He who snatches the saber of the orphan in the last days (14) (Actually I am the sword spirit (three in one)...)

The fighting at the scene was stopped because of this unexpected event.

Especially Fang Xing, she is considered to be the most direct person to see the scene of the blasting horse.

Ji Changze was standing in front of her, she could clearly see the blood drop shape on the back of her neck.

Nagasawa... is a sword spirit? ?

what happened?

how can that be?

Team Zhou is stupid, Hu Rong is stupid, Qin Qinghe Anrun and Hu Xiaohu are all dumbfounded.

Even the people from the three major bases were stunned on the spot.

The reason they came to attack Yinghe Base was that Ji Changze forcibly snatched the ninth-level sword.

As a result, Ji Changze himself became a ninth-level sword.

That's a fart.

Are they going to use "Ji Changze to grab himself" as an excuse?

This is not to say that it is hiding from people from other bases, I feel nonsense.

Everyone looked at each other, it should be a bloody battlefield for life and death, but they all fell silent in embarrassment.

You look at me, I look at you.

I want to get some tips from my boss. As a result, my boss is also confused.

For a while, everyone stopped in place in embarrassment.

At the beginning, they all looked at Ji Changze. After a long time without speaking, his eyes couldn't help but drift from side to side.

After a while, no one moved, even if they didn't know why everyone stopped moving, no one dared to act rashly.

I can only keep a stiff posture and ask my boss: "Captain, can you still fight?"

Captain: "You ask me who I will ask..."


Fang Xing was so shocked that he couldn't speak, but An Run barely managed to maintain his sense of reason among the several captains. He looked at the young man who stood there and turned his head slowly, as if it was also strange why everyone stopped fighting.

"Are you also a sword spirit?"

The word "also" is very spiritual.

Ji Changze still had no expression on his face, his eyes swept to An Run indifferently: "Yeah."

An Run: "..."

other people "..."

No, is your reaction so plain?

"You are a sword spirit, why don't you say it?"

The boy gave the soul answer: "No one asked."

Everyone again: "..."

No one asks, isn't that normal?

Who is going to ask a big living person "Hello? Hello? Are you a sword spirit?".

If this is the case, even if it is the end of the world, it will inevitably be sent to the psychiatric department for medical treatment.

Team Zhou was in a daze: "Are you a sword spirit???"

The boy nodded.

Team Zhou: "...???"

"Then you are a sword spirit, you can draw out the sword directly, don't you just have to draw out the sword by yourself???? Why do you have to toss so much?"

In the face of his three-minded inquiries, the person in front of him still looked calm and faint.

"What to toss about?"

Team Zhou: "???"

He stayed for a second before asking, "You just sit in the boss position..."

Ji Changze: "The eldest brother said that Wen An can be the boss at the age of 18."

Team Zhou "..."

other people "..."

An Run asked: "So you want to be the boss until Wen An is 18 years old, and then let him be the boss?"

The young man seemed to think about it more seriously for two or three seconds, and finally nodded his head full of confirmation: "Yes, that's what the boss said."

Everyone: "..."

Team Zhou continued to ask incredulously: "Then you moved into the villa??"

Ji Changze showed a faintly puzzled gaze, "Didn't this question have been asked before, why is it really annoying to ask you now".

"The eldest brother said that he would live there as the boss."

This time perhaps because Team Zhou's expression was too wrong, he added: "I live in a villa."

Team Zhou subconsciously replied: "When did you live in the villa..."

As he spoke, he suddenly stopped.

Ji Changze did not live in the villa all the time.

But the ninth-level sword, that has been following Ji Rong in the villa.

"No, I don't understand..." Hu Xiaohu, as a young man who still likes to collect novels after the end of the world, said cautiously: "Boss, if you are a sword spirit, can ordinary sword spirits not be able to enter the sword?"

"You just said that you have been living in a villa. That is to say, when Brother Rong had not passed away, you slept in the sword, so you have been sleeping in the villa. Then why did you move in by yourself instead of directly by yourself? sword?"

Yes, this is a good question.

