Thrown out

The thoughts vanished from her mind as soon as they came when her eyes flew open. Her Iris darkened so much that it could drip ink. Her anger remained.

Who wouldn't get angry? She was practically thrown into the drowning seas of joblessness. Agreed, her major qualifications might be troublemaking, arrogance, and her unavoidable uselessness. Now, who would give her another job?

For goodness sake, she had been thrown out of six jobs in one and a half months!

"Perhaps, I could just remain useless for the rest of my life" She placed a slender finger on her lips thoughtfully and chuckled. Her anger deflated. A rare smile carved on her face and if anyone looked closely, they would think she might as well be beautiful.

"You are an idiot! Whoever wants to be useless for life with you!" the voice in her head cried.

"Oh" Camry raised a brow naturally.

Having dialogues with herself in her head is nothing new to her. From a young age, her troublesome attitude made her live an alone life. She was someone who had a single parent. Her mother, a woman who was up to no good and runs a brothel.

Camry took off her leather jacket, she removed her boots, and also changed out of her trousers. She wore a pair of brown shorts. She ignored the severe tangles of her hair and walked out of the room closing the door after her with a loud thud.

She walked back into the tattered sitting room. She looked at the floor in disgust. There could only be one reason why the house is that way...

Camry changed her direction and walked towards the kitchen. Now that she was going to be jobless for a really long time, she thought of different ways to manage the food in her refrigerator. Her brain did a few calculations, preoccupied with her thoughts, she entered the kitchen fully.

At the same time, a redhead woman turned and their eyes met. Camry's expression froze immediately. A thick dark cloud covered her face.

"Cam, you are home? Look, I made us dinner" The woman said with a sickening fake smile.

The woman wore an extremely tight nude gown, her lips painted with sharp red color. Her fingers were extended, they were fixed with claws like fake nails. Between the two women, there was no resemblance at all.

Camry's brows narrowed. She watched the woman before her with an irritated scowl. She should have been able to tell, that the woman was back again. The evidence of her presence was everywhere after all. Who else would create such a mess in the living room if not the woman, her mother?

"Why are you here?" Camry asked nonchalantly. No pleasantries were exchanged, they said nothing to each other for a moment.

Camry did not even throw the woman a second glance. It was as though the two had no blood relation at all. How bad could things be between them?

"You don't want to see me? I am your mother!" The redhead woman voiced. Camry's eyes flew in her direction, her eyes lingered on the newly opened liquor on the table. She looked away immediately.

The woman felt her gaze and shrugged. The scene seems to be a normal one among them.

"Are you? I really couldn't tell" Camry retorted coldly. She ignored her mother's presence and walked to the refrigerator. She opened it only to find it empty.

"Where is the food in here?" Camry asked calmly, more like the calm before the storm.

"Hey, I told you I cooked us dinner! Where else could I have gotten the food I cooked!" The mother answered. She lifted the bottle of alcohol close to her lips and took a gulp.

As soon as she made this lame shameless statement, the onlookers could not help but roll their eyes. She emptied the refrigerator just to cook dinner? What an outrageous statement coming from a mother. Did she even care for her daughter at all?

"Where. Did. You. Pack. My. Food?" Camry asked stressing each word as she spoke. Her look turned hard as she glared at her mother.

Hearing this, the redhead woman dropped her bottle of liquor on the table, she took a swift step toward her daughter who did not move away. The two women entered into a glaring contest.

"What do you mean by your food, I am your mother! What is yours is mine!" The woman yelled and glared at Camry.

Ho. Ho. Ho! The woman did not change as expected. That line, "what is yours is mine" was her usual statement. She made it sound like Camry and herself were in a romantic relationship.

She would never say the statement the other way round. What is her daughter's could only be hers but what is hers could never be her daughter's.

Camry's fingers tightened around the refrigerator door. Was it not just now she was planning how to manage the food she had? But this clueless woman she had for a mother carted every fucking food in the fridge away to heaven knows where!

"Take care of your mess in the sitting room before you leave" Camry voiced in a calm voice.

Before losing the tiny patient left, Camry turned around to leave the kitchen. She almost stepped out of the door when a red-figure flew to her front. Her mother.

"Camry darling, you know business these days is bad. Customers are running away from our brothel, they said our services are very bad. How dare they!"

Camry stopped on her track and looked at the woman; Our brothel? She thought. Before she knew it, the woman took her hand and persisted in her speech.

"They really have no idea of how much effort we put in that business!"

Camry's lips twitched as she heard the word "we". What rubbish!

"You know what the problem is now my daughter, I need money. Could you ask your manager to give you your pay early? I heard your boss is really a nice person" The woman ended her speech.

Camry looked at her, there was no hint of disbelief or surprise on her face. It seems she was already used to the kind of attitude her mother displayed.

"Listen to me very clearly, I. Do. Not. Have. A. Job!" Camry said stressing each word. This woman, was she really hell-bent on making her angry?

"You what! What rubbish did you just say now?" The woman asked.

"You really still don't get it? I lost my job" Camry said nonchalantly without a care, she pushed her mother's hand away from hers and started walking away.

"You– you! Come back here! I knew it, you are just as useless as you have always been. How dare you lose your job! Are you really planning to depend on me to feed you! In your dreams Camry, in your dreams.

I won't ever spend my money on a useless thing like you! Look, let me tell you this, if you don't find a job before I return, I want you out of my house! Did you hear that? Out of my house...!"

The redhead woman yelled following Camry who did not seems to care about the threats and merely walked into her room.

BAM! She closed the door to the woman's face. Camry sat on her bed and rubbed her forehead.

"Tsk.. troublesome," She thought.

She stood up abruptly and walked towards her cloth hanger. She pulled out a black backpack and opened it. She brought out a laptop and placed it on her bed. She stared at the blank computer for a long while before turning it on.

As the system was loading, a few notifications popped up. She clicked the inbox and opened the messages.

"Call me!" The first message read, following the message, there was a smiley face emoji. Her expression did not change.

She opened another message and this one says; "I miss you, call me" with a pouty face emoji. Camry's face twitched a little bit.

Click! she opened the last message. All she saw was a lot of blazing angry-faced emojis. Camry hit her forehead with her palm and shook her head.

She was about to turn off her computer when a video call popped up. She sighed softly knowing she couldn't dare to ignore the call now.

"Hey," Camry said with an expressionless face as soon as the call connected.


The angry face of a very pretty girl popped onto the screen. The screeching sound of her voice could make one deaf. Well, that applies to everyone but Camry.

Camry was so calm and did not seems to be moved by the yell at all but compared to the indifferent gaze she normally wore when conversing with other people, she seems to have toned down her mood when facing the other person.

But who is this person? Typically Camry never befriended anyone. No, the situation was that no normal person ever want to befriend her. Perhaps, that wasn't the case and she had friends?