
"Welcome to class 3-D!" He says clapping his hands together 

"As you all know I am Drake. Some of yoy may be thinking that I have a weird name, well yes I do we have a family tradition to name our kids after powerful beasts. For example my name Drake a Drake is a legendary tier beast related to what's known as the demon tier beast a dragon. But there's 2 differences in the species the first being the magic capabilities they have, as you can already guess the dragon has a lot more than a Drake. And the second difference would be the amount of wings they have. While dragons have 2 drakes have 4" he says walking around the room combing his hand through his beard 

'Ooo this is fun I wonder if we can learn more about drakes! Every single one I've met always either instantly tried to fight me or run away I've never been able to actually talk to one' kayda says in an excited tone wagging her imaginary tail as if she still had one.

'Dragons. I know what those are I've seen my son ride one of the in his videos games I bought him, but drakes are new for me back in my world drakes where just another word for a young dragon, and you where a demon tier? How powerful are demon tiers compared to legendary tiers?' I ask curiously while still paying attention slightly to Drake

'Well think of it like this imagine a baby human vs a full grown human, that's the difference between a legendary tier and me! now the difference between me and a demi God tier is like a half grown human and a full grown human . So I must say I'm pretty powerful!' While explaining I look over to Oscar which is carefully writing down notes. 

I raise my hand

"So that's why drakes are more agile then dragons. Yes Aiden?" He says looking over at me along with all the other students

"I was not informed prior to coming here as to what I was going to be learning about nor what the meaning of the class ranks are could you please explain to me?" I say looking him dead in the eyes not bothering to look around and hearing murmurs from other students around me.

"He dosnt know why he's here? What is he stupid?" One says quietly

" probably just some low life no ability user wonder if he's rich" another says

"Alright alright calm everyone Aiden I will discuss that after class now let's move on to more simple matters the introduction into my class" he says calming the students and continuing with his lecture and before I knew it an hour passed.

"Now before I let you all go please go around to each classroom and choose a area that you will study in. You have 2 weeks to choose what area to study for the 3 years you will be here so choose wisely, and yes you can switch classes too see what they are about within the 2 weeks have a great days guys!" He says not a second later the bell rings like he new when the bell was going to ring.

"I'll wait for you outside the class don't take too long Aiden!" Basically jumping out of his seat Oscar walks with the other students exiting the room leaving just Drake and Aiden alone.

"I apologize not being able to answer your question right away " Pulling up a chair to my desk he places it backs wards and sits on it across from me.

"No need to apologize it was unwise of me to ask such a question at the time and for that I'm sorry" I give a slight bow still sitting 

"Well to answer your question your learning the basics of the world here. Your going to be learning how to fight, hunt, harvest and work as groups while also being updated on things in the real world as you know we are currently at war with an alien species known as the Vax. And currently we have a peace treaty but everyone knows that's not going to hold out for long. And for your second question, the class ranks are basically where you ranked in terms of power in the entrance exam. I have been informed that you have not taken the entrance exam so they have stuck you at the bottom of the barrel, my class. And now that classes have started your badge states the power rank you have which is 0 at the moment. But don't worry tomorrow we will have another test to test out and show each other our abilities. Then the ranks go all the way up to 8 but I have never seen a student go all the way up to rank 8. Maybe you will surprise me? Hahaha anyways now that that lecture is over is there anything else you wanna ask me?." Drake says leaning in studying my reaction but is slowly becoming more interested as he sees my reaction has not changed one bit.

"This… Vex how long have we been at war with them? I'm sorry I've been sheltered my whole life." I say confused as I have asked Kayda if she knew who these 'Vex' where but she said she had no clue.

"We have been at war with them for around 30 or so years and that's also something we will be learning about in class is when they invaded our home planet."

"30 years? This may sound like an dumb question but may I know what year it is?" I say wanting to see if I am right.

"No question is a dumb question. The year is 1206" he says slightly confused

'1206!!!!!!??????' Kayda basically screams surprising me that even Drake couldn't hear her.

'He has to be joking it was only 3 years ago he put me in the system then set off to capture you. And the year was 698 no way has it been 508 years.' She says astonished by his words. Not wanting to believe Drake 

'Maybe it was when I was stuck in the capsule and that message it read out to me. 500 years wow there really is no need for me to go back to earth is there now….' As I say that to kayda a question pops up into my mind

"One last question before I go Drake." I say

"Hm?" He looks at me interested

"Are there any species of dragons called undead alive?"


Authors Note: I love you guys. I found time to write ! and still looking for editors!!!