The scammer who can only draw the pie (1) (The entrepreneur who realizes the pie

Chapter 326:

When Ji Changze opened his eyes again, the air was filled with moisture, a gust of wind blew, the curtains floated on his face, and by the way some rain fell on his face.

After waking up for a moment, he wiped his face. Before he could check his memory, a bewildered voice came from behind: "Nagaze, you close the window."

"it is good."

Ji Changze responded and stood up and closed the windows.

When I turned around, I saw young people sleeping in various poses on the bed.

They were all men. Most of them wore glasses, some of them had books in their hands, and one of them had an open book on their faces.

It looks like I've finished studying all night and all night.

He looked down at the clothes on his body and roughly guessed the background of this time. Sure enough, after checking his memory, he found that this time was also a small world he had never been to.

One is developing vigorously. Young people are positive, especially college students, who can learn spontaneously without being urged by their parents.

The original owner is a college student, this is a standard room, two beds put together, a total of eight people sleep.

In the eyes of later students, eight people with two beds may be too crowded, but to them, who are struggling now, it's not a big deal.

The reason why I am in this place, which is obviously a hotel and not in the student dormitory, is because all eight of them have good English scores. There is a foreign tour group who wants to visit their city for investment, and the principal doesn't know how to do it. It's successful. Eight outstanding students, including the original owner, were packed in.

The reason the students got it was that the government also showed that the students in China have a good knowledge reserve. They were told by the school before they left to not be embarrassed by stage fright. Therefore, they looked like humans when they went back to their residences. Crazy make-up lessons.

Ji Changze was still checking his memory there. A thinner student got up with a yawn, looked at the sky outside, and shouted to the classmate who was still sleeping on the bed: "Get up, it's dawn, and I will go to the Forbidden City today. , Get up soon and wash your face, don't let your international friends laugh."

"Changze, if you don't go to the bathroom, I will go if you don't."

Ji Changze shook his head: "I'm not going, you go."

"Then I will go. I remember that you were not asleep when I went to bed at three o'clock. It didn't seem that you were reading English materials. Then it doesn't make sense for you to stay up late. If you want to read extracurricular books, you can read it when you go back to school. Don't waste time."

After the thin student got up, another student also sat up with a yawn. Hearing this, he added disapprovingly: "Isn't he always like this? Leave him alone, I don't know how he got in. , Go, you don't use the toilet for me."

"Don't don't don't, I'm suffocated, let me go first, let me go first."

"Then you hurry up."

The student who got up first rushed into the toilet and then ran out after thinking of something. He picked up a notebook beside the bed and ran back.

Soon, the sound of him reading English aloud came faintly from the toilet. If you read it fluently once, you can pass it. If you stumble and stumble, just repeat it until it is fluent.

The other students on the bed also got up one after another. The first thing they did when they got up was not to put on clothes, but to find a good place to put their books so that they could talk about them while putting on clothes to pack themselves.

They showed different personalities, but they didn't have much interest in Ji Changze. Most of them glanced at it or ignored it, and one rolled his eyes directly.

Counting it down, of the seven people in the morning, only the thin young man who got up first gave Ji Changze a good face.

But Ji Changze, who read the memory, can understand them very well.

At this moment, China is a time when young people are full of enthusiasm in middle-aged and old age. Everyone fully embodies the spirit of not being afraid of hardship and tiredness, as long as they can make a contribution and learn knowledge, everything is worthwhile.

College students are among the most passionate and the least afraid of hard work.

At a young age, it seems that I always have the energy to work hard. I study hard every day in school, and when I go outside I am keen to participate in various university activities.

In such a learning atmosphere, the original owner is a bit out of place.

The original owner was born in a family with good conditions, a serious father, a gentle mother, and a younger sister who is in the rebellious period.

His father is a government worker and his mother is a nurse.

Regardless of the age of the work of the two, they look quite glamorous, and their monthly salary compares very well with others.

When people of the same age may not be able to eat meat for a week, there is already meat on the table of the original owner's house. When the classmates are still watching some movies on the TV of the neighbor's house, the original owner's room has already posted those on the wall. Movie star poster.

Basketball, football, posters, game consoles, mp3.

The parents of the original owner don't hesitate to give him all the things that a child of this age desires to have, and do their best to nurture him.

It's a pity that the original lord has grown crooked.

It stands to reason that he has not lacked anything since he was a child, and his personality should be good. He looks like that, but as the original owner grows up, everything is different.

