword spirit.

What did Quanyouqin do? Even a baby can't stand him.

There is no need for him to inquire, Quan Youqin can't wait to live in Ji Changze's office recently, even if he knows that the other party has a lot of opinions about the toilet washing sword before, he still insists on coming over and squatting every day.

Then, he tapped the question openly and secretly, when should Yinghe Base deal with Wuliu.

As an innocent person chased by Wuliu, Wuliu is not dead, Quan Youqin is really hard to feel at ease.

Ji Changze ignored him.

Quan You Qin doesn't care.

He was afraid of Ji Changze at first, but later found out that the other party was very good at serving him. As long as he stayed away from him a little bit and don't disturb his work, then even if he talked about nonsense all day long, Ji Changze would at best look at him coldly. At a glance.

It's okay to be coldly swiped!

It seemed that if he didn't bother Ji Changze, Ji Changze wouldn't look at him coldly.

Those who have all the trumpets and trumpets regard themselves as small speakers. Anyway, he thought it out. The most powerful person at the base is Ji Changze. Even if Wuliu hasn't fallen, he will follow Ji Changze every day and the people from Wuliu will come. I can't beat the opponent.

Ji Changze was indifferent to Quan Youqin on the face, but in his heart he felt that this was a talent.

Quan Youqin is a bit like him to some extent, at least in this aspect of his face, it is as thick as a city wall.

When Ji Changze wants to eat, he goes to the frisky meal. Before the meal is delivered, he quickly washes the table, chair and chopsticks.

When Ji Changze wants to work, he stands aside like a caring little secretary, not only responsible for getting documents, but also taking the initiative to take over part of the tedious work.

When Ji Changze went out to do the task, he followed behind like a bugger, killing the zombies without using Ji Changze's energy to burn the slag to expose the crystal nucleus. He manipulated the water system ability to roll the crystal nucleus out.

Not only was it rolled out, but the thief washed it clean.

He went straight up and carried the materials he found. Although the prey he caught was not as strong as Ji Changze could not be lifted, he would not stand and watch directly. Anyway, he held everything he could move to minimize the number of teenagers. Burden.

Although Ji Changze didn't think he was burdened, but I have to say that if you want someone like Quan Youqin, he lowered his attitude into the dirt, and wished that the people who helped him stay with him. , It's pretty cool.

He was even thinking about whether to transfer Quanyouqin to his office.

This is simply better than Hu Xiaohu.

Poor Hu Xiaohu, before digesting the tragic situation of his brother being snatched away, faced the bad news that the boss was also snatched away.

To say who in the entire base disliked Quanyou Qin the least, Hu Xiaohu was the second, and absolutely no one would dare to be the first.

Finally, with Quan Youqin's unremitting efforts, he waited for news from Wuliu Base.

Wuliu boss is really a talent, he actually directly united with the other two bases to encircle and suppress Yinghe River.

Ever since Ji Changze's office heard that there was a piano, I was dumbfounded.

"No, wait, they come over so blatantly to encircle and suppress them, aren't they afraid of other bases?"

It is normal for the bases to look at each other and want to annex them. Those small bases are okay, and no one cares about annexation, but the big bases, every word and every move is in tears of others.

If it is really a sudden move, without giving any strong excuses, if it is not, the other bases will definitely die.

This is why Ying He wants to shoot Wuliu, and An Run still finds Quan Youqin to be his "cousin".

To fight back to fight, find a good excuse.

Ji Changze looked at the thin piece of paper in his hand, on which various information was written in ghost-like characters.

Quan Youqin leaned forward cautiously, and was bold enough to read the content without being driven by Ji Changze.

Seeing the words that couldn't understand what was written together, I was immediately in awe: "Is it a secret language? It's the kind that looks like a garbled code at first glance, but it can be combined into information by putting it together."

Ji Changze glanced at him like a fool: "This is the normal font."

Quan Youqin looked at the piece of paper with question marks all over his face: "Is it the doctor's normal font?"

Fearing that Ji Changze would not understand, he added: "It's the kind of prescription drug."

The boy really didn't understand this stalk.

After scanning Quanyouqin, he continued to look down.

Quanyouqin: "..."

He can guarantee that the information contained in that glance is absolutely something like "Why is there such a fool in the world".

