Vast building.

Getting outside of the main edifice of the hospital, they strolled to where they parked their car, Mrs. Lewis was holding Simon by the hand. It was a black jeep, and just by glancing at it, one could tell that it was really expensive. Three of them hopped into the car, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis sat in the front seat, while Simon sat in the back seat...not completely the backseat though.

Now that all three of them were sitting comfortably in the car, Mr. Lewis put the car in motion. After minutes of driving, they arrived at the front gate of their large edifice. Mr. Lewis blew the car horn to notify the gateman that someone was at the gate. After blowing the car horn for a second time, the gate was opened by the gateman. Mr. Lewis didn't waste time driving into the compound.

After parking the car well, three of them came out of the car. Simon couldn't help but glance around the compound of the edifice, it was large and beautiful. He could also sight cars around the compound. The building was a two storey-building and it was vast. Simon was fascinated by what he was seeing, but he wasn't over fascinated 'cause he had Robert's memories.

His real parents weren't poor, his mum and dad had money. His father owns a car of his own and so as his mother also. They also resided in a house of their own, a nice and well-furnished bungalow. But wealth has its different levels, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis was way richer than his real parents.

"Welcome home, your sister would be so happy to see you". Mrs. Lewis said to Simon using her palms to caress his hair.

The gateman was still looking to be sure of what he was seeing, Robert had woken up from coma? Immediately, he ran over to the spot where the three of them was standing and inquired,

"Sir, Ma, is what am seeing true? Robert as woken up from coma?".

With a smile on Mrs. Lewis' face, she said, "Yeah, your eyes aren't deceiving you, he has woken from coma. He woke up today".

Immediately, the gateman hugged Simon tightly and uttered,

"Man, you made us afraid, you made us think that you wouldn't make it out of the coma. We really missed you".

After saying that, he released Simon from his embrace, unknown to him, Robert wasn't Robert anymore. The gateman had been working for them for the past two years, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis had been really kind to him. Not only that they pay him a handsome amount as salary every month, he also eats from most meals Mrs. Lewis does prepare.

He resides with them in the same compound at the boy's quarters, and he took Robert and his sister as little siblings, they were like one family. He wasn't joking when he said he missed Robert, he does. Simon didn't say anything in reply to what the gateman said, he had nothing to say. What kept on running through his mind was,

'These people are mistaken'.

They began sauntering towards the main building, arriving at the front of the edifice, Mr. Lewis opened the door for his wife and Simon to enter before he entered...he did it like a gentleman. Entering the edifice, Simon couldn't help but glance about once again, the inner part of the house was even way better than the outer...that's how it's supposed to be. The parlor was really glamorous and spacious, from the couches, to the table, the TV, the tiles, and the rest of other things in it...they were all superb.

Just like the compound, Simon was enthralled by what he was seeing in the parlor, but he wasn't over enthralled 'cause he had Robert's memories. Simon was still looking around the parlor when a girl of about 12 years old came out from one of the rooms downstairs. Immediately she set eyes on Simon, a type of bewildered expression appeared on her face. She wanted to be sure if her eyes were seeing correctly,

"Is this my brother? Is this Robert?", After staring at him for some more seconds, she became fully sure that it was him, she didn't even know when she screamed out,


Immediately, she ran straight to where Simon was standing and hugged him tightly. She was Robert's little sis, she goes by the name Lilian. Simon did nothing other than hug her back, that's all he could do, not like he was feeling anything. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis couldn't help but smile as Lilian embraced her big bro, she was really happy to see him standing on his feet again.

She visited him a lot along with her parents when he was still lying on the hospital bed, and all she kept on wishing for was for him to wake up. You know, she and Robert were really close when he hadn't gotten involved in the car accident. They do play together, gist together, eat, and so on.

Robert even taught her how to take her studies more seriously and read her books more often. Not that she wasn't serious with her studies, but she preferred doing other things than reading. Out of 100 percent, her studies took 30 percent while other leisure activities took 70 percent. And also, not like Robert was the 'All studies and no play' type of boy, he loved playing and engaging in other leisure activities. But when it's time for his studies, he took them really seriously.

After hugging him to her satisfaction, she released him from her embrace, stared directly into his eyes and said,

"I really missed you big bro, for the past one year, we couldn't gist, play, and do the rest of other things we do engage in together. I was even afraid that you wouldn't make it out of the coma".

Simon kept mute, he didn't know what to say, saying that he missed her too would be a total lie. A type of gloomy expression appeared on her face as she let out,

"You aren't even saying anything big bro, or aren't you happy to see me? Didn't you miss me?".

Simon would have to lie at this moment to please her,

"I'm so happy to see you little sis, but as for the part of missing you, I didn't 'cause I was in a vegetative state. I knew nothing at all, absolutely nothing. But I am really happy to see you".

She hugged him once again and said, "At least, you are happy to see me". Then she released him from her embrace.

Mr. Lewis mounted the staircase and entered one of the rooms upstairs, then he came out with a suitcase in his hand and descended from the staircase, then he said to the three of them,

"Am going back to work, I've still got some things to handle. There is an important business meeting I wouldn't want to miss. The time is still 3:05 pm, let's say I'll be back by 8 pm". Then he focused his attention solely on his wife and uttered, "Make sure to give Robert something to eat, he's just woken up from coma, he's gotta eat something. And try to prepare something special for dinner, let's use that to celebrate Robert making it out of the coma alive. I'll be going then".

Mrs. Lewis pecked him on the cheek before he sauntered out of the parlor. She wouldn't be going back to work, she wanted to spend time with Robert and she's got to cook also. So she called the manager of her main company and told him that she wouldn't be coming back to work until tomorrow, she's the CEO anyway.

She was in her office when the doctor called her and told her that her son had woken from coma. So she called her husband and notified him also. The both of them drove back home, took clothes from his wardrobe and drove straight to the hospital...they did these under 56 minutes.

Mrs. Lewis prepared something delicious for Simon and Lilian to eat, but Simon got special treatment, you know, he had just woken from coma. Even with how spacious and vast their house was, they had no maid nor cook in it. Mrs. Lewis usually makes out time to cook for her family and cater to the household. She was a very busy woman, but since she was the CEO of her company and enterprises, she had enough time for herself and her family.

She had very trustworthy managers that would handle her enterprises well when she wasn't around. Sometimes, Mr. Lewis does make out time to drive Lilian and Robert to school in the morning, but when he had very important things to handle in the morning, the gateman does the job of driving them to school and taking them back from school. You should have figured it out by now that their gateman was also like a driver to them...he was the only worker they had.