He began to dream of young and Dangerous, and began to rebel.

The original owner's brain is very smart, otherwise he would not be admitted to a good university, but such a smart brain was not used by him on the right path. After entering the university, he indulged in all kinds of extracurricular reading materials.

Originally, the extracurricular readings were nothing, but now university teachers also encourage reading some famous works at home and abroad, to gain more knowledge and open up ideas.

But the original owner is different.

When people look at it, it means to look fresh.

When he saw it, his heart would be ready to move.

Especially after watching a movie of Young and Dangerous, other students watched and discussed about the protagonist is really handsome and so on. At most, some junior high school-age children imitated and learned.

But the original owner is clever, and others are just learning what they mean. It's cool to fool yourself.

The original master is learning true.

He really thinks that being the boss is very rich.

He rigorously formulated a plan to recruit people and expand gangs. He is a smart man himself. It is very simple for him to really want to fool a few people as his subordinates, drawing big pie and recruiting people in various ways.

Moreover, the original owner has spontaneously realized the development of offline without a teacher.

For example, if his younger brother invites someone to join the gang again, then the younger brother who called the person can rise one level, and the younger brothers will respect him as Brother X.

People at this time are so deceiving, some young people just go to great lengths to develop new offline for the majestic "Big Brother is good".

In this way, the original owner's "gang" has grown bigger and bigger.

He also found that he did not need to study to have so many filial brothers, each of them honored five yuan, which is a huge sum of money.

The performance of the original owner just dropped.

The school didn't know that he was making such a big noise outside, and he was still nurturing him as before, but the original owner's heart was no longer at the school.

He began to despise classmates, despise teachers, and despise everyone else.

Maybe it was just a small mess at the beginning, but the fault was that he was too smart and the "gang" developed more and more powerful, and obviously the original owner was not the kind of person who had huge interests in front of him and didn't take it.

In the beginning, this was just a gang that proved loyalty. Later, it developed into a collection of protection fees. It happened to be popular at the time to do business, so it became a fund-raising to start a company.

The original owner did not expect to receive so much money.

Although the leader of the "gang" is only a college student, he develops down the line one after another. In order to become a higher level of people, these people blow everything out. In the end, many of the "brothers" who are attracted in are real gangsters. .

To say that the original owner is really capable, those adults who are older than him, capable of fighting, and richer than him are coaxed to be honest and obedient, and it is almost the same as saying that they are loyal.

And so many people were attracted by the big pie drawn by the original owner. In order to start a company, they took out all the money they could use, and after they passed it in layer by layer, it turned into a huge sum of money.

This money may not be a big deal in future generations, but in this era when the money is still valuable, it is a lot of money.

At the moment, how much money does college graduates only take one month after graduation, they still have to go to work honestly.

Faced with such a big temptation, the original owner didn't control it, and took advantage of an opportunity to go to the capital to donate money and run away.

He ran away, but he didn't expect what his family would face.

Wherever the people who have been cheated of the money are willing to go to the door to ask for the money, but if you don't have it, the original owner had a headache every day because he was entangled with those who are not doing business and wanted to set up a company, but suddenly encountered this. After figuring out that it was indeed my son's fault, what can I do? Lose money.

The house is sold, the car is sold, and the debt is still unclear.

The father and mother of the original owner had to pay out their wages every month to repay the money. At the same time, they had to look for the original owner everywhere. They didn't care about hating him for doing this kind of thing, and worried that he would meet him when he went out alone. What a danger.

On the original owner's side, after running away with the money, he thought about contacting his family, and after knowing that the group of younger brothers were watching his house, he gave up this idea.

Knowing that they had reported the case, he hated him so much that he didn't even dare to go back. He didn't know what to do with the money in his hand. After thinking about it, he simply took the money and used the loan shark.

The original owner is really smart, and he didn't forget to spend money to hire two thugs for himself. The thugs were young. One was only fourteen and the other sixteen when they were hired. It is said that the stepfather did not treat them after the death of their mother. Okay, I want to send them to work in the factory.

A kind neighbor told them that even if they were to go to work, their stepfather had agreed with them that the money was directly from the stepfather, and they could not get a cent, so the two brothers simply ran out.

After I came out, I didn't have any education and didn't know where to go to earn a living. I simply moved bricks on the construction site, but it was still too young. Although he looked fierce, he was easily deceived.