But seeing Ji Changze look serious, he couldn't help but feel curious, so he leaned in and tried to interpret it.

It took a lot of effort to understand the meaning expressed in this pile of gibberish.

Roughly speaking, Wuliu is indeed embarrassed with the two bases. Wait, why is it embarrassing to be written as Liangbei.

Quan Youqin forcibly endured the complaints from the bottom of his heart, and then looked down.

What specific reason they plan to use as an excuse to attack Yinghe, the writer hasn't found out yet, but he found out the specific time of the encirclement and suppression.

And Wuliu also planned to mess with some zombies into the base.

Really vicious.

The beginning of the end times was the battle between humans and zombies. No matter how terrifying the mutated animals and plants are now evolving, zombies will always be an indelible pain for humans.

Not only because zombies bite when they see people, but also because human beings are bitten into zombies, and those zombies screaming and rushing to eat people, who knows if there are any family members in them.

In order to deal with the same kind, actually put the zombies into a base with civilians.

Even if you have learned Wuliu's Quanyou Qin a long time ago, you can't scold it.

But as soon as the worries in his heart rose, he was suppressed by the remaining words.

The writer wrote that although there will be three bases to encircle the Yingying River by then, he has already gained the trust of Wuliu's senior management. Everyone believes that he is just a trash snack. No one doubts that he will start. He is 80%. Sure, it can make those high-levels spit out the bird's eggs and beat them back to their original form without knowing it.

After reading it, Quan Youqin breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but admire the brave messenger and undercover agent.

"Boss, who is this? This is too powerful. It can actually reach the senior level of Wuliu and make them believe in him."

In this apocalyptic era where a strong man is like a cloud, it is not easy to pretend to be a trash snack.

Ji Changze: "The detour."

"Oh... it's a detour, a detour???"

Quan Youqin was stunned for a few seconds, swallowing, what would he write about just now? Through his efforts in all aspects, he has convinced the Wuliu base senior management that he is a trash snack?

No, does it still take effort?

The circumvention only needs to stand there, it's just a small waste.

Ji Changze read the letter again, and opened his hand after confirming that there was nothing missing, and flames appeared in his palm, burning the piece of paper clean.

"Fight against Yinghe."

He raised his eyes to Quan Youqin: "What reason do you say they would use?"

It is rare for Quan Youqin to be spoken to by Ji Changze, and he was a little flattered for a while.

He quickly came up with the most likely answer: "They also recognized a cousin?"

Ji Changze didn't need to look at him from the eyes of a fool.

The teenager put aside his face and looked at each other more than once, which would affect his IQ.

Quan Youqin laughed: "Haha, haha...actually I just want to liven up the atmosphere."

Ji Changze turned his head and glanced at him disgustingly, and put aside again disgustedly: "Your sword is terrible."

After speaking, he seemed to be unable to bear to look directly, and got up and left.

The rest of Quan Youqin scratched his head with a blank face. Outside, the few captains who were about to knock on the door watched Ji Changze strode away. Seeing that they were still in a bad mood, they all looked at the only thing that might upset Ji Changze. All of them have a piano.

It's not that they just throw the pot casually.

Ji Changze has always been an iceberg "beauty" in the base.

Good-looking, cold personality, light-spoken, indifferent eyes.

Anyway, I'm not interested in anything. If you say anything, he can give him a good look.

However, such a base boss who was indifferent in all aspects had frequent mood swings after Quanyouqin came.

Although most of these fluctuations are not a good direction, they are generally disliked, disliked, and disliked.

But this is a spectacle for everyone in Yinghe.

Obviously, the culprit that made Ji Changze upset this time, as always, was Quanyouqin, who had just been alone with him.

Quan Youqin: "...I really didn't do anything this time, trust me."

No one believes him.

Team Zhou asked directly: "What did you say to the boss?"

"I didn't say anything, it's almost the same as before."

Team Zhou asked again: "What did the boss tell you?"

Quan Youqin thought for a while and told them the last sentence Ji Changze had just said.

"Your sword is terrible? What do you mean?"

"Will the sword still be miserable?"

"Obviously, this sentence is that the boss is disgusting you, indicating that your strength is still not enough, otherwise you will only say that the sword is matched with the hero, how can you say that the sword is miserable."

