Mr. and Mrs. Lewis.

"You should call your husband and inform him about it also. And you guys should head over to the hospital immediately". The doctor advised.

"Sure, I'll do that right now, we'll be at the hospital in some minutes' time. Hope there ain't any side effects as a result of the coma?". Mrs. Lewis asked the doctor.

"No, there ain't any side effects, he is completely OK".

"That's nice to hear, we'll be there soon".

With that, the phone conversation ended, then the doctor focused his gaze back on Simon and said,

"Your parents would be here soon, I know you'll be so happy to see them".

Sincerely, Simon wouldn't be happy to see them, they weren't his parents, his parents were dead...most likely. But he just nodded his head anyway. The doctor patted him on the shoulder and uttered,

"We'll be going then, your parents would be here soon according to what your mum told me, you just have to wait a little".

As the doctor and the nurse were about to walk out of the room, Simon halted them saying,

"Wait! How long have I been lying on this bed?".

"You've been lying there for a year now". The doctor retorted.

Simon wanted to see what his new face looks like, he wanted to see what Robert's face look like, so he inquired of the doctor,

"Can I get a mirror please?".

"A mirror?".

"Yeah, a mirror, it's being a year since I have been lying on this bed, I just wanna see what my face looks like now. Seems like I've even forgotten what my face looks like".

The doctor glanced at the nurse and said, "Go get him a mirror".

The nurse walked out of the room, and within some minutes, she came back in with a mirror in her hand. She strolled over to where he was lying and handed the mirror over to him. He held the mirror in front of his face and stared at his reflection. What he was seeing wasn't that bad, it wasn't bad at all.

"Not bad, at least, he isn't too handsome, and he isn't ugly. Just a normal cool face. Love it". Simon said to himself in his thought.

After staring at his reflection in the mirror to his satisfaction, he handed the mirror back to the nurse and voiced out,

"Thank you".

The nurse smiled at him, took the mirror from him, and uttered, "You welcome".

"So you are done looking at your face to your satisfaction?". The doctor asked Simon.


"We'll be going then, you just have to wait for some time for your parents to arrive".

With that, the doctor and the nurse strolled out of the room. Now that Simon was alone, he used that opportunity to think properly. He thought of how he was gonna achieve his dream of becoming a footballer now that his parents were dead. Would he live as Robert from now on since he transmigrated into his body? Should he just take Mr. and Mrs. Lewis as his parents and continue living as Robert? Yeah, those thoughts and questions filled his mind.

After minutes of sitting up on the bed, the door to his room opened and a man and a woman entered. Glancing at the both of them, Simon could tell that they were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, Robert's parents. The man was dressed in a black suit, black trousers, a white shirt, a red bow tie, and a well-polished black shoe to match it all. While the woman wore a nice red gown that reached her knees and a nice high heel shoe to match it all, she also held a classy handbag in her arm. Both of them had expensive watches on their wrist.

The moment they stepped feet into his hospital room, Mrs. Lewis confirmed that he had truly woken up, she ran over to him and hugged him tightly,

"You've woken up finally, we thought that you wouldn't make it out of the coma. We really missed you, I missed you like hell". As she said that, tears dropped out of her eyes.

Simon didn't even know what to say at that moment, he was feeling nothing, she wasn't his real mother. All he did was hug her back. Then she released him from her embrace and placed her two palms on his cheek, stared directly into his eyes, and voiced out,

"The doctor said you are completely OK, you ain't feeling pain on any parts of your body. Your memories are still intact, is it true? Tell me".

"Yes mum, I am completely OK, I don't feel pains at all. And my memories are still intact". Simon replied.

She hugged him once again, she was so happy, her joy knew no bounds at this moment. Then Mr. Lewis strolled over to the bed and sat on it, glanced at him, and inquired,

"Do you know how long you've been here?".

"Yeah, according to what the doctor told me, I've been here for a year now". Simon retorted.

"And for that one year, we missed you a lot, days kept on passing by, and we kept on waiting for you to wake up, but to no avail. Sometimes, we do think that you wouldn't make it out of the coma. Your sister missed you a lot, it's been a year since you haven't gone to school, you've missed a lot".

All Simon could do was nod his head, he had nothing to say. Then suddenly, Mr. Lewis face became a bit serious as he asked Simon this question,

"Do you still remember what led you to go into coma?".

"Yeah, a car accident". Simon responded, Robert's memories were fully intact in his head.

"We have a lot to talk about regarding that when we get home". Mr. Lewis said, that serious expression still plastered to his face.

Mrs. Lewis glanced at her husband and gave him the look of, 'Is this the right time to be saying that?'. Simon already knew what he wanted to talk to him about regarding the accident...a lot of it would be connected to the party Robert attended that night. After about a minute of Mrs. Lewis still holding on to Simon and hugging him, the doctor came in. He strolled over to where the three of them were and voiced out,

"You guys are here already, you guys can see that he is fully OK, there aren't any side effects as a result of the coma".

Mr. Lewis nodded his head and uttered, "Yeah, that's true, it's confirmed. Since he is fully OK, there isn't any need for him to stay here anymore, we'll be taking him home then".

"Yeah, but before he goes home, he'll have to change up, he can't wear this hospital gown home?". The doctor voiced out.

"We know that fully well, we brought clothes for him from his wardrobe, it's in the car. I'll go get them". Mrs. Lewis said as she left Simon's palms and walked out of the room.

The doctor glanced at Mr. Lewis and said, "Your son here is a strong boy, there have been many cases of young boys not waking up from coma after going into one. You both have to be really grateful".

"Yes, we're, I am grateful to you for administering treatment to him from the very first day he got involved in that car accident. For not letting him die when he was in your hands to treat him. He might have died from excessive blood loss if you hadn't stopped the excessive flow of it that day. So I am really grateful to you and the nurses that played very important roles in keeping my son's life". Mr. Lewis said being grateful to the doctor.

The doctor smiled before uttering, "It's nothing, we were just doing our jobs, our utmost priority as doctors is to save lives".

After making that statement, the doctor moved closer to Mr. Lewis and whispered into his ear, "Have you asked your son who those other guys were that got involved in the same car accident with him?".

"Not yet, we're gonna talk about that properly when we get home".

The doctor just nodded his head to what Mr. Lewis said, then Mrs. Lewis came into the hospital room with a polythene bag in her hand...Simon's clothes were in there. Simon didn't waste time to change from the hospital gown he was wearing into the clothes they brought for him. After changing, Mr. Lewis shook hands with the doctor and inquired,

"We'll be going then, we are free to go, right?".

"Yeah, you guys are free to go, you ain't owing any money of any sort. The cost of him lying on this bed for the past one year has been sorted out by you guys".

With that, Simon, Mr. Lewis, and Mrs. Lewis began sauntering out of the large hospital.