After working for a year, the first contractor on the construction site said that they were pitifully leaving them to work. As a result, the project was completed and he just took the money and disappeared.

The second time the contractor was a good person. Unfortunately, half of the project was unfinished. The contractor took them to the boss's house to ask for money. The boss's house had already sold the house and disappeared.

For the third time, a eldest brother was from the same town and took good care of them. He said that the two sons in the family were about the same age as them. They looked at them as if they were sons. The relationship between the three gradually got closer, until once, the eldest brother suddenly happened in the middle of the night. When he arrived at their dormitory, he cried and said that his son was seriously ill to borrow money.

The two borrowed, and the eldest brother never came back. Later, they changed the construction site and met a worker. When they talked about it, they were right about their appearance. Only then did they realize that the eldest brother had no sons at all, nor was he with him. They are from the same hometown, he is a local, just tossing around and cheating money.

Then, the two met the original owner.

Although the two of them were young, they were tall and mammoth, and looked very bluffing. For the original owner, they were absolutely safe and controllable. The encounter was also accidental.

The younger brother of the two brothers suddenly fell ill in the middle of the night and was speechless in pain. The older brother hurriedly went to the hospital with his younger brother on his back, but when he arrived at the hospital, he had no money to pay for the medical expenses.

Their money was borrowed by the elder brother, and this time the construction site construction funds were not sent, and there was no money on hand, and the hospital did not dare to credit it. After all, there have been cases of credit before and the patient never came back after leaving.

While crying, the original owner fell his leg and went to the hospital to see him, and he ran into him.

A man looked at the scary man crying like a child, and the original owner almost saw it at a glance. This is a good bully.

He walked over to ask about the situation, and helped his brother pay for the medical expenses.

Then he said: "You two will follow me from now on. I am also alone. From now on you will serve as bodyguards for me. You can eat whatever I eat and you can treat me as your elder brother."

It stands to reason that after being deceived a few times, the two brothers shouldn't believe people as they did before, but the situation is different. They were all defrauded of money before, but this time, the original owner gave them money.

When the younger brother's illness was cured and the pain disappeared, the gratitude of the two brothers to the original owner Jane reached its peak.

As a result, they followed the original owner in such a daze, learning to be expressionless, learning not to say a word, pretending to be very majestic, and following the "big brother" to lend usury.

The original owner also found that he had found the treasure.

The two brothers are very simple and naive, but they have strong hands-on skills. When they were eighteen, they could break the sandbag with one fist.

They are the left green dragon and right white tiger of the original owner. They don't know how many times the original owner has been saved and how many times they have refused bribes from others.

The original owner knew that they lacked love, and what they wanted most was family affection. He didn't mind creating a posture of "we are a family", telling them countless times, "I am the eldest brother, will protect you", "follow the eldest brother, the eldest brother will be well Take care of you".

With these two magic weapons, the original owner's usury life is very smooth.

Until later, the state cracked down hard, and loan sharks couldn't be blatant. At this moment, he already had a lot of wealth and he simply returned to his old business.

Wearing gold and silver, followed by two bodyguards, began to engage in fraud.

Of course it's not the kind of scams that make phone calls. The original owner doesn't like such low-end things.

He still remembers that he used to be a translator and a tour guide for an international friend when he was in school, so he stayed in the most luxurious hotel and hired a tour guide. While taking two bodyguards and a tour guide around the capital, he stared at him. People spread the news.

For example, he is a big boss.

It is a foreign Chinese, and the foreign industry has done a lot. This time I came back to invest in the domestic industry. Recently, I am looking for a partner.

Of course, before looking for a partner, he wants to travel around first.

When traveling, the original owner specializes in buying expensive things, staying in the most expensive hotel, eating the most expensive meals, buying the most expensive watches, driving the most expensive cars, and the two behind them seem to be very expensive. The bodyguard, the image of a rich man cannot be fuller.

Next, I just find a trustee and introduce myself to those upstarts who are not high-sighted but have a lot of money in their hands. The operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the upstarts believe that he is a multi-million-dollar sprinkler. After the wealthy, come to raise financing, naturally a lot of people rush to give money.

Who would think that the original owner is greedy for his own money?

People drive millions of cars.

It is said that the assets abroad are more than one billion yuan. Such a person can catch a ride. If he doesn't rush to invest all his wealth, he will definitely make a profit without losing it.

Then the original owner took the money and ran away.