An Run glanced at Hu Xiaohu appreciatively, obviously he didn't expect that his brain with arrears in IQ would actually be able to say such things.

Speaking of this, the young man lowered his eyes slightly, there was still no expression on his face, but it was abruptly that people could see a trace of depression.

"When I beat the Zombie King, I was injured."

"Can't get in."

Injured when beating the zombie king?

Qin Qinghe said quickly: "Isn't it just being affected, and it's okay after raising it?"

Hu Rong glanced at the fool and glanced at him: "He is a sword spirit, you forgot that the ninth-level sword was severely injured and the crystal core was directly broken? It was Brother Rong who took his crystal core..."

Halfway through speaking, he suddenly remembered that Fang Xing was present, and hurriedly shut up.

It is painful to dig out your own crystal nucleus when you think about it. They would never say such things in front of Ji Rong's family.

"People will bleed if they are injured. It is estimated that if the sword spirit is injured, they will not be able to return to the sword."

After Hu Rong finished the analysis, he went to ask Ji Changze: "How about Changze, am I right? Are you unable to go back because of the last injury?"

Ji Changze didn't have any expressions, and simply recounted: "No, I was able to take care of it a month before I was injured."

"I didn't go in because it was too crowded."


Hu Rong was a little confused, and subconsciously looked at the sword in Ji Changze's hand.

"Is this sword not as spacious as before after it was damaged in the last war?"

No, it looks quite wide.


Ji Changze looked down at the sword in his hand, turned around and handed it to Fang Xing obediently.

Fang Xing held this sword in a daze, compared to other people who were still digesting Ji Changze as a sword spirit in the clouds and mist, she thought of a possibility in her heart.

Just thinking about it, even knowing that it is not likely to be what she thinks, is enough to make her mind shake.

"Changze, you, you said it was squeezed inside, is it because of it..." Fang Xing tried to stabilize his emotions, trying his best to let him speak well.

"There are other people inside, inside, isn't it?"

No one expected Fang Xing to say such a thing.

Everyone looked at her in a daze.

Compared with the blank-faced people, Ji Changze's reaction was, as always, the calmest one.

He nodded directly: "Yeah."

The teenager is still a little wronged, but there is no grievance in the grievance.

"Big brother is too fat."

Who is too fat? ? ?

The two base bosses who came to attack Yinghe stood awkwardly on the spot, one of them stabbed the other arm and asked in a low voice, "Who is Big Brother Ji Changze?"

"Who else, isn't that who, that Ji Rong? Besides him, who else will be the eldest brother at Yinghe Base."

The boss of the base who asked the question got the answer and nodded suddenly: "Oh... so it was him... wait?!!!"

He almost jumped up without surprise: "Ji Rong is in the sword?? Isn't he dead??"

The tone was too loud, and all of a sudden everyone's eyes turned to him.

Passerby boss: "..."

He glanced at Yinghe's powerful abilities, all of them were not lower than level 6, and there were two lineups of level 8 and several, and he silently shut his mouth, pretending that he hadn't said anything just now.

"Wait, wait, wait."

Team Zhou seems to have been dumbfounded since just now.

As time passed, not only did he fail to become clearer, but he was even more confused by the waves of stimulation.

"Wait for a while, let me swiftly."

He pointed to Ji Changze: "You are a sword spirit."

Pointed to the sword again: "That's your sword."

"You said it's too crowded inside, because the eldest brother is too fat, no, let's not mention whether Brother Rong is strong or not, and the sword is too crowded. What does it have to do with Brother Rong? Is it possible that Brother Cheng Rong can still live with you? In this sword??"

There were a lot of him, and Ji Changze replied: "Yes."

Team Zhou: "..."

other people:"..."

"Wait a little longer, let me take a moment..."

He covered his head, and after thinking for a few seconds, he still couldn't work. He went to see An Run: "An Run, you are the most stable, you say."

An Run: "...I am also a little confused..."

When encountering such a thing, no matter how calmly you are, I'm afraid you can be calm.

"No, Changze, the eldest brother blew himself up in front of all of us. There is no bones left. So many people have seen him. Why, why did he run into the sword? Really? Then he Why doesn't it come out?"

