Jiraya Island 9 (Finale)

[Sol-Vera POV]

"Now to deal with the other rats infesting my island..." I was furious, how could I allow 3 of my crewmembers to die at the hands of a rookie pirate crew?! I took my trident out of the brat's stomach and began walking away. I focused my Observation Haki towards my castle and couldn't sense Sa-ge, which means he was killed as well.

Damn it! I gripped my trident in anger. This pirate crew was going to suffer! Just as I was about to run towards my castle using my devil fruit, I felt a terrifying presence behind me, a presence that was equal to 'Them.' When I turned around, I saw the brat that I impaled standing perfectly fine and she looked...different.

When the brat laid eyes on me, I'm afraid to admit it but I felt a slight shiver go down my spine. Her eyes were no longer a singular color but an almost infinite amount of colors, it was terrifying...

"Sol-Vera...your time has come...you...are...finished..." What?


[Zora POV]

I felt, powerful. Despite the mind-numbing hunger that I experienced when I first woke up, that I've now dealt with due to Nitocris's tip, I felt like I could do anything.

'Zora?! Are you okay?!' Look at Masamune worrying for me...

'I'm fine Masamune, in fact, I feel like I could do anything right now.' I could hear my heartbeat and it sounded happy, happy to be alive and fighting.

'You feel different, your spiritual energy reserves has reached an unfathomable level, I daresay it is infinite in amount...' So the Infinity domain also works as passive for my stamina and spiritual energy reserves? I feel like I could fight all day and not grow tired in the slightest bit.

'We can worry about me later. We have a bastard to kill.' I looked up at Sol-Vera and I could see a small amount of fear in his eyes, good.

"Sol-Vera...your time has come...you...are...finished..." I did my cool monologue as I unsheathed Masamune. I applied Haki to my arms and I was surprised by its appearance. My Haki color is usually black like anyone else, but this time my Haki color was the darkest black I've ever seen. I could see my spiritual energy radiating off of my arms, and my Haki was so dark that it was absorbing the light from the sun above, amazing.

I got into a low stance and dashed towards Sol-Vera at my maximum speed...but instead of arriving in front of Sol-Vera, I was standing on an entirely different island!

'What the hell?!'

"What the hell?!" Masamune and I said simultaneously. How did I go from being behind Sol-Vera to an entirely different island almost instantly? Then that's when it hit me, Infinity doesn't passively increase my stamina or spiritual energy, I believe it works off of whatever I am feeling. Previously, I stated that I feel like I could do anything, and so I did. Wait, so if I decide to feel hungry again then?

At that very thought, I felt the mind-numbing hunger return. I quickly felt like I was full and it went away, interesting. So does this mean that Infinity is technically based on my imagination? That's such a ridiculous power!

'What was that Zora?' I forgot I haven't told Masamune what happened. I told Masamune about everything that happened but excluded the fact that I'm the descendant of a God and the true nature of my newfound ability, an ability that I told her was called Freedom.

'So what you're telling me is that when Sol stabbed you, you woke up in some dark space and began eating until you escaped. And when you did escape, you felt the Freedom to do anything that you please?'


'That is amazing Zora! Who would've thought that you had such a ridiculous ability within you!' It pains me to lie to my closest friend, but she can't know the truth, yet...

Back to the matter at hand, I got into a low stance again and ran at my maximum speed, only in the same direction I came from. Instantly, I was standing in my previous position, with an incredibly shocked Sol-Vera.

"Alright, time to end this, seriously this time." Sol went from being shocked to incredibly focused. I coated my arms with Haki and made sure to greatly reduce my speed as I sprinted towards Sol.


My Haki-coated katana clashed with Sol's Haki-coated trident, creating large black arcs of electricity to fly through the air and a powerful shockwave to wreak havoc on the nearby area. With my now superior Haki, I won the clash and sent Sol into a nearby canyon wall.

I wasn't going to allow him to recover, so I leaped into the air and summoned more lightning than I've ever done in my entire life. I was going to end this battle with one attack. I focused the purple lightning into a small ball between my hands, creating a violet ball that continued to get more condensed. The sheer amount of power within this ball of lightning would flatten an island, but I wanted to test my full power.

So, I continued to fuel the ball of lightning until I felt it was enough. I moved the violet ball to my finger and pointed it at Sol's location.

"Shokyo." I fired the ball of absolute destruction at Sol's location. Once the violet ball of lightning made contact with the ground, it exploded. Like really exploded. The explosion range was traveling across the canyon at a terrifying rate, erasing everything in its path. In around 15 seconds, it was going to reach the castle that Hancock was currently unconscious in. Shit.

I need to gather my crew, this island is finished! I upped my speed to the limit and traveled across the island, gathering each crew member. Time was at a standstill due to how fast I was moving, good. I quickly gathered each of my precious crew members and brought them to the 100 Hydra. I did all that within 0.00056 seconds when I finally slowed down I fell to my knees in the middle of our ship.

"Zora? How did we-WHAT THE HELL?!" Mr. Fisher's emotions were all over the place. I couldn't blame him, I mean he was walking towards the castle not even a second ago, and now he's watching the gigantic explosion that I created travel across the island destroying everything in its path.

"BLEGH!" I coughed up an unhealthy volume of blood, wait, why does my blood have gold in it? I guess even Infinity has its limits, a limit that I clearly surpassed...

"Oh my god, Zora are you okay?!" Mr. Fisher quickly rushed over to me.

"I'm fine Mr. Fisher, only a bit of strain..." I waved my hand in dismissal. I don't need to be helped, Sandersonia, Marigold, and Hancock need to.

"A bit of strain? Did you create that explosion? And how did we arrive on the ship so fast?" Mr. Fisher asked me questions faster than Marigold could ever achieve. I simply laughed and told him that I'll explain it later when the crew wakes up.

I stood up and watched as the island was turned into nothing. Goodbye and good riddance...onto the next island!