The scammer who can only draw the pie (2) (The entrepreneur who realizes the pie (two...)  

Chapter 327:

con man?

The students in the room who were busy reading books, washing and tidying up were all taken aback, and then looked at Ji Changze's eyes as if they were looking at a fool.

Especially Cui Jiu, roll his eyes almost to heaven.

"If you want to find an excuse to occupy this table, just look for it. I make up this kind of words. If my international friends hear me, I will see what you do."

Ji Changze didn't feel angry either, and asked quite calmly: "You don't think he is a liar, what basis do you have?"

"I have any basis? Does it need to be based? This is what the mayor will treat to dinner. Didn't the principal tell us? These international friends specifically want to invest in a city in China. There are chain stores in foreign countries, and the jo you wear on your feet is their store."

Ji Changze nodded and led him to continue saying: "This will prove that they are not liars. What about the rest?"

Cui Jiu: "Do I still use the rest? You haven't heard of it."

"It took a lot of effort for the mayor of Shan City to agree to go back to Shan City to talk about investment after traveling in the capital. They drive hundreds of thousands of cars, and there are more than a dozen people in the entire team. What kind of lawyers? , Secretary, life assistant, bodyguard, such a big battle, do you think they are liars?"

Don't tell me, the more Ji Changze listened, the more he felt that this was a liar.

This routine, this model, is the same as the original owner.

But the original owner is much better than them, at least he knows that the details determine success or failure, and he will never save money on such details.

Cui Jiu continues:

"They live in a presidential suite. Do you know what a presidential suite is?! It costs more than one thousand a night. This is the most expensive room in China, and..."


The sound of the book being retaken on the table sounded, and Cui Jiu, who felt he was taking care of him, was startled as he talked about it, and looked at Ji Changze with his hands on the table.

Seeing the young man on the opposite side walked a few steps towards him, even if he didn't want to be counseled in his heart, he couldn't help showing a little bit of irritation on his face and shrank his neck.

"You, speak as you speak, shoot any table."

Seeing him this way, Ji Changze returned to the table and sat down again, putting his fingers on the book and tapping: "International friends, under his name are all over the world, and there are more than a dozen people who take care of him alone. They live in the most luxurious presidential suite. ."

He smiled without a smile, and looked at Cui Jiu: "Then he set a standard room for his eight translators and tour guides."

Ji Changze spoke very slowly, slowly, and not at all anxious, but the more so, the more inexplicably pressure other students felt.

The room was quiet for a second, but Cui Jiu said, "Then, then we just came to meet the world, and the principal took a lot of effort to put us in. We were originally reluctant to accept us and would like to help us. It's good to book a room."

"I'm telling you, whether we ask for it or be stuffed in, the identity they give us is a tour guide and translator. This is what we do. Even if it is for their own face and reputation, they will definitely do it. Put us in a proper place."

"Come on, think about it, think about it because you are someone, why do you arrange your own tour guide and translator like this."

When Ji Changze spoke, even if his tone was low, it didn't seem to be angry, but the listener's heart was tense, thinking that the other party really deserved to be a gang member outside, and it looked really fierce.

Cui Jiu was inexplicably afraid of Ji Changze like this, so he didn't dare to choke.

Ruan Heng, who has always been a peacemaker, looked around and saw that everyone didn't speak, but he could only speak to himself: "Forget about it... Mr. Smith is very busy. He has to answer a lot of calls every day. I have heard a few words. It's all about tens of millions of big business."

Ji Changze: "Even if Mr. Smith forgets, his secretary, life assistant, lawyers, bodyguards, these people also forgot? They all eat dry food? Didn't you mean that you have a very high salary a month?"

"Is Mr. Smith a fool who was fooled by people under his hands, or is it that foreigners are used to crowds of people in a room?"

Obviously, the students who followed this Mr. Smith over the past few days and were so full of his life abroad would not think so.

Ruan Heng thought about it again: "Maybe I don't think there is any need to waste money. We are not our own people. This standard room is also quite expensive."

Ji Changze laughed.

He directly picked up the phone on the table and dialed the hall without waiting for others to stop him.

"Hello, I'm a guest of 2316, I would like to ask how much is the standard room in your hotel for a night, oh... one hundred and two is it? Okay, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, he raised his eyes to look at the students who were looking at him stupidly.

All these young people were frightened by Ji Changze's sudden call.

"Nagaze, why did you call it, didn't Mr. William say, let us be okay and don't call downstairs?"