Hu Xiaohu, who has been secretly rubbing his soreness, finally came along. He was very excited and explained in a mess: "So you don't want to pester the boss every day. Hurry up to the martial arts ground to train and improve your strength. If you are not strong enough, even if you keep pestering With the boss, the boss won't look at you high."

"It makes sense."

Quan Youqin doesn't care about Hu Xiaohu at all, in his eyes this is a child.

He touched his chin, and felt that he should really improve his strength, not always relying on others.

"Okay, then I will go to the training ground tomorrow."

After that, he looked at An Run: "Cousin, can you help me train recently? I'm afraid I won't be able to master my strength alone."

An Run would naturally not refuse, and nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will help you make a training schedule tonight."

Hu Xiaohu: "..."

The boss is back, but brother is gone again.

These are the only worries for the children. When Ji Changze sorted out the news that Wuliu was going to join the two bases to encircle and suppress Yinghe and sent it to them, everyone's worries were the same now.

Even if Yinghe is strong and the three bases join forces to encircle and suppress, I'm afraid they can't resist it.

Qin Qinghe and Quan Youqin asked the same question: "Why are they attacking us? We Yinghe has always done enough for the sake of face and everything. Who wouldn't say Yinghe is good, they are not afraid to provoke other bases. Are you afraid?"

"There must be a reason, but what is the reason for the people from the three bases to join forces? If this is just a personal grievance, it is too exaggerated."

"Are the names of the other two bases confirmed?"

Ji Changze has been sitting in the upper position, silently listening to their babbled discussion, only at a critical moment when he speaks: "Foxing, Liuyang."

Everyone's expressions became solemn after hearing these two names.

They are all in the nine bases.

Although it is at the bottom, it is definitely possible to be in the top nine.

One may be nothing, and the two Ying He barely feared.

But three...

"No, we have to prepare in advance. We can't be caught off guard by them. It's better to kill them."

Hu Rong slapped the table: "If we were really surrounded by them, the terrain of our base would be good defensively, but we can't cut off the bridge and stay in the base all our lives. If we don't say anything else, we can only eat and drink if we don't leave the base. It is difficult to supply."

There are indeed food reserves in the base, and there are plenty of them, but the problem is that there are not just a few of them in the base.

There are also many ordinary residents.

With so many people eating together, they can completely sit back and eat in a few months.

"They also plan to attract zombies. The problem now is that we can't find out when and how to attract zombies."

Ji Changze interrupted again: "They will tell us."

The others were stunned, and didn't react for a moment.

They are now in a hostile relationship, how could Wuliu tell them.

Facts have proved that Wuliu really does.

Four hours later, in the grove.

An Run leaned against the tree, watching with the artificially drawn map in his hand.

After reading it, he looked at the stranger who nodded and bowed on one side: "Are you sure that the zombies will pass this line to Yinghe?"

"Especially sure, this is the route that the base has set up after many meetings to ensure safety and concealment. You see, Brother Ran, we were well prepared. We sprinkled mutant plants there as early as a few months ago. Seeds, those grasses grow taller than humans, and the people in Yinghe will never find zombies walking in them."

An Run from Yinghe: "Very good, I also think Yinghe will never find out."

"That's not it, Brother Ran, how are you doing with them in Yinghe lately? Do you need help? Are they fighting fiercely now? I think the protection inside is getting stricter, and you can sometimes get in before. Ask for a piece of news, now brothers can't get in."

The stranger concluded: "It must be because there is a problem with Yinghe's top management, otherwise, how could he suddenly raise his defense level."

The culprit An Run, who quietly remembered the faces and characteristics of all of them, and then entered it on the alert list, smiled: "Yes, too sudden."

"As for what help is needed, it is true. I recently spent all the crystal nuclei that I had accumulated in order to manage Yinghe. Now I want to do it again. I plan to do it again when we attack Yinghe. The protective net, in the end, there were not enough crystal nuclei.

An Run sighed for a long time, as if regrettable, a sigh made him sigh nine turns and eighteen bends.

"And didn't I have gathered a group of people here? They are all good players, but unfortunately now I can't get the right to manage Yinghe's weapons, and I can't get weapons at all."

He faintly said: "I originally planned to let those good players come together inside and outside when our Wuliu attacked Yinghe, but now without weapons, this plan can't be implemented."

