I am sorry

.......from Peter. "Daisy, I have taken your virginity last night. I want to take responsibility. I would cooperate on whatever you would choose. If you want to sue me, I would accept it happily. If you want to test me by dating, I would still accept it. If you want to marry me right now, I would happily make you my wife.

I would be more happy if you choose to marry me. Daisy, will you marry me?"

My head couldn't take it any more. I stepped in and shouted, "Peter Morrison, what the hell are you saying?"

Both of them froze. I stepped in and shouted, "Peter, how dare you? You slept with me last night and now, you slept with Daisy also?"

Daisy was dumbfounded. She looked at Peter in disagreement. Peter roared back, "What the hell are you saying Jenny. Do you think after saying this, you would leave with some face?"

I gritted my teeth. I looked at Daisy who was confused. I said, "Daisy, this man is a wild beast. He slept with me last night. Now, he also slept with you. Do you think what we should do with him?"

Peter clenched his fist and roared, "Jenny, do you have any proof that I have been with you?" Then he turned towards Daisy and said, "Daisy, don't ever believe this woman. Today, I have scolded her for her lazy behavior and that's why she is doing this.

Moreover Daisy, you know that last night, the only person I spent the night was you only. You know this, right?"

Daisy swallowed the saliva and then she turned her gaze over me. Her brows frowned. I understood that now she doesn't trust me. Because this wild Peter had made a good image these years.

I smirked. "Okay now, if you want to trust him, that's fine. But don't cry in the end." After saying, I turned around and started leaving. Suddenly, I heard a loud roar, "Stop right there!"

It was Peter Morrison!

I turned around and smirked. He took both of us to his office and let both of us sit on the couch. He placed a chair in between and looked at me angrily.

He spoke in a low but heavy tone, "Jenny, you have thrown a heavy mud over my face. If your allegation turns out to be wrong, I would make sure to fire you from the office."

This was the time I have taken for finishing off the international projects. But now, I just messed in the swamp. But I wasn't wrong. He was wrong.

I looked at him with determination and said, "Yes, I am not lying. I have spent the previous night with you."

Peter was a cool man. He didn't talk recklessly. He smirked and said, "Is that so. Now could you tell me in which room I had taken to you?"

I was rendered speechless. I don't know about that room.

As I had no answer, I couldn't help but started biting my lips. Today, I have bitten my lips to such an extent that my lips started to bleed due to extreme flesh removal. It hurts!

Peter gave Daisy a victory pose. But still, he turned around and looked at me, "Jenny, my second question. In which hotel, I took you?"

I was again dumbfounded. I don't even know about the hotel. I only remember that it was a big hotel and have more than thousands of rooms in it.

It was obviously very big.

I only remember that I was on the 65th floor and I went downwards from the lift. Then, due to sign boards, I got the way to exit.

I didn't look back, nor have I seen the name of the Hotel.

As I wasn't giving any answer, I was obviously turning into a 'Liar'. I have to say something. So, I said, "We were on the 65th floor. It was a big hotel. You have booked a room on the VIP floor."

Peter gave a mockery smile to Daisy. It was obvious that after my answer, they both considered me as 'Big Bad Liar'. Peter folded his hands and said in a serious tone, "Jenny, you are not a kid any more. You know what you have said? You have said that you don't even know where I took you to? Why? Why don't you know about that?

Next, I want to tell you that I took Daisy in my house. By the way, I am not a rich brat who would just order a room on the VIP floor just for s*x."

Yes, he was correct. Although his salary was two times greater than us, he won't waste that much money to book a VIP room just for the sake of s*x.

I looked at both of them. I suddenly stood up and said, "I.... I don't know. But, I have been f*cked up by someone. I don't know if it was Peter or not. But Daisy and Peter sir, we all have known each other since three years. Do you think I would lie to you, just like that?"

Peter stood up and looked like he understood something. He put his one hand in his pocket and the other pointed over me. He said, "You are right Jenny. There is indeed something wrong in the party. I definitely know that someone has drugged me. Or else, I am not that type of person who would do these types of things.

But tell me one thing, why do you think that I was the one in the party who has done wrong with you."

I swallowed the saliva. Of course, it was me who had planned all this. I still said, "Because..... Because I saw... I saw the person wearing black suit. So, I considered it you. Although, I don't remember anything further because I was drugged heavily that I don't even remember when the man took me to the hotel and all...."

Daisy, who was quite stood up in frowning. Although she didn't blame me, she said, "Jenny, just because of black suit, you pointed your finger randomly at the boss just because he was wearing black suit? Jenny, I want to clear you that more than half of the men were wearing black suits at yesterday's party.

Why did you only blame him? Do you know how much wrong he must be feeling?"

I instantly cried, "I am sorry. I am really sorry sir. I am sorry Daisy. I didn't mean that. I thought it's you. But, now please don't fire me. I don't even know who the man was. I am really sorry."

In my entire life, I have never apologized this much. Today was the first day, I was just apologizing to Peter again and again.

Peter looked at me solemnly. Finally he said, "Jenny, I am forgiving you, just because you have suffered a great loss last night that you can't even cover in future. And, being a man, I would protect you from that person also.

It's the time to check up. We should file an F.I.R. against a person who had tried to r*pe you. Without your permission.

Don't look at me like this Jenny. Last night, I was desperate, but still I begged Daisy. She said yes, then only I started."

I was shocked. I just missed a chance with the noble person. He not only forgave me, but also understood my situation and asked me to help me.

But, I don't want his help. I know that if he would try to investigate, I would be the one who would be getting caught in the end.....