"Yes, will this cause trouble? If we don't want to invest in Mountain City because we make Mr. Smith upset, how can we explain to the principal."

Ji Changze didn't find it funny looking at the really anxious faces in front of him.

No way, Hua Guo hasn't developed yet. Ordinary students don't live in hotels at all. Their parents may live for ten or twenty thousand if they are on business trips, but they won't live in too expensive ones. At most, they will stay in small hotels.

It's normal to be frightened when faced with something you haven't seen or felt before.

"The phone is here, so that we can contact the lobby anytime if we have any questions, otherwise, what are they doing here with a phone?"

Seeing his classmates still staring at him as if they were spores, Ji Changze just like to teach children science popularization with them:

"The hotel's main focus is service, otherwise you think why such a room with two beds can charge 121 nights?"

"But Mr. William said..."

The classmate who hadn't finished speaking was talking, but after touching Ji Changze's sight, his voice gradually faded: "One hundred and twenty-one nights, it's so expensive, and it's normal for people to be unwilling."

"Use your brains. Don't say you are my classmates of Ji Changze when you go out. I'm afraid of embarrassment. One hundred and two are definitely expensive for us, but for someone who has to deal with tens of millions just to negotiate a business. Money people, do you think one hundred and two are a lot?"

"It's like you are holding a thousand yuan in your hand, and there are a few unfamiliar people helping you run errands. Will you give them a total of one cent because you can't bear the eight cents?"

The students looked at each other and stopped talking.

Ruan Heng whispered: "But those are what the principal told us personally. The principal will not lie to others, right?"

"The principal will not deceive, unless he was also deceived."

Seeing these students stunned, Ji Changze folded his arms and raised his chin: "Do you want to test it?"


The students were a little confused: "What do you mean?"

"Anyway, you just listen to me. I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, we don't do anything else, it's very simple, as long as this is the case..."

At 7:30 in the morning, eight students from Shanda opened the door on time and walked out.

The first and second floors are restaurants, which were originally public restaurants, but because Mr. Smith didn't like to eat with too many people, he spent the entire first floor.

He doesn't like to talk, and the team around him also looks like "We are professional, so we will never reveal the details of Mr. Smith to outsiders".

There are only eight students who seem to be young students. These days, they have been asked by hotel people and some bosses who come to eat in this hotel.

Most of them ask who this is and why such a big battle.

When going downstairs, Cui Jiu said as he walked: "You never knew where you went before. Didn't you meet these? Every time we came down, a bunch of people asked us, but it's beautiful."

The original owner found an opportunity to step on it, as if he had never encountered such a scene.

Cui Jiu wouldn't have been so angry if he didn't do business a few times and ran around.

Ji Changze asked Cui Jiu: "So, how do you answer when someone asks?"

"Of course, tell the truth, saying that Mr. Smith is an international friend who came to invest in China, and that we are students of Shanda University. We were selected as translators and tour guides to accompany Mr. Smith to visit the capital."

"Did you mention the mayor and principal?"

"Of course, they asked who asked us to accompany Mr. Smith. Of course we have to tell the truth."


Ji Changze curled his lips: "It's an old routine."

Cui Jiu was a little at a loss: "Old, what's the old?"

"I said, it's an old routine. First create a look that you are awesome, then find a few outsiders who believe in this, and then go to a conspicuous place to show how awesome you are and attract others. After the idea, those foolish outsiders are the biggest support."

Ji Changze glanced at Cui Jiu: "Because you believe in his identity, you have not lied, so others will believe in you."

China at this time is still too simple.

Businessmen know the truth about fighting in the business field, but for a while, it's really hard to think that someone will pretend to be a rich person to defraud.

Even those who are truly rich and insightful see such a scene, at most they can only mutter in their hearts, "Nouveau riche, how can a family with a deep heritage and city government be so big."

In China, businessmen still have to be as low-key as possible.

And for a businessman who can make his business bigger, even if he is a foreigner, there will not be such an embarrassing thing as a bunch of people around him, but no one has checked China's national conditions in advance.

"I have read books on economics these days just to be able to meet them smoothly. I will remember to do as I just said, otherwise if this is really a liar, not only we are in vain, but also the principal and the mayor. Shame."

The students who had been watched by Ji Changze involuntarily straightened their chests, and when he took the lead to go out, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did he just train us as his little brother outside?"

A student regained his senses and touched the back of his head: "I can't blame so many people for accepting him as the eldest brother. I usually don't see much. I'm afraid when I get serious.

