Fell in the abyss

I only bit my lips. I have no words to say. He stared at me for a minute and then asked in a frustrated voice, "Jenny, are you going  to tell me or not?"

I finally took a deep breath and replied, "Sir, I have a question. If we hadn't done good job, why would he have given a success party to all of us yesterday?"

Yes, it was the fact that yesterday only, he had given us a success party. He had also delivered a speech that he felt proud of us. And now suddenly, he believes that he was wasting his money over us?


Peter gritted his teeth and anger and said, "Jenny Gomez, it wasn't you who had handled the big project. It was Shallie Campbell and her team's hard work that she managed to take projects from other companies.

Her one year of hard work had given  a big success for the company in the relations with others. That's why he had given us the party. You understand. You are also a part of Public Relation, but you haven't achieved a single target on time, still you managed to enter the party. Don't you feel ashamed of it?"

I pursed my lips. Peter clearly knows that I am actually a hard working and sincere employee. He knew the reason why I have been an average employee for the last two years. Still, he was shouting over me.

Okay, I understand now that my mother is ill and nobody in this world would understand that. Fine! He needed his work one time? Okay, I would give it to me.

I wiped my tears and said, "Sir, this is the last time I am asking for extension work. I won't do that again. I will complete all my work within two days."

Peter clenched his fist tightly. He said angrily, "Okay, I will give you two days. But, I want you to finish. If not, then you don't need to enter the company again!"

After saying this, he started working on the computer. It clearly indicated that he didn't want to talk to me and wanted me to leave.

I silently bowed down and left.


Before going to my table, I entered the washroom and looked at my face. My eyes were teary and my face was red. WHY?

Why Peter why?

I have even given him my first night. Why he was talking to me like this. He clearly knows that my mother is in life - death stage. I have several tensions in my life. Yes I understood that he is not 'me', that's why, he won't understand my situation at all.

I washed my face and tried to make my face look normal. Finally, I squeezed a smile and said, "Jenny, you should know that god loves you so much and he knows your capability. That's why he is giving you a tough life, different from others.

But, if you would lose hope, god would be angry. So, smile brightly and do you work.


I smiled again and again and left the desk. I left the pink file and started working on the new projects. I decided that I would stay in the company and would work hard.

I have to finish the task or else, I would lose the job. I have to do this for my mother. Yes! I would do it.

I decided to finish international projects in the nights and national projects in the day time. I made my plan and started calling everyone. Since childhood, I was blessed with convincing people. This was my talent and that's why my three projects became successful at 5:30 pm.

But, I have to finish others also. And for the pink file, I have already e - mail the Green Company. I need to meet them face to face.

So, it was postponed for tomorrow.


8:00 pm.

It was late at night and every one was leaving one by one. I was happy that now I have to work in peace. Till now, I have finished my 8 projects and nobody was happy more than me.

But, there was still a fear that what if the hospital would call me to arrive?

It's okay Jenny. Don't think negative!

My throat was thirsty so I took my empty water bottle to the water cooler area. The cooler area is situated in the corner of the floor. So, it's generally an empty area.

I was wearing a pair of shoes and that's why my feet don't produce sound while walking. So, when I was coming near the cooler, I heard a voice, "I am sorry. I am sorry! I am really Sorry Daisy. I am really sorry."

I paused and didn't dare to take another step. I could totally hear that it was Peter who was begging. I heard a sobbing voice. It must be Daisy.

Why was she crying? And why was he apologizing? I don't know. So, I tried to listen carefully.

"Daisy, what happened yesterday really pissed my mind. I am not that type of person. I believe that someone had mixed something in my glass. We have known each other for 3 years. Do you think that I am that type of person?"

Daisy was just crying.

I tried to hear more. He was saying, "Daisy, I am really sorry. I have never tried to flirt with any woman in my life. I am a man who was raised in a good family. So, what happened yesterday, I would take the blame. You could choose whatever you want.

If you want to sue me, I would happily accept. Although, I would try to fight back that someone had mixed wrong in my food, but yes, I am your culprit. I deserve punishment."

Peter was right. In three years of span, he had never flirted with any woman. He had always respected, whether the person is man or woman.

Moreover, he was blessed with a friendly nature with a charming smile.

I believed that he had tried to propose to me, but I know that he had never said directly. It was just a hint. Maybe, he didn't mean that and I misunderstood.

But even if he had actually proposed to me, he had never forced me to accept his proposal. If it weren't the fact that I had someone else in my life, I would have accepted his proposal back then.

It has been more than 6 months when I assumed that he never came to propose to me secretly. But now, everything was done between him and me. Now, why do I care whether back then, he used to propose to me or not?

I just tried to figure out what was happening. Suddenly I heard a sentence that made me fall in the abyss.

"Daisy, if you still trust me, I wanna tell you that I would make sure to pamper you all my life. I want to take the responsibility. I want to marry you."

 What? What? What? What? What?

How could he marry Daisy? He was obviously mine. And which responsibility he was talking about? I clearly know that it was only me whom he slept with. I remember that when we both were done, I slept on his strong arms and he even hugged me back then.

If he was there with me the whole night, why was he trying to apologize to Shallie?

For a moment, I believed that my head was going to burst. But suddenly, I heard another sentence.........