The rented car was returned, and the things he bought were returned. He was originally using a fake identity. After all, he still has a record and is a foreign Chinese, so he just needs a fake passport.

This matter quickly became a big deal.

At that time, many people wanted to get on this ride to double their income. They did not hesitate to borrow money to invest. Once the original owner ran away, the victims could not pay the money, the capital chain had problems, the business went bankrupt, and they had no choice but to jump off the building.

The police are strongly wanted. When the brothers were hiding in Tibet while protecting the original owner, they didn't know how they were discovered by one of the victims. The victim was bankrupt because his family was bankrupt, and his mother died of a heart attack. I can't hire a babysitter anymore, and the child ran to the street without caring and was hit by a car and died.

There is the old and the lower, and they are all gone at this moment. You can imagine how much the other party hates the original owner.

He took the knife and fought hard, the younger brother of the two brothers helped the original owner with a knife, and died of excessive blood loss.

The original owner's whereabouts were exposed. In order to be able to escape successfully, when the police chased him up, he asked his brother to lead people away.

Although the elder brother was arrested, he was an accessory, but the amount was too large. It is estimated that he will spend his next life in prison.

The original owner has finished killing these two people and hasn't finished.

He continued to flee in a hurry, and this time met his first love who was scummed by him.

The period with the first love didn't have much influence in the memory of the original owner, and it was also because of the later events that Ji Changze saw a little bit about it.

First love and the original owner's house are neighbors, door to door, childhood childhood, good-looking first love, very well-behaved and innocent temperament, the original owner is precocious, so he stared at her early.

Afterwards, it was logical to stay together, but the original owner didn't care about the family situation of first love. Although they were childhood sweethearts, the conditions of their family were very good. However, the parents of the first love family only opened a small shop downstairs, and the family house was also left by the first love grandfather.

Such a family background did not bring him much help, so after being together, the original owner made an excuse that "we are still young and afraid of the elders in the family" to make it easier for him to find a girlfriend at school, and want his first love to have a secret relationship with him. .

The eighteen-year-old coaxed the other party to taste the forbidden fruit with the help of the wine, and told the other party that he was secure and the two families could talk about marriage at one go.

It's not that the first love is too stupid. They grew up together. The relationship between the two parents is so good. The relationship between childhood sweethearts and childhood is often said to be a baby kiss when he was young. The original owner pretends to look like a dog outside. Who would have thought he would It's a lie.

After the original owner took the money and ran away, the first love still firmly believed that the truth of the matter was not like that. It was correct to think that, after all, the original owner had always been stable and reliable in front of her.

In the past few years, her first love has gradually grown up. She looks good and likes acting since she was a child. She was admitted to an acting school and entered the entertainment circle after graduation.

Because of his good looks and pure temperament, after the two TV series in which he participated in the broadcast, he accumulated some popularity. It was when his career was good, he met the original owner again.

The original owner made up a set of rhetoric that he was tragically framed, he was miserable and that he had been missing each other for years, and his first love made him enter the house.

In the first few days, the original owner was only planning to find a place to rest temporarily. As for the relationship with his first love, he had forgotten all about it.

When I found that my first love was doing well, I thought about it and wanted to find a way to send him abroad.

First love doesn't think that going abroad is a good way. She thinks that since she was framed, she can find the police to make it clear, and after investigation, the original owner will be back innocent after the investigation becomes clear.

How dare the original owner go to the police?

He was not framed at all.

The two of them couldn't convince anyone. The original owner hated the other party for refusing to help. Seeing that the streets were full of wanted photos of him, he gritted his teeth cruelly to get some medicine, took some photos, and threatened the other party to send him abroad, otherwise As soon as the photos were scattered, he was dead, and she was not feeling well.

You can imagine how thunderbolt the first love is.

She also understood that what the original owner said before was all nonsense, how could a person who can do this to her be really innocent.

Believe that the first love boyfriend scum for so long is so clear and clear, it's strange that the mentality is not collapsed, the two arguing and arguing, the original owner missed and strangled each other to death.

He ran away hastily again, but an accident happened.

The place where the money was hidden was monitored and filmed. According to the surveillance, the police found the money and distributed it to the victims.

The original owner suddenly became nothing.

When he was penniless, the newspaper started to report on the news that the newly recruited Xiaohua was killed at home.

Although First Love only appeared in two TV series, both of them are well-known, and her role is also very popular. The sudden death of her good years has attracted a lot of attention.

