Halona Hernandez

The days flew by quickly and it was Thursday, Camry was going to pick up Halona from the airport. Camry had never been a morning person all her life so she woke up late that morning, just as usual. She woke up at exactly 8 O'clock.

She pulled her old blanket away from her body and got out of bed. Albeit just waking up, her expression was nonchalant and indifferent. She walked lazily to the bathroom and her a quick bath.

When she was done bathing, she dragged her body to the wardrobe at a corner of the room and opened it. On the roll were a set of clothes that were the same design and color. Black leather jackets and trousers, on another roll, white simple tops. At a corner in the wardrobe was a set of jean trousers.

She scanned the set of clothes for less than three seconds and randomly chose from the jean corner. She wore the pair of ripped jeans trousers that she picked, a plain white crop top, and a denim jacket. She accompanied her dress up with her only pair of white sneakers.

She checked the time and it was already thirty minutes after eight. She ran her fingers through her hair and straighten the tangles. She turned around and left the room. She went into the kitchen, opened the fridge and it was still as empty except for a carton of milk.

She picked up the carton of milk and poured it into a glass cup. She sipped it slowly, her eyes stayed on the wall clock as it ticked. As soon as the clock hit 8:45 am, she dropped her empty glass and headed out of the house.

She walked to her bike, wore her helmet, and zoomed off. The engine of the bike roared all the way to the airport. Camry found a spot outside the airport and parked her bike. She jumped down from the bike and removed her helmet. Her hair flowed out of the helmet immediately.

She used her finger to brush off the strands of hair on her face, turned around, and started walking into the airport. She reached the waiting area, it was crowded, she felt irritated because of the crowd and walked to a corner. She leaned on the wall casually while waiting. She knew she did not have to wait for so long because Halona's flight would arrive in a few seconds.

Just as she had predicted, the arrival of Halona's flight was announced. Camry did not leave her spot as every other person hurried to meet whoever they were expecting.

A while later, among the group of people arriving, Camry caught sight of a flashy pink figure dragging a pink suitcase with so much difficulty. She watched the figure struggle a little longer before standing straight.

She kept her hand in her pocket and started walking toward the pink lady. She reached the lady and tapped her back. The lady turned around immediately and a face popped into view.

The lady stared at Camry, looked over, stared at her even longer, and blinked. Camry stood with her hands hidden in her pocket while she gave the lady the chance to inspect her.

"You—you are Camry?" the lady finally said, surprise was written all over her face.

"Mm," Camry responded as a matter of fact.

"Camry! It–it is you! It is really you! You—" Halona yelled loudly that everyone turned in their direction.

One looked like a princess in her pink costume while the other had her hand hidden in the pocket of her ripped jeans looking like a gangster. The pose of the two women was very pleasing to the eyes that people watched them a little longer.

There was something about the ladies that made people attracted to them unknowingly. Was it because of the childish beauty and antics of the one dressed in pink? Or was it the mannerism of the plain-faced one? They couldn't tell but no matter what they thought, they felt nobility eluding from the aura of the ladies.

Halona was so happy that she finally met the best woman on Earth after her mother. Only if Camry knew how much Halona held her at heart. To Halona, Camry was not just a best friend but also her role model. Even when she had never met her in person, Halona always wanted to be like Camry.

In her happiness, she jumped onto Camry, the latter had not expected the attack and nearly fell to the ground but her quick reflex pulled them steady stance. Camry raised a brow.

She stared at the pink lady hugging her real tight and her lips twitched. She had never been used to close contact with people and it even disgust her. It took all of her tolerance not to push this pink body away from her.

Halona kept holding Camry for a really long time without the thought of letting go. Apart from her parents, Halona had never hugged any other person this close all her life. Hugging Camry like this, it felt very relaxing and comfortable but her comfort was cut short when Camry grabbed her collar and pulled her away from her.

Halona pouted in disappointment but Camry did not even throw a glance at her. She merely looked at Halona's luggage and the side of her lips twitched. This girl... she thought, did she not say she would act as a commoner?.

"Let's go," Camry said eventually and without waiting for her, she started walking away. Halona did not mind being ignored, in fact, she was really happy. With so much struggle, she started dragging her box behind her following after Camry.

They got outside the airport, Camry reached first and waited for Halona who appeared later. Halona came and stood beside Camry, confusion was written all over her face.

"Where is the car?" Halona asked, she looked around but was not seeing any car anywhere. Only a plain black bike stood alone on the side of the road.

"Car?" Camry voiced and frowned. She did not say anymore but walked to the bike and climbed on top of it. Halona stared at her and blinked.

"You... we?" Halona was speechless, for a princess that have been locked in her royal castle for so many years and that had only seen exquisite cars and power bikes, her surprise knew no bounds.

Camry threw the helmet at her and she caught it sluggishly. She looked from Camry to the bike. Then she suddenly felt Camry was looking so stylish on the bike and decided to join her on the ride. She wore the helmet immediately and got on the bike. Then as if remembering something, she looked at her pink box still laying on the ground.

"A taxi will send it over" Camry voiced as if reading her thoughts. Halona bobbed her head countless times before gripping Camry's jacket as soon as the engine of the bike roared. The girl looked really eager for the ride and as soon as the ride took a sharp turn into the street, Halona's grip on Camry's jacket tightened.

Throughout the ride home, Halona was very happy, she kept on looking around the city as they rode by in awe. She really had not seen anything so beautiful all her life. She was glad she made the decision to run away from home. This time, she was going to make good use of her time and explore the world around her. She was sure it is going to be fun.

A while later, the bike took a turn and stopped in front of the apartment Camry lived in. She slammed her foot on the brake and the ride came to halt. The two ladies dropped down from the bike.

"Woah... that was fun!" Halona exclaimed in excitement. She looked at Camry in awe. It was as if she was looking at a goddess.

"Will you take me for another ride? No, will you teach me how to ride it?" Halona tugged at Camry's jacket and blinked pitifully.

"Change your expression, you are not a child," Camry said without emotions.

Halona nodded like an obedient child and she schooled her expression immediately. She stood straight like a proper lady. She looked around her and at the house that looked so ordinary.

"So... you live here?" She asked.

"Mm," Camry answered while parking her bike properly. She turned around and face Halona, she gave her a quick look over and said nothing. She started walking towards the entrance, Halona quickly followed after her.

"Hey, do you like that I am going to be your roommate now?" She asked as they got to the door. Camry held the doorknob and paused. She turned around and looked at Halona. The latter looked at her eagerly waiting for her response. The was a step between them.

After a moment, Camry responded, "Be quiet". Halona lowered her gaze immediately. She hid her wronged expression, it felt as though her roommate was going to bully her a lot.

But her wronged expression only lasted for a while before a smile curled up on her, she would behave so well and make her best friend fall in love with her. She would use all of her charms.