The black-clothed boy had no expression on his face: "I took it in."

Oh... So he took it in...

Everyone understood this explanation in an instant...a ghost!

If the sword spirit can get in, I won't talk about it. Anyway, everyone saw Ji Changze draw the sword from the back of his neck. Since he can draw the sword, it seems normal to live in.

Sword spirit, doesn't it just live in the sword.

But Ji Rong is an individual.

Compared to Ji Changze, he is definitely a living person.

He had parents, wives and children, and relatives and friends. When he died, everyone watched him go.

This doesn't make sense.

However, let Ji Changze describe it to them. Obviously, this sword spirit who has few words and a very personal character can't say anything.

So Team Zhou thought of a very good way.

"Otherwise, you take me in too, I'll go in and take a look?"

Ji Changze talks less, but it doesn't mean that he won't be able to output.

He said directly: "Okay, you die first."

Team Zhou: "???? What shall I do first?"

The boy looked like "It doesn't matter, I am very caring. You didn't hear me telling you clearly": "Die first."

Fearing that he didn't know how to do it, Ji Changze opened his palm, and a flame that was enough to turn a person into ashes appeared in the sky.

Very kind suggestion: "I can help you."

Seeing that he was going to throw the flames at him, Team Zhou jumped back in shock and quickly avoided: "Farewell, goodbye, I don't want to die yet."

Hearing this, the black-clothed boy tilted his head in confusion: "I can't go in without death."

Team Zhou: "..."

If you die, you'll fart.

He looked at the people around him looking at them, coughed dryly, and tried to change the subject: "You mean that Brother Rong blew himself up before, and you pulled his soul into the sword and let him live?"


Ji Changze brazenly approved this version.

To say that he rescued Ji Rong is not wrong.

Given Ji Rong's weakness, if he hadn't found a chance to let the other party absorb the aura from the new sword spirit, he would definitely not be able to sustain it.

Don't say sober, thank goodness if it doesn't dissipate.

Team Zhou was stunned: "How can I make a movie of Xianxia? Isn't this apocalyptic survival?"

"Why there is still soul, can still live in the sword??"

Hu Xiaohu was used to confronting him. Now when he heard that he didn't agree with what his boss said, he immediately stood up to defend Ji Changze:

"The milk doll that is held by the piano is a sword spirit, you didn't say anything."

"Later, you learned that the boss is a sword spirit, don't you think there is anything in it?"

"Now it's just that Rong's soul has entered the sword. Isn't it the same in nature? It's all feudal superstitions, psychic fantasy, why are you questioning my boss!!"

Team Zhou: "...Do you think this is... the same??"

Hu Xiaohu: "..."

He glanced at Ji Changze a little cautiously, and his maintenance of the other party made him take back those guilty consciences at once, and he straightened his chest and said righteously: "Of course it is the same!!"

"Boss, do you say the same is different?!"

Ji Changze glanced at him. Since he came into this world, he has never had a chance to play, and now Hu Xiaohu's stage is under his feet. It would be a shame not to sing a few words.


The boy in black is obviously very affirmed by his younger brother.

It was much more difficult for him to say a few words, and said to Team Zhou: "I think you seem to be shocked."

Team Zhou: "...No, it's not like, I'm shocked now."

Ji Changze asked him: "Are you shocked that I am a sword spirit?"

Team Zhou nodded.

Ji Changze asked him again: "Are you also shocked that your eldest brother lives in the sword?"

Team Zhou nodded.

When the boy got the answer, he nodded and turned his head to look at Hu Xiaohu: "Look, the reaction is all shocked, the same."

Hu Xiaohu immediately clapped his hands, as if suddenly realized.

"Yeah, boss! Why didn't I think of this just now!!! It's the same!!!"

"Worthy of being the boss!! Just smart!!!"

Looking at his excited look, I guessed that if the conditions didn't allow him, he still wanted to show Ji Changze a "deserved of you" emoticon on the spot.

Team Zhou: "..."

other people:"..."

Is the logic of these two taught by the physical education teacher?