Cui Jiu, who has the deepest resentment for Ji Changze and the longest observation, has a great say: "He is like that, he can change his face, he is a face to the teacher, a face to us, and he goes out to face his little brother. It's another face."

Otherwise, he wouldn't reject Ji Changze so much.

When everyone is honest, someone who is better than a vixen pops up, how can you keep Cui Jiu from being vigilant?

He first looked carefully at Ji Changze, who was already far away, and then whispered to Ruan Heng, "I still think that Ji Changze is very different from us. He looks very good at him. He is not the same as us. Every time I see him Laugh, the hair on the back of the neck is about to stand up."

"Don't be like this, they are all classmates, we are still in a dormitory, we should unite a little bit."

Ruan Heng took Cui Jiu and ran over to Ji Changze: "Changze, slow down and wait for us."

Ji Changze glanced at them, muttering something in his mouth.

"what are you doing?"

"Review economics."

Seeing Ji Changze like this, thinking of the words he just said in the room, Cui Jiu was a little worried: "Will it work? It's an international company. You have only been embracing it for a few days, and your grades have dropped quite badly..."

Ji Changze finished reading one last time: "Why don't you go?"

Cui Jiu: "...It's still you...but just as we said in the room just now, don't say anything else, otherwise we'll get dirty and won't be sentenced to death."

"I know, wait and see." Ji Changze glanced at the upper dining room and asked: "What is breakfast today? Did they tell you?"

Although Cui Jiu still has no bottom in his heart, he replied quickly: "It is said to eat Western food, it seems to be the most expensive steak in the restaurant. It is said that the cow has to listen to music and massage every day while he is alive. Do you understand the cow? "

"Western food..."

Ji Changze touched his chin and pulled him up and ran up: "Go, go to the restaurant on the second floor for a temporary study."

Sure enough, some people ate Western food on the second floor.

A few students were also afraid that they would not be ashamed of any rules when they ate Western food for the first time, so hurry up and steal the teacher.

Compared to the students who were studying secretly, Ji Changze, who was particularly white, looked thoughtful.

Ruan Heng looked at him curiously: "Aren't you learning? Don't you think you can use it later?"

"too easy."

Ji Changze looked at a couple who were eating Western food from a distance: "Forget it, I can do it myself."

Ruan Heng: "Ah? Anything will do?"

"You'll know in a while."

The students returned to the dining room on the first floor again.

The blond, blue-eyed, standard foreign-looking Mr. Smith was already seated, and the long dining table was filled with cutlery. Seeing them, Smith smiled reservedly:

"Good morning, friends."

"Good morning, Mr. Smith."

The students greeted them politely, but they didn't take their seats first, but waited for Ji Changze to sit down before sitting around him.

Smith looked at this uncommon young face, wondering why these Chinese students should respect a youngest classmate so much.

But anyway, he didn't have much interest in these Chinese students. He only took a moment in his heart and didn't continue.

"Today we ate steak. This is the best steak that I sent from my hometown overnight. These cows have been eating the best fodder since the calf was born, and wandering around the most expansive farm. There will be a masseur to help them massage, and in the end, it becomes the steak in front of us that tastes great."

Smith smiled and said: "For each cow, the farmer will only choose the best piece of beef and send it, so the piece of meat in front of us represents a cow."

The young students were amazed when they heard this, and looked at the steak on the table a little bit afraid to do anything.

Smith was not even proud, and saw that among the students, the white and pure young man who was sitting quietly did not look much on his face, but thanked him faintly, saying in English: "Thank you for your generosity, then we are not welcome."

its not right.

Children at this age should feel flattered when they hear this. What's the matter with such calmness.

Before Mr. Smith could react, he saw Ji Changze stretch out his hand, picked up the utensils on the table one by one and placed them, and then smiled at him slightly:

"This meal is yours. Just follow the dining etiquette in your hometown. I have to say that the popular dining etiquette in your hometown of Chilton is really elegant. My father's favorite is Chilton's dining etiquette. "

After that, he added thoughtfully: "My classmates have never been abroad and don't know much about table manners. Please be considerate and I will teach them."

Smith froze for two seconds: "Ah... well, it doesn't matter."

"Thank you for your consideration, you are such a tolerant gentleman."

Ji Changze nodded to the other party, then turned to the classmate next to him and said softly:

"Chelton is cold all year round, so people like to drink soup before eating. The soup bowl is placed on the right hand side. There is no record in history. However, there was a May 3 battle in Chelton, and that battle led to Chelton 80% of the time. The man was taken to the battlefield.

