Extra classes.

Arrangements were made for the extra courses, the subject teachers that were gonna be teaching Simon after normal classes were informed. Most of the teachers didn't believe it when they heard that Simon had woken from coma, not until they saw Simon with their eyes. That day in school was really stressful for Simon, first of all, he had to answer those questions bombarded to him by his classmates.

Secondly, most of the subject teachers that came to class that day bombarded him with questions also. They weren't like the students that didn't have enough information regarding the car accident, they had more than enough information. So they asked him questions regarding the party and some personal stuff. He answered all their questions, but as usual...he forged false stories.

Lastly, when other students had gone home, he waited behind for some extra teaching. Those important topics he missed due to the coma, they began teaching him them from the very beginning. Simon's head almost burst open with over teaching. Even when the mathematics teacher was teaching him a very important topic similar to the quadratic equation, he wasn't listening at all, his mind had wandered away.

After all the subject teachers were done teaching, he thought to himself,

'I can't continue like this, I wouldn't be the one to suffer all these 'cause of Robert's mistake. I'll run away, that's for sure'.

He descended the building's staircase and arrived at the school compound. The gateman had been waiting for him to finish with whatever he was doing so he could drive him home, he had been waiting for over an hour now. But he wasn't angry at all 'cause Mrs. Lewis had already informed him that Simon was gonna be taking extra lessons, so he had that in mind while waiting.

Simon had no idea that the gateman was waiting for him in the car, he planned to take a taxi that would drive him straight to the boulevard where their house was located. Mrs. Lewis didn't inform him that the gateman would be coming to pick him. He had almost strolled out of the school compound when the gateman waved at him to draw his attention.

He strolled over to the car and inquired of the gateman, "You came to drive me home?".

"Yeah, have you forgotten the normal routine? I always come to pick you anytime your mum and dad are too busy to do so, and so as your little sister also. Have you forgotten?".

Yeah, that was the normal routine according to Robert's memories, he forgot. And also, Mrs. Lewis didn't revive that memory, she didn't inform him that the gateman would be coming to pick him before she left that morning.

"It slipped my mind, my mum didn't inform me that you'll be coming to pick me, she didn't revive that memory". Simon retorted.

The gateman smiled and said, "Hop into the car let's move immediately. The time is far gone already".

Simon hopped into the backseat of the car and inquired of the gateman, "What of my sister? Didn't you pick her from school?".

"I did, I drove her home before driving straight to this place, and I still waited for an hour".

"OK, understood, let's move it".

With that, the gateman drove out of the school compound and onto the main road. After driving for some minutes, the gateman said to Simon,

"Your mum told me on the phone that you're gonna be taking extra classes to complete the curriculum for your previous grade. Most likely, you've started already, that's why I had to wait for you for over an hour".

"Yes, that's true, I've started already". Simon uttered.

"Is it stressful?". The gateman inquired.

"Yeah, really stressful, my brain almost burst open. After learning so much from the normal classes, you still have to learn more from extra classes when other students have gone home. Men, it isn't easy".

The gateman laughed and said, "Most likely, you'll get used to it as time passes. If you don't wanna go back to the grade you were in before you went into coma, you'll just have to get used to it, it won't last forever".

Simon didn't say anything anymore, he just nodded his head. The gateman drove until he arrived at the boulevard where the Lewis' building was located, and with some more driving, he was already at the front gate of the building. He came out of the car, entered the compound through the mini gate, and widely opened the main gate so he could drive into the compound.

He strolled back to the car, entered it, and drove into the compound of the edifice. After parking the car well, he and Simon came out of the car. Then he turned his attention to Simon and stated,

"You and your sister are gonna be eating fast food for lunch. That's what your mum told me, she wouldn't be coming back too late from work, but she wouldn't be coming early enough to prepare lunch for you guys".

Simon just nodded his head as an indication of understanding and sauntered towards the door of the main edifice, opened it, and stepped into the parlor. The first thing he set eyes on on entering the parlor was Lilian, she was sitting on one of the couches in the parlor and stuffing doughnuts into her mouth. The moment she set eyes on him, she said,

"Oh! big bro, you back from school".

"Yeah, the gateman just dropped me off from the car not too long ago. You sure you can finish that?". Simon asked her, he was referring to the doughnut she was eating.

"Yeah, I can finish it, am still gonna take more from the fridge. Just so you know, according to what the gateman told me, this is what we are eating for lunch. Mum wouldn't be back early to prepare a proper lunch for us".

Simon strolled over to one of the couches in the parlor, took off the backpack from his back, and dropped it on the sofa, then he declared, "I know that, the gateman informed me also. Am gonna go up right now to take a shower and change into casual outfits. Then I'll come downstairs to grab some doughnuts also".

And so he did, he mounted the staircase, entered his room, removed his clothes, and dashed into the bathroom. He took a long shower before coming out of the bathroom, then he dried himself before wearing outfits meant for staying at home. After that, he dismounted the staircase and reached the parlor once again.

Arriving at the parlor, Lilian was still sitting on that same couch, but this time, she wasn't munching doughnuts anymore. Her head was bent to a book and a pen was in her hand. Simon walked to the fridge, opened it, and took two doughnuts from it, then he asked Lilian,

"What are you doing?".

"Doing school homework, I wanna handle it now before dusk". Lilian responded.

"Great". Simon uttered as he sat on one of the sofas and began munching doughnuts also.

He ate about four doughnuts before he became satisfied, then he drank a plastic bottle of soft drink to mellow it down...that's some junk food men. Not too long after he was done eating, Mrs. Lewis entered.

"My two babies are back from school". She said and sauntered over to where the both of them were sitting and pecked them on their cheeks.

"Welcome home mum". Lilian voiced out, but Simon said nothing.

"You guys have eaten lunch already, right?".

"Yes, the gateman instructed us to do so, he said you wouldn't be back early to prepare lunch for us. And that's true, you're just coming back". Lilian stated.

"I had a lot to handle in my enterprises today, I wouldn't even be able to start preparing dinner immediately. I've got some stuff regarding work to handle upstairs in my room before preparing dinner", Then she turned her attention to Simon and inquired, "How was school? Have the extra classes commenced?".

"Yeah, the extra classes have commenced, and to be sincere, it isn't that easy, but I can handle it". Simon retorted, but the last sentence that flowed out of his mouth was a big lie.

"That's great, it's good to hear that you can handle it. I'll be going upstairs now to shower and handle the stuff I need to handle, then I'll come downstairs to prepare dinner".

After making that statement, she began mounting the staircase heading straight to her room. She showered, after showering, she handled the paperwork she needed to handle. Then she came downstairs to prepare dinner...it wouldn't be nice for her husband to come back from work and dinner wasn't ready.