For a time, the entertainment news and newspapers were full of news of her death.

The original master did something that made Ji Changze disgusting.

He took the pictures in his hand and sold them for money.

A dead actress was suddenly exposed to a pornographic photo, still on such a large scale, the incident became more and more sensational.

Her murder was also given other colors. Some said that the photos did not look like being forced, she was a slut, and the murder might be because of embezzlement.

Some said it was good to die, and some said it was a pity, otherwise they would like to try it.

On the Internet, people wearing vests can show up all kinds of ghosts and monsters.

The middle-aged parents of the first love lost their daughter. Before they had time to recover, they were about to face their daughter's death and humiliation. The two seemed to be ten years old overnight.

At the same time, the original owner's house finally cleared the debt. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the original owner's true identity was also found out, so the new victim came to the door again.

The police noticed the connection between the two cases, and really found out that the original owner was the murderer.

The original owner had no money or identity this time. The photos were posted everywhere, but he was arrested a month later and confessed to the crime of killing his first love.

It's just that even at this time the police clarify that the other party is stunned, and the unconscious photos taken, the circulated photos cannot be cleared.

Many people are not so ethical. They don't think that the other person is dead and innocent, so they will give up those wretched thoughts. No matter how the parents of first love begged, how they made the request that everyone can delete the photos and leave some dignity for the deceased. The photos are still The spread of the spread.

The original owner was eventually sentenced to death.

His parents faceless facing their friends, faceless facing their creditors, and a month after being threatened and followed by a victim's family, his sister got out of control of the depression she had been treating and jumped downstairs.

It was difficult for the original parents to support those. After hearing the news of their daughter's death, their hearts were ashamed, and they agreed to commit suicide. Finally, they died alone in the ruined rental house at the age when they should have retired and married their grandchildren.

Ji Changze: "..."

He rubbed his eyebrows.

The system is really picking people up more and more, so the first thing he wants to do every time he comes over is to beat himself up again.

Forget it.

He asked the original owner to be sorry for anyone, his parents, younger sister, first love, two younger brothers, and a bunch of cheated younger brothers and investors.

The current timeline is the day before the original owner ran away with money.

The good news is that he has not had time to run.

The bad news is that in the eyes of his classmates at school, he is already a half waste.

Outside, he already has a bunch of younger brothers. If you roughly estimate it, there are at least about one hundred and fifty people. This doesn't count as the students who have no money and are not counted by the original owner.

In the community where he lives, his reputation is hard to hear, and it is almost equivalent to "the children of xxx family seem to be a black society."

At the same time, no one said that the original owner took all the money. According to the original timeline, the little brothers probably found the money missing when they planned to put a sum of money in it again tomorrow afternoon.

But in the original world, the original owner has already gone far away at this time.

Ji Changze rubbed his eyebrows again.

It's not that difficult.

That is, he really wants to beat this body.

But think about it, according to the old rules, the soul of the original owner should have been forcibly taken away, and Ji Changze felt a little better in his heart.

"Ji Changze, if you don't read the book, then you can leave it alone. You do what you occupy the table. You don't read English books or the materials of the Forbidden City. You don't study by yourself and don't delay others."

A tall and thin student walked over, buttoning his face while stinking, apparently uncomfortable with the other party's act of occupying the space and not reading.

"There is only one desk in a room. Don't hinder others if you don't use it."

"I'm watching, isn't this doing business?"

Ji Changze didn't panic either, neither letting go of his position nor letting go of his hand.

The book in his hand is actually a book on economics, and there is no such thing as a translation in the heart of the original owner. He is thinking about taking the money away and making a fortune.

Naturally, he wasn't satisfied with the money, so he took the time to study. This is not it.

Then learn to learn, and learn to become a scammer.

"What kind of book are you reading."

The thin and tall guy was already unhappy, and he didn't wait for Ji Changze to move away. He was even more unhappy: "I was obviously the first to come back last night, so I went to the toilet and you moved my book away and sat here. , I won't say anything if you read English books. What you read is messy.

Today, we are going to the Forbidden City to translate for others. Do you think it is important for us to learn English vocabulary and read the materials of the Forbidden City? ! "

Ji Changze didn't look up: "Well, it's more important than what you see."

It's okay not to say this, when I said it, the thin and tall almost exploded.

"Don't be arrogant, how about meeting people outside? This matter is about international friends. What use are you reading such books? People come to visit and travel. What kind of economics is this? You can still talk to people about economic failures. ?"

