
"Come on, Aiden lets go to our class. I wanna meet Drake. He seemed really cool!" but before we could leave Sebastian walks up to us and greets us.

"Hello Students" he bows politely


" I can't help but notice that you were not paying attention to my speech earlier? Was there a reason for that?" he says looking me up and down

' Aiden, I don't have a good feeling about him, we need to get away from him' kayda finally says, noticing that he is staring them up and down.

'I know' is all i say to her

"Because it simply did not interest me, I've heard plenty of speeches like yours. It was nothing special now if you excuse me i have to get going. I don't want to be late to my class, do we?" Annoyed, I walked away towards Oscar. And dragging him along with me.

"But wait, may I know your name?" Sebastian says interest peaked.

"AIden" without looking back I dragged Oscar away with me.

"Awww come on! I could have gotten his autograph!!! Why did you have to do me dirty like that!!!!" Oscar whines as he walks with me and his shoulders slumped 

"Now is not the time. According to the map our class should be down the hall on the right. I don't want to be late, remember what you said this morning? Now let's go." dragging him along with me and his shoulders still slumped. 

"Okay … but you owe me one!" he says walking along my side until we eventually reach the classroom with a wooden door that looks rotted and is chipping away with faint white lettering on it that is labeled 3-D 

I open the door without any hesitation revealing a classroom with rows of desks and what looks like a tv in the front and at least 30 other kids in the classroom and Drake up in front . I bow down politely excusing myself. 

" My name's Aiden. Pleased to meet you Drake." i say in the utmost respect 

"Boy you don't have to do those fancy greetings here but I like your style. See you guys should follow his example. The names Drake as you know and who might be the young man behind you?" he says in a jolly tone.

"Oh yes! My name's Oscar. Nice to meet you sir!" saluting to his teacher and then realizing what he just did.

"Sorry I forgot." rubbing the back of his hand feeling embarrassed he moves slightly behind me.

" Nice to meet you both, pick any seat you would like " he gestures to the open seats in front of him.

Looking at the empty seats around me I just choose the one closest to the front and so does Oscar.

"Now that it looks like everyone is here let's get right to this shall we?"


Authors Note: I apologize for not updating. I've been really busy and have not found the time to write until tonight! I will update whenever I can but will try my best to stay on a set schedule. Thank you for your patience! 

PS; Still in search of an editor! And don't forget to leave comments on my chapters. I would really love to see everyones thoughts on my story and as you can see I am an amatuer so it's not the best but I try my hardest