When the stranger heard this, he immediately patted his chest. He promised: "No problem, Brother Ran, I will go to the boss and say, the boss will definitely agree."

Anyway, they are about to attack Yinghe, and the crystal nucleus sent out now can be recovered at that time, and it can be doubled if it can't be said. The boss will definitely agree.

An Run nodded: "Okay, then I will trouble you."

As a result, he came out this time not only to get the walking route of the zombies, but also the specific plan of Wuliu, as well as a bunch of spirit stones and weapons.

As always, I returned with a full load.

As the day of the attack drew closer, both sides prepared quietly.

Because this is a "secret operation that must not be leaked in advance", whether it is Wuliu or Yinghe, they are living as usual on the surface, and there are all kinds of intense preparations behind the scenes.

On Wuliu's side: Hmph, I know you don't know.

On Yinghe's side: Hehe, I know you don't know, I know.

Compared to Wuliu, although Ying He did not have the upper hand in numbers this time, he was still a little emboldened because he knew the opponent's battle plan in advance.

The dreams of both sides are raging, and the war is about to break out.

Finally, in a fine weather, all the senior base personnel gathered in the conference room early in the morning.

Today is the day when Wuliu plans to encircle and suppress Yinghe River.

The plan they prepared there was eleven o'clock in the morning, and they showed their heads like a bird that suddenly appeared.

The topography of Yinghe River made them not surrounded in all directions even if they were besieged and suppressed, but densely packed long-range shooters were arranged around the perimeter of the island.

At the same time, right in front of the bridge, there will be some forward fighters holding shields.

These people are all superpowers of the power system, able to move forward with a heavy shield.

At the same time, other people will follow behind the supernatural powers of these power systems, and when they reach the gate of Yinghe base, a group of people will directly rush to kill.

The boss of Wuliu was very proud of his seamless arrangement of the day.

He is still very content, thinking that this is his eloquence.

If you change to someone else, you definitely can't just rely on your mouth to tell people from the other two bases to encircle the other base.

Arrived on time at eleven, OO@ @ began in the quiet grass. Each archer found a suitable archery angle, and seriously lurked in the green leaves waiting for the upper level to give orders.

With so many archers, and no matter how many abilities come out, they are too far away and it is impossible for them to fly over and kill people, but the archers can constantly replenish their arrows.

Boss Wuliu hid behind the shield triumphantly, and smiled triumphantly at the bosses of the other two bases: "Did you see it? This is the power of knowledge."

The two base bosses also laughed. The three laughed enough, found a relatively broken speaker, and began to speak to Yinghe Base.

Propaganda is definitely a necessary process.

They have to express their position first and denounce Yinghe base for the wrong behavior, in order to tell everyone that they are not eager to encircle Yinghe because of the wealth and ability of the base to be so prosperous.

They simply can't understand it!

Can't understand Ying He's shameless behavior! !

Ji Changze stood above the base city wall and listened quietly.

There are high-level officials next to him, and they all want to hear what Wuliu has committed to them.

"Hey, hello, can you hear me."

As the leader, Wuliu boss naturally obtained the right to actively speak out. He tried the tone first before coughing:

"Ji Changze, you took advantage of the death of the boss of Yinghe Base, and you took advantage of the vacancy and took the position of the boss. You also insulted widows, bullied orphans, and snatched the nine-level sword of Ji Rong, the former boss of the base..."

He paused: "What is the name of that ninth-level sword?"

The little brother next to him quickly said: "It seems that I didn't name it."

A base boss interrupted: "You call it the nameless sword."

Only then did the boss of Wuliu regain his state, coughing dryly, and continued: "It's the nameless sword. In short, you are utterly conscienceless, doing evil for wrongdoing, fox fake tiger prestige, smiling Jiuquan..."

"Boss, wait, wait, it's not like this..."

Wuliu boss waved his hand: "Wait, wait, I won't say them one by one."

Brother: "..."

He patted his face silently, and squeezed a flattering smile at his boss: "It's nothing, you continue."

Wuliu boss really continued.

"We, Wuliu, have always been unaccustomed to seeing this behavior of robbing others of property, so we decided to walk the way for the sky, for your widow-in-law, for your nephew, and teach you a lesson! The other residents of Yinghe Base Don't panic, we are good people... how do you say that sentence?"