He suffocated his stomach last night, and today he watched everyone busy doing business. Even if Ji Changze didn't do business, he still occupied the table. Now he has been so "struck" back, and he doesn't want to bear it anymore.

A slap slapped Ji Changze's book, blocking him and then looked down.

"Brother Nine, what are you doing? You are all classmates. Changze can use the table if he wants. We haven't read a book while standing at school."

The thin young man who came out of the toilet saw this flaring look as soon as he came out, and he hurried up to persuade him: "Changze, otherwise, you first let the table out to wash, do you want to wash anyway? "

Ji Changze raised his head and glanced at him: "I'm not free, I can't figure out something, so I have to take a good look at this book."

"Look at it. You have been here for a few days and you have watched it for a few days. Have you forgotten what you are here for?"

The thin and tall man rolled his eyes, and didn't want to delay the quarrel. He took his book and walked to the other side and began to read it carefully.

Ji Changze ignored him.

It's not a grudge, but he really has something that he hasn't figured out.

In the memory of the original owner, this memory is actually not very deep. After all, compared to his life of committing crimes all the way to death and sabotage, the translation of this paragraph about being selected as an international friend seems very flat.

Since he came to the capital, he has been thinking about finding opportunities to run. Of course, he will not run as soon as he arrives. After all, he has never been to a place before.

A few days ago, the students were busy and tried their best to translate when they were working. When they were not busy, they should hurry up and learn more to avoid making a fool of themselves.

As for the original owner, he was busy memorizing the route, figuring out where the capital is, where to squeeze, where to rent a house directly, and where to find someone to help.

When I think of this memory, the first thing that comes to Ji Changze's mind is a variety of road maps.

He had to admire the original owner.

If you can put this ability on doing business, the original owner would have made a fortune long ago.

But even if his memory is not vague, Ji Changze can still clearly feel the sense of violation here.

An international team of friends who want to invest in China can make a university president so happy to send a few students with good grades to interpreters as tour guides, and regard this opportunity as an excellent opportunity for them to exercise and make contacts. people.

How could it be so poor that eight students live in a standard room.

This means that people are now simple, especially since all the students present have good grades, but the best family is the original owner, and the others are either average or poor.

Being able to enter the luxury hotels in the capital has already made them feel timid, let alone picking things up.

What's more, they were told by the teachers before they came.

Don't cause trouble to others, absolutely respect them, take good care of translators, and let them have a good understanding of the style of Chinese students.

In such a situation, which student dares to make extra demands.

This is the first time they have grown up to stay in a hotel. It's still such a big and luxurious hotel.

And the original owner who should have found something wrong, on the one hand he didn't know much about this aspect, on the other hand, he was content to run away, how could he take care of this.

But Ji Changze is different.

An international friend who came to China specifically to invest, lives in a luxury hotel and has bodyguards at all times, so that the president of the university and the mayor of their city are close to each other.

Such an identity has set a standard room for these students who specialize in helping translators.

Eight people, one standard room.

That's not how things are done, right.

It stands to reason that this money should only be said to be a small amount of money for this international friend, not to mention the business people, no matter what they think in their hearts, most of the things they do are comprehensive.

How can a businessman who can invest across borders fail to take care of this hour?

If this is the case, wouldn't he feel ashamed of doing things like this?

Most importantly, Ji Changze glanced around the room.

There are only two bottles of water in this room.

Two bottles from the hotel for free.

Just forget about the room. Wouldn't it be a simple matter to buy some water for the children who help with translation?

Ji Changze swears by a treacherous businessman, but anyone with a slightly larger business does not do this.

Even if you don't have the financial resources, sometimes you have to swollen your face and fill your body for the sake of face.

What's more, the prices in China are only a lot now, and a standard room should not be a big deal to international friends.

The tall and thin man looked at Ji Changze, who was looking pensive and didn't know what he was thinking, with a disdainful face, followed by a cold snort.

"Pretending to be like that."

Ji Changze stood up suddenly.

He was taken aback, and quickly stepped back vigilantly: "Why do you want to hit me? I tell you, I'm not afraid!!"

Ji Changze gently closed the book in his hand: "I see."

Tall and thin: "???? What do you know??"

Ji Changze: "After a few days of sleepless hard work reading and studying, I finally learned that this international friend is a liar."

What a coincidence!

It's not it!