
Just before the two women stepped into the house, the taxi that carried Halona's luggage arrived. Without receiving any help from Camry, Halona dragged her pink box all by herself into the apartment.

When they stepped into the apartment, Halona's jaw dropped. She looked around her new 'home' with bulging eyes. The scantily furnished sitting room could not even be compared to her bedroom back in the Hernandez Mansion.

"Cam... Cam, you live in this place?" She asked subconsciously while her eyes darted back and forth in the room. No one could tell what she was thinking at the moment. Perhaps, to return to her mansion or to accept her fate.

"Mm," Camry mumbled. She tossed a bottle of water to Halona who was caught unaware by the approaching object. But with her fast reflex, she was able to catch the bottle. She pouted her lips before uncapping the bottle to drink.

"The room is over here..." without giving Halona a chance to complain about the shabby-looking apartment, Camry started walking in the direction of her bedroom.

The house only had a room which Camry used. Back then, when Camry's mother rented the apartment, she thought it was a waste of money to rent a house with two rooms. It was not that she could not afford an apartment with two rooms but because she knew Camry alone would likely use the house, she could not bear to part with more money.

Ever since Camry began working, the mother no longer paid the bills, she let Camry shoulder the responsibility. Now, poor Camry had to fork out a few dollar notes to pay rent out of the meager salary she earned. Such an 'amazing' mother she had.

Halona did not stop looking around the house till she walked into the room. Her jaw nearly dropped when she saw what Camry called 'room'. She gulped and put her box down. Camry turned around to face her. Her face was as expressionless as ever.

"We will find a way to share this room," Camry said with a straight face. It was surprising she did not ask Halona if she would be comforted in the house. After all, she knew the kind of place the poor lady came from.

Actually, Halona did not mind at all. She bobbed her head easily in response to all that Camry said.

"Good. Try to fix your bag somewhere, I need to rest. Do not disturb me" Camry voiced. She turned around and walked towards the corner of the room. She removed her shoes and then her clothes.

Just like that, Camry climbed on her bed and Cutler up to form a delicate human ball. Halona was astonished, her new housemate was really such a bad.... host?

"Cam... Cam! No, you can't sleep. I just came and I-I have so many gifts for you!" Halona blurted out. She really did not expect Camry to sleep just like... that?

She dragged her box with her to the side of the bed and sat down. She opened the box and pulled out dress after dress.

"Look, this one will look great on you! What do you think about this one? Ah! I have no idea of the kind of cloth you like but I bought so many... Cam, do you like them?"

Halona's eyes fixed on Camry who eyed the clothes with no expression on her face. Of course, she would like it, Halona thought as her smile widened. There was no way any lady would not like the set of clothes she got for Camry. They were custom-made ladies' wears that cost a fortune!

"Not my style" Camry's cold voice rang out. She flicked her wrist dismissively and turned around to sleep.

"W-w-what!" It took a while before Halona snapped out of her daze. She stared at Camry's back and looked at the dresses on the bed. Colorful and so feminine, any lady in the social circle would give anything to have such dresses!

But Camry was gifted the same set of clothes and she had said... Said what again? Not her style!

Not her style? If these beautiful clothes were not her style, then what would her style be. Halona pouted looking wronged. She fixed her eyes on the lady on the bed who was sleeping comfortably in her bra and panties.

"She did not even try to entertain me...hmmph!" Halona mumbled and stood up from the bed, she walked around the room while inspecting every corner.

"What thing is this?! Why should her clothes be here?! Does she not have a better sense of fashion! This is her laptop?! What century does she think she is?! Arrgghhh

Halona kept on mumbling to herself as she walked around the room. Soon, she found a book and a pen. She jotted down so many things. She left the bedroom and walked to another part of the house.

She entered the kitchen. Just like the other parts of the house, it looked so scanty. Just a few plates, cups, and utensils here and there. Halona took a deep breath to comfort herself as she opened the fridge.

"What! Empty!" She cried out. Aside from an ugly carton of milk that the rich lady could not even tell its brand, there was nothing else in the fridge. All Halona felt at the moment was to sit on the ground and cry out her eyeballs. She had not planned for all she was seeing at all.

She sniffed and swallowed her tears. She picked up her pen and book and wrote something down. She left the kitchen and walked into the sitting room. She looked around her and jotted down a couple of things in her book.

She placed the book on the small table in the center of the room and walked back to the room. She picked up her phone and left the room without disturbing the lady that was enjoying her sleep like no man's business in the room.

Halona took the book she left on the table, she tapped on her phone for a very long time before dropping both the phone and the book. She settled on the unattractive couch and smiled. She was certain she would enjoy it here once she made things comfortable for herself and her best friend.

She began to list a couple of things she would like to do in the country. She would visit an amusement park, go clubbing, maybe a party, she might even follow Camry to her workplace. Yes! she would also go bike riding with Camry!

Her smile widened, she believed her choice to come to Camry was the best. She tossed around on the couch, her happiness knew no bounds as her innocent eyes twinkled in glee.

She suppressed the urge to go to the room at the moment to pull Camry away from the bed. She really wanted to chat with the expressionless lady sleeping in the room but she knew if she dared disturb Camry's sleep, the latter might toss her out of the apartment without even blinking.

Halona pouted at this thought. She did not want to be tossed out of the house. She felt comfortable with Camry and wanted to stick to her as long as possible. She decided in her heart to be well behaved and not cause Camry to be angry. As long as Camry was not angry, she would be able to stay in the house.

Camry picked up her book and looked at the things she had jotted down before and smiled, she hugged the book to her chest and chuckled. She was going to make Camry fall in love with her. There was no way Camry would be able to resist her charm!

She giggled like a child who was being tickled continuously until a knock on the door interrupted her moment. She looked towards the door and raised a brow.

"They are here?" She mumbled. She stood up from the couch and went to open the door. A man stood in front of the house, he held a booklet to Halona and said.

"Miss Halona?" He asked with a smile when he saw the pretty woman who appeared before him.

"Yeah.. that is me" Halona responded and also offered him a polite smile.

"Please sign here miss, all that you have ordered are here," the man said.

"Oh.." Halona voiced. She looked behind the man and saw a truck. She smiled happily. "It is here! Camry will fall in love with me!" She sang in her heart. It took all of her strength not to jump right on spot but remained composed as a lady should.

After signing her name, the man offered to help her arrange all that she order into the house. She readily agreed.

She watched as the men arranged the house, furnishing it just to her taste. She watched them take away the old and ugly furniture. New cushions, curtains, television, tables, shelves... so many types of furniture were fixed into the house. Even the bedroom was not left out.

Halona changed the wardrobe Camry was using, her reading table was replaced with a beautifully carved wooden table and chair. A dressing table and mirror were fixed into the room. Camry's old laptop was replaced with a new bright-colored laptop. It was placed on the reading table with a couple of books.

Halona took her time to rearrange the room. It was a miracle that throughout the process, Camry did not even wince. She slept soundly as a child would.

Halona worked till her forehead was covered in perspiration but she did not stop. She left the room and returned to the sitting room. She looked around her, everywhere looked like a home now. The small apartment was pretty and comfy. Halona smiled and wiped her sweats.

She made a beeline for the kitchen, a great change had also happened in the kitchen. Even the fridge was changed. This new fridge was filled to the brim with food. Halona nodded to herself in satisfaction.

In a day, she had spent so much money without even blinking. It was not because she had so much money that she could waste but she spent so much because she really wanted to please Camry. She took out a few vegetables and placed them on the kitchen sink. She wiggled her fingers and smiled.

"Let's get to work and make Camry fall in love with me!" She said to herself.