Jiraya Island 3

Roza angered by Marigold's threat, vanished into thin air once again. Marigold closed her eyes and used her Observation Haki to sense Roza. Marigold felt a presence appear behind her and she ducked immediately, dodging Roza's wind-covered kick. Marigold then rolled to her left and shot forward using Soru.

"Saber Style: Torrent Rain!" Marigold said as she swung Jryphon in an X-like movement across Roza's chest. Roza's chest had a thin line of blood as it was protected by Haki.

"You've done it now!" Roza said as she swung her arms and countless wind blades flew through the air. Marigold dodged and cut the wind blades but they seemed to be endless and she was eventually cut by one.

"KAH!" Marigold said as a wind blade raked its sharpness across her chest in a diagonal line. Marigold gritted her teeth and ran through the storm of wind blades. She focused and used Observation Haki to avoid the lethal ones but still gained minor cuts on her body. As she ran through, she got into a stance and once she finally escaped the storm she released her attack.

"Saber Style: Endless Rain!" Marigold said as she rained fast Haki-coated strikes upon Roza's body. Roza made sure to protect her vitals but was still cut multiple times. Roza stopped the barrage by blowing Marigold away and following with a kick to her ribs. Marigold spun and crashed into a tree.

"GAH! Damn it!" Marigold said as she ran towards Roza and brought Jryphon above her head for an overhead swing.

"Saber Style: Downpour!" Marigold yelled out as she swung Jryphon and made a deep cut across Roza's chest. Roza raged and grabbed Marigold's head and slammed it into the ground, causing rocks to fly up and a crater to be formed. Marigold's arms went limp as she bled from her head and Roza punched Marigold in the gut hard enough for her to cough up blood. Marigold fell to her knees as Roza kicked her into the air, reappeared behind her, and slammed her into the ground.

"Haaa...Haaa...Haaa...Haaa" Roza panted as she floated in the air and observed the dust plume she created by slamming Marigold.

Marigold slowly got up from the crater she created with her body and stumbled slightly due to her injuries. Marigold stabilized herself with Jryphon and looked up at Roza with anger. A dark blue aura emitted out of Jryphon and eventually shrouded Marigold. Marigold's eyes turned blue and her Haki gained a blue hue. Marigold had no time to admire her newfound power and jumped into the air.

Roza was shocked at the blue blur bursting from the dust cloud and Marigold took that as an opportunity to swing Jryphon. A water-like aura shrouded Jryphon.

"Saber Style: Water Dragons Rage!" The water-like aura shaped itself into a dragon as Marigold swung Jryphon downwards, sending Roza to the ground with a large cut across her chest. The two cuts Marigold inflicted on Roza formed a bleeding X on her chest. Roza laid in a crater with a bleeding chest as she struggled to get up. Marigold fell out of the sky and landed on her feet. She began walking towards Roza with the blue aura shrouding her making her look like a sword-wielding silhouette. As Marigold approached Roza's location, the wind started to blow hard and began to spiral around Roza. Roza arose from her crater and looked at Marigold with pure, undiluted, hatred.

"Wind Gods Domain!" Roza yelled out as her body began to outline with a green aura and her eyes turned completely green. Her hair rose up and she started to float naturally. Marigold wasted no time and began to Soru towards the floating Roza. Roza looked at Marigold dash towards her and scoffed.

"Move." Roza said as she swiped her hand and sent Marigold flying across the forest, crashing into multiples trees and even a large boulder. Roza reappeared above Marigold's location and glared at the ground. The wind blew and formed multiple giant fists, the fists struck the ground at rapid speeds and created large fist imprints. Roza moved her eyes to the left and tilted her head back. Roza dodged Marigold's sneak attack and punched her with an air fist.

"KAAAHH!!" Marigold cried as she flew across the forest once again. Marigold crashed into the ground with a large boom and continued to roll like a ragdoll until she hit a tree. Once she hit the tree, she dropped Jryphon and laid there bloodied and battered. Tears fell out of her eyes and Roza appeared above her position once again.

"Mr.Fisher, Hancock-nee, Sandersonia-nee, Zora-nee. I'm sorry." Marigold said as her final goodbyes.




'Are you really going to give up!?' A voice rang in Marigold's head. The world seemed to slow down and Marigold felt a great amount of confusion.

"Who is this?" Marigold questioned.

'My identity is useless right now, the real question is, are you truly going to give up?!' The voice said with anger.

'How would you feel if your crewmates found out you gave up!? This world isn't sunshine and daisies! Sailing the seas takes courage, hardwork, and strength! It isn't some family trip across the world, it's a death-riddled adventure! Now! WAKE UP TO REALITY!' The voice boomed and Marigold felt a strong conquering feeling in her chest. The world returned to its normal speed and the conquering feeling got stronger. Marigold felt it rise and eventually break out.

"I WON'T GIVE UP!" Marigold yelled as she let the conquering feeling rush out of her. Roza was confused at Marigold's yelling but then was hit with a strong wave of pure willpower. Roza's eyes went blank for a moment before they returned to their usual glow. Marigold got up in time to dodge a giant wind fist and grabbed Jryphon.

"I'm ending it right here!" Marigold said as the blue aura shrouded her once again.

"YOU FILTHY MONGREL!!" Roza raged out as she unleashed countless wind punches. Marigold dodged and jumped on most of them until she got in front of Roza. The blue aura turned water-like and turned into a dragon. As Marigold swung Jryphon the water dragon started to turn bluer into it was purple.

"Saber Style: Grand Water Dragon!" Marigold yelled out as the purple dragon cut Roza's head off with a large circular cut. Roza's body and Marigold fell to the ground and Marigold crashed and created a crater. The blue aura around her faded and she looked at the bright sun with a large smile. She reached for the sun and grabbed it.

"I won." Marigold said as she passed out.