But think about it, one is the sword spirit, and the other is the mentally retarded youth who didn't pay much attention to school after the end of the world and focused on training abilities to beat zombies, and it felt understandable in an instant.

"Why are you struggling with this."

Qin Qinghe, who had been in a fixed state, finally recovered and pushed the Zhou team away. When he came to Ji Changze, he pressed his lips nervously and asked:

"Changze, since you saved Brother Rong back then, when can he come out? Is he still the same him?"

Ji Changze looked at him: "I haven't cultivated well yet. I haven't arrived in a month."

Fang Xing, who was always blank, also reacted.

She looked down at the sword she was holding, and one, two, three or four tears fell on it: "One month..."

"It turns out that you said it was too crowded. That's what you meant for a month."

Fang Xing gradually got an expression on his face, crying and laughing, complicated and difficult to express.

When she spoke, her lips were trembling: "Changze, thank you, my sister-in-law really wants to thank you, really, if it weren't for you, your eldest brother and your eldest brother would never come back..."

Fang Xing was not an indecisive person.

Her anxiety and emotional breakdown all came from missing Ji Rong and uncertainty about her body.

She could have chosen to believe that Ji Rong was by her side.

Reason tells her that people are dead if they die.

Under such entanglement between the two sides, even if it is not visible on the surface, in fact, only Fang Xing knows how painful her heart is and how scared her spirit is to collapse.

She was terrified, afraid that she would lose her mind one day when she woke up and become a lunatic who couldn't control her behavior.

And now, Ji Changze tells her: You are right, Ji Rong is indeed not dead, he is still there, right by your side.

As if when he was suspected of being terminally ill, Fang Xing was suddenly told by the doctor that he had a misdiagnosis, Fang Xing relaxed himself.

Except on the day of Ji Rong's death and at the funeral, she has always behaved decently.

But at this moment, she was crying heartbreakingly while holding a ninth-level sword.

"I knew... I knew you were still there, you were still alive, you must be alive, you are Papa Wen'an, how could it be so simple to die..."

Everyone stood there in silence, watching the woman crying, as if to vent all the fear and pain that had been suppressed in the past few months.

Ji Changze stood aside, as if he was eight years ago, and standing as he did in those days.

He was straight, expressionless, holding his arms, and quietly tilted his head to look at his sister-in-law who was crying on the ground holding a sword.

Team Zhou asked Qin Qinghe in a low voice: "You said, can he understand?"

Qin Qinghe really thought about it seriously: "He can't, after all, he's just a sword spirit, not a real person, I said, no wonder Brother Rong was a seven-year-old kid when he brought Changze back. He couldn't even hold chopsticks, and he couldn't speak easily, so he sprinted over the cabinet at every turn.

I heard that he used to like to stay on the rooftop. Brother Rong said that he used to live alone in the zombie city. He probably thought it was safer at high places. Now it seems that Brother Rong used to put his sword on high places. A habit formed in the sword. "

Team Zhou was a little confused: "When did Brother Rong like to put the sword on a high place?"

"Didn't he specially make a wooden stand to put the sword? You make a gesture of a ninth-level sword, ah no, it's the Changze sword, you make a gesture of the height of the Changze sword."

Qin Qinghe stretched out his finger and gestured for the approximate height: "Look, it's almost this high, right, and then the wooden frame has reached Brother Rong's waist, and the height of Brother Rong is so high that the height is only a little bit high. As far as the sword is concerned, is it a high place?"

Team Zhou felt that what he said was a bit right, and it seemed a bit wrong.

He opened his arms and gestured: "Isn't the height of the sword so long?"

"That's Chang. Brother Rong puts his sword horizontally."

"So what do you mean?"

Qin Qinghe vowed: "So Changze used to like to sleep in high places because he was used to sleeping in high places when he was in the sword."

He also played an afterthought: "When Changze was brought back, I felt that this child was not right. How can a child wear his own clothes when he is seven years old, don't know what to say when he eats, don't you remember, he? When he first arrived, Tian Rong took him to buy clothes.

