Jiraya Island 7

[Hancock POV]

I could hear the sounds of Zora and Sol fighting from the castle and honestly, I was concerned for Zora, I wish I could help but this injury is kicking my ass. Good thing I managed to pick up my sword after Zora left. I may be in pain but I won't go down without a fight! Before I could leave through the large wooden doors leading out of the dining hall, I felt a presence behind me with my Observation Haki.

I quickly turned around and drew Genshi, I reacted out of instinct and cut whatever was heading towards me. I heard the sound of metal hitting the marble floor and on the ground was a cleaved kunai. I looked up and saw a familiar figure...it was Sa-ge the bastard who stabbed me! Rage coursed through my veins and I had one goal in mind, I was going to murder this bastard...

"Your pathetic excuse of a captain should be arriving here soon...as a corpse..." I ignored his obvious attempt to provoke me and simply got into a stance Masamune taught me. I coated my arms and sword in Haki and flew forward using Soru. Once I was within striking distance of Sa-ge, I swung Genshi upward but Sa-ge dodged my attack with ease and I jumped backward before he could land a hit on me.

How wrong I was. I felt a burning pain in my stomach and found a kunai lodged in the same spot where I was impaled.

"Blegh!" I fell to my knees in pain and coughed up blood, this wasn't going to be an easy fight. I quickly stood up using Genshi as support and gripped my hand around the kunai in my gut. I took the kunai out of my stomach, causing me to tear up and blood to spill out of my open wound.

"Impressive, I didn't expect you to have such willpower. It's a shame that such a strong flame will die out today." Sa-ge commented with a slow mocking clap. I ignored the flaming pain in my stomach and shot forward again. Instead of trying to cut Sa-ge, I attempted to stab him but that also failed. Sa-ge leaned to the side, dodging my attack with ease. I didn't have enough time to leap backward causing Sa-ge to land a solid Haki-coated kick to my gut. I felt a couple of my ribs break and I was sent flying into three different walls, stopping inside of a large decorated room.

Damn it. I only took two attacks from him and my body was already reaching its limit. I felt my eyes become like weights and my head was pounding, I couldn't feel my arms or my legs, has my time come? Is it really over? I felt my eyes close but before I passed out, I saw a woman with white hair smiling at me...she was cold.


[Sa-ge POV]

Yes, that's it. I watched as the little girl I was fighting passed out on the floor, now she was done for. I walked towards the room where she passed out in and once my sandals made contact with the marble floors I felt a chilling wind blow over me.

"What the hell?" I muttered in slight shock. There were no windows in this room, how could there possibly be wind? Let alone wind that cold? I enveloped the entire castle with my Observation Haki and I soon found the answer, it or rather she, was right in front of me. The little girl who passed out moments ago was standing and she looked completely fine.

"I can't believe a filthy being such as you injured the body of my host. I will find great joy in turning you into an icicle..." The child, no, the woman's voice was cold. Colder than anything I've ever heard in my life. I noticed my legs were shaking, unacceptable! No matter the transformation she's gone through, she's still only a child! Pull yourself together Sa-ge!

After psyching myself up, I used my devil fruit Target-Target to make 3 targets aimed at her head. I was holding back previously and that was clearly a mistake, I should've killed her earlier! I threw 3 poisoned-tipped senbons at the child's head and she simply stood still. What was I expecting, a child will always be a child.

"Was that some sort of joke?" Huh? I heard her voice from behind me and she was holding the senbons I threw at her. But, when did she get behind me?

"Unfortunately, I don't have time to slowly turn you into an icicle, so I will do you a favor and grant you a quick death." What? Before I could even react her hand was on my face and I was soon encased in ice.

"Be grateful...filthy mortal." Those were the last words I heard before everything went black.


[??? POV]

I watched as that pathetic excuse of a man turned into dust. Serves him right, how dare he harm my host to such a degree. I should've intervened when he impaled her but me being the stupid woman that I am, I simply watched. My host needs more work, for when the time comes, I hope she and I can be prepared...for IT.


[Zora POV]

I quickly ducked under Sol's trident and counterattacked with a Haki-coated lightning-infused fist to the gut. My fist hit the air and Sol turned into an after image, as I was expecting. I felt my future sight go off and I jumped into the air to dodge a sweeping kick from Sol but my prediction was wrong and Sol punched me into a nearby rock wall. I bursted from the rock wall and enhanced my body with lightning. Using Godspeed I was within, the striking distance of Sol and I swung Masamune.

Sol leaned to the right causing my attack to split a large boulder behind him. I leaped backward and fought the urge to collapse, this fight was incredibly taxing on my body.

"Reaching our limit are we little snake?" Sol mocked. I gritted my teeth and pushed through the layers of exhaustion. Throughout this entire fight, Sol has only been getting faster or I'm getting slower, either way, I'm on a path of losing. Although going into my hybrid form would increase my firepower, it heavily lowers my speed. The same thing with my Hydra form, which leaves me with the only option of using my base form. I tightened my grip around Masamune, I guess that means I have to get faster.

I raised my hands to the sky and called upon a storm. It's time to see if my new attack will work. I made the lightning from the storm hit Masamune and flow through me like a circuit. Once I felt my body reach its limit, I decided to test how fast this attack was.

"Thor's Wrath!" I swung Masamune with frightening amounts of speeds and Sol simply stood in place. A large purple lightning bolt ripped through the air and ground alike and made its way towards Sol. I felt a smile grow on my face, there is no way he can dodge that attack! He would have to be moving at the speed of lightning to do so!

Once my attack reached Sol my smile soon faded. Sol held my lightning bolt like a child's toy.

"HAHAHA! Was this your final attack? The attack I waited for? It's disappointing," Sol waved his hand and threw my attack into the sky, "Flash Step."

Within 0.045 seconds of my attack being thrown in the air, Sol was standing in front of me. Then I felt the pain. I looked down and saw his trident sticking out of my back, but when did he?

"You underestimated my speed from the very start. This is the second time your hubris led to your downfall." After hearing those words everything went black....