Jiraya Island 8

[Zora POV]

"....W-Where am I?" I slowly opened my eyes and was met with black. Not a black wall, black sky, or black ground, just black. Everything around me was black. As I became aware of my other senses, I learned that I was lying in some sort of liquid. I looked over and what a surprise...the liquid was black as well...

Confused and irritated, I stood up to address my current situation. First, I couldn't feel Masamune or my Haki. Second, I also couldn't feel my devil fruit which makes me 98% defenseless, I still have my physical prowess. So with all that in mind, I took my first step! Where am I going? Only time will tell!

And so I walked...and walked...and walked...and walked. I don't know how long I've been walking for but my patience has run dry.

"What the hell is this place?!" In frustration, I stomped my foot on the ground. Now, I bet you're thinking that since I stomped my foot on the ground, this place will finally reveal its origins right? Wrong. All I got was the annoying black liquid on my face and a growl from my stomach.

Wait? A growl from my stomach? I can feel hunger in here? Of all the feelings that I could feel it has to be hunger?! Thirst, lethargy, hell! Even pain would do me better in this situation! What am I supposed to eat in this endless void of black?! While I was inwardly complaining, the hunger I was feeling only grew stronger.

Actually, saying grew stronger is an understatement. The hunger I was feeling went from a small hunger pang to immediate starvation within minutes. My hunger brought along pain...pain that brought me to my knees.

"T-This is more than just hunger!" I held my stomach as I fell to the ground. The hunger was only growing stronger. I could feel the hunger consuming me. I felt the hard liquid-covered ground beneath my feet and I grew desperate because of the hunger. In desperation, I took a bite out of the ground. Once I swallowed the black mass that entered my mouth, I felt the hunger fade before returning once again. So I did it again...and again...and again.

I continued to eat the ground below me and even after the hunger faded I still continued to eat. As I continued to eat, I noticed that the black that surrounded me no longer existed. Regaining some sense, I realized that instead of eating the black endlessness, I was eating some sort of purple mass. Despite realizing this, I felt something within me telling me to continue, and so I did.

I completely devoured the purple mass and began devouring the next obstacle in my way, a large 9-headed beast. The beast seemed to be frozen in time, not that I cared. I devoured the beast as well. After devouring the beast, I then devoured a large chunk of metal, and the final obstacle standing in my way was a large white cross-looking thing. It looked like a mix between a cross and a teardrop.

I walked up to the teardrop cross and before I could reach it, I heard a voice in my head.

"I think my test has gone far enough, you have proven yourself worthy of being a descendant of mine. I didn't expect you to almost devour the Ankh of life, good thing you didn't, or Ra would erase both of us before we could realize how we died..." The voice sounded like it belonged to a female. Ankh of life? Ra? Isn't Ra the Chief God of the Ennead pantheon?

"Excuse me but who are you?" If the person who was speaking to me telepathically was of divine origins then I won't take my chances. Soon after asking that question, my landscape changed. From standing in front of the white ankh to standing in front of a black throne. Sitting on the throne was a beautiful woman. She had clear brown skin, long flowing black hair, two pairs of black wings, a pair of black horns, and a very voluptuous figure. She was dressed in a white flowing dress that further pronounced her figure and she was looking at me with amusement.

"Take a nice long look because this is the most beautiful woman you will ever encounter." The woman proudly stated with a wide grin. I nodded in agreement, although Hancock was incredibly beautiful, she couldn't compare to this goddess of a woman.

"Now to answer your question, my name is Nitocris-Ariuru the Egyptian Goddess of Hunger, Infinity, and Beasts. You may call me Nitocris for short though." Egyptian Goddess? Aren't I in One Piece though?

"I know what you are thinking. 'How did an Egyptian Goddess find herself in a world far away from her own world?' Well, I got lost." SHE WHAT?! How does a Goddess get lost? Not even Zoro could get lost and find himself on another planet! But...then again, he'd find a way...

"Ms. Nitocris, how did you get lost? I mean you are a Goddess and all right?" Nitocris sighed and stayed silent for a moment before answering my question.

"I got lost because I was looking for my cat, Ankhata. Now before you ask how did a goddess lose her cat, Ankhata is very fast. Even Ra himself said between him and Ankhata he would lose in a race." So she got lost because she was looking for her very fast cat? I tried to examine Nitocris's facial expression but I couldn't read anything, perks of being a Goddess I guess.

"So then why are you still here? I mean shouldn't you be looking for your cat?" Nitocris smiled and pointed at me.

"Ankhata is a cat that is capable of destroying a star with ease, she doesn't need me to seriously look for her. So I decided to take a small break on this planet and found out that a descendant of mine was reincarnated here." Descendant? But I'm in a completely different body, how is that possible?

"How is that possible? I'm not even an earthling anymore." Nitocris laughed and pointed at me again.

"You're thinking of blood-related descendant. The type of descendant I am speaking of goes much deeper. A soul-related descendant. A soul-related descendant is incredibly rare and only Gods have them." Soul-related descendant? What is that?

"What is a soul-related descendant?" Nitocris smiled and waved her hand in dismissal.

"Don't worry about that right now, just know that me and you will be together for a very long time." Nitocris teleported in front of me and gave me a bear hug, burying my face in her breasts. Nitocris soon let go of me and turned semi-serious.

"Now that the introduction is out of the way, let's discuss your current situation." Oh right. I was stabbed in the gut by Sol-Vera, that bastard! I clenched my fists in fury.

"I can understand your anger and that is why I am here to help you. I can't physically intervene with the mortal world but that doesn't mean I can't intervene in other ways."

"What are you talking about?" I was incredibly confused...

"I've taken a liking to mortal entertainment specifically what they call anime and what I am about to give you is what they would call a 'bullshit powerup because of plot convenience.'" Oh...OH! Is this where I use a technique that even gods find hard to use 3 times and I master it the third time all within 48 minutes?

"So what're you going to give me?" I was almost shaking in anticipation. I hope she was going to give me some super OP power.

"I don't know if this is a good idea...fuck it! You're my descendant, after all, if you make a bad decision then that means I would've done it anyway! What I am going to bestow upon is the domain of Infinity. Not the Infinity from Jujutsu Kaisen, but the very act of Infinity. Meaning anything within your level of power is infinite. It's hard to explain, but you'll know once you use it." The power, no, the domain of Infinity? I can't wrap my head around the thought of having such an ability.

"Now, although I am giving you such a powerful ability I have to give you an equally powerful drawback. The drawback of such a powerful ability is an equally powerful hunger. Once you obtain this ability, you will forever be hungry, no matter what you EAT *wink wink*, you will always feel hungry. Did I mention you have to EAT?" Infinite hunger, not so bad but why do I feel as if Nitocris is trying to hint me something. I looked at Nitocris in confusion and she facepalmed.

"If you feel infinite hunger then why not counter that infinite hunger with infinite fullness?" Nitocris sounded slightly disappointed, I wonder why. Her plan did make sense, counter infinity with infinity.

"Anyways, you will wake up in around 30 seconds. When you wake up your previous wounds will be healed and your energy will be restored. You will feel your ability and drawback immediately. Farewell, Zora." Nitocris waved me goodbye and I was teleported out of her throne room and back onto the battlefield.

Sol-Vera is going to catch it!


[Nitocris-Ariuru POV]

Right after Zora was teleported back to her world, I coughed up an unhealthy amount of ichor. Giving away one of your domains isn't as easy as one thinks...

Unfortunately, I had to lie to her but if I told her the truth, Ra would smite her on the spot and imprison me for eternity...I apologize little one.