Halfway through, there was a motorcycle driving in the base. When he saw the motorcycle, he went straight up the tree. He stood on it for a long time and didn't get down. Even if he was only five years old before the end of the world, he almost understood something when he was five years old. Well, you don't even know about motorcycles. "

"So at that time I decided that he must have a problem, at least he is definitely not a normal child."

Team Zhou: "..."

He felt that what Qin Qinghe said was a bit wrong, but after taking it all over, he felt that there was indeed no problem.

"No. At that time, Brother Rong didn't say that he had been alone for a long time, and the children hadn't been guided so he hadn't seen anything. Besides, Changze didn't rush up in fright, he just remained vigilant."

"You listened to Brother Rong, I knew it was wrong at that time anyway, but because Brother Rong didn't say anything, I didn't mention it to anyone."

The more Qin Qinghe talked about it, the more it felt like this.

He did feel that something was wrong at that time.

It's just that who would have nothing to do to study how a child is doing, so when he felt something was wrong, he just let it go.

Now that he recalled, he couldn't help but admire himself.

Resourceful and brilliant, even Ji Changze is a sword spirit... one-twentieth.

"Moreover, Changze is actually quite obvious. Look at him, carrying a scabbard, and following Brother Rong every day. Sword Spirit, of course he will follow."

Before they thought that Ji Changze was loyal to Ji Rong.

Now it seems that loyalty must be loyal, but why loyalty is another reason.

This sword was made by Ji Rong himself.

Ji Changze is the sword spirit in the sword again.

Then round up, Ji Rong is his dad!

The upper and lower correspond to each other.

All closed.

It is not even necessary for Ji Changze to say anything more. After hearing this, other people will naturally check the ones they didn't understand and don't understand before.

It can even be substituted.

From Ji Changze's perspective, as a sword spirit, he doesn't have the complicated thoughts of human beings. He does what Ji Rong says.

After Ji Rong died, he followed Ji Rong's instructions. Because Ji Rong said that he would make Ji Wen'an the boss of the base again at the age of eighteen, he became the boss himself and planned to wait until Ji Wen'an was eighteen before giving him the position.

If others use this reason, they might still feel that "Mom's mental retardation, do you treat us as fools?" "Such a stupid excuse is also used. We are not three-year-olds."

But Ji Changze, who was replaced by the identity of the sword spirit.

He is just a sword.

What wickedness can a sword spirit that seems to have been born for only eight years?

He is just a tendon, doesn't understand humans, and acts like a machine according to the instructions of his elder brother. Is he wrong?

He's right!

Is he sick?

That's definitely not there! !

Team Zhou shook his fingers and counted: "One, two, three...My God, that Ji Changze is only eight years old???"

Eight years old...

Everyone looked at Ji Changze.

Ji Changze didn't change his face: "Not eight years old."

Before everyone breathed a sigh of relief, he added, panting, "I am eight and a half years old."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone was shocked by his sight.

The passer-by boss yelled out in shock: "Are you only eight years old?? Fuck!!!"

Just now Ji Changze swept a piece by himself! !

As a result, this evil spirit is only eight years old? ? ?

"What's the matter with eight years old?! You are jealous of our boss's youthfulness! Seeing how your old cook is like, I'm ashamed to say our boss here!!"

Hu Xiaohu, who is a protector of Ze, immediately went online. He might just be happy with Team Zhou, but when facing the boss of passer-by who is truly hostile, he could not wait even if the other party just said Ji Changze lightly. He took a machine gun and slammed the opponent on the spot.

Passer-by did not think of conflicting with him.

Just a baby sword spirit can kill the Wuliu base on its own, and now an adult version has emerged.

Where did they dare to think about attacking Yinghe base.

All the excuses I made have turned into excuses myself, and I'm just shit.

"No, no, I didn't mean that, I just said that he was only eight years old, just like this, so..."

"So what!! I tell you don't be yin and yang, what's wrong with eight years old? Who stipulated that eight years old should not be 189 tall and two meters long. Eight handsome break the sky is more handsome than a male celebrity!!"