While talking, he forgot the word again.

The younger brother hurriedly stood on tiptoe to the horn: "We are not here to dismantle your base, we are here to join you."

In the Yinghe base, the Yinghe seniors who were guessed that they should have been messed up a long time ago were not only intact, but looked a little boring on the contrary.

Qin Qinghe even took the melon seeds out of his pocket and slurped: "This sentence is a bit familiar."

An Run stole a handful of melon seeds from him, and followed him up, "It's in the TV series."

He added: "Romance drama, I remember this sentence was said by the female lead to the male lead's wife."

After being reminded by An Run, everything else that I had seen a little bit came to mind.

I have to say that once the TV series that was originally just a dog's blood and made people want to complain, once replaced the face of Wuliu boss...

I saw Wuliu boss Chu Chu pitiful, crying out of two catties of snot, and said to everyone in Yinghe, the hostile base, "I'm not here to demolish your base, I'm here to join your base."


Qin Qinghe couldn't stand it first.

"He fights if he wants to. What's the matter, he wants to make us all sick before the fight, so as to achieve the result of defeating the enemy without a fight?"

Obviously, Wuliu boss didn't think what he said was disgusting.

He also thinks he is very educated.

Look, it's the end of the world, he knows all the lines of the TV series before the end of the world.

"Ji Changze is awkward, robbing the ninth-level sword, God is intolerant, man and god are angry! Today, Ji Changze, you either just walk out and accept our justice sanctions by yourself, or don't blame our three bases for not being affectionate!"

He was ready, and if Ji Changze came out, he would immediately pretend to be attacked, and then "unconscious" and fell down.

When the time comes, the reason will be more sufficient, and the win of Yinghe is just a matter of course.

Boss Wuliu thinks more and more beautiful.

I thought happily in my heart, if he is lucky, God would help him.

Wanting to Yinghe, Yinghe's elder Ji Changze had such a big attack point.

It couldn't be better.

"Okay, I have dozens of times, I hope you don't waste this precious time."

After he finished speaking, he did not stay for a second, and opened his mouth as a string: "10987654321!!! Good!!! You Yinghe are now determined to protect Ji Changze, the white-eyed wolf who snatched his widow's nephew's ninth-level sword. Come on! Then don't blame me for being polite!!"

Next, one of Wuliu's little brother looked at the other little brother in a dazed manner: "Boss, reciting ten numbers is too fast, it's the same as not reading."

"Shut up! Watch out for the boss to beat you!"

The two murmured underneath, but the Wuliu boss above couldn't wait to reach out: "Archer, get ready!!!"



The archer who had just emerged came out of his head. Before he was doing anything, he was twisted by the Assassin of Yinghe who descended from the top of his head and slid down the tree trunk.

The movements are neat and uniform, simply and neatly.

This is faster than the ten numbers read by the Wuliu boss.

Wuliu was directly stunned.

In particular, after the archers hiccup, behind them there appeared the Yinghe combat team that should have been inside the base.

These combat teams were well-equipped and had awe-inspiring eyes. At first glance, they were spelled out in a sea of ​​swords and flames. They surrounded the people brought by the three bases.

Surrounded by people suddenly became surrounded by people.

The situation reversed in just an instant.

The three base bosses were stunned.

They looked at each other. The plan that had been perfect in every detail failed at the beginning, and suddenly everyone was confused and didn't know what to do next.

"What's the matter? How could Ying He lie in ambush here in advance?"

"Are people lax under your hands!"

"Fart! Those of me are all cronies. I think the people around you are not strict with their mouths. The one standing next to you now looks like a big mouth."

"I'm going to you! This is my son! Does my son know how serious it is?! I think it's you!"

"Who knows, it's inevitable for children to be ignorant, tusk."

Wuliu boss is still in a daze, and the other two have already been pinched.

They were originally at odds. After all, they are all hanging on the bottom of the list. However, in other bases, they can only fight each other. After so long, it's strange that they have a good relationship.

This time, it's rare to be willing to let go of the previous grievances and re-cooperate. If everything goes well, but once it collapses, won't the mentality collapse each other?

"All right!!!"

The Wuliu boss was still a bit sensible, and he shouted and berated them.

