
Actually, Camry never had friends but this particular person... It was a long story.

It was one of the years when Camry was at her lowest. She was tagged rude, sassy, arrogant, despicable and all sorts of names anywhere she went. It was not like she cared about all of the negative attention. It was unknown to most people that the despicable Camry was actually a pure innocent person at heart.

That day, she decided to try something she had never tried before. She went to a convenience store nearby and bought bottles of beer. A dozen to be precise. She had just had a big quarrel with her "mother" who forcefully took her meager salary from her.

With the little amount left in her hand, she used to purchase cheap beer. All alone in her little corner of a room, she drank and drank and drank till every bottle was empty till its last drop.

She actually detested the taste of the alcohol in her mouth and even the smell irked her but she just let herself drown at the moment. She was just a person who was yearning, for one thing, that night, for a friend. After so many years alone, the world was beginning to become tasteless on her tongue. Nothing moved her anymore, not even her life.

That faithful night, she was in her drunken stupor and took out her laptop unknowing to play a game. In the middle of her online game, she stumbled across an app and carelessly clicked it open.

It was an app for making friends and meeting new people. Coincidentally, it was there that she met her.

Halona Helmime Hernandez. The recollection of the name again was Camry's nemesis. Yes, Camry wanted a friend but fate threw a scary, troublesome heiress at her face. The reminiscence of their first encounter came rushing into her mind.

Camry entered into a chat in the app in her drunken state and the first person she had a chat with was the overbearing princess. Camry's subconsciousness might have wanted to have fun that night when she sent a lazy "hi" to the person on the chat. But instead of a response, a video call was sent immediately.

As soon as her hand clicked the answer button, fate could no longer be reversed. Camry actually had a photographic memory and could still remember what Halona looked like the very first time she saw her.

She was younger then and the two ladies were about the same age. Camry remembered the view of Halona's room. It was decorated all pink with exquisite furniture. In fact, the room was princess styled for a pampered Barbie.

At first, the two ladies stared at each other, one with a dull expression, droopy and heavy eyelids while the other stared in awe and admiration.

Halona's sweet and harmonious voice came from the other side of the call and said a sharp "Be my friend!"

"Friend?" Camry's dull eyelids widened for a split second before they returned to its former state.

She stared at the beautiful lady waiting eagerly for her response. Camry drummed her fingers on the edge of her old laptop as though she was giving the idea a thought. She raised a brow lazily and said "cool" before letting out a yawn.

"Really, Really, Really, you are going to be my friend?" The beautiful lady spouted.

"Noisy.." Camry responded and another yawn escaped her lips. Her head slightly nodded to the side. She was struggling to keep her eyes open.

The other lady noticed this and pouted. She blinked innocently while staring at Camry's lazy but elegant body movement. She looked like she was dying to say a lot to this new friend of hers but kept her lips pursed.

"Hey, if you want to sleep, just give me your number then we can talk later okay" The pretty lady suggested.

"Mm..." Camry hummed and started spouting a couple of figures. Fortunately, Halona was very intelligent and was able to memorize the figures.

At that moment, Camry's head slumped on the laptop with a soft thud thereby hitting her head on the switch. The laptop turned off and ended the call.

The next day, Camry woke up with a nasty hangover, she cursed and cursed till she was tired. She dragged herself to work afterward. Because she woke up in a terrible state, she was late for work and was nagged badly for it.

She returned from work looking so drained of energy. She prepared her usual instant noodles and slurped them lazily. It was at that moment her phone rang.

She frowned and pick that call after a while of ringing. She lifted the phone to her ear looking indifferent and said nothing.

"Hello.." a feminine voice sounded from the side.


After a few seconds, the person on the other side spoke again. "Hello... are you there?" But still...

More silence.

Camry kept mute. The lady on the other side was infuriated, she could not take it anymore and began yelling at the mute somebody.

"Hey, you! I know you are listening to me now, can you return the phone to the rightful owner this instance because I want to speak to her!"

Camry's face twitched a couple of times because of the girl's loud voice. She did not remember all that had happened the last night and could not have guessed she gave her contact to a random person on the internet and that random person was screaming her head off at the moment.

"Noisy.." Camry uttered in a tired arrogant voice. she was about to end the call when the lady's chirpy voice attacked again.

"it's you! Gosh, I have been trying to reach you but a dumb person was playing with your phone at first. It is a good thing you collected your phone from that crazy person already. I already wanted to—"

Camry's face changed drastically to darker shades of black. That dumb and crazy person was her after all. She was in no mood to listen to the gibberish of the other person.

"You are?" She voiced with a lack of enthusiasm.

"Ha. Ha. Ha... please don't mind my lack of morals, I was the one you spoke to last night. I understand if you have forgotten but I can describe myself alright, I have almond eyes, chestnut bouncing waves that reach my waistline. Yeah, my brows are naturally carved..."

What's with this silly description? Camry thought. She drummed her slender fingers on the edge of her plate impatiently. She wondered if the person speaking was going to drop the description on a dating site rather than telling it to her, another female.

".. also my room, the background is pink, childish, right? I know, it's just that no one listens to me here and they made sure I maintain such color. You wouldn't mind right?" The lady rambled on.

"Wrong person" Camry mumbled as soon as she lost all of her patience.

"What?" the lady was taken aback. Her remaining description of herself was forced to drown in her throat. She thought she heard wrong.

"What did you say? Sorry, I did not catch on that" she tried to cover up her surprise by brushing it off.

"What did you not get? You called the wrong person. I don't want to know you. Scram!" Camry uttered.

"No... no.., this is not the wrong number, I am sure. It is the number you gave me yesterday night. Did you forget? I can remind you!" There was panic in the lady's voice as she spoke.

Camry pinched the space between her brows and closed her eyes. She took a couple of breaths in and out to calm herself.

"You've gotten the wrong person," She said and intensionally spat each word one after the other so that the other person can understand and not disturb her anymore.

"Give me a minute, I will explain myself clearly!" the lady uttered. It looks like she was determined to clear the misunderstanding and stick to Camry.

"..." Camry did not respond but was counting up to a minute in her head already.

"That is a yes right, listen carefully so that you can understand me! Last night, you came online on an app looking for a friend. Then you accepted my friend request. You agreed to be my friend and even gave me your contact to be before you ended the call. Actually, my name is Halona Helmime Hernandez. See I—"

Beep Beep Beep... The sound of the call coming to an end was heard. She did not wait to listen to the rest of the words that the lady wanted to speak. It did not sound like anything reasonable to Camry. Time was up on Camry's side.

"Friend?" Camry glared at the phone in her hand and snorted. She looked at the plate of noodles in her place that was already soaked in the water. Her eyes darkened immediately.

After hearing the explanation of the lady, Halona whatever... Camry seems to have little recollection of last night. it was then she understood the reason for her head throbbing.

Right on spot, she vowed never to taste anything alcohol again. It was a disaster. She looked at her phone and clicked on the number that just called. she was about to block it but on second thought, she did not. Her gaze trailed back to her noddle...