Hu Xiaohu finished speaking, and continued "And don't just think about throwing dirty water on our boss every day, and spread the rumors that he grabbed the ninth-level sword, he himself is the ninth-level sword!!"

Ji Changze, who has always been showing lack of interest in these things, caught him: "Changze sword."

"Yes! Chang Zejian!! You still give our boss a name, ah yeah!! Who doesn't know what you are thinking, isn't it just thinking about finding an excuse to join forces to win Yinghe, and then enjoy yourself? Do you drink spicy food?

Now our boss still keeps Brother Rong. If he is really wicked, how can he save Brother Rong? You are blind, and you have to beep people, take care of other people's nostalgia, and the boss of the base. I think one by one is just like the gutter mouse, ah, it's not right. I said what the mouse is doing, what do the rats do wrong, you should follow You are involved! "

Ji Changze: "What nasty?"

"It's okay, boss, don't worry about these things, don't listen to such dirty things, come on, brother, go and cover the boss's ears."

Although An Run thinks that Hu Xiaohu is a bit exaggerated, but think about Ji Changze this year, he is only eight and a half years old...

Forget it, cover it.

Don't listen to these nasty things for children.

Even the sword spirit is a child.

Although the black-clothed boy sounded a little puzzled as to why he had to cover his ears, he did not move, and stood still and let An Run gently cover his ears.

Seeing that Ji Changze couldn't hear him, Hu Xiaohu was refreshed.

He just held back and didn't say something awkward, and now he opened his mouth and cursed for three full minutes without repetitive things.

Although Passer-by B is only the boss at the end of the nine bases, he has been "pampered" for so long anyway. How could it be said that Hu Xiaohu will only talk and brag if he has nothing to do.

The mouth opened and closed, opening and closing, but he couldn't find a chance to interrupt.

His face was blue and white, and he wanted to turn his face and clearly understand that not only did he have no excuses for attacking Yinghe, but the key was also impossible.

No way, just admit it.

"I, that was the boss of Wuliu who lied to us, and we also believed in him... Isn't the misunderstanding resolved now? We were wrong, we apologized, did we retreat?"


Ji Changze, who was obviously covering his ears, hadn't moved.

Hearing this, he took a step directly to the side, blocking the other person's figure who wanted to leave, and said lightly: "Continue to fight."

Hu Xiaohu: "..."

An Run: "... Maybe the sword spirit doesn't need ears to hear the sound..."

Forget it, anyway, they just have to stand on Ji Changze's side.

"Yes! You messed up our base, thinking you could leave by just retreating?!"

"Come on, aren't we going to attack Yinghe? Come on, it's a big deal we won't stop."

"Yes, you, you, you, come here, and then stand here. We were fighting face to face just now, and my knife is about to chop off your neck."

Then when he discovered that Ji Changze was a sword spirit, the knife dropped to the ground in shock.

People from those three bases: "..."

I can't beat and beat, and I can't go.

There are no legitimate excuses, the face is lost, and the lining is lost.

Especially the people in Wuliu Base, who could have been considered strong when they were taken out, are now all turned into crooked melons.

This is embarrassing. Who would dare to fight for fear that his life would be too long?

In the end, several bases still failed to fight.

Normally, at this time, you have to send a Zhou team that has a negative IQ against your own person, but when you are outside, your mouth is especially good.

He wrangled with the three bases for a while, and when he came back, he was contented.

"nailed it."

"The two bases that were pulled over to help compensate us for five weapons and vehicles, and for food to fill up our warehouse, three thousand for the fifth-level crystal core, three hundred for the sixth-level crystal core, and three hundred for the seventh-level 20."

These are all what he said about the strength of the two bases. They have been ten years in the last days, and they will not miss these crystal nuclei, but after the completion, it is estimated that they have also hollowed out the family.

"Where is Wuliu Base?"

Ji Changze asked this.

He still missed the coal mine that Ji Rong wanted: "Brother wants Crane Castle, and wants Crane City to come."

"More than Crane City."

Team Zhou chuckled: "I didn't talk to them at all, and they don't need to talk about their current posture."