"What's so noisy?!!! What's so noisy?!!! Even if Yinghe knows that we are going to be surrounded, so don't forget, we have not only arranged such a path, but there are so many zombies, as long as they follow our setup The route goes to Yinghe, and without us, Yinghe's vitality can be ruined."

After all, as long as zombies are outside, no one is afraid of them.

But if you enter your own nest, the situation is different.

In the base, there are not only soldiers, but also ordinary people. There are old people and children, people with little energy, and people who do their brains.

If they encounter zombies, if no one helps them, it will definitely be a dead end.

Just after speaking, before the other two bosses were comforted, heads popped out of the grass in front of them.

Without hair, the corpse-like zombies didn't seem to react. They stood dumbly for a second, only to realize that there was fresh food in front of them, and immediately opened their mouths and greeted them kindly with their mouthful teeth.

Wuliu boss: "..."

The other two base bosses: "..."

"No, no, it's impossible. The route of the zombies is top secret. They should be led to Yinghe Base. How can they get to us? It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible!!"

Boss Wuliu turned around, trying to continue to appease his alliance, with a sonorous voice:

"It must have climbed up from underneath!! There are zombies under the bridge. It is normal and reasonable to climb up one occasionally, isn't it?"

Wuliu's younger brothers gradually paled, staring behind him firmly: "Reasonable is reasonable, but the boss... Isn't there too much climbing up..."

Wuliu boss was very dissatisfied with the reaction of his little brothers.

The two base bosses are still there, isn't this embarrassing him in front of so many people?

"Just one or two zombies will scare you like this, don't say you are going out with me, this is a good thing!"

"No, it's really a lot..."

Boss Wuliu rolled his eyes, and turned around and said, "A lot? How much can there be? Could it be possible that they can climb thousands... hiccups!!!"

He was so scared that he hiccuped by the sight behind him.

Densely dense zombies were burrowing out of the grass, clusters after clusters, almost like cells multiplying, endlessly.

They are all corpses, their appearance is not good, this is not the point, the point is, now they have seen the tallest and most conspicuous Wuliu boss, who is wailing excitedly with his barely vocal throat. He rushed in.

"Fuck, fuck!!!!"

As long as you enjoy it every day in the base, you don't have to go out to fight for a long time. When he saw this scene suddenly, the boss Wuliu was so scared that he almost didn't scream.

Don't look at him looking particularly beeping, and his confidence is also very full.

But only he and his cronies knew that Wuliu boss had no ability to protect himself.

So many zombies are almost dead!

The other two base bosses were surprised to see him panic so much: "What are you doing, aren't you zombies? Although there are more, just kill them directly."

"Sweep directly with the ability, you sweep the fastest."

Wuliu boss: "..."

Where will he sweep.

He can only lay eggs! !

The Wuliu boss quickly rushed behind his subordinates:

"Quick, quick!! Protect me!!"

After a while, these zombies that suddenly appeared were finally cleaned up.

They retreat, the Yinghe team that surrounds them in the back will attack, go forward, there are zombies in front.

Compared with the zombies, the Yinghe base team is obviously more troublesome and difficult to fight. Wuyang Wuyang from the three bases huddled together and was forced to beat the zombies in a hurry.

There are too many zombies, and this road is so crowded. People are close to others, and their abilities are not easy to play. Just now many people accidentally hit teammates when they used abilities to beat zombies.

And the hapless guy was originally good, but suddenly he was squeezed out because of the crowd, and directly delivered takeaways to the zombies.

With various bonuses that are not conducive to the conditions of the three major bases, even if these zombies are actually nothing to the supernaturalists, they still succeeded in losing a lot of manpower.

When everything calmed down, everyone sat on the ground in embarrassment, panting heavily.

Seeing everyone is depressed.

The Wuliu boss, who had just been hiding in the protection circle of his subordinates, still had strength.

He bravely stood up again and pulled his lips.

"Don't panic, don't think it's hard to fight, but it's just some zombies. We have a lot of people. As long as we attack, unless there are archers in Yinghe, otherwise they can't reach us at a distance. We can attack directly at close range. The winning side is great!"

The other two base bosses sat on the ground and looked up at him.

"Are you sure Ying He didn't prepare archers? How do I think they set a trap for us this time, how could they not prepare archers."

