Jiraya Island 4

"So she's dead?" A deep voice rumbled from the depths of a dark room.

"Yes captain, she was killed by this little girl." A brown-skinned man with black hair and orange eyes with vertical pupils said as he held up a bounty poster.

"Marigold the Innocent from the Hydra Pirates? Isn't their captain the girl who fought Kong?" The voice asked and the brown-skinned man answered.

"Yes sir. If one of her crewmates is here that must mean she is on the island." The brown-skinned man said.

"Sa-ge, it looks like we are going to be busy for a little while. Tell the crew to scout the island for the rest of her crew, they are to be killed on sight." The voice said as it exited the shadows and was revealed to be a tall brown-skinned man with brown hair and yellow eyes with vertical pupils.

"Yes, Captain Sol." Sa-ge said with a bow.




"Looks like we were separated from the crew. I hope they are okay." Fisher said to Sandersonia who was taking her trident from the skull of a giant boar.

"Hancock and Zora will be fine, I'm really worried about Marigold. I heard Zora has been training her but Marigold is only eleven years old." Sandersonia said as she clenched her fists with worry. Fisher patted her on the back in an attempt to comfort her.

"I'm sure she's fine. You know how much she wants to be like Zora, so even if she did get into trouble she wouldn't give up." Fisher said with a smile and Sandersonia looked back with a frown.

"That's what I'm worried about. She's not Zora, she can't tank too many hits that stubbornness is going to get her killed!" Sandersonia said as tears began to fall down her face. Fisher brought her in for a hug and Sandersonia bawled her eyes out. After about fifteen minutes of crying her eyes out, Sandersonia finally calmed down.

"I'm sorry for breaking down, I just couldn't think of Marigold getting hurt." Sandersonia said as she wiped her eyes and sniffled.

"No, it's fine you're her sister you have the right to worry, especially with the situation we are in right now." Fisher said as he patted Sandersonia's head.

"Aww, look at the heartwarming moment. It would be a shame if someone was to be killed right now." A voice said from the forest putting Sandersonia and Fisher on high alert.

"Whose there?!" Fisher yelled and two men exited the forest. The man on the left was tall red-skinned with black hair red eyes and large red horns. He was holding a giant black kanabo with ease. The man on the right has blue hair and was dressed in a large blue yukata with a blue katana on his waist.

"Us? Well, I'm Reff and this is Saki and we're here to kill you both!" The red-skinned man said with a savage smile. Fisher and Sandersonia looked at each other before dashing towards their opponents. Reff was slightly surprised at Sandersonia's speed and tilted his head slightly to the left dodging a silver trident headed for his head.

"You're fast but not fast enough." Reff said as his fist was covered in reddish-black energy and he punched Sandersonia deep into the forest.

"Have fun Saki!" Reff said as he vanished.




[Deep Forest, Sandersonia vs Reff.]

Sandersonia stopped herself from rolling by using Toru, her trident, as a brake as she stuck it into the ground. Sandersonia slid for a couple of meters before she stopped. She stood up and used Observation Haki to observe her surroundings.

'Here he comes!' Sandersonia thought to herself as she opened her eyes and blocked Reff's punch with her trident. The ground under them turned into cubes and Sandersonia struggled under the weight of Reff's fist. Sandersonia imbued her arms with Haki and threw Reff off her trident. Reff flipped in midair and landed on his feet.

"You're not so bad, guess I'll have to get a little serious." Reff said as he rolled his shoulders and vanished from Sandersonia's sight once again. Sandersonia's eyes darted around as she tried to find Reff. Reff reappeared in front of Sandersonia and hit her in the gut with his fist covered in the reddish-black energy.

"KAH!" Sandersonia fell to her knees as she began to cough up unhealthy amounts of blood. Reff smiled and picked up his kanabo.

"I'm going to enjoy this." Reff said as he hit Sandersonia in the stomach with his kanabo.

"GUH!" Sandersonia vomited blood again and she was launched into multiple trees before stopping. Sandersonia tried getting up and failed as her body was dripping with blood.

'Get up!' Sandersonia told herself as she began to get up again. She failed two more times before she got up and stood wobbly.

"You're still standing? I can't believe-" Reff was cut off because of Sandersonia's fist making contact with his face stumbling him.

"You talk too much." Sandersonia said as she spit blood on the ground. Reff wiped his mouth and saw blood on the back of his hand.

"You made me bleed, this is really going to be fun!" Reff exclaimed as he charged forward and had his kanabo above his head for a downward swing. Sandersonia jumped back to dodge the swing and Reff's kanabo struck the ground creating a large dust cloud. Sandersonia saw through the dust cloud with her Observation Haki and saw Reff trying to sneak attack her again.

"Not on my watch." Sandersonia's arms turned black and she used Soru to catch Reff off-guard. Reff was shocked at her sudden appearance but still blocked her powerful punch. Sandersonia struck Reff again but this time he coughed up blood.

"KAH!" Reff coughed up an unholy amount of blood onto the ground turning it red.

"What did you hit me with?!" Reff asked with rage and Sandersonia smiled deviously.

"One Stone Fist!" Sandersonia yelled as she punched Reff again and he was sent crashing into multiple trees. Sandersonia used this opportunity to grab her trident and sprinted towards Reff's location.

"CRUSHING BLOW!" Reff yelled as he slammed his reddish-black energy-coated kanabo on the ground causing it to crack and shake violently. Sandersonia almost tripped from the force of the shaking and Reff punched her into a tree.

"Now you're making me use my Devil Fruit!" Reff said as Sandersonia recovered from the punch and attempted to stab him in the stomach. Her trident made contact with his stomach but there was no injury. Sandersonia was shocked and Reff grabbed her arm and broke it.

"Oops, it snapped." Reff said as Sandersonia held her arm in pain.

"You'll pay for that bastard!" Sandersonia yelled and she struck Reff's chest with the same attack from earlier. Reff felt something crack and he was launched across the forest again. Sandersonia gave him no time to recover and vanished from her position only to reappear above Reff and she kicked him into the ground, causing the ground to rise up and turn into cubes again. Reff emerged from the crater dripping with blood and his expression was full of rage. Sandersonia sighed and dashed forward again. Reff's arms were coated in the reddish-black energy and his fist clashed with Sandersonia's. The two fought all around the forest and Sandersonia was at a disadvantage due to her broken arm.

"Crushing Barrage!" Reff yelled as he fired hundreds of punches towards Sandersonia.

"Tsunami Fist!" Sandersonia's one fist turned into hundreds and the two attacks collided creating a large shockwave. Reff broke away from the barrage and tried grabbing Sandersonia who dodged the grab and struck Reff on his side with her leg. Reff staggered and Sandersonia punched him in the face before using his head as a ledge to get higher into the air and kicking him in the head with an axe kick.

"Haah...Haah...Haah...Haah..." Sandersonia held her arm in pain and panted in exhaustion. Sandersonia knew Reff was still alive and concentrated her Spiritual Energy into her right arm. Reff jumped out of the crater and tried punching Sandersonia once again.

"DEVASTATING BLOW!" Reff's fist was moving fast enough to change the course of the wind. Sandersonia barely dodged the fist and when she did, she struck back with her final attack.

"FIST OF PRESSURE!" Sandersonia's right arm was bulked up and had thick veins running through it as she struck Reff in the gut. The force of her punch was so powerful it stopped the wind from blowing in their location and Reff had a giant hole in his stomach.

"S-Shit." Reff said as he fell dead and Sandersonia fell on her back.

"I need to help Mr.Fisher." Sandersonia said as she tried to get up but ended up collapsing.