Jiraya Island 5

[Deep Forest, Saki vs Fisher]

"Prepare to die fish." Saki said as he put his hand in his katana. Fisher's arms turned black as he applied Haki onto them. Fisher got into a fighting stance and the two enemies stood still. The wind blew and a single leaf slowly fell until it hit the ground once it did Saki and Fisher disappeared leaving nothing but dust behind them. When they reappeared Fisher's fist was clashing with Saki's blade. Fisher applied more strength and sent Saki sliding along the earth.

"It's a shame you're on the enemy crew." Saki said as he got up and dusted himself off. Saki drew his blade again but imbued it with Haki.

"Now let's get serious." Saki said and Fisher smiled. Fisher vanished from Saki's sight making Saki rely on Observation Haki. Saki's blue eyes flashed red and he spun around to parry Fisher's heavy punch.

"D-Damn you're strong!" Saki said and Fisher sent Saki flying into a tree when he used more strength. Saki dashed forward with incredible speed and Fisher barely dodged the sword coming for his neck. Saki began to barrage Fisher with numerous sword strikes and Fisher blocked and deflected most of them. Saki backed off and got into a stance.

"Flowing Blade style: Turbulent Waves!" Saki shot forward with enough speed to crack the ground. Fisher smiled again tilted his body to the left, dodging Saki's strike.

"What?!" Saki was shocked, the number of people who have dodged that attack can be counted on one hand.

"Maybe I should have fought that other guy. You aren't as strong as I thought." Fisher said mockingly. Saki's body shook with anger and he got into another stance.

"I'll show you strength! Flowing Blade style: Raging Waterfall!" Saki disappeared and reappeared in zigzag and Fisher's eyes tracked all his movements.

"This is boring, I'm ending this." Fisher said as his Haki-coated fist began to emit a blue aura. Fisher disappeared and reappeared behind Saki.

"One Ton Fist." Fisher said flatly and punched Saki in the back.

"KAH!" Saki was sent flying across the forest and when he stopped crashing through trees he had a giant hole the size of a basketball in his stomach.

"Am I going bald?" Fisher said to himself as he saw a couple of strands of his hair fall out.

"I hope not, lets find Zora or Hancock. I'm sure Sandersonia is okay." Fisher said as he put his hands in his pockets and walked towards the giant tree in the middle of the island.




[Center of the Island, Yang D. Zora]

Zora arrived at the giant tree and was surprised at the number of traps set around the tree.

"Looks like whoever set these traps really didn't want anyone getting near the tree." Zora said as she unsheathed Masamune and destroyed most of the traps. Zora walked closer to the tree and put her hand on the trunk.

"HELP US!" Thousands of ghostly voices said and Zora pulled her hand back.

"W-What the hell was that?!" Zora asked with a tinge of fear.

'They sounded like ghosts, but why would ghosts be in a tree?' Masamune said.

"Maybe it isn't the tree." Zora said as she pointed to the giant blue orb above the tree.

'Do you think that orb is collecting the ghosts? Masamune asked and Zora nodded.

'But why would it be collecting ghosts?' Masamune asked and Zora shook her head.

"I have no ide-" Zora stopped mid-sentence as she felt a strong presence behind her.

"What do we have here? I found a snake slithering around like she owns the place." A deep voice rumbled from behind Zora. Zora was still around 5'11 so when she turned to face the man he was a giant compared to her.

"Who might you be?" Zora asked as she slowly put her hand on Masamune.

"I am Toad King, Sol Vera!" Sol said and Zora's eyes slowly widened in shock and realization.

'Zora we need to go! This man almost has a bounty of 2B berries! He won't show you mercy like Kong did!' Masamune yelled but Zora stood still.

"Captain, I have caught another rat snooping around the tree." Sa-ge said with Robin over his shoulders. Zora's body crackled with lightning and her hair began to rise.

"Let her go." Zora said as her hands began to bleed due to her clenching her fists so hard.

"Let her go? Why would we do that?" Sol asked with an insane smile plastered on his face

"Because if you don't you will pay!" Zora yelled as her lightning and Conqueror's Haki began to go out of control. Sa-ge and Sol weren't fazed at her Conqueror's Haki and Sol smiled even wider.

"Sa-ge, kill her." Sol said, and Sa-ge's fist was coated with Haki, and he put his fist right through Hancock's stomach. Zora's eyes widened in shock and the clouds above them turned pitch black. A storm began to rage across Jiraya Island and Zora's eyes began to release tears like a waterfall.

"You will pay. YOU WILL PAY!!" Zora yelled as she vanished in a thunderclap and reappeared in front of Sol with her sword drawn. She slashed upwards expecting Sol to be harmed but what Zora cut wasn't a body. It was an after image.

"To think someone with your bounty would fall for such a simple trick." Sol said as he appeared behind Zora and kicked her into the forest. Zora recovered and shot towards Sol once again. Sol appeared in front of Zora and clotheslined Zora. Zora coughed up blood and Sol finished the attack with a dropkick to the stomach from above. The force of the strike was so strong that it created a large crater with Zora in the middle.

"I can't lose. Please." Zora said with tears as she looked up. A large bolt of purple struck from within the crater and a giant Hydra emerged from the crater.

"Wow, the little snake turned into a big snake." Sol said as he dodged Zora's Kaminari with ease. Zora opened her mouth to charge another attack but it wasn't a Kaminari. A black ball slowly grew in Zora's mouth until she released it.

"MUSABORI!" The black ball turned into a black beam that devoured everything it hit. Sol dodged it with ease once again and laughed.

"I really thought you would be stronger. I mean you fought Kong and won, but I don't think you really won. He was probably holding back, It's obvious he was." Sol said and Zora got even more enraged.

"SHUT UP!" Zora yelled as she fired another Kaminari and a Wind of the Raging Storm. Sol's body split into three and he dodged every single attack.

"I'm bored, let's end it." Sol said as he vanished and reappeared above Zora's giant body.

"Hayai Hayai no Mi: Thousand Point Fist!" Sol punched one thousand times within two seconds and focused every punch to a single point on Zora's head. Zora didn't even have to yell out in pain as her body reverted to normal and she fell out of the sky. Zora hit the ground with a loud crash and she was knocked out in the middle of the crater she created.

"Take her too. Make sure that the other one doesn't die, I would like to have fun with her later." Sol said and Sa-ge picked up Zora and Hancock and he followed Sol.