The boss of Wuliu waved his hand very confidently: "Let's consider the actual situation. The terrain on the Yinghe River is not suitable for bows and arrows. They never use bows and arrows. Only our Wuliu is good at stocking bows and arrows."

"Listen to me, yes."

One of his younger brothers carefully pulled his boss' sleeves: "Boss..."

"What's the matter, can't you let me finish talking?!"

The younger brother's face is so white that he can't be whiter: "Boss, look at the back, the pose of those people on Yinghe city wall is not a bow, right?"

"How is it possible? Where did they get their bows and arrows, Yinghe never made bows... Damn it!"

On the city wall, Ji Changze waved his hand gently: "Let go of the arrow."

"Fuck, fuck! Protect me!!"

"Protect the boss!!!"

There was another rush, all kinds of abilities flew randomly, and various accidental injuries appeared frequently.

By the time Wuliu's arrows were all released, the total number of people in the three bases was already only two-fifths left.

The bosses of the two bases were both injured, clutching their wounds and gritted their teeth at the guarded Wuliu who had no bruises and shouted: "Didn't you say that they have no bows and arrows in Yinghe?!!!"

"It didn't exist before. They had nowhere to use bows and arrows, and they never made bows and arrows."

Wuliu boss also felt very dazed.

But looking at the current morale chaos, he felt that he should still comfort everyone.

So he opened his mouth again: "Don't panic, don't mess up. Although they caught us by surprise, their bows and arrows have been used up, and they can't help us."

"I won't talk about the masters on both sides, just look at the person on my side, which one is not a resounding character? Look at this body, this level, this ability, they are..."

"You can shut up!"

One of the base bosses couldn't bear it: "Didn't you realize that you are just a crow's mouth. What is wrong to say?!!!"

"What are you talking nonsense? It just happened to happen. Could it be that I praised my subordinates for their abilities, and they can still become weak?"

Maybe Wuliu boss really has a tendency to crow's mouth, because after he finished speaking, those tall, well-featured abilities suddenly covered their chests and began to retching.

Vomiting and vomiting, one after another bird eggs fell out of their mouths.

The bird egg rolled all the way, rolling to the feet of Wuliu boss.

Under the shocking sight of everyone, the subordinates of Wuliu boss who were tall and stalwart, or determined and slender, or beautiful Yujie, all turned into contrasted dwarf and ugly people in a second. .


This time, it was not Wu Liu Lao who screamed, but the boss of another base.

He almost didn't drop the weapon in his hand: "A big change?"

"My god!" Another base boss also said, even forgetting the relationship with the neighbor of the base boss, and almost didn't lie down on others to see the significant changes in Wuliu's "powerful".

"This crow's mouth is too strong, isn't that all right?!!!"

Wuliu boss is stupid.

Those short and ugly people who pretended to be strong are also stupid.

Because it is a trash snack, it is defaulted not to participate in the encirclement and suppression (for fear of dragging its legs) and the bypass will sneak out the remaining emetics, hiding the merits and fame.

The bird egg in his stomach that has not been ripened must not be urged out by the emetic. I can only hope that Ying He sees his task successfully completed, and will help him perform an operation while letting his brother go. take out.

On the "battlefield", the audience was silent.

Wuliu, who is the best at beeping, can't come out this time.

Everyone has big eyes and small eyes, you look at me, I look at you, no one knows what to do next.

All these "strong men" around him have all returned to their original form, so I'm still playing a fart.

The Wuliu boss who had been rushing to the front easily retreated.

"Or, let's retreat..."

The other two base bosses haven't figured out the situation yet, but it doesn't prevent them from scolding their mothers: "Withdraw?!!! Where to withdraw?!!! The road is blocked by Yinghe! We are now a dead end when we look back!!"

Wuliu boss came to his senses.

Yes, it can't be withdrawn at all now.

There is still a way to survive if you don't withdraw, if you withdraw, it's really a direct death.

But, but there is no one around him who can beat him anymore.

He looked at the left and then at the right.

"Then, then we will continue to fight."

"Don't persuade everyone, we are fighting for justice!! Because Ji Changze robbed his widow nephew's ninth-level sword, we came to the door to help the orphan and widow be fair!!!"

"We are the righteous! Even if they catch us, we dare not kill us. If they kill us, then they are at a loss!"

