Wannune has become a distraction for the family as his behaviors worsened as time goes on
(Tumbu talking to his friend yongu on there way to community meeting)
Yongu: tumbu my friend you don't have time for us to go hunting again, what's happening
Tumbu: yongu my friend my son has been my distraction right now, I don't even know what to do
Yongu: but how?
Tumbu: yongu are you ignorant about his wayward behaviors these days?
Yongu: my friend I have heard a lot about him, but come to think of it he wasn't this wayward what really happened
Tumbu: my friend his sudden change of attitude I like a nightmare, sometimes I feel there is such form spiritual manifestation
Yongu: or perhaps pear influence from his group of friends
Tumbu: let talk about it later, we are almost late for the meeting hurry up
(At the community meeting)
Leader: greetings my fellow elders, as you all know this is not our general meeting. But it has become necessary to do this emergency meeting, there is a saying that "an elder can not sit and watch the fire burning the house and do nothing" elder tumbu your son is the reason why we are here, my fellow elders no be so?
1st elder: yes and we are not going to take it likely with him
2nd elder: tumbu tell us what is happening to your household
Tumbu: my fellow elders I greet you all, am fully aware of the situation my son has put on the people of this community. And am very sorry for the victims of his wayward actions, am doing my best to put him in shape and believe he will change soon
Leader: you need to act fast cause next time this happens we won't take it likely, caution him and call him to other. We know you as a good man that's why we are having this conversation otherwise he would have been behind bars
1st elder: leader is that all you have to say, this very boy robe me of my money and all that you have say is to give the father time to caution him what nonsense am leaving here (and angrily left)
Leader: you all can return home now till our general meeting and tumbu we need a positive result before our next meeting
Tumbu: yes leader I will do my best, thank you so much
(Tumbu Walk home silently)
Abagi: my husband welcome
Tumbu: how are you my wife
Abagi: am fine, how was the meeting
Tumbu: can you imagine our family name was the reason and topic of the meeting
Abagi: tell me
Tumbu: (tumbu raise his voice) your son has brought disgrace to this family, if not for the pity they had on me he would have been behind bars now. Woman talk to him or else
Abagi: I will talk to him, I believe he will change
Tumbu: you always say that but I have said my own if he doesn't change he will leave my house. Go get my food am going inside now
Abagi: ok my husband, just a minute
(Wannune talking to his friends)
Terdoo: wannune you didn't came as we planned
Wannune: see guy my parents are on my neck, they want to control a guy like me but I will handle them
Aboy: then leave the house for them, we are big boys now oh we should live on our own. What do guys think?
Terdoo: that's true but let's go steal those chickens first we will finalize it when we come back
Wannune: guys let's go we don't have much time
(They went and stole six chickens in one of the houses near the market square)