What else to talk about, the boss of Wuliu is dead, these little brothers are all back to their original form, and they have no strength at all. Yinghe wants Wuliu, just send someone over.

"We really have to send someone over to save those with supernatural powers that have been hidden instead."

Team Zhou touched his head and said with emotion:

"When people who don't know about other bases know about it, will they feel that Wuliu boss's ability is more shocking to them, or that the appearance of the sword spirit is more magical."

The black-clothed boy was not interested in what he said at all. He didn't understand a little bit of twists and turns, and he didn't know what the Zhou team just said. He didn't get the answer he wanted, so he asked again: "I To Crane City."

"Oh my boss."

Team Zhou patted him on the shoulder, and there was a kind of gentleness and gentleness towards a seven or eight-year-old child in his words: "Don't say it is Crane City. From now on, the entire Wuliu will be ours."

He also fantasized about it: "When Brother Rong wakes up to see it, it must be very pleasant."

It is indeed a pleasant surprise.

Ji Changze thought, he died and lived, and then he learned that his sword had a sword spirit, and the sword spirit was a child who he thought was an orphan raised by his side for so many years.

Even Ji Rong would have been confused for a long time.

The news of the siege of Yinghe by the three bases had not been spread, and the news of the failure of the siege had caught up.

It is estimated that within a few days, it will spread to all the bases of residents.

Everyone was cleaning up the mess, Fang Xing held the sword and carefully touched the red line on it over and over again.

Changze said that Ji Rong will be out soon.

As long as one month has passed, he will return to them.

Ji Changze was still the same, he didn't help clean up the mess, just stood and watched with his arms folded.

At this time, no one felt that it was too cold for others to not help without telling him.

They are sword spirits!

Still a sword spirit only eight and a half years old!

Let an eight-and-a-half-year-old kid do this? ? ?


In fact, Hu Xiaohu has never finished digesting the news, but it does not prevent him from continuing to maintain the notion that "the boss must be right. If others say that the boss is wrong, then they must be wrong".

Pi Dian Pi Dian was tidying up with others, tidying up and tidying up, only to find a person standing in the distance.

There were endgames everywhere on the ground, and the man didn't clean up, just standing like this, facing the slowly descending sunset.

The back looked particularly lonely.

Hu Xiaohu walked over with a little curiosity, wanting to see who made this miserable thing, but when he came closer, he was actually holding the child's Quanyouqin.

Only then did he remember, it seemed that Quan Youqin hadn't come out to make a sound since the news that Ji Changze was a sword spirit came out.

In my impression, when everyone decided to pack together, Quan Youqin seemed to have not spoken.

"What are you doing."

He asked: "Why are you looking so miserable? Why? Just allow your own sword to have a sword spirit, and not allow our boss to be a sword spirit?"

"No, you don't understand, I'm thinking about it."

Thinking about the problem?

Hu Xiaohu looked up and down suspiciously: "What are you thinking about?"

"It's more cumbersome."

Quan Youqin stood there holding the baby, his back looking more miserable.

It happened that Fang Xing came over, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "I understand the meaning of the previous signal, so you are an insider."

Quanyouqin: "..."

Fang Xing is gone.

Quan Youqin looked at Hu Xiaohu: "You see, now everyone thinks I am an insider. They all think that I came here with a sword spirit because they know that Ji Changze is a sword spirit. Tell people everywhere that it's too crowded and those are ciphers."

"Of course, I am not mainly thinking about this."

Hu Xiaohu was really curious: "Then what are you thinking about?"

Quanyouqin tone Buddha: "I just don't understand why Ji Changze is a sword spirit with tall legs and two meters eight meters who can protect his master."

He looked down at the baby in his arms again: "I will only lead people who chase me all the way to find me. I have to feed her milk powder, change diapers, and coax her to sleep every day."

The more I speak, the more grief and anger I feel! !

I was chased along the way, and finally found a place. This silly sword flew behind his ass again, and it was so slow that he didn't dare to stop along the way, so Qin said and talked. , Tears are about to burst out:

"It's also a sword spirit, how come they are like that, mine! It's like this!!!"


"I am wronged!!"