The other two base bosses: "...Don't talk about it, just your mouth. I'm afraid when you say that, even if we were originally the righteous party, you will be called unjust."

"Impossible!! It's a fact that Ji Changze robbed the ninth-level sword! This matter has been spread long ago, and it was not made up by me. Even if I am really a crow's mouth, the established facts cannot be changed!! "

After Wu Liu finished speaking, he looked around and hid behind the two of them: "I, I can't fight well, you protect me, and I will thank you again when I go back."

Go! !

Gou surrendered and was arrested alive.

At that time, as long as he insists that he is to help Fang Xing and Ji Wen'an, he will encircle and suppress He Ji Changze.

He is the party of justice!

Ji Changze must always consider not killing him for the sake of fame.

The two base bosses glanced at each other: "..."

Even if Wuliu boss made a vow, they felt suspicious.

This person's mouth is just like it was opened. You can't believe it.

"Don't believe you guys, Ji Changze's grabbing a ninth-level sword is a no-brainer. If you don't have to wash it, he won't be able to clean it!!! Come on!!! Come on!!! Come on!!!"

After all, the people on both sides fought.

Ji Changze also carried his scabbard and flew in. He directly cremated a short and ugly man with a hideous face and directed at him with a scabbard on the spot.

Then in a blink of an eye, I saw Wuliu boss next to him.

Boss Wuliu was taken aback, and hurriedly hid behind him. When he looked at Quan Youqin who was carrying the child while fighting, his eyes lit up and he hurriedly faced the other two old avenues:

"It's him!! He is carrying the sword spirit on his back!!! It's the sword spirit that came out of the ninth-level sword with aura that I told you about!!"

"Hurry up and grab the sword spirit!! This is the first sword with a sword spirit in the last days. With them, we can beat everyone like cutting vegetables!!!"

The other two base bosses had originally planned to push him out directly. After being directed to look in the direction of Quanyou Qin, they became excited and headed toward Quanyou Qin in unison.

Seeing the milk doll on his back, his expression suddenly became difficult to express: "You are talking about this kid?"

"That kid has a blood drop shape on the back of her neck. She can pull the sword out of it. This should be the ability of the sword spirit. You hurry up and catch it!"

The two base bosses played against a Quanyou Qin, and Quanyou Qin just couldn't stand it no matter how much they could. During the fight, they ripped off the baby and saw the shape of blood drops.

Boss Wuliu took the opportunity to throw a self-made bag on the ground, seizing the opportunity to snatch the baby.

A crossbow. Arrow shot over and directly inserted into his hand.


He screamed, raised his eyes in anger, and confronted Fang Xing who was holding a crossbow not far away.

Seeing him staring at him, Fang Xing didn't panic, and directly backhanded a healing ability, letting the prickly crossbow arrow stay on the opponent's arm as the wound healed.

Boss Wuliu gritted his teeth and endured the pain. He pulled out the barbed crossbow and arrow, the hatred value was transferred, and he took out the gun that had been hidden for no chance to use, and pulled the trigger towards Fang Xing.

No one thought that he even hid a gun. Ten years in the last days, when everyone gave up heat weapons and all used abilities to fight, he actually used a gun.

The bullet went straight towards Fang Xing.

As a result, before he could reach anyone, he was melted into molten iron by a ball of flame.

The flame dissipated, and Ji Changze was already in front of Fang Xing.

The black-clothed boy was as indifferent as ever, he raised his hand and dropped it on the back of his neck, under the unbelievable gaze of the opponent.

A polished and shiny sword was slowly drawn out as if it had been brought out of a certain void.

When the entire sword came out, Ji Changze held the hilt in his hand, and the blood drop on the back of his neck was very conspicuous.

"you you..."

Wu Liu stammered in startled words: "You are a sword spirit? How can you be a sword spirit?!!!"

Ji Changze, who has been the second-in-command in Yinghe for so long and now sits directly as the boss of the base, is actually a sword spirit? ?

Ji Changze ignored his question at all, slowly raised his hand, and spoke slowly as before without any rush or panic:

"You are not qualified to name me."

An almost invisible sword light flashed, and Wuliu boss fell down with a shocked expression of disintegrating worldview.

He heard the last two words before the end of his life:

"I am not called Wumingjian."

"My name is Changze."