Their wives missed their husbands very much. In order to express their misses, they changed to holding a knife in their left hand and a fork in their right hand, swearing that the husband would return to their original dining habits when he returned safely. Slowly, the left hand knife and the right hand fork became cut The dining etiquette of the high-end banquet in Dalton, so the fork is on the right and the knife is on the left.

Put the dipping dish on the top of the plate..."

After Ji Changze said a lot in a calm tone, he finally picked up the napkin that was supposed to be on the leg on the table, folded it in his hand, and folded out a flower shape and placed it on the left side of the plate.

"At the Chelton high-end banquet, everyone will fold the napkins into their national flower. Of course, now with the development of the times, many people don't care much about these ancient etiquettes. They will put them directly on their laps, but Mr. Smith ..."

He smiled and looked at Smith: "You mentioned before that it is the inherited family property. In fact, the West and the East are very similar. The more the family inherits the property from generation to generation, the more the previous etiquette will continue. The dining etiquette turned into a national flower, right?"

Smith: "..."

He stared blankly at the placement of the tableware in front of Ji Changze, and swallowed his saliva with his accustomed look.

Soon, he smiled heartily: "Hahahaha, in fact, I don't care about these etiquettes, but my father, he is old-fashioned, so he often scolds me for not observing etiquette when I'm at home."

"I just didn't expect that this classmate, you are obviously Chinese, but you know my hometown very well."

Ji Changze smiled: "I also learned from my father. He often flies around the world. When I was young, he and my mother were worried about handing me over to the nanny, so they took me with them. less."

"Ah... this way."

Smith put on a chattering posture: "It seems that we still have a common topic. When I was a child, my parents were busy and didn't have time to care about me. However, it is too troublesome for the children to fly, so I am the Filipino maid brought up by the family. , Now that I grow up and remember it, it's a bit regretful."

"Is it troublesome to fly?"

The corners of Smith's mouth stiffened: "Isn't it troublesome?"

Ji Changze seemed a little strange and looked at Smith: "It's all my own things, so there is no trouble, right? My mother is a very childlike person. In order not to make me feel unfamiliar, the back of the plane was specially arranged as a toy house. "

Smith: "..."

Private jet.

He took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a dry smile: "Yes, my parents have tried their best to make me feel comfortable, but I like to run around so much, so even if it's the plane at home, I still don't like it. Go up."

Ji Changze immediately showed an expression of understanding: "I understand that it is actually more comfortable to watch movies in the cinema at home. I was too clingy when I was a child, and I can't live without my mother. Otherwise, I might be like you, Mr. Smith. Independence from a young age, and a successful career without the care of his parents when he grows up."

"Haha, haha, it's nothing, it's my father who is taking care of it."

Smith wiped his sweat again, and then asked, "May I know who your father is? I don't know if I recognize it?"

Ji Changze smiled shyly, and kicked Ruan Heng who was sitting next to him under the table.

"Ah! Dad Nagasawa is very powerful, and he has been on the Forbes rankings, but Nagasawa is usually very low-key, and only a few of us who play well know."

Smith's eyes suddenly changed: "It turned out to be like this, Nagasawa student is really low-key."

"It's okay, it's all my dad himself, it has nothing to do with me."

Ji Changze smiled and drank: "Let's eat."

"Ah good."

Smith glanced at the placement of the tableware on Ji Changze's table without a trace, before he began to place the tableware, his movements were light and skillful.

Finally, fold a flower out of the napkin and put it in the upper left corner, and smiled with Ji Changze closely: "I haven't folded it for a long time. Don't laugh at me if it is not beautiful."

"Why, you have done it perfectly. At first glance, you have studied at home."

Ji Changze took another sip of water and smiled at Smith.

After eating, Smith said that there was still official business to deal with, and hurried away with people.

Ji Changze sat at the table, wiping the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief and slowly said to the person next to him: "I'm sure, liar."

Ruan Heng was at a loss: "Ah? How did you see it?"

"I just tried it out with Chelton's dining etiquette."

Cui Jiu: "I think they put things like you, quite standard."

He had just been observing those international friends who were dining.

"Well, it's the standard that has a problem."

Ji Changze put down his handkerchief, stretched his waist, and said:

"After all, what are the contents of dining etiquette, the rules of display, the problems left over from the battle, the napkins and the national flower, these messy regulations."

"It's all made up by me."