Office Policy.


"Ouch!" Halona cried out and rubbed her forehead. She groaned, that hit hurts a bit. She checked the time, seeing that it was still early, she jumped out of bed. She turned around and saw that Camry was still asleep, she then slipped out of the room noiselessly.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and made a beeline for the kitchen. Just as she had promised, she was going to prepare breakfast for Camry.

She opened the fridge and brought out a couple of eggs. She cracked it in a bowl and whisked it. She prepared a simple breakfast of omelet, fruity oat and she did not forget to prepare a cup of coffee for Camry.

Just as she was done in the kitchen, she saw Camry coming out of the room. She hurriedly ran to her side.

"Hey, good morning!" she said in a chirpy voice.

"Morning" Camry voiced. Probably because it was morning and she woke up not long ago, her voice sounded soft with a cold flavor. It was quite alluring and inviting.

"Y-yeah..." Halona stuttered. Stupid! She berated herself for sounding so silly. She couldn't be blamed, she just found everything that Camry did to be seductive.

She snapped out of her daze and gave Camry a quick lookover. The latter was dressed in a pair of black jeans that were ripped in the knee, a white top, and a black denim jacket. She wore her signature black boots.

Halona moaned inwardly, she facepalmed. She thought girls were supposed to dress over the top, she thought girls were supposed to wear flashy dresses to look pretty? All that she had seen Camry wear was white and black simple clothes, could it be that Camry did not have a sense of color? Halona felt clueless.

When she looked up and saw the expressionless face, she sighed heavily and patted her heart in comfort. She did not even try to style her hair a bit...? She was speechless.

"It is already past six-thirty, you will go to work soon?" Halona put her emotions in check as she asked.

"Yeah" Camry answered and gave a stiff nod, she moved and walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey, I made breakfast already" Halona quickly inserted, she subconsciously took Camry's hand and walked her to the dining table. When she realized she was holding Camry's hand, she let go immediately. She did not want to anger Camry.

Camry did not have any expression when Halona held her hand, although it felt very weird but when Halona reflexively threw her hand aside as it burned her, she frowned but did not say a word. Her stoic face maintained as she sat down.

"Here" Halona voiced and pushed a cup of coffee towards Camry. Camry took the cup and lifted it. She saw the black content in the cup and she frowned deeply, her brows creased. Still, she lifted the cup to her lips.

"What—?!" Camry's expressionless face cracked. The bitter black liquid assaulted her taste bud. It reminded her of her first taste of cheap alcohol. That bitter taste was irksome. She hated anything bitter.

"What is this thing?" She dropped the cup off the table carelessly thereby spilling its content across the table. Her voice was so cold that it made Halona shiver slightly. She was annoyed.

"C-coffee!" Halona gave a response before she could even think. She was probably really scared of Camry's coldness.

"Take it away! Sweet milk now!" Camry ordered. She leaned back on the chair and folded her arms across her chest. She felt really angry not being able to get the vexatious taste out of her mouth.

Halona ran to the kitchen with the cup of coffee, she wiped the perspiration off her forehead. She patted her chest and inhaled deeply. How could she tell that Camry did not like coffee? No, she did not even know it was coffee in the first place. 'You must not make that kind of mistake ever again!' She told herself.

She opened the fridge and took out a carton of milk, She poured it in a cup, then she added spoons after spoons of sugar till she thought it was sweet enough.

"Here" She passed the glass of milk to Camry anxiously. She stood by the side with her hands clasped in front of her. The once pampered princess was now acting like a little servant trying to please her ruthless master.

'Please like it, like it, please, please...' she prayed in her heart as she watched Camry lift the cup to her lips. Her heart beat loudly and threatened to jump out of her ribcage.

Once the white liquid seeped into her mouth, there was a change in her expression, her anger slipped away immediately, it was as if she was not angry before. The milk was just as sweet as she wanted it, it watched away from the bitterness and anger she felt, she felt very energized.

Halona secretly heaved a sigh of relief. It seems her best friend does not like anything bitter after all. She saw Camry empty the glass in seconds, she took three spoonfuls of oats before standing up.

"You are not eating anymore?" Halona asked, she looked from Camry to the table, she hardly touched anything on the table. Will she not get hungry later if she eats so little? Halona was worried.

"I am late for work" Camry explained calmly as she squeezed out a five words sentence. Halona mouthed an 'oh'.

"Wait a minute!" Halona said and left for the room in haste. Camry waited patiently, She held her black cased second-grade phone in one hand while the second hand was hidden in her pocket.

Halona returned with a small black backpack, she handed the backpack to Camry who took it with a raised brow. Halona saw the questioning look, she cleared her throat and explained.

"You did not eat much so... I packed something for you. You like sweets, don't you? There are chocolates, cookies, and lollipops in the bag. You... just eat them when you are hungry. There is also milk for you to drink... I—"

"Thank you," Camry said expressionlessly cutting through Halona's explanation. With that, she turned around and left the house.

"You—" Halona called after her but she had already left. She wanted to ask if she could give her a call anytime but the latter did not even wait to finish listening to her.

Fine, just leave. You are the boss after all. Halona pouted, she looked at the leftover food and the table and punched into the plate angrily, then she raised the spoon to her mouth.

"Hmm... yummy!" Her eyes sparkled at the taste of good food. She soon forgot about her loneliness.

Camry slung the backpack across her back, she climbed on her motorbike and drove at a high speed to work. With her deadly speed, there was no way she could ever be late.

She got to the company in soon, this time, she was not stopped by the old guard. Instead, he welcomed her with a polite smile which she responded to with a small nod. She walked into the company.

She was even more eye-catching than the previous time she walked into the company. Her black and white brandless clothes and her plain black backpack, it was not something they saw every day in the company. It was simply too eye-catching. Eyes followed her every movement. Questioning gaze and looks of disdain but her stoic face remained unchanged.

"Hey, Camry!" Camry heard a familiar voice call her name and she paused, she looked in the direction the voice came from. Then she saw Blakes dressed in a simple but formal black suit approach her. She nodded slightly as a form of acknowledgment.

"Good morning, I have waited for you for a while but it seems you are a bit late today," He said with a smile.

"Mm," Camry hummed in agreement. She was indeed late, by a few seconds, according to the office policy.

"Yeah..." Blakes scratched his head. It was just not simple to maintain a discussion with her, he thought. But he did not want her to be later.

"Here, your ID card has been prepared. Mary asked me to send it to you" Blakes said. He showed a plastic card with her information on it to her.

"Oh, thanks" She took the card expressionlessly from him and put it away into her pocket without even sparing it a glance. With that, she walked away leaving behind stunned Blakes.

He watched her departing figure with a meaningful gaze, he pinched his ear and a smile carved on his face. The ladies around fawned at his handsomeness. Everyone knew that Blakes was the cutest guy in the company. Most ladies had a crush on him and his smile simply stole their breath away!

Camry stepped out of the elevator, she got to the office and pushed the door open directly without knocking. She walked in.

"You are late, two minutes and twenty seconds" The boss spewed icicles to welcome her. The temperature of the room dropped.

"I know" Camry answered, she sounded irritated.